What exercises will help you strengthen your lungs? Physical activity and exercises to strengthen the lungs.

came to me a tall man. "I have one lung. Can I breathe on the machine?" The question is relevant, since the case is not isolated. Understanding the true mechanism of breathing allows us to give qualified recommendations. These recommendations are addressed to people with pulmonary lesions and diseases, weak breathing (the duration of the respiratory act - PDA is less than 9 seconds), as well as people with a weak constitution (asthenics) who have a significant weight deficit.

The absorption of air bubbles into the pulmonary capillaries in humans is carried out due to the work of the heart. The volume of absorption is individual for each person and depends on the function of the heart. In a person with average parameters of the lungs and heart, when breathing, an average number of bubbles are absorbed into the capillaries of the pulmonary alveoli. If the lungs are disproportionately large, the number of suctioned bubbles increases dramatically. But the size of the bubbles is smaller, since the suction volume has not changed. In such an organism, the number of excitable erythrocytes is increased, and energy exchange in the alveoli and on vascular wall mostly gentle. It's about about the body of a long-liver. If the lungs with the same parameters of the heart have a small volume, a variant of the organism with increased wear appears. Now, significantly fewer bubbles are absorbed into the capillaries of the alveoli (their number is reduced, for example, by half). However, their sizes are maximum. In the body, a predominantly damaging energy exchange will be carried out.

After the removal of one lung, the parameters of the heart do not change. The volume of the lungs decreased, for example, by half. This means that the body immediately switches to the mode of tissue damage and accelerated aging. A person cannot function with a rapid pulse and breathing. Energy deficiency and immuno* deficiency are inherent in such an organism. Human behavior and nutrition should contribute to saving energy and maintaining active immunity. Our simulator here is a kind of magic wand. But its use must be understood, otherwise you can have negative result. The main problem is that the load on the surfactant system increases dramatically. In the lung, in fact, twice the amount of surfactant will be consumed. This is complex substance produced by large alveolocytes, which are about 5% in the alveoli. Training should be provided so that surfactant synthesis is higher than its consumption. In the process of life, an equilibrium has developed: how much surfactant is consumed, the same amount, approximately, is synthesized. For success, conditions must be created that improve the state of the surfactant system. This can be achieved by a slow increase in the volume of exercises and maintenance in the blood enough fats required for the synthesis of surfactant. The technology provides for regular, low-volume three meals a day. Starvation is not allowed.

Classes are organized according to the recommendations (see Appendix 3) and are held in a stepwise mode. The duration of breathing in the first lesson is 10 minutes. In the next two days, the duration of classes does not change. Three lessons of 10 minutes - 1 step, 2nd step - three lessons of 11 minutes, etc., including classes with a duration of 15 minutes. Classes of 16-20 minutes at each stage are repeated five times. And from 21 minutes - 10 times. The ultimate goal is to bring training sessions to a 40-minute duration and master endogenous breathing.

The purpose of such a regimen is a gradual improvement in the exchange in the alveoli, blood vessels and the exclusion of overexpenditure of the surfactant. At each step, the trainee must make sure that breathing at the last lesson is carried out without shortness of breath, without a decrease in PDA, without deterioration in well-being, i.e. without signs of surfactant deficiency. To avoid errors, PDA control must be carried out only in the second hand.

To increase energy and strengthen the surfactant system, after one to two weeks of breathing, take an oil emulsion once before exercise.

To avoid overexpenditure of surfactant, the practitioner must ensure a high discipline of classes. Do it only before going to bed, only on an empty stomach and do not eat after class (you can decoction of wild rose). Pour exactly 20 ml of water into a glass (use a syringe).

The diet must be present: sunflower oil and oily fish, including canned (saury, salmon, cod liver), vegetables (preferably raw), fruits (citrus fruits), sunflower seeds, walnuts, garlic, mustard, horseradish, and other spices. It is advisable to periodically and in small quantities (if there are no contraindications) to eat salted lard and eggs. At poor tolerance eggs use lecithin. It is recommended to systematically drink tea and coffee.

You should minimize the intake of refined carbohydrates: Sugars, white bread, biscuits, sweet dried fruits.

Transitional age, just fatigue - or inconsistency of parents?

A child has ARVI: an algorithm of actions for mom

The temperature has risen, the nose is running, coughing, the child is lethargic and capricious - for a mother, a cold in a baby is a real test. However, we need to get together and start acting. After all, from the correctness undertaken by mom medical measures depends on how quickly her baby will recover. 1. Home mode Having noticed the first signs of illness, leave the child at home, do not send to Kindergarten or school. Even if the symptoms of SARS are insignificant - only a runny nose appeared, the state of health is not disturbed and ...


We also have a bactericidal lamp, we periodically turn it on when the child is sick, everything else is exactly the same as in the article

The most important actions to follow with SARS. After all, in fact, it is worth behaving according to such a plan and the child will quickly get on his feet without a bunch of drugs.

How to strengthen the child's immunity.

HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNITY OF THE CHILD All mothers want their children to have strong immunity and get sick less often. But chemicals in the form of tablets, drops and sprays from a pharmacy, you don’t want to stuff your baby. It is better to use useful and effective means from nature's pantry. 1. Give rosehip broth to drink Rosehip is a champion in vitamin C content, you can give it to kids from the age of four months. But keep in mind that this product, which is most useful for immunity, removes potassium from the body ...

Protection against diseases: face and ear massage, back massage for children up to a year


What a cute kid. I already heard about this massage from a doctor! I just didn't make it for my daughter! She has grown so strong! Yes, and I was lazy, I got tired a lot, because I was dragging everything on myself. Now everything is fine and I want a second one. The massage is very good and a must do, so don't follow my example. The child is more important than anything else!

It happens that the child catches a cold very easily. One has only to walk with him for an hour in cold weather, as the next day he starts to tickle in his throat, snot flows, a runny nose appears. How to strengthen the child's nasopharynx? To strengthen the nasopharynx, vitamin therapy is suitable, as well as inhalations and a visit to the steam bath. These measures will allow the villi lining the upper respiratory tract to more easily and quickly remove microbes that enter the body with each breath. Inhalations with propolis, eucalyptus, fir oil and tinctures will raise local immunity in the nasopharynx and oropharynx ...
... How to strengthen the child's nasopharynx? To strengthen the nasopharynx, vitamin therapy is suitable, as well as inhalations and a visit to the steam bath. These measures will allow the villi lining the upper respiratory tract to more easily and quickly remove microbes that enter the body with each breath. Inhalations with propolis, eucalyptus, fir oil and tinctures will raise local immunity in the nasopharynx, oropharynx, trachea, and bronchi. For prevention, one procedure per day is enough - a bath or inhalation. But if you do a few unnecessary procedures, it will not hurt your child. How to protect a child from kindergarten colds? Think of germs as vampires. And vampires are said to be afraid of garlic. The fact is that phytoncides, which are secreted by honest ...


19.03.2019 19:47:49, Limonka565

I try to do it three times a week wet cleaning. I often air my house. I force mine to wash their hands after walking and before eating. We also eat the baby bear formula vitamin C))) Price-quality) Children simply adore them))) (we call children orange maniacs now) They simply cannot live without citrus fruits in winter)

12.10.2018 20:22:46, Lenochka1997

"Not sparing your belly..." Restoring the muscles of the abdominal...

It also helps with lower back pain, which often bothers after childbirth. to wear postpartum bandage there are contraindications (some types of stitches after caesarean section, kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract), therefore, before using it, it is necessary to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist of the maternity hospital. In the first days after childbirth, some physical exercises that strengthen muscles are allowed. abdominals. Gymnastics in the early postpartum period will help you recover faster. Here is a set of exercises that can be performed the very next day after childbirth and throughout recovery period(first 6-8 weeks after birth) 2-3 times a day. Starting position: lying on your back. Slowly inhale, while inhaling, draw in the stomach, then t ...

The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. During pregnancy, a woman's body changes due to hormonal changes. Works differently the immune system. Future mom and the fetus - two genetically different organisms. So that the baby is not perceived as a foreign agent, immune functions mothers are repressed. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, the likelihood of colds increases ...
... There are many of them in onions, garlic, radishes. These foods are best eaten raw. food supplement. It is possible during the period of epidemics of colds to arrange plates with finely chopped garlic around the apartment, periodically changing them. Among the activities useful for the prevention of SARS is hardening. This procedure not only strengthens the immune system, but also tones the skin, normalizes vascular tone, and prevents aging. Daily hardening treatments may include a 5-minute cold and hot shower. Pour alternately warm (38-40 ° C) and cool (20-22 ° C) water for 30-40 seconds completely over the entire body (if you did this procedure before pregnancy) or only legs up to the knees (if you decide to try it for the first time). Finish the procedure always...

Intuitively, I did the right thing, and so after 15 minutes everything was gone. Our doctor, when he came, did not hear anything and prescribed us an antitussive. The daughter was breathing heavily, but there was no obstruction. Obstruction - spasm. Bronchi is a section in the lungs. Obstructive bronchitis - spasmodic bronchitis, is a spasm of the bronchi, in which mucus cannot go out and accumulates in the bronchi. The goal of treatment is to relieve bronchospasm, thin the sputum and bring it out. ARVI infection can affect any part of the body. When an infection enters the body, it fights defensive forces body...
...The goal of treatment is to relieve bronchospasm, thin the sputum and bring it out. ARVI infection can affect any part of the body. When the infection enters the body, it enters the fight against the body's defenses, which are responsible for suppressing the virus. At this stage, it is necessary to support the body's immunity with such means as Interferon, Kipferon, Viferon and similar immunostimulating drugs that enhance and strengthen the body's work. Be sure to rinse the nasopharynx every hour. I didn’t do anything like that, and the doctor didn’t advise. The only thing we thought of was to breathe over a bath with pine extract. Well, they breathed, provoking a new attack of obstruction. It turns out that coniferous extract helps only 50%, and the other 50 is very harmful. No doctor who...

Muscle Strengthening Methods pelvic floor: Kegel exercises, vaginal balls, step-free therapy. Surgical treatment and intimate surgery.


08/19/2016 07:08:18 PM, nuta12345

After the second birth, OHA9 oil helped me to recover well, it perfectly restores the microflora of the vagina in a short period of time. The herbalist, who is also the creator of the oil Fadeev, is simply a master of his craft, thank you very much.

08/04/2016 11:31:33, Annushka79

So physiotherapy(LFK) is essential component complex treatment sick baby. Exercise therapy improves the functioning of the respiratory muscles, bronchi and lungs. As a result, they are restored functional state broken by disease. Gymnastic exercises make breathing deeper and more rhythmic, strengthen respiratory muscles improve the drainage function of the bronchi. The ventilation of the lungs increases, gas exchange increases significantly, and the blood is better enriched with oxygen. The lung tissue becomes more elastic, pulmonary circulation increases, and the work of the heart is facilitated. The blood flow in the vessels is accelerated, the amount of blood circulating in the body increases, and the whole body is better supplied with nutrients.

And in many patients it is also observed between periods of exacerbations, especially when severe course asthma. An important difference between asthma and other chronic lung diseases is the reversibility of obstruction, which does not have a steadily progressive course. The degree of bronchial constriction may vary in the same patient in different periods illnesses and even within one day. Outpatient care If the diagnosis of asthma is established, the child needs to be monitored by pediatric allergist, for example, in the allergological office of the children's clinic at the place of residence. Even in the absence of seizures, the child should be shown to an allergist once every 3 months. Children suffering from severe asthma are eligible for an investment...


my son (3 years old) has wheezing after walking in cool air, regardless of the season. sometimes just from physical activity. we were diagnosed with moderately severe asthma, there were no serious attacks of suffocation, at night too. Do you think there is hope that it will pass with age?

From health respiratory tract the state of the whole organism depends, therefore it is important both to strengthen the lungs and bronchi, and to treat them correctly in case of illness in order to prevent the occurrence of serious chronic ailments.

Strengthening the broncho-pulmonary apparatus for the prevention of diseases

The most predisposed to diseases of the bronchi and lungs are children and adults over 40-45 years old. In children under 2-3 years old, the respiratory apparatus is still not sufficiently developed, and the lumen of the bronchi is often not enough to ensure the normal drainage function of the respiratory tract. This complicates the course of colds, directly related to inflammation of the respiratory system. In adults, over the age of 40, involutive processes begin in respiratory system. Among the main diseases associated with impaired functions of the bronchi and lungs, one can note:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma.

To a large extent, you can prevent their occurrence and give yourself and your children health by adhering to simple measures to strengthen the lungs and bronchi:

  • Doing healthy lifestyle life. Bad habits(smoking and alcohol) negatively affect all body systems, and tobacco smoke able to influence not only the smoker himself, but also his immediate environment. Dust and chemical air pollution force the bronchial mucosa to work to the limit, and what gets into pulmonary alveoli, most often remains there, accumulating throughout life. Adequate physical activity for age helps to grow and develop the bronchial "tree" in the right way. childhood and eliminates congestion in a mature organism.
  • Healthy food rich in vitamins (A, C and E), trace elements (magnesium, potassium, calcium) and polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to strengthen the tissues of the lungs and bronchi, providing the cells of the organs with the necessary nutrients and strengthening the immune system. Colds are more easily tolerated, and complications after SARS or influenza occur much less frequently.
  • For the prevention of respiratory diseases, traditional medicine recommends herbal preparations, which may include pine buds, primrose grass, plantain, thyme, coltsfoot, licorice, common soapwort (saponaria), yellow sweet clover, lungwort. The collection is made up of several types of raw materials, taken in equal proportions. Take 1.5 tablespoons of the finished mixture per glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours and filter. Reception of infusion is best done before bedtime, in a warm form.

    Back to zmistuHow to strengthen the bronchi in case of diseases?

    If you still couldn’t avoid the disease, you can help your lungs and bronchi with the help of the following measures:

  • Simple gymnastics will help restore the necessary rhythm respiratory movements. You can perform such exercises in bed, for children they are also useful for the development of the speech apparatus. Taking a deep breath, on a slow exhalation, you need to pronounce any hissing sounds (zh, z, s, f, sh). At the same time, exhalation is difficult, which makes the smooth muscles of the bronchi tense, improving sputum discharge. Pronouncing the sound "r" creates a vibration, acting as a gentle massage, and can relieve bronchospasm. Deep and even breathing (inhale for a count of 1-2, exhale for 1-2-3) will restore the natural rhythm of breathing. You can start classes from 5 minutes and bring them up to 25 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Manual therapy, massage can also greatly alleviate the course of the disease, but these procedures should be carried out by an experienced specialist.
  • After the disappearance of all symptoms acute illness and on the advice of a doctor, swimming in the pool will help strengthen the bronchi and lungs. Physical activity will increase the vital capacity of the lungs and improve blood circulation.
  • In addition to these methods, you should refrain from excessive salt intake, which worsens bronchial patency.

    Exposure to the body of food and chemical allergens, which can provoke swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, should also be avoided.

    good health and easy breathing to you!

    If you want your lungs to be healthy, first of all, you should adhere to healthy habits. Do not smoke, avoid toxic or polluted places, do at least a minimum complex exercise and take care of the health of your immune system. All these are undoubtedly vital things for maintaining lung health.

    But sometimes easy important organs of our body, may be subjected to serious illnesses, such as bronchitis, asthma, or infections requiring special treatment.

    Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

    In addition to the advice that your doctor will surely give you, the help of these natural healing drinks, which we will now tell you about, can be very useful. We are just sure that they will help you.

    Pour them into your favorite mug and enjoy them hot!

    1. A medicinal drink made from thyme and

    This drink is perfect for cleanse and strengthen. Do you want to know why?

    • Thyme is possibly the most effective herb for lung health.. Medications based on it are commonly used to relieve coughs and respiratory infections. It is an excellent expectorant and antiseptic, which is ideal for both brewing herbal teas and inhalations.
    • Nettle is a medicinal plant which has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of health problems, and one of its main properties is the ability to “cleanse” and heal our blood and lungs. This herb contains many vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon… It is just the perfect remedy for people who are anemic or recovering from an illness.​


    • 30 g thyme
    • 30 g dried nettle
    • Glass of water (200 ml)
    • One tablespoon of honey (3o g)


    • These healing herbs, nettle and thyme can be easily purchased already ready for brewing in any store natural products or pharmacy. As a rule, they are sold in packages from 300 to 500 grams and are quite inexpensive.
    • The first thing we will do is boil a glass of water. As usual, we recommend using a ceramic or glass teapot, as medicinal plants may lose some of their beneficial properties in a metal container.
    • After the water boils, add thyme and nettles to it, and cook for about 15 - 20 minutes. After that, let the broth brew for another 10 minutes.
    • Add a tablespoon of honey and drink in small sips, inhaling the steam from this decoction, it also has medicinal properties. It's a very enjoyable process. You can treat yourself to two cups a day.​

    2. Medicinal infusion of plantain and lemon balm

    Delicious and healing, that's exactly what you can say about this herbal drink. This tea is one of the most effective ways to cleanse and detoxify our lungs and is a must for smokers who need to not only clear their alvioles but also relieve symptoms of infections such as coughing. Now we will tell you exactly what the “magic” properties of tea from these plants are:

    • Plantain: This is a plant that is expectorant and helps to clear mucus and phlegm from the lungs that interfere with normal breathing. In addition, plantain acts as a good anti-inflammatory drug, which is ideal in the form of a decoction or, you can even prepare hot compresses on the chest.
    • Dill and lemon balm: The combination of these two medicinal plants will help you remove toxins from the lungs and, in addition, relax. Often when we have lung problems, it is because we experience extreme fatigue and a feeling of tightness in our respiratory system. Lemon balm tea will help us feel much better.​


    • 20 g lemon balm
    • 20 g plantain
    • 20 g dill
    • One glass of water (200 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons honey (60 g)


    • To begin with, as always, boil a glass of water. After it boils, add herbs: plantain, lemon balm and dill. Let them simmer for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for another 10 minutes.
    • We should warn you that this tea has a rather sharp taste due to the presence of psyllium in it, so we recommend that if you find it not very pleasant, add two tablespoons of honey. Despite this slight inconvenience, we advise you to take this decoction three times a day, since, as we have already written, it is just perfect for cleansing the lungs and relieving inflammation.

    3. Healing drink of green tea and lime blossom

    This very tasty tea serves primarily for prevention, prevention of lung problems, for their strengthening and optimization of function. This Herb tea is a kind of "vitamin" that we can drink daily for breakfast. If you suffer from any lung diseases, then the teas described above will be more effective.

    • We took green tea for this infusion because of it high content antioxidants, this has been particularly evident in studies of " medical center University of Maryland," in the United States, which were held a couple of years ago. They proved that green tea is effective tool to protect against lung cancer. Of course, it will not be 100% effective, but the chances of getting sick will decrease if you drink it every day.
    • Lime blossom has an antispasmodic effect and is easy to find in any natural food store. It will help to relax, breathe better and improve our lung health. It is fragrant, has a pleasant taste and goes well with any herbal teas.


    • 20 g green tea
    • 20 g lime blossom
    • One glass of water (200 ml)
    • One tablespoon of honey (30 g)


    • Everything is very simple. Boil a glass of water and then add green tea and linden flowers to it. Let the broth boil again a little, and then leave for 10 minutes to make it better infused. Pour this magical herbal tea into your favorite mug and add a tablespoon of honey to it. This delicious and healthy drink perfect for breakfast!

    Many grandparents do not have a soul in their grandchildren. And the worst thing for them is when the long-awaited baby starts to get sick almost from birth. The main thing is not to panic! First of all, you need to understand the reasons, show wisdom and patience. It was about such a case that K.I. Doronin. So the story of a family...

    An honest feast for the wedding

    Alexander worked in the homicide department of the Moscow police. Once people had a problem, and he rang the doorbell of their neighbors. Witnesses were needed.

    It was a young woman who opened the door to him, so beautiful that at first he was dumbfounded, but he managed himself, introduced himself and explained the essence of the matter. She extended her graceful hand with long fingers and said: “My name is Alena. Mom and dad will help you, but I have to go to work. It was early morning. Alena said that she worked nearby, in a greengrocer's shop, to which she had the keys, so it was time for her to run.

    Alexander collected evidence and soon detained the bandits in hot pursuit. All this time, Alena did not get out of his head. And once he nevertheless decided to go to her store to get to know her better. He invited him to a restaurant, but she did not agree, because she was very tired: “The whole day on her feet ...” However, she invited him to her house for a cup of tea.

    Alexander flew on a visit as if on wings. He borrowed money from colleagues, bought good sweets for tea and the most beautiful cake.

    It was clear that the people did not live well. Alena's parents, quiet pensioners over the age of 60, suddenly somehow fussed and put a bottle of vodka on the table instead of tea. Immediately there appeared already sliced ​​raw smoked sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried potatoes.

    Alexander still asked for a cup of tea: he has to go to work in the morning, and in general he is not fond of this. Everyone began to drink tea with cake, and after that the hosts gradually began to drink vodka and noticeably cheered up. Alena also drank and laughed uncontrollably after every joke of Alexander. On a visit, he stayed until late at night.

    Soon Alexander invited Alena to the registry office and brought him to his home, where he also lived with his parents. Nadezhda, his mother, was at first worried that she did not even have time to really get to know her daughter-in-law. But after the wedding she calmed down: she is so polite, she agrees with everything, and the hostess is not bad, and beauty, of course, is unwritten. And when Alena became pregnant, Nadezhda's joy knew no bounds.

    Very strange behavior

    During pregnancy, Alena was tormented by toxicosis, but she coped with everything. I finished working until the decree in my vegetable store and for 2 whole months before the birth I was at home.

    Even in this state, she managed the household chores perfectly. No girlfriends, friends. And she visited her parents very rarely, although she was their only child.

    Alexander was promoted to the rank of captain, and the workload increased markedly, so that he disappeared there from morning to night. A few days before the birth of his wife, he had to go to work in the house where her parents lived. Of course, I decided to visit the old people at the same time, but they were not at home. Grandmothers, chatting on a bench near the entrance, said that they had gone to the store. And one laughed and said: “Now they will come, bring a bottle of Stolichnaya and crush it by evening.”

    Here's what Alexander found out. Quiet, calm, Alena's parents never quarreled with anyone, but they were not friends either. They got together after the orphanage, where both were brought up, got married and got this apartment. Her mother worked as a nurse all her life, and her father worked as a turner at a factory. When they get drunk, they go to bed. Alena was born when they were already over 40.

    The girl grew exemplary. She studied mediocrely, but she was able to enter a trade college and graduate from it. She was not a careerist, she did not aspire to anything, she worked as a seller, and at home every day a bottle of vodka was waiting for her on the table. Parents and Alena from an early age taught to drink. Gnawing nuts or something else - and no smell. Always tipsy.

    Alexander did not wait for Alena's parents, and the whole working day after that conversation, thoughts about his wife did not go out of his head. You never know what the grandmothers on the bench gossip about ... But really, Alena always meets him as if tipsy! He never argues, does not enter into conflicts, sleeps a lot and is not interested in anything. What he buys, he rejoices - everything is fine with her. And then he realized the reason for this behavior: in fact, she was simply indifferent to everything in the world, except for vodka.

    Alexander was discouraged, but decided not to find out anything and not to undertake anything for the time being - a few days remained before the birth of his wife.

    Diseases from birth

    A few days later Alena gave birth to a boy. He weighed only 1 kg 900 g, he was born very weak. This often happens if the expectant mother drinks. The kid even cried rarely and refused breast milk, so even in the hospital they switched to mixtures. A few days later they were brought home. The boy was named Vanechka. He put on weight poorly, but Alena treated this with some coolness and very rarely took her son in her arms, although she tried to keep him clean.

    Most of all, his grandmother Nadia, Alexander's mother, took care of him. She immediately fell in love with the long-awaited grandson. And Alexander, when he had even the slightest opportunity, ran home from work to see the baby. I was worried because the child began to get very sick even before the age of one. So the problems with his wife receded into the background.

    Vanya suffered pneumonia, but not once, but by the age of 3 he began to choke. The diagnosis was made. No medicine helped him, the attacks happened more and more often. So they suffered for 2 years. Finally, my grandmother Nadezhda, an old friend of mine, called and asked for help.

    When the immune system fails...

    A very thin, almost transparent boy came out to meet me. Vanya looked 3.5 years old, although he was already 5 years old.

    I examined him. He was breathing very heavily and was constantly using an inhaler. Nadezhda said that the child has been grinding his teeth in his sleep since he had teeth. And somehow I immediately thought that, most likely, he had roundworm worm larvae in his lungs. Such a weakened child can easily pick them up. Also from here are endless, bronchial tubes. Hope assured me that my grandson did not have any worms - they checked. However, prevention and repeated analyzes did not interfere.

    What are the benefits of cetraria and chanterelles?

    We decided to treat Vanya with herbs, including Icelandic moss(cetraria). AT traditional medicine this plant is considered very valuable, and here's why.

    Well, our treatment lasted 5 months. My assumption about worms was confirmed, but the tests showed that the selected remedies help. And seizures bronchial asthma happened less and less. During these months, the boy grew up and gained another 5 kilograms in weight, a blush appeared on his cheeks.

    And what about Alena? Soon her parents died one after another, and Nadezhda and her husband, who learned about her misfortune - alcoholism, treated her like their seriously ill child. At first, Alena claimed that she was not at all. Like, I don’t get drunk, I lead a normal life. I'm just relaxing. And in general, I got used to it from childhood, for me this is the norm ... Then she realized what such “relaxation” leads to. Addiction primarily affects the health of children. It is not easy to cope with alcoholism, especially for women, but over time, the maternal instinct and the good attitude of relatives still won.

    When Vanya got stronger, Alena was able to return to work in her store. The boy was treated by Baba Nadia, who had just retired. The wise woman had enough patience and love to make everything work out in the family. Nadezhda devoted her life entirely to caring for her grandson. Now he and his grandfather take him to the pool and to different circles.

    The boy grew up and got stronger, became cheerful and mobile. he completely stopped.

    Mr. "Medical Letters" No. 17, 2017