What toothpastes are without fluoride? What are the benefits and harms of toothpaste?

Until recently, most commercials claimed that only “miracle pastes” with fluoride would help save teeth from caries. But currently, information about the toxicity of fluoride has appeared on the Internet and in the press, with advice to avoid it. Let's try to figure out whether toothpaste without fluoride is “know-how” in dentistry or a momentary fashion, what are the advantages of these pastes, and which of them are worth paying attention to.

In nature, fluorine is a gas found in earth's crust. When connecting with others chemical elements it forms fluorides. Some toothpastes also contain similar compounds. Are they really not useful at all, but on the contrary, dangerous to health?

Let's try to understand this issue. Various amounts of fluoride are found in water and also in plants. Therefore, fluoride is present in our diet in one dose or another. It would seem that a tiny amount of fluoride in toothpastes cannot cause harm. That's how it was thought until now. However, now there are authors who consider the fluoride content in toothpastes to be hazardous to health, especially for children.

Opponents of the use of fluoride toothpastes warn, for example, that excess fluoride entering the body with toothpaste can lead to serious poisoning of a child. And although many authors disagree with this, I don’t want to try. Therefore, fluoride-containing toothpastes are no longer recommended for young children.

“Pros” and “cons” of toothpastes without fluoride

There are still a variety of pastes with a high fluoride content on the shelves of stores and pharmacies. The benefits of fluoride for teeth were clinically proven at the beginning of the 20th century. Then there was information about the dangers of fluoride, but does this apply to toothpastes?

Indeed, in large doses, fluorine is dangerous, like most other elements in overdose.

Most clinical scientists do not believe it is possible to get poisoned from toothpaste. In order to become poisoned by fluoride, you need to be in constant contact with it while working in hazardous industries. long time with a gross violation of safety regulations.

To prevent excess fluoride in the body, for regular brushing of teeth, doctors advise choosing toothpaste with a fluoride concentration of up to 1500 ppm.

What has become known about fluoride that has made it less popular among the population?

To be fair, it should be noted that in currently There are two opposing opinions about fluoride.

The main disadvantages of fluorine

  • its presence in nature in the form of a gas with toxic effects (lethal dose of fluorine from 5 to 10 grams);
  • difficulty in excretion from the body with the ability to accumulate in some tissues and organs (bones, teeth, thyroid gland);
  • toxicity of fluoride compounds to body systems (circulatory, nervous, respiratory) and organs (heart, brain, kidneys, pancreas).

Many doctors question the harmful effects of fluoride contained in microdoses in toothpastes.

Dentists know about the irreplaceable properties of fluoride:

  • reduce harmful effects acidity of food tooth enamel;
  • combine with calcium to form a protective film on the enamel;
  • restore (remineralize) tooth enamel.

Therefore, it is still difficult to get an exact answer about the benefits or harms of fluoride.

Contraindications to the use of fluoride toothpastes

  • in the early childhood(especially during teething);
  • with (excess fluoride in the body);
  • when living in areas with high fluoride content.

Fluorosis (excess fluoride) is usually easily detected by a dentist. In this case, the teeth appear covered with white spots, which then darken.

Fluorosis can be associated with excess fluoride in food or food (endemic fluorosis), or occur in fluoride production workers (systemic or occupational fluorosis).

Systemic fluorosis may not have any manifestations on the teeth. It is clear that fluoride toothpastes are contraindicated for people with fluorosis.

A number of “horror stories” in the press indicate such horrible consequences the effects of fluoride-containing pastes on the body, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, genetic mutations. However, this information has so far been “pulled out of thin air”, since this information has not been scientifically proven. Moreover, a number of articles on modern dentistry continue to consider fluoride to be the ideal component of toothpastes.

However, monitoring the level of fluoride in the body is necessary. To do this, it is better to choose pastes with a minimum fluoride content, while simultaneously using foods containing calcium (fermented milk, meat and fish dishes) in your diet.

Fluoride-free toothpaste and its benefits

Before choosing a suitable fluoride-free toothpaste, you need to carefully study its composition. Such products should not contain fluorine compounds in the form of:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • sodium fluorosilicate;
  • metal fluorides (tin, aluminum or sodium);
  • fluorosilicic acid;
  • aminofluoride (olaflur).

At the same time, the mandatory component of such products must be one of the calcium compounds in the form of:

  • lactate;
  • glycerophosphate;
  • pantothenate;
  • citrate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite.

Also, hygiene products without fluoride may contain various plant components (Aloe Vera, licorice, propolis, mint, green tea, etc.), plant oils, enzymes.

How to choose toothpaste

When choosing therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, you need to pay attention to their purpose and composition. For example, these funds may include:

  1. For the prevention of caries: calcium components.
  2. For teeth whitening: carbamide (urea), hydrogen peroxide, powerful abrasives (more gentle based on silicon, rougher based on calcium carbonate or chalk).
  3. At hypersensitivity teeth: components of potassium compounds, hydroxyapatite, aminofluoride, strontium.
  4. For increased bleeding and gum inflammation: antiseptics (triclosan, chlorhexidine), plant extracts ( green tea, chamomile, calendula, oak bark etc.), plant oils, enzymes (lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase), vitamins (A, B, C, E).
  5. To refresh the oral cavity, soothe the mucous membranes, prevent inflammation in the mouth: essential oils or natural supplements. It is important to clarify the abrasiveness (cleaning ability) of this product. In case of increased tooth sensitivity, pastes with an abrasiveness of no more than 25 units are usually used.

The best abrasive (with gentle plaque removal) is silicon dioxide. The size of the cleaning particles is important. The smaller they are, the more gentle the cleaning will be.

If whitening is necessary and there are no problems with the enamel, you can use products with an abrasiveness of 90 c.u. or higher.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

Let's take a closer look at the line of the most popular fluoride-free pastes, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

President Unique

Topping the list on most dental websites is fluoride-free toothpastes. President Unique contains: calcium compounds (glycerophosphate, lactate, pantothenate), potassium salts, xylitol, papain. Produced by an Italian company.

President Unique is designed for areas where the amount of fluoride in the water is high.

The “advantage” of the product is papain in its composition, which is able to dissolve plaque and prevent its new deposits, reducing high acidity. Papain is able to dissolve the plaque matrix, facilitating its removal.

President Unik can be called a “minus” potassium salts as part of the product.

Although this component reduces tooth sensitivity, its daily use is not advisable. Otherwise, dulling of sensitivity can “lull vigilance” and help to miss early caries.

Therefore, President Unique is more suitable for temporary use, but less suitable for permanent use. The cost of this hygiene product is about 200 rubles.

SPLAT Biocalcium

This is a Russian dental product. Toothpaste without fluoride. This product contains components in the form of calcium lactate, hydroxyapatite, papain, and potassium salts.

The components of this paste help remove plaque and counteract its formation, strengthen tooth enamel. Contains fine particles of hydroxyapatite, which easily penetrates tooth enamel (less than 50 nanometers).

Contains several various means. The most popular of these representatives is Maximum toothpaste. It contains papain, hydroxyapatite, licorice extract, zinc extract, and an enzyme complex.

The “advantages” of this product are its affordable cost - about 130 rubles with high quality. The paste contains cleansing components with “blocking” unpleasant odor(zinc citrate) and components to protect enamel from layers and colored deposits (polydon, papain).

This product is not inferior to imported toothpastes in terms of quality in use.

Asepta Sensitive

This is a product made in Russia (from the Svoboda factory), inexpensive - about 130 rubles. This product contains potassium citrate, papain, and hydroxyapatite.

This dental product, when used regularly, helps strengthen teeth, eliminate plaque and counteract its rapid accumulation.

The “disadvantage” of Sensitive is the potassium citrate included in its composition, which reduces tooth sensitivity and allows caries to remain asymptomatically among the teeth.

Toothpaste R.O.C.S.

This product is produced in Russia (Moscow region).

ROKS contains: the enzyme bromelain, calcium, xylitol, which prevent caries and gently remove plaque.

The “advantages” of ROKS are its excellent reviews from people with increased enamel abrasion and a wide range of different flavors (more than 10). The combination of “calcium + xylitol” has caries-preventive properties.

"Disadvantage" of this product is its cost - from 220 rubles and the abrasiveness of this paste not specified by the manufacturer. With low abrasiveness (less than 75), pastes are difficult to remove plaque and are only suitable for hypersensitive or highly abrasive teeth. For this price you can buy better quality imported toothpaste.

New pearls with calcium

The main “advantage” of this product is its budget cost - about 30 rubles. In many respects, this product is no different from more expensive products.

“New Pearl” contains calcium citrate (previously contained glycerophosphate), which strengthens teeth. However, other useful components this remedy does not have. But the cost of this paste is more than acceptable.

Criteria for choosing baby toothpaste

Choosing the right toothpaste is extremely important for children, as it largely determines the long-term health of their teeth.

The content of calcium compounds is important for children's dental hygiene products. This is important for preventing caries and is especially effective for children who already have single lesions on their teeth.

Currently, the fluoride content in toothpastes for children is experiencing a boom in accusations that they are harmful to children's health.

However, many experts consider children's toothpastes to be low-mineralized, and the calcium content in them is insufficient for the strength of children's teeth. Therefore, medical experts still consider the fluoride content (in the form of sodium fluoride or amino fluoride) in children's hygiene products to be necessary. Fluoride is especially important in dental care products for children if there are multiple dental caries.

Important rules for choosing toothpaste for a child include several points:

  • The content of sodium lauryl sulfate or preservatives in products for children is unacceptable.
  • The simultaneous content of calcium and fluoride should not be allowed. This is due to the formation of an insoluble calcium fluoride complex, which is dangerous to dental health.
  • Baby products without calcium and fluoride are hygienic and contain various natural ingredients (extracts, oils, alginates, etc.)
  • Plant components are able to eliminate inflammation and increase local immunity, but they cannot protect teeth from caries. Therefore, products without fluoride and calcium are best used in combination with products containing them (separately).
  • For children who have frequent stomatitis, products with an enzyme complex (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase), which increases local immunity of the oral cavity, are suitable.

Children's toothpastes without fluoride

We offer you to consider several of the most popular children's toothpastes that do not contain fluoride.


(from 0 to 3) made in Italy. Contains traditional components in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol.

Its advantages are:

  • possibility of caring for baby teeth;
  • raspberry aroma;
  • low abrasiveness;
  • content of glycerophosphate (to strengthen enamel) and xylitol (to neutralize acid in the mouth);
  • good anti-caries effect.
  • safety if swallowed;
  • no parabens, sugars, PEGs, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Pasta price starts from 110 rubles.

Splat Juicy Set

Toothpaste without fluoride “Splat Juicy Set” (from 0 to 99), Russian manufacturer.

It contains components in the form of hydroxyapatite and an enzyme complex (lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferin, glucose oxidase).

The “advantage” of the product is the absence of parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, allergens, and PEGs.

The product contains the most easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatite, which quickly strengthens and restores enamel mineralization.

The product contains enzymes with the effect of local immunity enhancement, serving as a prevention of stomatitis and gingivitis.

Price – from 250 rubles for a set of three tubes (35 ml each).


Tooth gel with calendula for children “Weleda” made in Germany.

Contains components in the form of: alginate, extracts from calendula inflorescences, natural oils(mint, fennel), esculin.

The “plus” is the absence of parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar, and PEG.

Particularly suitable for baby teeth, carefully removing plaque and providing powerful anti-inflammatory therapy, thanks to the content of medicinal extracts and algae (alginate).

The product is safe if swallowed.

Feature: since the paste does not have the property of strengthening enamel (does not contain calcium), it is better to alternate it with products containing glycerophosphate.

The price of the paste ranges from 250 rubles per 50 ml.

SPLAT Junior

Made in Russia. It contains components in the form of: calcis, xylitol, enzyme complex (lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, lysozyme, glucose oxidase), licorice extract, Aloe Vera gel.

The “advantage” of the product is the absence of lauryl sulfate in it. Has a creamy vanilla taste. Enzymes support local immunity in the mouth and are great for children prone to stomatitis.

Aloe Vera gel relieves inflammation when the baby's first teeth erupt. The paste is safe when swallowed by children.

The calcium compound called calcis raises doubts. It is usually obtained from eggshells. No one has proven the strengthening or restoring effect of this compound on tooth enamel.

A silicone brush (finger-shaped) is sold complete with the paste.

The price for 55 ml of the product is from 160 rubles.

Children's toothpastes ROCS

The ROKS company produces toothpastes for children of different ages: from 0 to 3 years, from 3 to 7 years and above.

Their “advantage” is hypoallergenicity and safety when swallowing.

ROCS products are based on components such as: calcium glycerophosphate (or hydroxyapatite), xylitol, with low abrasiveness (RDA -19). Also, each type of paste from this manufacturer has additional components. There are several care products from this manufacturer with different flavors: linden, chamomile, barberry, ice cream.

  • To make teething easier: “Gentle care with linden scent” or “Scented chamomile.” These products contain alginate (in the form of chamomile and seaweed extracts) to suppress inflammation in the mouth. Xylitol neutralizes the acidity of food and protects teeth. The “disadvantage” of this product is the lack of calcium in the composition, which does not allow strengthening tooth enamel.
  • To normalize microflora and strengthen tooth enamel, “ROCS – PRO Baby” is recommended.
  • For children from 4 to 7 years old, Rocs kids paste - barberry has been developed containing xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate. It strengthens enamel, removes plaque, and prevents gum looseness. This product is hypoallergenic and safe to swallow.

In children's ROCS pastes no components harmful to children: sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, fragrances, dyes, antiseptics

From this article you will learn:

  • how to choose the right toothpaste,
  • best fluoride-free toothpaste – list, rating 2019,
  • in which regions of Russia is the fluoride content high? drinking water.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Toothpastes without fluoride are only relevant in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water. The concentration of fluoride is considered increased if it contains more than 1 mg per 1 liter of water. B (due to natural causes or the presence of factories for the production of glass, aluminum, fertilizers) - the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is increased.

However, if you use household filters to purify water, then you definitely don’t need to worry, because... Carbon and osmotic filters remove about 80-84% of fluoride from water. Excess fluoride can cause dental fluorosis exclusively in children and only at the age of 0 to 6-7 years (a particularly critical period is from 0 to 2 years), because It is during this period that the formation and development of tooth buds occurs.

The best toothpaste without fluoride: composition

Avoiding fluoride toothpaste causes a problem that must be compensated for somehow. The fact is that fluoride makes the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth more resistant to cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, i.e. protects teeth from destruction. Therefore, in the absence of fluoride, the toothpaste must contain some other components that protect teeth from caries. And calcium compounds and xylitol allow you to do this.

High-quality calcium compounds in toothpastes –

  • calcium glycerophosphate,
  • calcium lactate,
  • calcium pantothenate,
  • calcium citrate,
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite.

Some manufacturers use a combination of several calcium compounds in toothpaste. The addition of xylitol (xylitol) allows you to neutralize lactic acid, which is produced by cariogenic bacteria and destroys teeth. Manufacturers also often introduce various extracts into fluoride-free toothpastes. medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Particularly interesting is the presence in some children's pastes of a complex of milk enzymes (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and glucose oxidase), which help protect the oral mucosa from the development of stomatitis and thrush.

What fluorine compounds should not be present? –
At the same time, the toothpaste must not contain fluoride compounds - such as sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, amino fluoride (synonym - olaflur), aluminum fluoride or tin fluoride. It is these compounds that are most often used by toothpaste manufacturers.

Toothpastes without fluoride: rating 2019

Looking ahead, we’ll immediately say that we gave the leadership in the ranking to the best fluoride-free toothpaste (in the categories for both adults and children) to toothpastes of the Italian brand “PRESIDENT”. Upon careful analysis of the composition, it turned out that these pastes have the most the best lineup and at a completely affordable price. However, there are also some interesting pastes Russian production

Comments: President Unique toothpaste has the best composition of all calcium-containing toothpastes (it contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium), as well as the highest concentration of calcium compared to all other similar toothpastes. Papain enzyme - dissolves the protein matrix of dental plaque, facilitating its removal with abrasives.

2. SPLAT “Biocalcium” toothpaste –

Comments: Splat toothpaste contains highly active forms of calcium - calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite, which is a very good composition at a very affordable price. In our opinion, this paste deservedly took second place in our rating, ahead of pastes from some other manufacturers such as R.O.C.S.

Comments: the paste contains easily digestible calcium in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite, loosening components that help remove pigmented plaque (papain and polydon), zinc citrate for long-term preservation of freshness in the oral cavity and blocking the appearance of unpleasant odor.

The milk enzymes lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase increase local immunity of the oral mucosa, thereby reducing the risk of developing oral cavity and herpetic stomatitis. In general, this is a very decent composition, a large volume of paste in the tube and an affordable price for such a volume.

4. Toothpaste ASEPTA PLUS Remineralization” –

Comments: Asepta PLUS Remineralization toothpaste contains a highly effective form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. The papain content facilitates the removal of microbial and pigmented plaque. Xylitol has a cariesstatic effect, because neutralizes acid produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Potassium citrate - reduces tooth sensitivity, and therefore is able to mask the symptoms of developing caries, which may not be very good if long-term use. The latter circumstance can be detrimental to the early detection of caries and the beginning of its treatment precisely at early stages when tooth decay is not so great. In general, a very good composition at, again, an affordable price.

Comments: Rox toothpaste contains only 1 form of calcium - calcium glycerophosphate. The total calcium concentration in this paste is significantly lower than that of President Unique paste (see above). Contains xylitol, which has a caries-preventive effect, inhibiting the growth rate of cariogenic microflora and helps neutralize the acidic environment in the oral cavity.

The composition is not bad, but there is nothing remarkable - in comparison with the pastes above. Plus the price for such a composition is too high, considering the small volume of the tube. It should be noted that the Rox company produces a lot of toothpastes with the same composition and different names. There are other calcium pastes in their line, but they are exactly similar to each other and contain the same glycerophosphate in a small concentration.

Comments: we must give credit to the manufacturer - previously calcium glycerophosphate was used in the production of this paste, but now calcium lactate is used. The latter component dissociates faster into ions, releasing active calcium, but this paste does not contain anything else interesting. In addition, the paste uses a fairly cheap abrasive - calcium carbonate.

On its website, the manufacturer also positions it as a source of calcium, but in fact calcium carbonate is an insoluble salt that is not able to dissociate into ions to release active calcium. Calcium carbonate can often be found in inexpensive pastes as an abrasive.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for children –

The enamel of children's teeth after they erupt contains very little calcium, i.e. is low-mineralized. Such porous enamel is very vulnerable to the effects of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, and therefore children's teeth are especially quickly affected by caries. Toothpastes with fluoride protect teeth well from caries, but if you need to choose a toothpaste without fluoride, the latter must contain calcium.

The best calcium compounds in children's toothpastes are calcium lactate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium pantothenate (as well as synthetic hydroxyapatite). These compounds quickly dissociate into ions, releasing active calcium, which is able to penetrate tooth enamel, strengthening it. The second most important component of fluoride-free toothpastes is xylitol/xylitol, which neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria and therefore has a powerful anti-caries effect.

In the ranking of fluoride-free toothpastes for children, in our opinion, the undisputed leader is the PRESIDENT line of Italian toothpastes. As you will see below, these pastes have an excellent composition and a very reasonable price. Also, in our opinion, SPLAT pastes are very interesting - due to the content of a complex of lactic enzymes that protect the mucous membrane from stomatitis and thrush.

Below we will present the 4 best, in our opinion, toothpastes for children without fluoride - for age categories from 0 to 3 years, from 3 to 6 years, and also from 6 to 12 years.

Comments: this is the best fluoride-free children's toothpaste that you can buy in Russian pharmacies (made in Italy), which is intended for the care of baby teeth. The paste has optimal abrasiveness for children from 0 to 3 years old, as well as a pleasant caramel taste. Contains a high concentration of calcium - in the form of 3 easily digestible calcium compounds, which strengthens teeth.

Due to the presence of xylitol, the paste has an anti-caries effect, because Xylitol neutralizes acids in the mouth and reduces the rate of plaque formation. Pastes that contain xylitol (among other active ingredients) – are the best option for children, because in its presence, the growth rate of new caries lesions is significantly reduced. The paste contains anti-inflammatory components to reduce discomfort during teething.

2. SPLAT Baby “apple-banana” toothpaste (from 0 to 3 years) –

Comments: toothpaste for children from 0 to 3 years old with apple-banana flavor. Contains a highly effective form of calcium – hydroxyapatite. An absolute plus of this paste is that it contains a complex of lactic enzymes, which increases the local immunity of the oral mucosa, which will prevent the development of the oral cavity.

This paste also contains a large amount of plant extracts and L-arginine, which reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane during teething. The paste is completely safe if accidentally swallowed. The paste kit includes a silicone finger brush. In general, this is a very worthy toothpaste, which also solves the issue of preventing stomatitis and fungal infections of the oral cavity in children.

Comments: PRESIDENT Kids paste from 3 to 6 years old - contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium, which will well strengthen the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth, as well as a high dosage of xylitol, which has a high anti-caries effect. The paste is available in 2 versions - with strawberry or marmalade flavors. It has the right abrasiveness, and what is very important – not overpriced.

Comments: PRESIDENT Kids paste from 6 to 12 years old with strawberry flavor - also contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium, a high dosage of xylitol, and plant extracts. Has the correct abrasiveness for this age - RDA 50, and good price. It must be said that the entire line of PRESIDENT toothpastes without fluoride (for both children and adults) is the best for 2019, both in price and in terms of the composition of components.

Popular children's toothpastes that were not included in the rating -

Below we will analyze the composition of several very popular children's toothpastes, which for one reason or another were not included in our rating.

5. Children's tooth gel with calendula “Weleda” from 0 to 3 years –

Comments: Weleda children's tooth gel has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties due to its content essential oils and alginate (seaweed extract), making it a good choice for relieving teething discomfort. The gel is safe if swallowed, but as for everything else, we cannot recommend it for regular hygiene.

The fact is that this gel does not contain not only fluoride, but even calcium. Thus, the paste will not strengthen the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth and protect them from caries. Weleda gel, in our opinion, is more suitable for oral hygiene in very young children who have not yet cut their teeth (at this age it is also necessary to clean the child’s mouth and gums).

Comments: Toothpaste is intended for oral care of children aged 0 to 3 years. The paste contains a high dosage of xylitol, which effectively neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. As a result, the paste has a good cariesstatic effect. Chamomile extract and alginate (the latter is produced from seaweed) - have a slight anti-inflammatory effect during teething.

But just like the previous Weleda gel, we cannot recommend this paste (and its similar variants - with extracts not of chamomile, but of quince or linden) - for regular oral hygiene. The paste has too little abrasiveness and will be too poor at removing plaque. The normal abrasiveness of toothpastes for children of this age is RDA 30. In addition, the paste again does not contain fluoride or calcium, and therefore will not help strengthen children’s low-mineralized tooth enamel.

A noticeable disadvantage is the too high price of this Russian paste, which is more expensive than all imported pastes with a richer and more interesting composition. We believe that the paste is suitable only for oral hygiene of babies - even before the eruption of the first teeth.

Comments: Rox pro baby toothpaste is intended for caring for the teeth of children aged 0 to 3 years. The paste is safe to swallow; the active ingredients contain calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol (see their properties above). The dosage of calcium is not too high, in addition, the paste has too low abrasiveness and therefore will not be good enough to clean microbial plaque from teeth.

In general, the composition is not bad, but we believe that the price of Rox paste produced in the Moscow region is noticeably overpriced. For example, the Italian PRESIDENT Baby toothpaste-gel costs almost 2 times less for the same volume (30 ml is approximately equal to 45 g) - with the same main active ingredients.

How to use dental floss and toothbrush –

Calcium or fluoride – which toothpaste should your child choose?

IN last years You can observe hysteria about the toxicity and harm of fluoride to teeth or to the body, which is created on forums in the interests of one of the Russian toothpaste manufacturing companies (specializing specifically in fluoride-free children's toothpastes). Moreover, this is done specifically on various women’s blogs and forums, because it is women who in most cases buy toothpaste for children and family members.

As we said above, children's tooth enamel is low-mineralized, and therefore is especially easily affected by caries. Pastes with fluoride, of course, better protect teeth from caries, because... fluoride binds to the surface layer of enamel, making it less susceptible to the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria. As a result, caries in children occurs less often on average by 35-50%. Unfortunately, although calcium pastes strengthen teeth, they do not make enamel more resistant to acid.

Such dosages are completely safe for use (provided that the fluoride content in drinking water is normal), as has been proven by numerous clinical studies. But if the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is more than 1 mg per 1 liter, experts really recommend using not fluoride-containing toothpastes, but calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride.

The main factor in the development of dental fluorosis is the concentration of fluoride in drinking water. By themselves, toothpastes with fluoride are not capable of causing fluorosis, because... the amount of fluoride that a child can swallow with toothpaste is absolutely insufficient for this. Pastes with fluoride can only increase the risk of developing fluorosis against the background of the existing increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water.

Regarding fluoride toxicity –
Fluoride ions are constantly present in our body - mainly in blood serum, saliva, and bone tissue. With a lack of fluoride, not only teeth begin to decay, but also bone mineral density decreases, i.e. osteoporosis develops. Fluoride is toxic only when it is ingested in very high concentrations.

Clinical studies show that the toxic dose is 5 mg of fluoride per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, in a 20 kg child, fluoride poisoning can only be achieved by swallowing the entire tube of toothpaste at the same time. In this case, the tube should have a volume of 75 ml, and the concentration of fluoride in it should be from 1000 to 1500 ppm. Which, in fact, is simply unrealistic.

When is it better to use pastes with calcium, and when with fluoride?

The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) recommends starting to use fluoride toothpastes as soon as the first teeth erupt. We consider this approach to be correct. A prerequisite here is the absence of an increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water, and you must also take into account the child’s fluoride consumption along with nutritional mixtures and food additives.

If there is a risk of exceeding the normal concentration of fluoride intake, feel free to use toothpastes without fluoride - preferably with a simultaneous content of calcium and xylitol. Excess fluoride can indeed lead to the development of dental fluorosis, but only in children from 0 to 6-7 years old, which is associated with the formation and development of tooth buds during this period. The period from 0 to 2 years is especially critical. But in older children and adults, fluorosis can no longer occur by definition.

Important : Initially, you can choose the following strategy... When the first teeth erupt, start using calcium pastes that do not contain fluoride. But if you notice that the first teeth have begun to appear on your child’s teeth, immediately switch to fluoride-containing toothpaste. At the same time, you should estimate the approximate fluoride levels in drinking water in your area (see below).

There is such an interesting fact
home water filtration systems significantly affect the fluoride content in it. For example, water filtration systems operating on the principle of reverse osmosis remove approximately 84% of fluoride from water, carbon filters - about 81% (this was proven by research by Brown M.D. and Aaron G., published in the journal Pediatr.Dent in 1991).

How to compensate for the shortcomings of toothpastes without fluoride -

Firstly, regular hygiene. The best option– hygiene after every meal. Remember to avoid constant snacking and uncontrolled consumption of sugary drinks. Secondly, when choosing toothpastes without fluoride, it is optimal that the composition contains not only calcium, but also xylitol (xylitol). The latter reduces the risk of developing caries even in the absence of fluoride in toothpaste.

Thirdly, the problem of children's oral hygiene is that children rarely brush their teeth for the required time, and also do it well. Therefore, as a rule, there will always be some amount of microbial plaque on the teeth, which will slowly destroy the teeth. Therefore, when refusing fluoride toothpastes, it is important to remove plaque as well as possible, because Pastes without fluoride do not have the ability to inhibit the growth of microbial plaque.

Most people don't even think about the ingredients in the oral care products they use every day. The elements contained in fluoride-containing toothpastes can be retained and accumulate in the body. The use of teeth cleaning products without fluoride components is more important for people who live in regions of Russia where drinking water contains large amounts of this substance. For example, in the Northern Urals, in the Moscow region, Tver region. This article takes a closer look at the effects of fluoride on the health of teeth and the entire body as a whole, and also talks about an alternative to this substance that serves to enrich toothpastes.

What is the difference between toothpastes with and without fluoride?

If fluoride is consumed in excess, the body requires additional calcium. This element has the ability to remineralize teeth and bind fluoride molecules. Fluorine-containing pastes necessarily contain one or more calcium components. In this case, the pastes should not contain fluorine compounds - sodium fluoride or aluminum fluoride. Knowing the names of these substances, you can easily find out in which hygiene products some contain fluorine and some do not.

Benefits of fluoride

The presence of fluoride in food or water is necessary, since this element is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. Depending on body weight, the norm of this substance for an adult is from 1.5 to 2.8 mg per day:

  • Fluoride has big influence on the formation of bones, teeth, nails. The amount of this element is of particular importance for the strength and hardness of the enamel - it has the ability to retain calcium in the tissues. This helps strengthen the enamel layer and reduces the risk of caries.
  • Hygiene products containing fluoride have antibacterial effect. With a decrease in the number of pathogenic bacteria in oral cavity the likelihood of developing caries and other dental diseases is reduced several times.
  • When using fluoride-containing toothpastes, some of the fluoride compounds penetrate microdamages on the surface of the enamel and seal them. By binding to molecular calcium, which is contained in saliva, fluorine forms fluorapatite. This connection has unique properties- high strength and hardness. A kind of barrier serves to protect teeth from destruction and exposure harmful microorganisms.

Harm to teeth

Despite the undoubted benefits for dental health, fluoride-containing products can harm the body:

  • Systematic excess of the required norm leads to the accumulation of the substance in the enamel layer and tissues thyroid gland. A large amount of fluoride interferes with the normal absorption of iodine, which often leads to disruption of the endocrine system.
  • With the accumulation of fluoride compounds in the tissues of the body, fluorosis develops (more details in the article:). This disease affects the bone apparatus, in particular tooth enamel. This mainly occurs during the formation of bones and teeth.

Which one to choose for your child?

When choosing children's toothpaste, you must take into account the age of the child. For children under 4 years of age, oral care products must have the following qualities:

  • effectively but gently clean baby teeth;
  • the level of abrasive particles should not exceed 20 conventional units;
  • the composition must not contain dangerous compounds, since children can swallow the paste;
  • the product should be without fluoride or with a minimum amount of it.

Children's toothpaste, recommended for children from 4 to 7 years old, should provide high-quality care for both milk and permanent teeth. Required feature The quality of the product is the presence of components that ensure the prevention of caries.

Popular Fluorine Compounds Present in Pastes

List of popular fluoride compounds found in toothpastes:

  1. monosodium phosphate - to achieve quick results and long-term effect, the procedure should last at least three minutes;
  2. sodium fluoride - acts quickly and effectively, due to which the teeth are remineralized and the enamel is strengthened;
  3. aminofluoride - a thin film protects the surface of the teeth for a long time after brushing;
  4. tin fluoride - this element has high degree remineralization, is capable of staining areas of teeth that take on the appearance of chalky stains.

List of the best fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

Currently, using data from modern dentistry, a number of hygiene products for adults without fluoride have been developed. These products are effective and harmless.

  1. The list of the best fluoride-free toothpastes is headed by President Unique (more details in the article:).
  2. The pastes from the Splat line - Biocalcium and Maximum - are considered no less effective.
  3. Oral care products such as “Rocs”, “Asepta Sensitive”, as well as “New Pearls with Calcium” are also very popular (more details in the article:).

Photos of toothpastes from the list of the best can be seen below. Due to the presence of active ingredients that loosen plaque, the use of these products prevents the formation of tartar. Calcium and xylitol resist the development of caries and inhibit growth pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. Special additives make it easier to remove microbial plaque and reduce excessive tooth sensitivity.

From caries and tartar

The most popular toothpaste without fluoride, which helps cope with tartar and prevents the development of caries, is Splat Biocalcium (we recommend reading:). Due to the content of hydroxyapatite, this product reliably protects the enamel from destruction. Papain has the ability to dissolve hard plaque, which over time turns into tartar. Regular use of fluoride-free toothpastes helps reduce the risk of developing caries.

In the treatment of inflammatory and other pathological processes

Medicinal toothpastes are recommended for use during complex therapy for diseases of teeth and gums. Most medicinal pastes contain hydroxyapatite, antiseptic additives and components that reduce bleeding gums. Not recommended permanent use medicinal toothpastes, since toothpastes with antiseptics and hydroxyapatite only eliminate the symptoms of diseases. Long-term use of medicinal pastes leads to inflammatory process takes on an asymptomatic chronic nature. It is also possible to develop dysbacteriosis and oral candidiasis. The course of treatment should not exceed more than 30 days.

For prevention

Pastes without fluoride are used to prevent caries and various diseases inflammatory soft tissues. For example, Splat Biocalcium toothpaste, which contains aminofluoride, hydroxyapatite and plant extracts, does an excellent job of cleaning teeth. To make the use of toothpaste more effective, it is recommended to use dental floss to remove food debris from the interdental spaces.

Names of the most effective products for children

When choosing a baby toothpaste, you should definitely pay attention to the composition of the product. The most important rule is that the paste must be safe, effective and pleasant to the taste.

  1. The best toothpastes from Russian manufacturers include the Splat and Rocs product line.
  2. Italian paste “President Baby” ranks first among products from foreign manufacturers. Second place is rightfully taken by calendula gel “Weleda” produced in Germany.

In the treatment of oral diseases

The composition of children's medicinal pastes contains components such as aloe, chamomile, alginate, as well as a complex of auxiliary enzymes. Extracts medicinal plants help relieve swelling, reduce gum bleeding, and have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The pediatric dentist should prescribe medicated toothpastes.

To eliminate caries and tartar

Regular use of products containing calcium components and xylitol helps against caries and tartar. Effective medicinal products for children include ROCS kids - Barberry. It provides anti-caries protection for teeth and prevents the transformation of soft plaque into tartar. The presence of abrasive components promotes high-quality cleaning of dental plaque, xylitol has an excellent anti-caries effect, alginate has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums.

For preventive purposes

For prevention purposes, it is allowed to use toothpastes that contain hydroxyapatite. One such product is the Splat Juicy Set. This paste can be used by both children from three to four years old and adults. The presence of hydroxyapatite in the composition helps to intensively strengthen the enamel, since hydroxyapatite has the ability to restore damaged enamel, mineralize and strengthen the surface of the teeth.

Cleaning Rules

How to choose a suitable brush?

A properly selected brush is considered an important factor in the prevention of caries. The stiffness and location of the bristles and the shape of the head are of great importance. To understand which brush best copes with cleaning all surfaces of teeth, you need to familiarize yourself with the products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Well-known leading companies producing products for dental and oral care offer a large selection of high-quality and environmentally friendly products. Brushes manufactured by Splat, Rox, Oral-B companies have anatomical shape heads and uneven bristle height. These features allow you to efficiently clean even hard-to-reach areas.

Basic steps for daily teeth cleaning

Before brushing your teeth, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with a special floss. You should brush your teeth for at least three minutes, paying attention to the inner surface. We should not forget about thorough cleaning of the molars located at the end of the dentition. Due to the nature of their location, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to caries than others; for this reason, special attention should be paid to cleaning them. After brushing your teeth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that contains amino fluoride or sodium fluoride. This will help calcium to securely attach to the tooth enamel.

The topic of our review is fluoride-free toothpaste. It even worked out to rhyme. We hope that the information obtained from this article will help you make the right choice. There has long been a debate in the world about the benefits and harms of fluoride compounds in oral care products. Moreover, it is not ordinary people who argue, but doctors, chemists, biologists, physiologists and other specialists who understand the issue. They disassemble each tube of paste almost molecularly to prove that they are right. But who is really right? As practice shows, both camps.

Advantages and disadvantages of fluoride-free toothpastes

There are many regions in the world where the fluoride content in water, soil, and products is higher permissible norm. If you also use additional fluoride in your toothpaste, then the least you can expect is an unpleasant dental lesion called. And don’t forget that fluoride is useful only in small quantities. Excess leads to poisoning. However, like other halogens.

What does fluoride do in toothpastes? Its task is to prevent the development of carious lesions caused by the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora in the oral cavity.

How does this happen?

  1. Fluorides prevent bacteria from synthesizing acid from the resulting sugars. Consequently, the environment becomes less acidic and the enamel is less destroyed.
  2. Fluoride ions form a film on the enamel and penetrate into its cracks. There they create compounds with calcium, providing dental protection.
  3. Fluorapatite is formed, which ensures remineralization of tooth enamel.

If you can’t have fluoride, what can you do? Use other popular antiseptics. If you always and everywhere use filtered water, you can forget about fluoride in your water and use regular pastes. After all, modern filtration means - osmotic and carbon - purify water from excess fluoride content.

How to determine that there is no fluoride in toothpaste? The composition should not contain sodium, aluminum, tin fluorides, as well as monofluorophosphate and amino fluoride. If the composition is written in Latin, look for Sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate and other words with the root fluor. If they are not present, then most likely it is a toothpaste without fluoride.

Video - Which toothpaste to choose: with fluoride or calcium

Fluorides in pastes and their real effect

The tooth enamel of any person consists of a compound called hydroxyapatite. This is a complex compound based on phosphorus and calcium. When you use a paste or rinse with fluoride, fluoride ions penetrate the enamel and combine with hydroxyapatite, converting it into fluorapatite. It is believed that such a connection resists better acidic environment in the oral cavity, which means it resists caries longer and more effectively. The hardness and strength of the enamel increases. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are produced. Therapeutic ones contain an average of 1450 units of fluoride, and preventive ones - up to 950. Children's ones contain 250-500 units.

Fluoride is also an antiseptic, as it inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause the development of caries and periodontal diseases.

We have already talked about the controversy over the use of fluoride in toothpastes. No matter what anyone says, fluorine is a poisonous gas that remains poisonous even in small concentrations. Now on the Internet and various “physical” media you can find tables that show in which regions the fluoride content in drinking water is high. Moreover, within one area there may be settlements with high, low and normal fluoride content in water. For example, in Moscow – 0.16/0.22 (below the norm), and in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region – 3.0 (above the norm).

What is the safety threshold? It was experimentally established that pastes containing no more than 1500 ppm of fluorides do not harm human health. But here's a footnote - provided that he doesn't get another 2-3 ppm from the water. It turns out that you need to count these ppm as calories in food during a diet. Difficult? It may be difficult, but it will protect you from excess fluoride in the body.

Now anyone can do a detailed blood test for microelements. If a lot of fluoride is found in the composition, then you should think about buying pastes and products that do not contain it, and at the same time a good filter.

Fluoride conspiracy. Should you believe the rumors?

Many websites disseminate information that fluoride pastes are completely harmless. But let's face it. In 9 cases, 10 of them are custom-made articles that are paid for by large manufacturers. A living example of such hidden PR are articles from the portal about healthy lifestyle “Evriday mi”. Beneath it, in small print, it says “Tips from P&G.” If the article is paid for by Procter & Gamble, it is logical that the author will foam at the mouth in defense of his employers.

It is easy to find information in newspapers and the Internet that the popularity of pastes containing fluorides is due to the fact that back in the middle of the last century, industrial enterprises had a problem - waste containing fluoride had nowhere to go. As a result, in order to solve the problem, in some countries of the world they began to fluoridate water (supposedly to protect against harmful microorganisms) and launched a large-scale advertising campaign for toothpastes. This campaign continues even now. Lonely speeches by scientists against it are ridiculed or hushed up. Any studies showing danger are buried under millions of corporate-funded studies. Popularization is promoted not only by beautiful advertising, but also by enthusiastic reviews from ordinary people.

Children's teeth are fluoridated. And, please note, they continue to deteriorate in most young patients. But doctors do not draw conclusions and continue meaningless procedures year after year. Of course, this brings them profit and they could blame everything on the banal greed of dentists. But the problem is deeper. She's in education. Dentists sincerely believe that they are right and are unshakable even in the face of failure. After all, academic knowledge cannot be challenged by anyone.

Fluoridation of teeth “Pros” and “Cons”:

Reduces tooth sensitivity and prevents discomfort when consuming cold and hot foods and drinksFluorides are toxic substances. In large quantities they harm the human body
Thanks to this, the development of caries is reduced due to the reduction of pathogenic bacteria. Increases teeth resistance to acidic environmentsFluorosis is an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the human body. This provokes fragility in the bones, anemia and leads to neuralgic abnormalities. When fluoride accumulates excessively, the enamel on the teeth begins to deteriorate.
Strong and strong teeth become thanks to fluoridation, as it prevents the leaching of calcium from tooth enamel

On the other hand, a wave of rumors about harm gave rise to new campaign. Now many manufacturers make money from the fact that you have become afraid of ordinary pastes.

Video - Fluoride paste: harm or benefit

Popular manufacturers and their products

Almost everything similar means for cleaning teeth they are produced with calcium. It is important to look at which calcium compound is used in a particular product. The fact is that there are some that are not able to penetrate tooth enamel. The most useless option is calcium carbonate. Essentially, it is chalk, limestone. Using it in pasta is nothing more than marketing ploy to sell a product. The composition may also contain the following calcium compounds:

  • citrate;
  • lactate;
  • pantothenate no.;
  • glycerophosphate.

Paste "President" without fluoride

The line of products produced under the President brand has long gained popularity in our country. Among them are pastes that do not contain fluorides. Which important substances do these dental care products contain?

  1. Xylitol is a substance familiar to us thanks to its use in popular chewing gum. Its main task is to support required level acidity in the mouth. Less plaque forms and caries develops less frequently.
  2. Papain is a substance that dissolves proteins in dental plaque. A very useful component.
  3. Calcium compounds - lactate, glycerophosphate and pantothenate.

In total, we have calcium in an assimilable form, a normalizer of acidity and protection against the spread of bacteria.

This paste, called Unique, has one feature that many people don’t notice. It contains potassium salts, the main task of which is to reduce it. It would seem that what’s wrong with this? If you just have problems with sensitive enamel, that’s okay. But this property allows you to mask the symptoms of caries. You will find out about the problem with your teeth too late. This is not a call to give up pasta altogether. It simply cannot be considered a product for daily use.

R.O.C.S. - a joint product produced in the Moscow region. The main substances included in the composition are xylitol, bromelain and calcium glycerophosphate. The abrasiveness index is 75. Bromelain is an enzyme that dissolves proteins in dental plaque, like papain in President toothpastes. We have already discussed xylitol above; with calcium everything is clear. The abrasiveness is medium-low. So don't expect a whitening effect. Overall, the paste is not bad, but for its price it could contain a more impressive composition and whiten enamel better. Who is Roks pasta suitable for? For those with high tooth wear and weakened enamel. Overall, an unremarkable pasta. This manufacturer has many more interesting products.

Pasta “New Pearl”

The next “guest” of our review is the paste from the “New Pearl” line. Popular and inexpensive Russian product, sold in many CIS countries. Contains calcium citrate, which acts well and quickly, providing calcium ions to tooth enamel. This is a definite plus of the product. There are simply no other active components. So there is no need to expect protection from caries, nor the removal of old plaque.

Toothpaste "Paradontax" without fluoride

Paradontax paste is very successful in our country. It is officially produced by the British from GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare. In fact, they are made in the CIS under license and packaged there. You can only buy an original product in the post-Soviet space if you place an order directly from Europe. However, the pasta is not bad. Helps in the prevention of gum disease and caries. It is in prevention, not treatment, as the “especially literate” think. If you or your child develop inflammatory disease periodontal disease, paste will not help here.

Tubes of 50 and 70 ml are available for sale. Its consumption is small, so the volume of product is quite adequate. An undoubted advantage (apart from the lack of fluoride) is that the composition includes natural extracts. In particular, the instructions indicate that the manufacturer used echinacea, mint, sage, chamomile, ratania and myrrh. This composition helps in the fight against bleeding gums and helps freshen breath. In general, the paste does a good job of removing plaque.

The downside (and even then relative) is the unusual salty taste. Within a week you will get used to it and will not attach any importance to it.

Asepta Sensitive paste

Inexpensive fluoride-free toothpaste for sensitive teeth. The main active ingredients are papain, potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite. Consequently, it strengthens teeth, dissolves plaque, and reduces sensitivity when the enamel is thinned. The advantage of the product is its favorable price and good composition. Minus - the paste often masks the symptoms of caries in the early stages of development.

Bioactive toothpaste “SPLAT Lavandasept”

Lavandasept paste, as you can easily understand from the name, contains lavender oil, as well as thyme and rosemary. It helps people with bleeding gums and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It contains no harmful preservatives, dyes or flavor and odor enhancers. It does not contain parabens or sodium lauryl sulfate.

It contains papain, which, as you already know, fights plaque. Also contains Dissolvine salts, which help achieve a whitening effect. All this plus zinc salts - an excellent antioxidant. The paste also contains calcium phosphate.

Biorepair Pro Perfect protection

Italian toothpaste without fluoride is not very cheap. But, according to the manufacturer, it seals microcracks in the enamel, fights plaque, and protects against the formation of tartar. The composition contains xylitol, zinc hydroxyapatite, zinc citrate and other components. Free of SLS, parabens, titanium dioxide and fluoride.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for children

The next topic we want to discuss is fluoride-free children's toothpaste. There are many such products and they are produced both in the CIS and throughout the world. A feature of a high-quality product is the absence of harmful components that can cause dry mouth and reactions in a child.

We have compiled a small list of products presented on the shelves of pharmacies and stores. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Some pastes simply do not contain anything really useful, others have too low abrasiveness (even for children).

The Italians, who produce TM President pastes, offer a very interesting product called “President Baby”. Main advantages:

  • absence of sugars, parabens, SLS and PEG;
  • adequate abrasiveness;
  • pleasant taste;
  • contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol.

The paste provides the enamel with calcium ions and normalizes acidity, providing protection against caries. In addition, there is nothing in the composition that could harm the child’s gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Recommended for children under 3 years old. Sold in 30 ml tubes. It's inexpensive.

However, this is not the only toothpaste for children without fluoride. For example, the well-known manufacturer SPLAT has an interesting product. It is difficult to confuse it with anything, because the paste is called “”. It couldn't be clearer. Composition and features:

  • calcium compounds (KaltsiS complex);
  • enzymes that dissolve plaque and increase immunity in the oral cavity;
  • xylitol;
  • without fluorine and SLS;
  • can be swallowed;
  • contains aloe vera and licorice;
  • The kit includes a silicone brush;
  • prevention of stomatitis;
  • pleasant vanilla-creamy taste.

ROKS has several products for children.

  1. ROCS Kids – barberry. Fluoride-free toothpaste is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old. The main active ingredients are xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate. Abrasiveness – 45. The paste is generally mediocre. Protection against caries is average. At the same time, the price per 45 grams is higher than that of many “adult” analogues.
  2. ROCS Pro Baby from 0 to 3 years. It differs from the previous one with a minimum RDA of 19. The active ingredients are the same. The manufacturer positions its product as completely natural and hypoallergenic. The composition does not contain SLS, antiseptic substances that dry out the oral mucosa, dyes, parabens, etc. Of course, it does not contain fluorides either. Overall, a good product, but again, overpriced.
  3. ROCS Baby “Scented chamomile”. For children from 0 to 3 years. Contains alginate, chamomile extract and xylitol. Without SLS and other harmful components. RDA, like the previous one, is 19. The paste does a good job of removing plaque, protecting against caries, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Disadvantage of the product - complete absence calcium compounds. And the price is not encouraging. You can buy an imported product with a better composition for less money.

There is also an interesting universal option from SPLAT called “Splat Juicy Set from 0 to 99 years old”. That is, this paste is suitable not only for children, but also for people of any age. Contains:

  • hydroxyapatite, which provides remineralization;
  • enzymes including lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase.

Does not include:

  • fluorine;
  • sugars;
  • parabens;
  • substances that can cause reactions in allergy sufferers.

Overall, a very good option. First of all, it is harmless. Secondly, the kit contains three 35 ml tubes at once. Thirdly, it contains calcium in a form that is best absorbed. Improves the immunity of the oral mucosa, protecting against stomatitis. Plus, the low price of this set.

How to choose fluoride-free baby toothpaste?

The choice of paste depends very much on the age of the child. The younger it is, the more important it is to contain calcium compounds. Preferably those that are absorbed best and fastest. This is due to the fact that enamel mineralization in children under one year of age is minimal, especially if we're talking about about teething. Calcium is needed not only for babies, legs and children under 6 years old. The reason is the same - mineralization. But if you are prone to caries, or have stains on your teeth (not fluorous), then you should hardly avoid fluoride toothpastes. Dentists believe that if there are no contraindications, it is worth combining the use of pastes with active calcium and active fluorides. The second option is to use fluoride-free toothpaste, but rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. special means, which contains fluorine.

In addition to pastes, there are also special gels. One of them is Weleda, containing natural extracts of medicinal plants. It is intended for children under 3 years of age.

This product is produced by the Germans. It costs a little more than regular pastes and is not a replacement for them. Rather, it is an additional remedy, used simultaneously or alternating with calcium-containing pastes. In general, the gel is a good tool for preventing caries and caring for the enamel of baby teeth. But we are not talking about strengthening. But it provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition contains not only fluorine, but also parabens, SLS, as well as sugars and parabens. This is a clear plus for German manufacturers. Plaque is removed relatively effectively. Although we are not talking about any high level of abrasiveness of the gel at all. Big percentage natural ingredients, including algae extract, calendula, mint and fennel oils. It is recommended to use in parallel with pastes based on calcium glycerophosphate. In this case, you will get an enhanced effect of protecting your teeth.

Toothpaste without fluoride - let's summarize

What is the best fluoride-free toothpaste? Let's face it: any answer can be considered direct advertising specific product. But the purpose of writing this article is different. We wanted to show what choice the domestic consumer has. You also now know whether fluoride in toothpastes is dangerous and how much of it is considered acceptable. If you need a whitening toothpaste without fluoride, buy a product with natural enzymes.

And information about the conspiracy is a controversial thing. There are millions of people in the world who brush their teeth with fluoride toothpastes all their lives and have not developed any problems. There are also negative examples among children and adults. Moreover, these problems are not always diagnosed in people living in regions where the fluoride content in water is higher than normal. So everything is purely individual.

Video - Making homemade toothpaste without fluoride and harmful impurities

Professional dentists will certainly tell patients how beneficial fluoride-free children's toothpaste is; a list of types of such toothpaste can be found below. Most often, consumers buy toothpaste for children based on advertising and bright labels, but not all toothpastes are safe for children’s teeth.

It should not contain the same amount of active ingredients that are found in adult products. The most important thing is that toothpaste for children should contain as little fluoride as possible, or better yet, without it at all. Most often, pasta for them is made with various aromatic and flavor additives that children like so much. They swallow part of the cleaning mass, including the fluoride compounds that are part of it. Over time, they accumulate in the body and poison it, not to mention the fact that fluoride harms the enamel of children's teeth, which has not yet fully formed.

Useful and dangerous fluoride

Fluoride is beneficial. This fact has been proven by experts, but when fluorides accumulate in the body, they can be toxic. The lethal dose of sodium fluoride consumed by children is 5 to 10 g.

According to dentists, if fluoride compounds enter the body, they can damage the organs of the respiratory, central nervous and circulatory systems.

Fluoridated paste is dangerous for child's body. Children who use it to brush their teeth are at high risk of developing a disease such as fluorosis. This disease, which develops in some children even before teething, manifests itself with prolonged consumption of fluids, food and the use of toothpaste containing high amounts of fluoride. This pathology threatens that red and dark brown spots appear on the child’s teeth. In addition, fluoride can cause a delay in the development of the nervous system of a growing organism.

Easy to find out

In order not to harm the baby, mothers and fathers need to carefully study the composition of the dental product before purchasing. Fluorine may be contained in the paste in compounds such as:

  • monofluorophosphate or sodium fluoride;
  • aluminum or tin fluoride;
  • aminofluoride

The latter, by the way, is the safest fluoride compound, but usually monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride are added to dental products, which are less effective and more destructive. They are found, for example, in Aquafresh, Blend-a-honey and Colgate.

On a note

Few consumers, when buying fluoride-free toothpastes, notice the multi-colored stripes depicted on the packaging. But in vain! The color of this line will share very valuable information, namely, the presence of natural components in the paste.

The strip on the paste package:

  • Black color indicates that it is 100% chemical. This means that it will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth.
  • The blue color indicates that it contains only 20% natural ingredients.
  • Red color means that the composition is half natural.
  • 100% green natural composition encourages you to use it every day.

Toothpaste and age

Toothpastes must be chosen depending on the age of the child, since the characteristics of the baby’s body change every year.

Now you can buy toothpaste for children in pharmacies and retail chains:

  1. from 3 to 6 years;
  2. from 7 to 14 years;
  3. a teenager can already use adult products.

Ingredients of toothpastes that are beneficial for children's bodies:

  1. lactic enzymes;
  2. glucose oxide;
  3. casein;
  4. papain;
  5. organic calcium.

The modern consumer has a wide choice of products of this type, so you can easily do without fluoride oral products.

For sensitive children's teeth

You need to choose baby toothpastes by carefully studying the composition. Up to 5 years, you should choose products that do not contain fluoride at all.

List of children's toothpastes without fluoride:

  • "President baby";
  • "Weleda Children's";
  • "Splat Juicy Set";
  • "Splat Junior for Children";
  • "Rocks baby - Fragrant chamomile";
  • "Rocks Kids - Barberry";
  • "Rox Baby PRO";
  • "Disney Baby";
  • "Silka Putzi";
  • "Kids Safe grapes."

Let's look at these options in more detail.

"President Baby" Italian children's dental remedy without fluoride. It is suitable for the youngest neat kids aged 0 to 3 years. This paste has a fine structure, which is necessary to ensure the safety of children's unformed enamel. Kids will appreciate its raspberry aroma.

Active composition:

  • calcium glycerophosphate strengthens enamel;
  • xylitol fights bacteria.

According to the manufacturer, it is safe if swallowed.

Harmful composition:

  • dyes, preservatives and allergens that can be harmful to the body of babies;
  • sorbitol may cause gas, stomach pain and diarrhea;
  • foaming agents disrupt the immunity of the oral mucosa.

Approximate price - from 100 rubles.

"Weleda Children's". German gel with calendula is suitable for the baby teeth of children aged 0 to 3 years. It contains neither calcium nor fluorine, so it is necessary to alternate with products that contain calcium compounds. “Weleda” has taste and aroma due to the presence of essential oils.

It is worth paying attention to its natural active composition without chemical additives:

  1. alginate (an extract from kelp seaweed) removes toxins from the child’s body and has regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects;
  2. fennel essential oil relieves inflammation, stops bleeding in the mouth, fights periodontal disease and gingivitis;
  3. mint essential oil cleanses the mucous membranes and has an antibacterial effect;
  4. Esculin essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties;
  5. silicon dioxide carefully cleans baby teeth and does not harm the enamel;
  6. Calendula extract strengthens gums.
  • this paste does not contain fluoride and calcium, so its use must be alternated with other tooth powders that contain calcium;
  • consumers often complain that the paste is too soft to clean teeth that have plaque remaining on them (approximate price - from 390 rubles).

"Splat Juicy Seth." This Russian set of 3 pastes is suitable for children of different ages, including preschoolers.

It is recommended for intensive strengthening of enamel, as it contains a form of easily digestible calcium. It restores the structure of the enamel, strengthening and mineralizing it. The content of enzymes makes the paste anti-inflammatory, increasing local immunity.

The paste is sold in ice cream, cherry, tutti-frutti, kiwi, peach and chocolate flavors.

A set of strengthening toothpastes, wonderfully suitable for immature children's enamel, as well as very sensitive teeth in adults. They do not contain fluorine, antiseptics, aggressive abrasives or allergens.

Active components:

  1. Calcium nanohydroxyapatite protects and cleans the tooth surface;
  2. Aloe vera moisturizes baby's gums.

Approximate price: set of 3 tubes of 35 ml - from 250 rubles.

"Splat Junior" This Russian-made children's toothpaste is suitable for children from 5 to 8 years old. It enriches the child’s body with microelements and vitamins, protects against stomatitis.

Active composition:

  • calcium;
  • xylitol fights bacteria;
  • Casein hydrolyzate enriches teeth with minerals;
  • lactic enzymes with an immunostimulating effect protect teeth from bacteria, just as mother’s milk protects a baby’s mouth;
  • Licorice extract protects teeth from plaque and caries;
  • aloe gel moisturizes baby's gums.

Approximate price - from 120 rubles.

"Rocks baby - Fragrant chamomile." This Russian toothpaste is suitable for children only at the moment when their first teeth begin to emerge. This remedy relieves inflammation, swelling and heals gums.

Active composition:

  1. chamomile extract, which heals wounds;
  2. alginate has regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Minus: the composition does not contain fluoride and calcium, so the enamel will not be protected. Approximate price - from 150 rubles.

"Rocks Kids - Barberry." This series of children's toothpastes is designed for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Active composition:

  • calcium glycerophosphate strengthens enamel;
  • Xylitol neutralizes acidity in the mouth.
  • contains flavorings and dyes;
  • high price - from 200 rubles.

"Rox Baby PRO". This paste is designed for children up to 3 years old. Manufacturers produce it using cold cooking, preserving all natural beneficial features ingredients. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Active composition:

  1. xylitol fights bacteria;
  2. calcium glycerophosphate strengthens the surface of the teeth;
  3. magnesium chloride.

Approximate price - from 210 rubles.

"Disney Baby." Russian toothpaste, which is suitable for children with baby teeth and does not contain allergens. Sold in strawberry and banana flavors.

Active composition:

  • silicon dioxide gently cleans teeth and does not harm enamel;
  • xylitol fights bacteria;
  • calcium gluconate strengthens enamel;
  • sage extract has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

As for the downsides, the paste contains:

  • sorbitol, which causes gas and stomach pain;
  • flavorings, which can also harm the child’s body.

Approximate price - from 110 rubles.

"Silka Putzy Banana without fluoride." This German paste is designed for children aged from one to 6 years, does not contain dyes, fluoride and calcium. When using, you need to alternate with pastes that contain microelements.

Active composition:

  1. silicon dioxide cleans teeth from plaque;
  2. cocamidopropyl betaine is a natural hypoallergenic foaming component;
  3. fruit flavors that do not contain menthol;
  4. potassium pyrophosphate;
  5. Limonene has an antimicrobial effect.

Approximate price - from 80 rubles.

"Kids Safe grapes." High quality Korean toothpaste, intended for children over 6 months with sensitive gums.

Active components:

  • vitamin B6;
  • calcium strengthens enamel;
  • xylitol prevents caries.
  • sorbitol causes gas formation and stomach pain;
  • dyes and flavors.

Each child is individual. That is why, before choosing one of the children's toothpastes, you should definitely consult with your dentist. This is especially important if the child has problems with tooth enamel or gums. Take care of your babies' teeth.