Treatment of hallucinations after heavy drinking. Causes and treatment of hallucinations Breathalyzer - guarding road safety

Hallucinations in older people can occur under different circumstances. Most often, various psychopathological syndromes, as well as diseases affecting the psyche, lead to the appearance of this disorder. But the list of provoking factors is not limited to mental illness alone.

For example, auditory, visual, tactile and other hallucinations often occur after strokes, metabolic pathologies, in the presence of diseases of the neuropsychic sphere, etc.

After reading the information below, you will get a complete understanding of hallucinations, as well as learn what to do when they are detected and what treatment can be taken to combat the pathology in question.

Classification of hallucinations

Before figuring out what to do with a patient if he experiences hallucinations and what treatment can be taken qualified specialists, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of this deviation and its most common forms.

Changes in subjective perception of reality are classified into 2 large groups: pseudohallucinations and true hallucinations. The latter are further divided into the following categories:

  • spontaneous – appear in the absence of external stimuli;
  • reflex - can be noted in any of the analyzers when irritation is provided to another perceptive organ;
  • functional - appear when influencing the corresponding analyzer, but are perceived by patients in a distorted form.

In accordance with which particular analyzer is susceptible to pathological effects, hallucinations are classified into the following subgroups:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • taste;
  • tactile;
  • vestibular, etc.

According to average statistical data, greatest distribution received auditory and visual hallucinations. In the first case, the patient either hears existing sounds in a distorted form, or hears something that does not exist, even the voices of deceased relatives, “ evil spirits" etc. usually appear as flashes of light and geometric shapes, but can “develop” into more complex forms: people, animals, mythical creatures etc.

Causes of hallucinations not related to illness

Auditory, visual and other groups of hallucinations can arise as a result of various diseases, and against the background of other provoking factors. In the second case, the main reasons for the appearance of hallucinations are as follows:

  • taking various hallucinogens;
  • reception medications with relevant side effects(some sulfonamides, antivirals, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, hypotensive, psychostimulants, tranquilizing, anti-tuberculosis and other drugs can cause predominantly visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations);
  • social and sensory isolation;
  • taking drugs with psychodysleptic properties;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness.

Causes of hallucinations associated with diseases

Hallucinations in older people often develop against the background various kinds diseases. The nature of the manifestation of deviations, in this case, will depend on the characteristics of the underlying disease.
First of all, hallucinations appear in the presence of diseases from the list below.

  1. Pathologies mental nature. Among the most common are schizophrenia, epilepsy, and infectious psychoses.
  2. Severe intoxication.
  3. Organic brain damage. Hallucinations occur especially often during the development of tumor processes.

A characteristic stimulus for specifically senile hallucinations is delirium. No less often, the reason lies in somatic diseases and violation of the rules for taking psychoactive substances and other drugs that can lead to psychosis.

Chronic persistent hallucinations are most characteristic of chronic form schizophrenia and psychoses arising as complications of chronic somatic pathologies and other diseases of similar origin.

Hallucinations are often observed in patients with the disease. According to average statistical data, up to 60% of patients experience psychotic disorders varying degrees expressiveness. Various types of disturbances can lead to external influences, and internal violations, for example, a neurodegenerative process that affects cells that take part in the production of dopamine.

Many drugs used in the fight against Parkinson's disease can lead to psychotic disorders if taken incorrectly. When treating hallucinations in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, we must not forget that the elderly are particularly sensitive to the effects antipsychotic drugs. In these patients, clozapine and cholinesterase inhibitors are usually used to treat them. Drugs of these groups lead to restoration of mental state and cognitive functions.

Among the additional factors that can provoke the occurrence of hallucinations in elderly patients, the following points should be noted:

  • damage to the temporal, frontal and other parts of the brain that occurs due to age-related changes;
  • neurochemical disorders caused by aging;
  • isolation from society;
  • pathologies of the sensory organs;
  • pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic disorders provoked by age-related changes;
  • polypharmacy.

How hallucinations are treated: basic principles

Important! If hallucinations occur in one of your relatives and friends, before qualified treatment is started, make every effort to ensure the safety of the patient and those around him.

Often, patients with hallucinations perform actions that are dangerous both for them and for people nearby.

Treatment of acute hallucinations is unconditionally carried out in a hospital. The patient is first examined by a neurologist, narcologist and, of course, a psychiatrist. The list of consultations and related examinations may vary depending on individual characteristics specific case.

The procedure for treating hallucinations is also determined taking into account the patient's condition. Elderly people undergo therapy aimed at eliminating the causes that prompted the appearance of hallucinations. If the latter are caused by any disease, its treatment is carried out in parallel.

Typically, neuroleptics and antipsychotic drugs are used to treat hallucinations in the elderly. Taking these may cause the following side effects:

  • extrapyramidal disorders. These include, first of all, dyskinesia, as well as dystonia;
  • anticholinergic effects;
  • disturbances in the processes of defecation and urination;
  • postural hypotension;
  • hypersalivation;
  • changes in liver function, organs gastrointestinal tract, digestive system;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas, up to pancreatic necrosis and acute pancreatitis.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the treatment of hallucinations in elderly patients should be handled exclusively by a qualified specialist

The doctor conducts necessary examinations and draws up a program specifically for the patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of his condition.

Additionally, drugs from the group of detoxifiers, tranquilizers and sedatives can be used to treat hallucinations. During the period of remission, patients are usually recommended cognitive-behavioral and psychosocial therapy.

Predictions and prevention

The appearance of hallucinations against the background of an existing disease indicates a complication of the disease’s course. The prognosis worsens in the following cases:

  • if true visual hallucinations are replaced by visual pseudohallucinations;
  • if visual hallucinations are replaced by pseudohallucinations of a verbal nature;
  • if hallucinoids are replaced by functional, pseudo- and/or true hallucinations;
  • if episodic hallucinations become continuous;
  • if imaginative hallucinations are replaced by verbal hallucinations.

Change of the listed disorders in reverse order indicates an improvement in the clinical picture.
Preventive recommendations boil down to timely treatment diseases that can lead to hallucinations, as well as compliance with the rules of mental hygiene.

Remember: it is impossible to explain to a patient with hallucinations that he has this problem - the person loses the ability to critically assess his condition and may simply not realize the seriousness of the actions being taken

If you notice any uncharacteristic changes in condition or behavior loved one, contact the staff psychiatric department– if there are appropriate grounds, doctors of this specialization can hospitalize patients even without their consent, especially if the patient was previously registered.

React to adverse health changes in a timely manner, follow medical recommendations and be healthy!

Urgent Care. Its nature is determined depending on the content of hallucinations, the severity of their development, the depth of disturbance of consciousness and other aspects of mental activity, and, finally, on the course of the disease in which hallucinations are observed. It must often be urgent to avoid serious consequences both for the patient himself and for those around him. Of the various visual hallucinations, the so-called frightening hallucinations require immediate action.

Due to the fact that hallucinations, especially visual ones, often occur in patients with somatic diseases, including surgical and infectious diseases, and therefore are observed in hospitals or clinics, as well as at home (especially with psychogenic and alcoholic hallucinations), first aid must be in place nurse, paramedic and doctor (not necessarily a psychiatrist).

First aid comes down to preventing growing excitement and social dangerous actions the patient in relation to himself and those around him. It is necessary to close windows, balconies, lock the door, remove heavy and sharp objects. If there is increasing motor restlessness or agitation, you should seek help from neighbors or people around you to hold or secure the patient with a towel to a chair or bed until the arrival of a psychiatric or general ambulance. medical care.

You should try to force the patient to take orally sleeping pill(any of the group of barbiturates) in tablets: barbital sodium - 0.3 - 0.6 g (1 - 2 tablets), phenobarbital - 0.1 - 0.2 g (1 - 2 tablets), barbamyl - 0.1 - 0.2 g, etaminal sodium - 0.1 - 0.2 g. In the absence of these funds, you can give 1 - 2 tablets of Noxiron, 0.25 g each, and 20 - 30 drops of valerian tincture.

“Handbook for emergency care”, E.I. Chazova

They are more often observed in children, less often in adults suffering from neuroses. Provoking factors may be mental trauma, fright, traumatic brain injury. Hereditary burden has a certain significance. Violent movements are predominantly localized, less often generalized. The localization of hyperkinesis is varied (muscles of the face, trunk, limbs). It can manifest itself in one small movement (for example, a tic of the orbicularis oculi muscles) or in a more complex, often elaborate motor...

Acute difficulty in swallowing can be caused by a retropharyngeal abscess, phlegmonous sore throat, paramygdaloid abscess and foreign bodies esophagus. Retropharyngeal abscess Is the result of inflammation and subsequent suppuration of the deep retropharyngeal lymph nodes located between the prevertebral fascia and the muscles of the pharynx. As a rule, a retropharyngeal abscess is observed in early childhood(2 - 3 years) and rarely in older children. Infection...

Urgent Care. It is necessary to open the abscess as soon as possible in a hospital setting. If it is impossible to hospitalize the child, emergency treatment may be necessary. surgical intervention. The assistant places the child on his lap, securing his legs between his own. Right hand covers the child’s arms, and with his left – his head, pressing it tightly to his chest. The doctor opens the abscess with a scalpel, which he wraps before...

Currently, there is an opinion that, regardless of the reason for which they arose, they represent a sign of a certain mental disorder, and therefore, they arise only in people who are not entirely mentally healthy.

In reality, the situation is somewhat different, and scientists have repeatedly proven the fallacy of this statement. Hallucinations various types, and arising for various reasons, do not always confirm the patient’s incapacity. As a rule, it is worth eliminating the root cause this phenomenon, and the hallucination is completely eliminated.

This state is considered a deception of the perception of reality, in which almost any sense organs can participate. Mostly, patients complain of hearing and visual views hallucinations, but there are also tactile hallucinations, as well as tactile and olfactory ones. Sometimes hallucinations that are very serious reasons, themselves can provoke mental disorders, since people are accustomed to trusting their senses and focusing on them. When this opportunity disappears, the person becomes disoriented in reality. The peculiarity is that patients quite rarely tell relatives or friends about the hallucinations they experience, and seek help on their own. Usually people are sure that this corresponds to the recognition of their mental inferiority.

Also, many people do not know that with the necessary therapy, hallucinations in most cases are eliminated without relapses or consequences. So what to do if hallucinations occur? First of all, you need to know that in any case, this state cannot be ignored and hallucinations are a cause for concern. So you need to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of their occurrence. But, initially, it should be emphasized that you should not be afraid, since there are many reasons for hallucinations, and in most cases they are eliminated. If you refuse medical help, the symptoms will intensify, and the person begins to think that he has really gone crazy.

If a person begins to be bothered by hallucinations, then the question quite naturally arises of what to do next, and how to get rid of such an unpleasant and frightening condition. The first step to solving this issue should be to identify the cause of the hallucinations. As is known, this disorder is divided into endogenous and exogenous groups, and occurs in patients, regardless of gender and age category.

Sometimes the cause is a factor such as the lack of sensory material necessary for perception. In this regard, the system begins to create false impulses. Even being in complete silence, a person hears certain sounds. This could be the creaking of floorboards, the sound of the wings of a bird flying outside the window, and so on.

But if a person finds himself in complete isolation from any information sources, for example, placed in a punishment cell where sounds do not penetrate, then after a certain time he hears or even sees something that does not exist in reality. Hallucinations are often the cause of sleep deprivation, when the brain, due to disrupted functioning conditions, begins to create unrealistic pictures. Naturally, visions of this type do not need special treatment, they are eliminated on their own as soon as the person starts to sleep sufficient quantity hours a day. There is no need to treat such hallucinations specifically. But sometimes visions are caused by illness, for example, after a stroke. Provide real help becomes possible only when the very cause of the disorder is eliminated.

Hallucinations often occur when toxins or psychotropic substances enter the body. This action occurs both with the knowledge of the patient and completely by accident. As soon as the effect of the substances stops, any hallucinations go away on their own. Sometimes in such cases it is prescribed additional course detoxification. Hallucinations are often caused by the presence of strong emotions, such as anger or fear, as well as jealousy, falling in love, and so on. In any situation, if hallucinations occur, you should not panic and not worry about the fact that someone might mistake such a person for a crazy person. A timely visit to a doctor will save you from many unnecessary worries.

Many difficulties are experienced by people whose relatives have mental illnesses accompanied by visions and delusional states. What is the right thing to do and whether to call ambulance, or simply not react in any way to the hallucinations of a loved one? The situation is complex, but there are ways that help minimize such relapses of diseases in people with an unhealthy psyche. Need to take into account following features: Although healthy person The patient’s hallucinations cannot be seen or heard, but for him they are reality. The person suffering from hallucinations believes that the visions and sounds are real.

Therefore, it makes no sense to try to dissuade a person from this reality, because in this way you can only worsen the situation. Relatives should help the patient overcome the experiences caused by hallucinations. For example, if a patient is sure that a vampire will come to her at midnight to take her blood, then there is no need to dissuade the patient. It would be better to come up with a way to “rescue” together. Every effort must be made to ensure that the hallucination does not pose a danger to both the patient and his loved ones.

Alcohol hallucinations are considered one of the signs of alcoholic psychosis. The mirage that occurs from alcohol most often progresses already with long term illness, that is, with dependence on alcoholic beverages. The greatest likelihood of alcoholic hallucinosis occurs with many years of alcohol abuse.

Every tenth person who drinks alcohol in excessive quantities is prone to developing hallucinatory syndrome. Visions last from one day to several years. This directly depends on the state of the human body, timely appeal see a doctor and other factors.

Alcohol overdose is accompanied by anxiety, fear, depression, after which hallucinations appear. It is already extremely difficult to cure such forms. Human, alcohol addiction which has lasted for more than ten years, is at an extreme point of risk, his body is weakened. These patients are the most difficult to treat.


There are several types of hallucinatory syndromes. They are divided depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the disease.

Signs of hallucinosis

Treatment is selected depending on the symptoms. Typically, hallucinations in alcoholism occur unexpectedly. Most often, a few days before the first visions appear, a person feels anxiety, internal tension and a feeling of oppression. Due to constant drinking, he cannot control his consciousness. Around him he hears noises, voices that scold him, threaten him, and speak bad messages. Patients say that during hallucinations it seems to them that walls, objects, people, and otherworldly forces are talking to them.

Often noises are combined with optical illusion. As a result, patients see a certain picture of “what is happening.” It seems to a person that they want to beat him, kill him, harm his family and friends. At this moment the level of anxiety is the same as when real danger. Patients try to do everything to protect themselves. At the same time, they can run away from home, hide in garages, in the forest, in the country; they want to quickly leave the place of danger and “save” themselves. The symptoms are similar to those when a person uses a hallucinogenic drug. Often such messages can lead him to attempt suicide.

The duration directly depends on the severity, i.e. in a reduced form, hallucinosis can last up to two days, with medium degree- up to three, and in severe cases - up to five.

Disease progression

During hallucinations after a binge, the most difficult times come for a person. Hard times. The victim simply cannot control the situation, many fragments of his life are erased from his memory, the person confuses all the information he has ever known. Hallucinations after heavy drinking may not begin to “pursue” the patient immediately, but only on the third or fourth day after intoxication. But it may also be that they appear on the seventh to tenth day. This process is individual for each patient.

The drunken period may end neurological disorder. After constant stress Against the backdrop of a passion for such drinks, alcoholic psychoses arise, which appear from uncontrolled drinking. The patient suffers from stress, his sleep is disturbed, he becomes unsteady nervous system, resulting in hallucinations. Man suffers toxic damage brain.

Treatment methods for alcoholic hallucinosis

Getting rid of hallucinations is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The main rule: under no circumstances should you be treated at home. In any case, the help of specialists is needed.

overcome this terrible disease Only a narcologist can help. The patient will need to lie down in drug treatment hospital to be under constant supervision of experienced people.

There are three main approaches to getting rid of such an illness: detoxification treatment, antipsychotic therapy, and psychotherapeutic treatment. All of them, taken together, can help the patient overcome the severity.

  1. Detoxification treatment is the cleansing of the body from toxic products. Solutions are used for this procedure. For example, Reopoliglyukin, Reosorbilakt, Hemodez. To maintain brain function, nootropic drugs are used: Piracetam, Mexidol.
  2. Antipsychotic therapy is carried out differently in each individual case. Neuroleptics, electric shock, and insulin therapy are used.
  3. After completing the basic procedures, the person is given assistance to return to normal life.

Only a doctor will prescribe a specific method for you. We remind you that this disease cannot be cured. traditional methods Houses. Only a serious approach to the disease will lead to a positive result.

Prognosis for recovery

It is impossible to determine exactly how long it will take full recovery. This period will be different for each patient. It is important to remember that this is a progressive disease, and therefore, the sooner you start eliminating the disease, the sooner you can recover. Also important factor For favorable prognosis is a complete abstinence from alcohol.

The body needs to be completely cleansed of all “destroyers”, and clarity of consciousness must be restored. Only with successful medical care does a person have a chance to live on, be healthy and happy.


Hallucinations are perceptions that occur without a real object, deceptions of the senses; the patient sees or hears what is in reality in this moment does not exist.


Hallucinations are divided by analyzers (visual, tactile, auditory, etc.) and by the nature of their occurrence. The most important in practical terms are the following. Hypnagogic - visual and auditory hallucinations that occur when falling asleep (with closed eyes!) and often serve as a harbinger of developing alcoholism. Visual hallucinations most often occur in acute exogenous psychoses and in impaired consciousness. They are observed mainly in the evening and at night. Microptic - visual hallucinations in the form of images of people or animals that are very small in size (common in delirium delirium). Imperative - auditory hallucinations, “voices” commanding to perform certain actions, often dangerous for the patient or others; sometimes they forbid the patient to talk, force him to resist examination or examination, etc. The danger of these hallucinations is that patients are often unable to resist the “order.” Auditory hallucinations most often occur in silence, when the patient is alone and not distracted. Auditory hallucinations are especially common in alcoholic hallucinosis. Olfactory hallucinations expressed by various imaginary odors, often unpleasant; usually found in schizophrenia and presenile paranoids; their appearance in clinical picture schizophrenia usually means a tendency towards an unfavorable course of the disease with resistance to treatment. With tactile hallucinations, the patient experiences a feeling of insects, goose bumps, small objects crawling under the skin (with delirium alcohol, cocaine). With taste hallucinations, patients experience an unusual taste that is not characteristic of this food or the appearance of unpleasant taste sensations in the mouth without eating.
There are true hallucinations and false hallucinations (pseudohallucinations). A patient with true hallucinations is convinced of the reality of their existence, since for him they are projected in the surrounding space, no different from ordinary sounds, voices and visual images.
Pseudohallucinations are localized within own body patient and are accompanied by a feeling of alienation and madeness (they hear voices in their heads that are transmitted to them from space; they “have visions”; they are convinced of an outside influence on their thoughts and feelings, often expressing their thoughts about the nature of such an influence - “hypnosis ", "laser", etc.). Pseudohallucinations, as a rule, are combined with delusions of influence. If true hallucinations are more typical for alcoholic, traumatic and organic psychoses, then pseudohallucinations are only for schizophrenia.
Hallucinosis - psychopathological syndrome, characterized by pronounced, abundant (various types) hallucinations that dominate the clinical picture. Hallucinosis is often accompanied by delusions, the content of which depends on “voices” or visions (hallucinatory). Acute hallucinosis usually develops during infectious or intoxication (usually alcoholic) psychoses. In case of unfavorable course or insufficient treatment against the background of organic or vascular diseases brain, acute hallucinosis becomes chronic, in which auditory and less often tactile hallucinations predominate. With it, the behavior of patients is more orderly, perhaps a critical attitude towards “voices”, patients can even remain able to work.


The appearance of hallucinations indicates significant severity mental disorders; in patients with neuroses they usually do not occur. Studying the characteristics of hallucinations in each specific case can help establish a diagnosis of mental illness and predict its outcome. For example, in schizophrenia, the voices that the patient hears more often address him, comment on his actions, or order him to do something. In alcoholic hallucinosis, voices speak about the patient in the third person and usually scold or condemn him for drunkenness.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

The occurrence of hallucinations is an indication for hospitalization (with mandatory accompaniment of such patients by a paramedic) and active therapy with antipsychotics (haloperidol, triftazine, etaprazine, leponex, etc.). Chronic hallucinatory states in schizophrenia and others mental illness require constant maintenance therapy with psychotropic drugs and dynamic observation by a psychiatrist. It should be borne in mind that in some cases, patients can hide their hallucinations (dissimulation) when talking with a doctor, and in the presence of nursing staff they can “forget” and demonstrate objective signs of the hallucinations they are experiencing. Personnel should mandatory inform the doctor if the patient has hallucinatory disorders.