Olivine is the building stone of the Universe. Chrysolite (Olivine) - magical properties of the stone

The chrysolite stone has occupied a special place in jewelry art since ancient times. His beauty earned him fame and praise among poets. Often there is a name such as “evening emerald” or “golden stone”. It received this name due to its unusual color. It will be impossible to immediately determine the shade of the mineral, since in natural sunlight it shimmers and combines a light golden tone and the color of young grass. IN Ancient Greece it was very popular: the ornamental stone chrysolite was used to make expensive jewelry.

Chrysolite is formed during the deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma

It is noteworthy that when artificial lighting the golden hue disappears, becomes invisible, and the stone appears to be a rich emerald color. There are several shades of natural color found in nature. of this mineral, it can be yellow, golden, light green, emerald, pistachio, olive and dark green. It is worth noting that all the colors of this stone are always pale, they do not have bright richness and saturation, but nevertheless they are very dense and pleasant.

Chrysolite is formed during the deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma. This is extraordinarily complex and Long procces receiving this kind stones. It belongs to the orthosilicate class of fossils. If we consider it chemical basis, then it is a complex compound of iron and magnesium. Its structure can be heterogeneous, which significantly complicates processing and also affects transparency and gloss.

Peridot is a fragile and sensitive stone

The characteristics of this mineral show that it is durable. The density is 3g/cm3, its hardness on the Mohs scale varies between 6-7 units. Depending on chemical impurities and inclusions of other rocks in its composition, the main characteristics may vary slightly. Peridot's hue, brilliance and transparency vary accordingly. Based on this data, it is determined whether it is precious or semi gem. Its estimated value is determined by certain composition giving to stone unique properties, which are so valued by jewelry masters.

Chrysolite as a mineral is most often called olivine among scientists, but jewelers prefer a different name - peridot. Therefore, you can find several names for this gemstone and each of them will be correct.

The largest deposits of peridot are considered to be countries such as Mongolia, Russia, USA, Brazil, Australia, Myanmar and Zaire. Often other stones that are very similar to it and also belong to the class of orthosilicates also fall under the name chrysolite. Most often, this gemstone is combined in its name with the following minerals: tourmaline, topaz, beryl and chrysoberyl.

The largest specimen of olivine is located in the USA, weighing 310 carats, but the second largest stone weighs 192.6 carats and is stored in Russia.

Features of chrysolite stone (video)

Application of peridot

Its most important purpose is to decorate jewelry. Its beauty was appreciated in ancient times; it was most often used in the form of talismans and amulets. It is believed that green chrysolite can protect you from troubles. Over time, ancient jewelers were able to create items of extraordinary beauty that were inlaid with this mineral. Imperial tiaras, tiaras and royal crowns were decorated with chrysolite; today these are pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings and tiaras that anyone can purchase. The cost of these products is rather high, but the value of the stone is quite consistent with this.

When purchasing peridot chrysolite, you should immediately ask how to properly care for it, because some properties of the mineral may be lost, for example, its shine and transparency.

In order to clean the product, just rinse it under running water and let it dry in the sun, then wipe it soft cloth. Peridot is a fragile and sensitive stone: should be avoided mechanical damage, sharp changes temperature. It reacts negatively to chemical acids.

Gallery: chrysolite stone (50 photos)

Mysterious properties of chrysolite

Olivine is credited with some extraordinary properties. Since ancient times it was believed that magical properties Peridot stone can bring good luck and success to its owner. Amulets and amulets were made from it; its effect, according to ancient magicians, was very great. Men had to present their lady as a gift of jewelry with this mineral, then their feelings grew stronger and they were inseparable. In other words, the stone was credited with the ability to strengthen mutual feelings, with the help of the magic of this “golden stone”.

Merchants wore amulets that protected them from attacks by robbers and helped increase wealth. Small amulets were specially made for warriors; they were supposed to protect them from death and give them strength and courage. The greater significance of the peridot stone was attributed specifically to luck, because even today, when it is most often called peridot, which from Greek means “giving abundance,” it serves precisely as a symbol of wealth.

The magical properties of chrysolite have been sung by poets, and archaeological finds in the form of these amulets and bracelets have been preserved in many institutions around the world, which confirm their mysterious significance in ancient times.

The healing effect of peridot

Based on the recommendations of lithotherapy, it is worth using, namely wearing products with this stone on your body if you have problems with circulatory system, as well as with reduced immunity. It is believed that it is suitable for those who have suffered serious illnesses and needs recuperation. One of its main features is its ability to help remove toxins from the body and speed up the absorption process. useful substances from food. Therefore, in ancient times they decorated bowls and cups for noble people. It is believed that peridots generally have a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract and on gallbladder function.

Interaction with zodiac signs

Some astrologers believe that you should be careful with this mineral, since it does not suit every person’s horoscope. Brilliant olivine will bring good luck and success to those whose zodiac sign is in the constellation Aquarius, Libra and Pisces. But for everyone it has its own meaning. For those who are suited to olivine, it will bring not only wealth, but also strong relationships in family.

These green minerals will bring Leos not only good luck, but also the ability to achieve their goals, be strong in spirit, easily and successfully establish contacts and conclude contracts. Talismans with this stone will bring great victories in business and other financial matters.

Libra, with the help of peridot, will be able to improve their communication with the opposite sex, relationships in the family, and have good health And peace of mind. Products made from olivine will help such vulnerable Libra to find harmony in their inner world, get rid of fears and apathy. It is believed that such amulets give vitality and the necessary energy for a person.

Olivine will bring the greatest luck and success to those whose star is in the constellation Pisces. Jewelry with peridot they will attract not only success in business, but will also reveal unusual abilities in the person himself. It has often been said that owners of these products can develop strong intuition and a sense of foresight. Good luck and prosperity await Pisces in all areas.

As a gift, unusual products in the form of miniature figurines or figurines with this mineral are given to people doing business as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

One important note is the following:

  1. You should only wear new jewelry on your body that will contain only your energy.
  2. Periodically, the stones need to be properly cleaned, allowing them to remove the accumulated negativity. Cleaning should be carried out correctly so as not to damage the olivine.
  3. You cannot let other people, even close relatives, wear your personal chrysolite products.

If these rules are followed, the stone will be able to truly demonstrate its properties and provide the necessary protection for the owner. Any mineral carries the most powerful energy of the earth and can bestow it on those who come into contact with it.

Money stones (video)

A lot of interesting facts exists about chrysolite. For example, it was used to decorate the Russian crown not only because of the beauty and brilliance that it possessed, but also for the purpose of protecting and patronizing the royal person.

This unusual stone is shrouded in mystery and aristocracy. Its exquisite beauty deserves special attention. Products made from peridot today are presented in the widest possible range: from miniature brooches, earrings, bracelets to massive necklaces and necklaces. There will always be fashion for this mineral. Peridot is the embodiment of something noble and sophisticated.

Attention, TODAY only!

Olivine is one of the most common and popular minerals in the world. It owes its name to the German geologist Werner. The ancient Greeks called it chrysolite, that is, “golden stone.” Thanks to its green inclusions, olivine has always been the center of attention. In general, it is a typical mineral, widely distributed in mantle and plutonic rocks, as well as in various types meteorites. There are both light yellow stones and deep green ones. It is often compared to emerald, but olivine is much cheaper.

Application in jewelry

Today, the name peridot is common among jewelers, but no matter what this mineral is called, it remains extremely popular. The noble shine, golden-green hue and ability to refract light are the main reasons for the demand for this crystal in jewelry.

However, it is extremely difficult to find rings with olivine, since the mineral is not highly wear-resistant. It is most often used for jewelry such as brooches, earrings, necklaces and hairpins. The full depth of the color of the crystal is revealed under artificial lighting, thanks to which olivine has another name - “evening emerald”

Mineral deposits

The most developed olivine deposits are found in the United States, in particular in states such as Arizona and New Mexico. The mineral is often found in Brazil, Australia, Hawaii, Egypt and even Yakutia. The colorless crystal is mined from rocks on the island of Sri Lanka. Olivine of excellent quality is found in India, where it is called “Kashmiri peridot”. Some of the largest crystals are found on the island of Myanmar. The minerals mined here after processing reached a weight of up to 200 carats.

Many believe that olivine improves morality, helping its owner to do the right thing. It is often called the stone of lawyers, financiers and judges. The crystal also has beneficial influence on the friendly and family relationships of its owner, helping him live in harmony with the people around him. It is believed that olivine helps to gain restful sleep and harmony.

Medicinal properties

It is one of the most common minerals in folk medicine. Due to its soothing properties, the stone is most often used for nervous disorders And bad dreams. Normalizing emotional condition, an amulet with olivine protects its owner from blood pressure. He is also considered an excellent remedy from tension, jealousy and insomnia. Since ancient times, powder from this mineral has been used to strengthen and cleanse the body. In ancient times, healers endowed olivine with the ability to relieve eye diseases and generally improve vision. Most often, a crushed mineral was applied to the eye; it was even believed that this could clear up eye scabies.

Today, many continue to believe that this stone can relieve pain in the kidneys and stomach. A thinned nervous system is another reason to purchase an amulet with olivine. The mineral is recommended for problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as stress psychological state. Positive energy Olivine will help reduce pain during childbirth and stimulate contractions.

Olivine can also help men suffering from lack of energy and problems in their sex life. In ancient times, it was believed that if a man drank wine from a jug that contained this mineral, he was guaranteed to gain success with the opposite sex. According to ancient beliefs, if you hang a decoration with olivine on a newborn’s neck, you can prevent many diseases and strengthen the baby’s body.

It is most effective to apply the mineral near the diseased organ. At frequently worn It is recommended to clean the stone once a month negative energy. To do this, it is enough to leave olivine in a vessel with clean water. It is better to dry it in the sun.

Meaning of zodiac signs

In astrology, olivine patronizes three signs at once. For practical virgins, the mineral will help increase their knowledge, become more patient, and teach them to enjoy freedom. Being very demanding and conservative, they lack a little recklessness, which can be complemented by wearing jewelry or amulets with this crystal.

The mineral will give Pisces self-confidence and eliminate minor troubles. They will learn to be more resilient and will not worry during periods of stress. As for lions, thanks to this stone they will be able to restrain internal aggression. Conflict situations with people around you will be resolved peacefully, and lions will become softer and more pleasant to communicate with. Being the owners of a powerful amulet or jewelry with olivine, they will easily achieve favor large quantity of people.

The beauty of a spring green gem is elegant. “Evening emerald” it was called in the distant past. According to ancient legends, a green stone, shimmering with gold, could save from trouble, glorify and heal.

Even in the ancients, scriptures there is a mention of chrysolite as one of the “Biblical stones” located in the pectoral of the high priest.

History of the gem

Peridot is known as a prehistoric mineral. Four hundred centuries BC, the gem fell into the hands of man. Formations of the jewelry variety of olivine were more often found in the vicinity of.

Peridot was very popular and was used as a precious jewelry of the noble class. Products made from ornamental stone illuminated with their radiance not only the outfits of the rich, but also homes and temples.

The superbly cut crystal is one of the seven “historical stones” of the Diamond Fund of Russia. The size of the exclusive sample is 5.2 x 3.5 cm, the height reaches 10.5 mm, and the weight is 192.75 carats. A mixture of olive and green shades gives a striking coloring to this unique specimen.

According to historians, this chrysolite served as an artifact to the Roman emperor Nero. Allegedly, through the crystal the ruler could contemplate historical events.

The gem spread throughout the world thanks to military campaigns, including those carried out by the crusaders. The stone became most famous just a couple of centuries ago, due to its healing and magical properties. Among the beliefs about the magic of the stone, stories were spread that the charms of the mineral returned men to their youthful passion and strength.

Place of Birth

The oldest and richest mine in the world, filled with reserves of peridot, is located on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Red Sea. Territory o. Zeberged refers to Egypt. Since ancient times, the largest crystals have been mined in mines to this day. Egypt is considered the main supplier of the gem.

Chrysolite is found in small quantities in the diamond deposits of Yakutia and Krasnoyarsk. Finds of the jewelry mineral were noted in the Murmansk region. The state of Arizona has a rich mine, as well as mineral extraction is carried out in Pakistan, Brazil, Tanzania, Afghanistan and South Africa.

Physical properties

Peridot (peridot) is a jewelry olivine of delightful green shades that shines and shimmers even in poor lighting or twilight. From the refraction of rays in the stone, the highlights begin to “dance.” The above average hardness and density of the mineral allow it to be processed and used for making jewelry.

3.2-4.3 g/cm³
Refractive index1,64-1,70
CleavageAverage in one direction.
KinkUneven, conchoidal.
ColorGreen with various shades: golden, yellow, pistachio, grass, olive, brown. The coloring is very rarely intense, often in pale tones.


The color of minerals depends on the content they contain. chemical elements and rock inclusions. The rock-forming mineral olivine has all shades of green, chrysolite, as its variety is formed in the following tones:

  • golden green and dark chartreuse;
  • tobacco shade;
  • olive green;
  • pistachio color.

“Emerald” with a golden tint looks most impressive in evening time, by candlelight. In dim light it is pleasant to peer into the green beauty of a precious crystal.

Healing properties

The ancient chronicles say about chrysolite: “there is a healer for the sick stomach.”

  • healing stone restores visual acuity;
  • analgesic effect is one of the main properties of the mineral;
  • solves health problems in the stomach, pancreas, intestines and esophagus;
  • restores heart function, helps cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalizes the production of hormones, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system;
  • strengthens the immune system, improves the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases;
  • favors the strengthening nervous system, relieves muscle spasms;
  • helps solve psychological and mental problems;
  • helps cope with phobias, insomnia and restless sleep;
  • helps get rid of nervous tic and stuttering;
  • favors rapid recovery postoperative period and rehabilitation due to severe injuries;
  • helps in labor activity women, mutes painful sensations;
  • mineral energy copes well with migraines.

Use of the mineral in medicinal purposes in the form of powder or ointments, it is common in the healing practices of different peoples.

Magic properties

The magical stone chrysolite was known among ordinary people and nobles. The popularity of the enchanting mineral knew no bounds. Even clergy used the vibrations of the stone to drive out dark forces. Jewelry with a gem could attract the attention of fans, evoke a feeling of sympathy and sexual attraction.

Often the artifact was used to change fate, solve a difficult life problem, or unravel the most mysterious crimes. Law enforcement officers, lawyers and judges used the talisman to help with cases. In the Middle Ages, the artifact was popular among the merchant fraternity, as it helped to manage money wisely and avoid theft and loss of property.

The magical spells of the stone are aimed at improving life in the following areas:

  • Love is something a person cannot live without happy life. Choosing a worthy partner, a companion for life, is the dream of most representatives of the fair sex. The magic of the stone pushes people into each other's arms.
  • Friendship can be short-term, but in order to prolong such a relationship for many years, you need to get rid of envy. The gem helps to overcome envy of a friend.
  • Career: to achieve high results in professional activity maximum effort is required and what is very important is confidence in your own abilities. Peridot will make you believe in yourself and learn to use your innate qualities.
  • Society: often the environment makes excessive demands, sometimes you have to resort to judicial assistance. Peridot promotes favorable resolution of litigation.
  • Mental health affects quality of life. Anxieties, fears, phobias, mania, depression poison existence. Chrysolite gives its owner optimism, which helps get rid of nervous and mental disorders.

The energy of the stone affects most areas of life, helping a person understand the world in a new way. Peridot vibrations perform the following functions:

  • relieve apathy, depression, give a feeling of joy and freedom;
  • help improve the thinking process, make the mind “sharper”;
  • protect against the influence of dark forces, help “eliminate” the enemy;
  • relieves from obsession that can cloud the head, force a person to carry out someone else’s will against the person’s desire;
  • protects property from fires and people from accidents;
  • promotes the development of foresight and insight in a person;
  • if you put the amulet under the pillow, it will protect the owner from troubled sleep.

The amulet will make you awaken from lucid dream, will help you consider the colors of a new life, learn to feel without fear and enjoy the delights of existence.

Jewelry with mineral

Judging by ancient history stone, he had wide application among " powerful of the world this." Chrysolite adorned the outfits of noble ladies, gentlemen, dignitaries, priests, even kings and emperors. IN modern world the gem is popular among young people and the mature generation.

The price of jewelry with peridot varies and depends on which crystals in the jewelry the mineral is adjacent to. Peridot goes with any color noble metal. A few examples will indicate the cost of high-quality gem specimens:

  • a necklace whose length is 43 cm and weighs 26 grams costs $380;
  • the price for a faceted “drop” crystal, weighing 1.86 carats, is $95;
  • miniature gem, 6 x 6 mm, princess cut, weighing 1.3 carats, costs $30;
  • peridot, pale green color, drop cut, weight - 2 carats, valued at $38.

Prices for gems depend on the brilliance, purity and presence of ore inclusions, as well as microcracks, which also affect the quality of the jewelry and cost.

How to distinguish a fake?

The higher the demand for jewelry, the more filled the market with imitations. To distinguish a jewelry stone from a fake, you need to know that the mineral has high hardness. Therefore, if you run a sharp object across the surface, there will be no mark left on it.

You can distinguish a natural mineral from a “glass” by heating, that is, by squeezing a natural stone in your palm, you feel its coolness for a long time.

Before you buy a gem, you should objectively evaluate what the stone looks like, weigh its size and cost. A large, faceted mineral is not found very often, so its cost is high.

Even reputable jewelry companies offering jewelry peridot mainly work with the mineral small size. You can distinguish peridot from other green gems using the gold shade characteristic of the stone. A yellow tint is inherent in every sample of olivine.

In the legal sale of jewelry, each piece is recorded. The showrooms maintain documentation and include a description of each sample. The buyer has the right to inquire about the factory that manufactured the product and the deposit where the gem was found. Jewelry store staff must provide full information and documentary evidence.

Caring for stone products

Peridot is a fragile stone; it should be protected from mechanical damage, and try not to drop or hit it. Because of chemical reactions, chrysolite may be subject to destruction; it should be protected from exposure to chemical compounds. To wash off dirt from the crystal, just treat it with soapy foam and rinse under running water.

It is recommended to dry in a place where direct Sun rays, which also affect the structure of the stone. To dry the jewelry, you should not expose it to heat, just leave it to dry in natural conditions. temperature conditions or removing excess moisture with a soft cloth.

To avoid the formation of microcracks, jewelry with stones should be stored in a separate box, lined with fabric inside. If stored in a box, along with other jewelry, the chrysolite treasures are placed in a velvet case.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

The astrological properties of peridot, according to experts who study the influence of stars on people’s destinies, are suitable for absolutely all representatives of the zodiac circle. Everyone who is able to take responsibility for fate into their own hands has the right to decide who may be suitable for a precious amulet. If astrological forecast matters to a person useful recommendations are given below.

  • Pisces, with the help of peridot vibrations, will feel supported in accepting without hesitation important decisions, as well as assistance in eliminating conflict situations in the family and at work.
  • Leos, through the power of the amulet, will be able to quickly receive well-deserved recognition; the magic of the stone will help remove obstacles that arise in achieving the goal.
  • For Virgos, olive stone helps to strengthen self-esteem and will also help lower the bar in demands on yourself and others.
  • Libra, having a talisman with them, avoids betrayal from people. Chrysolite will save them from creative tossing and will tell them in which direction to move.
  • Being stubborn by nature, excessive quality makes them suffer. Peridot helps to tame characteristic negative traits.
  • Geminis sometimes rush into making decisions, and as a result they are often disappointed. Using a gem for the purpose of an amulet will help avoid short-sightedness and mistakes.
  • Aries is a zodiac sign that is distinguished from others by its excessive straightforwardness; peridot helps to balance character.
  • The compatibility of the mineral with the remaining signs, Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio, does not guarantee a high result, but it will serve as an excellent decoration.

The assigned name has a special influence on fate. It happens that these influences prevent a person from opening up and feeling the fullness of life. Any energy without control turns into a “mad” flow, which is redirected correctly with the help of the energy of the crystal.

  • Marina is mysterious, enigmatic, and simply secretive, which prevents her from finding contact among people. Chrysolite jewelry will help overcome isolation.
  • Antonina is sincere and open, unfailing in helping, which often causes her a lot of trouble. Peridot protects against excessive intrusiveness of people who exploit without a twinge of conscience.
  • Margarita is tender and dreamy, often “burned” in personal life. The gem will attract a kind, romantic companion into her life.
  • Evgeniy is an irrepressible dreamer with enormous potential. The talisman will help in choosing a profession with which to achieve material well-being and implementation of life plans.
  • Rostislav considers himself a fighter for justice, which sometimes threatens with unforeseen consequences. The magical power of chrysolite will serve as excellent protection and help avoid unpleasant situations.
  • Innocent suffers from excessive restraint and isolation. The artifact helps to free the “beast” within oneself and allows one’s abilities to break out.

Chrysolite has been famous since ancient times for its ability to point out shortcomings in the owner’s character and help to cope with them.

Chrysolite in translation means golden stone; even in ancient times it was a symbol of the Sun. As the ancient Greeks believed, a person wearing a peridot was granted truly royal greatness and dignity.

Chrysolite - the embodiment of earthly beauty and strength

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Olivine is a rock-forming mineral, a magnesium-iron silicate with the formula (Mg,Fe)2. The content of Fe and Mg varies between the two end members of the continuous isomorphic series of olivines: forsterite Mg2 and fayalite - Fe2. Olivine composes mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and is very widespread in the mantle. This is one of the most common minerals on earth. The hardness of it and all its varieties is 6.5 - 7.0.

The name “Olivine” was first proposed by Werner to designate the green inclusions he encountered in basalts.

An extremely small number of olivines are suitable for jewelry - something like one millionth of total number. The rest lies in the aggressive environment of the earth's depths.

The term “olivine” in jewelry is used in relation to, as a rule, dark and not very beautiful samples, which only conditionally fit the definition of “precious”. Actually, there are two recognized varieties of olivine for jewelry: peridot and peridot. By chemical composition they are identical in appearance very similar.

There is currently no precise, generally accepted international nomenclature for separating olivine varieties. Some nationalities recognize only olivine and peridot (Germans), others recognize only olivine and peridot. In Russia, both are accepted, or even they write “olivine” on the labels, which is incorrect, or they get off with the term “jewelry variety of olivine.” Olivines are a rock-forming mineral, and under its name they may well sell a piece of rock that has absolutely no aesthetic value. You can often find an indication that chroisolite is a synonym for peridot and vice versa.

There are signs that separate peridots from chrysolites. They have a slightly different crystal structure.

Peridot, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. The name goes back to Greek word peridona - giving abundance. Other names: forsterite, Kashmir-peridot. Color: olive green, yellow green, brownish green, lime green (most valuable). Has a pronounced hallmark: severe bifracture. It can be seen even with the naked eye when normal vision(under a magnifying glass for sure). Bifraction looks like a bifurcation of crystal faces opposite from the point of view.

Chrysolite (from the ancient Greek χρυσός - gold and λίθος - stone) is a transparent jewelry variety of the mineral olivine from yellow-green to dark chartreuse color, with a characteristic golden hue. Another name: evening emerald. Chrysolites are generally considered to be more yellowish stones with a lower index of double refraction of light.

In Russia, in the trade sphere, all green stones from the olivine family are called chrysolites by default; there may be a clarification, but not always.

In any case, both peridots and peridots belong to the group of green-yellow relatively soft minerals (hardness lower than quartz). They are common, and therefore are not of particular value as rare minerals. In addition, both peridot and peridot are soft, which means they are easily damaged and, over time, lose the clarity of their polish from abrasion from the quartz dust that is present everywhere.

It's rare that a chrysolite "survives" to its fifth birthday without any scratches at all. The only way To protect products with green stones from damage - store them in a display case with a transparent lid. Peridot should be worn with caution; it is not suitable for everyday use.

Peridot is mostly intended for the amateur rather than for the connoisseur of exquisite beauty. Found in almost any form. Beads made from small green stones can be bought for a meager price - 100 - 150 rubles. Silver ring with a medium-sized insert (5 carats) - and for 600 rubles. Even large peridots are cheap and rarely cost more than $5 per carat.

Chrysolite beads can cost from 500 to 5000. The price depends on the cut and size of the stones.

Chrysolite resembles green garnets (grossular, demantoid, tsavorite and others) so much that sometimes only special diagnostics. They are similar in hardness and range. In addition, not all chrysolites have strong bifraction. Until recently, when spectral and chemical analysis, it was difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to distinguish between these two types of completely different minerals. This is where the widespread myth comes from that chrysolites are green garnets.

In particular, there is a well-known myth that the ring of the “false John” (he was born under the constellation Pisces) - the impostor Giannino de Guccio Baglioni - contained green garnets. There are serious reasons to believe that cheap peridot was more accessible at that time than green garnet. In addition, green garnets began to be used as jewelry raw materials much later. Based historical events- the troublemaker never achieved anything - green garnet was banned for the zodiac sign "Pisces", although it would be more correct to ban peridot.

Another historical peridot is Nero's green glasses, or rather his lorgnette. The emperor's contemporaries described it as "a green stone set in a frame." IN different time the stone was considered emerald and green garnet. It is quite obvious that this stone could not exactly be an emerald: such large emeralds do not exist without flaws and internal cracks. Green garnets are also rarely of this size, but peridots are just right. There is reason to believe that it is the chrysolite that now lies in the Diamond Fund of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. It is one of the seven historical stones.

To a lesser extent, chrysolite is similar to yellowish

Olivine is one of those stones that is in great demand all over the world. Another name is peridot. Previously, olivine and peridot stones were classified as varieties, but now they are identified separately. The gem may have a yellow or green tone. The green stone resembles in appearance, but olivine is several times cheaper because it is not a precious stone, but a semi-precious gem.

Olivine is in demand in jewelry. It has a beautiful shine, light refractive ability and good color. Its main disadvantage is that it is very fragile and often crumbles during processing. Therefore, rings with olivine are very rare. It is increasingly used for the production of beads, earrings and other jewelry.

The gem reveals all its attractiveness under artificial light. For this reason, jewelry with peridot is recommended to be worn on an evening out. If you even compare photos of evening and daytime stones, you can understand the difference.

Olivine stone is transparent and has yellow-green, emerald green and dark olive tones. Currently, deposits of pure yellow and pistachio stones have been discovered. The tone of the stone is determined percentage metal ions. Pyramid-shaped gems are mined and given the right type through jewelry processing.

There are several other varieties of olivine - forsterite (light green transparent gem) and fayalite (brown stone). All types of peridot have the same characteristics. The only difference is the color.

In former times, olivine was worn only as an amulet. In the modern world, it is increasingly worn simply as jewelry, without even suspecting that olivine is a magic stone. Just recently, the gem returned to its previous meaning and now people are intensively studying its magical properties in order to know how it affects a person.

Healing properties of the stone

The mineral olivine is very popular among lithotherapists and traditional healers. It is recommended to use it as depressant. Olivine improves psycho-emotional state person. It helps to quickly recover from stress, get out of depression and get rid of unfounded worries. The gem relieves jealousy and insomnia.

Peridot stabilizes blood pressure, helps with eye diseases and improves human vision even in old age.

In earlier times, the gem was ground into powder and used for oral administration. This is how people cleansed their bodies and strengthened their immunity.

Lithotherapists advise using the gem for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The stone heals ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other similar diseases.

Olivine helps with kidney diseases. It relieves pain and inflammation and promotes the removal of stones from this organ.

Peridot prevents diseases of cardio-vascular system. If, for example, you use an olein brooch every day, you won’t even be afraid of a heart attack.

The gem has great importance for women. It is recommended not to remove jewelry from gems during childbirth. The stone will relieve pain and speed up the birth process itself.

Men should also pay attention to peridot. The gem will provide them with energy, increase activity and cure impotence.

Lithotherapists advise placing a piece of untreated stone at the head of the baby’s crib. This will strengthen his immunity, protect him from diseases and improve his sleep.

Peridot helps to cure almost any disease. If you often apply it to a sore spot, the disease will go away.

If you use a gem for healing, then they need to be cleaned regularly. If you put the stone with clean water overnight, you can use it again for treatment in the morning.

Magical properties of Olivine

Olivine stone has magical properties, which has long been known to humanity. It contributes to the implementation of all human plans. With its help, you can realize those ideas that previously seemed unrealistic.

The gem protects a person from making questionable decisions that ultimately turn out to be wrong. Protects olivine from evil spirits, damage and evil eye.

The stone should be used by people who lack self-confidence. The gem increases self-esteem and gets rid of complexes.

Peridot attracts money. The gem will protect you from concluding failed contracts and help you get a job. Good work with stable payments, in general, will make a person stop experiencing financial difficulties.

Olivine improves a person's morality. Thanks to the stone, he stops committing immoral and dishonest acts.

The gem helps a person to have necessary connections. The stone will make it so that he will be surrounded only by devoted people who can provide help in difficult times.

Who is Olivine suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Many years ago, astrologers understood who the gem is suitable for. Now this information is available to everyone.

Olivine compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

The gem is suitable for Virgos. The stone will push people of this sign to self-improvement. He will help them accumulate knowledge that will be useful to them in life. Many Virgos place too high demands on themselves, their family, their colleagues and friends. Olivine will help reduce them. This will only benefit Virgos. They will no longer set the bar high and will become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This will help them both in their personal lives and in their careers.

Olivine is also suitable for Pisces. It will increase their self-esteem, get rid of complexes and help them quickly make decisions that will ultimately turn out to be correct. The gem will teach Pisces to defend their opinion. The stone will increase the attractiveness of people of this sign. Thanks to this gem, they will understand that they are of interest to the opposite sex. Self-confidence and self-attractiveness will help Pisces arrange their personal life.

Leos should also pay attention to olivine. This gem will help them remain a leader in any situation. Leo with this stone will always come out as a motivator. This will increase his self-esteem, and the intuition that the stone will develop will help people of this sign avoid many troubles. Olivine will help Leos establish contacts with the right people.

The zodiac sign Capricorn cannot use olivine. It is not similar to him in energy.

Olivine can be worn as an amulet for Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Gemini. For other zodiac signs, the effect of the gem will be neutral.

You need to take care of products with olivine very carefully, because it is a fragile stone. It must be wiped with a woolen cloth so that it does not lose its shine and be protected from sunlight so that his tone does not fade. Compliance with the rules of care is a guarantee of a long service life of products with olivine.