The procedure for providing a set of social services. Set of social services (NSS) - what, to whom and how much List of social services and their cost equivalents

Kit social services

Set of social services (social package) - a list of social services provided to certain categories of citizens in accordance with Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" (hereinafter referred to as Law N 178-FZ) as part of the federal monthly cash payment ( EDV).

State social assistance for federal level in kind in the form of NSO in accordance with Part 1 of Article 6.2 of Law N 178-FZ is defined as follows (social package):

  • Ensuring in accordance with standards medical care necessary medicines For medical use according to prescriptions for drugs, medical products according to prescriptions for medical products, as well as specialized products therapeutic nutrition for disabled children.
  • Subject to availability medical indications trips to Spa treatment carried out for the purpose of preventing major diseases, in sanatorium and resort organizations, determined in accordance with Russian legislation on contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.
  • Free commuter travel railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

In pursuance of the requirements of Part 2 of Article 6.2 of Law N 178-FZ "List of medicines, including the list of medicines prescribed by decision of the medical commission of medical institutions, the provision of which is carried out in accordance with the standards of medical care according to prescriptions of a doctor (paramedic) at providing public social assistance in the form of a set of social services" approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2006 N 665.

The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the set of social services provided to citizens in sanatorium-resort organization according to Part 3 of Article 6.2 of Law N 178-FZ, it is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days.

"List of sanatorium and resort institutions (state, municipal and private systems health care), which are provided, if there are medical indications, vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment carried out in order to prevent major diseases of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance" was approved by a joint Order of July 10, 2013 of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF No. 301n and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 449n in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1.1 of part 1 of Article 6.2 of Law No. 178-FZ.

Citizens entitled to receive a social package, Article 6.3 of Law N 178-FZ, are given the opportunity to choose to receive a social package in kind or in cash as part of the EDV. By default, a natural form of provision of the social package to the NSO is provided.

Since, according to clause 2 of Article 6.3 of Law N 178-FZ, the period for providing citizens with social services is a calendar year, you can refuse to receive them in kind for the next calendar year by submitting an application before October 1 of the current year to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which carries out monthly cash payment. In this case, it is possible to refuse to receive the NSO social package in whole or in part, that is, to refuse to receive one of the social services of the social package or any two social services provided for in paragraphs 1, 1.1 and 2 of part 1 of Article 6.2 of Law No. 178-FZ.

A citizen also has the right to apply for the renewal of the NSO social package in whole or in part before October 1 of the current year for the period from January 1 of the year following the year of filing the application.

The amount of federal monthly payments, established taking into account the cost of a set of social services, is indexed annually and from February 1, 2019 is 1121.42 rub., including:

  • RUR 863.75- to pay for the provision of services in the form of provision of medicines;
  • RUB 133.62- to pay for services in the form of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • 124.05 rub.- to pay for the provision of services in the form of travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

Citizens who this year chose to use social services in in kind, receive EDV minus the cost of the amount of social services (services).

According to the decision of the pension recipient, the social package can be indexed into a cash equivalent, which will be included in the amount of the basic pension.

The full social package in 2019 is 1075.19 rubles. and includes several points of guaranteed security:

  • medicines prescribed by a doctor - 828.14 rubles,
  • sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications - 128.11 rubles,
  • travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 118.94 rubles.

Refuse social package - procedure

A beneficiary can waive the social package either completely or partially. To do this, you must contact the pension fund office before October 1, 2019 with an application. In this case, the in-kind form will be replaced by monetary compensation from 2020.

When a pension is assigned, the social package is automatically provided in kind, and if the pensioner wishes to receive its cash equivalent in 2019, the application must be submitted strictly before October 1, 2018. To receive money in 2020, the application must be written before October 1, 2019. If a citizen has already submitted a similar application earlier, a repeated application to the Pension Fund will be required only if his decision changes.

For individual categories Citizens of the Russian Federation are provided with various social packages, which include the right to additional monthly financial support. It will go into social package for disabled people WWII, due to trauma received during hostilities, as well as minor prisoners of German camps. The right to receive such additional payment is granted regardless of place of residence. The benefit amount is one thousand rubles.

Another type of DEMO in the amount of five hundred rubles can be received by some categories of citizens (persons who participated in the Second World War; former prisoners concentration camps who have reached the age of majority at that time; Leningrad siege survivors).

To receive additional benefits, you need to contact the territorial authorities for the payment of pensions.

A citizen can receive benefits only on one basis, which implies the highest amount of payment.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has the right to additional benefits can receive it on the basis of his application to the regional Pension Fund. For Russians living abroad, payments are also provided through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Social package provided by the employer

When looking for a job, most job seekers are interested in what benefits the employer is willing to provide to its employees.

A few years ago, vacation pay and sick leave was considered the optimal amount of guaranteed social security. In fact, according to Labor Code, such payments do not depend on the wishes of the employer, but must be mandatory.

Fortunately, in Lately Some employers have significantly increased the amount of benefits that are guaranteed to employees.

The employee social package today includes not only guarantees of comfortable and efficient labor activity, but also a full-fledged sanatorium-resort holiday.

What may be included in the social package of a modern employer:

  • free medicines in case of registration of sick leave,
  • food and travel around the city at the expense of the employer,
  • payment for places in preschool institutions,
  • taking PC courses at the expense of the employer,
  • payment for mobile communications.

To motivate the effective performance of an employee, company directors also use individual types of benefits, for example, for experienced workers benefits are provided for obtaining a loan, bonuses at the end of the year, etc.

People with disabilities For those with disabilities, a social package can provide regular treatment.

For large enterprises, the presence of non-standard preferential conditions is a symbol of reliability and solidity, as well as an indicator of competent domestic policy. According to statistics, just over sixty percent Russian citizens consider their working conditions to be satisfactory, and the applicant’s priorities are set based on how diverse the social package is when applying for a job.

A set of social services is provided to federal beneficiaries - recipients of monthly cash payments. NSU includes medical, sanatorium-resort and transport components.

Instead of a set of social services, you can get money

Who is entitled to NSU

A set of social services is provided to preferential categories of citizens entitled to a monthly cash payment (MAP) in accordance with Federal law dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On state social assistance”.

The website for pensioners “My Years” has compiled a list of eligible beneficiaries into one list, check it out:

According to this list, more than 50 categories of citizens can count on a monthly cash payment and a set of social services.

If you find yours on this list preferential category, but do not receive EDV, see step-by-step instructions:

A citizen entitled to NSO can choose to receive social services (social services) in kind or their cash equivalent. The size of the monetary equivalent of the NSO is indexed annually.

How to get NSO

Since the set of social services is part of the monthly cash payment, you do not need to write a separate application to receive it.

Behind the establishment EDV federal the beneficiary applies to the Pension Fund or online through Personal Area citizen on the website of the Pension Fund (read how to do this), or in person to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or through Multifunctional Center provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

When EDV is established, a citizen automatically has the right to receive a set of social services. Serve in Pension Fund In Russia, an application for the provision of NSO is required only for citizens who belong to the category of persons exposed to radiation.

The territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia issues a citizen a certificate of the established form indicating the right to receive a set of social services, which are provided free of charge.

The certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the deadline for assigning a monthly cash payment, as well as social services to which the citizen is entitled in the current year. The certificate is valid throughout Russia and allows you to quickly use social services at your place of residence, which is very important for those who are temporarily in another region of the Russian Federation or have moved.

When applying to medical institutions and suburban railway ticket offices, you must present the following documents:

    a certificate issued by the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which confirms the citizen’s right to receive NSO;

  • document confirming the right to EDV.

When receiving social services, citizens with disability group I and disabled children have the right to receive them under the same conditions for the person accompanying them second trip for spa treatment and free pass on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

How to get money instead of a set of social services

A citizen may refuse to receive a set of social services completely, one of the social services or any two social services in kind in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa. The amount of funds that is allocated to pay for social services (social services) in kind is withheld from the EDV established for the citizen.

An application for the decision made - refusal of the NSO - only needs to be submitted once before October 1 of the current year. The submitted application will be valid from January 1 next year and until the citizen changes his choice. In this case, he will need to submit a new application.

Read also:

  • current pension news
  • messages from the Russian Pension Fund
  • information for working pensioners
  • articles about pension provision military pensioners

Vladimir Shpikalov, site for pensioners “My Years”, site

Based on materials from the Russian Pension Fund

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A component of the preferential guarantees approved by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178 is a social package. It includes free medicines, a trip to the sanatorium and travel to the place of treatment. You can receive these services in kind or in cash, and the social package is assigned immediately in the form of the listed services as soon as disability is granted.

What is included in the NSO for disabled people

A person with disabilities receives the following services as an NSO free of charge::

Medicines and necessary medical supplies, including medical nutrition for children, if there is a prescription from a doctor (there is a list established by the Government);

A ticket to a Russian sanatorium with an accompanying person (if the disabled person cannot do without outside help);

Traveling in intercity transport and commuter train to the place of recovery and back (the person accompanying a disabled person of group 1 also uses this opportunity).

Since the NSO for disabled people and beneficiaries of other categories is included in the EDV, you will be able to take advantage of the listed benefits when you issue a certificate of assignment of the EDV.

It should be noted that the financing of social services in minimum volume carried out at the expense of funds from the federal budget. At the same time, in the regions, government representatives can adopt relevant acts, thus establishing Additional services(this is relevant if the beneficiary’s income is below the subsistence level, etc.).

How often can you use NSO?

Vital necessary medications the needy must be provided in quantity, prescribed by the doctor. Concerning sanatorium treatment, there are some nuances here. For example, the likelihood of receiving a permit every year is unlikely. This is explained by the fact that the purchase of vouchers is carried out with money allocated by the federal authorities specifically for the social package.

According to known data, approximately 1,500 rubles are allocated annually for a voucher for one beneficiary, while the cost of treatment in a sanatorium will cost 20,000 rubles ( average price). It is obvious that in fact they are purchasing 13 times fewer (approximately) tours than needed. This creates a queue of people waiting for two to three years.

The situation with travel is a little simpler: free tickets for traveling on intercity transport are provided to disabled people with a special form in their hands. The form is issued by the regional Ministry of Health (they also recommend treatment in a sanatorium). There are no queues and there are usually no difficulties in obtaining the service.

Recipients of the social package

Per set free services has the right to claim:

Disabled people of groups 1, 2 or 3, including disabled children;

Former prisoners of concentration camps who at that time received an injury, illness or other injury that caused disability;

Military personnel who served for 6 months or more, but were not included in the active army during the Second World War;

Persons who became disabled due to participation in hostilities:

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and those who have the status of a resident of besieged Leningrad;

Victims during atomic testing and exposure to radiation;

Family members of beneficiaries.

The list also includes civil servants who received a disability group while performing their duties. This is about:

Penitentiary system employees;

Military personnel and police officers;

Workers at military installations.

Algorithm for registration of NSO

A potential recipient of assistance in the form of an NSO should:

Confirm your participation in the preferential category;

Prepare a package of documents proving the right to benefits;

Contact the territorial PFR department at your place of residence.

The last step can be accomplished by appearing in person. There is also a portal of State Services or MFC. Plus, postal service is available. And for those who are not able, due to a complex health condition, to resort to one of the indicated methods of treatment, experts recommend involving legal representative, acting on behalf of the applicant by proxy.

The documents are transferred to the Pension Fund, where they are reviewed for up to 30 days. WITH by decision, starting from the moment it comes into force, the applicant for the NSO must familiarize itself within 5 days. If a set of social services is provided, the beneficiary can use them in kind (to receive the cash equivalent, it is necessary to renounce the NSO).

Documents for receiving a package of social services

The applicant must provide to the Pension Fund:

Passport or residence permit;

SNILS and IPR of a disabled person;

Application for appointment of EDV (form issued);

A request to replace benefits in kind with money in the form of an application (if desired);

An extract from the ITU report confirming the presence of health problems;

Certificate of a disabled person, WWII participant, etc.;

A certificate indicating the disability group or discharge summary;

Order to involve in hostilities (if this took place);

Documents confirming presence in a fascist concentration camp;

Certificates from the employer if the disability resulted from the performance of official duties;

Papers about special merits or titles;

Current account number for transfer monetary compensation(in case of complete or partial refusal of the NSO);

Power of attorney (in case of involving a third party in the process, that is, your representative).

Refusal of the social package

In order not to receive the services listed above, but to add a certain amount to your pension, you should submit an application to the Pension Fund (also at the place of residence of the beneficiary). The appeal will be considered in a timely manner if you contact the territorial department before October 1. If the refusal was issued once, an annual request is not needed (of course, if there is no need to return in-kind benefits or refuse, for example, not only medicines, but also a travel voucher). If your decision changes, the application is written again.

Social package in monetary terms

The social package is indexed every year on February 1 according to the level of current inflation and is not subject to income tax. Thus, if we abandon the NSO in in full, will be charged 1121.42 ruble. At the same time, up to 124.05 rubles are allocated for free travel, for medicines- about 863.75 rubles and, finally, for sanatorium treatment - up to 133.62 rubles.

Should a disabled person give up his social package?

Making a decision to replace social services with money is quite easy if you consider each of the opportunities provided separately and in order.

Medicines for free. If we are talking about a disease for which there is no need expensive drugs(for example, a limb is missing), you may not benefit from free medications. But, let's say, when diabetes mellitus insulin is required, which is provided free of charge within the NSO. In addition, there are other complex conditions that do not allow such a service to be excluded, so an additional consultation with a doctor on this issue would not hurt.

Ticket to the sanatorium. Receiving procedures in a sanatorium once every two or three years - at first glance, this is not enough. But a simple calculation shows that in three years you can get approximately 4,500 rubles. Obviously, for the indicated amount you cannot purchase an 18-day vacation with food and treatment (plus, disabled people of group 1 travel with an accompanying person).

Travel to the place of treatment. Taking into account the fact that a trip to a sanatorium is an infrequent occurrence, in three years you can lose a little more than 4,000 rubles. That is, if it is possible to get to the place of treatment for 200-300 rubles, there is little point in maintaining the service (as a rule, in such cases, medical institutions are located nearby). But visiting remote cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) becomes unprofitable. Then you should use coupon No. 2 to get special coupons for free train travel in both directions (an accompanying person also counts).

A set of social services (SSS) is provided to recipients of a monthly cash payment (MCB). NSU includes medical, sanatorium-resort and transport components. In this case, a citizen can choose: to receive social services in kind or their cash equivalent.

Where to go

Since the set of social services is part of the program, to receive it you do not need to additionally go to the Pension Fund or write a separate application. To establish the EDV, the federal beneficiary applies to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or residence with a written application. When EDV is established, a citizen automatically has the right to receive a set of social services in kind. Exceptions are citizens who belong to the categories of those exposed to radiation. If they want to receive NSO in kind, they need to write an application for the provision of NSO, which will be valid from January 1 of the next year.

The territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund issues the citizen a certificate of the established form regarding the right to receive a set of social services. The certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the deadline for assigning a monthly cash payment, as well as social services to which the citizen is entitled in the current year.

The certificate is valid throughout Russia. When applying to medical institutions, as well as to suburban railway ticket offices, a citizen presents the following documents:

  • identification document;

  • a document confirming the right to EDV;

  • a certificate issued by the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund and confirming the right to receive NSO.

What does the set of social services (social package) consist of?

  • Medicines for medical use according to prescriptions, medical products according to prescriptions, specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children.

  • Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for the prevention of major diseases.

  • Free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

Money or benefits

The citizen decides in what form it is convenient for him to receive social services: in kind or in cash equivalent, and submits a corresponding application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. In this case, it is enough to submit an application for the choice made once. After which there is no need to confirm your decision annually. The submitted application will be valid until the citizen changes his choice. Only in this case, he will need to submit a corresponding application to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year. The submitted application will be valid from January 1 of the following year. You can submit an application directly to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration or actual residence, or through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services, with which the Pension Fund Russian Federation entered into an appropriate agreement, or in another way.

It is important to understand that a set of social services is part of the monthly cash payment. Therefore, the EDV is calculated taking into account the decision to refuse to receive a set of social services in full, one of the social services, or any two social services from this set. In other words, when receiving NSO in kind, its cost is deducted from the amount of the EDV. If a citizen refuses to receive a set of social services (any one social service or any two social services) in favor of the cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the EDV.

When submitting an application for refusal to obtain NSO, for provision of NSO, for resumption of provision of NSO, or for withdrawal of a previously submitted application, you must only have a Russian passport with you.