System minus 60 dinner options. Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: sample menu and recipes

Today there is a large number of varied diets. This article will consider the system developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

Diet Mirimanova: basic principles

The main principle of the proposed system is the focus on weight loss naturally. No need to exhaust yourself with periodic hunger strikes, completely deprive yourself of your favorite food, count calories, painfully worrying that you allowed yourself something superfluous.

Everything is much easier if there is a clear goal to lose weight and follow certain rules supply:

Of course, to achieve the desired result, it is not enough just rational nutrition, you also need to keep yourself in good shape daily with the help of simple gymnastic exercises and positive psycho-emotional mood.

Important to remember! The "Minus 60" system is not just another diet, but a change in the structure and schedule of nutrition, enhanced by motivation for success and physical support for the body.

Diet "minus 60" Ekaterina Mirimanova: advantages

The diet is quite simple, it is rather a setting for a lifestyle change. You are allowed to eat most foods changing only the time of their use and combination. The system can be used regardless of age and for everyone, even women during pregnancy and lactation.

The process of losing weight is gradual, which means that the skin does not sag, and physical exercises help keep it in good shape.

There is no return to the previous kilograms, since there is no stress for the body, it gets used to the new regimen gradually. There is no fatigue, irritability, headache, common in diets with a sharp restriction of products. Improving psycho-emotional state, due to successful weight loss , there is a further strengthening of motivation for the result.

Cons of the Mirimanova diet (reviews)

According to many women, the lack of a diet is the difficulty with a clear organization of the diet. It is not always possible to follow instructions exactly, and failures lead to loss of results. It is difficult for working women to build a proposed meal schedule during the working day; the diet is more suitable for those who are at home on maternity leave or with small children.

With insufficient intensity exercise there is a decrease in the rate of weight loss. It is required to carefully care for the skin (masks, peeling, massage), otherwise the effect of the diet will be reduced due to negative manifestations (flabbiness, stretch marks, wrinkles, cellulite), and sometimes there is not enough time for care.

As the system starts some rearrangement digestive processes, people suffering chronic diseases, you need to be more careful and prevent their exacerbation.

Note! Even the most wonderful diet will not help if you stop adhering to its rules over time. It is easier to lose weight than to stabilize the weight at the achieved level.

Diet Mirimanova "system minus 60" - nutrition table

The diet in question involves the use of certain products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For the convenience of understanding this information, all products are presented in tables.

Mirimanova's diet: breakfast food table

Breakfast - we eat all our favorite food, but we observe the measure. Avoid milk chocolates.

Mirimanova's diet: a list of products for lunch

Vegetables Fruits Soy products Meat, fish, eggs Cereal and bakery products Dairy products

try to use fewer potatoes


Plums (several pieces)

Apples (1-2 pcs.)

Watermelon (1-2 slices)

Prunes (up to 6 pcs.)

Soy sauceSausages or boiled sausage (sometimes)

Any kind of meat


River and sea fish

Shrimp, squid, scallops, etc.

Crab sticks (sometimes)

Rice, not polished

Pasta (rare)

Rye bread, croutons

Non-greasy any

Not more than 50 g of cheese, except for processed

Rules for preparing dinner dishes

Cooking method Herbs, spices, sauces Product selection rules Cooking features


Any greens

Garlic, dry natural spices

Sauces based on sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar and vegetable oils

Horseradish, tomato sauce (a little)

Meat or fish dishes should not be eaten with potatoes, bread or pastaPotato, bean soup cook only lean

Drinks for lunch: tea, coffee, freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juice.

Mirimanova's diet: dinner menu (table)

1. Spices and dairy products 2. Fruits and vegetables 3.Grains 4.Meat/fish 7. Cheese, bread
Any dairy products without additivesAll vegetables and fruits, except prohibited

Allowed fruits (see lunch list)

Rice, not polished

Various sauces, spices, herbs

Any lean meat, except for sausages and sausage products Offal Fish and seafood Eggs

Various sauces, spices, herbs

Cheese (a little)

Several rye crackers

It is allowed to drink plain, mineral and carbonated water without additives, tea, coffee, dry red wine, freshly squeezed fruit juice (from the list of allowed).

Diet 60 Ekaterina Mirimanova: a sample menu for the week

It's not always easy to think correct menu independently, therefore, the following is a diet for a week, which you can adhere to completely or change certain positions by day on your own. The main thing is to consider the compatibility of products.


Breakfast: potato bread, cheese, coffee.

Lunch: lean cabbage soup, turkey, plums.

Dinner: ryazhenka, kiwi, tea.


Breakfast: banana, cheese, scramble, tea.

Lunch: celery salad, cod fillet meatballs, coffee.

Dinner: stewed chicken, juice.


Breakfast: cheesecakes, boiled pork, bread, coffee.

Lunch: bean soup, chicken pilaf, fruit smoothie.

Dinner: orange, beet caviar, tea.


Breakfast: kefir oat flakes with milk, any sandwich, tea.

Lunch: grated radish salad, stew with buckwheat, juice.

Dinner: yogurt, stewed zucchini, coffee.


Breakfast: yogurt, pike perch in Polish, coffee with pastries.

Lunch: lean borscht, steamed chicken cutlets, tea.

Dinner: citrus fruits, buckwheat porridge, coffee.


Breakfast: banana, dumplings, chocolate, tea.

Lunch: beetroot, lazy cabbage rolls, juice.

Dinner: cottage cheese, tea, crackers.


Breakfast: kefir, pasta, ham, coffee.

Lunch: sorrel soup, liver roll, tea.

Dinner: rice with vegetables, juice.

Interesting fact! When eating green salad or celery stalks, the body receives fewer calories than it spends!

Diet Mirimanova: menu for every day (recipes)

Here are some simple dishes, the recipes for which are given below.

1. Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits:

Combine sour cream with cottage cheese, add eggs beaten with sugar, add semolina mixed with baking powder. Wash dried fruits, dry, cut and add to the prepared curd mixture. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and place in the oven, setting temperature regime 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

2. Lazy cabbage rolls:

  • 600 g cabbage;
  • a glass of steamed rice;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 2 carrots;
  • bulb;
  • egg;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • seasonings from herbs, a little salt.

Chop the cabbage. Stew grated carrots with onions in a saucepan. Combine rice boiled until half cooked with minced meat, cabbage and stewed vegetables. Add the lightly beaten egg, herbs and salt to the mixture. Form small cabbage rolls and place them in the prepared pan. Pour all over the sour cream and simmer over low heat until cooked.

3. Steamed fish (multi-cooker recipe):

  • 500 g fillet lean fish(cod, hake, zander);
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • seasonings.

Dry the washed fish fillet with a paper towel and marinate in a mixture of lemon juice and spices for 15-20 minutes. Pour water into the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place a container with fish fillets on top. Set the cooking mode to "steam" and the timer for 20 minutes.

4. Salad "Forest":

  • 350 g mushrooms;
  • 2 pcs. large tomatoes;
  • 250 g fresh or frozen corn;
  • 1-2 sweet peppers;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • green lettuce leaves;
  • vinaigrette sauce.

Mushrooms clean, cut and stew a little. Boil the corn. Mix chilled mushrooms, corn, adding cubes of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers to them. Season the salad with the prepared sauce. Spread on lettuce leaves.

Diet Mirimanova "minus 60": reviews and results

According to people who use the system, it attracts with its freedom of choice and does not force you to control the number of daily calories consumed.

A full morning breakfast that provides a feeling of satiety, a lower-calorie lunch, and then a light meal in the evening do not force you to resort to additional snacks. In other words, this is a well-known way of life for a long time, not in vain called healthy.

Of course, at first you have to rebuild a lot in the diet, but the result is worth it. The process of losing weight is not fast, in a month you can lose an average of 6-8 kg, and with more intense physical activity and more. In particular difficult cases, with constant adherence to the principles of the diet, the weight is reduced to the desired level in 3-6 months and then stabilizes.

It is important to know! When losing weight, the body first loses water and muscle tissue, so the process goes pretty quickly. And already in the future, subcutaneous body fat and weight loss is somewhat slower. This is a completely natural process.

Diet Mirimanova "system minus 60": reviews of doctors

Doctors are quite positive about the diet in question.

They note the following advantages:

  • harmlessness;
  • improving the process of digestion and metabolism;
  • general health improvement thanks to the proposed diet and physical education;
  • slowdown and complete disappearance of negative chronic processes;
  • improvement muscle tissue, skin and hair;
  • good psycho-emotional state of people on a diet, due to the right attitude for successful results.

Mirimanova's diet: before and after photos

So, by deciding to follow the proposed system, you can achieve the desired weight loss, as well as make an excellent gift to yourself and your body. After all shedding interfering kilograms means the absence of additional stress on the heart and the liver, and easy gait, and the ability to look the way you want.

Diet Mirimanova (system minus 60). Menu for every day, week. Weight loss recipes have helped many women lose weight overweight

Diet Mirimanova (system minus 60). Menu for every day, week. Recipes in this video:

The basic rules of the Merimanova minus 60 system in this video:

What is this diet? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Features of the system, diet for seven days, interesting recipes cooking. How to take care of the body while dieting? How to play sports? Lists of permitted and prohibited products.

Today the world is literally “sick” with weight loss, despite the fact that plump women still "worth it". In addition, simple fasting is no longer "in fashion", much better for losing weight women and men are simple, light diets, on the basis of which "life does not seem gloomy." One of these diets is the “minus 60” weight loss system, the menu and features of which we suggest you try for yourself.

“Minus sixty” is not an easy diet, but a nutrition system invented by an ordinary housewife, Ekaterina Mirimanova, who recovered to 120 kilograms after giving birth. After she began to eat according to her own system, the woman managed to lose sixty kilograms in a year and a half. It was this number that became calling card systems.

The main advantage of the Minus 60 food system is the absence of restrictions on your favorite foods.

The main advantage of the Minus 60 food system is the absence of restrictions on your favorite foods. Any diet sooner or later ends with a breakdown. And with this nutrition system, you don’t need to deny yourself sweets and buns, the main thing is to eat all this before 12-00 so that the body has time to assimilate and does not put extra calories on the hips and stomach. Also, the advantage of the diet is that a person receives all the basic elements, along with a variety of products.

There are a large number of dishes that can be prepared from permitted products, so you can eat quite varied. Kilograms dropped using the Minus 60 diet are not returned.

The disadvantages of the diet include enough long process weight loss. It takes a certain period for the body to adjust to new system. Many people cannot swallow a crumb before lunch, and after 12-00 food intake is limited, so it will be difficult for them to adhere to this principle of nutrition.

How to eat? System principles

The principle of this diet is the use of certain foods by the hour. Until 12-00 it is allowed to eat anything in any quantity, the main thing is that breakfast is hearty. But after 12-00 restrictions come into force. Dinner should be no earlier than 17-00 and no later than 18-00. There are strict restrictions on dinner.

Power system principles:

“Minus 60” does not mean starving. Necessary:

  • be sure to have breakfast. Those who are not accustomed to eating in the morning will have to change their habits. Before twelve o'clock in the afternoon you need to have a full breakfast. At this time, food is best absorbed and extra pounds are not added.
  • make dinner very easy. You need to have dinner, be in time before six in the evening. People who go to bed after midnight can move dinner until 20-00.
  • you need to drink enough liquid, for this you need to put a bottle of water in a conspicuous place. You don't have to force yourself to drink water.
  • Between meals, you can arrange a small snack. But be content with a small amount of fruit, as they are in large quantities can slow down metabolism.
  • until 14-00 you can use mayonnaise and sour cream, but not more than a teaspoon.
  • if the soup is boiled in water, you can add potatoes to it. It should not be added to the soup on the broth. It is better not to get carried away with soups, as they saturate short period, and very soon you will want to eat again. Like these ones delicious food allows you to have a weight loss system "minus 60" in your diet.

Menu for the week: an example of a diet

You can have breakfast with anything, the main thing is to start the metabolism. Between breakfast and lunch, you can eat one apple or drink a cup of tea or coffee. If before twelve o'clock, then you can add milk and sugar, after twelve - no. So, now we know what "minus 60" is. This is a weight loss system that allows you to eat deliciously in the morning and starve in the evening. We offer to master the menu for the week, then you can adjust it. The main thing is to hold out in these 7 days).

1 day

Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken breast. 100 g of stewed vegetables. 50 g rye crackers.
Dinner. 300 g cucumber salad with sesame seeds.

2 day

Dinner. 200 g of boiled liver, 100 g of rice, 50 g of boiled beet salad seasoned with olive oil.
Dinner. 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, one apple.

3rd day

Dinner. 200 g of trout baked in the oven, 100 g of stewed mushrooms, 50 g of yogurt.
Dinner. 300 g of bell pepper, tomato and onion salad dressed with yogurt.

4th day

Dinner. 200 g pasta with a little hard cheese and a teaspoon of sour cream. 150 g turkey chop baked in the oven.
Dinner. 200 g of stewed vegetables and two boiled chicken hearts.

5th day

Dinner. 300 g of vegetarian cabbage rolls, which include cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, onions and olive oil. 50 g plums.
Dinner. 200 g broccoli casserole with mushrooms. 100 g of kefir.

6th day

Dinner. 150 g boiled potatoes, 150 g coleslaw with onions and olive oil. One orange.
Dinner. 300 g of jelly.

7th day

Dinner. 200 grams of buckwheat porridge, 100 grams of boiled tongue, 50 grams of tomatoes.
Dinner. One egg, 100 g of boiled sausage, 50 g of rye crackers and one grapefruit.

This is a weight loss system that allows you to eat deliciously in the morning and starve in the evening.

Psychology and motivation for losing weight

Many people refuse diets, citing the fact that they will not be able to last. long time without your favorite foods. You need to believe in yourself and not postpone the start of the diet until the next Monday, month or year.

Start right now and in six months you won't recognize yourself in the mirror. You need to love yourself, despite the extra pounds and shortcomings.

If nevertheless there was a breakdown, there is no need to reproach yourself, increase stress and give up. After realizing what happened, you just need to return to the Minus 60 power system. Interesting tips in the video:

To make the diet easier, follow these recommendations:

  • accustom yourself to eat heavily in the morning and not to eat at all in the evening. It takes only a few days for the body to get used to;
  • at the beginning of losing weight, come up with some kind of plan: say, in the first week I will lose 1 kg, in the second - two. Weigh yourself, write down the results - it will be easier for you to move towards the intended goal;
  • constantly think not about how hard it is for you, but about how you will look later - you can wear your favorite dress, tight leggings, high heels and a miniskirt. The constant “pushing up” helps a lot;
  • find the reason that made you go on a diet that does not tolerate excuses. It may be a desire to conquer a loved one, return a husband, make an enemy envy)). There are a lot of reasons, the main thing is that it stimulates you for a long time;
  • don't count calories. It's useless - the system isn't built on that;
  • do not overdo it with fruits, especially sweet ones. If you eat a lot of fruits, your metabolism slows down;
  • If you want sweets, use a sweetener, but not "chemistry", but, say, brown sugar;
  • take vitamins. With a diet, their intake into the body is significantly reduced, and where today you can find enough vitamins? For example, to get daily dose iron you need to eat at least 5 apples a day. What about other vitamins? Wow…;
  • want to have a bite? Choose a green apple over bread;
  • when visiting, take your dry wine and a dietary snack with you. So you will not swallow saliva, looking at the lucky ones, and you will not be hungry;
  • drink when you want - no need to force yourself to drink water systematically;
  • replace salt with spices, but do not overdo it;
  • sweets, including honey - only until 12 noon! The same goes for sour cream or butter.

This is the "minus 60" diet / weight loss system.

Product Table: Multiple Choices

We offer several product tables that will help you adjust your weight loss menu. Choose the one that suits you best and use it! Click on any of them and it will open in a new window.

Exercise stress. What exercises to focus on?

Physical education is important aspect in any diet. The Minus 60 system is no exception. It is not necessary to perform complex exercises or run five kilometers every morning. Normal charging is enough, for which you need to allocate twenty minutes daily.

You can do without physical education, but in this case, the weight will go much more slowly. When performing exercises, the main emphasis should be placed on problem areas. You need to carefully consider yourself in the mirror and determine what kind of shortcomings you need to correct with physical exercises.

Skin care while dieting

Changing the principles of nutrition is very important not to forget to take care of yourself. Weight loss occurs gradually, the skin has time to tighten, but it needs to be helped in this, using special lotions, oils for stretch marks and body creams.

Be sure to carefully care for your face so that after losing weight there are no extra wrinkles. Great choice now cosmetics, they can be selected for any type of skin. The main thing is not the price of cosmetics, but its quality and regularity of use.

In addition, the following recipes help very well when losing weight on a minus 60 diet:

Recipe 1. Scrub with sea salt

The skin becomes smoother, firmer, toned, defects are “erased” and cellulite is destroyed.

  • Take 50g large sea ​​salt in a jar with a lid
  • Drop 5 drops of any coniferous or citrus into it essential oil(rosemary also works)
  • Close the lid, shake and wait 15 minutes
  • Now add jojoba oil to the salt until it becomes a thick slurry.
  • Mix well
  • It is good to apply such a scrub on steamed skin after a bath and massage problem areas for 1 minute. Then wash off with warm water.

Recipe 2. Scrub with coffee

Helps get rid of subcutaneous fat and make the skin firmer. The secret is that coffee activates metabolic processes under the skin, makes the blood move faster and renew cells.

Take ordinary brewed coffee, but not asleep, but dry. Apply to steamed skin after a shower cosmetic oil Jojoba and coffee on top. Massage for 1 minute, then rinse.

Recipe 3. Cream with mumiyo

Perhaps the "fastest" and easiest way to do problematic skin fit. Works doubly effective together with one of the previous recipes.

Crush the mumiyo table into powder, mix with a spoonful of body cream. Apply to skin and rub in until completely absorbed.

Weight loss for men - what are the features?

Men should adjust their diet according to the characteristics of their body. They should get more calories than women and eat well at least three times a day.

You should not limit a man in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The main thing is to exclude fats from the diet. The Minus 60 system is designed with these features in mind. A man will remain full, but at the same time lose weight.

Easy weight loss rules - is it possible to lose weight quickly?

With the help of the Minus 60 nutrition system, you can easily lose weight in short term. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism. Also for fast weight loss should be increased physical exercise. Those who want to lose weight very quickly need to replace a hearty breakfast with dishes that are allowed after 12-00.

But you don't have to stick to this diet all the time. After two weeks, you need to return to the usual principles of nutrition of the Minus 60 system.

What foods to exclude to lose weight on this system?

This food system has no special prohibitions. You can eat any food, including flour and sweets, but only before lunch. After dinner, you need to adhere to the principles of nutrition. But still, the menu should be excluded:

  • Carbonated drinks
  • Fatty meat with skin. Trim fat and skin before cooking.
  • Any alcohol other than red wine. Since it stimulates the appetite, and causes a desire to eat beyond measure.

List of allowed products

  • Rye bread or crackers
  • Soy sauce
  • Apples
  • plums
  • Tangerines and oranges
  • Watermelon in small quantities
  • A pineapple
  • Avocado
  • by-products
  • Meat, without fat or skin, boiled or steamed. You can barbecue, but not very fried
  • Boiled sausage
  • Seafood
  • All vegetables. Potatoes are also possible, but rarely
  • Beans or peas, as a separate dish, without meat
  • Mushrooms, stewed
  • Potatoes (rarely) and as an independent dish
  • Pickles and marinades in small quantities
  • Pasta, some durum wheat
  • Buckwheat
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Dry red wine.

We also offer you to try to cook delicious dishes allowed by the “minus 60” weight loss system.

Recipes for those who want to lose weight

Cucumber salad with sesame seeds

Products: 2 cucumbers, a bunch of dill, a tablespoon olive oil, a tablespoon of sesame seeds, a clove of garlic, salt.

Preparation: Cucumbers cut into strips, finely chop the dill. Lightly toast the sesame seeds in a skillet. Mix everything and drizzle with oil.

Rice with vegetables

Products: 150 g of rice, one bell pepper, seasonings, one tomato, a small onion, a clove of garlic, a small carrot, seasonings, salt, herbs.

Cooking: Moderate vegetables in small cubes and simmer over low heat for ten minutes until the juice is released. Add washed rice, two glasses of water, salt and spices. When the rice absorbs water, cut the garlic clove into slices and stick them into the dish.

Zucchini puree soup

Products: A glass of chicken broth, young zucchini, a small onion, half a glass of milk, and a teaspoon of sour cream, salt, herbs.

Preparation: Vegetables cut into small cubes and boiled in broth until half cooked. Beat with a blender, add milk, salt, sour cream and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Little secrets of the system

In the Minus 60 power system, the main thing is positive attitude and good mood. The main thing is to believe in yourself and then the result will not be long in coming.

If after dinner you want to have a snack, you need to remember that the body does not need a lot of energy at night, and tomorrow there will be breakfast from your favorite products.

"Minus 60" - a weight loss system: reviews of doctors and those who have lost weight

Alevtina Matvienko (nutritionist)
This is one of the best systems nutrition in our time. You can easily lose weight without getting gastritis. The main thing is to have breakfast without fanaticism.

Ruslan Gordeev (endocrinologist)
Cause excess weight are not always endocrine disorders, most often it is a banal overeating. The Minus 60 system is a great way to lose weight.

And personal feedback girls who lost weight on this system:

How to lose weight on a minus 60 diet after childbirth. Story:

In this article I will tell you what the minus 60 system is and how to eat according to it, as examples I will give you a menu for every day. It is worth noting that this is not a diet, but a nutrition system, the author of which lost weight with her help. 60 kilograms. I, in turn, on the minus 60 system supported the figure after losing 20 kilograms. From my own experience I will say that strict diets have an extremely negative effect on health, and this way of eating is the other way around. benefits the body and easily helps to lose those extra pounds.

The essence of the -60 system is that you can afford absolutely everything for breakfast. Do you want toast? You are welcome. Piece of cake? Welcome. But only for breakfast, and only until 12. For lunch and dinner, we use certain combinations of products, which are shown in the pictures below.

System minus 60 - breakfast

So, the breakfast menu for System minus 60 is a real treat - everything is allowed! Breakfast must be before 12.

1 option. Oatmeal with honey and nuts, coffee with milk, sandwich with butter and cheese.

Option 2. Fried eggs, cheese toast, tea.

3 option. Pancakes with honey/jam, tea.

4 option. Cereal with milk, oatmeal cookies, juice.

5 option. Waffles with condensed milk, coffee.

6 option. Semolina, a sandwich.

My recommendation- listen to yourself in the evening, because that's when you want to break loose. Say to yourself, "Yeah, I want something, but I can easily afford it for breakfast." Drink tea with stevia, which contains no calories and go to bed no longer hungry. Wake up and have a tasty breakfast.


No butter, sugar, nothing fried! Everything is boiled or stewed. You can add sour cream and soy sauce in small quantities, but strictly before 14.00. But a tasty and varied lunch menu for the minus 60 system is not difficult to come up with. I will give examples.

1 option. Brown rice with soy sauce chicken breast(leg), tomato.

Option 2. Cottage cheese with stevia, apple and tangerine.

3 option. Mashed potatoes, Tomato, Cucumber And Cabbage Salad.

4 option. Buckwheat porridge with cheese and vegetables.

5 option. Macaroni and cheese, cucumber.

6 option. Meat borsch without potatoes or with potatoes, but without meat.

7 option. Vegetable soup with buckwheat.

8 option. Sushi! Rolls! They are also possible! Just not baked.

9 option. Pilaf, salad.

10 option. Stewed fish, buckwheat porridge.

As we can see, there can be a lot of options as a menu for the -60 system for lunch, and your menu for every day will be varied. It all depends on your taste preferences and imagination. Portions do not need to be limited, as much as you want to eat, eat as much. Naturally, it is worth doing without overeating.

Between lunch and dinner on the -60 system, you can have a snack with fruits from the list of permitted or vegetables.

System minus 60 dinner menu

And now let's go to dinner. I heard a lot about the rules a la “after six do not eat,” but I never put up with it. If you go to bed at 12, then boldly eat at eight, and there is no need for any until six. There is nothing to keep the body so hungry. In the menu for dinner for the minus 60 system, we do not have a very extensive list of products, but I assure you that it will still be possible to have a delicious dinner with him. Consider the options.

1. Crispbread with cheese, cottage cheese with stevia, tea.

2. Natural yogurt, kiwi / apple.

Now there are many different diets, but often the most effective options are those that cannot be called tough. An example of such a diet is the “minus 60 system”. This is not even a diet in the truest sense of the word, but a set of rules for healthy eating. Let's look at all the features of this system, which is gaining more and more popularity.

Diet principles, nutrition rules

The main principle of this diet is that you can eat everything. Absolutely everything you want. Even if you are used to fried or sweet, you should not give up habits. It is only necessary to use these products correctly. That's what this diet is about. The principles of nutrition are as follows.

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Even if your body is not inclined to eat early in the morning, then just arrange a light snack. After that, be sure to eat a hearty meal soon. In general, breakfast is the main meal of the day. This is how you can activate the metabolism.
  • Don't give up on your favorite drinks. Often diets prohibit the use of coffee and tea. This system allowed to consume these drinks. But, it is recommended to drink coffee without sugar. If you like sweet coffee, then just gradually stop adding sugar to the drink. You can also drink alcohol. But, here it is worth considering the features of drinks. Do not drink table wines and champagne. They can be replaced with dry wine and strong drinks.
  • You can eat sweet. This is probably the most paradoxical advice. You can eat almost any sweets. But, it's worth doing it right. Eat sweets only during breakfast. You should also stop eating milk chocolate. Better to eat dark chocolate.

  • steamed rice. He is considered the most healthy cereal. With it, replace the usual round rice.
  • It is important to eat pasta and potatoes only during breakfast. At this time, you can eat these products in any combination. Do not eat them at other meals.
  • Can eat White bread . During breakfast, you can safely eat it. But, it’s better to take rye for lunch, but on the condition that meat products will not be consumed.
  • Don't eat too late. Optimally, the last reception is made up to six hours. But, there is no need to show excessive fanaticism. If you go to bed after two in the morning, then the evening meal can be shifted to eight in the evening.
  • Do not abuse water. Just drink when you want. It is better to use non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Dinner should be simple and light. You can eat boiled meat or fish, but nothing else should be on the plate.

Sample menu for the week

An important point of this diet is the ability to use almost all products, but only in small quantities. Therefore, the exact menu for the week ahead is not compiled. There is sample list products that are recommended. But if you want to eat fried fish instead of meat, it is not forbidden. More important is the amount of food consumed, as well as the time of reception.

Let's look at the principles of compiling a menu for meals.


Here you can eat anything. Do you want something sweet, please. You can eat anything. But don't overeat. It is also recommended to replace classic sugar with brown. Another point is some restriction of salt, you can eat it, but without excessive fanaticism.


This is one of the most the most important tricks food. The lunch menu system minus 60 is quite extensive. You can't eat sweets here. The rest is practically unlimited. But, in general, there is a certain list of foods that are best used in this meal. Check product compatibility. It is also better to use boiled products here.


This is the most dangerous meal of the day. There is always a risk that the energy will go to the creation of a fat reserve. During dinner, only stewed vegetables are consumed. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the compatibility of products. There are several options for the minus 60 menu system for dinner. It is important to strictly monitor the use of products strictly according to these lists, without mixing them.

Separately, it should be clarified about evening and night events. It can be holidays or corporate events, a romantic evening should also be included here. If you have to actively spend the evening, it is better to drink green tea or coffee. From alcohol suitable dry wine. If you want to have a snack, then you should use a slice of lean cheese for this.

Lunch and dinner have a very strong influence on the appearance of excess weight. Therefore, it is worth more carefully compiling the menu for these meals. Let's see what the system has minus 60 lunch and dinner recipes. First of all, all recipes have a clear reference to compatibility. In general, you can eat anything, but it is important to combine products correctly.

During lunch, you can eat any fruit. The restriction is watermelon, you can eat no more than a couple of pieces. Vegetables can also be eaten without any restrictions. Meat and fish are not limited. The exception is canned fish, they should be consumed to a minimum.

Cereals during lunch can be consumed freely. But, you should not combine them with meat and fish. These products are completely incompatible.

All recipes for lunch involve boiling or stewing foods. This is the only way to avoid problems with weight gain.

For dinner, as for yourself dangerous reception food compiled the most detailed menu. Everything is taken into account here possible combinations products. Also, don't overeat. The menu for each product has its own norm, which should not be exceeded. note that most of no food required heat treatment. But, if there is a desire, then the vegetables can be stewed.

Prohibited and permitted products

Despite the sufficient democratic nature of this system, there are a number of prohibited products. In particular, you can not eat pasta from soft varieties wheat. It is also not recommended to use some products. You can get acquainted with the list of allowed and prohibited products by the system minus 60 in the table .

List of allowed products

Fruits, dried fruits, nuts, berries Vegetables and legumes Meat, fish, eggs Cereals Milk products
Pair of apples

citrus fruits

A little plum

350 g watermelon

Prunes (no more than 6 pcs.)

All except:

Canned food (corn and peas X0


Mushroom and meat combination

Boiled sausages

All types of meat products and offal, excluding skin

Jellies (jellies)

Some salted or lightly salted fish


Crab sticks (rare)

Low-fat barbecue

Canned fish in own juice (rarely)

Cooking with water:

Parboiled or brown rice


Pasta exclusively hard varieties

Corn grits (once a week)

Couscous (once a week)


Important absence in the composition butter, granulated sugar, etc.

Recipes for the minus 60 system

Let's see the simplest recipes that are ideal for this diet.

zucchini salad

Zucchini is cut into circles and stewed in water, after which they are laid out in a salad bowl. Prunes are washed, finely chopped, mixed with salt, lemon juice and garlic. Add to hot zucchini and stir. It is recommended to let the salad stand for an hour at room temperature.

Chicken and pineapple salad

Chicken fillet cut into cubes. Pineapple is cut into slices. Finely chop and rub the cabbage with salt. Products are placed in a salad bowl or glass in layers. Prepare the dressing, for this they mix:

  • mustard;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

The resulting mixture is seasoned with salad.

stuffed tomatoes

Tomatoes are washed and cut upper part. Carefully remove the core. Cooking minced meat. To do this, rub the cheese, add crushed garlic to it, as well as chopped sweet pepper. The resulting mixture is stuffed with tomatoes.

bean salad

Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Add beans. Dressed with a mixture of oil, vinegar and salt. Next, boiled potatoes are placed in a salad bowl. Place beans with tomatoes on it. Decorate the dish with olives.

Used as an independent breakfast dish.


Everyone who has tried this diet notes its simplicity and effectiveness. There are no difficulties with its implementation. Let's see what women say about this system.


After childbirth, she could not return to normal. The weight was stuck around 90 kg, and did not want to go down to my 65 kg. One of my friends advised the minus 60 system. At first, I simply did not believe how you can eat sweets and lose weight. But, since there were no other untried methods, I still tried. As a result, without any psychological effort, I was able to lose 20 kg in a couple of months.


For my health reasons, strict diets are prohibited. But, like any girl, I want to look slim and desirable. Therefore, I decided to try the minus 60 system. As a result, now I maintain an ideal shape. I eat almost everything I want, and no additional complications.

In contact with

A menu compiled by a competent nutritionist ensures that a person receives all the necessary minerals and trace elements, does not remain hungry, but does not stock up on extra pounds.

Diets, the principle of which is a severe restriction in food, only harm the body, because we need certain calories to restore strength, especially after labor day. It is much more effective and useful to lose weight gradually, based on knowledge about your body, choosing the right foods for cooking.

Such - healthy diet designed for everyone without exception and will be useful before the holidays. This is the minus 60 system, let's get acquainted with it.

The secret of this unique system in its simplicity. You do not need to change your lifestyle especially or drastically refuse sweets.

But, some limitations are present.

Here it is especially important diet dinner. There is no need to load the stomach at night, especially with fried foods.

You need to gradually accustom your body to have dinner at 18-00. In rare cases, later meals are allowed until 20-00.

You can eat only 1 dish, but cooked without sour cream and other fats. You can also not eat mayonnaise for dinner and you should give up potatoes. Potatoes contain starch and are therefore harmful at night. The same applies to flour. In particular, for dinner, forget about the existence of pasta.

What else is prohibited for dinner according to the minus 60 system:


pumpkin porridge, and other pumpkin dishes;


It is allowed to drink unsweetened tea, milk or liquid, but not fatty yogurt at night. Coffee at night is too strong "doping", and can interfere with sleep. But the system itself does not prohibit coffee drinks.

Expected effect of the diet

The diet has gained popularity as it is completely safe for health. And if you follow all the requirements of the system, and eat on time, then you will see the result after a while.

The nutrition system aims not to “remove excess”, but to normalize metabolism. Teach a person to always eat healthy low-fat meals and on time.

This system does not require you to drink excessive amounts of water. Each individual has his own needs, and you do not need to drink a lot if you do not feel like it. And you decide how much food you need. The main thing is not to eat meat or fish with vegetables. Meals must be separate.

You can eat raw vegetables and fruits. Many vegetables, such as white cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, are useful for their high fiber content. There is also fiber in oranges and apples. Pectin is useful and does not add weight at all, but in the evening these fruits are consumed in small quantities.

The most delicious dinner recipes according to the minus 60 system

Carrot-curd cutlets

Boil 100 gr. carrots. Grate, when cool, add 40 gr. pounded curd mass, one egg, and spices to taste. Steam carrot cutlets.

Fish in the marinade

The fish needs to be cleaned and filleted. Boil a weak broth from the bones and set aside. He will come in handy.

For the marinade, you need to fry finely chopped carrots with parsley and onions. Add 1 liter of butter. Then and tomato paste. Keep the entire marinade on fire for about 10 minutes. Add some vinegar and fish broth. Now it's time to stew the fish itself. First, of course, salt and pepper.

After the fish is cooked, cool and pour the finished marinade.

Pilaf with vegetables

Boil rice with turmeric. Then fry a little in a pan so that the rice becomes dry and crumbly in consistency.

In a frying pan, simmer finely chopped carrots, as well as peas over low heat, and at the end, add bell pepper.

Put the rice in a pan with vegetables and simmer for a few more minutes. Add curry or ginger to the dish if you like. Ginger speeds up the metabolic process, and you will lose weight faster.

Peppers stuffed with vegetables

Prepare rice in advance, cook 1 - 1.5 cups, depending on how much pepper you use.

Prepare the pepper - you need to pull the core out of it.

Then you need to simmer on low heat alternately zucchini, onions, bell peppers. When everything is ready, mix the whole mass and add to the rice. Then stuff the pepper with this rice and vegetables. It should not be stuffed "to the full" so that there is still some space left. The rice will steam out while cooking. Then simmer the dish for another 30 minutes, until cooked.

celery soup

Slice the parsnips, carrots, kohlrabi and celery. Drop these vegetables into boiling water. While they are cooking, cook the onion and carrot stew on vegetable oil. When the celery soup is ready, add your taste preferences seasonings: salt, oregano, turmeric or curry.

And finally, remember, sugar and everything related to sweets and chocolate is completely prohibited in the evening. Try to eat small portions. The main thing is that the food is tasty, then the feeling that a person is full comes faster.

For the same reason, eating near the TV is not recommended. If on the occasion of the holiday you cannot refuse alcohol, then drink 1 glass of dry white wine. Sweet and semi-sweet wine should be removed from the diet.