How many people die per night? Diseases that most often kill women

Let's talk about what people die from.
If someone thinks that talking about death is bad, like “you can invite death,” then I will immediately make a reservation that I do not believe in all sorts of evil eyes, slander, love spells and the like. Therefore, let's figure out what reasons lead to the death of people. We will also try to find actions that will help us prolong our lives.

1. From some previous articles it could be concluded that the most important and terrible “killer” of people is a disease such as atherosclerosis . And indeed it is. Statistics vary slightly, but in any case, mortality from atherosclerosis is above 50% of all deaths (some time ago they talked about 51%).
Those. half of the people on the globe die from one or another manifestation of vascular atherosclerosis. It could be a heart attack. It could be a stroke. This may be a complete vascular obstruction lower limbs, with resulting gangrene, amputation and death.
Scary? Yes to me, because I can be among this half, just like exactly half of the readers of this article. The chances are that we can avoid this this moment – 50/50.
But there is also good news. Behind a short time it is possible to completely get rid of atherosclerotic vascular deposits, thereby halving the risk of death from of this disease. But more on that below.
2. Second terrible disease Cancer, which kills almost a quarter of the world's population in all its manifestations. Every year, 24 to 26% of people die from cancer.
And although the mortality rate from cancer is lower than the mortality rate from atherosclerosis, this disease is nevertheless much more terrible. First of all, because at this point in time no medicine has been invented that is guaranteed to help cure oncology.
It is believed (one of the points of view) that strong the immune system helps the body to initial stage identify and destroy emerging cancer cells. But if cancer cells have begun to grow, then the body itself is no longer able to cope with them. Chemotherapy helps with more or less success if it can be found suitable for the body human medicine.
In addition, for distribution oncological diseases Both bad ecology and heredity have a strong influence, i.e. something with which almost nothing can be done.
So, every 4th reader of this blog, including me, has a chance to get into this group.
3. Third serious illness The killer that kills people is diabetes . Recent statistics indicated 18% mortality due to this disease .
Probably many people know that diabetes mellitus comes in 2 main types: I and II. With the first type diabetes mellitus the beta cells of the pancreas stop producing insulin, and in type II diabetes the pancreas is still able to work, however, mainly due to poor nutrition, a person's blood has a constantly high level of blood sugar.
And, so, if almost nothing can be done about type I diabetes mellitus (by the way, it most often develops in children and people under 30 years of age), then with type II diabetes mellitus, switch to proper nutrition can bring blood sugar to normal.
Those. There is an opportunity to safely bypass this group of mortality.
If we add up all the numbers obtained, it turns out that about 95% of deaths occur due to only 3 diseases: atherosclerosis, cancer and diabetes mellitus . Other diseases, accidents, and road traffic accidents (RTAs) account for only about 5% of deaths.
If it is possible to avoid atherosclerosis (and this possibility is described in this article) and type II diabetes, then a person who decides to do this reduces the risk of premature death by almost 70%.
Of course, we will all die someday. But for some reason it seems to me that the majority would be glad to die of old age, and not from an unexpected illness that occurred because we were indifferent to our health and did not eat properly.

How to extend your life

Abstracting from cancer, with which we can do almost nothing today, it is enough just to do simple physical exercise, which will lead to the release of a portion of hormones into the blood. Even ordinary squats in static-dynamic mode once a week for 3-4 months can completely clear the blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques. Read more.
In this way we will drive away atherosclerosis.
Having started to eat right, and this only means 3-4 nutritious meals a day, less sweets and fast carbohydrates (sugar, White bread, sweets, buns, etc.), more slow carbohydrates and fiber, we will significantly reduce blood sugar levels. Details in

Answering questions about what and why people die from, how long they live and about the life expectancy of a person - the answers come from the study of elementary subcellular and cellular biological processes in organism.

Other answers to why people die will come from the organization of behavior through experience and the interaction of "software and hardware" in nervous system person.

For example, high alcohol consumption and smoking shorten life expectancy and predispose people to heart, lung and liver diseases. Behavior and lifestyle also influence the duration of conscious biological existence.

What determines a person's life expectancy?

Significant progress in human life expectancy occurred in the twentieth century.

Life expectancy at birth in developed countries has increased from 47 years in 1900 to 77 years in 2000.

Obviously, genetic selection could not have worked so quickly, and non-genetic factors were responsible for this amazing increase in life span. It is known, but not a person, of course.

Over the course of the century, the typical main causes of death have changed.

  • In 1900, the top five causes of death were:

Pneumonia and flu


Diarrhea and intestinal diseases

Heart diseases

Stroke and brain damage.

  • By 2017, the five leading causes of death had changed:

Heart diseases

Stroke and brain damage

Lung diseases


Supposedly clean environment, in terms of improving water supply and improving treatment Wastewater, together with the discovery and use of vaccines and antibiotics, contributed to the spectacular decline infectious diseases as the main reason why people died at the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, improving the transportation of fruits, vegetables, and other food products led to the elimination of seasonal nutritional problems. General improvements in the diet also contributed to an increase in life expectancy.

But the rise of lung disease and cancer in the 21st century as reasons why people die suggests that it may have been simultaneously influenced ecological problems, arising in parallel with these improvements. At any given moment in history there can be both positive and negative influences on aging, life expectancy, incidence of certain diseases and quality of life.

People die from physiological and age-related changes

Aging, as the main cause of death, is defined as a progressive decline in functional or gradual deterioration physiological functions with age. It includes the decline in fertility and the inherent, inevitable and irreversible process associated with age, loss of vitality and increased vulnerability. Apparently human aging and the end of life are associated with a wide range of physiological changes, which not only make people more susceptible to death, but limit normal functions and make us more susceptible to a number of diseases.

There are some functions in the human body, such as hearing and flexibility, that begin to decline early in life, with an existing functional decline that typically begins after the sexual peak at around age 19.

In short: aging is characterized by changes in appearance, for example, a gradual decrease in height and weight due to loss of muscle and bone mass, a decrease in metabolic rate, more time reactions, decrease in some memory functions, decrease in sexual activity and menopause in women, functional decline in hearing, smell and vision, decrease in kidney, lung and immune functions, decreased exercise efficiency and multiple endocrine changes.

Although the immune system deteriorates with age, a key feature of why people die is increased levels of inflammation, reflected in higher levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines (messenger molecules) that can contribute to the development of age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis and arthritis. Some age-related changes, such as presbyopia, also called farsightedness, are caused by the continuous growth of the eyes and seem to be a universal function of human aging or menopause, which is inevitable.

However, the degree age-related changes varies significantly between individuals.

Study of centenarians

Interestingly, a study of centenarians - that is, people over 110 years old - revealed that “decrepancy” occurs evenly. In other words, the parameters that make centenarians unique are those that were not revealed during life internal organ or the system when life ends, long-livers do not have a “weak link”.

Centenarians, however, are very fragile and emaciated, and have acute organic failure, which is the cause of death. These results also show that the idea that people can die simply from "old age" is wrong.

Main causes of death

Apparently the incidence increases with age. These include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and kidney disease. Also, the prevalence of some pathologies, like sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), remains relatively constant with age, while the incidence of others, like asthma, even declines. Thus, it is important to emphasize that aging is not just a set of diseases. As we age, we become more susceptible to certain diseases and are more likely to die with a range of physiological changes, not all of which lead to overt pathology.

Not surprisingly, heart disease is the number one reason why people age 85 and older die, followed by cancer, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia and chronic diseases lower respiratory tract. Although diseases like cancer and heart disease are the main reasons why people of all ages die, other diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's only become significant in old age.

Quantitative assessment of body aging

Despite all the existing physiological and pathological changes There is still no accurate way to calculate what people die from. Despite decades of research, physiological age different people comes at different speeds. Most exact method to determine biological age is still chronological age. Unless, of course, there are habits like...

This serious problem to study aging and efforts continue to determine the best way For quantification aging.

All biorhythms are of cosmic origin. Daily biorhythms are determined by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Therefore, all living organisms living on our planet have their own daily biorhythms.

It has long been no secret that there are people who are “larks” and “night owls” whose biorhythms are shifted. People of the “average type,” the so-called “pigeons,” were more fortunate. They can safely take into account scientifically recognized daily biorhythms...

At one o'clock in the morning - phase easy sleep when it's easy to wake up from external factors. This is the hour of greatest sensitivity to pain.

From 01.30 to 02.30 – “hour of blindness”. Visual acuity is reduced to a minimum. For example, you should not read or drive at this time.

From midnight to 4 am are the hours of natural births.

From 3 to 5 am – “peak lethargy”, accompanied by the greatest decrease blood pressure. During the night shift, if possible, it is advisable to eat, thereby energizing the body, and take an hour of break and rest. If there is no such opportunity and you need to work, then you must, without being distracted, concentrate as much as possible on completing the required task.

4 a.m. is the hour when people most often die. The body works at the lowest speed.

Early morning and evening, at dusk - greatest content hormones in the blood, which is good for love and conception.

In order to be energetic during the day, you need to wake up according to normal biorhythms at 6 am and immediately take a contrasting tonic shower.

After the shower, do a light warm-up and stretching exercises. Excessive exercise in the morning is good for physical workers (ballerinas, for example), but not mental ones. After all, it is known that morning gymnastic exercises With increased load tire the body, which leads to increased toxicosis in the blood and weakens mental activity. And shower again!

7 am is a difficult period when the stress hormone (norepinephrine) is produced. This is also the hour of the “puffy face.”

From 7 to 8 a.m. the skin content increases active substances. It's o'clock skin rashes", skin allergic reaction.

In the morning, especially at 8 am, you should never “hit” the liver with alcohol.

From 7 to 9 a.m. the activity of the large intestine is maximum, and the body must be accustomed to this.

From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. – best time for skin care. However, anti-cellulite products will be ineffective at this time.

9 am – the skin is at its least sensitive to various procedures, including injections. Mental activity increases. The heart is working at full capacity.

From 9 to 10 am – increased activity, openness to new acquaintances.

From 10 to 12 noon – increased brain activity. Creative time, working phase. At this time, you should not be distracted by vain, unimportant matters.

By 12 noon – mobilization of all forces.

13 o'clock is the hour of digestion when the most gastric juice is produced.

From 12 to 13.30 – the greatest muscle activity.

At 14:00 the body's reactions slow down. Decreased energy.

At 15:00 there is a rise in energy, a sharpening of taste and smell.

From 15 to 16 hours is the “hour of mastery”, when the fingers are most agile.

From 15 to 18 hours – favorable time for circulation of air, blood, lymph and other fluids in the body, which is good for physical activity and sports.

At 4 p.m., blood sugar levels rise. Physical exercise help lower blood sugar levels.

At 5 p.m., energy doubles, which is good for training and changing activities. Decreased sensation physical pain. This is the time to fight cellulite.

From 16 to 18 hours - restoration of skin cells, active growth of nails and hair.

After 18:00 it is advisable not to take high-calorie, heavy food.

At 19 o'clock mental stability weakens. We must avoid any stress or showdowns at this time, and strive for harmony and diplomacy.

From 18 to 20 hours – the liver most easily copes with alcohol and other substances toxic to the body.

At 20 o'clock maximum body weight. It's better to weigh yourself in the morning.

From 20 to 22 hours is the “hour of loneliness”, when lonely people find it difficult to be alone with themselves.

From 18:00 to 21:00 – moisturize and nourish the skin, remove makeup. However, if allergies occur, it is not advisable to intensively nourish the skin from 20 to 21.30.

From 21 to 22 o’clock – best hour evening memory.

From 21.30 to 22.30 is the “hour of immunity”, when the immune system most effectively protects the body from infection. For people suffering from allergies, this may be the peak of exacerbation, intensification of the symptoms of the disease. At 22:00 – the blood is filled with white blood cells. Body temperature rises.

Food eaten after 10 pm can have a bad effect on the body as a whole, especially on the skin of the face, causing rashes and swelling. From 10 pm to 6 am, the amount of digestive enzymes decreases, and any food, especially proteins, consumed in the evening are not fully digested overnight, forming waste in the body (according to Ayurveda - “ama”). This, by the way, is one of the main causes of diseases such as diabetes, renal failure. In addition, the phase of rest and rest is disrupted. Instead of resting, the body spends energy on digestion.

After 23 hours it is highly undesirable to apply to the skin of the face and body. cosmetical tools, especially nourishing masks. You can end up with an “unrested and swollen” result. As they say: the result is obvious.

Practicing doctors have noted the following fact: patients, be they “larks” or “night owls,” begin to take into account The biological clock and follow the recommendations to them, improve your health faster, becoming more efficient and energetic. Good health to you!

Every year, statistics show terrible mortality figures for the planet's population. Despite the high birth rate (about 360 thousand per year), we wonder how many people die per day in the world, and what is the main reason.

Mortality statistics on Earth

When considering the question of how many people die per day in the world, statistics do not give the most rosy results. Every day, for one reason or another, about 153.5 thousand people lose their lives. In annual terms, this figure reaches 56 million, which is 0.75% of the total population of the Earth.

Leading causes of death in the world

There are a great many causes of mortality, and in order to select the main ones, it is necessary to pay attention to how many people die per day in the world for each of them. According to scientists, about 70% of all deaths are caused by non-communicable diseases - cardiovascular and cancer, diabetes, chronic pathologies lungs.

How many people die every day in the world due to poor health? Cardiovascular diseases have the highest mortality rate - every third person dies from myocardial problems. Every day, for this reason, about 50 thousand inhabitants of the planet say goodbye to life.

An equally “popular” factor of death is bad habit- smoking. According to statistics, smoking is responsible for the cause of death of one in 10 people per day. tobacco products. Another common bad habit of humanity is alcoholism. It collects a total of 6% of the total deaths. At the same time, this includes both death from direct consumption of alcoholic beverages and road accidents involving persons who are intoxicated, as well as acts of violence and murder of people who are drunk at that moment.

Road mortality

The main factor in unnatural death is death in a traffic accident. If we consider how many people die per day in the world from road accidents, the figure will be about 3.5 thousand. Every year, almost one and a half million residents die in car accidents, which is more than two percent of total number deaths.

The main causes of road accidents are fatal are the inattention of drivers on the road. Because of a conversation on the phone, alcohol intoxication or other factors of distraction, more than half of all victims of car accidents die under the wheels of a car.


Nowadays, suicide has become more rare than before, but suicide cases occur in tens of thousands of cases every day in the world. Every day, about 2.5 thousand people lose their lives due to the desire to commit suicide. The share of suicides in the total number of deaths is about one percent, however, despite the small ratio with other causes of mortality, in total almost a million people die of their own accord each year. By comparison, only twice as many people die from HIV or lung cancer.

Who lives longer?

When looking at the statistics of how many people die per day in the world, the logical question is what are the best and worst death rates. African countries have the lowest average life expectancy. There, as a result of a high percentage of deaths of infants, problems in the field of health and everyday life, as well as a high crime rate average age death is about 40 years.

The best indicators are demonstrated by dwarf states - Monaco and Liechtenstein. The average life expectancy there is 82 years, which is explained by high level life and low population. Among large and developed countries, the leaders are Japan, France, Switzerland, Sweden and Australia. Residents of these countries live on average over 80 years.

April 27, 2017

Despite the rapid development of medicine, more than half of deaths in the world (about 54% in 2015) are a consequence of diseases.

The rest comes from crimes, domestic accidents, disasters and natural disasters. Here are the statistics of the most common diseases that claim millions of lives, sparing neither the rich nor the famous

№ 1

Hand on heart

The most common cause of death on Earth is work disruption of cardio-vascular system. Annually from coronary disease heart disease and heart attacks kill about 20 million people. Pathologies can be either congenital or acquired. Heart and vascular defects develop quite quickly. Careful treatment and expensive operations prolong the life of such patients.

The first one died from cardiac arrest Russian President Boris Yeltsin, having lived 11 years after a complex coronary bypass surgery. He was a very serious heart patient; many leading surgeons refused to operate on him. Russian doctor Renat Akchurin spent complex operation: shunts were installed in the president’s heart - bypass routes through which blood passed, bypassing the arteries affected by atherosclerosis.

From heart attacks caused for various reasons, many celebrities have died, remember, for example, Vladimir Vysotsky.

№ 2


Stroke, or cerebral hemorrhage, has been known since ancient times. This used to be called apoplexy. The disease has always been common and is often mentioned in the literature. From time immemorial people have been frightened when suddenly, out of the blue, healthy man falls to the ground with a distorted face and either dies or remains paralyzed. The suddenness of a stroke has always been convenient for criminals of all stripes. When the conspirators strangled the emperor PavelI at night in the Mikhailovsky Castle, the official cause of death was apoplexy.

From a stroke in different time died Roosevelt, Stalin And Churchill- heads of the USA, USSR and Great Britain, who determined the post-war world order in 1945.

The star of Soviet theater and cinema died from the same disease at the age of 46 Andrey Mironov – right on stage.

№ 3

He joked with thrones, but died of a cold

Many viruses and infections, transmitted by airborne droplets, affect our mucous membranes, including the respiratory tract. On average, about three and a half million people a year die around the world from the consequences of these seemingly ordinary acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Diplomat Count died from a cold Nikolai Rezanov- the hero of the famous rock opera “Juno and Avos”. Legend has it that he fell ill while rushing through Siberia to America to be with his beloved.

The creator died from complications after a cold chemical table Dmitriy Mendeleev and famous female mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya.

№ 4

In fourth place is COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) - the executioner of our respiratory system. The disease is provoked by bronchitis, microdamage from dust, tar, smog and other unpleasant guests in our lungs. As you might guess, diseases can be caused by frequent smoking, the general environmental condition in modern agglomerations and deteriorating immunity in large quantity people all over the world. To a large extent, this disease is occupational; miners, builders, and workers in the metallurgical and pulp and paper industries are susceptible to it.

The disease is difficult to diagnose. It turned out that the proletarian writer died from it Maksim Gorky. At the autopsy it was discovered that his lungs were “ossified”; doctors were surprised how he even breathed.

№ 5

The scary word "cancer"

One of the most famous and frightening diseases of the 21st century is only in fifth place. And its threat may very well in the foreseeable future be reduced to the level of, say, the flu, thanks to the latest developments by scientists, such as nitrogen freezing. Cancer is a gradually growing tumor that replaces the cells of the affected organ with its cells, disrupts its functioning and spreads to other parts of the body. About 1.7 million people die from cancer every year.

Everyone knows that a disease can be defeated if it is detected on initial stage, while she is still hiding and does not make herself known. Peculiarity last stage cancer is that patients require large doses of painkillers. A famous people There are probably more deaths from cancer than from other diseases combined: Edith Piaf, Walt Disney, Alexander Abdulov, Rolan Bykov, Oleg Yankovsky, Steve Jobs , David Bowie, Zhanna Friske.

It would be better for all of us to live to be a hundred years old, and then it doesn’t matter what diagnosis we leave with.