How many nerves are there in a human canine? Teeth, root canals, topography, access, how many canals in a tooth

Root canals are a complex system that requires special treatment methods. The main problems are their big number, tortuousness, as well as difficulties with access, especially if we're talking about about third molars. How many canals are there in a tooth, what are they for and what are their features?

What are root canals?

The tooth consists of three parts - neck, root, crown. The main task of the root is to hold the tooth in the hole hidden by the gum. There can be several roots - from one in the incisors, canines, to 4-5 in the third molars. The determining factor is the chewing load: the higher it is, the stronger the attachment should be. The amount also depends on age, genetic factors, even race: it is known that Mongoloids have more of them.

The length of the root is influenced by the size of the tooth, but they necessarily reach the alveoli - the source nutrients. Inside the roots there are openings - canals through which the vessels and nerves of the pulp, located in the root and coronal parts, pass.

Number of canals in tooth

The number of channels is not always equal to the number of roots. In canines, for example, there is one root, but there may be two canals, they run parallel to each other. In addition, one hole often bifurcates. Another feature is severe tortuosity or narrowing, which significantly complicates treatment.

The table shows the average number of canals in each front and molar tooth. Percentages are the probability of certain combinations.

The dentist cannot “by eye” determine the number of canals and the features of their location; these parameters are individual for each person. The exact value can only be found using x-ray.

Wisdom tooth

The difficulties of treating wisdom teeth are caused by several factors:

  • They often erupt incorrectly because they do not have enough space in the already formed jaw.
  • Often, figure eights do not fully erupt. Bacteria accumulate under the “hood” that covers them, which leads to inflammation.
  • The brush does not reach hard-to-reach places, so caries is a common occurrence.

Untreated caries develops into pulpitis, requiring root canal treatment. Due to the fact that there are many of them (especially if it is a tooth upper jaw), they are uneven and difficult to pass, endodontic treatment of third molars is difficult.

Features of treatment

Understanding topography is essential to correct definition endodontic treatment, which involves cleaning and filling canals. Typically, dentists are guided by the following principles:

  1. An X-ray diagnostic is required, 4 pictures are taken - diagnostic, determining the length, monitoring the filling, assessing the quality of work.
  2. Channels are considered accessible if they are curved by 25 degrees.
  3. 25-50 degrees – difficult curvature.
  4. If the curvature is greater than 50 degrees, instrumental access is not possible.

The last case, when treatment with dental instruments is excluded, usually applies to wisdom teeth, both above and below. If one channel can be expanded, then treating three or more in this case is an almost impossible task. Because of this, figure eights are usually removed rather than treated.

Number of roots and canals in human teeth

Many people often ask the question - how many roots does a molar have? This question is relevant for most doctors. Because the complexity of many depends on the number of roots medical procedures, starting from treatment, restoration and ending with removal. After birth, after birth, every person begins to grow milk teeth, of which there should be 20 by the age of 3. Then, after 6-7 years, the dairy ones are replaced by radical units, which should already increase by almost 1.5 times - 32. At the same time, dairy units can only have one root, but radical ones grow with several roots.

Number of roots in each tooth

Often the root is located in the area under the gums, below the surface of the cervix and its size is about 70% of the total volume of the organ. The number of chewing organs and the roots present in them is not the same. Dentistry has special system, with the help of which the number of roots is determined, for example, in the sixth unit at the top or a wisdom tooth.

On this image the side of the upper and lower dentition is presented, which shows the number of roots each tooth has.

So how many roots do adults have? This indicator is different for each person, it depends on various reasons- from heredity, from size, from location, from age and race of a person. For example, representatives of the Mongoloid and Negroid races have one more root than representatives of the Caucasian race, and they also grow together quite often.

This system applies to adults. But as for children's milk teeth, their root system has some differences. Many people believe that dairy plants have no bases and they grow without them, but this is not true. Typically, the first teeth appear from the root system; each unit usually has one base, which is completely dissolved at the time it falls out. That's why many people believe that they don't exist at all.

How many channels

The root canal system is anatomical space inside the root of the tooth. It consists of a coronal space connected to one or more main canals at the root of the tooth.

Features of the number of channels:

  1. The upper and lower organs may have some differences. Usually in the area of ​​​​the incisors and canines of the upper jaw there is one canal;
  2. The central ones of the lower row may have two recesses. But in almost 70% there is only one, and in the remaining 30% there are two;
  3. In the area of ​​the second incisor lower jaw in almost 50% of cases, adults have two canals, in 6% of situations the canine has only one recess, and in the rest it has similar properties to the second incisor;
  4. Dental unit No. 4, also called a premolar, which is at the top, has three sockets. But a three-canal fourth premolar occurs only in 6% of cases, in the rest it has one or two recesses;
  5. The similar fourth premolar, which is located below, has no more than two, but in most cases there is only one;
  6. The upper fifth premolar can have a different number of recesses. In 1% of cases there are units with three channels, in 24% - two, and in other cases there is one depression;
  7. The lower fifth premolar meets a single canal;
  8. The sixth upper organ has the same ratio of recesses - three or four;
  9. Below, sixes are sometimes found with two channels, in almost 60% of cases with three, and can also be with four;
  10. The upper and lower seventh tooth has three canals in 70% of cases, and 4 in 30% of cases.

How many canals does a wisdom tooth have?

How many wisdom teeth can there be? This is a difficult question, because this organ has a very unusual structure. If it is located at the top, then it can have four and sometimes even five channels. If this tooth is in the lower row, then it usually has no more than 3 indentations.
In most cases, during eruption and already at the moment of full growth, the figure eight delivers discomfort and severe discomfort. To clean it, it is recommended to use a special brush, which is designed for hard-to-reach places. Typically, wisdom teeth have narrow sockets that have irregular shapes. This property causes great difficulties when performing medical procedures. Often, if improper eruption or other pathological processes occur, complete removal eights.

The wisdom tooth is the last one to erupt; it seems to fight for space in the jaw, often shifting the dentition and causing discomfort. The roots of the tooth have a swirling, intertwined shape, so the root canals of the tooth cannot always be treated.

What is a nerve needed for?

How many canals in teeth, location table and detailed description

Teeth, regardless of location, name, purpose, have the same structure: they consist of a crown, neck and root. There are canals inside the roots, which the doctor fills in case of pulpitis or periodontitis. Read the article: how many canals are in teeth - location table and useful information.

What are channels?

Each tooth has a certain number of roots located under the gum.

How many roots do teeth have? The answer to this question depends on several factors - the position of the unit, the person’s age, heredity, even race. It is known that Mongoloids have more roots than Caucasians.

The standard quantity is as follows:

  • Incisors, canines – 1.
  • Premolars – 1-3.
  • Upper molars – 3-4.
  • Lower molars – 2.
  • Third molars – 3-5.

Inside the crown is the pulp, a tissue consisting of blood vessels and nerve endings. They pass into the pulp through the apical foramen, located at the apex of the root, and through canals, narrow cavities inside the root. Their number is not always equal to the number of roots.

The photo shows the beginning of the root canals.

How many canals are there in a tooth?

The configurations of cavities in the roots vary. There are several varieties of them. A tooth root may have two apical foramina, branches inside converging to one foramen, or two internal cavities, running in parallel. Percentage possible combinations indicated in the table.

In the treatment of pulpitis root canals cleaned and sealed.

Knowing the structure and location of the canals is important for the treatment of pulpitis. When the pulp is inflamed, the root cavities must be cleaned, so before starting treatment, the doctor must have a clear idea of ​​how many there are and what they look like. This information can only be obtained using an x-ray.

The structural features of the canals cause treatment difficulties. A number of problems often arise:

  • the cavity is impassable for instruments (curved, branched);
  • microorganisms that are particularly resistant to the action of standard antiseptics accumulate in the intraroot spaces;
  • bacteria tend to re-enter through the dentinal tubules;

To overcome these problems, dentists use modern equipment and materials - endodontic motors designed for mechanical processing, fillings with strong antiseptics.

Root canal treatment

Filling cavities inside the root is one of the main conditions successful treatment pulpitis and periodontitis. The stages of a doctor’s work are as follows:

  1. Determination of length. The doctor removes the pulp and, using special the finest instruments, measures length. IN good clinics the process takes place under the control of an apex locator - a device whose display shows the moment the instrument reaches the root apex.
  2. Treatment for expansion, preparation for filling. The procedure is done manually or using an endodontic handpiece.
  3. Drug treatment using disinfectants inserted through a thin needle.
  4. Filling with gutta-percha material. The pin is selected according to the size of the expanded space, it is filled with paste, the pin is installed and secured.
  5. X-ray quality control.
  6. Removal of excess, installation of temporary filling.

Tools for processing channels.

Standards of service dental care do not allow simultaneous filling of canals and tooth cavity. The crown should be restored at the next visit.

Treatment is not an easy task. It often leads to complications:

    • Trauma in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root: damage to the walls with instruments, inaccurate removal of the pulp, penetration of antiseptics into the tissues surrounding the apex.
    • Poor fillings: Fillings do not reach the end of cavities, allowing bacteria to continue to grow in those areas. This is evidenced by pain and swelling of the gums.
    • The filling material penetrates beyond the apex.
    • Root perforation, which occurs due to a doctor’s error or with curved canals that are difficult to treat.

Most often, the method of correcting errors is re-sealing, which involves re-opening the cavities. To avoid this, you need to carefully choose the clinic and doctor who will treat pulpitis. The best option– prevent the development of the disease by observing hygiene rules and visiting a doctor for preventive purposes.

  1. Cohen S., Burns R. Endodontics. EBook, 8th edition, 2007.
  2. Borovsky E.V. Therapeutic dentistry. Moscow, 2003.

How many canals are there in the upper and lower teeth?

Correctly determining the number of canals in a tooth is only possible using an x-ray. Of course, their number depends on where the tooth is located - with a greater chewing load on the teeth in the back of the jaws, the retaining system is stronger, respectively, they are larger, have more roots and canals. However, this is not a constant indicator, and it does not mean that the upper or lower incisors will have only one canal, it all depends on individual characteristics structures of the jaw of each person. Therefore, how many canals in a diseased tooth require filling can be determined by the dentist during an autopsy or with the help of an x-ray.

Interest calculation

Due to the fact that each person is individual and there are no clear norms and rules for determining how many canals are in the teeth, in dentistry data on this issue are given as a percentage. Initially, they are repelled by the fact that the same teeth of the upper and lower jaws are very different from each other. If the first three upper incisors in almost one hundred percent of cases have only one canal, then with the same teeth of the lower jaw everything is much more complicated, and they have approximately the following percentage:

  • In the first incisor, most often there is only one canal - this is in 70% of cases from the general statistics, and only in 30% there can be two of them;
  • The second tooth can have either one or two canals in almost equal proportions, or more precisely, a ratio of 56% to 44%;
  • The third incisor of the lower jaw almost always has only one canal, and only in 6% of cases can there be two.

Premolars have more large building, there is already more pressure and load on them, so it is logical to assume that there are more canals in the tooth, however, not everything is so simple here. For example, in the fourth tooth of the upper jaw there are really only 9% of teeth have one canal, in 6% of cases there may even be three, but the rest most often occur with two. But at the same time, the next premolar (fifth tooth), which seems to take even more heavy load most often has one channel and only in some cases more (of which only 1% are three branches).

At the same time, in the lower jaw the situation is completely different - the first and second premolars are not three-canal at all, but most often have only one canal (74% - four and 89% - five) and in only 26% of cases for four and 11% for five - two.

The molars are already larger and the number of canals is increasing. The sixes of the upper jaw can have either three or four branches with equal probability. On the lower jaw, a two-canal tooth can sometimes be found (usually no more than 6% of cases), but most often there are three canals (65%) and sometimes four.

Posterior molars usually have the following relationship:

  • Top seven: 70 to 30% three and four channels;
  • Bottom seven: 13 to 77% two and three channels.

Wisdom tooth

The figure eight or wisdom tooth is quite unique and does not meet the standards and statistics. The upper one can have a completely different structure with channels from one to five. The lower eight is most often found to be three-channel, however, often upon opening during treatment additional branches may be discovered.

Among other things, a wisdom tooth differs from others in that its canals are quite rare. correct form, often very curved and with a narrow passage, which greatly complicates their treatment and filling.


Since a tooth consists of roots and a pre-crown part, there is sometimes a misconception that There are as many canals in teeth as there are roots.. This is far from true, because the canals quite often branch and bifurcate near the pulp. Moreover, several channels can run parallel to each other in one root. There are also cases of their bifurcation at the apex, which means that one root has two apices and this, of course, complicates the work of doctors when filling such teeth.

Taking into account all the features of the individual structure of teeth, dentists need to be very careful when treating and filling, so as not to miss any branch. After all, sometimes without an x-ray it is very difficult, even during an autopsy, to identify how many canals there are in the teeth.

Development modern medicine and dentistry in particular, today makes it possible to increasingly preserve those diseased teeth that just yesterday had to be removed due to the impossibility of treatment. Root canal treatment procedure in the teeth itself is quite complex, because they are filled soft cloth– pulp, which contains a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels and other connective tissues. Today, this is dealt with by a separate branch of dentistry – endodontics, the development of which makes it possible to improve the condition of a person’s teeth and cure even complex problems in more than 80% of cases, preserving the tooth itself.

The goals of this treatment are:

  • Removal developing infection inside the root system;
  • Preventing pulp decay or removing it;
  • Removal of infected dentin;
  • Preparing the canal for filling (giving it the desired shape);
  • Increasing the effect of medications.

Complexity similar treatment root system is that the dentist is satisfied difficult to reach diseased canals and monitor the progress of the procedure. After all, if you do not remove even a microscopic part of the infection, it can develop again over time.

One of the main indicators for such treatment is inflammatory process, which leads to damage to the soft tissue of the pulp inside the canals. Most often this leads to various diseases such as caries and pulpitis, but root canal treatment may also be necessary for periodontitis.

The first symptoms of the need for such treatment are tooth pain or swollen gums. However, it should be borne in mind that if the disease progresses to chronic stage, pain may not be observed, but the disease develops and will ultimately lead to tooth loss. This is why it is so important to have regular dental checkups.

Process and stages of root canal treatment

The root canal treatment process has clear sequence of stages:

If the doctor has any doubts (usually this happens when the tooth is inconveniently positioned and instruments have difficult access to it), he puts a temporary filling, after which he sends the patient for an x-ray, using the photo of which he checks whether he has removed all the infection and whether he has cleaned all the channels. Permanent filling then it is placed approximately two weeks after that.

This whole procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but it allows you to save the tooth. Its duration depends on the location of the tooth, the number of canals in it, the complexity of the developed infection and usually takes from thirty minutes to one hour. And success depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the high-quality work he has done, since it is necessary to remove all the affected pulp from the canals without leaving a drop of infection, otherwise it can develop again and tightly seal the tooth so that nothing else can get into the cleaned cavity.

Prevention after treatment

After the root system treatment procedure, some time stress should be avoided on a treated tooth, moreover, you should not eat food earlier than two hours after therapy, otherwise the not completely hardened filling may simply fall out. However, the same thing can happen if the doctor uses low-quality drugs or carries out incorrect treatment (for example, the canals are over-dried or not dried before filling).

Also, after filling the tooth for some time (up to several days) may be painful when pressed or simply whine, cause discomfort, possess hypersensitivity. Usually this normal condition If the pain is severe, you can take painkillers. If the pain does not go away after a certain time, this may also be an indicator bad treatment(insufficient cleaning of infection or infected pulp, leaky filling, use of low-quality drugs or materials).

Sometimes there are cases emergence allergic reactions , which is also accompanied by incessant painful sensations, sometimes itching and rash appear on the body. It may be caused by a reaction to medicinal product or the material that was used for the filling. In this case, it must be replaced with another one that will not cause allergies.

In all these situations, it is imperative to short time Consult a doctor for a re-examination and dental prophylaxis to identify the cause of deviations from the norm.

Number of roots and canals in human teeth

Most of the oral cavity is occupied by organs main function which involves chewing and grinding food into smaller pieces. This promotes its complete digestion and better absorption. useful substances. A tooth is an organ that has characteristic shape and consisting of several parts. In dentistry, the outer visible part is called the crown, and the inner part is called the root. The element connecting the crown and root is the neck.

An interesting fact is that, unlike a crown, a tooth can have more than one root. How many roots a tooth has, as a rule, depends on the location and purpose of the organ. In addition, its structure and number of roots are affected by hereditary factor. The situation can only be definitively clarified with the help of an x-ray.

The article presents detailed information about how many roots the frontal, lateral chewing teeth, as well as the number eight, or the so-called wisdom tooth. In addition, you can find out what the purpose of the tooth root is, why the chewing units need nerves. The dental advice provided in the following material will help prevent the development of dental diseases.

Number of roots in human teeth

The tooth root is located in the inner part of the gum. This invisible part makes up about 70% of the entire organ. There is no clear answer to the question: how many roots does this or that organ have, since their number is individual for each individual patient.

Factors influencing the number of roots include:

  1. organ location;
  2. the degree of load on it, functional features(chewing, frontal);
  3. heredity;
  4. patient's age;
  5. race.

Additional Information! The root system of representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races is somewhat different from the European one, it is more branched than, in fact, justified large quantity roots and canals.

Dentists have developed a special system for numbering teeth, thanks to which it is almost impossible even for a non-specialist to get confused in the units of the upper and lower dentition. To understand the principle of numbering, you need to mentally divide cranium in half vertically. First come the incisors - the frontal units of the upper and lower rows on the right and left. There are two of them on each side: central (No. 1) and side (No. 2). Next come the fangs or so-called triplets. The four (No. 4) and five (No. 5) are the first and second premolars. These teeth are also called small molars. All of the above units are united by the fact that they have only one cone-shaped “spine” in both the top and bottom rows.

The situation is somewhat different with the first, second and third molars, we are talking about tooth No. 6, 7 and 8. The upper six and seven (large molars) are endowed with three roots, however, in the wisdom tooth located on top, as a rule, there are also 3 grounds. The sixth tooth and the 7th tooth of the bottom row usually have one less root than their upper counterparts. The exception is the lower eight; this tooth may even have not three, but four roots. This feature should be taken into account during the treatment of a four-canal tooth.

Additional Information! Many people mistakenly believe that their children's baby teeth don't have roots. This is absolutely not true. There are bases, and their number can reach up to three; with their help, the chewing organs of babies are attached to the jaw. By the time the milk units are replaced with permanent ones, the “roots” disappear, as a result of which parents have the opinion that they did not exist at all.

How many canals are there in teeth?

It should be noted right away that the number of channels does not necessarily correspond to the number of roots. These concepts are not identical. You can accurately determine how many canals there are in a tooth using an x-ray.

So, the upper incisors, as a rule, are endowed with two or three canals; in some cases there may be one, but branched in two. It all depends on the characteristics of the root system and genetic predisposition. The lower central incisors are predominantly single-channel, in 70% of cases, the remaining 30% have two recesses.

Lower lateral incisors in most cases, they are endowed with 2 canals, however, like the lower canines. Only in rare cases canine teeth located on the lower jaw are two-canal (5-6%).

The distribution of recesses in the remaining units of the dentition is carried out according to the following scheme, from which you can find out how many channels each tooth has:

  • upper first premolar – 1 (9% of cases), 2 (85%), 3 (6%);
  • bottom four – 1, less often 2;
  • upper second premolar (No. 5) – 1 (75% of cases), 2 (24%), 3 (1%);
  • the lower 5 are predominantly single-channel;
  • upper first molar – 3 or 4;
  • lower first molar – 3 (60% of cases), less often – 2, extremely rarely – 4;
  • top and bottom seven - 3 (70%), 4 - in other cases.

How many canals does a wisdom tooth have?

The number eight or the so-called third molar is somewhat different from other units of the dentition. To begin with, it should be noted that not all people have it, which is due to genetic factors.

This organ, in addition to its inconvenient location, which causes discomfort during oral hygiene, has other differences. Thus, the upper third molar is the only unit whose number of canals can reach 5. It is worth noting that this happens extremely rarely, mostly wisdom teeth have three or four canals. The bottom eight has no more than 3 indentations.

Number eight is often the cause of the development of dental pathologies. For example, incorrect placement of the third molar can contribute to impaired growth of adjacent units. In such cases, its removal is required. If the figure eight does not bother or hurt, there is no need to pull it out. The only indication for removal is the presence of pain and negative impact third molar to other units of the series.

So that there are no problems with the eight, dentists advise sticking to following rules oral care:

  • due to the inconvenient location of the figure eight, it is necessary to use a special brush;
  • owners of the third molar should visit for scheduled inspection The dentist should be seen at least 2 times a year.

Why does a tooth need a nerve?

A special feature of the cavity in the tooth is the presence of branched nerve endings in it, grouped into branches. The number of nerve endings directly depends on the number of roots and canals.

Purpose of dental nerves:

  1. influence the development and growth of dental units;
  2. thanks to the nerves, the organ is sensitive to external influences;
  3. The dental nerve makes the masticatory organ not just a bone, but a living unit of the oral cavity.

The development of dental pathologies can be prevented only by following the advice of qualified doctors and observing the rules of oral hygiene.

  • do not abuse the rules of hygiene, brush your teeth only in the evening and in the morning. More frequent exposure to tooth enamel promotes its erasure;
  • performance hygiene procedures should be done half an hour after eating;
  • use rinses to destroy germs remaining in the mouth after brushing;
  • Cleaning should be carried out for at least 3 minutes, performing circular movements.

The main rule– if you detect the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact your dentist. This will help prevent further development pathologies and save teeth.

Video: tooth anatomy

Many people in their lives have often wondered how many roots a tooth has. The question is also relevant for dentists. After all, it depends on how simple the procedure for tearing out the bicuspids will be. The man has in oral cavity various teeth. His front ones grow into childhood fall out. These baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. Both types of molars have one root. All other bicuspids have 2-3 roots. This number depends on where the tooth is located and what function it performs.

Molars are divided into several types according to their purpose. Incisors are characterized by the presence of a crown, which in its own way appearance resembles a chisel. They can be located on both the upper and lower jaws.

The molars also include canines, which differ from other bicuspids in their impressive size. These bicuspids are characterized by the presence of a single root. They perform something quite important in a person’s life – they help to bite off food. Behind the canines there are two low and three deep molar bicuspidates.

A molar tooth may have a different number of roots. If the molar is a minor tooth, then it has only one root. Large molars, which are located on the upper jaw, are characterized by the presence of three roots.

Molars, which are located on the lower jaw, have two roots.

These bicuspids are characterized by the presence of a lumpy chewing surface. That is why they grind food.

The upper older molar bicuspidates are characterized by the presence of three processes. Two of them are buccal, and one is lingual. Pectoral bicuspidates have two roots. One of them is forward, and the second is reverse.

In most cases, molar extraction is performed when the patient is between 16 and 17 years of age.

This is explained by the fact that the roots of the wisdom tooth are not yet fully formed, which greatly simplifies the surgical procedure.

The need to extract molars should be determined by a doctor. Only an experienced specialist can give a real assessment of the condition of the tooth and evaluate the possibility of its treatment.

Complications after wisdom teeth extraction

If done incorrectly, many people may experience molar extraction. If it develops in the molar area infectious process, then it may spread to the neck and head. As a result, meningitis and phlegmon may occur.

Improper removal of wisdom teeth in some cases leads to fatal outcome. If the nerve is damaged during the period of tooth extraction, then sensitivity in the chin area may disappear.

Some patients complain that after pulling out a molar they have lost sensitivity in their lips.
Improper molar extraction can lead to speech impediment. In most cases, the roots of the wisdom tooth are bent in different directions.

If removed incorrectly, a fragment may remain, which will cause the appearance of a cyst or alveolitis. After pulling out molars, patients experience bleeding. It occurs as a result of poor blood clotting or.

Wisdom teeth are quite important because they are capable of performing a chewing function. Molars bear a lot of stress, so they must be well supported. The patient has two to five processes on the molars. The indicator is influenced not only by individual characteristics, but also by race. In some cases, fusion of the molar processes is observed. When molars become diseased, they are difficult to treat. That is why dentists decide to remove them.

These are organs that do not regenerate. Therefore, they must be protected. Healthy teeth- this is a guarantee wellness person. This is explained simply. Man receives vital energy from food. They are the first in the long chain of digestion of consumed food. The amount of minerals and useful elements, which the body receives during processing.

Helps maintain dental health proper hygiene and a dentist. You must visit it at least every six months. It will detect the disease early stage and will cure him. If inspections are not carried out regularly, this can lead to serious illnesses. And they demand long-term treatment. This pattern is associated with structural features. Although it looks lifeless, it actually feeds like any other organ.

How does a human tooth work?

For all their apparent fundamentality, these organs are subjected to various diseases. This happens when poor care behind them and bad habits.

In dentistry, rows are divided into the following types of teeth:

  • incisors (central and lateral);
  • fangs;
  • premolars (small molars);
  • molars.

The development of rows begins at the stage of bearing a child. It was during this period that the rudiments of some permanent teeth. After birth, in the six-month period, the eruption of milk begins, which is gradually replaced by permanent ones. In adolescence from 10 to 13 years. The last 4 (third molars or eights) are just beginning their development during this period, so their appearance is delayed. They are born between 16 and 25 years of age. Eventually total figure The number of teeth in humans is 32.

Each performs its own task, so they have a certain structure. They correspond to the opposite. But it is worth noting that the anatomy of the teeth of the upper jaw is different from the lower jaw. And the point here is not only in external differences. Significant changes are visible in the root system. They will be strong in teeth that experience increased load- upper and lower molars.

The anatomical structure of anyone consists of three main parts:

  1. crown;
  2. neck;
  3. root.

Dentists divide the visible part into four surfaces:

  • closure (point of contact with the opposite row);
  • lingual (inner side);
  • facial ( outer side);
  • connections with adjacent teeth).

The crown is covered with enamel, underneath is a layer of dentin. Together they form the basis of the crown. Dentin is similar in structure to bone tissue, but stronger. This is explained by increased mineralization. It is slightly different in its structure, since there is no enamel layer on it, and the dentin layer is penetrated by collagen fibers.

In the middle of the crown there is a pulp, which is penetrated by blood vessels and nerve endings. Damage to enamel caries during untimely treatment leads to damage to dentin and pulp, which causes severe pain.

The alveolus contains an invisible part - the root. It is a natural extension of the jawbone. The number of teeth roots varies for each row. There is one for the incisors, canines and premolars of the lower jaw. The hidden part of pairs of molars is different. So on the lower jaw, they have two roots, and on the upper jaw - three. The hidden part may also have individual characteristics. A wisdom tooth has three to five roots.

The number of canals in a tooth does not always correspond to the roots. Their development depends on the load on them. And deviations from the norm are not pathology in dentistry. If it bifurcates at the papule, then finding it and filling it will not be difficult for the dentist. The tooth becomes more complicated if this is observed at the root. It will not be possible to see this without an x-ray and modern dental equipment.

Number of tooth channels

Dentistry operates on the percentage of the number of channels. But this is not the norm, and discrepancy with these data does not indicate an anomaly in the development of the jaw system.

It has already been mentioned that the root system of all teeth in the upper row differs from those in the lower row. These differences are sometimes significant. Therefore, the location of the canals often remains a mystery to the dentist. An x-ray helps clarify the situation.

  1. The central incisor has two canals. But such cases are few. The majority is a single-channel cutter. The counterpart from the upper jaw is always single-channel. The second incisor from below has 2 channels.
  2. Fangs or eye teeth, located in the bottom row are two-channel. Only 6% have one. Maxillary canine 100% with one canal.
  3. The percentage arrangement is approximately the same in the first premolars. Here, dental canals are more often found in twos. But there are situations when there are only one or three. This often happens with the top four.
  4. Second premolars are rarely three-canal. The percentage of such cases fluctuates within one. About a quarter of the population has two channels. The rest have one. Five on the bottom row are 89% with one channel, the rest with two.
  5. The six in the upper jaw is attributed to three canals in 57% of cases, four in 4%. The same tooth on the bottom row: two in 6%, three in 65% and four in 29%.
  6. Seven (upper jaw) in 70% with three canals and four in 30%, lower row - two canals in 13% and three in 77%.
  7. Unpredictable anatomy of the dental canals is often found in eights. There are from two to five of them in the top row. There are usually three of them at the bottom. They rarely have the correct shape and are difficult to treat. As a rule, dentists recommend removing them if wisdom teeth are damaged.

Such placement percentages. The canals in the teeth have curves, or narrow passages, making treatment difficult.

Possible canal diseases and their treatment

). In case of pathological processes in the soft tissues of the periodontium (periodontitis), the same procedure is prescribed. a lot of. These are their endings, which penetrate the pulp and canals along with the blood vessels. That is why, when affected by caries, a person feels unbearable pain.

Root canal treatment is prescribed for periodontitis and pulpitis. This procedure is necessary if the listed diseases have chronic form. Root canals are treated by clearing them of contents and sealing them with a hermetically sealed filling.

Dental clinics today use rubber pads (rubber lining) when performing similar procedures. The treatment is safe and sterile. Since the rubber dam insulates. Go through the entire procedure in several stages.

  1. Diagnostics are being carried out. At this stage, an x-ray or computer research invisible parts of the crown. This helps determine the number of roots and canals of the tooth. If this is not done, then the possibility that not all channels will be treated remains. Since the dentist’s actions in this case are carried out blindly. In the future, tooth canals will need to be re-treated.
  2. The dentist, having visually determined the location and number of canals, uses various instruments to reach them. This usually occurs through the cavity and the top of the pulp chamber is removed, removing the nerves of the tooth. Before the procedure begins, the patient is injected with a local anesthetic. There are as many nerves in a molar as there are roots. They provide him with food. But even after removing the nerves, it lasts quite a long time.
  3. After this, the tooth canals are filled, cleaning them and filling them with material. Cleaning involves mechanical and chemical action. The first is done using instruments that scrape out the contents. And dry cleaning involves treating passages with preparations that have disinfectant power. They are inserted using a thin needle. The final stage- hermetic sealing. This helps strengthen the tooth and protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

It is important to cover the entire length when cleaning the canals. Therefore, upon completion of the filling, another control shot is prescribed. He will confirm that the procedure was carried out correctly. filling material. Only then can the treatment be considered successful.

If the dentist is not sure about the treatment, he will put a temporary filling on the tooth. Pain due to pulp inflammation is felt 14 days after treatment. But her character should not be increasing.

If the procedure is successful, the inflammation calms down and after two weeks the dentist places a permanent filling. It is important that the doctor treats all canals at one time. This will protect them from further inflammation. Therefore, it is important to know the number of canals in the teeth before starting the procedure.

Canal filling will be refused if the image shows an abnormal bend. It's simply impossible to do. Sclerotic canals are also a reason for refusal of treatment. It all depends on the professionalism of the attending physician and his technical capabilities to perform this or that procedure.

It is possible to determine exactly how many canals there are in a tooth only with the help of an x-ray. Of course, their number depends on the location. For example, the teeth at the back of the jaw bear the greatest chewing load. Therefore, they require a stronger holding system. They themselves are much larger than other teeth and have more roots and canals. However, this indicator is not constant. It does not mean that the upper and lower incisors will have only one canal. In this matter, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the human jaw system. The dentist must determine how many canals in a tooth require filling when opening the tooth or using an x-ray.

How is a tooth structured?

If you don’t delve too deeply into this issue, it may seem quite simple. The so-called crown is located above the gum, and below it are the roots. Their number depends on the degree of pressure on the tooth. The larger it is, the more powerful it is. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand how many canals there are in a tooth with a high potential for chewing load. Their number is much greater than that of representatives of the “biting off” group.

The root itself is covered with enamel, and underneath is dentin. The hole where the base of the alveoli is located. There is a tiny distance between them, represented by connective tissue, - periodontium. Here are located nerve bundles and blood vessels.

Each tooth has a cavity inside it. It contains the pulp - a collection of nerves and blood vessels. They are responsible for the continuous nutrition of bone formations. If it is removed, the tooth will become dead. Towards the roots the cavity narrows slightly. This is the dental canal. It stretches from the top of the root to its very base.


As already noted, each person’s body is individual. Therefore, there are no clear rules for determining how many canals a healthy individual should have in a tooth. Information on this issue in dentistry is given not in numerical terms, but in percentage terms.

Number of canals in a tooth of different jaws

Doctors initially start from the fact that the same teeth on both jaws are significantly different. The first three upper incisors usually have one canal each. The situation with these teeth is somewhat different. It can be represented in the following percentage:

  • The first incisor usually has one canal (70% of cases). Only every third patient has 2 of them.
  • The second tooth may have one or two canals in an equal percentage (56% to 44%).
  • On the lower jaw, the third incisor requires special attention. Almost always it has a single channel, and only in 6% of cases there are two.

Premolars are characterized by a larger structure and bear a heavier load. It can be assumed that the number of channels in them is also increasing. However, everything is not so simple here.

How many canals are there in tooth 4? This number usually denotes the first premolar. In the upper jaw, only 9% of teeth have a single canal. In 6% of cases their number can increase to three. The rest are usually found with two branches. The next premolar is the 5th tooth. How many channels does it have? This tooth experiences even more pressure. However, this does not affect the number of channels. Only in 1% their number is three.

On the lower jaw the situation is different. The first and second premolars are not three-channel at all. In 74% of cases, the four and 89% of the five have only one branch.

Molars are considered larger teeth. Therefore, the number of channels they have is rightfully increasing. Sixes on the upper jaw can have either three or all four branches. The probability in this case is approximately the same. It is extremely rare that the picture changes in the lower jaw. Usually there are as many canals in the upper teeth as there are in the lower ones.

Posterior molars are characterized by the following percentage:

  • Top seven: 30% to 70% four and three channels respectively.
  • Bottom seven: 77% to 13% three and two branches.

The posterior molars are not very different in structure. Therefore, any dentist can almost 100% correctly say how many canals are in the 7th tooth of a particular person.

Let's talk about wisdom teeth

A wisdom tooth is a very unique phenomenon that does not fall under statistical data. The upper one can have from one to five channels, and the lower one has three. Often during treatment, additional branches are discovered at autopsy. Therefore, to say exactly how many channels there are lower teeth wisdom is very difficult.

They also differ in their irregular shape. It is rare to find a straight channel without a narrow passage. This feature significantly complicates the treatment process.


A tooth, as you know, consists of roots and a subcoronal part. There is often a misconception that there are as many roots as there are channels. This is not true at all. The branches quite often diverge and even bifurcate near the pulp. Moreover, several channels can run simultaneously in one root, almost parallel to each other.

Considering the listed features of the structure of teeth, dentists need to be very careful in the treatment procedure. If the doctor misses one of the channels, the therapy will have to be repeated after some time.

Root canal treatment

Development modern dentistry Increasingly, it makes it possible to save those teeth that literally 10 years ago needed to be removed due to the impossibility of treatment. Root canal therapy is a fairly complex procedure. The branches are located next to the pulp. It is represented by many blood vessels and nerve bundles. Any wrong decision by the dentist can lead to the death of the tooth. Today, root canal treatment is dealt with in a separate branch of dentistry - endodontics.

The most common form of pathology, in which the patient is forced to seek help from specialists in this field, is the inflammatory process. Absence timely treatment may result in damage to the soft tissues inside the canal. Most often to pathological process cause various ailments such as caries. However, appropriate treatment may also be necessary for periodontitis.

Measures to prevent dental diseases

To avoid any pathologies associated with teeth, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene.

  1. Dentists do not recommend brushing immediately after eating. It's better to wait 20-30 minutes.
  2. To avoid the accumulation of pathogenic microbes, you need to use special rinses. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made product, you can make it at home. A regular one will do for this. chamomile tea or a decoction of oak bark.
  3. You should brush your teeth no more than 2 times a day, since the enamel tends to gradually thin out.


Now you know the structural features of teeth and can imagine the procedure for their treatment. If someone suddenly asks how many canals are in the 6th tooth, such a question will not confuse you. The information presented in today's article is useful for everyone.

Correctly determining the number of canals in a tooth is only possible using an x-ray. Of course, their number depends on where the tooth is located - with a greater chewing load on the teeth in the back of the jaws, the retaining system is stronger, respectively, they are larger, have more roots and canals. However, this is not a constant indicator, and it does not mean that the upper or lower incisors will have only one canal; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the jaw structure of each person. Therefore, how many canals in a diseased tooth require filling can be determined by the dentist during an autopsy or with the help of an x-ray.

Interest calculation

Due to the fact that each person is individual and there are no clear norms and rules for determining how many canals are in the teeth, in dentistry data on this issue are given as a percentage. Initially, they are repelled by the fact that the same teeth of the upper and lower jaws are very different from each other. If the first three upper incisors in almost one hundred percent of cases have only one canal, then with the same teeth of the lower jaw everything is much more complicated, and they have approximately the following percentage:

  • In the first incisor, most often there is only one canal - this is in 70% of cases from the general statistics, and only in 30% there can be two of them;
  • The second tooth can have either one or two canals in almost equal proportions, or more precisely, a ratio of 56% to 44%;
  • The third incisor of the lower jaw almost always has only one canal, and only in 6% of cases can there be two.

Premolars have a larger structure, more pressure and load are already placed on them, so it is logical to assume that there are more canals in the tooth, however, not everything is so simple here. For example, in the fourth tooth of the upper jaw there are really only 9% of teeth have one canal, in 6% of cases there may even be three, but the rest most often occur with two. But at the same time, the next premolar (fifth tooth), which seems to bear an even stronger load, most often has one canal and only in some cases more (of which only 1% is accounted for by three branches).

At the same time, in the lower jaw the situation is completely different - the first and second premolars are not three-canal at all, but most often have only one canal (74% - four and 89% - five) and in only 26% of cases for four and 11% for five - two.

The molars are already larger and the number of canals is increasing. The sixes of the upper jaw can have either three or four branches with equal probability. On the lower jaw, a two-canal tooth can sometimes be found (usually no more than 6% of cases), but most often there are three canals (65%) and sometimes four.

Posterior molars usually have the following relationship:

  • Top seven: 70 to 30% three and four channels;
  • Bottom seven: 13 to 77% two and three channels.

The figure eight or wisdom tooth is quite unique and does not meet the standards and statistics. The upper one can have a completely different structure with channels from one to five. The lower eight is most often found to be three-channel, however, often upon opening during treatment additional branches may be discovered.

Among other things, a wisdom tooth differs from others in that its canals are rarely of the correct shape, often very curved and with a narrow passage, which greatly complicates their treatment and filling.


Since a tooth consists of roots and a pre-crown part, there is sometimes a misconception that There are as many canals in teeth as there are roots.. This is far from true, because the canals quite often branch and bifurcate near the pulp. Moreover, several channels can run parallel to each other in one root. There are also cases of their bifurcation at the apex, which means that one root has two apices and this, of course, complicates the work of doctors when filling such teeth.

Taking into account all the features of the individual structure of teeth, dentists need to be very careful when treating and filling, so as not to miss any branch. After all, sometimes without an x-ray it is very difficult, even during an autopsy, to identify how many canals there are in the teeth.


The development of modern medicine and dentistry in particular, today makes it possible to increasingly preserve those diseased teeth that just yesterday had to be removed due to the impossibility of treatment. Root canal treatment procedure in teeth itself is quite complex, because they are filled with soft tissue - pulp, which contains a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels and other connective tissues. Today, this is dealt with by a separate branch of dentistry – endodontics, the development of which makes it possible to improve the condition of a person’s teeth and cure even complex problems in more than 80% of cases, preserving the tooth itself.

The goals of this treatment are:

  • Removing developing infection inside the root system;
  • Preventing pulp decay or removing it;
  • Removal of infected dentin;
  • Preparing the canal for filling (giving it the desired shape);
  • Increasing the effect of medications.

The difficulty of such treatment of the root system is that the dentist is quite difficult to reach diseased canals and monitor the progress of the procedure. After all, if you do not remove even a microscopic part of the infection, it can develop again over time.

One of the main indicators for such treatment is the inflammatory process, which leads to damage to the soft tissue of the pulp inside the canals. Most often, various diseases such as caries and pulpitis lead to this, but root canal treatment may also be necessary for periodontitis.

The first symptoms of the need for such treatment are tooth pain or swollen gums. However, it is worth considering that if the disease passes into the chronic stage, pain may not be observed, but the disease develops and will ultimately lead to tooth loss. This is why it is so important to have regular dental checkups.

Process and stages of root canal treatment

The root canal treatment process has clear sequence of stages:

If the doctor has any doubts (usually this happens when the tooth is inconveniently positioned and instruments have difficult access to it), he puts a temporary filling, after which he sends the patient for an x-ray, using the photo of which he checks whether he has removed all the infection and whether he has cleaned all the channels. The permanent filling is then placed approximately two weeks later.

This whole procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but it allows you to save the tooth. Its duration depends on the location of the tooth, the number of canals in it, the complexity of the developed infection and usually takes from thirty minutes to one hour. And success depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the high-quality work he has done, since it is necessary to remove all the affected pulp from the canals without leaving a drop of infection, otherwise it can develop again and tightly seal the tooth so that nothing else can get into the cleaned cavity.

After the root system treatment procedure, some time stress should be avoided on a treated tooth, moreover, you should not eat food earlier than two hours after therapy, otherwise the not completely hardened filling may simply fall out. However, the same thing can happen if the doctor uses low-quality drugs or carries out incorrect treatment (for example, the canals are over-dried or not dried before filling).

Also, after filling the tooth for some time (up to several days) may be painful when pressed or simply ache, cause discomfort, have increased sensitivity. This is usually normal, but if the pain is severe, you can take painkillers. If the pain does not go away after a certain time, this may also be an indicator of poor treatment (insufficient cleaning of the infection or infected pulp, leaky filling, use of low-quality drugs or materials).

Sometimes there are cases occurrence of allergic reactions, which is also accompanied by incessant pain, sometimes itching and rash appear on the body. It may be caused by a reaction to the drug or the material that was used for the filling. In this case, it must be replaced with another one that will not cause allergies.

In all these situations, it is imperative to consult a doctor as soon as possible for a re-examination and dental prophylaxis in order to identify the cause of deviations from the norm.