List of toothpastes without fluoride. Fluoride-free toothpaste for children and adults

From this article you will learn:

  • how to choose the right toothpaste,
  • best fluoride-free toothpaste – list, rating 2019,
  • in which regions of Russia is the fluoride content high? drinking water.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Toothpastes without fluoride are only relevant in regions with increased content fluoride in drinking water. The concentration of fluoride is considered increased if it contains more than 1 mg per 1 liter of water. B (due to natural causes or the presence of factories for the production of glass, aluminum, fertilizers) - the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is increased.

However, if you use household filters to purify water, then you definitely don’t need to worry, because... Carbon and osmotic filters remove about 80-84% of fluoride from water. Excess fluoride can cause dental fluorosis exclusively in children and only at the age of 0 to 6-7 years (a particularly critical period is from 0 to 2 years), because It is during this period that the formation and development of tooth buds occurs.

The best toothpaste without fluoride: composition

Avoiding fluoride toothpaste causes a problem that must be compensated for somehow. The fact is that fluoride makes the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth more resistant to cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, i.e. protects teeth from destruction. Therefore, in the absence of fluoride, the toothpaste must contain some other components that protect teeth from caries. And calcium compounds and xylitol allow you to do this.

High-quality calcium compounds in toothpastes –

  • calcium glycerophosphate,
  • calcium lactate,
  • calcium pantothenate,
  • calcium citrate,
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite.

Some manufacturers use a combination of several calcium compounds in toothpaste. The addition of xylitol (xylitol) allows you to neutralize lactic acid, which is produced by cariogenic bacteria and destroys teeth. Manufacturers also often introduce various extracts into fluoride-free toothpastes. medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Particularly interesting is the presence in some children's pastes of a complex of milk enzymes (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and glucose oxidase), which help protect the oral mucosa from the development of stomatitis and thrush.

What fluorine compounds should not be present? –
At the same time, the toothpaste must not contain fluoride compounds - such as sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, amino fluoride (synonym - olaflur), aluminum fluoride or tin fluoride. It is these compounds that are most often used by toothpaste manufacturers.

Toothpastes without fluoride: rating 2019

Looking ahead, we’ll immediately say that we gave the leadership in the ranking to the best fluoride-free toothpaste (in the categories for both adults and children) to toothpastes of the Italian brand “PRESIDENT”. Upon careful analysis of the composition, it turned out that these particular pastes have the best composition and at the same time a completely affordable price. However, there are also several interesting Russian-made pastes...

Comments: President Unique toothpaste has the best composition of all calcium-containing toothpastes (it contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium), as well as the highest concentration of calcium compared to all other similar toothpastes. Papain enzyme - dissolves the protein matrix of dental plaque, facilitating its removal with abrasives.

2. SPLAT “Biocalcium” toothpaste –

Comments: Splat toothpaste contains highly active forms of calcium - calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite, which is a very good composition at a very affordable price. In our opinion, this paste deservedly took second place in our rating, ahead of pastes from some other manufacturers such as R.O.C.S.

Comments: the paste contains easily digestible calcium in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite, loosening components that help remove pigmented plaque (papain and polydon), zinc citrate for long-term preservation of freshness in the oral cavity and blocking the appearance of unpleasant odor.

The milk enzymes lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase increase local immunity of the oral mucosa, thereby reducing the risk of developing oral cavity and herpetic stomatitis. In general, this is a very decent composition, a large volume of paste in the tube and an affordable price for such a volume.

4. Toothpaste ASEPTA PLUS Remineralization” –

Comments: Asepta PLUS Remineralization toothpaste contains a highly effective form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. The papain content facilitates the removal of microbial and pigmented plaque. Xylitol has a cariesstatic effect, because neutralizes acid produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Potassium citrate - reduces tooth sensitivity, and therefore is able to mask the symptoms of developing caries, which may not be very good if long-term use. The latter circumstance can be detrimental to the early detection of caries and the beginning of its treatment precisely at early stages when tooth decay is not so great. In general very good composition at, again, a reasonable price.

Comments: Rox toothpaste contains only 1 form of calcium - calcium glycerophosphate. The total calcium concentration in this paste is significantly lower than that of President Unique paste (see above). Contains xylitol, which has a caries-preventive effect, inhibiting the growth rate of cariogenic microflora and helps neutralize acidic environment in the oral cavity.

The composition is not bad, but there is nothing remarkable - in comparison with the pastes above. Plus the price for such a composition is too high, considering the small volume of the tube. It should be noted that the Rox company produces a lot of toothpastes with the same composition and different names. There are other calcium pastes in their line, but they are exactly similar to each other and contain the same glycerophosphate in a small concentration.

Comments: we must give credit to the manufacturer - previously calcium glycerophosphate was used in the production of this paste, but now calcium lactate is used. The latter component dissociates faster into ions, releasing active calcium, but this paste does not contain anything else interesting. In addition, the paste uses a fairly cheap abrasive - calcium carbonate.

On its website, the manufacturer also positions it as a source of calcium, but in fact calcium carbonate is an insoluble salt that is not able to dissociate into ions to release active calcium. Calcium carbonate can often be found in inexpensive pastes as an abrasive.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for children –

The enamel of children's teeth after they erupt contains very little calcium, i.e. is low-mineralized. Such porous enamel is very vulnerable to the effects of cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, and therefore children's teeth are especially quickly affected by caries. Toothpastes with fluoride protect teeth well from caries, but if you need to choose a toothpaste without fluoride, the latter must contain calcium.

The best calcium compounds in children's toothpastes are calcium lactate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium pantothenate (as well as synthetic hydroxyapatite). These compounds quickly dissociate into ions, releasing active calcium, which is able to penetrate tooth enamel, strengthening it. The second most important component of fluoride-free toothpastes is xylitol/xylitol, which neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria and therefore has a powerful anti-caries effect.

In the ranking of fluoride-free toothpastes for children, in our opinion, the undisputed leader is the PRESIDENT line of Italian toothpastes. As you will see below, these pastes have an excellent composition and a very reasonable price. Also, in our opinion, SPLAT pastes are very interesting - due to the content of a complex of lactic enzymes that protect the mucous membrane from stomatitis and thrush.

Below we will present the 4 best, in our opinion, toothpastes for children without fluoride - for age categories from 0 to 3 years, from 3 to 6 years, and also from 6 to 12 years.

Comments: this is the best fluoride-free children's toothpaste that you can buy in Russian pharmacies (made in Italy), which is intended for the care of baby teeth. The paste has optimal abrasiveness for children from 0 to 3 years old, as well as a pleasant caramel taste. Contains a high concentration of calcium - in the form of 3 easily digestible calcium compounds, which strengthens teeth.

Due to the presence of xylitol, the paste has an anti-caries effect, because Xylitol neutralizes acids in the mouth and reduces the rate of plaque formation. Pastes that contain xylitol (in addition to other active ingredients) are the best option for children, because... in its presence, the growth rate of new caries lesions is significantly reduced. The paste contains anti-inflammatory components to reduce discomfort during teething.

2. SPLAT Baby “apple-banana” toothpaste (from 0 to 3 years) –

Comments: toothpaste for children from 0 to 3 years old with apple-banana flavor. Contains a highly effective form of calcium – hydroxyapatite. An absolute plus of this paste is that it contains a complex of lactic enzymes, which increases the local immunity of the oral mucosa, which will prevent the development of the oral cavity.

This paste also contains a large amount of plant extracts and L-arginine, which reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane during teething. The paste is completely safe if accidentally swallowed. The paste kit includes a silicone finger brush. In general, this is a very worthy toothpaste, which also solves the issue of preventing stomatitis and fungal infections of the oral cavity in children.

Comments: PRESIDENT Kids paste from 3 to 6 years old - contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium, which will well strengthen the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth, as well as a high dosage of xylitol, which has a high anti-caries effect. The paste is available in 2 versions - with strawberry or marmalade flavors. It has the right abrasiveness, and what is very important – not overpriced.

Comments: PRESIDENT Kids paste from 6 to 12 years old with strawberry flavor - also contains 3 easily digestible forms of calcium, a high dosage of xylitol, and plant extracts. Has the correct abrasiveness for this age - RDA 50, and good price. It must be said that the entire line of PRESIDENT toothpastes without fluoride (for both children and adults) is the best for 2019, both in price and in terms of the composition of components.

Popular children's toothpastes that were not included in the rating -

Below we will analyze the composition of several very popular children's toothpastes, which for one reason or another were not included in our rating.

5. Children's tooth gel with calendula “Weleda” from 0 to 3 years –

Comments: Weleda children's tooth gel has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties due to its content essential oils and alginate (seaweed extract), making it a good choice for relieving teething discomfort. The gel is safe if swallowed, but as for everything else, we cannot recommend it for regular hygiene.

The fact is that this gel does not contain not only fluoride, but even calcium. Thus, the paste will not strengthen the low-mineralized enamel of children's teeth and protect them from caries. Weleda gel, in our opinion, is more suitable for oral hygiene in very young children who have not yet cut their teeth (at this age it is also necessary to clean the child’s mouth and gums).

Comments: Toothpaste is intended for oral care of children aged 0 to 3 years. The paste contains a high dosage of xylitol, which effectively neutralizes the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. As a result, the paste has a good cariesstatic effect. Chamomile extract and alginate (the latter is produced from seaweed) - have a slight anti-inflammatory effect during teething.

But just like the previous Weleda gel, we cannot recommend this paste (and its similar variants - with extracts not of chamomile, but of quince or linden) - for regular oral hygiene. The paste has too little abrasiveness and will be too poor at removing plaque. The normal abrasiveness of toothpastes for children of this age is RDA 30. In addition, the paste again does not contain fluoride or calcium, and therefore will not help strengthen children’s low-mineralized tooth enamel.

A noticeable disadvantage is the too high price of this Russian paste, which is more expensive than all imported pastes with a richer and more interesting composition. We believe that the paste is suitable only for oral hygiene of babies - even before the eruption of the first teeth.

Comments: Rox pro baby toothpaste is intended for caring for the teeth of children aged 0 to 3 years. The paste is safe to swallow; the active ingredients contain calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol (see their properties above). The dosage of calcium is not too high, in addition, the paste has too low abrasiveness and therefore will not be good enough to clean microbial plaque from teeth.

In general, the composition is not bad, but we believe that the price of Rox paste produced in the Moscow region is noticeably overpriced. For example, the Italian PRESIDENT Baby toothpaste-gel costs almost 2 times less for the same volume (30 ml is approximately equal to 45 g) - with the same main active ingredients.

How to use dental floss and toothbrush –

Calcium or fluoride – which toothpaste should your child choose?

IN last years You can observe hysteria about the toxicity and harm of fluoride to teeth or to the body, which is created on forums in the interests of one of the Russian toothpaste manufacturing companies (specializing specifically in children's toothpastes without fluoride). Moreover, this is done specifically on various women’s blogs and forums, because it is women who in most cases buy toothpaste for children and family members.

As we said above, children's tooth enamel is low-mineralized, and therefore is especially easily affected by caries. Pastes with fluoride, of course, better protect teeth from caries, because... fluoride binds to the surface layer of enamel, making it less susceptible to the acid produced by cariogenic bacteria. As a result, caries in children occurs less often on average by 35-50%. Unfortunately, although calcium pastes strengthen teeth, they do not make enamel more resistant to acid.

Such dosages are completely safe for use (provided the fluoride content in drinking water is normal), which has been proven by numerous clinical studies. But if the concentration of fluoride in drinking water is more than 1 mg per 1 liter, experts really recommend using not fluoride-containing toothpastes, but calcium-containing toothpastes without fluoride.

The main factor in the development of dental fluorosis is the concentration of fluoride in drinking water. By themselves, toothpastes with fluoride are not capable of causing fluorosis, because... the amount of fluoride that a child can swallow with toothpaste is absolutely insufficient for this. Pastes with fluoride can only increase the risk of developing fluorosis against the background of the existing increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water.

Regarding fluoride toxicity –
Fluoride ions are constantly present in our body - mainly in blood serum, saliva, and bone tissue. With a lack of fluoride, not only teeth begin to decay, but also bone mineral density decreases, i.e. osteoporosis develops. Fluoride is toxic only when it is ingested in very high concentrations.

Clinical studies show that the toxic dose is 5 mg of fluoride per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, in a 20 kg child, fluoride poisoning can only be achieved by swallowing the entire tube of toothpaste at the same time. In this case, the tube should have a volume of 75 ml, and the concentration of fluoride in it should be from 1000 to 1500 ppm. Which, in fact, is simply unrealistic.

When is it better to use pastes with calcium, and when with fluoride?

The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD) recommends starting to use fluoride toothpastes as soon as the first teeth erupt. We consider this approach to be correct. A prerequisite here is that there is no increased concentration of fluoride in drinking water, and you must also take into account the child’s fluoride intake along with nutritional formulas and nutritional supplements.

If there is a risk of exceeding the normal concentration of fluoride intake, feel free to use toothpastes without fluoride - preferably with a simultaneous content of calcium and xylitol. Excess fluoride can indeed lead to the development of dental fluorosis, but only in children from 0 to 6-7 years old, which is associated with the formation and development of tooth buds during this period. The period from 0 to 2 years is especially critical. But in older children and adults, fluorosis can no longer occur by definition.

Important : Initially, you can choose the following strategy... When the first teeth erupt, start using calcium pastes that do not contain fluoride. But if you notice that the first teeth have begun to appear on your child’s teeth, immediately switch to fluoride-containing toothpaste. At the same time, you should estimate the approximate fluoride levels in drinking water in your area (see below).

There is such an interesting fact
home water filtration systems significantly affect the fluoride content in it. For example, water filtration systems operating on the principle of reverse osmosis remove approximately 84% of fluoride from water, carbon filters - about 81% (this was proven by research by Brown M.D. and Aaron G., published in the journal Pediatr.Dent in 1991).

How to compensate for the shortcomings of toothpastes without fluoride -

Firstly, regular hygiene. The best option is hygiene after every meal. Remember to avoid constant snacking and uncontrolled consumption of sugary drinks. Secondly, when choosing toothpastes without fluoride, it is optimal that the composition contains not only calcium, but also xylitol (xylitol). The latter reduces the risk of developing caries even in the absence of fluoride in toothpaste.

Thirdly, the problem of children's oral hygiene is that children rarely brush their teeth for the required time, and also do it well. Therefore, as a rule, there will always be some amount of microbial plaque on the teeth, which will slowly destroy the teeth. Therefore, when refusing fluoride toothpastes, it is important to remove plaque as well as possible, because Pastes without fluoride do not have the ability to inhibit the growth of microbial plaque.

Fluoride is one of the most important elements responsible for the formation of enamel and maintaining dental health. However, in some regions the concentration of this substance in drinking water is quite high. Thus, for the people living there it becomes current list toothpastes without fluoride.

Features of the composition

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes is constantly expanding. IN Lately there is a trend towards using natural remedies hygiene. As for fluorine, its excess is dangerous to health, and therefore in a number of regions (Ural, Siberia, Tambov, Tver and Moscow regions) pastes without this component are especially popular. However, it is not enough to pay attention to the Without Fluoride label. It is important to carefully study the composition.

Toothpaste V mandatory must contain calcium. It is responsible for strengthening the enamel. In addition, this substance binds excess fluoride, which is contained in running water. It may be present in the paste in the form of one of the following compounds:

  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium lactate.

Toothpastes without fluoride require close attention to the composition. The names of the products say less than the components they consist of. So, if you want to know 100% that the toothpaste does not contain fluoride, make sure that the composition does not contain the following compounds:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • aminofluoride (may also be called olaflur);
  • tin fluoride.

Toothpaste "President"

Commitment to maintaining health oral cavity makes consumers look for the best hygiene products. Thus, President toothpaste is one of the best on the market. It is produced by the Italian concern Betafarma SPA. This is a fairly expensive product, the price of which starts from 200 rubles for 75 ml. The active substances in this product are the following:

  • calcium pantothenate, lactate, glycerophosphate;
  • papain;
  • xylitol

It's worth noting that this is an excellent calcium toothpaste without fluoride. The first component is contained in it in three compounds at once. Moreover, they are easy to digest. Regarding papain, it is worth noting that it is an enzyme that dissolves protein. Its main purpose is to remove plaque. Xylitol, in turn, prevents its further formation.

However, the paste also has some disadvantages. Thus, dentists are confused by the presence in the composition potassium salt. This component combats tooth enamel sensitivity. However, its frequent use is contraindicated, because a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings can mask the symptoms of caries and other problems.

Pasta "President" for children

On the market you can find fluoride-free toothpastes whose names indicate that they are intended for children. Thus, the Italian concern produces “President Baby”. It is characterized by low abrasiveness and a pleasant raspberry taste. Calcium glycerophosphate perfectly strengthens the enamel of baby teeth. Xylitol is responsible for neutralizing acids, preventing the formation of caries. And thanks to the fact that the paste does not contain SLS, PEG, parabens and others harmful substances, you don’t have to worry about harm to health if your child accidentally swallows it.

Toothpaste "Splat"

A number of domestic manufacturers produce fluoride-free oral care products. So, special attention Splat toothpaste deserves it. In the middle price category, the most popular product is “Biocalcium”, the price of which starts from 120 rubles. The paste contains hydroxyapatite, polydone, calcium lactate and papain. These substances effectively fight plaque and actively strengthen tooth enamel.

The effectiveness of Biocalcium paste is largely due to the presence of hydroxypatite in its composition. Its structure consists of tiny particles, which have good penetrating abilities. However, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes from the Splat company does not end there.

Another popular domestically produced product is “Maximum”. In addition to the components present in the previous product, there is also zinc citrate and an enzyme complex. These components give the oral cavity long-lasting freshness and block the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odor.

Pasta "Splat" for children

Fluoride-free children's toothpaste "Splat Juicy Set" is very popular. Given its effectiveness in strengthening enamel, it is also recommended for adults. The secret of this product is synthetic hydroxyapatite, which is the most easily digestible calcium compound. It effectively restores enamel, making it stronger. It is also worth noting the presence of enzymes in the composition, which are entrusted with the function of increasing oral immunity. thus, the likelihood of stomatitis and inflammatory processes is reduced.

Also, fans of this manufacturer's products will be invited to try Splat Junior toothpaste, which is intended for children under 4 years old. Children will certainly love the soft creamy taste with notes of vanilla, but parents should pay attention to the composition. Thus, the enzyme complex prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the child’s oral cavity. Aloe gel helps relieve unpleasant symptoms during teething. A nice feature is that the kit includes a silicone brush that fits on your finger.

Nevertheless, such a component as calcis causes some misunderstanding. Considering that such a compound does not exist, we can say that this is nothing more than the commercial name of one of the common substances. At the same time, without knowing exactly what compound is used in the paste, it is impossible to say with certainty how it affects the enamel.

Fluoride-free paste "Rox"

"Rox" toothpaste is another achievement of the domestic industry. The price of this product is more than 200 rubles. Having studied the composition, it is worth highlighting the following active substances, like calcium glycerophosphate, bromelain and xylitol. Thus, the last component is indispensable in the prevention of caries. It inhibits the growth of microflora and neutralizes acids. Bromelain is responsible for the breakdown of plaque. And, of course, we can’t help but mention the huge variety of pasta flavors.

Despite its advantages, Rox toothpaste has also received critical comments from dentists. The main complaints are made about its low abrasiveness. However, its degree is not indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Thus, the tooth surface is not sufficiently cleaned. Therefore, we can judge that the price of the product is too high.

Pasta "Rox" for children

When considering the best fluoride-free toothpastes, you cannot pass by a product like Rox PRO Baby. The product is intended for children under 3 years of age. It is precisely these age limits that determine the low abrasiveness of the paste. Of course, it is worth noting the absence of any harmful substances, including SLS, parabens, dyes and antiseptics. Thus, it is safe if swallowed. Calcium glycerophosphate actively nourishes the enamel, and xylitol prevents the early formation of caries.

For older children (from 3 to 7 years old) "Rox kids" paste is produced. Its active components are the same as in the previous case. However, the abrasiveness is an order of magnitude higher. It also contains antiseptics. This is an excellent option for preparing for the formation of molars.

Toothpaste "Asepta"

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes includes another domestic development, Asept, costing about 130 rubles. The main components of its composition are potassium citrate, hydroxyapatite and papain. It is recommended to use this product only if you have a problem with tooth sensitivity. Otherwise, there is a risk of masking the symptoms of caries, which could be treated at an early stage.

Pasta "New Pearl"

Toothpaste "New Pearl" belongs to the budget segment. Its cost starts from 30 rubles (depending on the volume of the tube). The main active substance is calcium citrate. This element releases ions quite quickly, which facilitates their rapid penetration into the enamel. However, this remedy is nothing more remarkable. This is not surprising, given the low cost of such a domestic product as New Pearl toothpaste.

Paste without fluoride "Paradontax"

Paradontax toothpaste compares favorably with other products in that a significant proportion of its composition is made up of plant components. At the same time, the plant complex has proven itself so well that it has remained unchanged for 40 years. So, from natural components it is worth highlighting the following:

  • echinacea - kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, and is also responsible for the formation of oral immunity;
  • myrrh - provides prevention of gum disease and prevents bleeding;
  • chamomile - helps reduce sensitivity and also depresses inflammatory processes;
  • ratania - tones the gum tissue, making it more elastic and resistant to damage;
  • mint - provides fresh breath, relieves inflammation, relieves pain;
  • sage - kills germs and strengthens enamel.

Paradontax toothpaste has a specific taste, which is due to the absence of any flavorings and sweeteners. Thus, when brushing your teeth, there is a salty taste that may seem unpleasant at first. The paste is not intended for constant use because it is addictive.

Is it advisable to use toothpaste without fluoride?

Although fluoride is essential and beneficial for dental health, excess fluoride can lead to reverse effect. Thus, children often have a problem such as fluorosis. It appears as white or dark spots on the teeth, as well as uneven enamel. For adults, this problem is irrelevant. Nevertheless, it has been scientifically proven that excess fluoride in the body is harmful to all its systems (and especially to thyroid gland).

Thus, if the drinking water in your region increased concentration of this substance, the toothpaste must be appropriate (if you do not use a filter). However, using fluoride-free toothpaste not out of necessity, but because of an established trend, you risk causing irreparable damage to tooth enamel, which consists of the following:

  • destruction will occur 40% faster;
  • formation of plaque and tartar;
  • bad breath.

Benefits of fluoride

If your region has a neutral drinking water chemistry, or you use a filter, be sure to use fluoride paste. This substance has the following beneficial properties:

  • Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it more resistant to harmful effects acids This is due to the fact that, penetrating into the tooth tissue, it forms the compound fluorapatite. It is the most resistant to cariogenic microorganisms.
  • Fluoride is a powerful antiseptic. It inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity. Thus, plaque will form much more slowly. As a result, your breath will remain fresh for much longer.
  • Fluoride takes an active part in the process of formation of molars. Thus, children after 5 years of age simply need, one way or another, to saturate their tooth enamel with this substance.
  • Fluoride retains calcium in bone tissue. Thus, tooth enamel becomes stronger and less susceptible to carious damage.


On store shelves you can find many toothpastes labeled " Safe composition" or "Fluoride free". In the first case we're talking about O marketing progress, and in the second - about regulatory requirements Ministry of Health Chemical composition drinking water in some regions forces the formula to be adjusted hygiene products. However, when buying toothpaste without fluoride, you must be sure that it actually poses a danger to your health. Otherwise, you deprive your tooth enamel of the necessary nutrition and protection.

Before transferring a product from a supermarket shelf to a cart, many people carefully read the information on the packaging: what the product that will be consumed consists of.

This is not the case when choosing toothpaste. Here the decisive role is often played by an advertising video that is obsessively stuck in the head. This is how a beautifully packaged lie comes into our home with its main component, whose name is fluorine.

Harm of this chemical element

As such, this substance practically does not occur in nature. It is distributed in the form of chemical compounds with other substances. We absorb some of these compounds when brushing our teeth:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sodium fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluorine is in no hurry to be quickly eliminated from the body; it prefers to accumulate in teeth and bones, but with greater intensity it penetrates and remains in thyroid gland as if cementing it.

Fluoride compounds are dangerous for the body. So sodium fluoride, if inhaled, affects the respiratory system, circulatory, central nervous system, kidneys, heart. When we take sodium fluoride orally, we take toxic substance lethal dose which ranges from 5 to 10 grams. It can infect the brain and cause heart attack, paralyze the respiratory organs.

Diabetes patients and people suffering from kidney failure are most affected.

Advice! If your toothpaste contains at least one such component, you should make a decision for yourself: whether to use such a cleaning and whitening product or look for another without the presence of fluoride.

And for some more information about the dangers of this element, watch the following video:

Is there an alternative?

If the labels on the packaging indicate that the composition contains one of the calcium compounds:

  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,

"PRESIDENT Unique". Italian company Betafarma S.p.A.

Preservatives, allergens, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and, of course, fluoride are absent in this case. The natural plant-based formula gently enhances the oral cavity's natural defenses.

Calcium and xylitol thoroughly clean the enamel. Soothing and antibacterial effects are guaranteed by bioextracts of echinacea, sage, and chamomile. Anethole and eucalyptus are selected in ideal proportions to create a sensation of delicate, fresh, long-lasting taste.

  • as a prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • with a lack of calcium in the body;
  • to strengthen gums, increase the shine of enamel;
  • for accurate and effective plaque removal;
  • to reduce sensitivity.

It is advisable to apply two or three times a day. The estimated cost of 100 ml packaging is 190 rubles.

Products from the domestic manufacturer SPLAT-Biocalcium

She deserves recognition for it contains no harmful components, but there are useful active substances that help restore enamel by 30%, normalize pH balance, heal wounds, contain moisturizing elements that safely polish the enamel.

As for aesthetic qualities, users note the pleasant consistency of the product, similar to creams of good density. The taste leaves a pleasant impression - sweetish, moderately reminiscent of mint. The mouth feels pleasantly fresh for a couple of hours or before the first meal.

Those who prioritize bleaching will be upset. There is almost no whitening effect. The disadvantages also include the presence of the preservative Sodium Methylparaben in the composition, and it is dangerous, like all parabens.

What's the bottom line? The advantages are:

  • price – quite affordable – 130 rubles;
  • the smell and taste are pleasant;
  • cleansing – gentle;
  • presence of useful extracts in the composition;
  • the feeling of freshness is long-lasting.

Unfortunately, there is a minus - it contains parabens.

Another creation of the SPLAT company – SPLAT-“Maximum”

The product is considered one of the achievements modern dentistry. It is designed to quickly solve the following problems:

  • protecting damaged and problematic areas of enamel from caries;
  • providing a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity;
  • plaque elimination;
  • preventing the spread of harmful microbes;
  • healing sore gums.

These effects are achieved through the use of only natural ingredients. To strengthen damaged areas Nanohydroxyapatite serves as enamel. Removing stains from wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, dissolving plaque - the task of papain and polydon. Timon and zinc are intended to have an anti-inflammatory effect. But SLS and fluorine are not used.

Gentle cleansing is not accompanied by bleeding gums. After the cleaning procedure, a rather pleasant taste remains in the mouth, slightly reminiscent of Eucalyptus oil. The paste will appeal to those who love the formation of foam while caring for their teeth.

An unpleasant surprise may be a slight tingling sensation in the mouth at the end of the process. And this seems to be the only drawback. And to the listed advantages we should add a low price - 115 rubles per 100 ml tube.

"ROCS" for adults" from a Russian manufacturer

By not using fluorine in the manufacture of the product, the creators achieve high level protection against harmful microbes with alternative components: xylitol, bromelain, magnesium chloride, calcium glycerophosphate. An increase in enamel acid resistance by 75% is one of the effects of using “ROCS” for adults.”

Plaque, which is the cause of dental diseases, is gently and accurately broken down, and the ability of bacteria to recreate new raid decreases. At the same time, the state of the microflora in the oral cavity is normalized.

As a consequence of the increased cleaning power, there is no need for great content abrasive substances. This effect will be of interest to people with increased enamel abrasion.

And now the advantages suggested by users:

  • sensitivity decreases;
  • a huge assortment with different taste properties;
  • excellent composition;
  • excellent cleansing

and disadvantages:

  • 200 rubles is not that cheap;
  • uneconomical - too liquid, more flows onto the brush than required.

"ASEPTA Sensitive"

Experts recommend this therapeutic and prophylactic paste:

  • for people with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • to prevent inflammatory processes in the gums and prevent bleeding.

Medicinal properties are ensured by the use of the following components:

  • thermal mud is necessary for healing, restoration, as a sedative;
  • citrate and hydroxyapatite reduce pain and create long-term enamel protection;
  • to combat harmful microbes in the inflamed gums, calendula, calamus, and sweet clover are added in the form of extracts;
  • and papain, which serves to prevent plaque formation.

The paste has a dense consistency, foams well, and has a faint mint taste. When squeezing it out for the first time, you need to be prepared for a greenish substance to appear on the brush. You will have to pay 150 rubles for a tube.

“New pearls with calcium” from Nevskaya Cosmetics

The cheapness of the product (30 rubles) is explained by the absence of additional additives, as well as enzymes and xylitol. The only link active action– calcium citrate. Its task is to mineralize teeth, although not sufficiently.

Above were presented toothpastes for adults. Next, we will look at fluoride-free oral protection products for babies.

Italian gel paste “PRESIDENT Baby”

No allergens, no parabens, no fluoride, no sugar! The gel paste has a raspberry smell and taste. It is intended for children from the appearance of the first tooth to three years. Gently cares for baby teeth and harmlessly eliminates plaque. Calcium, together with xylitol and phosphates, protects against caries and restores health to fragile gums.

A 30 ml tube costs 100 rubles.

Gel with calendula “Weleda” (Germany)

Gel of delicate consistency containing extract from calendula flowers, mint oil, fennel oil, esculin. The components will not harm the child, even if he decides to eat the paste.

The gel paste has an attractive taste and a light menthol smell, and does not tingle the tongue. No foam is formed during cleaning. Leaves a wonderful feeling of freshness. Effectively removes plaque.

Since the gel does not contain calcium, it is recommended to alternate it with pastes, for example, containing calcium glycerophosphate.

Price – 300 rubles for 50 ml.

"SPLAT Juicy Set" (Russia)

It is designed for use by both small children and adults. Intensively strengthens enamel due to the content of an easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatite. Enzymes also contained in the paste help increase the immunity of the mucous membrane and prevent the occurrence of stomatitis.

Three tubes in a set cost 250 rubles.

"SPLAT Junior" - children's room

Recommended for kids up to four years. Includes xylitol and calcium, which, in combination with enzymes, increase the degree of protection of the mucous membrane. Particularly useful for children prone to frequent stomatitis.

Aloe Vera gel reduces discomfort when the first teeth appear. The creamy vanilla taste encourages children to try the paste. It's completely safe.

The declared non-existent component calcis is unpleasantly surprising. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not provide any explanations, and anything unclear seems dangerous.

The price of a tube is 179 rubles.

“ROCS – PRO Baby” (Russia) – children’s

It can be used for little ones. A very soft base is used to make the paste, which, while gently cleaning, does not damage the fragile enamel of baby teeth. All ingredients are of natural origin.

The absence of fragrances does not force the child to try the paste. No foam is formed during cleaning. After use, the teeth remain feeling well clean.

Price – 210 rubles.

To summarize, it must be said that some will remain faithful to pastes with fluoride, not wanting to change anything, while others will think about it and reconsider their attitude towards the described subject. Each person must draw their own conclusions based on extensive information.

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  • Blizzard

    January 19, 2015 at 7:54 am

    In 2013, I thought about the health of my teeth when I saw white spots appearing on the enamel. I read on the Internet that this is a symptom of oversaturation of teeth with fluoride. I decided to replace the paste with tooth powder, but it is not very convenient to use: it crumbles, stains clothes, and the lid is uncomfortable. Then I stopped using the cleanser altogether and brushed my teeth with just a dry brush, but my teeth lost the whiteness that they had thanks to the toothpaste. So what should we do? I want a snow-white smile without yellowness or spots. Need good pasta. Thanks to the article, I figured out my problem and now I know which paste to buy. Even the budget “Pearl” will be perfect 🙂 Thank you 🙂


    March 29, 2016 at 5:25 am

    Pearls also contain fluoride, don't be naive

  • Alexander

    February 4, 2017 at 5:30

    I'm in different time I tried both “Splat” and “New Pearl” pastes, but it seemed to me that after use I didn’t feel very fresh in my mouth, so now I use “President” more often. In my opinion, the cleanliness effect is longer lasting, and so are my sensitive gums Almost stopped bleeding. The fact that it is also harmless to the body, as it turns out, is a huge plus.

  • Ivan

    May 15, 2017 at 6:29 am

    I was surprised and horrified recently to learn that most toothpastes contain sodium fluoride. I had not thought about this issue before, but various sources report that sodium fluoride is not only not useful, but also extremely harmful. Its effect is comparable to the effect of lead on the body. I tried to find toothpaste without fluoride, it turned out to be difficult, but I still looked. Yes, Prezident turned out to be the most suitable toothpaste to use.

  • Alexander

    December 6, 2017 at 04:42 pm

    Splat was only initially without fluorine, which is why I bought it, after which, as is often the case, the manufacturer began to quietly add it. The inscription appeared in small print in the composition. And before it was written that without fluoride, now this inscription has disappeared.

Daily hygiene products necessary for oral care include toothpaste containing various active additives, helping to maintain teeth in good condition.

Toothpastes without fluoride are typical for areas where people live with big amount of this element in local water. Fluorine can exceed 1 mg/l, which is a significant excess. Also, such toothpastes can harm children who are about to start teething.

In this article we will look at which toothpastes do not contain fluoride and what you should pay attention to when choosing one.

List of fluoride-free toothpastes with estimated prices

Offered on the market big list fluoride-free toothpastes, of which the most popular are:

  • President (Italy);
  • Splat – Biocalcium (Russia);
  • Splat – Maximum (Russia);
  • (Russia);
  • "Acepta" (Russia).

Italian company Betaforma S.p.A. produces President toothpaste for adults for cleaning teeth.

It does not include commonly used substances that have negative impact on the body:

  • allergens;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • fluorinated substances;

These substances are replaced by plant extracts and various calcium derivatives. Particularly noteworthy are chamomile, echinacea, and sage. The components eucalyptus and anethole help maintain the freshness of the oral cavity for a long time.

Xylitol and calcium are used to clean tooth enamel.

Dentists advise using cleaning compounds:

  1. With insufficient calcium content in the body.
  2. If necessary, remove plaque on teeth.
  3. With a preventive effect on the gums.
  4. As a preventive measure against exposure.
  5. To reduce tooth sensitivity.

For greater impact on teeth, you must use President at least 2 times a day. The approximate price of 1 tube with a capacity of 100 ml is 190 rubles.


The composition for cleaning teeth produced by Splat (Russia) Splat-Biocalcium promotes wound healing and normalization of the PH condition of the oral cavity.

The disadvantages include the presence of Sodium Methylparabenfa. The selling price of 1 tube is 130 rubles.

The Splat-Maximum cleaning product is produced by Splat (Russia) and has a whole set of positive properties:

  1. Gently removes plaque from teeth.
  2. Provides long-term freshness in the oral cavity.
  3. Prevents inflammation of the gums.
  4. Protects teeth in places where enamel is damaged by caries.

The consistency of the cleaning substance includes a number of components:

  • papain;
  • polydon;
  • nanohydroxyapatite;
  • timon;
  • zinc.

The price of a tube containing 100 ml is 115 rubles.


High quality dental Rocs paste contains substances:

  • xylitol;
  • magnesium chloride;
  • bromelain;
  • calcium glycerophosphate.

It has properties for thoroughly cleaning plaque.

Application of Rocs is offered to consumers:

  1. To cleanse plaque.

The price of 1 tube of paste is 200 rubles.

Asepta (therapeutic and prophylactic paste)

Contains substances:

  1. Elements contained in thermal mud that ensure the healing process of wounds.
  2. Hydroxyapatite and citrate relieve pain.
  3. Extracts from sweet clover, calamus, calendula.
  4. Papain, which prevents the formation of plaque on teeth.
  1. To prevent the development of gum inflammation and bleeding.
  2. In case of acute sensitivity of teeth.

The paste has a mint flavor and has green color. One tube costs 150 rubles.

New pearls

The widespread and popular cleaning agent “New Pearl” is produced by the Nevskaya Cosmetics company (Russia) and contains:

  • enzymes;
  • xylitol;
  • calcium citrite.

One tube contains 50 ml and costs 30 rubles.

Baby pastes

Companies producing oral hygiene products also produce special formulations for children.

The most popular brands are:

  • President baby (Italy);
  • Weleda (Germany);
  • Splat juicy set (Russia);
  • Splat junior (Russia).

The well-known company Betafarma S.p.A. (Italy) produces special composition for use by children President baby with the taste and smell of raspberries.

Intended for use by children aged 1 to 3 years, the paste contains the following substances:

  • phosphates;
  • calcium;
  • xylitol

Perfectly cleanses teeth and heals gums. The cost of 1 tube containing 30 ml is 100 rubles.

Gel with the addition of calendula Weleda (Germany) has a delicate pleasant taste and contains:

  • mint oil;
  • calendula extract;
  • esculin;
  • fennel oil

The price of 1 tube containing 50 ml is 300 rubles.

The composition for cleaning teeth Splat juicy set (Russia) contains calcium hydroxyapatite and is intended for use by all age groups. Due to the incoming biological components and enzymes, it supports the immunity of the oral cavity and prevents the appearance of.

Sold in a set consisting of three tubes, 35 ml each (each) with different flavors. The cost of packaging is 250 rubles.

Children's paste with calcium Splat junior (Russia) is intended for children aged 3 to 8 years. Particularly recommended for children predisposed to diseases associated with stomatitis. The price of 1 tube containing 50 ml is 179 rubles.

Cleaning composition for children under 3 years of age Rocs – Pro baby (Russia) is intended for the youngest. Only natural ingredients are used for its production. The price of one tube is 210 rubles.

Composition of toothpastes without fluoride

Pastes that do not contain fluorine include other substances that have beneficial effect on the oral cavity, including calcium compounds:

  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium glycerophosphate.
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium panthogenate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite;

Extracts and extracts are used together with calcium various herbs and plants that have a positive effect on the teeth and oral cavity.

Which pasta should you choose?

  1. The age of the patient and the condition of his teeth.
  2. Quantitative content of fluorine elements in water used for cooking and in everyday life.
  3. Assortment of toothpastes sold in retail chains.
  4. A list of problems that can be solved by using cleaning compounds.

Included in the assortment of cleaning pastes for older age group includes the following brands:

  • Splat-Maximum (Russia).
  • Splat-Biocalcium (Russia).
  • President unique (Italy).
  • Rox (Russia).
  • Asenta (Russia).

Children's pastes:

  • Teeth gel Weleda (Germany).
  • Splat junior (Russia) .
  • Rocs Pro baby (Russia).

The role of fluoride

Various fluoride compounds are added to cleaning compositions. The most common are:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluoride consumption by a person during the day should not exceed the norm of 1.5-3.0 mg, taking into account the role of the element’s effect on the body’s carbon and fat metabolism.

It is especially worth noting that fluoride is one of the most important elements that make up tooth enamel. Fluoride promotes the accumulation of calcium in tooth enamel and also has an antibactericidal effect on the microflora in the oral cavity.

Alternative to fluoride

Toothpaste containing calcium is offered as an alternative to fluoride. This is especially true for regions where increased amount fluoride in water.

Various calcium compounds are used for this purpose:

  • fluorides of potassium, aluminum, sodium;
  • olaflur;
  • monofluorophosphate.

Toothpaste containing fluoride and its components is a common and fairly advertised product.

The role of fluoride for the human body

Fluorine is an unstable and volatile substance, in pure form practically never occurs, only in compounds with other elements (CaF and NaF) that make up the soil and, as a result, they can be found in groundwater.

The animal world receives portions of fluoride from soil and water. The same sources of this component are found in humans.

The benefits are undeniable...

Fluoride is necessary for the human body, especially important in children (over 5 years old) and adolescence during active shift and tooth growth. Dental enamel forms and strengthens as teeth grow. In adults, fluoride deficiency is expressed in bone fragility and in the form.

Fluorine has the property of retaining calcium in tissues, which is the basis of bone tissue and skeleton, helps create stronger enamel, and forms a protective layer on it.

In addition, its ions and compounds have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity, which provoke the formation and development of caries.

...but not everything is so simple

The body's need for fluoride is negligible. Since it is impossible to obtain the required doses of fluoride from food, it is supplied by the most in a convenient way and accessible through toothpastes.

In this case, one should take into account the factor of the natural presence of fluoride compounds in the environment. natural environment. When it is contained in local water in quantities exceeding 1.2 mg/l.

Fluoride compounds are excreted from the body extremely slowly, for the most part settling in the tissues of bones, accumulating in the teeth and thyroid gland, which is under their influence becomes cement-like, which prevents the production of certain hormones.

Some compounds, entering the body in excess, have a negative effect on organs respiratory system, nervous system.

Fluorides are especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and those with diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is enough to “saturate” your body with a portion of 5–10 g (depending on the person’s weight) to expose yourself to mortal danger.

In areas where fluoride compounds are present in drinking water, the use of toothpaste containing fluoride is strictly prohibited.

In addition, it is necessary to apply measures at the state level to neutralize fluoride, since residents of areas consuming such water develop fluorosis. The disease is an intoxication of the body obtained in childhood and constantly supported by the conditions of the local environment.

External manifestations are expressed first, then by black spots on the teeth, leading to their destruction.

Unnoticed, but, over time, obligatory companions chronic intoxication– decreased memory in a person, level of intelligence, weakened immunity, osteoporosis with age, arthritis. In men, there is a decrease in the level of testosterone production, possible infertility and the formation of tumors.

We are talking, of course, about the intake of portions of fluoride that are several times higher than the permissible standards.

Having found out that fluoride components, as a preventive and control measure, do not provide a sufficient positive effect, and are sometimes even harmful, we began to look for alternative solutions.

What is the alternative?

To prevent the accumulation of fluoride compounds in the body, basic preventive measures should be taken:

  • choose oral cleansing products with minimal toxin content;
  • regularly include foods containing calcium in your diet - milk, cottage cheese, cheese;

There are quite a lot of toothpastes produced in the world, consisting of alternative cleaning, bactericidal components: calcium, propolis, baking soda, oils tea tree, myrrh, silicon.

All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to, suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, the formation of plaque after eating,.

Making choices wisely

Before you put the box with the treasured tube in the basket, you should carefully study the composition, or remember the alternative components that are contained in this or that product.

We offer a list of the best fluoride-free toothpastes according to our experts:

The best baby products without fluoride

  1. PRESIDENT Baby for children. Active ingredients: calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol. Harmless from the moment teeth appear. Strengthens enamel. Xylitol removes plaque. Prevents the occurrence of caries. The composition is safe if ingested.
  2. Weleda. Active composition: alginate, plant extracts, fennel oil, mint oil, esculin. Used to care for. Removes bacterial deposits. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Does not contain fluorine and calcium, so it is recommended to use between calcium-containing pastes. Safe.
  3. SPLAT Junior from 0 to 4 years. Active ingredients: calcium, xylitol, enzymes, licorice extract, aloe gel.

When choosing a toothpaste for children, you need to carefully study the composition. Up to 5 years of age, fluoride should be excluded from the composition. Calcium is necessary to strengthen the enamel and prevent the occurrence of ulcers.

The popularity of fluoride-free toothpastes is due to the beneficial effect of active calcium compounds on the condition of the enamel and microflora of the oral cavity. The two main factors that determine consumer preferences are product utility and cost.

TOP 10 toothpastes for children without fluoride:

  • The president;
  • President baby;
  • Splat biocalcium;
  • Splat maximum;
  • Splat junior for children;
  • ROCS;
  • ASEPTA sensitive;
  • New pearls;
  • Dentalux for children;
  • Weleda for children.

From practical application experience

Consumer opinions about fluoride-free toothpastes.

I bought President toothpaste on the advice of my dentist after... Once again Came with a stain on my tooth. The tooth was treated. I bought the paste and have been using it for 3 years. From time to time I also buy Pearls without fluoride. No stains. The feeling of cleanliness and freshness remains for a long time.

Marina, 25 years old

I like ASEPTA Sensitive. My wife bought it because she had problems with her teeth. Plaque is removed easily and for a long time. There was sometimes bleeding when cleaning. It's gone. Somehow unnoticed. No more. Good pasta.

Konstantin, 45 years old

I bought Veleda for my child. Because I myself have had problems with my teeth since childhood. They constantly hurt and holes formed. We consulted with the doctor and excluded fluoride from the composition. Teeth like a mouse's: no stains, no holes. White and shiny. “Weleda” - literally from the cradle.

Natalya, 34 years old. Katya's mom 5 years old

Before solving health problems, it still does not hurt to consult a qualified dentist. Maybe, existing problems oral cavity problems are caused not only by the content of fluoride or other components in the toothpaste. Lifestyle, ecological situation, psychological climate – this also has an impact on general state human body.