Types of personnel motivation in an organization. Encouraging marriages between company employees

Every manager wants his subordinates to always work professionally, efficiently and at the same time manage to fulfill the planned volumes. Staff motivation plays an important role here. We invite you to find out how you can stimulate productivity at enterprises, what is the difference between internal and external motivation of staff.

Motivation and stimulation of personnel

This term is commonly understood to mean the formation of both internal and external factors, which operate through self-awareness. There are those who are able to determine what is most important for specific person. Among the internal ones:

  • self-realization;
  • creation;
  • conviction;
  • self-affirmation;
  • curiosity;
  • need for communication.

External ones include:

  • career;
  • cash;
  • position in society;
  • confession.

This personnel motivation system can be either positive in nature (to save or receive) or negative (to avoid, get rid of). On a positive note One can call it reward for a well-performed task, and negative – punishment for failure to complete it. Stimulation is understood as external levers for activating specialists, in other words, interest in material terms.

Types of staff motivation

The motivation of personnel itself is divided into material and intangible. The first includes wages and their increase. Often, late payment has a negative impact on the performance of all subordinates. Bonuses and travel allowances can also be called an excellent incentive to work efficiently and fulfill the plan. Methods of motivating staff such as competitions, gifts, vacations and honor rolls are excellent incentives.

Non-material motivation of personnel

You can motivate people to perform their duties professionally and quickly not only with the help of money. Non-material motivation personnel are intangible ways to attract team members to work at a high level and cope with assigned tasks. Among these methods:

  1. Recognition of merit, praise. You can highlight a person by presenting him with a certificate and calling him one of the best both during professional holidays and on general meetings, planning meetings.
  2. Creating and maintaining a favorable psychological environment. This point is one of the key ones, since in a friendly atmosphere professional activities will be truly effective.
  3. Opportunity to gain or improve qualifications. This will be relevant for young ambitious specialists for whom it is important to achieve professionalism in their careers.
  4. Opportunity to advance your career and develop. If the company has leadership positions and provides for promotion, this will serve as an excellent incentive to work.
  5. Doing what you love. When a person is “on fire” with his work and does it with enthusiasm, this really motivates him to get up every morning and go to work with pleasure.
  6. Introduction of bonuses. Such pleasant incentives may include free lunches, discounts on gym classes, discounted tuition, and much more that may be of interest to team members.
  7. Long Service Awards, Awards and Honors. This is recognition of high achievements in professional activity person and respect for his work.
  8. Communication between management and subordinates. At every enterprise there should be such a connection between managers and employees.

Material motivation of personnel

  1. Rate, salary. Raising salaries is considered to be a very effective method.
  2. Issuance of awards. This method is one of the most popular types of encouraging human performance.
  3. Percentage of revenue. This method of incentives can be called the most famous in trade and services.
  4. Additional payment for conditions. When in enterprises due to the peculiarities technological process There is no such opportunity to make working conditions better; managers make additional payments. This may include various compensations in the form of free food, increasing the duration of rest, sanatorium treatment.
  5. Presentation of gifts. Even inexpensive gifts will help motivate an employee, because every person loves to receive them.
  6. Receiving intra-company benefits. These types of rewards are very popular. These include partial or full payment health insurance, as well as car insurance, compensation for travel expenses on public transport.

Psychological motivation of personnel

Each manager does everything to ensure that the team works at full capacity and ultimately fulfills the plan. To do this, it is important to motivate people by developing an effective reward system. Motivating staff is one of the ways to increase productivity. Exist certain rules, with the help of which you can interest a person in the quality of his work:

  1. Rewards should be unexpected, unpredictable and at the same time irregular. Such rewards motivate much better than those that become part of wages.
  2. Incentives become effective in cases where subordinates can feel recognition of their own contribution to the activities of the enterprise and have well-deserved statuses.
  3. Remuneration must be immediate, that is, management’s reaction to the actions of employees in this case is fair and quick.
  4. It is important to provide incentives not at the end of the entire work process, but for intermediate achievements.
  5. It is important that a person feels confident, since everyone needs this for self-affirmation.
  6. Without serious reasons, you should not constantly single out one of the employees, so as not to arouse the envy of others.

Social motivation of staff

Generate interest in professional work It is also possible with the help, which represents public approval or censure of professional actions. Modern literature on personnel motivation identifies the following measures of public approval:

  • personal verbal approval of the employee’s actions;
  • public praise of a team member’s actions;
  • letter of thanks;
  • an article in a corporate publication with praise;
  • the opportunity to speak in front of colleagues to share experience;
  • ceremonial presentation of an award, diploma;
  • visual design of the workplace;
  • posting photos on the honor board;
  • entry into the enterprise's book of honor.

Among the measures of public censure are:

  • personal verbal expression of censure of actions;
  • public censure of an employee’s actions;
  • critical writing;
  • an article in a corporate publication expressing censure.

Moral motivation of staff

In addition to other awards and ways to motivate personnel to perform highly effective work, there is also moral motivation for the organization’s personnel:

  • public recognition of personal achievements;
  • public recognition of the group's achievements;
  • individual recognition of an employee’s activities by management.

Work motivation of personnel

Thanks to labor incentives, management will be able to realize potential opportunities. The main goal here is the opportunity to train specialists to own their workforce, and not exclusively be the owners of production means. The main task of the manager is to determine the needs labor behavior employees to complete assigned tasks. This is effective staff motivation. The internal driving forces here should be ideals, motives, interests, value orientations, needs and aspirations.

Collective staff motivation

Every company needs collective incentives. Such staff motivation is designed to interest not just one person in the labor process, but several at once. Moreover, these could be people in different positions. Such methods of motivating staff are very effective in every area. Their results can be observed after a short time.

Staff involvement and motivation

Engagement refers to an increased emotional connection with the organization, which forces specialists to make efforts of their own free will. You can find out about its degree based on the following principles:

  • positive feedback from employees about the company;
  • desire to be part of the organization;
  • self-motivated efforts.

The results of a person's activities can show how interested he is in his activities. Engagement is very valuable and therefore important to develop in every enterprise. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that it must be a conscious choice of a person. Therefore, important goals of staff motivation are to create conditions under which a specialist will be involved in the process.

Theories of personnel motivation

Such a concept as staff labor motivation has certain groups of theories - substantive and procedural. The first are divided into:

  1. Hierarchy of needs by A. Maslow - known as a pyramid, which shows that the higher the place the needs occupy in the hierarchy, the less people can be motivated by them in their behavior.
  2. McKelland - presents the needs without hierarchy in groups - power, success and belonging.
  3. Herzberg's two-factor - according to it, satisfaction and dissatisfaction imply two independent processes.

The second include:

  1. Expectations (V. Vroom) and the Porter-Lawler model are complementary models.
  2. Edwin Locke's goal setting - a person's behavior is determined by the goals set for him.
  3. Justice (equality or balance) - comparison of the assessment of a person’s actions with the assessment of the work of other people.

In this article you will read

  • What needs to be done to ensure that staff motivation begins to bear fruit
  • 24 staff motivation ideas worth paying attention to
  • Why the Apple legend preferred to meet with employees in a non-traditional setting
  • Examples of successful staff motivation from Russian and foreign companies

Let's consider effective ways to motivate staff, which can rightfully be called “eternal.”

Ways to motivate staff

1. Praise your employees. Praise is an important condition for employee loyalty to management and the entire company. It will not be difficult for the management to once again say “thank you” to the employee for the work done. For example, gratitude to the secretary for a competent meeting schedule. It’s just enough to say “thank you” so that in the future the secretary will be interested in performing his functions even more efficiently.

2. Address the employee by name. In small companies, managers know their employees by name. But with a constant increase in the number of employees, certain difficulties may arise in remembering the names of all employees. General Director of the LiveInternet portal German Klimenko recommends recording the names of employees in a diary if you have problems remembering everyone. Employees have been working in his company for 15-20 years - and experience confirms that nothing sounds more pleasant to a person than his own name.

3. Providing additional rest. Many managers can attest to how important additional rest can be for employees in the form of time off, the ability to come in later or leave work early. Such privileges are not always offered and not to everyone - you need to earn such a right. For example, the editors of the magazine “General Director” allow the author of the most popular Facebook post of the week to leave early on Friday. Similar staff motivation has proven itself in practice.

4. Presentation of memorable gifts. Widespread staff motivation (especially for employees manufacturing enterprises). Employees are awarded certificates, cups and other symbolic awards. The General Director of the Industrial Power Machines company, Andrey Medvedev, has seen from his own experience how effective this approach can be. His factory employees liked it, and such encouragement became honorable. But at the same time the gifts turned out to be effective way motivation not only for employees of manufacturing enterprises. Also, do not forget about the families of your employees. Sometimes a great gift for an employee's wife turns out to be a more effective motivation than giving it to him himself.

5. Career prospects. Quite effective motivation of staff, as stated by the employees themselves. After all, career prospects can inspire and motivate to achieve excellent results at work, contributing to the success of the company. The employee understands that he has a chance to achieve new positions and prospects in the company thanks to his efforts. In particular, in the practice of the Econika company, 15% of employees receive an increase annually. Also, many companies adhere to the practice of cultivating their top managers from ordinary managers.

6. Clear objectives and evaluation criteria. A third of directors adhere to transparent systems when setting goals and monitoring results. In particular, the director of Corus Consulting CIS company Ilya Rubtsov adheres to such priorities - he draws up a schedule on a sheet of A3 format. Vertical axis Such a graph becomes a reflection of the importance of the task; a horizontal one indicates labor intensity. He puts a sticker on his schedule with completed tasks to visually reflect his priorities.

7. The opportunity to express your opinion and be heard. In the work of the company, many managers prefer to involve ordinary employees in solving global problems of their companies. It is important for an employee to feel the significance of his contribution to general development companies. In addition to motivating employees, this approach allows you to get quite useful ideas and recommendations from employees, because in many ways they know better how the company operates, since they work directly with clients. This approach will help identify various controversial, weak sides in the work of the company. In particular, the co-founder of the Tonus Club network, Irina Chirva, invites her employees to determine 3 indicators by which their work will be assessed. Based on the responses received, I was able to form a KPI assessment system and implement it in the company’s activities.

8. Personal contact with the head of the company. Personal contact with employees with whom management is not obligated to meet due to their status is important. Many famous entrepreneurs and successful businessmen resort to this approach. For example, world business legend Richard Branson decides to answer letters from his employees personally. The CEO of ArmstrongMachine provides each employee with paychecks personally, asking if there are any problems. In my work Steve Jobs invited subordinates to long hiking, during which he had the opportunity to discuss issues or problems that had arisen in a relaxed atmosphere.

9. Free lunch. Some companies organize free lunches once a week. On one day, free delivery of sushi, pizza, etc. is provided to employees. This type of staff motivation is mainly widespread in the work of IT companies.

10. Honor board. Personnel motivation involves recognition of an employee's results and achievements over a certain period. In particular, McDonald's is known for its "Best Employee of the Month" stands, and the 100% Fitness Center chain names the best employees on internal radio. In addition, the employee who has become the best strives to maintain his leadership, while others will strive to impose competition and surpass the winner.

11 Possibility to work from home. Only a quarter of managers and entrepreneurs in our country provide employees with the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule or remotely. But experience suggests that productivity increases by 15% for employees working from home. Although not all positions and specialties can work from home.

12. Honorary title of the employee's position. A fairly common way to motivate staff. After all, it is important for many employees to use a beautiful, honorable, and not a standard job title when communicating with their acquaintances. In particular, now the janitors at the Martika company (Barnaul) are called “general workers.”

13. Corporate gatherings. 10% of managers in our country periodically gather their team for various celebrations in a bowling alley, bar, etc. Many employees like this approach of holding informal evenings. Excellent opportunities are created for joint leisure in a relaxed atmosphere, and simply a great chance to relax and gain strength for future work successes.

14. Public gratitude. For example, the general director of the “Favorite Children” chain of children's goods stores walks through the offices in the central office every day, noting and thanking employees who have successfully completed their tasks. Gratitude turns out to be much more important if it is backed up with a useful gift. Usually a minor gift is enough, although sometimes it can be serious - for example, a trip to a sanatorium. Public gratitude is very pleasant for an employee. But try to express your gratitude correctly so as not to affect the feelings of other employees.

15. Discounts on services. Quite effective staff motivation in various organizations - corporate discounts for employees on various products and services of their company. Employees perceive their savings positively, and loyalty to the company increases. If a company specializes in several areas of its work, then it is simply impossible to do without providing such corporate discounts.

16. Providing bonuses. At the end of the year, all employees expect to receive various gifts, bonuses and bonuses from their employer. They can be issued for the achievement of set goals and plans - providing motivation to employees. When calculating, you can use a nonlinear scale. Payment of a 100% bonus if goals are achieved by 90% or more, 50% - if goals are achieved by 80%, if this figure is less than 70%, then no bonuses are provided. The size of the bonus can be equal to a fixed amount - for example, two monthly salaries or more. Bonuses for top managers are higher; they can be paid in several stages, including in December and March, since not every company can plan large payments at the end of the year.

17. Motivational board. Few managers know this term, we will talk about it in more detail. In fact, a motivation board is a standard marker board, which is a visual dynamic indicator of the sales level for the current date for each department or manager, and also becomes a reflection of the employee’s personal contribution to the common cause.

Experience confirms that it is possible to achieve an effect thanks to a motivation board after just a week of use. In the past, the worst managers understood that their poor sales could go unnoticed. Now an exciting game and competition begins, because no one wants to be the last. At the same time, the spirit of competition still does not prevent managers from supporting each other. They can see how much time is left until the sales plan is fulfilled, and they begin to encourage the rest of the employees - the team spirit kicks in.

18. Payment for employee training. To achieve professionalism in any job, it is important for an employee to strive for improvement in his specialty. After all, an employee who is passionate about his learning will definitely be able to achieve career growth and improve his skills, with the development of additional skills. Therefore, training and knowledge can be an important motivating factor. There can be various ways for such motivation. This includes sending employees to participate in conferences, trainings, etc. Additional knowledge It is worth making it an advantage to inspire employees to further their learning.

19. Payment for a fitness club subscription. A fairly effective motivation is to pay for the interests and hobbies of employees. Such hobbies usually relate to visiting a fitness center. Moreover, if employees are focused on improving their physical condition, then they are more focused on achieving their goals. But not everyone enjoys going to the gym. Some may be more interested in art school or piano lessons. Each person is individual, so their hobbies vary.

20. Control as a way to motivate staff. Many managers are convinced of the need to control employees. Control really allows you to motivate employees. The main idea is to provide employees with the opportunity self-acceptance decisions on all issues for which centralized control is not required. Allow employees to change any aspect of their work environment on their own as long as it does not pose a threat to the company's image or safety. One company in particular allows employees to wear headphones to work while enjoying their favorite music. Many companies do not prohibit employees from decorating their workplaces. Give employees more decision-making freedom within reasonable limits to achieve effective motivation.

21. Salary. Salary is one of the main ways to motivate employees. Therefore, if you cannot initially provide a sufficient salary for an employee, then other methods will turn out to be ineffective and secondary. Comfortable salary levels vary for different employees. It is important to understand what salary level will be constant and what will be flexible.

22. Bank of ideas. You should be interested in the opinions and thoughts of your employees. Many employees may have really useful and effective ideas, but do not see interest in them. Although most managers are interested in employees sharing relevant thoughts and ideas, not all managers simply know how to ask. Most of them simply interrupt the employee and reject his initiatives, which deprives employees of self-confidence and motivation. To solve this problem, it is better to get a notepad, file or other documents in which employees’ ideas will be recorded. Thanks to this approach, managers soon begin to listen better to employees, who can offer some pretty useful ideas.

23. Employee profit sharing/option. An option is one of the instruments for employees' equity participation in the company's capital. Such an instrument has become a replacement for partnership or simple corporatization of personnel. In Russian practice, option programs are considered a relatively young phenomenon. Just a few years ago such cases were rare. The main goal is to focus the company's management on long-term growth of capitalization and increasing employee loyalty to the employing company. The loyalty of managers to the company is especially relevant today, when economic growth is causing a shortage of highly qualified employees. Because of this, compensation and staff turnover increase. The introduction of option programs contributes to effective solution both of these problems.

24. Payment for travel and mobile communications. Many employees are interested in having their travel expenses paid or mobile communications, as they can reach impressive sizes. Naturally, such bonuses will be pleasant for your employees. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s nice!

  • Motivation, Incentive, Remuneration, KPI, Benefits and Compensation

Hello! In this article we will tell you everything about staff motivation.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is motivation and why to stimulate employees.
  2. What types of motivation exist.
  3. The most effective ways encourage employees to perform their duties efficiently.

Concept of staff motivation

It is not often that you meet a person who is completely and completely satisfied with his job. This is because people often occupy positions not according to their calling. But it is within the power of the manager to make sure that the work process is comfortable for everyone, and that employees perform their duties with pleasure.

Successful businessmen know firsthand that their employees need to be stimulated and encouraged in every possible way, that is, motivated. Labor productivity, the quality of work performed, the company’s development prospects, etc. depend on this.

Motivation of personnel in the organization These are activities aimed at a person’s subconscious, when he has a desire to work effectively and perform job duties efficiently.

For example, imagine a team where the boss does not care about his subordinates. It is important to him that the work is completed in a timely manner in full. If an employee fails to do something, he will be fined, receive a reprimand or other punishment. In such a team there will be an unhealthy atmosphere. All workers will work not at will, but under compulsion, with the goal of...

Now let’s consider another option, where the employer motivates the staff in every possible way. In such an organization, all employees are likely to have friendly relations; they know what they are working for, are constantly developing, benefit the company and receive moral satisfaction from this.

A good manager simply must be able to stimulate staff. Everyone benefits from this, from ordinary employees to the highest management of the company.

Personnel motivation goals

Motivation is carried out in order to unite the interests of the enterprise and the employee. That is, the company needs high-quality work, and the staff needs a decent salary.

But this is not the only goal pursued by employee incentives.

By motivating employees, managers strive to:

  • Interest and attract valuable personnel;
  • Minimize the number of people leaving (eliminate “staff turnover”);
  • Identify and deservedly reward the best employees;
  • Monitor payments.

Theories of personnel motivation

Many aspiring businessmen thinklessly approach solving motivation issues. But in order to achieve the desired results, it’s not enough just. It is necessary to analyze the problem and move on to its competent resolution.

To do this, it is necessary to study the theories of motivation famous people. We will look at them now.

Maslow's theory

Abraham Maslow argued that in order to effectively motivate your employees, you need to study their needs.

He divided them into 5 categories:

  1. Physical needs– this is a person’s desire to satisfy his needs at the physiological level (drink, eat, relax, have a home, etc.).
  2. The need to be safe– all people strive to be confident in the future. It is important for them to feel physical and emotional safety.
  3. Social needs- Every person wants to be part of society. He strives to have a family, friends, etc.
  4. Need for recognition and respect– people strive to be independent, recognized, have status and authority.
  5. The need to express oneself– a person always strives to conquer heights, develop as a person, and realize his potential.

The list of needs is compiled in such a way that the first item is the most important, and the last is less significant. A manager doesn't have to do everything 100%, but it is important to try to address every need.

McGregor's "X and Y" theory

Douglas McGregor's theory is based on the fact that people can be controlled in 2 ways.

Using theory X, control is carried out using an authoritarian regime. It is assumed that the team of people is disorganized, people hate their work, shirk their duties in every possible way, and need strict control from management.

In this case, in order to improve work, it is necessary to constantly monitor employees and encourage them to conscientiously perform job responsibilities, develop and implement a system of punishments.

TheoryY radically different from the previous one. It is based on the fact that the team works with full dedication, all employees take a responsible approach to fulfilling their duties, people organize themselves, show interest in work, and strive to develop. Therefore, managing such employees requires a different, more loyal approach.

Herzberg Theory (Motivational-Hygiene)

This theory is based on the fact that doing work brings satisfaction or dissatisfaction to a person for various reasons.

An employee will be satisfied with his job if it contributes to his self-expression. Personnel development depends on the possibility of career growth, the emergence of a sense of responsibility, and recognition of employee achievements.

Personnel motivation factors that lead to dissatisfaction are associated with poor working conditions and shortcomings in the company's organizational process. This could be low wages, poor working conditions, an unhealthy atmosphere within the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

This theory is based on the fact that people's needs can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Employees' need to manage and influence other people. People with this need can be divided into 2 groups. The first ones simply want to control others. The latter strive to solve group problems.
  2. Need for success. People with this need strive to do their job better every time than the previous time. They like to work alone.
  3. The need to be involved in some process. These are employees who want recognition and respect. They love to work in organized groups.

Based on the needs of people, it is necessary to introduce the necessary incentive measures.

Process theory of employee stimulation

This theory is based on the fact that a person wants to achieve pleasure while avoiding pain. The manager, acting according to this theory, should reward employees more often and punish less often.

Vroom's Theory (Expectancy Theory)

According to Vroom, the peculiarities of personnel motivation lie in the fact that a person performs the work that, in his opinion, will satisfy his needs with the highest quality possible.

Adams theory

The meaning of this theory is as follows: human labor should be rewarded accordingly. If an employee is underpaid, then he works worse, and if he is overpaid, then he works at the same level. Work performed must be fairly compensated.

Types of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees.

Depending on how you influence your subordinates, motivation can be:

Straight– when the employee knows that if the work is done quickly and efficiently, he will be additionally rewarded.

Direct motivation, in turn, is divided into:

  • Material motivation of staff– when an employee is stimulated, bonuses, cash rewards, trips to sanatoriums, etc.;
  • Non-material motivation of personnel– when the work of employees is recognized by management, they are given certificates, memorable gifts, working conditions are improved, and adjustments are made work time etc.

Indirect– in the course of stimulating activities, the employee’s interest in work is renewed, he feels satisfaction after completing a task. In this case, employees have a stronger sense of responsibility, and management control becomes unnecessary.

Social– a person understands that he is part of a team and an integral part of the team. He is afraid of letting his colleagues down and does everything to complete the tasks assigned to him as efficiently as possible.

Psychological– a good and friendly atmosphere is created for the employee within the team and the company itself. A person should want to go to work, participating in the production process, he should receive psychological satisfaction.

Labor– stimulation methods aimed at human self-realization.

Career– when the motivation is to move up the career ladder.

Gender– the employee is motivated by the opportunity to brag about his successes to other people.

Educational– the desire to work arises when an employee wants to develop, learn something, and be educated.

In order for staff motivation methods to bring the desired result, it is necessary to use all types of employee incentives in combination.

Basic levels of staff motivation

All people are unique and individual. Some are careerists and the prospect of career growth is very important to them, while others prefer stability and lack of change. Based on these considerations, managers must understand that methods of stimulating employees must be selected individually for each employee.

There are 3 levels of motivation:

  1. Individual motivation– The employee’s work must be paid decently. When calculating the amount of payments, the knowledge, skills and abilities that the employee possesses must be taken into account. It is important to make it clear to the subordinate that if he performs his duties well, he will receive a promotion.
  2. Team motivation– a group of people united by one cause and goal works more efficiently. Each team member understands that the success of the entire team depends on the effectiveness of his work. When motivating a group of people, it is very important that the atmosphere within the team is friendly.
  3. Organizational motivation– the entire team of the enterprise needs to be united into one system. People must understand that their organization is a single mechanism and depends on the actions of each positive result. This is one of the most difficult tasks for a leader.

Systematic approach to personnel motivation

In order to competently carry out incentive activities, it is necessary to remember that motivation is a system consisting of 5 stages.

Stage 1. Identifying the problem of staff motivation.

In order to understand what kind of motivational activities to carry out, the manager needs to analyze the motivation of the staff. To do this, you need to conduct a survey (it can be anonymous) and identify what your subordinates are dissatisfied with.

Stage 2. Implementation of management, taking into account data from the analysis of motivation and its goals.

When motivating employees, management must work closely with staff. Based on the research data, implement those methods that will bring benefits specifically to your enterprise.

For example, if the majority of employees are not satisfied with the length of the working day at the enterprise, then changes need to be made in this direction.

Stage 3. Influence on employee behavior.

When carrying out activities to motivate staff, it is necessary to monitor changes in employee behavior.

Employees will change it if:

  • Management will accept constructive criticism to your address;
  • Reward employees in a timely manner;
  • Demonstrate correct behavior by example;
  • They will be taught the required behavior.

Stage 4. Improving the staff motivation system.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce non-material methods of stimulating employees. Workers need to be convinced of the need to increase their productivity. The leader must “ignite” the subordinate, find individual approach to everyone.

Stage 5. A well-deserved reward.

The company should develop a system of bonuses and incentives. When employees see that their efforts are rewarded, they begin to work better and more productively.

Methods and examples of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees. But before you put them into practice, think about which incentive methods are suitable specifically for your production.

We have compiled the TOP 20 the best ways motivation, from which each manager will choose a method that is suitable specifically for his production.

  1. Salary . This is a powerful motivator that forces an employee to do his job well. If wages are low, it is unlikely that this will inspire workers to devote 100% to the production process.
  2. Praise . Every person who conscientiously performs his work is pleased to hear that his work did not go unnoticed. The manager needs to periodically analyze the work of employees and not neglect praise. Using this method, you don’t spend a penny, but increase your productivity significantly.
  3. Address employees by name . For the authority of the director of the company, it is very important to learn the names of all employees. By addressing a person by name, a leader shows his respect for his subordinate. The employee understands that he is not just a faceless secretary or cleaning lady, but a person who is valued.
  4. Additional rest . Some enterprises encourage workers to do their work faster and better by offering additional rest. For example, an employee who, at the end of the week, showed best result, may leave work several hours earlier on Friday. Thus, passion and zeal to be a winner awakens in the team.
  5. Awarding with memorable gifts . On the occasion of any memorable dates, you can give your employees memorable gifts. These may be trinkets, but if you engrave it, then the employee will probably show off such a sign of attention to his friends for the rest of his life.
  6. Promotion prospect . All employees must understand that for quality performance of their work, they will receive a promotion. The prospect of moving up the career ladder is as motivating as material rewards.
  7. Opportunity to express your opinion and be heard . In any team, it is important to give all employees the opportunity to express their opinions. But it’s not enough to just listen; management must also listen to the advice and wishes of its employees. This way, employees will understand that their opinions are taken into account and listened to.
  8. The opportunity for each employee to personally communicate with the company’s management . All managers, first of all, must understand that they are the same people as their subordinates. Directors only organize the production process, and the execution of work depends on their subordinates. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly organize personal meetings with employees where they may be affected. important questions on a variety of topics.
  9. Hall of Fame . This is an intangible method of motivation that greatly increases productivity. To implement it, it is necessary to create an honor board where portraits of the best employees will be posted. Thus, production competitions are created that stimulate workers to improve their production performance.
  10. Provide the opportunity to fulfill your . This method is only suitable for individual companies. If an office employee has routine work that he can do without leaving home, he can be asked not to come to work. workplace V certain days. But the main condition will be high-quality performance of job duties.
  11. Nice job title . Each profession and position is good in its own way. But if you designate a nurse in a medical institution as junior nurse, then a person will not be ashamed to say who he works for.
  12. Corporate events . At many enterprises on occasion big holidays, parties are held. At these celebrations, people communicate in an informal setting, relax, and make new acquaintances. Corporate events help distract employees and demonstrate the company's care for them.
  13. Public thanks . You can praise an employee not only personally. It's best to do this publicly. This idea can be implemented in several ways. For example, announcing the best employee on the radio, through the media or public address system at the enterprise. This will encourage others to do better so that everyone knows about their results.
  14. Providing discounts . If a company produces a product or provides services, then a discount can be provided for employees of this company.
  15. Accrual of bonuses . Material incentives are an effective method of motivating staff. Employees need to set a goal, upon reaching which they will receive certain additional payments to the basic salary in the form of bonuses.
  16. Motivational board . A simple but effective method of motivating employees. To implement the idea, it is enough to draw a graph of the productivity of each participant on the demonstration board production process. Employees will see who performs better and will strive to become a leader.
  17. Training at company expense . It is important for many employees to improve and... By sending employees to seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., the manager shows his interest in the professional growth of his subordinate.
  18. Payment for a subscription to a sports club . From time to time, teams can organize production competitions, at the end of which the best employee will receive a subscription to a fitness club.
  19. Coverage of transportation costs, payment for communication services . Large companies often motivate their employees by paying for their transportation costs or cell phone services.
  20. Creating a bank of ideas . At an enterprise, you can create a bank of ideas in the form of an electronic mailbox. Anyone can send letters to it with their suggestions. Thanks to this, each employee will feel important.

Increasing the motivation of personnel in certain professions

When developing motivational measures, it is important to take into account the profession of workers and the type of employment.

Let's look at an example of motivating workers in some professions:

Profession Motivation methods

Provide the opportunity to make decisions independently;

Pay a bonus (a certain percentage of sales)


Organize production competitions with other managers;

Give bonuses depending on sales volumes;

Link wages to company profits

Logistician For people in this profession, wages most often consist of a salary and a bonus. Moreover, the salary is 30%, and 70% are bonuses. They can be motivated by the size of bonuses. If their work did not cause failures, then the bonus is paid in full

Non-standard methods of modern personnel motivation

In the Russian Federation, non-standard methods of stimulating labor are rarely used. But nevertheless they bring good results.

Not long ago, a survey was conducted in which office workers from different parts of Russia took part. They answered questions: what bonuses they would be happy with and what they want to see in the workplace.

Most people preferred:

  • Office kitchen;
  • A machine where everyone can make their own coffee for free;
  • Soul;
  • Recreation room, bedroom, smoking room;
  • Exercise machines;
  • Massage chair;
  • Tennis table;
  • Cinema hall;
  • Scooters.

The fair sex preferred massage chairs and gyms, and representatives of the stronger sex – entertainment (tennis table, scooters, etc.).

Professional assistance in motivating employees

If you are a young manager and doubt the correctness of developing staff motivation, you have 2 options to get out of this situation.

  1. You can contact special organizations that, for a fee, will develop a motivation system and successfully implement it in your company.
  2. Or enroll in a business school where they will teach you the basics of management.

What will good employee motivation bring?

If a manager properly stimulates his employees, then within a few weeks a positive result will be noticeable.


  • Employees begin to take a more responsible approach to performing their job duties;
  • The quality and productivity of labor increases;
  • Production indicators are improving;
  • Employees develop a team spirit;
  • Personnel turnover is reduced;
  • The company begins to develop rapidly, etc.

If you are a new entrepreneur, you must properly motivate your employees:

  • First, always encourage your subordinates to get the job done;
  • Second, ensure that employees' basic needs are met;
  • Thirdly, create comfortable working conditions;
  • Fourth, be loyal to your employees.

In addition, use the following tips:

  • Take an interest in the lives of your subordinates, ask about their needs;
  • Do not scold employees with or without reason. Better help them do the work that the employee can’t handle. After all, the failures of employees are the failures of managers;
  • Do analysis periodically. Conduct surveys, questionnaires, compile work diaries and internal reporting;
  • Pay unscheduled bonuses and incentives.


The role of staff motivation in any enterprise is quite large. It is within the power of the employer to create such working conditions where the employee wants to work with full dedication. The main thing is to competently approach the development and implementation of incentive methods.

Staff motivation– the key to improving the quality and results of work!

Staff motivation is a set of material and non-material incentives designed to ensure high-quality and productive work for employees, as well as a way to attract the most talented specialists to the company and retain them.

Problems to be solved when implementing a personnel motivation system

    Retaining productive employees;

    Involving employees in work and unlocking their potential;

    Attracting the right employees to the company.

Types of staff motivation

Material motivation of personnel- salary, bonuses and rewards.

Non-material (non-monetary) motivation of personnel- social benefits, additional pension provision, medical insurance, travel, lunch, mobile communications, swimming pool subscription, etc. traditionally referred to as a method of non-material incentives, since the employee does not receive “real” money, although the company spends money on all this.

When is it necessary to review the staff motivation system?

    The return on investment in human capital does not meet management's expectations;

    Turnover per employee is lower than the industry average;

    Total personnel costs exceed optimal values;

    The number of staff is unreasonably high;

    Low loyalty of the organization's employees;

    High staff turnover;

    Low quality of work.

Basic methods for improving staff motivation

    System implementation management by objectives , as a method of motivating staff;

    Creating a reliable assessment systems employee performance and determining his development potential;

    Development of a salary system, grading of positions;

    Financial modeling and assignment of rates by grade;

    Development of a bonus system based on results key indicators efficiency ( KPI );

    Formation of piecework-bonus part of wages;

    Creating transparent and clear routes for career advancement;

    Creation of "golden" personnel reserve , including training plans for employees included in the personnel reserve;

    Manager training on the topic "Staff Motivation".

Staff motivation as a problem

Many Russian companies are developing and implementing various personnel motivation systems. And, nevertheless, the complexity of the problem lies in the fact that it is not entirely clear how to encourage people to work? Let's look at the main issues related to motivation one by one.

When do you need to start developing and implementing a new or changing an existing staff motivation system?

It is necessary to think about solving the problem of staff motivation:

    If employees evaluate their work as insignificant for the company;

    If employees have expressed dissatisfaction with career growth and wages;

    If they talk about a lack of independence at work;

    If there are unclear requirements from the management of the company or divisions;

    If there is an underload in the work of other employees, as a result, a large proportion of informal conversations, tea parties, smoke breaks, etc.

The development and implementation of a motivation system becomes necessary if many employees show symptoms of professional “burnout”: decreased enthusiasm and loss of interest in work, as well as the replacement of professional interests with other interests not related to work. In addition, if the company’s staff turnover increases sharply, then first of all you need to think about its motivation. It is necessary to focus on the following “turnover rate”: from 4-7% to 12-15% renewal of the workforce. In some Russian companies, turnover reaches from 100% to 250%! It should also be noted that if warring factions arise in a company between young and mature employees, or women and men, then the problem may also be an ineffective motivation system.

Finally, it is necessary to think about various factors, including the development of an effective motivation system, if the informal leader is actively fighting against the leader.

Salary as a motivating factor

Most Russian managers believe that what motivates people to work successfully is, first of all, wages. Therefore, if a company cannot pay a lot of money, people usually work “carelessly,” and management puts up with this, justifying this state of affairs with a limit in financial resources. Of course, this attitude to the problem of personnel motivation on the part of management is influenced by the traditional Russian exaggeration of the importance of wages as the main or only motivating factor. There is also a special, purely Russian attitude of the employees themselves towards money. This attitude is expressed in the opinion that money should be paid for the fact of being present at work.

It is known that in the minds of Russian workers there are two attitudes: “They pay money” and “They earn money.” So, we are now talking about the prevalence of the first attitude: “Money pays.” Unfortunately, this attitude manifests itself not only in mature, but also in young workers. But the second idea, “They earn money,” has not yet become completely popular among Russian workers.

The idea of ​​receiving money for being present at work is obviously a legacy of the Soviet era. But it is precisely this that creates the first contradiction in the goals of management and the expectations of employees: the staff wants to be paid, and the managers want the staff to earn money. There is a second contradiction in the goals of management and the expectations of employees: management wants to pay as little as possible, but at the same time have employees work as best as possible, and employees want management to pay as much as possible, but ask them to do as little as possible.

At training seminars, managers of different companies always ask the following questions: “You are a psychologist, tell me which of the employees definitely need to increase their wages, and which ones need not be raised?”, “You are a psychologist, tell me by how much and how often it is necessary increase so that the employee is motivated?”

These questions have a real basis, because the influence of such a motivating factor as salary is far from clear. So, if for one employee an increase of 100 USD - very significant, then for another it is imperceptible. And the third employee, focused on a career and promotion, has a salary increase of 100 USD. will cause irritation and a desire to resign.

How should wages be increased?

The general recommendation is as follows: it is necessary to increase wages by an amount ranging from 15-20% to 40-50% of the employee’s salary. It has been noted that the effect (value) of a wage increase lasts from six months to one year, after which it falls. A decrease in motivation from a salary increase almost always manifests itself, even if the employee’s salary is significantly increased, for example, by 2 times. Young workers who need to solve important problems are highly motivated by salary increases. life tasks: organize a family, buy an apartment, create conditions for the birth of a child, etc.

High motivation from increased wages is present among managers whose work involves pronounced responsibility and tension, and wages act as a factor compensating for the high costs of time and health. Wages may not act as a motivating factor for creative workers who are focused on the substantive characteristics of work: independence, creativity.

Salary (or bonuses) will not be a motivating factor if there is a large time gap between achieving good results at work and receiving money. Therefore, wages become a motivating factor only when they are directly related to labor results.

The salary must reflect not only the effective, but also the objective characteristics of the employee: his education, length of service in the company, duration of work in this profession. Thus, the salary must consist of at least three parts: a minimum but stable part, bonuses based on work results and a monetary amount reflecting the employee’s experience and length of service.

The significant gap in wages between top managers and line managers of many Russian companies and banks, often tens of times, reduces the motivating value of earnings among middle managers. If there is a large difference in payment (most often, bonuses) different categories workers, the “black envelope” principle is practiced all over the world - transferring money in an envelope. However, this principle does not always work in Russian companies, since Russians usually easily ask about who received money and how much, and also talk about their income. People generally tend to compare who earns and how much. This tendency will be especially strong if the principle of fairness is violated in the company. In other words, if one employee sees that another, formally, is the same as him and receives significantly more for the same work that he does, then the first will believe that he is not being paid extra. If an employee believes that he is not being paid extra, then he will either sharply reduce his productivity, or for some period he will try to work well in order to increase his earnings. An employee who believes that he is overpaid will strive to maintain high intensity and efficiency of his work. In general, an employee's assessment of his salary is influenced by two conditions: a comparison of what other companies in the industry pay for the same work and his comparison of his efforts and time spent on work and rewards.

In one small company, an employee said something like this to me: “I used to try really hard to work. But then, when I saw that the results of my work had absolutely no effect on my earnings, I stopped trying. Now I work exactly as much as I am paid for.”

Motivating factors other than wages (non-economic incentives)

Despite the great importance of wages in the development of a personnel motivation system, it is still a mistake to think that wages are the only factor motivating staff. There are many more factors that influence employee satisfaction and the level of their professional motivation.

A very important motivating factor is the socio-psychological atmosphere in the company and the opportunity to communicate with colleagues. It is important that there are no informal conversations during too much working time. For example, it is believed that to satisfy the need for communication, in addition to lunch break, an additional 10-15 minute break is enough, organized twice a day: before lunch and after it. A motivating factor for an employee is the opportunity to receive and see the result of their work. And, conversely, if, after a long period of intense work and effort, a person does not see the results of his work, he experiences acute dissatisfaction. A serious motivating factor for almost all people is the opportunity to have respect at work and feel like a significant and necessary employee. An extremely important motivation factor is the opportunity to improve one’s professional qualifications entirely or partially at the expense of the company. Some Russian companies, for example, pay up to 40% of the cost of training for leading employees. Delegation of professional tasks, responsibilities and powers by the manager is often a motivating factor for ambitious employees. Invitations from management to informal meetings, sports events, hunting or trips to which a narrow circle of close associates are invited (satisfying the need for involvement) can also motivate.

Individual approach to motivating individual employees

Since the problem of motivation is a complex, ambiguous and contradictory problem, often the best way to construct effective system staff motivation is taking into account their professional and individual characteristics (psychotypes). I will briefly describe the two main ideas of this approach: the employee’s expectations and the diagnosis of his psychological type.

    The subjective expectation of the employee is of great importance: if he works well and with dedication, he will receive the reward he desires. It is important for the manager to know what kind of reward the employee expects - a promotion, an increase in salary, a referral to a training seminar or a second job. higher education, getting additional free time, expanding the bonus, etc. If the incentive reward matches the employee’s expectations, his motivation increases; if it does not coincide, then it decreases.

    Positive or negative reaction the employee's choice of one form of remuneration or another also depends on his character and psychotype. Different classifications can be used psychological types and for each of them select motivating factors. Let us limit ourselves to those classifications that are clearly evident at work. So, workers differ in orientation; according to this criterion, three psychotypes can be distinguished.

“Internal” people are those who are focused on the content of the work and emotional comfort. The opportunity to achieve a significant or outstanding result is important to them, they strive to choose interesting work for themselves that involves communication with colleagues, they like to feel needed and significant. The need for self-realization of their abilities is very important for them. Salary does not come first for them. If there is good money, but routine and uninteresting work, they can go to another company for less money, but where there is an opportunity to express themselves and realize their ideas.

“External” people are those for whom the external attributes of work and success are important. They value salary, the opportunity for career growth, praise from management, they strive to have symbols of success - a good office, a cool car, clothes, power. “Mixed” types are those for which both are important. Despite the fact that mixed psychotypes exist, still in each specific case it is necessary to analyze which working conditions come to the fore for a person, and which ones come to the background. If the content of the work is in the foreground, then the motivating factor will be a task whose implementation will require creative activity from the employee. If status and position are in the foreground, then career growth and money will motivate the employee.

Workers vary in character (or temperamental qualities)

Cholerics are active, sociable, open, ambitious and quick-tempered, they love risks, value advancement and development in everything: in wages, career, “building up” professional knowledge, experience and well-being. They need to be constantly encouraged, at least once or twice a year, according to the results and capabilities of the company: increase their salary, position, send them for training, etc. At the same time, what is important for them is not what specific type of encouragement they receive, but that their superiors often pay attention to the results of their work.

Phlegmatic people are calm, slow, reserved and stable people. Most of all, they like organizations in which there is no threat of layoffs or bankruptcy. What is valued in wages is not so much its size as stability and regularity.

Sanguine people are active, energetic people with good self-control and effective self-regulation. First of all, they value career growth, so they will be motivated by appointment to a new, higher position.

Melancholic people are emotional, sensitive, anxious, prone to a leading position, do not like to take risks, and are afraid of conflicts. They value a good atmosphere, a positive attitude from management, calmness and the absence of conflicts. If all this is present at work, they will not move to another company even when there is an opportunity for career growth and an increase in wages. In this case, they reason something like this: “It’s unknown how I can get along with the employees and management there. But here they respect me, I know everyone. I will stay in this company."

Employees are divided into different psychotypes based on their thinking style

Analysts value job content, stability, learning opportunities and professional development. He can be motivated by having plenty of time to complete a task thoroughly, in detail, by the absence of rush and stress, as well as by the opportunity to learn. Pragmatists value careers and income. If a company has the ability to satisfy the needs of pragmatists, they will work. If there are no such opportunities, then pragmatists easily change jobs. Critics appreciate the opportunity to be a relevant expert and evaluate the work of other employees. They love the freedom to express their opinions and do not submit to authority. I noticed that in case of staff reductions, critical employees are fired first. However, qualified critics should be valued, because they are the ones who can identify a mistake in time, predict failure, and limit the power of an arrogant leader. Realists strive for leadership and management. These are potential leaders. If there are vacancies in the company, they will work, if there are no vacancies that match their professionalism, they will leave.

And the last is a classification of employees based on how differently they feel about working in the organization. According to this criterion, professionals, performers, managers (leaders) and neutrals are distinguished. The psychological type of the employee, manifested in his attitude towards the company, also affects his motivational expectations.

Professionals show interest in the content of their work, love difficult tasks, strive to receive new, professionally significant information, show independence and autonomy, and do not like to either lead or obey. A professional can be motivated by the fact that he will have freedom in choosing a problem, the opportunity to work independently, and he will have minimal control or no control at all. He needs to be given difficult tasks and periodically sent to various educational seminars and trainings. It is important for a professional to periodically get out into his professional community so that he is recognized and positively assessed by his “colleagues.” Professionals therefore love conferences, publications, speeches, awards, distinctions.

Performers love to work in a team, together with everyone else, they like to go to work in the morning and come home from work in the evening, they strive to distribute responsibilities and functions in the workplace, they are focused on carrying out orders and assignments, they avoid responsibility and leadership. They will be motivated by a positive assessment from the manager, public encouragement of a moral nature, and instructions to perform representative functions.

A leader seeks influence and power. If he is not appointed as a leader, as a rule, he becomes an informal leader and may resist management decisions and criticize the company's management. Such an employee will be motivated by the prospect of becoming a leader - responsibility and career growth.

A neutral is the most difficult employee in terms of his motivation, because any motivating system may be ineffective for him, because his interests lie outside of work. He can be interested in anything: religion, esotericism, butterflies, painting, hunting, sports, cars, etc. The following working conditions are important to him: a clear definition of work tasks, a stable schedule without overtime, clear and uncomplicated work, friendly relations with colleagues from whom he expects acceptance of his values ​​and interest in his hobbies. He is not primarily interested in salary.

Development of an effective motivation system

To develop and implement an effective motivation system, it is necessary to implement three stages: diagnose the company’s motivational environment, develop a segmented motivation system in which material and moral means of motivation are comprehensively applied, and regularly monitor and correct the motivational system.

First stage: diagnostics of the company’s motivational environment (system of incentive conditions). At this stage the following activities are implemented:

    Development of methods for objective and unambiguous measurement of employee performance.

    Availability to employees of official information about the desired result (how to work and what results to achieve).

    Assessing the degree to which the desired results are achievable. When a task is too difficult or too easy, employee motivation tends to decrease.

    Taking into account the principles of incentives: the presence of motivation conditions common to all, a reasonable assessment system, the presence of clear criteria for measuring results, simplicity and clarity of means for assessing results, the connection between results and incentives, measuring results and rewarding all employees according to the results of their work, emphasis on quality, control over standards, the presence of a mechanism for revising standards, and incentives for capable and talented workers.

The second stage of developing a motivation system is the stage of building a segmented motivating system and taking into account the psychological characteristics of employees.

At the second stage, it is necessary to conduct a personal survey of employees in order to identify certain groups and develop a segmented motivation system. An example of such a questionnaire aimed at obtaining information for building a segmented motivation system is given at the end of the article.

At the second stage, it is also possible to conduct psychological testing of workers within each group in order to take into account their expectations and implement an individual approach according to the psychotypes of individual workers. At the second stage, taking into account the selected groups of workers and data on their individual psychological characteristics, it is necessary to introduce the principle of complexity, i.e., use not only material, but also moral means of stimulation:

    Assessment and recognition of the personal merits of individual employees: public assessment at meetings, improvement of the interior of the office of a capable manager, articles in the internal corporate press about achievements, photographs or messages on special stands and “Honor Boards”, honorary orders from senior management, badges of honor and awards.

    Assessing and recognizing the merits of the unit: informing about the achievements of the unit at meetings and in the internal corporate press, organizing gala dinners in honor of certain employees, sending employees to a certain conference (seminars, exhibitions, meetings), sending a group for training, going on a group excursion or tourist trip trip, presentation of insignia.

    Personal recognition of employees’ merits from management: verbal expression of gratitude, written expression of gratitude, gifts, conversation with the manager.

The third stage of developing a motivation system is monitoring and correction. At this stage, employees are constantly surveyed, approximately once every six months, and motivating factors are changed in accordance with the information received about their attitude to working conditions in the company.

What are the methods of social motivation of staff? How to develop a motivation system based on the example of other organizations? Where can I get help managing a staff incentive program?

Do you know what you need to focus on when developing a motivation system? This is not only the specifics of the enterprise, the competent distribution of responsibilities, rewards and fines. This is also rational organization work and the impact on each employee in accordance with his character and approach to work.

I, Anna Medvedeva, a regular author of the HeatherBeaver resource, will help you sort out these and other questions.

So let's begin!

1. What is personnel motivation in an organization?

First, let's find out what it is.

The classic definition is as follows:

This is a set of processes that encourage, guide and support the work activities of employees to achieve certain goals.

It is not difficult to guess that there are several methods of motivation.

The most effective system is one that combines:

  • material incentives (additional cash payments);
  • non-material rewards (gratitude and praise);
  • fines and punishments.

To successfully manage a motivation system, it is necessary to know the factors that motivate employees. They are internal And external.

Internal ones include dreams, creative ideas, the need for self-realization, etc. External ones include money, career growth, social status, a high standard of living, etc.

Optimal ratio of internal and external factors - the basis for coordinating the interests of employees with the interests of the company and a successfully developed motivation program.

In the table we give examples of well-known theories of motivation from world developers.

Various theories of motivation:

1 A. Maslow's strategy People's behavior is determined based on their needs. It is necessary to find out the needs of employees and, based on the data obtained, develop a motivation system.
2 E. Schein's theory Each employee falls into one of 8 categories based on their core values. Each such “career anchor” has its own types and methods of motivation.
3 F. Herzberg system Herzberg based his theory on intangible values ​​- responsibility, career growth, recognition. He called wages and monetary incentives only a deterrent factor.
4 System of V. I. Gerchikov This model solves managerial problems, but does not pay attention to psychological ones. That is, it teaches how to get certain actions from an employee, and not how to satisfy his requests.

2. Features of motivation in accordance with different types of employees - 5 main types

All employees can be divided into several categories depending on their character and attitude to work. Knowing each person’s type, it’s easier to choose the most effective methods motivation. Even if the type is mixed, this approach will still work.

So, take a closer look at your colleagues, analyze your observations and draw conclusions about who works in your team.

Type 1. “Toolkit”

For such people, the main thing is the size of the salary. They do not attach their souls to either the team or the institution. This does not mean that their relationships with colleagues are bad. They can be quite friendly. But if a competing company offers such an employee a salary higher than yours, he will leave without hesitation or regret.

How to motivate toolmakers? Of course, with money. High salaries, bonuses and cash bonuses. If necessary, a system of fines is also used.

Type 2. “Professional”

For such an employee, work is a means of self-expression. The main thing is that he finds his work interesting. Therefore, he takes on the most complex tasks and loves innovative directions. Professional interest in work can encourage him to complete a large volume in a short time.

Since the entire being of a professional is filled with passion for his work, the amount of salary fades into the background for him. It is best to motivate this type of employee by elevating him to the rank of expert. That is, constantly ask for his advice and emphasize his professionalism and contribution to the enterprise.

Type 3. "Patriot"

An employee of this type does not separate his mission from the general one, just like success. He lives for work and feels like an integral part of the company, and a necessary one. It is very important for him to know that his enterprise needs him.

Such employees often manifest themselves as social leaders in their teams. You can motivate them financially, but it will be much more effective to express gratitude and emphasize its significance and irreplaceability.

Type 4. "Master"

Despite the fact that such a person works for hire, the main thing for him is independence. He does not accept any control in the work process. It is easier for him to take full responsibility for risky decisions.

An effective motivation for this type of employee is to recognize his authority and provide freedom of decision-making. Monetary incentives for such employees are secondary.

Type 5. "Lumpen"

This is the most hopeless case. No activity, initiative, desire for professional development and growth. Lumpen seeks only to minimize effort in performing work duties.

Finding effective motivation for such an employee is very difficult. Most likely, it doesn't exist at all. Since he is equally not interested in material rewards, career growth, praise and certificates of honor.

Most probable way the impact on the lumpen is increased control and an authoritarian management style, since the danger of punishment is the only thing that can somehow excite him.

You will find information on ways to increase motivation in the article “”.

3. How to develop a personnel motivation system in an organization - step-by-step instructions

Let's draw up an approximate scheme for introducing a motivation system at an enterprise.

It can be adjusted as the action progresses, because the process always proceeds differently and some unforeseen circumstances are sure to arise.

Step 1. Inform employees about intentions to increase motivation

This must be done. Moreover, it is necessary to educate subordinates about the main goals of the activities being undertaken. That is, to clarify that the motivation system is being implemented not only to ensure that each employee improves the quality of performance of their work duties and each department becomes a leader. What is most important is to achieve the common goal that faces the entire enterprise.

Employees will be aware of the situation and feel like they are part of a big deal.

Step 2. We study the company’s staff in detail

Since motivation involves different methods influences, you need to know how to choose them correctly. And for this you need to study your team. Find out how people live, what they are interested in, who has what priorities, etc.

The simplest and most popular survey method is a questionnaire. In addition to items about the actual data of employees (age, education, specialization, etc.), include questions regarding career growth, leadership, etc. in the questionnaire.

Pay attention to points about whether the company meets the needs of employees. And also be sure to provide a place for wishes and suggestions. Add a column in which employees can rate the importance of questions on a 10-point scale. To get the most honest answers possible, we recommend conducting the survey anonymously.

Step 3. Analyze staff motivation systems

Study known motivation systems, especially those of competing companies that have so far been more successful than yours. Find the principles and methods that best suit you from the different options. Effective motivation of personnel in an organization must be comprehensive.

Examples of famous programs:

  1. "Golden fever". Well suited for departments that directly work with product sales. Departments in different regions are awarded points for the sale of certain items. Cash rewards are distributed based on the results.
  2. "Imago". Employees present their ideas for improving the operation of the enterprise and offer practical solutions. The management considers all options and awards points for useful and rational proposals.

Step 4. Conduct an employee survey

The opinion of subordinates is also very important. If you take it into account, you will develop an effective motivational system. In surveys, take into account the specifics of departments, especially in remote branches and regional representative offices of the company.

Step 5. Inform employees and implement a system for increasing motivation

When the motivation system is ready, implement it at the enterprise. But first, be sure to bring the staff up to date.

Tell us about all the moments of the program:

  • purposes;
  • timing;
  • proposed changes;
  • benefits of the motivational system, etc.

The program must first of all be transparent . That is, it should not leave employees with a feeling of understatement, vagueness, injustice, and especially deception.

4. Who provides assistance in increasing staff motivation in the organization - review of the TOP 3 companies

Business management companies often combine both service delivery and training.

We would advise you not to neglect the opportunity to gain new skills. In a dynamic business field, practical experience is of great value.

1) Vpodarok

A team that works at the highest level professional level, over 10 years of existence has become the best in its field. Their clients are large Russian and foreign organizations (Yandex, Beeline, Rosneft, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, etc.). In the list of services of this company you will find everything related to motivation and marketing: motivation and bonus systems, increasing employee KPIs, establishing partnerships and much more.

Company advantages:

  • professional approach to work;
  • adequate price tags;
  • efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • various payment options.

On the Vpodarok.ru website you will also find 10 solutions for building customer loyalty - gift cards and certificates, promotional souvenirs, etc.

2) MAS Project

The business performance management system offered by MAS Project includes over 30 tools that will help you take your business to a higher level.

The result of implementing such a management system will be:

  • increasing company profits;
  • accelerated growth and development of the enterprise;
  • increasing the efficiency of each employee.

For each client, a presentation is made taking into account the specifics of the business. The learning process consists of 2 parts - primary and secondary. Specialists develop a motivation system for each organization, taking into account all the issues and nuances. If necessary, trainers will be used to train managers in management techniques. MAS Project tariff plans provide different options - up to 25, 50 and 100 users.

3) TopFactor

The company offers both services for the implementation of management technologies and a ready-made software product, with the help of which you will streamline the entire list of tasks and control in the enterprise. With it, you can evaluate the performance of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

You will achieve:

  • establishing feedback with staff;
  • designation of the contribution of each employee to the common cause;
  • organizing the time and efforts of employees;
  • receiving subjective assessments from your experts;
  • transparency of the assessment and reward system;
  • objective control in production;
  • effective analysis of all internal information, etc.

"TopFactor" helps to successfully solve the most difficult questions increasing the efficiency of enterprises for 18 years now.

5. How to motivate employees through work organization - 5 effective principles

Increasing the effectiveness of the motivation system is not only correct selection rewards and punishments.

Rewards are the result of work activity. But it is important that the process itself becomes as effective as possible.

Principle 1: Combining tasks

This means that you need to move away from the traditional scheme, when a task is broken down into components and distributed among several workers. Entrust this task to one of your employees from start to finish. This approach contributes to the acquisition of additional skills and ensures the completeness of assignments.

Principle 2: Completeness and integrity of work assignments

The second principle increases the employee’s responsibility for the process, since he alone performs all stages. In addition, the performer comprehends the significance of the tasks and his responsibilities.


At a telecommunications company, the HR department revised the principles of distribution of responsibilities between employees. Each of them was assigned responsibilities for maintaining certain stages of accounting for all departments.

Now each employee fully reports on the two departments that are assigned to him.

After just two months, the new operating principle showed that it was much more effective than the previous one. Each employee performs their duties faster and with better quality, and the responsibility for work and concentration of employees has increased.

Principle 3. Establishing relationships with consumers

This provides feedback with clients, helps employees acquire additional professional skills and increases their degree of independence.

The introduction of this operating principle is possible, for example, in organizations involved in the repair of household and office equipment, sewing workshops, car services and other service establishments.


The office equipment repair service center installed strict restriction on the interaction of craftsmen with clients (to avoid unofficial work in the workplace). Because of this, the manager had to spend a lot of time on negotiations, clarifying the nuances of the repair and explaining them to clients.

After analyzing the situation, management changed the operating principle. Communication with clients, as well as the purchase of spare parts necessary for repairs, was entrusted to the craftsmen. As a result, the work process became more streamlined, and clients remained satisfied, since communication through the manager left many feeling deceived.

Principle 4: Delegation of authority

Responsibility for completing tasks and control over work is completely transferred from management to subordinates. It also makes workers more independent, teaches self-organization and increases the level of work motivation.