The basis of rational nutrition is. The basic principle of rational nutrition

In order to be slim, healthy and beautiful, you need not only to breathe clean air, drink clean water, but also eat right. Therefore, each of us simply must know the basic principles rational nutrition. It is rational nutrition that contributes to proper development, normal life activities, strengthening human health and preventing diseases.

Three basic principles of rational nutrition

They consist of three components:

  • Energy balance;
  • Nutritional balance;
  • Proper diet.

1). The essence of the principle of energy balance

It states that the energy value of each product can be measured in calories, just like human energy expenditure. Energy costs are not the same different people, as they depend on gender, profession, age and physical activity individual. Women spend on average about 10% less energy than men. In the elderly, energy consumption decreases by 7% with each decade of life. Representatives of mental work spend energy on 2000-26000 kcal per day, and workers engaged in hard work, or athletes - 4000-5000 kcal.

The meaning of the principle of energy balance is that the number of calories consumed by a person over a certain period (for example, a day) should not exceed the number spent during the same time.

2). The principle of balance

Another basic principle of a balanced diet is its balance. Main construction material for our organs it is protein. Without it, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and antibodies are not produced. Fats are especially valuable in energy terms. Carbohydrates are fuel and provide fiber necessary for digestion. The principle of balance assumes that the body is replenished with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in a certain ratio for normal functioning.

Based on this, a rational, balanced diet is provided with the required daily calorie intake when taking:

  • proteins - in the amount of 60-80 g;
  • carbohydrates - 350-400 g, of which 30-40 g should come simple carbohydrates, and dietary fiber – 16-24 g;
  • fat 60-80 g.

The body should receive 1 g of protein per day per 1 kg of weight. For example, weighing 70 kg, you should get 70 g of protein per day. This protein should be supplied by half plant origin, obtained from cereals, seeds, potatoes, pasta, nuts, mushrooms. Protein of animal origin should make up the other half - it should be obtained from meat and fish dishes, as well as from cottage cheese, cheese, and eggs.

The same is daily requirement our body in fats - 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight. Fats should also be of both plant and animal origin, they should be supplied in a 50 to 50 ratio. For example, doctor’s sausage is a source of animal fat, a piece weighing 100 g can satisfy the daily requirement for it - 30 g.

As for carbohydrates, 55-57% are required per day, most of– this is the need for complex carbohydrates; the body needs less simple ones (i.e. sugar). It is well known that simple carbohydrates are better absorbed. They contain honey, jam, various sweets, and sugar. Fiber, without which digestion is impossible, is a complex carbohydrate. It is very important to eat sources of fiber: bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, vegetables, fruits.

3). Meals according to the regime

A balanced diet can be achieved by following some simple but very important rules:

  • fractionation (from 3 to 4 doses per day);
  • regularity (always at the same time);
  • uniformity;
  • taking the last meal no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed.

A healthy diet can be depicted as a pyramid. With its help, you can limit your fat intake (in descending order) and create a balanced diet.

Healthy eating rules

  • Consume more foods rich in fiber - it regulates digestion, reduces fat absorption, and lowers cholesterol.
  • Don't forget about proteins, they form muscles, hormones and enzymes.
  • In the morning you need to eat more, in the evening less, because metabolism is more active at sunrise, and at sunset it is more sluggish.
  • Food should be taken little by little and often;
  • Avoiding canned and refined foods is beneficial;
  • Avoid reading or watching TV while eating. Attention should be focused on eating food, which should be chewed thoroughly.
  • Physical education should be done regularly to ensure intensive fat processing and not lose muscle mass.

If the basic principles of rational balanced nutrition There may be a deficiency of certain substances in the body, which is often signaled by gastronomic whims. Following the rules of rational nutrition will help you lose (or maintain) weight without harming your health, and bring your body and spirit into balance.

Nutrition is the most natural life process from the first minutes of life for any creature on the planet. The need for it serves as a manifestation of basic instincts. Food is the only source of energy for humans until evolution has provided another way to maintain life support.

In order for the body to work like a clock, it needs more than 60 species various substances and elements. The figure seems huge, and it’s not immediately clear where to get them, but everything is not so scary if you apply a rational approach to nutrition.

Functions of rational nutrition

But, before we talk about rational nutrition, let's understand the functions of this very nutrition.

As old Socrates very accurately noted: “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.”

Therefore, the first function of nutrition is to supply our long-suffering body with energy. And here, perhaps, best comparison will be with the plane. Look: the plane is fueled with kerosene in almost the amount it needs to fly to the desired location. If they don't refuel, they won't make it, they'll fall. And when they refuel, they will circle over the airport, “burning off” the remaining fuel in order to land normally.

It’s the same in our body: “we don’t refuel” - we don’t have enough strength, we lose everything. Well, “refilling” is guaranteed to affect our weight, because we are often simply too lazy to “finish” fuel like an airplane.

The second function of nutrition is the timely supply of plastic substances to the body. And first of all, these are proteins, then come minerals and fats, and carbohydrates are in the very tail. Well, that’s right, because our body, like an airplane, requires constant repair and renewal. We, just like the airplane, need to repair some components, assemblies, worn out seats and change “bald” tires. Therefore, we absolutely cannot do without constant replenishment of the repair kit.

The third function of nutrition is the uninterrupted supply of our body with biologically active substances necessary for the normal regulation of its vital processes. Simply put - vitamins. For the vitamins present in food are components some hormones and enzymes.

Well, the last, fourth function of nutrition is, oddly enough, the development of immunity. Not long ago, scientists found that the magnitude of the immune response to the aggression of viruses, bacteria and other infections depends on the quality of nutrition and, most importantly, on the normal content of calories, complete proteins and, of course, vitamins in food.

So, the basis of correct, that is, rational nutrition are three principles, three, dare I say it, pillars, three unshakable rules. There are only three, and oddly enough, you probably know them all very well. These are: energy balance, variety and food intake.

Three basic principles of rational nutrition

The first principle is energy balance of nutrition

Very often we overeat, forgetting that in fact, a person does not need a certain amount of food, but energy value what was eaten.

So, often, with a large amount of food, we do not get enough calories, or, on the contrary, after tasting several pieces of cake, we “gain” at once daily norm, while not feeling full at all.

According to the traditions of Russian cuisine, we consume a lot of bread, potatoes, sugar, animal fats every day, thereby leading the body to an imbalance: we consume more in energy terms than we can spend. This diet leads to obesity, which, in turn, gives us not only despondency regarding our shapeless figure, but also a number of diseases developing on this basis - from gastrointestinal diseases to diabetes mellitus and in the end it all leads to depression.

The energy value of food depends on many factors: gender (women need fewer calories than men), age (children especially need a large number of calories) and type of activity (people with high physical activity need more energy).

The second principle is variety and balance in nutrition.

Every day, to be healthy, we need to get up to 70 different substances from food. Among them are the well-known proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And all of them should be present in the daily diet. Naturally, we need these substances in different quantities - for example, there should be more carbohydrates, from which our body produces energy, than proteins or fats, but it is unacceptable to exclude any of these substances. It is also impossible, contrary to the opinion of vegetarians, to completely replace animal proteins with plant proteins, so without meat the human diet will not be complete, especially the diet of children.

In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, our body needs vitamins and minerals. That is why we all constantly hear about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. It remains only to add to this truth that not all vitamins are well absorbed without being combined with other foods. That is why carrots are good for vision when they are eaten with sour cream.

The third principle of rational nutrition is adherence to the regime

First of all, in order not to expose the body to stress from irregular nutrition, it is best to create a clear meal schedule for yourself. It is best if you eat 3-4 times a day. This is the number of meals that is considered optimal.

Of course, everyone makes up their own diet for themselves, depending on their work schedule, activities and other circumstances, but experts recommend next time for food from 8:00 to 9:00, from 13:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 18:00. It is at this time that the food glands in humans usually produce greatest number food enzymes.

However, each organism is individual, so it is best to listen to its desires (if they do not concern a couple of sandwiches for bedtime - eating before bed is really harmful).

Another important point- this is the amount of food in each “sitting”. Remember the saying - “we don’t need dinner”? That's right, it is at dinner that you need to eat a smaller amount of food, but breakfast at the beginning of a working day is the time to eat heartily, even more heartily than at lunch.


Violation of the principles of rational nutrition inevitably leads to the development of diseases that shorten human life, make it inferior and sometimes painful. Suffice it to say about such problems as starvation, obesity, chronic nutritional deficiency of essential nutrients.

Thus, nutrition is most important factor, which determines human health. Every educated person must have necessary information about rational nutrition, the substances that make up food, about their role in the life of a healthy and sick organism. All this forms the food culture and is an integral part of the culture of society.

Basics of rational nutrition

The basics of rational nutrition are the following rules:

1. In order for the diet to be complete and balanced, it is necessary to consume a variety of foods containing many different nutrients, microelements, and vitamins. This way you can satisfy the body's needs in full.

2. Be sure to eat bread, grains, pasta or potatoes at every meal. These products contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates, as well as fiber, minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium), vitamins ( ascorbic acid, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin B 6), while in their pure form these products have a low calorie content.

3. Vegetables and fruits (as well as legumes) - required component daily diet. You need to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. Vegetables contain dietary fiber, vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants necessary for the body. Green and leafy vegetables are especially useful - spinach, broccoli, arugula, lettuce, herbs, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts.

4. Every day you need to consume dairy products with low content salt and fat are a valuable source of calcium.

5. Replace fatty meat with fish, poultry, eggs, legumes or lean meat. They contain the same amount of protein, but there is no need to eat unnecessary animal fat - you will get the amount of animal fat required in accordance with the standards of rational nutrition from low-fat varieties of meat, fish and poultry.

6. Choose low-fat foods, give up the habit of eating bread and butter, instead of fried food, prefer boiled or baked food - fats are found everywhere, and you will certainly not be left without the portion of fats established by the standards of rational nutrition, but you should not exceed it. Instead of butter and sunflower oil, use olive oil - it contains more nutrients and antioxidants. Avoid margarines and refined oils - they contain more harmful substances than useful.

7. Limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates and sugars - they have no nutritional value: all they give the body is quick energy, tooth decay and metabolic imbalance. Remember that the share of fast carbohydrates according to the standards of rational nutrition is only 5% of the total daily calorie content (this is only 150-200 kcal per day).

8. Drink water. For an adult (not an athlete), the daily water intake is 2 liters, for an athlete - 3-3.5 liters. Water is essential for everyone chemical reactions in the body, without it you simply cannot live.

9. Usage rate table salt for an adult - 6 g per day. A modern person consumes about 18 g of table salt per day. Avoid eating salted, smoked and canned foods, learn to eat lightly salted foods.

10. The body mass index (BMI) value is calculated using the formula: (weight in kg) divided by height in meters squared. If your BMI is less than 18.5, you are underweight; if your BMI is more than 25, you are underweight. excess weight. Control your weight.

11. Maximum acceptable by standards For a balanced diet, the daily dose of alcohol is 20 grams of pure alcohol. Even a single excess of this dose can harm the body. Daily drinking of alcohol will sooner or later develop into alcoholism. Be smart about your alcohol consumption, and when you do drink it, choose natural ones. alcoholic drinks- wine, cognac.

12. The basis of a balanced diet is healthy natural food. Try to replace everything unnatural in your diet with natural ones.

Balanced nutrition: menu for the week

We offer you weekly menu rational nutrition, designed for healthy woman, which will help you change your eating habits and get rid of extra pounds.


Breakfast: oatmeal with low-fat milk, honey, a handful of any nuts. Coffee or tea.

2nd breakfast: banana and a glass of kefir.

Lunch: soup (any), chicken or fish cutlet with vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Snack: small chocolate (20 grams), tea.

Dinner: fish (preferably steamed), fruit salad with yogurt.

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water. Coffee or tea with a teaspoon of honey.

2nd breakfast: any fruit, yogurt 6% fat.

Lunch: soup, stewed pork with vegetables, tea.

Afternoon snack: tea with marmalade or marshmallows.

Dinner: cottage cheese with raisins, fruit.

Breakfast: omelet, tea or coffee, honey with a slice of bran bread.

2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

Lunch: soup, fish stew with vinaigrette. Tea or coffee.

Afternoon snack: fruit, half a marshmallow.

Dinner: boiled chicken, steamed broccoli.

Breakfast: Cereal flakes with yoghurt, tea or coffee.

2nd breakfast: hot sandwiches without mayonnaise.

Lunch: soup, beef goulash with vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad.

Dinner: stewed fish with vegetables.

Breakfast: rice porridge, coffee or tea.

2nd breakfast: citrus juice with crackers.

Lunch: soup, stew with vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: dried fruits and cocoa.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea.

Breakfast: cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream. Coffee.

2nd breakfast: any fruit or berries.

Lunch: soup, rice and fish dish.

Afternoon snack: biscuit and orange juice.

Dinner: grilled meat with vegetables.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea or coffee.

2nd breakfast: fruit salad or just tea with dried fruits.

Lunch: fried meat, any salad.

Afternoon snack: tomato juice, cheese, bread.

Dinner: sauerkraut, canned stewed meat.

Now you know the basics of healthy eating and can change your life for the better!

You need to know this

A healthy diet not only helps prevent diseases gastrointestinal tract And digestive system, but also diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolism and many others.

Balanced nutrition as an element of a healthy lifestyle should become an integral part of everyone’s life modern man. After all, the modern fast pace of life dictates its own conditions; the body already often experiences stress from chronic fatigue, nervous overload, unfavorable environmental situation and further overload it junk food not worth it.

A balanced diet does not require any special material costs or excessive effort, you just need to stick to the chosen system, choose healthy foods, do not starve or overeat.

A balanced diet helps strengthen the immune system, increases vitality, and helps keep oneself in good physical and psychological shape.

The habit of rational nutrition should be cultivated in a person from the very beginning. early years. A person should experience pleasure when eating fresh and healthy foods, and should be aware of what and why he eats.

For good health, a person needs to maintain a balanced diet every day. This diet reduces the risk chronic diseases, improving appearance, weight is normalized and energy appears for the whole working day.

Eating healthy is the easiest way to feel healthy and look good every day.

Let's consider the important principles of rational nutrition for human health, which every inhabitant of our planet should know.

No. 1 – daily calorie needs

The daily calorie requirement in the diet should correspond to energy expenditure during the day. In other words, if you eat 2200 kcal per day, then you should spend the same amount or a little more in order for your weight to remain normal. If you burn fewer calories than you take in per day, you will gain weight, and this is bad for human health. After all, excess weight puts a strain on the heart and other human organs. We are talking about an adult, but if we are talking about a child, then he needs enough calories to grow, and the weight will increase as he grows older.

The daily requirement is different for each person, depending on: gender, age, profession, activity during the day.

Rational nutrition implies the amount of calories per day so that excess subcutaneous fat does not accumulate.

Women spend on average 10% less calories than men, older people spend 7% less energy with every ten years they live.

Take the following formula as a basis: multiply your weight by 28 and get your daily calorie intake. Then, after 1-2 weeks, look at your weight on the scale, how you feel, and if necessary, add or subtract your caloric intake daily menu. For example, we multiply the weight of 70 kg by 28, and we get 1960 Kcal daily for good health and well-being.

Watch educational video No. 1:

No. 2 – the correct ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet

The body needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates - every day. A balanced diet should be balanced and healthy.

Proteins are the building blocks for muscle fibers, synthesize hormones, enzymes, vitamins and perform other functions in the body.

Carbohydrates provide the human body with energy throughout the day. Carbohydrates also include fiber (dietary fiber), which improves the digestion process. Scientists have proven that fiber is very beneficial for humans, helps digest food, and prevents many chronic diseases.

Vitamins and minerals – help ensure proper metabolism and improve immunity.

Daily value (for people with a normal lifestyle):

  • Proteins – 10-20%
  • Fats – 15-30%
  • Carbohydrates – 50-60%

For athletes, people with in an active way life, the formula is approximately the same, only proteins increase to 25-35% per day of the total calorie intake.

The minimum amount of protein per 1 kg should be 1 gram. For a girl weighing 50 kg, there should be 50 grams of protein every day. For a man 80 kg, correspondingly 80 grams of protein per day. Proteins can be of plant or animal origin. In the diet, their ratio of 50 to 50 is reasonable. For athletes better preference give to animal proteins.

Vegetable protein sources:

  • Mushrooms
  • Buckwheat
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Durum pasta and other products

Sources of animal protein:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean meat
  • Chicken
  • Low-fat cheese and other products

Fats are of plant and animal origin; more precisely, they are divided into: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Good ratio in daily ration the following: 6-9% saturated, 11-16% monounsaturated, 4-8% polyunsaturated fatty acid. The norm is 0.5-1 grams per kilogram of weight. For example, a man is 75 kg, then the norm is 37.5-75 grams of fat per day, and for a girl 50 kg, respectively, 25-50 grams of fat.

Saturated fats are considered harmful and are found in butter, margarine, fatty meat, fatty sour cream, fatty cheese and other products of animal origin. Healthy fats are of plant origin and are found in oils: olive, sunflower, corn, and soybean. Omega-3 healthy fats found in fish.

Carbohydrates are divided into “simple” and “complex”. Simple ones are quickly absorbed and, when in excess, are stored in subcutaneous fat, while complex ones take a long time to be absorbed, they are more useful.

Sources of simple carbohydrates: sugar, jam, honey, cakes, chocolate, sweets, etc.

Sources complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, durum pasta, etc.

No. 3 – proper diet

Rational nutrition should be fractional. 3-5 times a day in small portions; you need to get up from the table after a meal with a feeling of slight hunger. Then excess weight will not be deposited in the form subcutaneous fat. The last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime, no later. Do not starve, long periods between meals are harmful to the body. Prepare in advance for working day, prepare food at home and take containers of ready-made food with you.

No. 4 – food variety

Each product contains different components. There are no universal foods that contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For breakfast, lunch, dinner you need to combine different products. Every day, try to make your menu varied, because vitamins and minerals are contained in different foods. And for full, productive life, you need many vitamins and useful material. Make your menu different every day, and you will receive full set all the vitamins will be a good appetite, because the same food gets boring pretty quickly if you eat it for weeks on end.

#5 – Remove these foods from your diet

Products containing a lot of sugar are harmful to your health; they provide the body with energy, but there are practically no nutrients in them. They are not part of your daily must-have foods, so feel free to exclude them from your menu. Sweets are bad for teeth, caries develops, unfortunately, and this is unnecessary pain and a waste of money and time on trips to the dentist. Sweet drinks, lemonades, soda, etc. should also be excluded. It is better to drink clean water, 100-200 ml before each meal. On average, you need to drink 1-2 liters of water a day, because we are 60% made up of it.

Follow these 5 principles every day and your body will be healthy!

Watch educational video No. 2:

It is rational nutrition that is now becoming the most important prerequisite for healthy image life. This term refers to energy-balanced consumption of products that contain required amount nutrients for people of different genders, occupations and ages.

Our compatriots, unfortunately, have not yet achieved the necessary culture correct reception food. Quite often, the usefulness of the product is completely ignored by them when considering their own diet. Only in preschool institutions this process is quite organized; it is often quite difficult to choose in canteens and other catering establishments healthy dishes, find them in the menu. In schools, students freely purchase chocolates in the canteens; the shelves of the buffets are filled with chips, various snacks, as well as other goods that do not really correspond to the concept.

Such products not only confuse a person’s taste, but also cause certain harm health of children and adults. It is the most “tasty” foods, from the child’s point of view, that provoke the development of such common diseases as:

  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • other gastrointestinal diseases,
  • violation of metabolic processes.

Rational nutrition consists of choosing the right set of foods that fully satisfy a person’s need for nutrients. The diet must consist of a certain amount of proteins, as well as fats, required vitamins and energy sources - carbohydrates.

It is imperative to ensure that food contains microelements important for health; it must contain beneficial substances. When following a healthy diet, you need to make sure that the foods you eat contain fiber. Separately, it is necessary to mention the importance of regularly drinking clean water.

When studying recommendations regarding what the diet and its regimen should be, you should remember how chemical composition food and its quality content. Experts in this field represent the ratio of food types required for proper nutrition as a kind of pyramid, conditionally divided into segments of equal height.

  1. The bottom, widest sector of the pyramid is occupied by grain products.
  2. Above it, vegetables and fruits took over a slightly smaller area.
  3. Even higher are soy and other protein products.
  4. The minimum area of ​​the pyramid is occupied by fats and sugar.

When examining the diet of modern people, it should be noted that the last segment of the described pyramid predominates in it, namely sugar. At the same time, there is an acute shortage of vegetables and fruits in the menu.

To organize a balanced diet suitable for the everyday menu, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • don't overeat
  • diversify your diet with algae, soy, vegetables and all kinds of fruits,
  • eat only coarse bread,
  • prefer the boiled version of cooking products,
  • remember about the calorie content of food.

Nutrition for the elderly

A decrease in the rate of metabolic processes in older people and a simultaneous decrease in their physical activity suggests minimizing the need for high-calorie food. The diet for this category of the population must be varied and certainly contain sufficient quantity foods such as vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to eat food often, but little by little.

Some people add soy meat, certain nuts, vegetables and fruits to the menu. You should definitely limit your consumption of animal fats, preferring them vegetable oils, since this is, for example, good way prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Be sure to reduce the amount of salt, as well as sugar (it is recommended to replace the latter with honey), spices, all kinds of smoked meats, and give up strong tea and coffee. To improve the functioning of your intestines, try to add whole grain bread to your menu.

For pregnant

A truly balanced diet during pregnancy is extremely important. The ripening of the fetus, as well as the correct restructuring, depends on it female body for the future breastfeeding. Because of this, the diet must meet the increased needs of the pregnant woman for the necessary substances.

It is especially necessary to take care of replenishing the body with iron. If you do not consume foods that contain it, a woman will develop anemia. By the way, this element is present in spirulina, vegetables and fruits that have a green color.

Pregnant women should limit their consumption of:

  • strong coffee and tea,
  • dark and any chocolate,
  • various sweets and citrus fruits,
  • salt.

When a woman’s body weight increases sharply, according to medical advice, it should be prescribed fasting days necessary for the body to recover.

Restorative nutrition

When a person is sick, proper nutrition is no less important than taking medications. The prescribed diet often becomes a determining factor in the success of treatment, especially when we're talking about about gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys.

Doctors organize therapeutic nutrition based on recommendations developed by WHO. Experts prescribe a diet called a “healing table.” Its assigned number clearly corresponds to the specific disease for which such a diet is used. Now doctors often prescribe a proper diet for both hospital patients and those being treated at home. In a hospital, the doctor and the doctor are responsible for following the menu. nurse, checking the contents of bags of products handed over by relatives, as well as monitoring their storage. At home, diet compliance must be monitored by close people surrounding the sick person.


So, there is nothing universal in the world that is suitable for every situation. There is no general unified range of products recommended for a competent balanced diet - it is impossible to compile one. It is advisable to always take into account that each person is individual, everyone lives differently, everyone has “exclusive” characteristics of the body.

Because of this, we all need to consume different amounts, and different composition products. However, the basics correct use food still exists, they describe necessary list substances required for any person. The person himself, taking into account his own lifestyle, and certainly taking into account daily physical activity, will create the diet he needs. At the same time, of course, it should be understood that when normalizing weight, the rational nutrition menu is radically different from a similar list of products for those who are trying to gain muscle mass. Eat rationally!

Nutrition that provides the optimal content and ratio of nutritional and biological active substances, manifesting their maximum in the body useful action, is called rational.

Balanced nutrition includes adherence to three basic principles.

1. Ensuring a balance of energy supplied with food and consumed by a person in the process of life.

2. Satisfying the body’s needs for certain nutrients.

3. Compliance with the diet.

First principle. All necessary for the body In humans, energy comes exclusively from food, the proteins, fats and carbohydrates of which are broken down into simple compounds. The latter are used for the synthesis of vital substances or ultimately provide energy in the form of ATP, carbon dioxide and water.

The human body uses energy received from food in three directions:

1. The main exchange is minimal amount energy, necessary for a person to ensure vital processes in a state of complete rest. The main exchange is usually calculated on a “standard” man (age 30 years, weight 65 kg) and woman (age 30 years, weight 55 kg). For a “standard” man, it is, on average, 1600 kcal per day, for a woman - 1400 kcal.

Basic metabolism is calculated per kilogram of body weight, taking into account the fact that one kilocalorie is consumed in one hour. In the body of children, the basal metabolism is 1.3 - 1.5 times higher than in adults.

2. ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE PROCESS OF FOOD RECYCLING. From a biochemistry course we know that a certain amount of energy in the form of ATP is spent on the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Digestion of proteins increases basal metabolism by 30 - 40%, fats - by 4 - 14%, carbohydrates - by 4 - 7%.

3. ENERGY CONSUMPTION MUSCULAR ACTIVITY. At various types physical activity energy consumption is different: in people who do not have physical activity, it is 90 - 100 kcal/h, when doing physical education - 500 - 600 kcal/h, heavy physical labor and sports - more than 600 kcal/hour.

Second principle lies in the fact that the optimal ratio of the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.

In table 1 shows ranges of values ​​depending on gender, age and intensity of work activity (compiled on the basis of the norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for various groups population).

The ratio of the main nutrients, as a percentage of the calorie content of the diet, is: protein - 15; fat - 35, carbohydrates - 50. The proposed norms are a development of the balanced nutrition formula of A. A. Pokrovsky, given in the literature.

Table 1

Norms of physiological needs for nutrients and
energy for an adult (18-59 years old)