Proper nutrition in preschool. Diet regimen - nutrition for children in dow

Svetlana Tsedrik
Organization of nutrition for children in preschool and family

A child comes into this world helpless and defenseless. His life, health, future depend entirely on peace on Earth, on his parents, on the actions of other adults. The child believes in their love and good attitude and hopes very much for their protection.

One of the main tasks of the kindergarten is to provide constitutional law every child for the protection of his life and health. Health children impossible to save without rational food, which is necessary condition their harmonious growth, physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors. Nutrition in preschool childhood is of particular importance for the health of the child, since it must not only cover the energy he expends, but also provide the material necessary for the growth and development of all organs and systems of the body.

Nutrition child in preschool and in family should be combined. To ensure correct food three conditions:

The presence of all the necessary ingredients in food;

Proper cooking technique and rational mode food;

Healthy digestive tract, the presence in it of all enzymes for the proper processing of nutrients.

Mode food is one of the main conditions for ensuring rational nutrition.

Culture of health children includes not only knowledge about the main regime moments, the need for alternating physical activity and rest, but also knowledge of the elementary rules of a healthy food and cultural and hygienic skills children.

Correctly organized diet includes:

Compliance with the time of eating and the interval between them;

Physiologically rational frequency of meals;

The correct distribution of calories for individual meals throughout the day.

The health of the child depends on the level of awareness of parents in matters of healthy food in the family. The forms and methods of working with parents should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture, strengthening the interaction between the kindergarten and families, strengthening it educational capacity for rational food. Special attention when catering in preschool and family should be given to the variety and vitaminization of dishes. The use of non-traditional approaches to interaction with parents on issues food, allowing you to give the settings for the correct catering at home, contributes to increasing the literacy of parents and strengthening their health children.

Children accustomed to living according to the regime in kindergarten, willingly perform it at home. But as practice shows, the daily routine in most families is not fulfilled. This is a great omission of parents, since such a situation is dangerous not only for the health of the child, but also for education. Neglect of parents to the regime can lead to negative consequences. Parents must follow a number of rules. The main ones are:

Parents should know and follow the rules food adopted in kindergarten, both in terms of the frequency of meals and the duration of the intervals between them.

Do not give children sandwiches, sweets between meals.

It is important that parents know which foods are healthier for children.

Parents need to know what foods should be in without fail use in feeding children every day.

Compliance is important daily allowance the use of milk, meat, the widespread use of vegetables, fruits, butter and vegetable oil.

Sweets can be given in small amounts after the main meal.

In preschool educational institutions, the daily routine is carried out completely. But here, too, one can note the disadvantages associated with the lack of flexibility in organization of children's lives. Compliance with the basic principles catering preschool should be unshakable:

- Nutrition must be complete and balanced.

Energy value should correspond to energy consumption children.

The more diverse the set of products, the more fully the need for food is satisfied.

Food must be delicious.

You should limit the need for foods and dishes with a high content of salt, sugar and spices.

The volume of the diet and regimen should be age-appropriate children's body.

It is necessary to ensure the correct drinking regimen of the child.

There must be an individual nutrition.

Conditions for catering for children must meet the requirements.

It is necessary to comply with hygiene requirements.

Rational nutrition should be supported by a carefully composed menu.

Constant monitoring of the correct catering.

There has been a decline in quality lately. children's nutrition, which leads to an increase in the number children with a low level of physical development, since malnutrition, a lack of vitamins and trace elements in it adversely affects muscle function. But, despite the difficulties that degrade the quality food in kindergartens and family is unacceptable.

Life proves when there is parental love, care and proper balanced nutrition the baby grows up healthy and happy.

Bibliographic list

1 Scientific and practical journal "Physician of the preschool educational institution" № 4 (24) /2011.

2 Scientific and practical journal "Physician of the preschool educational institution" № 3 (39) /2013.

3 Dronova, T. N. Protection of the rights and dignity of a small child: coordination of efforts families and children. garden: allowance for preschool workers. educate. Institutions/ [T. N. Dronova, A. E. Zhichkina, L. G. Golubeva and others]. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006. -143 p.

4 Mayer, A. A. 555 ideas for involving parents in the life of the kindergarten / A. A. Mayer, O. I. Davydova, N. V. Voronina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011-128 p. (Supplement to the magazine "DOW Management").

Basic principles of rational nutrition.

(Journal of preschool education, 2004, No. 10, Kokotkina O.)

In a preschool where the child spends most of the day, proper nutrition is of great importance.

Proper organization of nutrition for children in a preschool institution provides for the need to comply with the following basic principles:

Compilation of complete diets;

The use of a diverse range of products that guarantee sufficient content of essential minerals and vitamins;

Strict adherence to a diet that meets physiological characteristics children of different age groups; its correct combination with the daily routine of each child and the mode of operation of the institution;

Compliance with the rules of the aesthetics of nutrition, the education of the necessary hygiene skills, depending on the age and level of development of children;

The correct combination of nutrition in a preschool institution with nutrition at home, conducting the necessary sanitary and educational work with parents, hygienic education of children;

Accounting for climate, national characteristics region, season, change in connection with the diet, the inclusion of appropriate foods and dishes, an increase or decrease in the caloric content of the diet, etc .;

Individual approach to each child, taking into account the state of his health, developmental characteristics, the period of adaptation, the presence of chronic diseases;

Strict observance of technological requirements in the preparation of food, ensuring the correct culinary processing of food products;

Daily control over the work of the catering unit, bringing food to the child, the proper organization of nutrition for children in groups;

Accounting for the effectiveness of children's nutrition. (Kokotkina O.)

Nutrition of children with health problems.

Preschool institutions are often attended by children with some health problems. It is these children who, due to their disorders, more often than others get sick with acute respiratory infections. viral infections, acute intestinal diseases, children's drip infections, are the sources of the spread of infections in the team. Such children need individual approach when organizing their meals.

Undoubtedly, this complicates the work of staff, both in groups and in the catering department. However, as the experience of advanced preschool institutions shows, the proper organization of nutrition for children with various health problems makes it possible to achieve good results in their recovery and reduces the overall incidence of children in the institution.

For what diseases or deviations in the state of health do children attending a preschool institution need special treatment? organized meals?

In recent years, allergic diseases, especially food allergies, have become increasingly common among both young and older children.

A large proportion among preschool children, especially in major cities, occupied by children with overweight bodies prone to obesity or already developed obesity. Proper nutrition plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Children with chronic diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, endocrine diseases require serious attention in the organization of nutrition.

Among children early age often there are children with rickets, anemia, with manifestations of malnutrition or with reduced body weight.

The organization of nutrition of children who have had acute respiratory infections, acute intestinal diseases, as well as frequently ill children. Their percentage is very high, especially in young age groups.

Food for allergies.

In preschool institutions, one often encounters children suffering from intolerance to certain foods. Food allergies in children are manifested by various lesions. skin(exudative diathesis), sometimes intestinal disorders, as well as an increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases (respiratory allergies). These disorders are most pronounced in young children, although older children often have a pronounced intolerance to certain products.

The main method of treating allergic reactions is diet therapy, based on the exclusion from the child's diet of products that cause allergy manifestations. At the same time, the excluded products are replaced with other equivalent ones in such a way that the total amount of basic nutrients remains in the child's diet within the age norms.

The most common manifestations of allergies in children are the so-called obligate allergens: chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, tangerines, less often carrots, fish, eggs. Some children may have hypersensitivity to cow's milk and dairy products.

The doctor of the preschool institution participates in organizing the nutrition of children with allergies. He instructs children's group staff which foods the child cannot tolerate and which foods should be substituted. To do this, in children's groups, special sheets of food for children suffering from food allergies. They indicate which products are contraindicated for a child and what they should be replaced with. For example, some children are given milk or kefir instead of cocoa or coffee, apples instead of oranges, etc.

On the basis of doctor's prescriptions, the nurse of the preschool institution makes sure that the catering unit prepares the necessary replacement meals for children in need. Thus, in some children with intolerance cow's milk may also be hypersensitivity to beef meat. In this case, you can try using pork meat (lean) or turkey for them.

In the diet of children suffering from exudative diathesis, it is useful to introduce vegetable oil providing positive influence for skin manifestations. For such children, you can increase the dose of vegetable oil when dressing salads, add it to porridge instead of butter.

In the diet of a child with allergies, it is recommended to slightly reduce the amount of carbohydrates, limiting the amount of sugar, sweets, replacing them with vegetables and fruits. Cereal and flour dishes are also better to replace with vegetables.

One of the fairly common forms of allergic diseases in childhood is lactase deficiency (absence or decrease in the activity of lactase, an intestinal enzyme that breaks down milk sugar). The disease is manifested by intolerance to milk, including maternal, and dairy products, since they contain milk sugar. With the use of dairy products, such a child develops dyspeptic symptoms, appetite decreases sharply, vomiting appears, and a lag in body weight is observed.

Children suffering from lactase deficiency require special nutrition using products that are partially or completely devoid of lactose (milk sugar). Such children can be successfully brought up in preschool institutions provided they are provided with the necessary dietary nutrition. (Alekseeva A. S., Druzhinina L. V., Ladodo K.)

Nutrition for overweight children.

Among preschool children, children with excess body weight are more common than those with a lack of it.

The main reason for the development of obesity in children is a violation of the diet: an unbalanced diet with a large amount of carbohydrates and fats, overeating in the evening. A sedentary lifestyle also affects.

The only way to prevent and treat obesity is a balanced diet combined with sufficient physical activity. It is important that dietary treatment is carried out consistently and consistently. A lot of work is done with parents.

Preschool staff should be Special attention to overweight children, make sure that they do not violate the diet, replace some dishes for them, actively involve them in outdoor games, physical education classes.

Fat children replace wheat bread with rye bread, porridge with vegetable dishes, and are completely excluded from the diet. confectionery trying to reduce the amount of sugar. Since dairy products in the diet of overweight children are given without restriction, instead of sweet tea, they can drink milk or kefir, preferably fat-free, without sugar.

Fat children are recommended cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, radishes, leafy greens, watermelons, apples, various seasonings, spices, extractives are completely excluded, as they stimulate appetite, limit salt intake.

In addition to the rational nutrition of overweight children, it is important to pay attention to their motor mode. Usually such children are calm, phlegmatic, avoid noisy outdoor games. They cause little concern to educators, and they do not pay enough attention to them. Obese children should be involved in vigorous activity, encouraged to be more active during physical exercises, walks, games, competitions, etc.

Parents are encouraged to organize leisure on weekends and holidays (hiking, excursions, skiing, etc.), and in the evening, limit children's viewing of television programs, replacing them with walks in the fresh air. Parents can also be advised to involve their children in housework as early as possible, performing feasible tasks related to active movements.

Despite the fact that morning hygienic gymnastics is carried out in a preschool institution, it is useful for overweight children to do morning exercises at home with their parents, preferably in the fresh air. If the kindergarten is located at a distance of 2-4 stops from the house, you should not use public transport, it is useful to walk this distance. So the child will receive a certain physical activity.

In the recommendations for parents on the composition of home meals, they should be advised to use mainly vegetables (salads and vegetable oil) and dairy products. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Given that overweight children are recommended more frequent meals (but in correspondingly smaller quantities), parents can be advised to give such a child a light breakfast in the morning (a glass of kefir, rye bread, an apple), informing the teacher about this. Accordingly, the teacher reduces the nutritional value of the breakfast received by the child in kindergarten.

Nutrition in chronic diseases of the digestive system.

In preschool institutions there may be a certain percentage of children suffering from various chronic diseases of the digestive system, who do not require inpatient or sanatorium treatment, but need a certain sparing diet, taking into account the pathology.

The basic principle of the dietary nutrition of such children is gentle culinary processing of products with the exception of frying. In the diets of children suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is not recommended to include products containing extractives, essential oils, coarse fiber, as well as spicy and salty dishes.

Basically, the technology of cooking in preschool institutions meets these requirements, but it happens that some dishes are replaced by children or they are completely excluded from the diet, and sometimes certain foods with medicinal properties are added to the diet.

For example, for children with chronic diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, food is only steamed, milk, sour-milk products, and especially cottage cheese are widely included in the diet, which should be given daily in the amount of 70–100 g. Fats are given only in an easily digestible form (2 /3 butter and 1/3 vegetable). It is not allowed to eat rye bread, meat and fish broths, chocolates, cocoa, beans, peas. Cold food and drinks are not recommended.

In the nutrition of children with chronic gastritis, it is necessary to take into account the pathogenesis and characteristics of the course of the disease. So, with gastritis with hyperacidity products that have the ability to reduce the secretion of gastric juice are widely used: milk, cream, eggs, cereals, non-acidic fruits and vegetables containing delicate fiber. Children are recommended mashed vegetarian soups, boiled lean meat, fish, steam cutlets, mashed cereals with butter and milk, mashed vegetables. In chronic gastritis with low acidity, products are used that enhance the secretion of gastric juice: meat, fish and vegetable soups, vegetable and fruit purees, juices, dairy products.

With all types of gastritis, spicy and salty foods, vegetables with coarse fiber, smoked meats, and cold dishes are excluded.

Nutrition in renal pathology.

Children who have undergone acute diseases kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis), as well as those suffering from chronic pyelonephritis, should be on a sparing diet for a long time (up to one year or more). Spicy and salty foods, fatty foods, broths, and smoked meats are excluded from their diet.

The amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should correspond to age physiological norms. However, the set of products for these children is strictly controlled. For example, they should not be given cocoa, rye bread, legumes, sorrel, lettuce, spinach.

In the diets of these children, a significant proportion is milk, which has a diuretic effect.

Nutrition for rickets.

Most often, rickets affects children whose diet lacks a protein component, there is an excess of carbohydrates and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is disturbed. Therefore, for the rational nutrition of children with rickets, it is necessary to provide for a sufficient intake of high-grade proteins of animal origin into the child's body, which are actively involved in the processes of absorption and assimilation of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D salts. Equally important is the sufficient intake of vegetables and fruits - the main carriers of minerals and vitamins.

Nutrition for anemia.

Anemia is one of those diseases, the development of which is associated with malnutrition of the child. Lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals, especially iron, can cause anemia even in older children.

Since proteins and iron are the main material for building red blood cells, the diet of children with anemia should contain enough proteins of animal origin, as well as foods rich in iron salts. Children should receive enough cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, a variety of vegetables and fruits. Of the cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet are the most rich in iron. From vegetables and fruits, Antonov apples, black currants, gooseberries, pomegranates, green peas, beets, tomatoes, parsley are recommended. It is advisable to include daily apples, fresh (or canned) juices and fruit purees in the diets of children with anemia. Useful mashed prunes, apricots.

Nutrition for malnutrition.

Hypotrophy is most often observed in young children with serious malnutrition: insufficient intake of essential nutrients, especially protein, with a low caloric content of the diet, with violations in the ratio of food ingredients, as well as as a result of previous diseases and in the presence of a number of congenital factors.

In older preschool age, low body weight in children is most often the result of diseases accompanied by persistent anorexia.

With malnutrition, the nutrition of the child must fully cover his need for basic nutrients and at the same time correspond to his physiological capabilities.

In the nutrition of children of both early and older age, products rich in high-grade protein are widely used: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, cheese.

Often in children with malnutrition, there is a decrease in appetite. In such cases, the volume of individual dishes is reduced for the child. In order to introduce the most complete foods in a smaller volume, use a more concentrated diet. For children with malnutrition, prepare special meals with a high content of meat, eggs, cottage cheese (for example, casseroles are made with double the amount of cottage cheese, eggs). It is important to include in their diets foods and dishes that enhance the separation of digestive juices and thereby increase appetite: strong broth (in a small amount), salads from raw vegetables, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, herring.

In the nutrition of children with malnutrition, a variety of dishes, good taste and beautiful design are of great importance. All this must be taken into account when organizing the nutrition of children in a preschool institution and conducting sanitary and educational work with parents.

Nutrition of children who have had acute illnesses and are often ill.

As a rule, children who returned to kindergarten after an illness suffer from reduced appetite and are physically weak. Therefore, the basic principles of organizing the nutrition of these children coincide with the principles of organizing the nutrition of children with malnutrition. This also applies to frequently ill children. They are primarily provided with a sufficient amount of animal proteins rich in essential amino acids. For this, it is necessary to ensure that a frequently ill child completely eats the portion of meat, fish, cottage cheese that is due to him.

It is better if these portions are slightly increased (by 10-15%) by reducing the amount of garnish, since children weakened after illness need additional protein, which they receive less due to reduced appetite.

The amount of fat in the diet of children should correspond to the age norm. Some parents, and sometimes educators, believe that a child who has had a disease should be given more nutritious fatty foods, increase his portion of butter, give him cream, sour cream. This is a big mistake. Excess amount fat adversely affects the appetite of the child, already disturbed due to the disease. To improve appetite and increase defensive forces The body of children weakened after illness is somewhat reduced in the amount of animal fats, replacing them with vegetable oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the development of immunity. The total amount of vegetable fats in a child's diet should be about 20% of the total amount of fat.

While feeding weakened children (at lunch), they increase the portion of salad by adding a little vegetable oil to it. It is useful to give salads with vegetable oil several times a day. Parents can be advised to give their child such a salad in the morning before leaving for kindergarten and in the evening before dinner.

To increase appetite and adequate supply of the body of children with vitamins and minerals it is recommended to widely include in their diets a variety of fruits and vegetables, fruit, vegetable and berry juices, decoctions from vegetables and fruits, to avoid excessive consumption of sweets and sugar.

It is advisable for children weakened after an illness to replace milk with fermented milk products that stimulate digestion. Their total number can be slightly increased. For example, parents can be advised to give their child a glass of kefir before bed.

In sick children, the need for vitamins increases. Within two weeks, they are given vitamins C, groups B, A, E (in age-specific therapeutic dosages).

The food of children who have had acute illnesses should be easily digestible, varied, and beautifully designed.

Nutrition of children in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. Admission to a preschool institution for each child is accompanied by certain psychological difficulties associated with the transition from the usual home furnishings in the environment of the children's group. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to endure this transition. The period of adaptation to a preschool institution for different children lasts from 3 weeks to 2-3 months and is often accompanied by various disorders in their health. During this period, in young children, appetite may decrease, sleep is disturbed, neurotic reactions are observed (lethargy or increased excitability, emotional instability, vomiting, etc.). As a result, many children have reduced resistance to adverse environmental factors, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Often, during the period of adaptation in children, body weight decreases significantly, motor and neuropsychic development is delayed.

It is important even before the child enters a preschool institution to carry out the necessary work with parents to prepare the child for education in a children's team. This work is carried out more directly and concretely by the staff of the institution where the child enters. Parents are introduced to the conditions of life and upbringing of the child in kindergarten, with the daily routine, the peculiarities of the nutrition of children in the institution, they are recommended to parents to try to bring the diet and composition of the child's diet closer to the conditions of the children's team.

In the first days of a child's stay in a children's institution, one cannot drastically change the stereotype of his behavior, including his established eating habits. The child should not be offered dishes that are unusual for him. If the child does not know how or does not want to eat on his own, the teacher or junior teacher feeds him for the first time. Some children who are difficult to get used to the team can be fed at a separate table or after the rest of the children have finished eating.

If the child refuses to eat, in no case should you force-feed him: this will further worsen the negative attitude of the baby to the team: in these cases, you can allow the mother or another person close to the child to feed him in a group or give him 1 - 2 day home.

To increase the body's defenses, children during the adaptation period are given lighter, but complete and enriched with vitamins and minerals food, they are offered juices or fruit purees with meals, and sour-milk drinks are more often used. From a conversation with parents, the teacher finds out what kind of food the child eats most willingly.

Typically, children enter preschool autumn period when there is the greatest risk of occurrence and spread of acute respiratory diseases in the team. During this period, it is rational to give children a course of vitamin therapy, especially vitamin C, which increases resistance child's body to various adverse factors, including infectious agents.

It is important to establish a close relationship with the parents of newly admitted children. It is necessary to inform them daily about the behavior of the child, his appetite, about what foods and dishes the child did not receive during the day, to give specific recommendations on feeding the child at home.

Features of nutrition of children in summer period.

AT summer time, especially during the work of a preschool institution in the countryside, the most optimal opportunities are created for conducting recreational work in a children's team. Children spend most of their time in the fresh air, take long walks, conduct various hardening procedures with them more actively, increase their load during physical education classes.

All this is associated with increased energy consumption and requires an increase in caloric content. daily ration nutrition of children.

To meet the increased nutritional and energy needs of children, dietary changes must be made.

Firstly, the calorie content of children's nutrition in kindergarten must be increased by about 10-15%, which is achieved by increasing the amount of milk (mainly in the form of fermented milk drinks that have a beneficial effect on the child's body), as well as fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Secondly, the biological value of children's diets in the summer is increased through the use of fresh herbs enriched with vitamins and microelements. In summer, children's diets include garden greens: dill, parsley, sorrel, green onions, spinach, and lettuce.

In the summer, in many preschool institutions, especially those located in areas with a hot climate, some change in the diet is practiced: lunch and afternoon tea change places, which is more physiologically justified. Lunch is postponed to the time after daytime sleep. In the hot afternoon, when the appetite of children is sharply reduced, they are offered more light meals in the form of a second breakfast, consisting of fermented milk products, juices, fruits, yagoy. Children rested after a nap and hungry after a light second breakfast do well with lunch at 4 pm.

In the summer, in the heat, the need for fluid increases in children. This must be remembered and always have a sufficient amount of drink in stock. Drinking is offered to children in the form of fresh boiled water, rosehip decoctions, vegetables, unsweetened juices.

Drinking is recommended to be given to children after returning from a walk and before carrying out water hardening procedures. When organizing long excursions, educators must take with them a supply of drink (boiled water, unsweetened tea) and cups according to the number of children.

Prevention of gastrointestinal intestinal diseases.

According to Vedrashko VF, the basis for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases is the strict observance of sanitary and hygienic measures, properly organized both the general regimen and the diet.

It is known that non-compliance with the diet associated with incorrect intervals between meals, the volume of food, can lead to indigestion, and in the future, cause serious intestinal diseases.

So, with long intervals between meals, the secreted gastric juice has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which can lead to gastritis. Frequent meals lead to inhibition of the food center, food in the stomach and intestines does not have time to be digested and is thrown out of the body in an unprocessed form.

Gastrointestinal diseases in children can occur as a result of the introduction of pathogenic microbes that enter the body in different ways: through the air, food, insects.

Some contagious diseases - tuberculosis, brucellosis and a number of others are transmitted not only from humans, but also by eating milk, meat of sick animals. That is why it must be strictly observed hygiene requirements to cooking. Otherwise, it can lead to a serious gastrointestinal disease - dysentery. This disease is treated in clinical setting. Strict isolation of the patient is required. Dysentery affects people of all ages, most often young children.

Dysentery microbes - dysentery bacilli from infected objects enter the child's body. The so-called bacillus carriers, i.e. practically healthy people dysentery microbes live and multiply in the intestines.

Dysentery microbes are quite stable, they can exist outside the human body. In soil contaminated with faeces, microbes can remain alive for up to three months, even in winter time; on the skin of unwashed hands 3-5 hours. (Vedrashko V.F.)

Many microbes, including dysentery, survive well on food. So in milk, kefir, butter, cheese, they last up to 5-10 days, on berries - 5-6 days, on tomatoes - 7-8 days, on cucumbers up to 15 days. Dysentery microbes survive well in ready-made dishes - meat, fish, vegetables. Therefore, in the manufacture of these dishes, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules and immediately eat them.

Patients with dysentery are observed throughout the year, but carrier outbreaks occur in the summer months (July, August). This is due to the fact that in summer children eat more berries, fruits, vegetables, on the surface of which there may be microbes.

The reproduction of microbes can be stopped by carefully heating or boiling them. Dishes and contaminated items must be disinfected.

Worms get into gastrointestinal tract by swallowing eggs and their larvae. Being in the body of the child secrete toxic substances(toxins), which have adverse effects on the nervous system, appetite disappears, digestion is upset. It is necessary to prevent helminthic diseases. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the source of infection (unwashed or poorly washed vegetables, berries eaten especially in the summer, raw water, unboiled milk, etc.), carriers of diseases (insects, rodents).

To combat gastrointestinal diseases, along with the observance of personal hygiene rules by adults, it is necessary to instill in children from a very early age cultural and hygienic skills: Wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, after playing with dogs, cats, which are often carriers of diseases. (Vedrashko V.F.)

Food poisoning.

A great danger to children, especially in the conditions of a children's team, is food poisoning, which can be bacterial and not bacterial origin. Food poisoning of bacterial origin (toxic infections) occurs as a result of ingestion of harmful microbes that release toxins. Typical forms of toxic infections are most often caused by a number of microorganisms of the paratyphoid group (Salmonella) and in the form of various Escherichia coli, among them dysentery. Toxic infections can occur when eating contaminated meat, infected animals, birds, fish, dairy products. (Vedrashko)

Very often, toxicoinfections are caused by products stored in chopped form at a temperature conducive to the development of microbes. Such semi-finished products as minced meat, pate, goulash, jelly, aspic dishes, liver sausages, it is dangerous to store even in the cold. (Vedrashko V.F.)

Products eaten without additional heat treatment must be carefully isolated from raw products. Poisoning can occur when eating poorly cooked or fried meat.

Bacterial poisoning can be caused by staphylococci. The source of contamination of staphylococcus products are mainly food block workers who have various damage on the skin (abrasions, burns, ulcers). Prevention of staphylococcal and other types of toxic infections consists in strict observance of the sanitary improvement of the food unit, monitoring the health of its employees. Often staphylococcal diseases associated with the consumption of milk from sick cows. Staphylococci can multiply rapidly in perishable foods (meat, fish, scrambled eggs), especially at room temperature.

Severe forms of poisoning are caused by the toxin of the botulinum bacillus. Most often this disease is observed when eating stale sausage products, sturgeon fish, salted and smoked bream, canned fish.

Food poisoning of non-bacterial origin can be caused by eating poisonous mushrooms, berries of wild plants.

Perhaps food poisoning with poisons of lead, copper, arsenic, which can pass into food from the inner walls of the dish, especially if acidic foods are stored in this dish. (Vedrashko V.F.)

Head of the Department of Baby Nutrition, State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow),

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, professor

Nutrition for preschool children

The physiological characteristics of preschool children are characterized by continued high growth rates, intense motor activity, structural and functional restructuring of individual organs, including the digestive system, further development intellectual sphere.

In this regard, the need for children of this age in basic nutrients and energy increases significantly compared to young children. At the same time, the daily energy requirement should be met by 55-60% of carbohydrates, 12-14% of proteins, and 25-35% of fats.

To meet these needs, the child must receive required amount various products in a certain ratio. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

The protein component of the diet is formed primarily from products that are the main sources of protein, which include milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, eggs. The daily amount of milk and dairy products should be about 500 ml, with preference given to fermented milk products. Cottage cheese and cheese retain their value, containing not only complete protein, but also being the main sources of calcium and vitamin B2 (riboflavin). The recommended amount of meat (including offal) is 100 g per day, fish - 50 g. Offal (heart, tongue, liver) rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and folic acid can also be used in the nutrition of preschoolers.

The fat component of the diet is usually formed from butter and vegetable oils, the daily amount of which is approximately 25 and 8-10 g, respectively. Vegetable oil is necessary as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, not synthesized in the body, and coming only with food. Vegetable oils also contain vitamin E - the main natural antioxidant.

The main sources of carbohydrates are cereals, pasta and bakery products, sugar and confectionery, vegetables and fruits. The recommended amount of potatoes is 150-200 g, and vegetables - 250-300 g per day, and in a varied assortment (cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, various greens). Fruits (150-200 g per day) can be used in a variety of ways - from apples to tropical mangoes and avocados. In addition, juices, dry and quick-frozen fruits and vegetables can be used.

Cereals are used to prepare cereals, soups, side dishes, puddings, casseroles, etc. Their amount should be approximately 40-45 g per day. In the diet, you can also use beans, peas, which can be part of soups, and green peas - as a side dish and in salads.

The daily amount of bread is 150-170 g, 1/3 of which is rye bread.

The amount of sugar should be 40-50 g, confectionery - 20-40 g. From sweets, it is better to use honey (taking into account individual tolerance), jams, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade.

In the proper organization of nutrition for preschool children, compliance with the required volumes of dishes is of great importance. At this age, the total amount of food is approximately 1500 g. The recommended volumes of individual dishes should be in accordance with the recommendations given in table No. 1


Name of dishes

Children 3-6 years old

Porridge, vegetable dish

Omelet, meat, fish dish

Coffee drink, cocoa, milk, tea

Salad, appetizer

First course

Meat, fish, poultry

Garnish vegetable, cereal

Third course (drink)

Kefir, milk

Fresh fruits, berries

Vegetable, cottage cheese dish, porridge

Milk, kefir

Fresh fruits, berries

Bread for the whole day

Dietary compliance is also important condition proper catering. At preschool age, 4 meals a day are recommended with intervals between separate meals lasting 3.5-4 hours.

The correct diet also provides for the appropriate distribution of products during the day. In the first half of the day, it is recommended to include foods rich in protein and fat in the child's diet, which stay longer in the stomach and require more digestive juices. At the same time, easily digestible foods (vegetables, fruits, dairy, cottage cheese, fish dishes) should be given for dinner, since during a night's sleep the digestion processes slow down and the secretion of digestive juices decreases.

Feeding children in preschool institutions

A significant number of preschool children attend preschool institutions. They receive the main part of the daily ration in these institutions. Therefore, catering in preschool institutions should provide for the provision of children for the most part the nutrients and energy they need during their stay in kindergarten.

Children in kindergarten daytime(within 9-12 hours), receive three meals a day, which provides their daily need for nutrients and energy by about 75-80%. At the same time, breakfast accounts for 25% of the daily calorie content, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 15%. Dinner, for which 20% of daily calories remain, children receive at home.

For children who are in a preschool for 12 hours, it is possible to organize both three meals a day (the most common) and four meals a day. In the first case, their diet consists of breakfast, which accounts for 25% of daily calories, lunch (35%) and a higher-calorie snack than usual (20-25%). This is the so-called compacted afternoon snack. Less often, a fourth meal is provided - dinner, which makes up 25% of the daily calorie content. At the same time, an afternoon snack is given lighter - at the rate of 10% of the daily calorie content. Catering is also organized around the clock.

The basis for organizing the nutrition of children in preschool institutions is the observance of the recommended sets of products and menus. These sets include all the main groups of products, the consumption of which allows you to meet the physiological needs of preschoolers in energy and essential nutrients, primarily in essential nutritional factors. These products include: meat and meat products (including poultry), fish, eggs (sources of protein, fat, vitamins A, B12, iron, zinc, etc.), milk and dairy products (sources of protein, calcium, vitamins A and B2), butter and vegetable oils (sources of fatty acids, vitamins A and E), bread, bakery products, cereals and pasta (carriers of carbohydrates - starch as an energy source, dietary fiber, vitamins B1, B2, PP, iron, magnesium , selenium), vegetables and fruits (the main sources of vitamins C, P, beta-carotene, potassium, dietary fiber, organic acids), sugar and confectionery.

It is quite obvious that depending on the length of the child's stay in kindergarten (9, 12 or 24 hours), both the number of meals and the amount of energy and nutrients required by the child change. The corresponding differentiated product sets for preschool institutions, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1984, are shown in Table No. 2, and food sets for preschool educational institutions in Moscow, developed in the Department of Baby Nutrition of the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and approved by the Moscow Education Committee in 2003 - tables No. 3 and 4.

table 2

Nutritional norms for children in preschool institutions (grams per day for 1 child)


Number for children aged

3 to 7 years old

In institutions

with duration


In institutions

with duration


wheat bread

Rye bread

Wheat flour

potato flour


Vegetables are different

Fresh fruits

Dry fruits



Vegetable oil

Egg (pieces)

Milk, kefir

Meat, poultry

Cereal coffee

Table 3

Approved average daily set of food products for children in preschool with 12 hours of stay (per child aged 1.5 to 3 years). (approved by the Education Committee of Moscow, Order No. 817 of 09/02/2003)

1- specifically approved for baby food

2- subject to availability of funds

3- the chemical composition of the kits may vary somewhat depending on the grade of the products used (meat, fish, sour cream, bread, etc.)

Name of products

Quantity, g

wheat bread

Rye-wheat bread

Wheat flour

Cereals, legumes, pasta


Various vegetables (except potatoes)

Fresh fruits, juice

dry fruit,

including rose hip

Confectionery, including flour confectionery


Vegetable oil

Egg (dietary)

Milk, dairy products

Meat (1 category)

Bird (1 cat. p / p)


Fillet fish, including herring

cocoa powder

Cereal coffee drink

Baker's yeast

Salt iodized

The chemical composition of the set3:

Carbohydrates, g

Energy value, kcal

Table 4

Approved average daily set of foodstuffs for food in a preschool educational institution with a 12-hour stay (per child aged 3 to 7 years). (approved by the Education Committee of Moscow, Order No. 817 of 09/02/2003)

specially approved for baby food

in the presence of funds

the chemical composition of the kits may vary somewhat depending on the grade of the products used (meat, fish, sour cream, bread, etc.)

Name of products

Quantity, g

wheat bread

Rye-wheat bread

Wheat flour

Cereals, legumes, pasta


Various vegetables (without potatoes), greens (dill, parsley)

Fresh fruits, juice

Dry fruits, incl. rose hip

Confectionery, including flour confectionery


Vegetable oil

Diet egg

Milk, dairy products

Meat (1 cat)

Bird (1 cat, p / p)


Fillet fish, incl. herring

cocoa powder

Cereal coffee drink

Baker's yeast

Salt iodized

The chemical composition of the set3:

Carbohydrates, g

Energy value, kcal

In the proper organization of nutrition of children, the general situation in the group is of great importance. Children should be provided with appropriate utensils, it is comfortable to sit at the table. Dishes should be served nicely, not too hot, but not cold either. Children should be taught to be clean and tidy. It is important to follow the sequence of processes correctly, not to force children to sit at the table for a long time waiting for the next dishes. Children who have finished eating can leave the table and play quietly.

The organization of nutrition for children in a preschool institution should be combined with the proper nutrition of the child in the family. This requires a clear continuity between them. It is necessary to strive to ensure that home food complements the kindergarten diet. To this end, parents need to systematically provide information about the products and dishes that the child received during the day in the preschool educational institution, for which it is practiced to post the children's daily menu in groups. In addition, kindergarten teachers and health workers should give parents recommendations on the composition of home dinners and the child's nutrition on weekends and holidays. At the same time, those foods and dishes that the child did not receive in kindergarten are recommended for dinner, and on weekends and holidays, it is better to bring the child's diet closer to the "kindergarten" one.

When talking with parents about baby food, it is also important to warn them that in the morning, before the child goes to kindergarten, he should not be fed, as this disrupts the diet, leads to a decrease in appetite, in which case the child does not have breakfast in a group. However, if the child has to be brought to the institution very early, 1-2 hours before breakfast, then he can be given a light breakfast at home in the form of a hot drink (tea, cocoa), a glass of juice and (or) some kind of fruit and a sandwich.

Speaking about the organization of nutrition for children in preschool institutions, one should dwell on the peculiarities of the child's nutrition during the period of adaptation to this institution.

The transition of a child from home education to education in a children's team is almost always accompanied by certain psychological difficulties. The smaller the child, the harder he endures this period. Often at this time, children's appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, neurotic reactions are observed, and the overall resistance to diseases decreases. Proper nutrition at this time is of great importance and helps the child quickly adapt to the team.

Before a child enters a kindergarten, parents are advised to bring the diet and composition of the diet closer to the conditions of the children's team, to accustom him to those dishes that are more often given in a kindergarten, especially if he did not receive them at home.

In the first days of being in a team, it is impossible to change the stereotype of the child's behavior, including eating habits. So, if a child cannot or does not want to eat on his own, at first, caregivers should feed him, sometimes even after the rest of the children have finished eating. If the child refuses to eat, in no case should you force-feed him. This will further strengthen the negative attitude towards food and stay in preschool.

Often, children enter preschool institutions in the autumn, when the risk of the spread of acute respiratory diseases is highest, and newly enrolled children fall ill first. For the prevention of acute infectious morbidity, additional fortification of children should be carried out using a wide range of available multivitamin preparations in the form of drinks ("Golden Ball", "Vitastart", etc.) and tablets ("Undevit", "Complivit", "Unicap" and many others), including not only vitamins, but also the most important trace elements (iron, zinc, etc.). Preparations are given to children for a sufficiently long time (up to 3-6 months).

The most important condition for the proper organization of nutrition for children brought up in preschool institutions is, as already noted, strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic requirements for the catering unit and the process of preparing and storing food. Ignoring these requirements can lead to serious health problems in children: food poisoning, intestinal infections, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to proper storage and timely use of perishable foodstuffs. If the conditions and terms of storage are violated, putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms causing food spoilage and the occurrence of bacterial poisoning and acute intestinal diseases.

It is very important to ensure separate storage of products that require (meat, fish, etc.) and do not require (bread, butter, etc.) heat treatment; in preschool institutions it is forbidden to store, even in the refrigerator, semi-finished products from meat and fish (minced meat, fillings, etc.). They need to be cooked immediately before heat cooking.

In order to prevent food poisoning and acute intestinal diseases in children's groups, it is necessary to strictly comply with the established requirements for the technological processing of products. One of the main requirements is the separate processing of raw and cooked products. Their cutting (after preliminary cleaning and washing) should be carried out on different specially designated tables using appropriately marked cutting boards and knives. After working with raw foods, especially meat and fish, you must thoroughly wash your hands, change your apron or dressing gown.

It is important to monitor the observance of the terms of heat treatment of various products, maintaining the required temperature in the oven when baking dishes, and carrying out the necessary heat treatment of some dishes. The temperature in the oven must be at least 220 ° C. When preparing second courses from boiled meat (casseroles, rolls), they must be subjected to secondary heat treatment.

Sanitary rules in preschool institutions prohibit the manufacture of curdled milk, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, the preparation of such perishable dishes as pancakes with meat, pasta in a navy style, pates, jellies, minced meat. It is forbidden to use mushrooms for food (with the exception of industrially obtained mushrooms - champignons and oyster mushrooms), flask and barrel milk without boiling, cottage cheese, sour cream without heat treatment, eggs and meat of waterfowl, meat that has not passed veterinary control, canned products home cooking.

It is strictly forbidden to cook food the day before, leave ready meals for the next day, use leftovers from yesterday's food, as this can lead to food poisoning.

Catering workers are required to clearly know and strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary requirements for food preparation technology, periodically undergo a medical examination. Workers with suspected acute infection and patients are not allowed to work. The nurses of the institution should conduct a daily examination of the catering workers, and if they have pustular diseases remove them from work.

At the end of the work at the catering unit, daily cleaning of the premises is carried out. For this, special cleaning equipment must be available, which, like a bathrobe, cannot be used to clean other rooms, especially the toilet. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning in the catering unit, followed by disinfection of all equipment and inventory rooms.

For the proper organization of nutrition for children in preschool institutions, the following documents should be available:

an approved set of products for preschool institutions;

perspective menu layouts and exemplary menus - 7 or 10 days;

accumulative statement of consumption of products;

marriage journal;

raw product grading notebook:

annual and quarterly and monthly applications for products;

a card file of dishes;

food waste rates during cold cooking;

output rates of meat, fish, vegetable dishes during heat treatment;

food substitution table for main nutrients


Catering in preschool institutions


Among the activities aimed at improving the health of children attending preschool institutions, one of the first places is occupied by rational nutrition. The physical development of children, their performance, the state of immunological reactivity, and the level of morbidity largely depend on how clearly and correctly nutrition is built in a preschool institution.

rational nutrition preschool immunological

1. Building nutrition in a preschool educational institution

Meals in preschool institutions should be built depending on the age, length of stay of children in the institution, and their state of health. Most of the children are in the institution from 9 am to 12 pm, however, some children attend groups with round-the-clock stay, and their meals during the week are fully provided by the preschool institution. There are sanatorium pre-school institutions for children with tuberculosis intoxication, small and subsiding forms of tuberculosis, where nutrition plays a leading role in organizing medical and health-improving work. In recent years, groups for frequently ill children, for whom proper nutrition is also of no small importance, have been widely organized in preschool institutions.

Due to the different needs of children under 3 years of age and older for essential nutrients and energy, the food sets recommended for preschool institutions are built taking into account this age division. For sanatorium preschool institutions, special sets of products have been developed to provide weakened children with the necessary nutrients. According to the existing situation, nurseries and nursery groups Nurseries should accept children from the age of two months. When organizing the nutrition of children of the first year of life, it is necessary to strive to preserve as much as possible breast-feeding, timely introduce juices, vitamins, different kinds complementary foods; with a lack breast milk provide the child with the most rational mixed or artificial feeding take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the state of his health, systematically monitor the compliance of the diet of his physiological needs in essential nutrients.

Each child of the first year of life should be assigned individual nutrition, determining the required number of feedings, the amount of food, its composition. At least once a month, and if necessary more often, the chemical composition of food should be calculated, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates actually received by the child per 1 kg of body weight should be determined, and an appropriate correction should be made. For this purpose, in breast groups, for each child under the age of 9 months, nutrition records should be kept, in which the doctor writes down the prescribed food, and the teacher notes the amount of food actually received by the child for each feeding.

Children aged 1-3 years receive nutrition in accordance with the age capabilities of the digestive system. Single and daily amounts of food should correspond to the recommended values ​​for children of this age. Culinary processing of food should be gentle, without the use of spicy and fried foods.

For children from 1 to 1.5 years old, it is desirable to have a separate menu that provides for appropriate chemical and mechanical processing, which uses pureed, mashed, steamed dishes.

When compiling menu layouts, one should take into account the daily set of products necessary for children of different age groups with different lengths of stay in the institution, the number of children, the volume of each dish, as well as the cost of the daily ration. It is recommended to draw up a 10-day menu, which allows you to achieve a sufficient variety of dishes. When compiling a perspective menu, you should daily amount products multiplied by 10 days, and then distribute them to separate days, taking into account nutritional value and calories. To compile an equivalent menu, it is convenient to use a card index of dishes, which indicates the set and quantity of products, portion yield, chemical composition, and the cost of each individual dish. In the absence of any products, you can easily replace one dish with another that is equal in nutritional value.

Children who are in a preschool institution for 9-10.5 hours receive three meals a day, providing 75-80% of the daily diet. At the same time, breakfast should be 25% of the daily calorie content, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon snack - 15-20%. Children who are in a preschool for 12 hours should receive four meals a day. In this case, the calorie content of an afternoon snack does not exceed 10-12%, and the calorie content of dinner is 20-25%. In some preschool institutions, when children stay for 12 hours, three meals a day are practiced, since parents take many children home a little earlier, and they do not have time to have dinner at the institution. In this case, the afternoon snack is made more high-calorie (up to 25-30% of the daily calorie content). With a 24-hour stay in a preschool institution, children receive four meals a day and, in addition to an afternoon snack, fruits.

In the children's menu, it is necessary to widely include salads from raw vegetables (children under 2 years old in a pureed form), fresh herbs, fruits (daily), as third courses, give fresh or canned juices and fruit purees for baby food. It is desirable that children receive two vegetable dishes and only one cereal during the day. For the second course, it is recommended to prepare combined side dishes from a set of various vegetables.

2. Meal time in preschool

In a preschool institution, it is necessary to strictly observe the diet, to prevent deviations from set hours food intake for more than 10 - 15 minutes, which largely depends on the precise work of the catering department.

It is very important to correctly build a diet for children in the younger group, where children with one and two daytime sleep can be brought up. In this case, life in the group should be structured so that the feeding hours of these subgroups do not coincide.

In the proper organization of nutrition for children, especially young children, the situation in the group is of great importance. Children must be provided with appropriate utensils; comfortable to sit at the table. Dishes should be served nicely, not too hot, but not cold either. Children should be taught to be clean and tidy at the table. Educators should be calm, not rush the children. When feeding children, one should follow the sequence of processes, do not force children to sit at the table for a long time waiting for the next dishes. Children who have finished eating can leave the table and play quietly. Those who do not know how to eat well on their own need to be supplemented. However, children with poor appetite cannot be force fed. They can be offered during meals a large number of water, berry or fruit juice to drink solid food. In some cases, these children can be given a second meal first, so that they eat more nutritious, protein-rich food first, and then give some soup. In no case should children be distracted while eating with toys, reading fairy tales, etc.

3. Continuity of nutrition in preschool and at home

For the proper organization of the nutrition of children in a preschool institution, it is necessary to take care of the continuity between nutrition in the institution and at home, to ensure that the child's home diet becomes an addition to the nursery. For this purpose, recommendations for parents on the nutrition of children in the evening, on weekends and holidays should be posted in children's groups. At the same time, specific advice is given on the composition of home dinners, taking into account what foods the children received during the day. It is rational to build meals on weekends and holidays for young children in such a way that it does not differ too much from meals in a preschool institution, since children of this age are quite conservative in their habits.

In the summer, especially when going to the country, the life of children is associated with increased energy consumption due to increased physical activity, long walks, feasible work, etc. In this regard, the caloric intake in the summer period should be increased by about 10 - 15%. This is achieved by increasing the amount of milk and dairy products, mainly due to fermented milk drinks, as well as vegetables and fruits. In the summer, fresh herbs should be widely included in the diet of children - dill, parsley, lettuce, green onions, garlic, sorrel. Fresh vegetables and herbs make dishes not only richer in vitamins, but also give them an attractive appearance and a pleasant taste, which is especially important in hot weather, when children may lose their appetite. Given the latter circumstance, in the summer it is recommended to change the diet, replacing lunch with a second breakfast (at the expense of an afternoon snack). At the same time, lunch is postponed to a later time, after daytime sleep. Such a diet in the summer is especially rational in the republics. Central Asia, Transcaucasia, where the air temperature is especially high at noon.

In summer, children's need for fluid increases significantly. Therefore, the group should always have a supply of fresh boiled water or rosehip infusion. Drinking should be offered to children after returning from a walk, before water procedures, on especially hot days, you can give a drink before eating. During walks, especially long excursions, children should also be provided with some kind of drink. To this end, educators, going on an excursion, should take with them a supply of boiled water and cups according to the number of children.

4. Catering in sanatoriums

The organization of nutrition for children in sanatorium preschool institutions (groups) has some peculiarities. Additional amount of food included in the preschool kit of this type, allows you to significantly diversify the menu, introduce additional dishes into it, expand the range of vegetable dishes, widely include seasonal vegetables, including fresh herbs, in the diets of children. Vegetables are best used raw for salads, which can be given not only for lunch, but also for breakfast and dinner. Fruits and berries, the number of which is also increased, can be given fresh or in the form of juices, mousses, jelly, adding to lunch as a dessert, as well as for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Due to the increase in the amount of dairy products in sanatorium institutions (groups), it is recommended to increase the number of meals by prescribing a glass of milk, kefir or any other fermented milk drink before going to bed. Cottage cheese for these institutions can be obtained at dairy kitchens, which will allow it to be given to children without heat treatment for breakfast or afternoon tea. At the same time, it should be emphasized that cottage cheese obtained from food bases must necessarily be subjected to heat treatment. It can be used to make casseroles, puddings, cheesecakes, etc.

5. Drawing up a menu for children with health problems

In preschool institutions certain part children has some deviations in the state of health (allergic mood, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, excess or lack of body weight, etc.). The nutrition of such children is built individually, taking into account the existing pathology.

Great attention also requires the organization of nutrition for newly admitted children, as well as children who have returned after an illness. In some cases, these children, as well as children with health problems, require the appointment of individual nutrition, taking into account their level of development, health status and existing skills.

For sufficient provision of children with vitamins in preschool institutions, year-round C-vitaminization of food is provided. The first or third courses are usually fortified (at the rate of 35 mg for each child under the age of 3), vitamins are dissolved in a small amount of the liquid part of the dish and poured into a cauldron removed from the fire. A special magazine on C-vitaminization of food is kept at the catering unit of a preschool institution. A nurse or other employee of the institution in whose presence C-fortification of food is performed daily notes in it the name of the fortified dish, the number of servings, the total amount of ascorbic acid administered, the time of fortification. C-vitaminization of nutrition in children's institutions should be carried out regularly, without interruptions even during the summer-autumn period, when food products are richer in vitamins.

As scientific studies conducted in recent years have shown [Spirichev V.B., 1984; Ladodo K.S., Spirichev V.B., 1986; By Thi Dyk Tho et al., 1987], even with properly organized nutrition of children, their need for vitamins is insufficiently satisfied, including in the summer-autumn period. This gave grounds to propose additional multivitaminization of children in preschool institutions using multivitamin preparations (“Gexavit”). Additional multivitaminization is primarily recommended for children with unsatisfactory somatic status (lagging behind in physical development, often ill, with reduced appetite), as well as children brought up in round-the-clock groups who have a significant deficiency of vitamins C, group B, PP, A. B during the period of spread of acute respiratory diseases, additional multivitamination is recommended for all children. Multivitaminization should be carried out for a long time - at least 4 months (mainly in the winter-spring period).

It is recommended to start multivitaminization of children with a favorable epidemiological situation from the end of November - early December, with an influenza epidemic, an outbreak of acute respiratory viral infections - from the moment the threat of the spread of diseases arises (from September-October). Multivitamin preparations ("Hexavit") are given to children during breakfast or lunch every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 1 tablet each. The duration of taking the drugs is at least 4 months. With indications (seasonal rise in respiratory diseases), multivitaminization can be extended for 1-2 months. When carrying out additional multivitaminization of children, C-vitaminization of nutrition does not stop.


The organization of baby food is complex, but at the same time important point in child development. Since it can both prevent and treat many nutritional diseases and other types of diseases.

When catering, a complex of various factors should be taken into account, such as:


· Geographical position

· Individual tolerance

· The relationship of food in preschool and food at home

And also a number of others, no less important factors, since proper nutrition must fully meet the individual requirements of the child's body.


1. Tamova M.Yu., Zaiko G.M., Shamkova N.T., Zlobina N.V. Exemplary Shamkova N.T., Zaiko G.M., Podloznaya V.I., Tamova M.Yu.

2. Scientific and practical foundations of catering for students in educational institutions / Tutorial. Krasnodar: KubGTU Publishing House, Publishing House-South LLC, 2007. 208 shifts for catering for children in preschool educational institutions / Monograph. Krasnodar, 2009. 136 p.

3. Journal "Medical care and catering in preschool educational institutions" Article: Technological maps of first course recipes

4. Journal "Medical care and catering in preschool educational institutions" Article Guidelines for heads of educational institutions implementing the program preschool education for monitoring the provision of comprehensive catering services


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Nutrition is considered one of the main environmental factors that determine the normal development of the child. The life of the child's body proceeds with a large expenditure of energy, which is restored due to substances supplied with food, so proper nutrition has a direct impact on the growth, health and harmonious development of the child.

Basic principles of catering in a preschool educational institution

  • Adequate energy value of diets.
  • The balance of the diet for all interchangeable and irreplaceable
    nutritional factors, including proteins and amino acids, dietary fats and
    fatty acids, various classes of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals
    salts and trace elements.
  • Maximum food variety
  • Adequate technological and culinary processing of products and
    dishes, providing their high taste and preservation
    the value of the original nutritional value.
  • Accounting individual features children (including non-tolerant
    their preference for certain products and dishes).
  • Ensuring sanitary and hygienic food safety,
    including compliance with all sanitary requirements for the state of food
    location, supplied food products, their transportation, storage
    niya, preparation and distribution of dishes.


AT proper nutrition preschool children use a wide range of foods. The most important are milk and dairy products, meat, fish and others.

Milk is considered one of the main and necessary food products. The child should receive it at least 500-600 ml / day. It is desirable to give part of the daily norm of milk in the form of fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, acidophilus, etc.),; having a beneficial effect on the digestive process. From other dairy products, fresh cottage cheese should be in the diet daily, it can be consumed in 1-2 days in a larger volume. The set for children from 1.5 to 3 years old also includes a new product for them - mild cheese varieties that are rich in fat, calcium and phosphorus salts.

In a set of products in children of 2-3 years of age, the amount of meat is gradually increased. For this, beef and veal are usually used, you can cook lean pork, young lamb, rabbit meat, chicken. Offal (liver, brain, heart, tongue) containing valuable trace elements (iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium) are especially useful for a growing organism. Until the age of three, you should not give the child meat of duck, goose, up to two years old - sausages, sausages, sausages, since all these products contain a large amount of hard-to-digest fats.

The food package should include fish. Proteins contained in fish are easier to digest and assimilate in the body than meat proteins. Many types of sea and river fish are suitable for food, with the exception of fatty and delicacy varieties. Meat or fish must be included in the child's menu daily.

Children's need for carbohydrates should mainly be met through vegetables and fruits. It is desirable to include up to 500 g of various vegetables in the daily diet of a preschool child (with the share of potatoes not more than half), 150-200 g of fresh fruits and the same amount of natural fruit or vegetable juices. Fruits and vegetables are a source of almost all the vitamins and micronutrients a child needs, contain vegetable protein, organic acids, enzymes Raw vegetables and fruits should be given in the form of salads, juices. In the absence of fresh fruits and vegetables, freshly frozen, canned foods, canned food for baby food can be used.

A set of products should contain bread of various varieties. A preschool child needs 150-170 g of bread per day, including at least 50-60 g of rye. The total number of cereals, which include legumes and pasta, for children of this age should not exceed 40-50 r / day. If up to 1.5 years they use mainly semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice groats, then after 2 years it is necessary to additionally include other cereals in the diet, such as wheat, barley, corn, pearl barley. The need for a child of 1-3 years old in sugar is 40-50 g, 4-6 years old - 50-60 g.

Bread, cereals, milk, meat, butter and vegetable oil, sugar and vegetables are included in the menu daily, and other products (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs) - 2-3 times a week.


Rational nutrition of children in children's institutions requires a properly organized menu and balanced norms consumption of nutrients and energy presented in table. 6-4.

The most optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diets of preschool children is 1:1:4. Violation of this ratio, both in the direction of decreasing and increasing one of the components, leads to an imbalance in nutrition, which can cause various disorders in the child's health.

For preschool children, animal proteins should make up at least 65% of the total amount of proteins in the diet, vegetable fats - approximately 15% of the total amount of fats. No less important is the qualitative composition of carbohydrates, which are divided into easily digestible mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Pectins and fiber regulate bowel activity.

Table 6-4. Daily intake of nutrients and energy for preschool children

Preschool institutions should use approximate 7- or 10-day menus developed for the summer-autumn and winter-spring period, separately for children of early and preschool age and depending on the length of stay in preschool. In order for children not to receive excessive or insufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on certain days, the menu should be calculated according to the content of food ingredients in it.

On the basis of an approximate 10-day menu, which is compiled taking into account the national and territorial characteristics of the nutrition of the population, a menu-requirement of the established sample is compiled, indicating the output of dishes for children of different ages.

In winter and spring, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to include juices, freshly frozen vegetables and fruits in the menu, subject to the terms of their implementation. In areas endemic for iodine deficiency, iodized table salt is used.

The menu is made the day before, and it cannot be changed. Breakfast is prepared according to the number of children present in the kindergarten the day before. Lunch and dinner are prepared in accordance with the number of children on a given day (based on morning reports on the number of children in each group, signed by the teacher).

The distribution of prepared food to children should be carried out only after taking a sample and recording by a health worker in a special rejection log for evaluating ready meals and allowing them to be issued. listed on the menu. In groups, children need to distribute food in accordance with the volumes they are entitled to according to the portion, which indicates how much food is supposed to be given to children of one age or another.

Every day it is necessary to leave a daily sample of the finished product. The selection and storage of daily samples are under the constant control of medical workers. Daily portioned samples are taken in in full, 1 dish and side dishes - at least 100 g for the purpose of microbiological research in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation. The sample is taken into a sterile glass dish with a lid (side dishes and salads in a separate dish) and stored for 48 hours in a special refrigerator or in a specially designated place in the refrigerator for storage of fermented milk products at a temperature of 2-6 "C. Control of the correct selection and storage of the daily sample is carried out by medical worker

Children older than one year, unlike children of the first year of life, nutrition is prescribed not individually, but to a whole group of children of the same age. When compiling a children's diet, it is necessary to monitor a sufficient variety of dishes, avoiding the repetition of the same dish not only in one, but also in the coming days.

It is best to start compiling a child's daily diet with lunch, which usually includes the maximum amount of meat or fish, as well as a significant part of vegetables and oil. The remaining products, the total amount of which for the current day is determined with a focus on the recommended age norms, are distributed between breakfast, dinner and afternoon tea.


  • Appetizer, preferably in the form of a salad of raw vegetables. For improvement
    taste in the salad, you can add fresh or dried fruits (apples,
    prunes, raisins). Salad should be seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Not too voluminous first hot course and full high
    co-calorie meat or fish dish with garnish, composed by
    mainly from vegetables. Second courses are prepared from meat, fish in the form
    cutlets, meatballs, goulash, boiled or stewed. Garnish can
    cook from potatoes, vegetables, cereals, pasta.
  • As a third course, it is best to use fruit
    juice, fresh fruits, compote, jelly from fresh or dry fruits.
    You can use canned compotes, fruit and vegetable juices
    and puree for baby food, fortified drinks.


For breakfast, preschool children can be given various cereals. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a variety of cereals. Kashizhela-

It is best to cook with vegetables or fruits (carrots, pumpkins, apples, dried fruits). Dairy porridge should be alternated with dishes from various vegetables in the form of vegetable stews, casseroles, meatballs, salads. If porridge is given for breakfast, then vegetables must be served for dinner. In addition to cereals and vegetable dishes, various cottage cheese dishes are recommended for breakfast and dinner, especially in combination with fruits and vegetables. For breakfast, it is advisable to give meat or fish dishes (sausages, sausages 1-2 times a week, boiled or fried fish), as well as egg dishes. As a drink, it is best to use hot milk or a coffee drink with milk, in rare cases, tea with milk. A good addition to a morning breakfast or dinner is fresh fruits and vegetables (salagi).


It usually consists of some fermented milk pani psa (kefir, curdled milk, biolact, yoghurts, etc.) and bakery or confectionery products. Instead of a fermented milk product, you can<ш>baby fresh milk. It is advisable to include various fresh berries and fruits in the afternoon snack.


Preschool children can be given various cereals, as a drink it is more rational to offer kefir or another sour milk drink, which can also be given 1.5-2 hours after dinner, before bedtime.

In the nutrition of children in preschool educational institutions, the use of mushrooms is strictly prohibited; flask (barrel) milk without boiling, flask cottage cheese and sour cream; canned green peas without thermal treatment, blood and liver sausages, eggs and meat of waterfowl, fish, meat that has not passed veterinary control, canned home-made products in hermetic packaging, canned food in jars with leakage, bombed, with rust, deformed, without labels; cereals, flour, dried fruits contaminated with various impurities and infected with granary pests; vegetables and fruits with mold and signs of rot.

Spices, spicy dishes, food additives of artificial origin should not be used in children's nutrition: products containing P in its composition, food additives (synthetic flavors, beauty products and gels) of artificial origin, including non-alcoholic

carbonated drinks, confectionery, chewing gum, chips, etc.; canned snacks - pickled vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, apples), cooking oils; butter fat content below 72%; smoked meats; mayonnaise, pepper, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, spicy sauces, natural coffee.


Of great importance for maintaining the appetite of children is the correct organization of the general regimen of the day and nutrition. The correct diet is also understood as the quantitative and qualitative distribution of products during the day. In a preschool educational institution with a ten-hour stay of children, three meals a day are organized with increased afternoon snacks, with a twelve-hour stay - four meals a day; with round-the-clock - five meals a day with an additional dinner before bedtime; with only a night stay - one-time (dinner) For groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution (3-4 hours), a one-time meal is organized (lunch, lunch or afternoon tea) depending on the time the group works (first or second half of the day), while the ration nutrition should provide at least 15-25% daily requirement in food and energy. It is recommended to eat food for preschoolers 4 times a day, in some cases (sanatorium and health institutions) - 5 times.

While following the established diet, it is very important not to give the baby any food in between feedings. This applies to the so-called “fruit” breakfasts. It is more advisable to give all fruits and juices to the child during normal meal times.

Children with insufficient or overweight nutrition should be prescribed individually. A qualitative correction of the diet in the form of additional introduction of products such as milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, liver, first of all, must be carried out by weakened children with poor appetite, who eat a small amount of food. During the adaptation period, the need for protein increases by 10-15%. The process of eating should be organized so that children have a positive attitude towards poverty. The atmosphere in the dining room should be calm, nothing should distract the child from eating. You should interest the child in food, talking about the pleasant taste and appearance of cooked dishes. This causes the separation of digestive juices even before eating and contributes to a better absorption of nutrients.


The most objective indicators of providing children with rational nutrition are considered good general state child, the correspondence of his physical (Tables 6-5, 6-6) and neuropsychic development to age, positive emotional condition, sufficient activity, good disease resistance.

From the parameters of physical development determine body weight, length and circumference chest. Measurement of these indicators is carried out in children from 1 to 3 years old one once per quarter, for preschoolers - once every 6 months. Assessment of neuropsychic development in preschool children according to age indicators is carried out at the decreed time: in the second year of life - once a quarter, in the third - once every 6 months, children older than 3- x years - once a year

Table 6-5. Evaluation of nutrition in boyskilograms
Height, cmCentili
3 10 25 50 75 90 97
85-90 10,7 11,0 11,7 12,2 13,6 14,2 14,7
90-95 11,5 12,0 13,0 13,5 14,5 15,4 16,3
95-100 12,1 13,5 14,0 15,0 15,8 17,0 17,5
100-105 13,3 14,5 15,0 16,0 17,0 18,3 20,3
105-110 14,4 15,6 16,5 17,4 18,9 19,8 21,1
110-115 15,2 16,6 17,8 18,7 20,0 21,0 21,9
115-120 17,6 18,5 19,6 20,7 22,1 23,3 24,0
120-125 19,3 20,0 21,0 22,2 24,0 25,9 27,5
Table 6-6. Virgo Nutrition Assessmentcheck in kilograms
Height, cmCentili
3 10 25 50 75 90 97
85-90 10,2 11,0 12,0 12,5 15,1 13,9 14,8
90-95 11,0 12,0 12,7 13,4 14,1 14,9 15,8
95-100 12,4 13,0 13,8 14,5 15,5 16,8 18,5
100-105 13,4 14,5 15,0 15,7 17,0 18,2 19,6
105-110 14,3 15,0 16,2 17,5 18,8 19,8 21,4
110-115 15,0 16,5 17,5 18,9 19,8 21,5 24,1
115-120 15,2 17,5 19,0 20,3 22,0 23,2 25,7
120-125 18,4 19,7 20,5 22,0 24,0 27,8 29,4

At clinical evaluation nutrition takes into account the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, the development of the subcutaneous fat layer, the muscular and skeletal systems, functional state all internal organs and systems. With proper nutrition, the child has a good appetite, active behavior, a joyful emotional state. The child willingly takes part in games and activities, his physical and neuropsychic development corresponds to his age, the process of adaptation to some negative influences is favorable, susceptibility to diseases is low. Diseases in such children, in cases of their occurrence, proceed in a mild form with a minimum duration and do not give complications.


For the correct organization and analysis of children's nutrition in preschool educational institutions, the following documents are required - an approved set of products for preschool educational institutions; perspective menu layouts and exemplary menus (7- or 10-days), accumulative statement of food consumption; marriage journal; notebook for grading raw products; annual, quarterly and monthly requests for products; a card file of dishes; waste rates for cold cooking; waste rates of meat, fish, vegetable dishes during heat treatment; food replacement table for the main nutrients.

Every week or once every 10 days, a medical worker monitors the fulfillment of the average daily norm of food distribution per child and, if necessary, corrects nutrition in the next decade. The calculation of the main food ingredients based on the results of the cumulative statement is carried out by the nurse once a month (they calculate the calorie content, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates). The doctor analyzes the nutrition of children in the preschool educational institution once a month.

The nurse takes part in the preparation of the daily menu, controls the correct storage and compliance with the deadlines for the sale of products. She monitors the correct cooking and laying food in the boiler, the output of dishes, the taste of food.

To ensure the continuity of nutrition, parents are informed about the assortment of the child's nutrition by posting the daily menu during his stay in the preschool educational institution.


In order to prevent hypovitaminosis in the winter-autumn period, artificial fortification of cold drinks (compote, etc.) ascorbic acid(for children 1-3 years old add 35 mg, 3-6 years old - 50 mg per serving). It is possible to use multivitamin preparations (drops per day during or after meals). Ascorbic acid is introduced into the compote after it has been cooled to a temperature not

above 15 °С (before sale). All multivitamin or vitamin-mineral preparations (one tablet or dragee per day) are taken daily during or after meals.

Can be used multivitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes of domestic and foreign production, permitted for use in the Russian Federation:

  • for children aged 1 to 3 years: multitabs-Baby (Ferosan,
    Denmark), pikovit syrup (Krka, Slovenia), pikovit lozenges (Krka,
  • for children aged 4-6 years: hexavit, multitabs-Junior (Fero
    san, Denmark), pikovit lozenges (KRKA, Slovenia).
  • for children aged 7 years: hexavit, undevit, multitabs-Junior
    (Ferosan, Denmark), pikovit lozenges (KRKA, Slovenia), oligovit (Ga-
    lenika, Yugoslavia), unicap Yu (Upjohn, USA).