Rational nutrition of preschool children. Vι

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When we're talking about about nutrition, the word “culture” is rarely used. It's a pity! “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live,” we often quote, and the idea of ​​nutrition is formed as a process of providing “technical fuel” on which the body must work. The main thing is to organize the supply of fuel, and when and how it will be delivered is of secondary importance. Meanwhile A.P. Chekhov - who can be considered an example of a truly cultured person - argued that anyone who does not attach due importance to nutrition cannot be considered an intellectual and is worthy of all condemnation in “decent society.”

What kind of person can be considered cultured in terms of nutrition? Without pretending to be a strictly scientific definition, let's say that this is someone who is able to organize their nutrition in accordance with the needs of their body, thereby contributing to the preservation and strengthening of health. This “cultural” diet is based on 5 principles. The main task of developing the basics of proper nutrition is to help the child learn these principles.

Regularity. Recommendations to follow a diet are not a whim of hygienists and nutritionists, need in regular intake food is determined by the laws of activity of our body. All processes occurring inside us (breathing, heartbeat, cell division, vascular contraction, including work digestive system), are rhythmic in nature, and regularity is an indispensable condition for the effective functioning of a complex biological system.
The diet is designed to ensure an even load in the digestive system throughout the day, which is why there should be at least 4 meals. In preschool and junior school age- 4-5 doses every 3-4 hours (this is exactly how long it takes for the food to be digested).

It must be said that eating “clockwise” is important at any age. Irregular nutrition creates additional stress and tension in this process, and... fertile ground for the occurrence of various types of health problems, not only physical, but also mental. Research by scientists has shown that children who have a “free schedule” for eating have more high level anxiety, fatigue, they more often have conflicts with peers and teachers, and it is more difficult for them to study. But you must admit, few adults, faced with this kind problems with own child, you will think - isn’t the diet (or, rather, the lack thereof) the reason for this?

The habit of eating regularly should be cultivated with early childhood, and its basis is the organization of nutrition in the family, which allows the formation of a “time reflex”. The goal is for the child to develop a desire to eat at the “right” hours. What does a child need to know and be able to do? Already a preschooler should have the idea that daily food is necessarily breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.

Diversity. Our body needs a variety of plastic and energy materials. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals - we must get all this from food. Each of the listed substances has its own functions: proteins are the main building material from which the body is formed and “repaired” (in case of problems that arise), carbohydrates and fats participate in the energy supply of systems and organs, vitamins are the most important regulator biological processes, occurring in the body, etc. So, to paraphrase the poet, we can say: “all sorts of substances are needed, all kinds of substances are important!” A lack of any of them can lead to serious failures in the functioning of the body.

That is why it is so important to form a child’s diverse taste horizons so that he likes different products and dishes. Latitude taste preferences- a guarantee that in adult life a person will be able to properly organize his nutrition. It is necessary to include all food groups in a child’s diet - meat, dairy, fish, and vegetables. The same dish should not be given to the child several times during the day, and more than 2 times during the week.

Often adults are faced with the problem of a child’s seemingly inexplicable conservatism regarding food. A boy or girl is ready to eat only potatoes or pasta all day, or eat sausages without stopping. In no case should you follow their lead (despite the fact that adherence to the same dish makes life much easier for mom), because such nutrition cannot be called complete. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem with the help of “dictatorial” measures, forcing people to eat “what they are supposed to” (in general, violence in the area of ​​nutrition is prohibited). Try to help your child “taste” the taste of different foods. How to achieve this? One of the recipes is to provide the opportunity to experiment and independently create taste and appearance dishes. So, for example, to porridge (very healthy, but not very popular with children) you can add jam, juice (the color will change), dried fruits, nuts, seeds... Mashed potatoes It can be laid out on a plate in a boring mound, or maybe in the shape of a bear, Cheburashka with pea eyes, etc. Such experiments are entertaining for a child, and practice shows that aesthetic interest soon turns into gastronomic interest.

Adequacy. The food that a child eats during the day should replenish the energy expenditure of his body. And they are considerable - after all, the child grows, the most complex functional changes occur in him. But in every specific case This figure may vary depending on gender, living conditions, type of activity, and state of health. So, it is obvious that the diet and nutritional regime of a child who is actively involved in sports, should differ from the diet and diet of his less active peers. Nutrition during illness - from nutrition at normal times. Summer table- from winter table etc. taste adequacy nutrition hygiene

Adults have the primary responsibility for monitoring nutritional adequacy. But you shouldn’t deprive the child of independence here. Already a preschooler should have an idea of ​​what amount of food is insufficient, sufficient and excessive for him. It is important that a boy or girl understand that both undereating and overeating, for example, excessive indulgence in sweets, are dangerous to health. You can ask your child to independently control the amount of sweets he eats during the day. At the same time, favorite delicacies are not outlawed; they are not classified as harmful products as some people sometimes recommend methodological manuals. Of course, their number should be limited, but any adult knows how difficult it is to stop a sweet tooth. In this case, we recommend shifting control functions to the child himself (the adult’s task is to come up with an entertaining and interesting form of self-control for this). Practice shows that the child, in the role of self-controller, copes very successfully with the task assigned to him.

Safety. Food safety is ensured by three conditions: the child’s observance of personal hygiene rules, the ability to distinguish between fresh and stale foods, and careful handling of unfamiliar foods.

Even the smallest children know that they need to wash their hands before eating. But, unfortunately, knowing does not always mean doing it. Gastrointestinal disorders- one of the most common diseases in childhood. IN last years Outbreaks of hepatitis are becoming increasingly common, the main reason being non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. That is why teaching proper nutrition should also include the task of developing basic hygiene skills. Moreover, we emphasize, it is skills, and not knowledge about how important and useful it is.

By the age of 5-6 years, the child gains some independence regarding his own nutrition - he can independently get food from food. refrigerator and eat yogurt, take cookies, an apple, etc. from the bowl. This means that by this age he should have formed an idea of ​​the signs indicating that the product is stale (changes in smell, color). It is important that the child knows: if there is even slight doubt about the freshness of the product, it should not be eaten.

The same cautious attitude should be formed towards unfamiliar products. Today, when the abundance of assortment in grocery stores dazzles your eyes, it is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to try something new. There is nothing wrong with desire in itself. But the fact is that new, non-traditional foods for our food culture may contain substances unfamiliar to our body, which can become allergens for it. Therefore, it is important for the child to remember that introduction to a new product or dish should only occur in the presence of an adult.

Pleasure. For some reason, when they write about the role and importance of nutrition, they often forget about this very important function food - to give pleasure. But the pleasant sensations that arise while eating have a deep physiological meaning, being an indicator of the safety of the product ( bad taste is perceived by our body as an alarm signal - you can’t eat it!). Therefore, the higher the level of development of taste sensitivity, the higher the level of protection of his body.

A call to enjoy food is not a call to gluttony. After all, pleasure does not arise from the amount of food eaten (rather, here inverse relationship- overeating “kills” pleasant sensations), but from the ability to distinguish, differentiate tastes and smells, evaluate the harmony of their combination, the appearance of the dish, etc. It is clear that the development of such skills depends on how varied the food that the child eats and how tasty it is prepared (we repeat once again: the variety and taste of a dish are not directly determined by its cost; the culinary abilities and culinary outlook of the cook are much more important here ).

It is important that the child is able to describe the smell and taste of a dish, not limiting himself to the simple “tasty or tasteless.” And for this it is necessary that at lunch table The adults discussed the merits of the dish with him. After all, this is the only way a child will be able to understand what taste is called “soft”, “sweet and sour”, “bitter-sweet”, etc.

And the pleasure of eating directly depends on the atmosphere prevailing outside. table. Here there should be a taboo on quarrels, showdowns (what kind of complete digestion is there when the blood is pulsating in the temples, the heart is beating wildly and African passions are boiling!) and educational conversations! Let it be from the very beginning early age The child will form an idea - the family table is a place where everyone is comfortable, warm, and, of course, delicious!

How to organize the process of developing healthy nutrition skills?

So, proper nutrition should be regular, varied, adequate, safe and enjoyable. But how to convince a child of the importance and necessity of observing these principles?

Traditional educational method of adults seeking to form certain good habits- explanation of their health benefits. “If you eat porridge, you will grow up and become strong and strong” or, conversely, “If you don’t eat fruit (do physical exercise, exercise, etc.) - you will get sick...”. But is this argument convincing for a child? No! After all, he now, in this moment you need to give up what is pleasant and tasty in order to receive a “reward” (strength, growth, beauty) sometime in the future. As a rule, health for a child is something that is given to him from birth; it is difficult for him to understand why he needs to take care and strengthen it if he already has it. Not every adult (let alone a child) is able to predict the long-term consequences of their attitude towards health in the present. What to do?

One of the options - organize this process in the form of a game. The game is the most effective for preschoolers and junior school student a way of knowing and interacting with the outside world; in the game, a boy or girl learns to communicate with each other and adults, and tests their strength. Even as an adult, a teenager continues to play, only the content and form of the game change. So, let's play! But let the rules in this game be special, related to the child’s compliance with certain rules healthy eating. There are many options here - keep a diary, where you make yourself “smile” every time you wash your hands without reminders, organize a competition for the most unusual porridge, hold a competition for connoisseurs of fruits and vegetables, etc. Here you can use different types games. Role-playing game based on some episodes from life familiar to the child, may be associated with the development of behavioral skills for table(guests have come to the owners, we need to cover table and keep guests busy). A game with rules presupposes a competitive nature of interaction among its participants: who can quickly collect vegetables for a salad, choose a dish for breakfast, etc.

The effect of such simple techniques from the point of view of an adult turns out to be very high; what could not be achieved through endless reminders and notations is easily achieved in the game.

The formation of a nutritional culture is always a collaboration between parents and teachers. But there is a danger that the norms defined by the school will run counter to what is accepted in the family. Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing a teacher is to effective interaction with parents. The first step on this path is to form among adult family members an understanding of the importance and significance of proper nutrition for the health of the child and their own health, expand their awareness in this area (there are many options - lectures, clubs for parents, presentations by doctors, nutritionists). The second step is to convince parents of the practical benefits educational work conducted by the school. And the third is to prevent disrespect for food traditions in the family. The products and dishes mentioned by the teacher should be accessible to families with different levels of income and familiar to all children. By the way, parents often have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​conducting classes related to teaching the basics of rational nutrition, precisely because they consider proper nutrition to be a very expensive pleasure and feel guilty for not being able to provide it to their children. Meanwhile, balanced nutrition does not have to be expensive. Exists great amount inexpensive, healthy and tasty products. A simple example - a source of vitamin C can be an orange, which is not cheap. Or maybe currants, cranberries, pureed with sugar and no less tasty than overseas fruit. For breakfast, you can give your child a sandwich with sausage, or you can rice porridge With various additives(It’s hardly worth finding out which of these breakfast options is healthier).

Posted on Allbest.ru


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A child’s nutrition is a leading factor that ensures the proper development and functioning of all organs and systems.

Rational nutrition, which provides the body with all the nutrients it needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts) and energy, is a necessary condition for the harmonious growth and development of preschool children. At the same time, right organized meals helps increase the body's resistance to infections and other adverse effects external factors.

The main principle of nutrition for preschoolers should be the maximum variety of their diets. Only by including in daily diets all the main food groups - meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, edible fats, vegetables and fruits, sugar and confectionery, bread, cereals, etc. can children be provided with all the nutrients they need. And, conversely, exclusion from the diet of one or another of these food groups or, conversely, excessive consumption of any of them inevitably leads to problems in the health of children.

The correct selection of products is a necessary, but not yet sufficient condition for the rational nutrition of preschool children. It is necessary to strive to ensure that ready-made dishes are beautiful, tasty, aromatic and prepared taking into account the individual tastes of children.

Another condition is a strict diet, which must include at least 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and three of them must include a hot dish.

Thus, in all preschool educational institutions with a stay of children of more than 3.5 hours, hot meals are provided for pupils, providing for such a number of meals and their frequency that the duration of the intervals between individual meals does not exceed 3.5 - 4 hours. If the interval between meals is too long (more than 4 hours), the child’s performance and memory decrease. Excessively frequent use food reduces appetite and thereby impairs the absorption of nutrients.

Children attending preschool educational institutions receive the bulk of their daily nutritional ration (at least 70%) in these institutions. Therefore, the organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions should include providing children with most of the energy and nutrients they need. At the same time, the basic principles of catering in a preschool educational institution should be:

2. A balanced diet for all replaceable and essential nutritional factors, including proteins and amino acids, dietary fats and fatty acid, various classes of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements.

3. Maximum variety of diet, which is the main condition for ensuring its balance, which is achieved by using a sufficient range of products and in various ways culinary processing.

4. Adequate technological and culinary processing of products and dishes, ensuring their high taste qualities and preservation of the original nutritional value.

5. Exclusion from the diet of foods and dishes that can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, as well as products that could lead to deterioration of health in children with chronic diseases(outside the acute stage) or compensated for functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gentle nutrition).

6. Accounting individual characteristics children (including their intolerance to certain foods and dishes).

7. Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological safety of food, including compliance with all sanitary requirements for the state of the catering unit, supplied food products, their transportation, storage, preparation and distribution of dishes.

The diet of children differs in qualitative and quantitative composition depending on the age of the children and is formed separately for groups of children aged 1.5 to 3 years and from 4 to 6 years. As a rule, children in preschool educational institutions daytime(within 9-10 hours they receive three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack), which provides their daily need for nutrients and energy by approximately 75-80%. At the same time, breakfast accounts for 25% of the daily nutritional value of the diet, the share of lunch is 35-40%, afternoon tea is 15%.Children receive dinner, for which 20-25% of the daily nutritional value remains, at home.

For children staying in a preschool educational institution for 12 hours, it is possible to organize both three meals a day (the most common) and four meals a day. In the first case, their meals consist of breakfast, which accounts for 25% of the daily nutritional value of the diet, lunch (25%) and a higher-calorie than usual afternoon snack (20-25%) (the so-called “dense” afternoon snack). Less often, a fourth meal is provided - dinner, which is 25% of the daily nutritional value (at the same time, the afternoon snack is made lighter at the rate of 10% of the daily nutritional value).

The basis for organizing rational nutrition for children in preschool educational institutions is compliance with the recommended food packages, as well as standard diets developed on their basis ( sample menu). The output of dishes and culinary products is provided in accordance with the current regulatory and technological documentation.

According to WHO experts, there are nutritional disorders that increase the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and are typical for many European countries.

These eating disorders are characterized by:

1. Excessive consumption total fat, 1.5 times higher consumption saturated fat and cholesterol, 2-3 times higher consumption of sugar, salt and alcohol.

2. Insufficient consumption of vegetable fats, seafood, plant food, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Industry supplies us with refined products high degree ready, deep-frozen, saturated food additives, which give products specified properties: long shelf life, attractive appearance, special taste, etc., but not always have a positive effect on health.

More often, sugar is consumed, purified from impurities and at the same time from the mineral salts necessary for the body; bakery products made from premium white flour.

In addition to national traditions and modern trends in food production, dictated by the accelerated pace of life, the nutritional culture is also influenced by the hygienic awareness of the population.

There is a misconception that sugar is very useful product, since its breakdown produces glucose, which feeds all the tissues of our body. But easily digestible carbohydrates have no biological value, since they do not contain components important for the body (vitamins, minerals, etc.). When consumed, the caloric content of the diet increases significantly. The pancreas is overloaded, which can lead to the development of diabetes.

Even with a complete refusal of easily digestible carbohydrates, healthy person there cannot be a problem, since glucose is also formed during the breakdown of starch and can be synthesized in the body from fats and proteins. In order to provide the body with carbohydrates, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in their natural form every day.

The problem of rational nutrition has not only medical, but also great social significance, as it is one of the determining factors in subsequent human development. The health status of the child population, morbidity and mortality rates are directly dependent on the quality of nutrition.

Rational nutrition is physiologically adequate nutrition for children, taking into account their gender, age, the nature of their activities and other factors. The basic principles of rational nutrition are:

  • correspondence energy value diet for energy expenditure of the body;
  • satisfaction physiological needs the body in basic nutrients in certain quantities and ratios;
  • maintaining an optimal diet that promotes the best absorption of food (after 3.5-4 hours).

The principles of rational nutrition are most fully implemented in organized children's groups.

The work of catering units is focused on raw materials, i.e. natural ingredients are used for preparing dishes. quality products(natural meat, fish, dairy products, etc.). Meals are provided on the basis of an approximate 10-day menu, without repeating the same dish for not only one, but several days. As a rule, the menu includes cereal, meat, vegetable dishes, and fruits every day.

Children of any age benefit from fermented milk products, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes and the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Therefore, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus and other similar products are included in the child’s daily diet for an afternoon snack or dinner.

When preparing food, the rules of culinary processing and cooking technology are strictly observed, which guarantees not only a complete and varied diet, but also an epidemiologically safe one.

The organization of meals for children in organized groups is constantly monitored both by the administration and medical workers institutions, representatives of the parent committee, and state sanitary supervision specialists.

The issue of rational nutrition for children can only be resolved with mutual support and understanding of the importance of the problem by doctors, educational organizers, administration of institutions providing organized nutrition, parents and, of course, children.

Remember! A person needs food to maintain health and performance, which is why it is so important to follow the rules of balanced nutrition throughout life!

The concept of rational nutrition Plan: 1. The meaning of nutrition 2. Types of nutrition 3. The concept of “rational nutrition” 4. Principles of rational nutrition 5. Requirements for rational nutrition of preschool children 6. Children’s diet 7. Organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions

The importance of nutrition is one of the most important factors, which determine the health of children, is nutrition that is complete in quantitative and qualitative terms. Food products in the child’s body perform both construction (plastic) and energy functions. During the digestion process, the complex components of food are broken down and absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls, the blood delivers nutrition to all cells of the body. As a result of complex changes occurring in cells, food substances are converted into constituent parts of the cell itself. This process is called assimilation. During the process of assimilation, cells are enriched not only building material, but also the energy contained in it.

The importance of nutrition Along with the process of assimilation in the body, the process of decay is continuously ongoing - dissimilation organic matter, as a result of which hidden (chemical) energy is released, which, if necessary, turns into other types of energy: mechanical and thermal. Each individual reaction is possible only in the presence of a special accelerator - a catalyst called an enzyme. Enzymes contain simpler components - coenzymes, many of which contain vitamins and minerals.

Basic metabolism All processes occurring in the body require a certain amount of energy, the formation of which is ensured by the introduction of food products. Energy consumption in quantitative terms and its intake into the body are expressed in thermal units - calories. A large calorie is equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water by 1 ºC.

BX Minimal amount The energy necessary to meet the needs of the body, which is in a state of complete muscular and nervous rest, is the basal metabolic energy. The basal metabolism per unit of body weight in children is significantly increased, since the process of growth and formation of new cells and tissues requires more energy, the younger the child. During physical and mental work, metabolism increases, while total the nutrients required to maintain it increase.

Basic exchange For normal development children's food should include sufficient quantity vitamins. They not only protect the body from diseases associated with their deficiency (scurvy, pellagra, rickets, etc.), but are constituent elements of tissues. Without vitamins it is disrupted normal exchange substances, digestion and hematopoiesis suffer, performance and endurance decrease.

RATIONAL NUTRITION – properly organized nutrition, which ensures the optimal course of all physiological processes in organism.

RATIONAL NUTRITION is a diet in which the body contains food products all nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts are supplied in quantities necessary for normal life.

Energy balance All necessary for the body Human energy comes from food. Currently, it is believed that 1 gram of food protein provides 4 kilocalories, 1 gram of fat - 9, and 1 gram of carbohydrates - 4 kilocalories. Thus, knowing chemical composition food, it is easy to calculate how much energy material a person receives per day.

In the diet of a healthy person, the optimal mass ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1: 1, 2: 4, respectively.

Principles of rational nutrition 1. Energy balance. 2. Balance of food components 3. Varied diet 4. Optimal diet

Requirements for rational nutrition of preschool children: a) compliance of the energy value of daily food rations with the energy expenditure of pupils of educational institutions; b) balance and maximum variety of diet for all nutritional factors, including proteins and amino acids, dietary fats and fatty acids, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements; c) optimal diet; d) ensuring in the process of technological and culinary processing of food products their high taste qualities and maintaining the original nutritional value;

Requirements for rational nutrition of preschool children: e) taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils of educational institutions (need for dietary nutrition, food allergies, etc.); f) ensuring sanitary and hygienic food safety, including compliance with all sanitary requirements for the state of the catering unit, supplied food products, their transportation, storage, preparation and distribution of dishes; h) compliance of raw materials and products used in the nutrition of pupils with hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food products

Requirements for rational nutrition of preschool children: I) B educational institutions it is recommended to provide centralized support drinking water, meeting the hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems. K) When organizing meals in educational institutions, it is recommended to prevent vitamin and microelement deficiency in accordance with current sanitary rules and regulations.

Children's diet Meal times Children's diet in preschool educational organizations(groups) 8 -10 hours 11 -12 hours 24 hours breakfast second breakfast 12.00 -13. 00 lunch 15.30 - 16.00 afternoon tea * afternoon tea 18.30 -19. 00 - dinner 21.00 - - 2nd dinner 8.30 - 9.00 10.30 -11. 00 (recommended)

Organization of meals in preschool educational institutions Children should receive meals 4 times a day with intervals between meals of no more than 4 hours. Breakfast is 25% of the daily energy value of the diet, lunch 35%, afternoon snack - 15-20%, dinner - 25%.

Catering in preschool educational institutions Before eating, preschoolers go to the toilet to wash their hands. As the children wash their hands, they sit down at the tables on their own and begin to eat the already served first course. We must ensure that those pupils who eat slowly are the first to wash their hands and sit down at the table. If the toilet is separated from the dining room by a corridor, the children, after washing their hands, return together, accompanied by a teacher, and sit down at the table at the same time.

Catering in a preschool educational institution In the room where children eat, it is necessary to create a cozy environment. Tablecloths or oilcloths on tables must be clean, and the dishes in which food is served must be clean. small sizes, aesthetic (preferably the same shape and color, at least for each table). The first courses at the time of distribution should have a temperature of about 70°C, the second - not lower than 60°C, cold dishes and snacks (salads, vinaigrette) - from 10 to 15°C.

Catering in a preschool educational institution Pouring and laying out ready-to-eat food should be done with special pouring scoops or spoons, forks, and spatulas. You should pay attention to its culinary design: beautiful, attractive dishes help stimulate the appetite, and therefore better digestion of food.

Organization of nutrition in a preschool educational institution You should not be impatient if children eat slowly, prohibit them from making requests to friends or adults while eating, or constantly make comments. This distracts, irritates children and reduces their appetite. If a child refuses any healthy dish, you should gradually accustom him to it, giving food in small portions. It is better to place such a child with children who eat food with pleasure, and not to force the child

Organization of nutrition in a preschool educational institution If a child systematically eats less than normal or has poor weight gain, he should be shown to a doctor. He may be unwell and needs a change in diet or general regime day. Often children do not finish the food offered to them because they are tired of acting on their own. Adults should come to their aid and feed them.

Catering in preschool educational institutions To provide a varied and good nutrition Children in preschool educational organizations and at home, parents are informed about the range of food for the child by posting the daily menu in each group cell. The daily menu indicates the name of the dish and the serving size, as well as replacement dishes for children with disabilities. food allergies and diabetes.

Rational nutrition is understood as a properly selected diet that meets the individual characteristics of the body, takes into account the nature of work, gender and age characteristics, and climatic and geographical living conditions.

Theories of rational nutrition:




(for example, in the south the national food is spicy so as not to spoil; even down to the circumstances surrounding the meal).

The concept of rational nutrition includes adherence to three basic principles:

    ensuring a balance of energy supplied with food and consumed by a person in the process of life;

    satisfying the body's needs for certain nutrients;

    compliance with the diet.

Physiological norms are average values ​​that reflect the optimal needs of individual groups of the population for nutrients and energy (when organizing rational nutrition in groups and therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions, etc.)

The more represented physical work in the daily routine, the higher the calorie requirement: 4 groups (under normal conditions)

1) persons primarily involved in mental work 2200-2800 kcal

2) light physical labor (mechanized) 2350-3000 kcal

3) mechanical labor and service sector 2500-3200 kcal

4) hard physical labor 3050 – 3700 kcal

Children have unfinished growth processes, their caloric needs are above 2600-3000 kcal.

Men have higher calorie needs than women.

Decrease Intensity metabolic processes in old age and a decrease in physical activity cause a decrease in calorie needs: 2100 – 2350 kcal.

2.Principles of food rationing. Hygienic requirements for rational nutrition (basic and additional). Features of nutritional standards for children and adolescents.

Principles of nutritional rationing:

1) Determination of the correct and reasonable ratio of basic nutritional and biologically active substances - b, g, y, vitamins, mineral elements, depending on age, gender, nature of work activity and general lifestyle.

2) Optimal ratio of irreplaceable (essential) and replaceable components.

3) Compliance with the diet.

Rational nutrition - nutrition must comply with recommended standards and provide the body with nutrients (its energy needs).

Typically used in groups.

The approach to assessing physical development is generalizing.

Theories of rational nutrition (basic requirements):

    quantitative side of nutrition

    quality side of nutrition


    harmlessness / good quality

There is additional requirements: factors that do not directly affect any of the rules

(for example, in the south, the national food is spicy so as not to spoil; even down to the circumstances surrounding the meal).

The scientific basis for organizing rational human nutrition, regardless of age, gender, state of health and professional affiliation, is the general physiological and hygienic requirements for:

1) food ration - energy value and qualitative composition, balance of nutrients, digestibility and digestibility, organoleptic properties and diversity, richness, structure of dishes and combination of food products, sanitary and epidemiological impeccability;

2) diet - hours and duration of meals, frequency and intervals between them, order of meals, distribution of diet among meals (energy value, composition, volume, weight);

3) conditions for eating - the interior of the dining room, table setting, microclimatic comfort, etc.

The theory of rational nutrition is considered in the form of three levels of balance.

First level– energy balance. It assumes that the energy expended by the body on all types of activity must be adequately compensated by the energy supplied from food.

Second level– balance of energy-bearing macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). 1:1,2:4,6.

Third level– balance within individual groups of macronutrients and balance of micronutrients.

Features in children.

Their metabolic rate is 1.5-2 times higher than that of adults. Decreases with age.

Relatively high energy consumption (in children 80-100 kcal per kg, in adolescents 50-65).

The concept of a balanced diet (14% - 31% - 55%), 1:1:3 for younger people 1:1:4 for older ones.

Increased need for calcium and copper.

Children are divided into 11 groups by age and gender.