Exit to the astral world ways. The main secret of entering the astral through a trance

What is the easiest way to get into the phase ( lucid dream, astral travel, out of body)? Read the most simple techniques for beginners and try them verbatim!

All the techniques and methods presented below are very simplified so that it is clear to a beginner practitioner. The most detailed and modern description technician in the article and book

Option 1/8: Ultra-Short Astral Travel Technique for Beginners

1. Make the most emotionally interesting plan for actions within astral travel.

2. Waking up, lying straight in bed and not moving and without opening your eyes, you should immediately try to feel yourself near a predetermined goal. For example, a novice practitioner, when entering the astral plane, can imagine himself at a mirror, with a friend, on the moon, or in a medieval castle. You need to try to literally feel yourself in this place, trying to touch and look at everything.

3. If the technique does not work in a minute and the beginner practitioner does not reach the goal, one should immediately fall asleep again with the intention of trying astral travel (phase) according to the same principle on the next awakening, etc. Usually only a few such attempts are required. The main thing is that the technique is on awakening and no more than half a minute or a minute.

Option 2/8: A brief description of the astral travel technique for beginners

It is necessary, upon waking up, without moving and without opening your eyes, to immediately try to separate from the body. The separation technique is carried out by a beginner "astral worker" (phaser) without any idea, but with the desire to make a real movement without straining the muscles (rolling out, taking off, standing up, etc.).

If the separation within 3-5 seconds does not work out and the practitioner does not find himself in astral travel or a lucid dream, you should immediately try to alternate several of the most effective techniques for 3-5 seconds each, until one of them works, after which you can stop at more time:

image observation: try to consider the emerging pictures before your eyes and see them;

listening: try to hear the noise in the head and make it louder by listening or strengthening the will;

rotation: represent rotation around the longitudinal axis;

phantom swing: try to move any part of the body without straining the muscles, trying to increase the amplitude.

Brain stress: try to strain the brain, as if it were possible, which leads to vibrations, which also need to be strengthened by the same action.

As soon as some technique of entering the astral begins to manifest itself clearly, the beginner should try to carry it out as long as there is progress, and then he should try to separate. If not, you can return to technology again. You can also begin to alternate it with other astral travel techniques.

The total time for alternating techniques should not exceed 2 minutes, but you should not retreat from them in less than one minute. Periodically, especially against the background of some interesting sensations, you can try to separate from the body.

Option 3/8: Short video instruction

A short video tutorial on the easiest way to astral travel: indirect techniques which are best for beginners.

Option 4/8: Mobile phone technology

The essence of this technique of entering the astral plane is that, against the background of awakening, preferably without moving physically, a beginner should immediately try to imagine a feeling in his hand, as if something is in it. Best to represent mobile phone, because the hand modern man I got used to it very well, although the subject can be anything. It is necessary to concentrate attention on the perceived sensation of the palm very carefully and actively. Most likely, after a few seconds, the physical sensation of the phone lying in it will begin to appear in the hand. And this feeling will become brighter and brighter. If such a feeling does not occur within 10 seconds, then the technique is unlikely to work and it is better to switch to another one. In any case, astral travel techniques should not be done on awakening for more than one minute. Then it's best to go to bed and try again the next time you wake up.

When the feeling of the phone appears in the hand, you need to concentrate on it. At the same time, this will no longer be an idea, but a real feeling that a beginner needs to clearly understand in advance, expecting a result. As soon as the feeling is stable, you can begin to slowly feel the mobile phone with your fingers, moreover, physical in sensation, and not some imagined, although, of course, physical bodyastral body”) should not move and strain. If this does not work, then you need to continue to concentrate on a simple sensation and try to feel later. If this works out, then you need to start turning the mobile phone in your hand as actively as possible, feeling all its details with your fingers.

As soon as the phone can be twisted in the hand, then the technique has worked and you can safely separate from the body and enter the astral journey, in this case it is usually easiest to roll out or stand up. At the same time, the phone must continue to be held and twisted in the hand, which will hold the emerging phase state (exit to the astral plane). The separation itself in this case, again, should be more like actually physically getting up or rolling out of bed, and not like separating something from something. That is, a beginner in practice just needs to do the separation technique as if physically, starting from the feeling of the phone in his hand.

If you can’t separate, then you need to carefully feel the phone in your hand and try to do it a little later. If you manage to get up, then you need to do the typical actions for astral travel: deepening, and then the implementation of pre-set tasks in parallel with maintaining the state. If the division is only halfway, then one should try to separate by force.

As a rule, the real feeling of the phone in the hand occurs with every second attempt by any practitioner, including a beginner. Further, it is all a matter of experience and dexterity, since such a feeling is a sign that an exit to the astral has already arisen and you just need to use it competently.

Option 5/8: A more detailed description of the astral exit technique

So, you are a beginner practitioner of astral travel and have decided to urgently enter the phase at all costs, that is, go into the astral plane, survive out-of-body travel or get a lucid dream. It is well known that very, very desire- already half the battle in this matter, since the more you talk about it on this moment think, the more chances for a positive outcome.

Of course, for most people, for a quick astral journey, only the so-called. direct entry method. In particular, it seems that for a person who has not experienced access to the astral, the technique of “climbing out” and “rolling out” will be the most productive. Not the most euphonious names, but they most accurately reflect the essence. They may not be the most effective in general, but in this case they are very convenient.

You should tune in very strongly to remembering your idea every time you wake up. This is greatly helped by thinking about astral travel and its possibilities before going to sleep. And then, upon waking up, you should always remember about the phase and literally right there, without expecting anything, try to get out or roll out of the body. It is important that you do not make any physical movements before this.

Let's start with the rolling technique. Its meaning is to try to roll off the bed, but do not strain physical muscles. For beginners, this sounds incomprehensible and strange. But this is the only way to describe it in words. In order to understand what to do at the right moment, you can first practice this desire to turn on your side at any time without straining any muscle of the body. Usually at this moment there is a slight tingling in the body, a slight tension in the head, etc. You must remember these sensations and then reproduce them immediately after waking up. At the same time, you will feel how you really roll out of the body, that is, you get into astral travel, as esotericists call a completely pragmatic state. The sensations can be so real that it will be very difficult for you to understand this movement with a physical or phantom body. Having rolled out, you can proceed to the next steps.

If you can’t “roll out” within 3-5 seconds and nothing interesting is observed, then you need to proceed to the second technique - “climbing out”.

“Crawling out” consists in the fact that you need to try to make “mental” movements with all parts of the body, that is, imagine a real movement and try to feel all the feelings that arise during this. At first, these movements may be dull and indistinct, as with normal mental representation, but gradually (after a few seconds) they will become dominant and you will no longer feel the real body and find yourself in the "astral plane". Together with simple “mental” movements, it is very effective to combine “mental feeling” of the body and what you are lying on.

Please note that all this should be done not sluggishly and lightly, but as aggressively and persistently as possible, which is the determining factor. The same applies to the "rolling out" technique.

In addition, if the “climbing out” does not work within 5 seconds, you should again try to “roll out” or any other techniques for entering the astral in the same dynamics: “phantom swinging” (swinging the arm without straining the muscles and without imagining), “rotation” (imagining rotation around the longitudinal axis), “listening” (trying to hear sounds inside the head), “visualization” (trying to see something in front of eyes closed) etc. And so alternate techniques for a minute. All this is done immediately upon waking up after sleep, and each technique is given no more than a few seconds.

During this process, at the transitional stage, feelings often arise severe fatigue and laziness. A novice practitioner who carries out the techniques of entering the astral should understand that these are harbingers of good luck and they quickly pass with continuation. Remember this so that at the most opportune moment you do not spit and quit this venture. With a more or less clear sensation of the phantom body, one must immediately resort to the primary deepening, in this case by feeling everything that is possible (oneself, the bed, etc., which will come across in the "astral plane"), which will be very useful. It also helps a lot to look at objects, you can use your hands, at a distance of up to 10-15 cm.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and try to worry as little as possible, especially at the first appearing harbingers of getting into astral travel. Try to suppress the excitement, otherwise it will ruin everything.

How long it will take before you manage to get into astral travel depends only on the number of awakenings and attempts immediately after. Note that in the morning on a day off, when we do not need to rush anywhere, we wake up and fall asleep many times in a row, so if you catch at least half of all awakenings, it will be very Great chance that you will master astral travel within the next few days, including the first, even if you are a beginner practitioner. But it may take more time. More or less knowledgeable people in this case, in addition to “climbing out”, they try other techniques: “takeoff”, creating “vibrations”, “rotations”, “phantom swings”, “listening to internal sounds”, “forced falling asleep”, “observation of images”. If by the name of these astral exit techniques you cannot understand what they are about, then you can read this in sections with detailed description technician on our website or download . It is also recommended to watch our 10 hour.

As shows general practice, another more efficient technique for a novice traveler in the astral plane, no. In addition, it may seem that the technique is so simple that it simply cannot be so uncommon if it were effective. Indeed, woke up and “climb out” or “roll out”! However, the fact of the matter is that no one even guesses that entering the astral plane (phase) is possible at the moment of awakening, and therefore does not try. But then it can be done quite simply. Sometimes, upon awakening, it is not even necessary to use other astral travel techniques for beginners, as it is enough just to try to immediately separate, take off, roll out, etc. It's hard to believe, but it's true!

Do not be upset if this technique of astral travel did not give quick results. If a novice practitioner “catches” at least ten awakenings within two weeks and nothing came of it, then it is worth carefully analyzing the actions, since an error has crept into the understanding of the techniques. It works in almost all known cases similar application, especially if you do everything as described above. For this reason, it is possible to storm this astral exit technique to the bitter end, even if it takes a significant amount of time. The goal is worth it, especially since luck will come for sure.

Option 6/8: Site main article

Option 7/8: Super detailed description of astral travel techniques in the book

This textbook is the result of 15 years personal practice and the study of the out-of-body phenomenon and lucid dreams ("astral travel"), superimposed on the successful experience of teaching it to thousands of people. This book is not designed for light, empty reading. It is for those who want to learn something. There are no arguments or stories in it. Only specific dry knowledge and techniques of lucid dreams, combined with complete pragmatism and clear action algorithms.

Option 8/8: Super detailed descriptions of the techniques in the video seminar "Out of the body in 3 days" (10 hours)

(For maximum effect you need to make at least 5 full attempts before watching the second and third day. You need to start watching the video in the evening before the day off. )

– program-analyzer of errors in practice

On this page of the site, I will give you techniques for gaining the experience of entering the Astral. This practice is divided into three levels. The first is the acquisition of astral experience through sleep, the second is through border state(between sleep and wakefulness), and the third - exit to the Astral in fully conscious. The third level is the most difficult and you need to approach it only after passing the first two levels.

  1. This meditation is best done right before bed.
  2. Place an image of Sri Yantra in front of you (on the monitor or printed version).
  3. Turn on the song "Awareness" and put it on repeat so that it plays over and over again automatically. It is advisable to listen to it with headphones (but not necessarily, just the binaural effect will work additionally in headphones). Where I say "be aware" - you need to be aware of yourself.
  4. Next, contemplate the Sri Yantra (just look at it with a calm look without thinking about anything).
  5. Try to look at the entire Sri Yantra at once, i.e. keep in view all its parts at once and not look at something specific from its elements.
  6. Listening to the composition "Awareness" - be aware of yourself as well as possible. Concentrate on the fact of your existence in the here and now. Gradually, listening to this musical composition (mantric formula), you will enter a pleasant meditative state.

Working with ankh

Working with the ankh gives excellent results in lucid dreaming. Therefore, also use the practice of "Space ankh" to enter the Astral..

Notes on the first level of practice:

  1. Immediately after the first astral journey, "walk" all the way from the beginning (out of the physical body) to the very end (again awareness of yourself in the physical body). Relive all the details again: the route, sensations, feelings, emotions, sounds, smells - everything that you remember. Do this after each trip, it will greatly help you to make the exit to the Astral easy and fast.
  2. A lot also depends on your desire to enter the Astral. On the night (or at any scheduled time) when you want to make your first journey - make a setting for yourself that becoming aware of yourself in a dream and entering the Astral is the most important thing that you want at the moment. Tell yourself that you will try again and again until it happens; and no matter how long it takes.
  3. When going through these techniques, try not to get involved in the fuss or think about something petty. Walk more (preferably in nature), think about something abstract, put all problems and anxieties out of your head.
  4. Two hours before bedtime, you should not drink or eat anything.
  5. Perhaps at night you will wake up - then again do the meditation "Immersion in sleep" described by me above before falling asleep.

Second level

Gaining experience of entering the Astral through the borderline state

Third level

Getting the experience of entering the Astral in full consciousness

At this level, you will learn to leave the body in full consciousness. Those. simply by taking any comfortable position of the body - you can get out of it and make an astral journey at any time and space (including real time, i.e. the one in which you currently live).

Meditation: Separation of separate parts of the astral body

These three exercises can be done at any time (for example, after good relaxation music for meditation). They are the basis for given level conscious exit to Astral.

First exercise

  1. Put the palms of your hands under the buttocks and press them up, i.e. Your hands tend to rise, but since there is an obstacle in their way, they remain in place. Hold this tension with your arms reaching up for about 1-2 minutes.
  2. After that, bring your hands out from behind your back and put them at your sides, relaxing very well.
  3. Immediately you will feel how the hands will continue the energy movement (aspiration) upwards (although in fact they will lie relaxed on the sides), use this achieved effect and enhance it by visualizing the movement of straight arms first upwards and then behind the head. This will not be difficult to do at all, since a minute's tension before this will create all the conditions for this and it will almost really seem to you that your hands really wind up behind your head.
  4. Use this effect as much as possible, bringing all your consciousness into the department of astral hands and remembering all these sensations.

Second exercise

  1. Sit comfortably in a supine position and relax with your eyes closed.
  2. Raise your pelvis to a height of about 10 centimeters. At the same time, the legs should be approximately straight and supported only by the heels, some part of the back will also be raised just above the waist, the arms should be relaxed.
  3. Stay in this fixed position for 1-2 minutes and try to be as relaxed as possible.
  4. After that, lower the pelvis on the bed and relax the whole body as much as possible. At the same time, you will almost really feel that your legs "go" down, as if hanging down through the material bed. Strengthen this effect as best you can by feeling that your astral legs (up to the pelvis and torso) are separated from the physical ones and go down.
  5. Make the most of this effect by bringing all your consciousness into the astral legs and torso compartment and remembering all these sensations.

Third exercise

  1. Sit comfortably in a supine position and relax with your eyes closed.
  2. Arch your back so that your torso and neck are lifted off the bed and located only at two points - the area around the coccyx (or buttocks) and the back of the head (the area of ​​the head just above the neck). Those. in other words, it is a very low bridge. It is not necessary to bend strongly, there should be a slight tension in the muscles of the back and neck.
  3. Fix in this position and try, if possible, to relax all other muscles not involved in fixing this position of the body.
  4. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes and try to be as relaxed as possible. Do not think about anything, you can only think about your desire to separate from the body.
  5. After that, lower your torso on the bed and relax your whole body as much as possible. At the same time, you will almost really feel like you are falling through the bed down. Enhance this effect as much as possible with your feeling of falling down and add to this the visualization of yourself from the back (i.e. you seem to have left the body in the astral body backwards and see your physical body from the back).
  6. Use this effect as much as possible, bringing all your consciousness into the body and head department and remembering all these sensations.

Meditation: Rotation of the astral body

For this meditation, download special music for entering the Astral for this practice from the link below and set it to auto-repeat. At first, she will help you, then, when everything works out well for you, you can refuse her.

Download music to enter the Astral

  1. Get into a comfortable sitting position. So comfortable that when the astral body, together with your consciousness, separates from the physical body, it would not experience any discomfort (for example, you can sit in an armchair or in a reclining bed with, for example, a pillow placed under your head, etc.).
  2. Conduct the first meditations with music, which you can download from the link above. It has a rotation effect. You can listen with headphones or between speakers.
  3. So, you are sitting comfortably. Relax by closing your eyes. You are well aware of what large objects are in the room around you. You can immediately select four of them - these are the four corners of your room (wherever you sit - they fit). Then let it be, for example, a computer on the table in front of you and a framed portrait on the wall behind you. These objects are quite enough to fix your consciousness in this practice (I repeat once again that these can be any objects).
  4. Listen to music and start from the computer - you think about your computer, then clockwise think about the right corner of the room behind you, then the portrait on the wall behind you, then the left corner behind you, then the left corner in front of you and finally - about the right corner ahead of you. And then you go around in circles again.
  5. It is not necessary to do everything at the same speed as the music moves around you, it only helps you to rotate with your consciousness. Those. You can rotate at any speed.
  6. Be sure to feel that it is you who is rotating, as if there is no physical body, and you are sitting on a rotating chair and rotating clockwise.
  7. At first, this will be difficult for many (especially when turning from behind), but by concentrating on sorting through the indicated objects (corners of the room, computer and portrait) - you will achieve the desired result and learn how to rotate easily and freely.
  8. If it will still be difficult for you not only to start rotating with your consciousness, but also to understand what it is in general, then use only music and the idea that some body (for example, a ball) is rotating around you, which simply rotates around you. When it works well - get up and slowly rotate the physical body (with open eyes), memorizing objects well - four corners, a computer and a portrait (if desired, the number of objects can be increased). And after that, go back to the practice I described above, which, I'm sure, will turn out much better after that.
  9. After you learn how to rotate your consciousness well enough, proceed to the most important thing - the exit in the astral body from the physical body in full consciousness. This is done like this: after 1-2 minutes of such circling, start to rise up, without stopping circling, you seem to "get out" up. When you get high enough (maybe 10-20 meters) you can feel something like an energetic pop, as if a rubber band was pulled tight and suddenly released (it is also something like turning a cork out of a bottle). At this point, the astral body and your consciousness will be aligned at the top and you will be ready to astral travel in full consciousness.

Meditation: Exit to the Astral through a half-loss of consciousness

+ Also use the program to enter the Astral - "Astral Projection"
+ Use a psychoactive video program to enter the Astral -
+ .

Astral travel. Visualization

A simple visualization that helps in understanding what the Astral is and for conscious exit from the body.

Exit to the Astral from the first person

I wrote details about this video in my blog -.

Once upon a time, astral travel was associated by the majority only with science fiction films and books, but in recent times this seemingly secret knowledge became available. The most famous astral travelers are shamans who explore other worlds and get the knowledge they need from there. According to esotericists, absolutely anyone can go into the astral.

The difference between astral travel and sleep

There is only one way to get in astral world- through a dream. In fact, sleep and astral travel are similar in many ways, but astral travel is a fully conscious sleep, when the physical body is separated from the mental, spiritual shell, but the mind does not sleep, as during ordinary sleep. The separation of the physical body from the spiritual takes place for every person every day, for this it is only necessary to fall asleep. Scientists have proven that falling asleep, mental body separates and is located exactly in the same position as the physical body, but about half a meter above the person.

Therefore, the main difference between ordinary sleep and immersion in the astral plane is manifested in the control of all the actions of the spiritual body by the mind, during ordinary sleep the brain rests and the maximum that can be surprising is dreams dictated to us most often by the subconscious.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner. What you need to know

Anyone who is not very familiar with astral travel should not rush to move on to practice, first of all, you should pay attention to many nuances of entering the astral in order to protect yourself, as still a beginner in this practice, from dangerous consequences. Knowledge of such basic principles of astro travel as:

  • Sleep control. It consists in beginning to distinguish and highlight the exact moment when you fall asleep.
  • Development of visualization skill. It is necessary for at least a week to train the idea of ​​how immersion into the astral has already taken place.
  • Self confidence. It is extremely important to be mentally prepared to enter the astral plane.
  • Calm. Often, beginners have a fear of not returning from the astral, so you should remain calm and understand that at any time, as soon as you want to return, you can do it.

A beginner should remember that rarely anyone manages to plunge into another world for the first few times. Therefore, do not be upset if nothing happened and you, for example, just fell asleep. It is important not to stop practicing, but to move slowly towards your goal - an exciting astrojourney.

What are the techniques for entering the astral plane?

Absolutely all techniques for entering the astral plane are designed to properly target the brain for the upcoming journey. The fact is that when a practitioner performs these simple techniques, he automatically disconnects from the outside world and turns off the internal monologue. Also, these techniques allow you to "swing" the body and start the vibrations necessary for astral practice.

By the way, masters of astrojourney rarely use preliminary techniques, because. their body has already worked out the technique of entering the astral to automatism, but it is recommended for beginners in this matter to start with the technique.

Methods, techniques for immersion in the astral

There are many ways to enter the astral, for this reason, a beginner in the practice of astral travel should, after trying several techniques for immersion, choose the most convenient for himself and practice it daily, this is how the ability to enter the astral develops.

Enough known way immersion in the astral is the so-called vortex method. The essence of this method is to follow a special vegetarian diet, as well as to refuse to drink coffee, alcohol, cigarettes for at least two weeks.

Next, you should take a sitting position (make sure that the back is straight and the energy passes unhindered), without crossing arms and legs. Also a well-known astral travel practitioner, Minnie Keeler, recommends having a glass nearby. pure water, which, according to her, will protect you during practice from evil spirits that live in the astral plane.

After completing several breath cycles, you should imagine that you are in the center of a large cone. With the help of consciousness, one should rise to the top of the cone, then imagine oneself inside the vortex movement, while identifying with the top of the cone. This visualization should be repeated until the shell of the cone bursts and you are outside with the help of a whirlwind.

It should be noted that the vortex method is best for those who have a well-established practice of visualization, as with its help it helps to transfer attention from the body to the mind. This method also has other options:

  • You are in a barrel, gradually filled with water, when the water fills the barrel, you should find a hole in it on the side and through it go into the astral.
  • You are sitting on a carpet through which steam passes, imagine that you are this same steam and rise up, leaving the body.

Technique for the beginner

One of the easiest ways for beginners is to memorize about 10 basic items in one of the rooms of their apartment, the smell of the room, the lighting and the general atmosphere. Then, having already left the room, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself in this room again. If all the information about the room was collected correctly, then it will be possible to present it without much difficulty. In the future, traveling along already familiar mental routes, you can develop more and more the ability to astral exit.

hypnotic way

With the help of hypnosis, you can go to the astral for those for whom the visualization method is very difficult, or other methods of visiting the astral. Such immunity occurs when a person's consciousness is closed or inhibited. The hypnotic method allows, bypassing the impact on the consciousness and mind of a person, to work with his subconscious.

There are two options for this technique:

  • the practitioner entering the astral plane himself enters a trance using the technique of self-hypnosis;
  • hypnotic effect on the subconscious is provided by a specialist.

It is worth noting that several self-hypnosis techniques have been identified, many of them are described in some detail in the specialized literature and do not pose a serious danger to the practitioner.

Method "Swing"

Such a way of traveling to the astral as "Swing" is an imaginary swing. It has no restrictions on its use and, accordingly, everyone can use it. The essence of this method is that, having taken a comfortable position and closing your eyes, you need to imagine how heat spreads through the body and how Sun rays caress the body. Next, you need to imagine that you are riding on a swing, which gradually accelerates and lifts you into the sky itself, you should not be afraid, but you need to break away from the swing to fly. In the first sessions, it is recommended to land close to your body, as you progress in this technique, you can go on a “journey” to any place, but you should always start moving from the body.

Method "Swing"

Through astral contact

One of safe techniques it is considered an exit to another reality with the help of astral contact or otherwise - a mentor. But one should take a rather serious approach to choosing a practice partner, because. The main burden lies on him, not on you. It is the teacher who will help you immerse yourself in the astral and, if necessary, help you return, fully controlling your stay outside the body. In addition, there are stories among astrotravellers about how dishonest mentors, at the time of the journey of the mental body, planted another soul in the physical body, leaving the practitioner beyond the threshold of the real world.

Method from Alice Bailey

Alice Bailey's method is to move consciousness into the head before going to sleep, and in no case should you lose control of consciousness, as in normal falling asleep. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the consciousness remains active - this is very important for entering the astral. Thanks to the development of the ability to relax and gradually shift consciousness from the whole body to the head, one can learn to control oneself when entering the astral world. But unfortunately, this method You can’t call it fast-acting, so it will take a very long time to master astral travel with it.

Method from Kate Harari

Keith Harari's technique is not the easiest method of preparing for entering the astral plane. According to this method, your task is to choose a room in the apartment that you like the most. After the choice is made, it is also necessary to find a place that is pleasant for you outside the apartment or house - on the street. In this place, you should spend from 10-15 minutes, standing there with your eyes closed and absorbing the atmosphere of this place. Then, while still outside, you need to take a deep breath and imagine that you are on a sofa or chair that is comfortable for you. As you feel this, you should slowly open your eyes and imagine that everything you see around you is a consequence of your experience outside of the bodily journey. Through inhalation, you should take a good look at the surrounding place and gradually begin to move to the room in the house that you have chosen for practice. Since, according to your conviction, you are now getting your first out-of-body experience, it is better to avoid communication with people so as not to break the chain of work with consciousness that is important for this method. Then, after you spend 10-15 minutes in the apartment, you should return to the street, close your eyes and, taking a deep breath, imagine that you are currently indoors, on your sofa or chair. After that, the eyes must be opened and returned to the apartment. Having taken a comfortable position, relax and remember that place on fresh air where you have just been. Try to remember how you felt on the street, how you felt, imagining that you were sitting on the couch. Next, through the breath, you should imagine that you were back in the room and try to imagine how you felt when you stood on the street and imagined that your physical body was already at home.

Despite the fact that this technique may seem confusing at first glance, it is worth understanding it, because the technique that forms its basis is best able to prepare for entering the astral.

"Matema Shinto" - exit in pairs

The Pair Exit technique is based on the fact that two people practicing lucid dreaming and feeling each other not verbally, use the exit to astral projections to transmit any important information. For this, it is necessary, being already out of the body, to meet in one agreed place, and, after taking exactly 60 steps, knock on the door that has arisen nearby. When it is opened, the information should be transmitted and returned exactly 60 paces back. For such a session, of course, training is required, but in the case when the exit to the astral in a couple occurs, there is a good opportunity to have support from a close friend, practicing out of body practices.

Meditation to eject the astral body from the shell

One of the main tools to prepare for entering the astral plane is meditation. Moreover, according to practicing astro-pilots, it is better to take sitting position and in it “start” the relaxation of the whole body, based on the following algorithm of actions:

  • relax arms and legs;
  • we transfer relaxation to the muscles of the body;
  • the face relaxes;
  • the body becomes soft like plasticine, and the work of consciousness stops (for better work, you can concentrate on breathing).

There is also a version that a good step to enter the astral plane is the well-known "Shavasana" - one of the relaxing yoga asanas. The main difference between this meditation is that the ejection of the body occurs from a lying position, and not sitting, as mentioned above.

What can you see when you enter the astral plane?

For people who are not involved in astral flights, there is a standard description of such a place as the astral and it is often compared with the stories of people who survived clinical death. Indeed, those who practice entering the astral plane, first of all, see a certain corridor or a deep tunnel, rotating and luminous.

In general, a journey to the astral world is a journey to exactly the same place as reality. This means that in the astral you should not expect to meet the heroes of science fiction films or any fictional creatures. Here there is a high probability of meeting only those who have long gone to another world, or those with whom you have not had a meeting for a very long time, but these people are significant to you - the fact is that in the astral space there is no concept of time by which we used to.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane

Being in the astral plane, you can track how your presence here is from your existence in reality. According to practicing astro-pilots, the astral world provides additional, unlimited possibilities for the body, such as passing through walls, the ability to fly, understanding the language of animals and plants, and much more. In general, the existence of such opportunities is explained by the fact that any action in the astral projection is carried out with the help of thoughts, and the abilities of our mind, as you know, are unlimited.

As for the sensations of oneself, a person, being in the astral, recognizes his mental body as a ball or some kind of transparent figure, as he develops in the practice of entering the astral, a person can begin to see himself in a normal way.

Entering the astral world for the first time, you can feel calmness and relaxation in your whole body, lightness and a feeling as if you are floating in the air. By the way, the first exit from the body should not exceed the limit of 5 minutes, it is also not recommended to move far from the body.

Terrible dangers lie in wait in the astral plane

Practicing exits to the astral, especially if you do not follow the rules and "walk" quite far from the body, you can come across some troubles, which then have consequences in reality. The astral world originally belongs to spirits and ghosts, and each of them has its own intentions, not always good ones. Thus, going into the astral without protection, there is always a risk:

  • do not return to the ordinary world, stuck in the astral;
  • attract negative entities from the astral world with them, as a result of which there is a possibility of acquiring mental illness, popularly referred to as "obsession".

In order not to get into such situations, it is recommended to carefully study the literature on this topic and follow the rules that do not allow you to “travel” outside the home, and if you do long sessions, then insure yourself with the help of the astral exit technique in pairs.

Rules that will save in the astral from death

Before engaging in the practice of astral travel, it is worth asking yourself the question “Why do I need this?”. Having studied enough information on this topic, and without losing the desire to practice lucid dreaming, one should devote quite a lot of attention to protecting oneself during the sessions. Of course, the best protection is prayer and a pectoral cross, which create a kind of shield on the mental level. If you do not belong to the Christian religion, then you can use any other creeds, the main thing is the light energy that arises around you from such means of protection.

How to enter the astral plane, get unforgettable impressions and find out what is inaccessible to other people? There are special techniques that will help you get out of your body and learn how parallel worlds work.

In the article:

How to enter the astral plane - rules and safety precautions

Before you try to get into the astral, you should realize that you can do it almost every night. There are special, astral dreams. It is known that during dreams the subtle astral component of a person is able to travel through various dimensions. This is possible and unconscious, however, on what the probability of falling into the astral in a dream depends is unknown. But it is known that this can be done consciously.

As in the case with, subconscious exits to the astral in a dream can become more frequent after reading the relevant literature. But, if you want to know how to enter the astral at your own will, and not when your subconscious wanders, you will have to study the rules and techniques.

The rules of behavior in the astral plane can protect you from the dangers of parallel worlds. If you follow them, travel will be safe and interesting. The consequences of non-compliance with these rules can be nightmares, the appearance of a poltergeist and subsistence of entities, as well as serious energy losses.

It is undesirable to engage in astral practices during a thunderstorm or other weather disasters. A storm or thunderstorm seriously affects the astral plane. In addition, lightning can cause harm not only to the physical body, but also to the astral one. As a last resort, you should not travel to places that can be struck by lightning.

during illness or feeling unwell you can read about how to go into the astral plane. But putting what you read into practice is not worth it. First deal with physiological problems. During illness, the astral body is weaker than usual. Your natural defenses against the entities inhabiting other worlds will be practically non-existent. For the same reason, you should not practice exiting the body into the astral if you are tired or stressed. The practice is also undesirable after a conflict or quarrel. A calm, balanced state is much better suited for this.

It is undesirable to go into the astral in a room in which there is someone other than you. Ask household members not to disturb you, turn off phones and TV. Nothing should distract from trying to separate from the body. Clothing should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

Sometimes it is recommended to vegetarian diet the day before the execution of the technique. However, this rule is purely individual. If the absence of meat dishes has a positive effect on the results, you need a diet. If there is no relationship between the diet and the results of practices, fasting is unlikely to help you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the position of the body. Of course, you should be comfortable. Uncomfortable posture should not distract you from trying to separate from the body. Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with any magical work if we are talking about the first attempts. The best position is lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair. Start with this, perhaps with experience, determine the best body position.

The first stage of astral travel or exit from the body is relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. There are many relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you personally. Regarding stopping the internal dialogue, here you also need individual approach. Before starting the training, give yourself the idea that after relaxation you will leave the physical body and rush into the astral. It is also advisable to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, under the impressions of the new world, you will simply forget about it.

For the first time, it is not recommended to leave the room or apartment. Explore the world gradually, everything will come with experience. It is also better to postpone experiments with a magic circle around the physical body, because even a personally created protective energy ball can interfere with an inexperienced astral traveler. But this is not a reason to remain without protection - you can use salt, protective amulets and other things, but remember that sometimes they interfere with leaving the body.

The main obstacle for beginners is fear and other vivid emotions, such as surprise. Often, astral travel ends precisely on them, after which the astral body returns back, and quite abruptly. Getting rid of vivid emotions when leaving the body is possible only with experience. The fact is that that part of the astral body that remains in the physical attracts back traveling in the astral, because fear considers it a threat. The "rough" astral shell of a person performs protective function during astral travel.

If you can’t get into the astral, don’t be discouraged. Few people get it right the first time. Some people need a few days to get an out-of-body experience, and someone will spend about a year. If unsuccessful, try again the next day. Sooner or later you will see what the astral world is like and who lives in it. Most likely, this will happen when you least expect success.

How to get into the astral plane using the astral rope method

A visualized rope will help to carry out a trip to the astral, but this is not about the same silver cord, which links the astral component to the physical body. Not everyone sees and feels it. You may not even notice his presence at all. In fact, the connection with the physical body does not depend on it, it is only its thought form embodied in a visual image. No matter how far you get in the astral reality, the part of the astral body that never leaves the physical will pull you back.

The essence of the astral rope method is to visualize a rope that starts from the ceiling and goes straight to you. After you have imagined it, cling to the rope with your hands, which the astral body also has. The goal is to feel your hands wrap around the rope, feel its texture, and begin to pull up. Climbing a visualized rope is perhaps more difficult than climbing a normal one. You cannot move during the procedure, you must be completely relaxed.

Concentrating on mental movement along an imaginary tightrope is necessary in order to leave the physical body. You must understand that this subtle astral body carries out movements, or rather, tries to do so. You may feel a vibration throughout your body. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a sign of success - you are already beginning to understand how to get into the astral world, and you are doing everything right.

What is good about this technique? She suggests concentrating on just one simple action - trying to climb the rope, leaving the physical body. This exercise is great for beginners.

The first trip to the astral plane - exit from the body

If you imagine a rope that stretches from the astral and can become your vehicle from the physical body, you fail, there is another technique. It is also suitable for beginners. This is an out-of-body meditation - you will need to relax and try to evoke the sensations that take place during separation from the physical body.

So, before you enter the astral correctly, take a comfortable position in bed or on an armchair. Relax, arrange yourself so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you from meditation. Stop the internal dialogue. Concentrate on your breath. Watch your inhalations and exhalations, try to make them more even and deeper than usual.

When breath control is achieved, be aware and feel your entire physical body. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the atmosphere around you. Then direct your attention to the inner self. Be calm, but tune in to the expectation of the first exit into the astral.

This is just preparatory stage. After it, move on to trying to leave the physical body. Do not strain your attention, try to move into the astral slowly, without sudden movements and thoughts. Your mind should be relaxed but focused on leaving the body. You are allowed to think about how you want it. You can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye is located, or the ajna chakra. It is believed that it is from there that the astral body begins to leave the physical.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and imagine getting up from a chair or bed without moving until you can feel a vibration or something like a tickle. Make these sensations distinct, rush towards them. They are always accompanied by an exit from the body. Just surrender to them, continuing to mentally get up from your chair, and soon you will realize that you have entered the astral plane.

There may be a sensation of falling down. Many feel it while falling asleep. Such sensations accompany immersion in astral dreams and, in fact, the astral. Don't resist the illusory fall and you can have an out-of-body experience.

What to do during the first trip to the astral plane

So, you managed to figure out how to enter the astral for a beginner. You have left the body and a new world awaits you. But do not rush to immediately start researching it. Astral is not as safe as you might think. First you have to get used to the new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane if you are there for the first time? Try to navigate different ways. Perhaps you will pass through the walls, but this does not always work out and not for everyone. In order to leave the room or wander around it, you only need to think about it. Increase the distance from the astral travel home gradually, in accordance with your experience, so as not to make problems.

To return back, command yourself to return to the physical body. It takes a fraction of a second. Even random thoughts about him contribute to the return back. Do not be afraid that you will not be able to leave the astral plane. It is much more difficult to stay in it than to get lost.


Unguided relaxation exit through the void into a spark of light

Before your eyes total darkness. There are no thoughts, there are no images. Stellar calm waves roll over your brain, body. Complete peace and quiet. There is complete darkness in front of my eyes. There are no thoughts, there are no images. Stellar calm waves roll over your brain, body. In the midst of this darkness, a tiny spark of light appears. You fly to her - she is approaching. Other tiny sparks of light appear next to her. You are examining them - it turns out to be a (more may be different) wall and you are standing next to it and examining the glare of light on the stone. You look along the wall. It turns out that you are in a tunnel - we examine ourselves, we knock on the chest with our fist. We spread our arms with wings and fly to the exit.

And there already at will. Or maybe through a wall.

To return, think about your body in bed.

Everything after relaxation is just one of the techniques. Everything before - it is desirable but it is possible without. If the will "minutes 15" then easily.

Conscious Method exit to Astral

PREPARATION: Sit on a chair facing east and relax, breathing deeply. It is not necessary to sit, who will be more comfortable lying, lie down. Turn off the phone, legs and arms do not cross. If you are sitting, place your hands on your knees, palms down, eyes closed.

Visualize a yellow-gold ball 5-7cm in size. This ball is filled with warm glowing light, it is not necessary to see the ball. Know that it exists, in time you will be able to see it. The ball gives complete relaxation, tension disappears, feel the warmth that goes through the legs. Let the ball go up your legs to your neck, then lower it down your hands to your fingers, then it goes back up to your neck and into your head. You should feel warm and completely relaxed. If somewhere you feel discomfort, anxiety, excitement - send the warmth of the ball there, and it will disappear. Stay in a state of complete relaxation for 10-15 minutes. If you suffer from insomnia or disturbing dream, then perform this ritual of preparation before going to bed, instead of sleeping pills. After relaxing, you take a deep breath 3 times. Here you must feel new life, renewed energy that enters the body with every breath. At the end, clap your hands 3 times, open your eyes. Feel yourself after relaxation. If everything worked out for you, you can proceed to further work, if something did not work out, achieve the final result.


Getting started, as in the preparation of the above.

After feeling warm and completely relaxed, visualize yourself facing to you, sometimes you can start the preparatory work with a mirror. Imprint your image in your mind. When you have seen yourself clearly enough, your image, use your strength, energy and saturate your double with it. Revive it!

Your eyes are closed! Now mentally make him turn to the East, in the same direction as you, command him to turn and wish him strong. You must feel with your physical body, feel and visualize everything that your double does. As soon as you feel it, do not let it go anywhere, but make it come to you and start absorbing it with deep breaths, absorb it until it disappears completely. Then clap your hands 3 times.

The sounds of pops will bring you back to normal, open your eyes.

The technique you are mastering is mental projection. Here the mind and feelings are sent from the physical body by the force of will. In AP, consciousness completely leaves physical plane and connects with the Astral double. In the preparatory version, you used willpower visualization. There may come a time when you do not feel your physical body. This means that the true Astral projection has come, do not strive to immediately return to the body.

"SECRET MAGIC" V.M. Bedash (3rd volume).

Astral exit method based on hyper ventilation of the lungs with oxygen

A very reliable method, based on hyper ventilation of the lungs with oxygen. Due to the fact that some figures, snatching out some part of the general experience, are very fond of creating a whole teaching on the basis of this part, a whole direction of Holotropic breathing has emerged. There is also Ribefing, which is not much different from HP.

In their practice, the preachers of this trend also use their own philosophical base to explain the results obtained. In this text, I do not cite this philosophical part, since there is nothing particularly valuable in it, I have outlined what is necessary as best I could, and if anyone has any questions, there is a list of recommended literature at the end of the book.

To conduct a session in full, you need to find yourself a partner who will carry out safety net. Here, unlike relaxation techniques, you will actively move and if you lose consciousness, God forbid you break something.

The entire session can last from 20 minutes to 2-3 hours. Accordingly, you need to find a time and place where no one will disturb you. It'll be better if you don't get in the way full stomach and bladder. Clothing must be loose.

Agree with the assistant what exactly he should do - remind you of the rhythm of breathing, change the music, press in the places you specified.

If you find yourself too caught up in your thoughts, bring your attention to your body and focus on your breath or music. If you find yourself analyzing music, allow its vibrations to enter your body and focus on your breath.

In CPD, the focus is usually on the analysis of experiences. Our goals are somewhat different, but this possibility should not be ignored.

If you have a strong emotion (e.g. anger, annoyance, etc.) and the emotion seems to be caused by events in the room you are practicing in (e.g. you don't like music or something), move focus on yourself and the sensations in your body. Rather than being distracted by the outside and engaging in endless emotional projections, it is better to get in touch with the energies you are experiencing, express them, and release them.

Do not program experiences, let what arises be a spontaneous act, unexpected for yourself - a free dance of the body, energy and thought.

Be the perfect actor: being completely in the role, in the experience, at the same time be above every role, beyond all experience.

You decide when to finish breathing. As a rule, the session comes to its natural end within 1.5-2.5 hours. The music should continue until you're done, so there's no need to end it.

Position - lying on your back.

To provide an excess amount of oxygen in the blood, you need to breathe often and deeply. Since in this case there will be a partial clouding of consciousness, then importance in this case plays musical accompaniment. As with relaxation techniques, music should be without words and without familiar or famous topics it should not cause any images in your memory

5 - 10 minutes: warm-up Light, music.

Then another 5 - 10 music with a more pronounced rhythm.

10 - 20 minutes Drummers, tom-toms, hard rock.

During this time, you will most likely already enter a state where your astral body will hardly be retained in the physical body and you will be on the verge of losing consciousness. Having reached this state of breathing, it is better to regulate the depth and frequency of breathing independently according to your own feelings.

In my personal opinion, during this time everything is already happening. However, to each his own. And HL experts recommend further scrolling through a few more topics. Rhythm to stimulate the will. Soulful warm music, bliss, flight.

Then the music is the most relevant to the topic of your research.

Sleep is a continuation of the integration of manifest experiences. Be attentive to his messages. In the following days, find time to draw,

Contemplation, journaling and for working with dreams.

During the session, the activity of all organs is activated, and, accordingly, the energy flows of your body. At the same time, if you have blood clots of energy channels in some places, they will certainly manifest themselves in the form of pain or convulsions. You must work out such blocks yourself through muscle tension or by massaging this part of the body. It is better to do this by non-contact massage methods. The assistant will help you with this, but should only do what you tell him.

Occult method of exit to the Astral

During the First World War, the French occultist Iram most often used this method. At the same time, the American Prescott Hall went into the astral in exactly the same way. The latter published his impressions in 1916 in the Journal of the American Society psychic research".

It is curious that Iram developed this technique himself, and Prescott Hall mastered it with the help of instructions received during séances with the participation of the medium Minnie Keeler.

In 1902, friends told Hall about their astral experience. At this time, Hall was very skeptical of the occult sciences. Nevertheless, he visited a medium and tried to verify the authenticity of what he heard from friends. The answers he received did not satisfy him. In 1909, he met Minnie Keeler, through whom he began to communicate with a deceased friend. In his articles, Prescott Hall refers to the medium as "Miss X" and talks about her astral experience.

Hall had interesting idea. He decided that the effectiveness of séances could be proven if Miss X reported on a new method of astral exit. During the next session, he expressed his thoughts to Miss X. The latter reacted favorably to his proposal and came into contact with several deceased Eastern gurus, who began to transmit information through her. Such sessions took place every week from 1909 to 1915, and Prescott wrote down about 350 pages, the content of which concerned not only the technique of astral exit, but also touched upon many issues related to mystical philosophy.

The resulting material was so voluminous and informative that Professor James Hyslop, President of the American Society for Psychical Research and Chief Editor magazine of the same name, organized an investigation to determine the competence of Minnie Keeler. It turned out that this lady had read only a few popular pamphlets in her time and, accordingly, could not have had such detailed information on fundamental aspects of the occult sciences. Moreover, Keeler was not a professional medium and showed no interest in the information that was transmitted through her. Dr. Crookall stated that the "messages" were received by "Hall (who was skeptical about the subject itself) through the mediation of Mrs. Keeler (who showed no interest in them)".

Nevertheless, the resulting methods of astral exit attracted the attention of such authoritative researchers as Sylvan Muldoon and Hervard Carrington.

Unfortunately, Prescott Hall was extremely careless in writing down the information he received. Therefore, in 1964, Dr. Robert Crookall wrote the book "Astral Projection Techniques", in which he puts in order and systematizes the material received by Hall.

The method itself is subdivided, as it were, into two stages, the first of which is a special diet. The meal plan looks like this:

1. The neophyte must refrain from eating meat. Some people benefit from fasting, but everyone without exception should reduce the amount of food they eat.

2. One or two hours before the astral exit, you should completely refuse to eat.

3. It is advisable to switch to a vegetable and fruit diet; especially useful carrots.

4. raw eggs also facilitate access to the astral plane.

5. Nuts, especially peanuts, should be completely eliminated from the diet.

6. All fluids are good, as long as you don't drink too much. Alcohol and coffee on the day of the astral exit are strictly contraindicated.

7. Do not smoke or use other drugs. "Tobacco is harmful not so much because its smoking poisons circulatory system how much incompatibility with the presence of benevolent spirits, communication with which is difficult.

8. At the end of the study, the good news is reported: "After five to six months of spiritual development: advanced adepts can eat whatever they like."

The timing of the special diet to be followed before the first astral exit attempt is not specified. In my opinion, it should be at least two weeks.

When you feel ready to travel, make yourself comfortable in a warm, darkened room. It is recommended to "keep the body straight so as not to disturb the circulation, since blood pressure is one of the determining factors." Never cross your arms or legs.

It's a good idea to have a container of water nearby. The spirits communicated this method of protection to Hall through the mouth of Minnie Keeler. As an alternative, it was proposed to "dip your hands in the water" or use "water vapor". I think it's more practical to put a glass of water next to you and wash your hands before you travel.

Then you need to start breathing deeply and relax. "The pulsation of the brain should be synchronized with breathing. In this sense, breathing exercises are very helpful: To exit the body, it is useful to use holding the breath while inhaling; holding the breath does not bring any benefit." After breathing exercises and applying the relaxation technique, mentally draw the following picture.

Imagine yourself inside a huge cone. Mentally rise to its peak.

1. Imagine yourself in the epicenter of the vortex flow. Mentally identify yourself with the apex point of the cone until the vortex breaks through the shell and carries you out.

2. Options are also possible. Picture yourself sliding on a ridge giant wave. As soon as her comb begins to twist, get rid of the bodily shell.

3. Imagine that you are tied to a coil of rope. It begins to unwind and pulls you along; at that moment you leave the body.

4. Imagine yourself in a barrel that is gradually filling with water. As soon as the water reaches the maximum level, find the side hole and exit into the astral plane.

5. Imagine yourself looking in a mirror. Looking closely at your own reflection, imagine how consciousness passes to your reflected double.

6. Imagine yourself sitting on a blanket, from which steam rises. Identifying yourself with the rising vapor, leave the physical body.

The main task is to divert attention from your own physical body. The given visualization examples are the best suited for this purpose, since it is easier to create new ones every time. mental images.

Two years later, Prescott Hall published an account of his own experiments and proposed several new imaging techniques. Unfortunately, they are not as easy to understand as the previous ones. I personally managed to use only two recommendations.

1. Imagine yourself soaring over the Himalayas. During the flight, admire the landscape, feel how the air flows around your body, and, feeling free, rush into the astral plane.

2. Imagine that you have become soap bubble flying in space. Planets and others rush past you celestial bodies. Finally, the shell of the bubble bursts, and you throw off the shackles of the physical body.

As already mentioned, Iram used in France a method similar to that received by Hall through the astral channels. In the book Practical Astral Projection, Iram talks about how a hurricane caught him. According to his descriptions, the process was painful, and he was constantly on his guard, as he had no idea where his astral body would go. By an effort of will, Iram tried not to leave the room, but the hurricane carried him "into the ethereal stream", from the study of which he was unable to refuse. Iram felt that he was moving at a monstrous speed, and at times he heard nothing but the sounds of a "roaring storm". In general, his body was out of control, and his position before entering the stream (sitting, standing, lying on his stomach) did not matter.

However, the Frenchman noticed that, unlike other methods, using which he was physically emptied, this method had a refreshing effect on him, filling the body with vital energy.

Volitional method of exit to the Astral

This method, like the previous one, is not suitable for everyone. Working as a hypnotherapist, I have heard from patients more than once that they lack willpower as such. In most cases, such an assessment is objective. As a rule, people cannot change their lifestyle or quit a bad habit by sheer force of will. This happens due to the fact that our emotions prevail over reason and every time they win over it. In fact, a person who wants to lose weight, exhausted by a diet and, in a certain sense, plunged into emotional shock, cannot resist the sight of a delicious dish. Eating food, this person, realizing that he is doing wrong, experiences a feeling of emotional relief.

One way or another, the volitional method is not bad, and I know many examples of how people have achieved impressive results with its help.

Sit in a comfortable chair. As usual, the room should be warm, gloomy or slightly darkened. The phone should be turned off. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up.

Take a few deep breaths and make sure the breath is rhythmic. In this case, there is no need to focus on it.

Think about the need for an astral exit and clearly imagine the purpose of the trip. Be absolutely confident in your own strength and ability to exit.

It's time to use willpower. Mentally say: "I will leave my body. I am ready to leave my body. My astral body is ready to leave. I want it to happen this second!"

Wait a few seconds and try again. You may have to repeat the procedure a dozen times, repeating the installation phrases like a mantra.

About successful implementation the exit is evidenced by the sensation of vibration and the emergence of a sense of release. Having achieved this, go on a journey. If the exit attempt fails, open your eyes and take a walk in the fresh air.

While walking, think about the pleasant and drive away thoughts about the failure that has befallen you, which should be considered as another step up to the heights of success. After completing the exercise, make another attempt. After a walk, your brain is enriched with oxygen, and the chances of going into the astral are significantly increased. If, however, luck did not smile at you the second time, do not be discouraged and know that the experience was not in vain and you managed to take another step towards success. Cheer up and put off your next attempt until tomorrow.

A way to enter the astral plane for people who are not susceptible to any other methods

Due to inhibition and complexes of consciousness, some people are not capable of a full-fledged astral exit using conventional methods. This method is good because there is no need to work with the patient's consciousness, but you can directly influence the subconscious.

There are two approaches to using hypnotic trance. In the first case, a person enters a trance on his own, and in the second, he resorts to the services of an experienced hypnotist. The second method is preferable and much more efficient.

Nevertheless, you can use the first one, having previously mastered the technique of self-hypnosis.

There are many popular publications devoted to this topic, and studying the technique will not be difficult, especially if you have already mastered the technique of progressive relaxation, which is absolutely necessary for self-immersion into a hypnotic trance.

Entering a trance on your own, you should pay close attention to the technique of progressive relaxation. As soon as you feel that you can relax quickly and effortlessly, all you have to do is think about the place of the upcoming journey and imagine the very exit from the physical body. I usually imagine the area of ​​the third eye as a "gateway" to the astral plane.

In 1970, a group of parapsychologists experimented with a combination of progressive relaxation, sound vibrations, and a rotating spiral. The spiral is quite often referred to in mystical literature as a "hypnodisc".

You will need to attach a multi-speed electric drill with a hypno disc to the cabinet. Turn on the lowest speed, sit comfortably in a reclining chair and, peering into the rotating disc, proceed to progressive relaxation. Personally, I manage to enter an auto-hypnotic state from a combination of baroque music, the sound of a drill and the rotation of a disk. Many people go into the astral without even completing the progressive relaxation technique.

The hypnotic method as a means of astral exit was especially popular at the turn of the twentieth century. The most famous example was published in the Gazette of the Society for Psychical Research.

Dr. F. experimented with what he called "traveling clairvoyance." By agreement, one of his patients was supposed to be at home in the evening. At the appointed time time dr F. hypnotized a woman named Jane and ordered her to "visit" his patient, Mr. Eglinton, whom she not only did not know by name, but had no idea where he lived.

So, at the doctor's orders, Jane astrally went to his patient's quarters and accurately described the front door and knocker. No less accurate were the details regarding the details of the interior decoration, but describing the appearance of the owner of the apartment. The woman failed. She stated that she saw a fat man with an artificial leg.

The next day, it turned out that Eglinton was tired of waiting, and he, having built a kind of stuffed animal on his chair from pillows and clothes, went home. Thus, Jane's description was true.

Whatever Dr. F. called his experiment, the experience was in fact nothing more than astral travel. If Jane had used the method of clairvoyance, then the mannequin sitting in the chair would have been exposed. During the astral exit, the woman simply stated what she saw and could not distinguish the stuffed animal from the living person.

Having become acquainted with various methods, you can try each of them, and perhaps, like me, you will like to use all the variety of ways to enter the astral. One of my friends struggled with the will method of travel for several months and eventually succeeded. It is curious that before that he admitted to himself complete absence willpower. Currently, he goes into the astral at any moment.

Be calm, balanced, keep training, and you will succeed.

Astral exit technique

Usually they start with a forty-day vegetarian diet, and 3 days before the experiment itself - complete clean starvation. Here is how Lancelin describes this method in one of the books:

In order to ensure the success of our astral projection, we must first of all charge the will with force, that is, charge it to such an extent that it is capable of exploding like champagne. There are several ways to achieve this state. The simplest is to repeat to yourself many times before going to bed: "I have the will, I have the energy." Repeat this until you fall asleep.

Lancelin gives an example of how a person who used this method managed to realize astral projection, despite the fact that at the last moment he abandoned his intention.

He went through this training and every evening for 40 days he thought intently about his project until half past two in the morning, after which he went to bed with a firm decision to isolate the astral double after a certain number of days. At first, the preparation went well, calmly, his will to achieve the effect did not weaken. But as the deadline approached, this enthusiasm gave way to serious reflection. One of the thoughts that took possession of him was "What if I can't incarnate back into my physical body?" On the eve of the scheduled date, under the influence of the strongest fear, at 10 pm he decided to quit everything and went to bed with depressing regret that he had prepared everything for an experience that had to be abandoned at the last minute.

Involuntarily, without suspecting it, he found himself in the most favorable conditions for the success of the experiment, since his nerves were extremely excited by fear and vexation.

For an ordinary person, access to the Astral gives at least interesting impressions.

It is possible to travel everywhere on earth, underground, in the sky, and even to other planets, although the latter requires special work. The NASA space program is child's play compared to the capabilities of human consciousness. Much can be explored. If scientists knew and accepted all these worlds, the world would be a very different place. And I must say, some laboratories are already very seriously engaged in research on this issue.

Astral travel experiences are so interesting that they are unlikely to ever be forgotten.

According to unofficial statistics - in the course of life, each person has two - three full Exits. Usually they are remembered to us as vivid unusual dreams.

EXIT gives you the opportunity to become an extraordinary person.

And for those who have enough mind and will, the Exit can give everything: knowledge, wisdom, secret information, the ability to heal, influence people - events.

Purely technically appear the following possibilities when entering the Astral:

1 You can walk through objects.

2 You can fly.

(This is not something to know, but to be aware of.)

3 You can visit the person you are interested in.

(Talk - with the dead or sleeping.)

4 You can find the object you are interested in.

5 Dream of someone who is sleeping at this time.

6 Enter other people's bodies. (Very difficult to return.)

3 and 4: in the astral you close your eyes, and as concretely as possible imagine what you want to find (a person, an object). It definitely feels like you are flying. You can’t go astray: you will fly out the wrong way.

Don't try to fly to presidents or gods. Clinton is thrown out of the Astral, Yeltsin is being killed (according to unverified data). I can’t say who exactly is engaged in the astral protection of our government, but you can be sure that it is being guarded.

However, it is quite possible to fly to your beloved late grandmother or to someone simpler.

From there you can see the real world. Or the ethereal layer closest to it. In the etheric layer, the energy shells most fully copy the shape of physical objects and are firmly attached to them. Traveling through this layer is almost indistinguishable from traveling through the real world.

5 is very simple - according to point 3 you find the one who is needed and arrange nightmare or wild, horrible sex.

6 if you are in the real world and time<- это главная трудность) находишь по п.3 объект (спящий) и влезаешь. При этом нет никакой гарантии, что из нового тела потом получится выйти. Прыжок в окно не способ - астральное (эфирное) тело тоже можно повредить. Кроме того связь хозяина с телом поддерживается. Да и вы со своим телом тоже еще пока связаны, пока оно у вас есть.

At this point, it is worth recalling that during the Exit we do not have reliable criteria by which we can determine in which of our subtle bodies we are now traveling. Possibly on the air. And the ethereal body is exactly THAT body, which, according to the theory, is a matrix for the physical one, and by influencing which it is possible to cause changes in the physical body - and even quite fast ones. Remember the experience of hypnotists with a red-hot nail.!!!

Using these opportunities .... you can learn everything that is possible and what is not. Get a lot of impressions and pleasures.