First aid kit: description and composition. First aid kit at the enterprise

The employer is obliged to provide the enterprise with first aid kits to protect the health of employees. How to properly complete them and how to draw up documents - find out in the article.

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First aid kit for workers

In the event of an accident at the enterprise, the employer, in accordance with Art. 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to immediately organize first aid to the victim. The necessary stock of medical materials and devices should be stored at the enterprise in a specially designated accessible place. For the purchase, control of the expiration date and correct application these funds are responsible for a person appointed by the head of the organization. Knowledge is essential for him.

The composition of the first aid kit at the enterprise 2019

The set of required funds depends on the specifics of production. For example, for work at height, a typical accident would be a fall with fractures and internal injuries. Metallurgists and cooks can get extensive thermal burns. Chemical production workers - poisoning or chemical burns. Therefore, the kit should have a common standard base, supplemented by specific means.

Completing a first aid kit at the factory by Order 169n

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2011 No. 169n was developed in accordance with the main provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. He installed complete list necessary funds and fixtures.

Find the sample document for labor protection you need in Help system"Occupational Safety and Health". Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

Order No. 169n was adopted to replace the previous Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated July 22, 1969 No. 547 "On approval of a new range of medical kits."

Order on first-aid kits at the enterprise - sample

First of all, in order to equip the enterprise with these first aid equipment, it is necessary to issue an appropriate local order.

As the content is used up or expires, the responsible person must replenish the content. The expiration date is the sum of the expiration dates of the components indicated on the products themselves.

First-aid kits are stored at special sanitary posts, the creation of which is the responsibility of the employer (). Posts should be located in places of quick access for workers and be marked on the walls or doors - the sign "white cross on a green background" (). Their location should be indicated on the evacuation plan.

How many first aid kits should be in the organization

The quantity and completeness are established by the management of the organization together with a medical worker and an occupational safety specialist. There is no single quantity requirement. When determining it, one must proceed from the calculation - one unit for 40 people. Accurate information.

Register of first aid kit use (sample)

To record the use of first aid equipment in the enterprise, the responsible employee must keep an appropriate log. You can download the form of such a journal, developed by experts.

Hi all! Along the way, I decided to reveal the topic of first-aid kits for first aid to workers to the maximum. In this note, I will answer the questions: is it necessary to create an order to appoint a person responsible for the acquisition, storage of first-aid kits and replenishing them with medicines, whether it is necessary to train him, and what medicines and preparations should be included in the first-aid kit. In addition, I will conduct a kind of educational program on this topic. A BONUS to everything will be samples and examples of orders, etc.

In order to reveal the topic of first-aid kits, you should start from the basics - this is Labor Code of the Russian Federation and its 10 section" OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH" .

Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Sanitary and medical and preventive services for workers

Ensuring sanitary and household and medical and preventive services for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection is the responsibility of the employer. For these purposes, the employer, in accordance with established standards, equips sanitary facilities, rooms for eating, rooms for providing medical care, lounges in working time and psychological relief; created sanitary posts with first aid kits, equipped with a set of medicines and preparations for first aid; devices (devices) are installed to provide workers of hot shops and areas with carbonated salt water, and more.

Transportation to medical organizations or to the place of residence of employees affected by accidents at work and occupational diseases, as well as other medical indications produced by the employer's vehicles or at his expense.

Number of first aid kits in production may be defined local act employer, taking into account the number of employees and the nature of the work.

In this regard, the employer issues an order by which he appoints an employee responsible for the acquisition, storage, use of a first aid kit, approves the composition of the first-aid kit (in case the composition of the first-aid kit for employees according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the enterprise), indicates the place where the first-aid kit is stored, adopts the procedure for using and controlling the content of the first-aid kit. Wherein employer in accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code Russian Federation is obliged to train the employee appointed responsible for the storage and use of the first aid kit, providing first aid to victims at work. In addition, the organization has first aid kit usage log and also developed and approved first aid instructions.

Given the above, we believe that there is no need to introduce an additional position on the above issue to the staff of the organization.

Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision and Control over Compliance with Labor Legislation - T.M. Zhigastova

So, the picture of first-aid kits becomes more or less clear and understandable. By at least, at least someone gave some clarification on this issue, but it should be understood that this letter is a recommendation, and not mandatory requirement, because the letter contains “maybe ...” the employer can determine all of the above by a local act (order).

Again, there is Art. 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the issue of first-aid kits, in any case, must be worked out so that no one has any claims and problems.

Everything is clear about the composition of first-aid kits, they must be completed in accordance with Order No. 169n dated March 5, 2011 “On Approval of Requirements for Completing First Aid Kits with Medical Devices for Employees”.

The letter contains a dubious point that if the composition of the first-aid kit according to Order No. 169n objectively does not meet the requirements of the company, then the employer approves its composition. What composition?! What is permissible to use in excess of 169n ?! Unclear...

If someone does not know, then due to such misunderstandings, approximately next situation(based on true events):

Once the foreman saw his employee who fell ill and decided to give him a cold medicine (such as Teraflu or the like) from the first aid kit, the employee turned out to be heartbroken and he became ill, as a result - fatal outcome. In the end, a criminal case was brought against the head of the shop because he did not have the right to “treat”. In other words, the provision of medical care by a person who is not entitled to it.

A common situation when first-aid kits are full various medicines and drugs that are far beyond the list of Order No. 169n. And what is there just not: noshpy, teraflu, validol, etc. etc.

This happens because some individuals, without delving into the issue, want to treat their frequent problems with health, or simply think that by purchasing such medicines and preparations, they act for the benefit of the entire team ... but ... they are mistaken.

Another reason is that this whole issue has not been worked out, and therefore remains on its own accord.

Recommendations from the letter Federal Service they are quite literate in terms of work and employment, why not take advantage of them?! All that is required is create an order— who, what, where, when, how and organize related events.

To do this, we will need the following samples, examples and forms (choose to your taste and color):

From the aforementioned letter and order No. 477, one thing follows that the person providing first aid must have appropriate training and / or skill.

How can this person get such training?! Visible only in specialized training center where, after completing the training, he will receive an appropriate document and the right to provide first aid to the victims, as well as train employees in first aid.

Because internal first aid training is not regulated, it should be carried out at least in compliance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “Occupational safety standards system. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions”(the document is no longer valid - see information), i.e. create a commission of three persons trained to provide first aid in a specialized training center, conduct (conduct) training according to the recommendations specified in the Letter dated February 29, 2012 No. 14-8/10/2-1759 and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05/04/2012 No. 477, draw up the whole thing with the appropriate protocol from the above GOST. If, when conducting training, use special simulators(Gosh, Maxim, etc.), then there will be no price for such an event.

For those who are especially advanced, those who use devices with Android OS (Android), there is an application on Google Play First Aid (author - Ivan Plyusnin)

This is what I came up with, perhaps the most ideal option.

A less ideal and most common option looks exactly the same, only the commission consists of persons who have passed training in labor protection in the training center and having the appropriate certificates. It seems like there is a section on first aid for victims in the 40-hour occupational safety training program for managers and specialists - and that's enough.

Is it possible to identify such training with special training and/or first aid skills, unknown?! I personally think not.

It all depends on what situation the employer can and is willing to get into.

Is there some more interesting point- from the current regulatory legal acts, there are two opinions about whether the employer is obliged to provide first aid.

1. First opinion

The employer is obliged to immediately provide first aid to the injured as a result of an accident (paragraph 2 of article 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Obligations of the employer in case of an accident):

In case of accidents specified in Article 227 of this Code, the employer (his representative) is obliged to:
- immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;

For these purposes, each organization must have a first-aid kit (part 1 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the equipment of which is determined by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.03.2011 No. 169n.

If an employee is clearly seriously injured and needs urgent medical attention (part 1 of article 35 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ), it is recommended to call ambulance.

Important! The employer is obliged to transport the victim to the hospital on his own transport or at his own expense (part 2 of article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

TOTAL: the employer is obliged.


<*>In accordance with Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 48, Art. 6724) (hereinafter - the federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ) first aid before the provision of medical care, it is provided to citizens in case of accidents, injuries, poisoning and other conditions and diseases that threaten their life and health, persons who are obliged to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule and have appropriate training, including employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service, rescuers of emergency rescue units and emergency rescue services. In accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, drivers of vehicles and other persons have the right to provide first aid if they have the appropriate training and (or) skills.

1. Absence of consciousness.

2. Stopping breathing and circulation.

3. External bleeding.

4. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Injuries to various areas of the body.

6. Burns, exposure effects high temperatures, thermal radiation.

7. Frostbite and other effects of exposure low temperatures.

8. Poisoning.

TOTAL: the employer is not obliged.

Given the strength of the documents, then the Labor Code of the Russian Federation takes precedence. One way or another, the legislator has no truth in this matter.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

1. Teach first aid it is possible at least somehow (except for specialized training at the training center), but if an accident occurs at work, then only a properly trained employee who has the appropriate document has the right to provide first aid to the injured (victims). Otherwise, anyhow, as trained or without appropriate documents, it can become extreme and fall under the article of the Criminal Code. If an accident occurs at work, in which it will be possible to save the victim's life, but this does not happen due to the lack of trained persons officially and not officially, then the employer directly becomes the last one.

2. The first-aid kit must be and must be completed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n. If other medicines and preparations are additionally stored and used in it, then this can turn into an unpleasant story for someone who gave the wrong pill from this first-aid kit. Everything else that was set out in the Letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated November 7, 2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5 is advisory in nature.

3. Conclusions are up to you.

For what may be needed to provide first aid training within the organization, see the label - (video, etc.)

And finally, information on definitions, for literacy.

PP (first aid)– anyone who has the appropriate training and/or skills.

PMP (first aid)- in the presence of medical education(On the this moment the term is not used officially, it is considered obsolete, although it is often found in the literature.).

RAP (first first aid) - paramedic.

PVP (First Aid)- has the right 03, i.e. ambulance staff.

PVKvalP (first medical qualified help) doctors are specialists in medical institutions.

That's all.

To be continued...

The presence of a first aid kit in the above places is mandatory. The list of medical supplies depends on the purpose of the first aid kit.

First aid kit

The individual first aid container may contain various honey drugs. The first aid container must contain a certain minimum, which is established by law.

The contents of the first aid kit are necessary for first aid in case of critical situations, which can happen anywhere (on the way, in production.

The container of the first-aid kit must necessarily contain the following medical supplies:

  1. Gauze bandage (recommended amount - 3 packs). This material is used when applying bandages to stop bleeding and prevent infection.
  2. Gauze napkins. They are used when applying a bandage to a wound, stopping bleeding.
  3. Elastic bandage. It is necessary when applying fixing bandages used for dislocation, fracture, sprain.
  4. Harness. Designed to stop heavy bleeding (arterial, venous).
  5. Scissors. Designed for cutting bandages, clothing for burns, gauze.
  6. Cotton wool. It is used in the treatment of wounds, the formation of rollers for immobilization.
  7. Tweezers. A tool is used to remove ticks, splinters, foreign bodies from the surface of the wound, etc.
  8. Adhesive plaster. It is used when fixing dressings, closing small wounds, for fixing airtight dressings for penetrating wounds.
  9. Hypothermic packages. Used to apply cold various types injury.
  10. Gloves. Needed as a means of their own security. Used to provide first aid to a nearby person.
  11. Vial with antiseptic (brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide). Used to prevent wound infection.
  12. Potassium permanganate. It is necessary for the treatment of wounds, burn surfaces, gastric lavage in case of poisoning.
  13. Pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent(ointment, aerosol). Used in the treatment of burns.
  14. Ammonia. A necessary remedy for fainting victims.
  15. Antiseptic drops designed to treat the eyes when they are injured.
  16. Solution for oral rehydration. Applied with abundant fluid loss by the body due to poisoning, heat stroke).
  17. Activated carbon. Tablets alleviate the condition in case of poisoning, gastric infection.
  18. Painkillers, antipyretics (tablets). Most often used Analgin, Panadol, Aspirin, Nurofen.
  19. Antiallergic drug. It is desirable to have funds general action(Cetirizine, Loratadine), as well as local action(hydrocortisone ointment).
  20. Anti-inflammatory hormonal agent. Used for acute allergic reactions.
  21. Nitroglycerine. Used in case of acute heart failure.

A standard first aid kit contains the following medical supplies:

  • cotton wool;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • sterile gauze wipes;
  • scarf bandage;
  • gauze bandages;
  • safety pins;
  • elastic bandages;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors.

If necessary, you can put medicines, drugs that you personally use at the moment in the container. Also, do not put a large number of drugs in the first-aid kit, it is better to store them in a home first-aid kit.

The contents of the first aid container may vary depending on the planned event (hiking, recreation on the water, in the forest, cycling, etc.) It can be supplemented with remedies for burns, mosquito bites, arnica ointment for hematomas.

Your first aid kit should contain certain medicines. Injuries can occur at any time, so a frivolous attitude to the list of drugs contained in the first-aid kit is unacceptable. Any first aid kit should contain medicines that are used for first aid:

  1. Dressing materials (sterile bandage, non-sterile bandage, cotton wool, sterile gauze wipes, individual dressing bags, hemostatic tourniquet).
  2. Preparations for the treatment of wounds, burns (Glue BF, Iodine, Zelenka, Furacilin, Potassium permanganate, Ethyl alcohol, Panthenol, Hydrogen peroxide).
  3. Medicines intended for oral administration (Analgin, heart medicines, Aspirin, Mukaltin, Mezim, Activated charcoal, Ingalipt, Almagel).
  4. Various medical products (thermometer, heating pad, pipettes, mustard plasters, measuring cup, douche).

This list of medical preparations, medicines is incomplete, although it seems too long. The name of the drugs may change if there are children in the house.

The first aid container should be periodically reviewed, and expired medicines should be removed. It is necessary to monitor the expiration date of medicines for personal safety in order to avoid poisoning.

First aid kit rules

It is very important not only to fill home first aid kit necessary medical supplies, drugs, but also to know how to properly maintain a home first aid kit.

It is necessary to determine the place of storage of the first-aid kit. To do this, select a place that will be inaccessible to children, at the same time easily accessible to adult family members. Many drugs can cause poisoning even in adults or cause death.

How should medicines be stored at home. For storage, you should choose a box, container, box, in which all the necessary drugs can conveniently fit. You can also buy a ready-made standard kit at a pharmacy. The advantage of the ready-made kit is that it is compact, all medicines are in a prominent place.

It is also possible to store medicines in several boxes. They will contain separately tablets, medicines in ampoules, vials, vials, syringes, dressings.

Hello, friends! What do you do if suddenly, while at home, you feel a sharp headache? We are sure that you will not endure it, but will quickly reach for a box or medicine box to take a pill and return to normal health.

It is unlikely that there will be a family or an individual who does not have a first aid kit in the house. The notorious validol for normal operation hearts or antihistamine so that allergies do not take by surprise - how can we do without them today ?!

A separate conversation about injuries, cuts, abrasions. Did your child try to peel a potato for the first time and cut his finger? This scenario is familiar to everyone. As, however, and priority measures of assistance: hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green with iodine, cotton wool, bandage - in every family there is this mandatory medical kit.

Trouble can happen anywhere

But, in fact, why are we talking only about the house? The fact that in the home first aid kit there is everything you need - from the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections to the reduction of pressure - is understandable. But trouble can happen to us anywhere - in the office, school, restaurant, at work. And then what? Who, how, and most importantly - with what - will provide assistance?

Who and how is a separate question. It is known that today in schools children are taught to provide first aid. Especially adults! For the most part, they have at least elementary skills - they can treat and bandage a wound, etc. But on the topic - with what means to provide assistance - we will talk.

What is written in pen.

First, a little about regulatory documents. Workers' rights to normal conditions labor, sanitary and medical provision are regulated Labor Code. But if we define the problem more narrowly and focus specifically on first aid (before the arrival of medical workers), then we should talk about the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development under the number 169n.

This document came into effect on January 1, 2012. Its essence is the requirement to have a first aid kit for workers at work, in the office and other institutions. In addition to the requirement, the order describes in detail which set of medical devices should be in the first aid kit.

Why canceled validol?

We note right away that this order does not provide for the availability of medicines in the pharmacy. Only a doctor can prescribe their use, and only institutions, enterprises or entrepreneurs licensed for this activity can store them.

Let's be honest, this point causes controversy among medical professionals. According to some, improper storage of drugs, as well as their erroneous use, can lead to trouble. However, others believe that Corvalol, no-shpa or Activated carbon never harmed anyone before. However, according to the said order, medicines are excluded from the first-aid kit.

We announce the complete list

And what is included in the composition, what is the list of first aid kit medicines? - a reasonable question arises. The order contains a clear list of these funds. First of all, these are dressings - gauze sterile and non-sterile bandages different sizes and in different quantities, napkins, a dressing bag. This also includes bactericidal and rolled adhesive plasters, also of different sizes.

This category also includes a tourniquet to stop bleeding. Despite the fact that you must be able to use a tourniquet, otherwise you can harm a person, this medical device must be present in the first aid kit. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that all the named funds must comply with GOST, as stated in the order. A list of GOSTs is also given in it.

In addition to hemostatic and dressings, the first-aid kit includes products to help with heart problems. This is a device with which you can make artificial respiration or a mask for ventilation of the lungs corresponding to GOST. Includes other products medical purpose or other means.

The latter, let's say right away, include such items as an automatic pen, a notebook, safety pins, a bag, etc. So, for example, a notebook and a pen are needed to record the exact time when the tourniquet was applied. This information will be required by medical professionals for further action.

In addition to all of the above, the first-aid kit includes medical masks, gloves, and scissors. There must be a rescue thermal cover. That, in fact, is all. The list of medicines is unified - this is suitable for offices, and for production, and for a cafe or restaurant.

We expand the list, store, respond

As for production, this list can be expanded. In particular, for printing or metalworking enterprises there are SanPins that expand the list of necessary funds. Additionally, validol, analgin, baking soda, etc. can be used in different industries.

The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development we mentioned is aimed at labor protection. Each institution, organization, enterprise should have persons responsible for this area of ​​work. As a rule, the leadership of the order secures such a person to be responsible. His responsibilities include completing the first aid kit.

In order to comply with all requirements, it is necessary not only to have a first-aid kit, but also to follow the storage rules, as well as to replace funds from the list on time at the end of the validity period. If some of them have already run out, the first-aid kit needs to be replenished - all the necessary medical and other means should be included.

Who gets fined?

Of course, opinions on how such a first aid kit satisfies needs may be different. However, the fact that it must be in all institutions is good. Managers should know that at any time the presence of a first-aid kit, its completeness, and storage conditions can be checked.

Code of administrative offenses there is a penalty for not having a first aid kit. You can be punished in the amount of one to five thousand rubles. If a legal entity falls under punishment, then the fines will be much higher, and even the activities of the organization may be suspended. Is it worth bringing this up? It will be easier and more correct to purchase a first aid kit.

We hope that our article today has helped you understand what a first aid kit should be like and what its absence is fraught with. You can express your opinion on the topic on our website. Go to it, leave comments, share own experience and opinion. We will be glad!

First aid kit for workers (bag)

  • Price: 1 155 rub.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the requirements for completing first-aid kits with medical products for providing first aid to employees” No. 169n dated 05.03.2011, a first-aid kit for providing first aid to employees should be at every workplace. It has been adopted for equipping departments of organizations, enterprises and institutions since January 01, 2012.

Available in four versions:

  • in a plastic case;
  • plastic cabinet;
  • metal cabinet;
  • in a bag.

All versions are available from our company.

The first aid kit for workers in a bag is a portable version of the first aid kit for enterprises, which is used in cases where it is not possible to organize a stationary help point. It includes all the necessary medicines and equipment.

The composition of the first aid kit for workers was developed in accordance with modern scientific approach, so that you can safely and effectively take the necessary measures to eliminate a life-threatening condition before the arrival of an ambulance. Medicines are excluded from first aid kits.

The composition of the first aid kit must necessarily include a rescue double-sided isothermal blanket and a device with which artificial respiration is performed "mouth - device - mouth" (it can also be a pocket mask for artificial ventilation lungs).

To temporarily stop external bleeding and dress wounds, first-aid kits for workers should be equipped with tourniquets, dressing bags and bandages (sterile and non-sterile), as well as antiseptic wipes, medical gloves and scissors. Also in the first aid kit must be a fountain pen and a notepad, pins, adhesive tape and a first aid manual.

Rules for using the first-aid kit for employees:

  • it is impossible to replace medical products that are part of the first-aid kit;
  • it must be replenished as medical devices are used (or their expiration date expires);
  • in the first aid kit there should be recommendations with pictograms depicting correct use products.

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First aid kit its contents and rules for the use of medicines

It is very difficult for an unprepared person to understand the variety of medicines that are heavily advertised today, sold in pharmacies and indicated in numerous reference books. In any case, when choosing medicines for your first aid kit, you need to take into account the following factors: medicines should be classified as so-called “emergency” drugs, that is, they should be designed for treatment acute diseases and damage. Their availability is also important (availability in pharmacies, the possibility of purchasing without a prescription). Preference should be given to those drugs with which you have already dealt with in one way or another. Unfortunately, advertising does not always accurately inform us about the properties of the drug, exaggerating the expected effect and silent about side effects and contraindications. It must be remembered that in some cases, an incorrectly prescribed medicine can cause more harm than the disease itself.

Of course, the specific set of medicines in the first-aid kit depends on the duration of the route, the travel area, the time of year, and a number of other factors.

In the event that there is a doctor in the group who knows how to perform intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, it makes sense to include drugs in the form of injection solutions in the first-aid kit. It must be remembered that when injection drugs, its effect comes faster and may be stronger than in the case of taking pills.

On a difficult and long journey, each participant must have a personal first aid kit, which includes the simplest first aid equipment.

Calculation of the amount of medicines

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of a common intestinal infection, which often occurs during the journey to the beginning of the route (trains, station buffets, etc.). Particularly unfavorable epidemiological

the situation in the southern regions (Caucasus, middle Asia). In this regard, the number of drugs from the section "Drugs used in diseases of the stomach and intestines" is taken in an increased amount.

When using drugs on the route, it is necessary to replenish their supply as soon as possible. If the pharmacy does not have the medicines you need, replace them with similar ones by consulting the pharmacy pharmacist.

First aid kit packaging

- rigidity. The first-aid kit should have packaging that retains its shape and protects the contents from deformation when carried in a backpack and out of it. In this regard, perhaps the most convenient are plastic tool boxes sold in hardware stores. They are in many ways similar to professional styling used by ambulance teams and rescue teams. When choosing a specific type of installation, you need to pay attention to the reliability of the locks and the connection of the box with the lid.

- sealing. Even if it gets into the water, the first-aid kit must remain airtight. Many medicines become unusable when in contact with water.

- shock absorption. It is recommended to make shock-absorbing pads inside the packaging of the entire first aid kit and individual blocks of medicines. The check method is simple - in the first-aid kit, dropped in a backpack on a hard surface from a height of several meters, nothing should break

- inscriptions on medicines. For ease of use of medicines, all inscriptions on them in case of glass insulation, using home-made packages must be restored. The name of the medicine, concentration (if necessary), expiration date should be indicated. For example: "hydrogen peroxide 3%, good up to X.99."

- a list with recommendations. Inside the first-aid kit, in case it is used by a person who does not have sufficient knowledge, a list of medicines with indications for use, dosage and contraindications should be enclosed.

- weight reduction. Give preference to light packages of medicines. The heaviest and most inconvenient packaging is glass. Try to keep it to a minimum.

— glass insulation. If the first-aid kit still contains medicines in glass packaging, they must be pasted over with adhesive tape (this does not apply only to ampoules). This creates some cushioning, and if the glass breaks, then the fragments for the most part will remain on the patch.

- easy to carry outside the backpack. In some situations, it may be necessary to carry the first aid kit separately from the backpack. In this case, it must be equipped with a strap or handles for transportation. It is best to pack it in a small backpack.

— bright labeling of the package. By appearance a first aid kit should be easily distinguished from, say, a repair kit. The traditional designation is a red cross on the package (on its upper side).

For ease of use and carrying of the first-aid kit, its "block" laying is offered. All available medicines are divided into 2 parts: first aid kit emergency assistance and everything else. The first group includes those drugs that are used in emergency situations requiring immediate response. This part of the first aid kit is stored in an easily accessible place and in an emergency

situations should be retrieved in seconds. It is assumed that its composition is reasonably minimal. A common mistake is to put the entire ampoule first-aid kit here, the entire dressing, etc. In this case, it would be reasonable to confine ourselves to cases of emergency stop of bleeding, initiation of treatment heart attack, fainting. Of course, in accordance with the views of each individual physician, these provisions can be adjusted.

In the main first-aid kit, it is advisable to combine medicines of the same group into blocks, which will greatly facilitate their search. In this sense, the tool boxes mentioned earlier are convenient in that they are divided into sections, into which it is convenient to arrange medicines.

In all cases, it is forbidden to use drugs that have expired, with unreadable inscriptions on the packaging or no packaging at all!

Individual first aid kit

Non-sterile bandage - 1 pc.

Bactericidal plaster - 2-3 pcs.

Analgin or Citramon - 10 tab.

Lipstick hygienic - 1 pc.

Skin cream — 1 pc.

Also, an individual first-aid kit may include medicines that, for one reason or another, are taken by a person during a trip. The group leader must be informed about the intake of these drugs.

First aid kit and rules for its use. 6th grade

Presentations for the lesson

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

  • to study the purpose and composition of the group and individual first-aid kit;
  • to teach to apply the skills of using medical means;
  • cultivate a competent attitude towards your health;

Equipment: computer, media projector, presentation.

I. Organizational moment.

Acquaintance with the topic, objectives of the lesson

III. Exploring a new topic.

Going on a hike, we must take with you the most necessary things that you always need to have on a hike. Which? (students list, the teacher writes on the board)

Question: Guys, what do you think a first aid kit is? (Slide 1).

A first aid kit is a set of tools designed to provide first aid, mainly self-help and mutual assistance. There are several types of first aid kits, completed according to the conditions where they will be used: (display of first aid kits)

- astronaut first aid kit, motorist first aid kit, tourist first aid kit.
- individual first aid kit.
- first aid kit for mother and child,
- first aid kit.

We always go hiking and we know that we are not immune from accidental injuries, illnesses, and ailments. And you and I have to rely on our own strength. Therefore, a travel first aid kit is mandatory component group equipment hiking trip. If you and I correctly assemble a first-aid kit, then it will provide us with invaluable assistance.

An important feature of the first-aid kit is that it is completed mainly with medicines designed for the treatment of acute diseases and traumatic injuries.

Let's consider the requirements for the packaging of the first-aid kit as a whole and for individual medicines. You have first-aid kits on your tables, let's look at them:

- Inscriptions on medicines. For ease of use of medicines, all inscriptions on them in case of glass insulation, using home-made packages must be restored. The name of the medicine, concentration (if necessary), expiration date should be indicated. For example: hydrogen peroxide 3%, expiry date X. 2012. (Slide 2).
Relief of weight. Give preference to light packages of medicines. The heaviest and most inconvenient packaging is glass. (Slide 3).
Glass insulation. If the first-aid kit still contains medicines in glass packaging, they must be pasted over with adhesive tape. This creates some cushioning, and if the glass breaks, then the fragments will mostly remain on the patch. (Slide 4).list of recommendations. Inside the first-aid kit, in case it is used by a person who does not have sufficient knowledge, a list of medicines with indications for use, dosage and contraindications should be enclosed.
Bright packaging markings. In appearance, the first-aid kit should be easily distinguished. The traditional designation is a red cross on the package (on its upper side)
rigidity. The first-aid kit should have packaging that retains its shape and protects the contents from deformation when carried in a backpack and out of it.
sealing. Even if it gets into the water, the first-aid kit must remain airtight. Many medicines become unusable when in contact with water.
shock absorption. It is recommended to make shock-absorbing pads inside the packaging of the entire first aid kit and individual blocks of medicines.
- In the main first-aid kit, it is advisable to combine medicines of the same group into blocks, which will greatly facilitate their search.

Guys, we have considered the requirements for a group first aid kit.

Question: What can be included in a group first aid kit? (Student answers.)

Assignments: Now we will collect a group first-aid kit. (One student collects a first-aid kit. We collect a first-aid kit with an explanation. Slides 9-25).

First aid kits for employees of the organization: requirements for packaging by order 169n

The employer is obliged, in accordance with Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to provide sanitary and household and medical and preventive services to employees, including the creation of sanitary posts with first aid kits.

Despite all precautions, unfortunately, sad situations occur. First medical aid to workers injured at work is one of the main elements of labor protection in any organization. Hazardous industries have their own rules and requirements for sanitary posts and first aid kits.

Starting from January 01, 2012, first aid kits must comply with the requirements approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 05, 2011 No. 169n “On Approval of the Requirements for Completing First Aid Kits with Medical Products for Providing First Aid to Employees” (hereinafter - Order No. 169n).

Any organization, regardless of its legal form and areas of activity, must have a first aid kit.

Who acquires, is responsible for maintaining and stores the first aid kit?

By order of the organization, it is necessary to appoint an employee who will purchase, store the first-aid kit and be responsible for its contents. These functions can be assigned to an employee of the organization who has been trained in providing first aid to victims at work.

Person responsible for the first aid kit:

  • draws up applications for the purchase of medical devices;
  • replenishes its contents in a timely manner (as it is used) (note 1-2 to Order No. 169n);
  • maintains a log of the use of medical devices (letter of Rostrud “On the establishment of sanitary posts with first-aid kits in the organization” dated 07.11.2012 No. PG / 8351-3-5.)

Checking the completeness of the first-aid kit is carried out at the first stage of administrative and public control: the head of the unit and the authorized representative for labor protection of the trade union organization (the authorized representative for labor protection of the labor collective).

The question of the frequency of checking the completeness of the first-aid kit can be settled in the local normative act organization, for example, in the order to ensure the completion of first-aid kits for providing first aid to employees or the regulation on administrative and public control.

What should be included in a first aid kit?

The first aid kit should include:

  • medical products for temporary stopping of external bleeding and wound dressing (for example, hemostatic tourniquet, sterile and non-sterile bandages, individual dressing bag with a sealed sheath, adhesive plasters);
  • device for cardiopulmonary resuscitation(device for carrying out artificial respiration"Mouth-Device-Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth-mask";
  • other medical products (isothermal blanket, medical gloves, etc.);
  • other means (for example, a tear-off notebook, a fountain pen, five antiseptic sterile alcohol wipes).

At the same time, the mandatory components of the first-aid kit cannot be replaced by other products.

A thoughtless attitude to any medicine is dangerous. The use of any medication can lead to tragedy. For example, nitroglycerin is the strongest remedy, the wrong dosage can kill a person. Boric acid, which is in almost every home first aid kit - the strongest poison. Even the use of harmless iodine or brilliant green can cause serious trouble.

Turn on medications in the composition of the first aid kit is prohibited and the State Inspectorate checks the contents of the first aid kits during inspections. For this violation of the law, the employer may incur administrative liability (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Storage space for first aid kit

The employer, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to create sanitary posts with first aid kits and indicate them on the evacuation plan. Sanitary posts are located at such a distance that workers, if necessary, can quickly access them.

At the sanitary posts where first-aid kits are stored, it is necessary to place a first-aid kit sign - a white cross on a green background (Table I2 GOST R 12.4.026-2001).

Recall that with the payroll number of employees at the enterprise from 50 to 300 people, it is necessary to have medical center. If in an organization payroll employing more than 300 people, feldsher health centers should be provided (clause 5.27 of the Code of Rules SP 44.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.09.04-87. Administrative and amenity buildings").

How many first aid kits should be in the organization?

The number of first-aid kits in the organization is established by its head together with a medical worker and (or) an occupational safety specialist.

There is no single requirement for the number of first-aid kits in an organization - each employer must have at least one first-aid kit. The exact information on the number of first aid kits for some organizations is given in industry regulations:

  • At each workplace of the marshalling yard(Clause 4.6.4 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight transportation on railway transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Chief State sanitary doctor Russia March 24, 2003; Sanitary rules for the organization of freight traffic in railway transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia dated April 4, 2003 No. 32)
  • On every bulldozer(Clause 2.5 of the Standard Instruction on Labor Protection for Drivers of Electric Forklifts, Forklifts, Bucket Loaders and Bulldozer Drivers, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 25, 2002)
  • In every laboratory(Clause 11.1.2 of the Temporary recommendations (rules) on labor protection when working in laboratories (departments, departments) of sanitary and epidemiological institutions of the system of the Ministry of Health of Russia, approved by the chief physician of the Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, Chairman of the Laboratory Council of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service Russia April 11, 2002)
  • On racks where tanks are handled, as well as in the operator's room(Clause 7.5.8 of the Sanitary Rules for the organization of freight traffic in railway transport SP 2.5.1250-03, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on March 24, 2003)
  • In all areas and in domestic premises(Clause 13.5 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations " Hygiene requirements to manufacturing companies building materials and designs. SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on June 11, 2003)
  • At each site, in shops, workshops, as well as at the main mining and transport units and in sanitary facilities (Clause 563 of the Safety Rules for the development of coal deposits by open pit, approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated May 30, 2003 No. 45)
  • In paint shops(Clause 7.12 of the Sanitary Rules for painting work using manual sprayers, approved by the Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR on September 22, 1972 No. 991-72).
  • In each workshop and at each separate production site(Clause 13.1.15 POT RO 14000-005-98 “Regulations. Work with heightened danger. Organization of the event, approved by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Economics of the Ministry of Economy of Russia on February 19, 1998)
  • AT vehicles when transporting pesticides(Clause 586 of the Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 2, 2015 No. 835n).

Responsibility for the lack of a first aid kit

In the absence of a first aid kit, a administrative responsibility in accordance with Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and provides for the imposition of the following fines:

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It is necessary to provide two departments in the first-aid kit - one will store everything necessary for the day of first aid, dressings and hemostatic agents, and the other - the actual medicines. In addition, it is also desirable to have a separate box for storing medical instruments.

First aid items

In the first section of the first-aid kit, it is advisable to store the following items for first aid:

  • Bandage: sterile - narrow and wide - and non-sterile (remember that sterile items also have their own expiration date!).
  • Cotton wool: sterile and non-sterile.
  • Gauze wipes: sterile and non-sterile.
  • Adhesive plaster (regular and bactericidal).
  • Thermometer (be sure to store in a case!).
  • Pipettes (for various purposes - for the nose, eyes, ears).
  • Enemas (small and large).
  • Measuring cups.
  • hemostatic tourniquet,
  • Thin rubber gloves, fingertips.
  • Tweezers, scissors.,
  • Oilcloth and wax paper.
  • Individual inhaler
  • Warmer

Also, if you suffer from any chronic diseases, you should have some additional medical devices at home, every hypertensive patient should have a device for measuring blood pressure, and the patient bronchial asthma- peak flowmeter for measuring peak expiratory flow rate.

Medications in your home medicine cabinet

In the second section of the home first aid kit, you need to place a certain set of medicines, which, if necessary, can be used without a doctor's prescription or to provide medical care before he arrives. It should be laid out on different shelves of the first-aid kit or in different boxes drugs for external use and for oral administration. Separately store liquid dosage forms(after laying a piece of oilcloth or plastic film under the vials or jars in case the drug leaks), solid ones, as well as ointments and liniments. Below is sample list preparations of the second department of the first-aid kit:

  • Zelenka, or Brilliant Green Solution - is used externally in the treatment of minor skin lesions. 1% or 2% alcohol or aqueous solution.
  • Iodine, or Iodine tincture - is used externally as an antiseptic for inflammatory and other skin diseases, as well as a distraction for neuralgia. 5% alcohol solution.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - solution is used in the treatment of infected and dirty wounds, cuts, scratches. 3% solution.
  • Potassium permanganate, or Potassium permanganate - aqueous solutions are used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, lubricating ulcers and burns, for douching in gynecology and urology, as well as for washing the stomach in case of poisoning. Crystals for the preparation of an aqueous solution.
  • Furacilin - an aqueous solution - externally for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes and the treatment of bedsores, ulcers and burns: with festering wounds, bedsores and ulcers, II and III degree burns are irrigated with an aqueous solution of furacilin and applied wet dressings, for gargling use an aqueous solution of furacilin, prepared from tablets (dissolving 1 tablet in 100 ml of water). Tablets for the preparation of an aqueous solution, 20 mg.
  • Ammonia or Ammonia solution - used as an ambulance to remove from fainting(by inhalation of ammonia vapors). Inside - as a sobering agent for intoxication: 5-6 drops per glass of water. 10% solution.
  • Remedies for the common cold: Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Pinosol, Sinupret - nasal drops for instillation into the nose with a runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis to facilitate nasal breathing.
  • Painkillers: Analgin, Baralgin, Pentalgin, Spazmalgon, Citramon, Movalis - tablets for oral administration for pain of various origins: dental, headache, menstrual, radiculitis, etc. These drugs relieve pain only for a while. If the pain does not go away, consult a doctor.
  • Enzyme preparations: Mezim, Festal, Panzinorm - tablets for oral administration with errors in nutrition, intake a large number oily fried food, to improve digestion and get rid of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Activated charcoal, Karbolen, Polypefan - tablets for oral administration for poisoning (including food poisoning), for digestive disorders.
  • Heart remedies and sedatives: Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, Corvaldin, Valerian tincture, Motherwort tincture - drops in vials, tablets for pain in the heart, with increased excitability, sleep disturbance, anxiety.
  • Antiallergic drugs: Claritin, Diazolin, Fenkarol, Tavegil, Dimedrol - tablets for oral administration, syrup for allergies to certain food products, on the household chemicals, insect bites, and allergic rhinitis etc.

For the convenience of using the drugs that are stored in your medicine cabinet, it is also recommended to draw up a list of them on a separate sheet with an indication of the expiration date.

Several varieties of herbs should also be added to the home first-aid kit, the decoctions of which have healing properties: chamomile, string, buckthorn and oak bark, valerian root, sage. The rest of the medicines you will get if necessary on the advice and prescription of a doctor.

Home first aid kit for a child

First aid kit for mom and baby should take into account the possibility of quick first aid for the child and should contain:

  1. Potassium permanganate, 3 g, 1 pack.
  2. Brilliant green solution 1%, 10 ml, 1 vial.
  3. Baby powder (talc), 25 g, 1 pack.
  4. Vaseline oil, 25 ml, 1 bottle.
  5. Cream for children, 35 g, 1 pack.
  6. Medical cotton wool, 50 g
  7. Non-sterile gauze bandage, 5 m × 10 cm, 1 pc.
  8. Sterile wipes 5×5 cm, 1 pack.
  9. Bactericidal adhesive plaster, 3.8×3.8 cm or 4×10 cm, 1 pc.
  10. Bactericidal adhesive plaster, 2.3×7.2 cm or 2×5 cm, 1 pc.
  11. Polyethylene film, 0.7×0.5 cm.
  12. Soft tip syringe, 1 pc.
  13. Hydrogen peroxide solution 3%, 1 vial.
  14. Eye pipettes, 2 pcs.
  15. Baby soap, 1 pc.
  16. Liquid glass thermometer, 1 pc.
  17. Medical thermometer, 1 pc.
  18. Measuring cups, 2 pcs.