How to make a compress on the ear correctly: what you need to know when treating children, features of applying dry and wet bandages. How long to hold and how to make a compress on the ear of a child or adult. Is it possible to make a compress on the ear?

Treatment of diseases with compresses is common in medicine. Bandages with a certain substance can be used both to protect tissues and as a local physiotherapeutic procedure. For example, a compress on the ear is often used to treat a disease such as otitis media. This method was effective a hundred years ago, but even now it is actively used to treat otitis media at home.

Is it possible to apply a compress for otitis media and ear pain?

If you have an earache, then most likely it has started inflammatory process. Properly selected products help relieve inflammation medications. They will also relieve otitis media in the child. In adults, you can use compresses on the ear for moderate, acute, chronic stage. This method not only helps treat the disease, but also relieves severe pain. Compresses are: hot;

  • warming;
  • wet;
  • cold.

You can also use lotions in children, but only on the recommendation of a doctor, so when a child complains of ear pain, he must first be shown to a specialist. Everyone should know the contraindications to using a compress on the ear. You cannot apply a warming bandage:

  • during the purulent phase of the disease;
  • at high temperature;
  • for dermatitis, wounds, lichen and rashes;
  • in case of violation skin in the ear area;
  • babies under 1 year.

How to make a warm compress

An otolaryngologist, if you have a shooting in your ear, may prescribe a warm compress. It will help insulate the sore area and improve blood flow. For this type of dressing you will need:

  • cotton soft fabric(gauze);
  • small piece wax paper or oilcloth;
  • thick layer of cotton wool;
  • strip of fabric or wide bandage;
  • a scarf or handkerchief made of natural materials to fix the compress.

Creation method:

  1. The gauze must be rolled several times (6 layers) so that it matches the size of the ear.
  2. Next, make a hole in the folded gauze through which the ear should pass.
  3. We saturate the resulting product with an alcohol-containing solution (1 part water and 1 part alcohol). Squeeze lightly.
  4. We place the moistened cloth behind the ear (it should fit tightly to the skin area).
  5. We make a hole in the oilcloth, similar to the one in the gauze, and cover the ear.
  6. The ear should remain open, and the bandage itself should be placed around it.
  7. We put a layer of cotton wool on top of the oilcloth and secure it with a bandage or scarf.
  8. The bandage should be kept on for up to four hours.

Alcohol and semi-alcohol

An alcohol bandage will help cure otitis media. Vodka compress is the most popular folk remedy. For the bandage you will need: a gauze napkin, a piece of cellophane, a layer of cotton wool, a scarf or a bandage. You also need to purchase the active main ingredient - vodka (approximately 50 ml). You can add different types of vodka compress essential oils(camphor, juniper) or herbal decoctions, but provided that you are not allergic to them.

Creation method:

  1. The gauze must be rolled several times.
  2. Next, cut a hole that matches the shape of the ear.
  3. Warm up the vodka a little. Then soak a napkin in it and wring it out.
  4. We place the fabric around the ear so that it fits tightly to the skin.
  5. We put cellophane on top, in which we make a slot under the ear in advance.
  6. Cover the entire compress with cotton wool and wrap it with a bandage.
  7. The child can additionally wear a hat.
  8. The compress with vodka should be worn for no more than 4 hours.
  9. Instead of vodka, you can use alcohol diluted by half.

With dimexide

Treatment of otitis media is carried out using Dimexide. This medicine has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and warming effects. It can relieve pain well. Procedure:

  1. For a compress, moisten a gauze pad in Dimexide solution, squeeze it slightly so that the medicine does not drip from it and apply it to the sore spot.
  2. Place plastic film on top of the napkin, followed by a layer of cotton wool.
  3. Everything must be secured with a bandage or scarf.
  4. This bandage is applied once a day for 20 minutes. You can't put it on for a long time to avoid skin burns.

With boric acid

To treat otitis media, boric acid (boric alcohol) is often used, which is an excellent antiseptic. In the off-season for colds, this is relevant baby remedy. For a compress with such a substance, you should take the constituent elements in equal parts. Prepare water, vodka and boric alcohol (20 ml each). Before placing a warming lotion on your child's ear, you need to do a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of solution to the elbow. If there are no reactions within 30 minutes, the product can be used. Procedure:

  1. You need to take a piece of thin fabric and make a cut in the center. Several pieces of these are needed.
  2. Apply a dry first layer to prevent burns, then wet the second layer in a heated solution boric acid and put it on the first one. It should be noted that the solution will have a slightly pungent odor.
  3. Next, cover the fabric with polyethylene and put a layer of cotton wool on top.
  4. Secure the compress with a bandage or scarf.
  5. The fabric should be soaked in boric acid every half hour; the compress holds for 2 hours, as a rule.

Ear compress with propolis

If you often have ear pain, here's what you can do to help you cope with the disease: folk remedies: propolis tincture, honey. This solution has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it helps fight ear infections, removes bad smell. If otitis occurs, cotton swabs should be soaked in clean propolis tincture and, twisting them, left in the ears for about 12 hours. During pregnancy, propolis tincture helps a woman quick help: you just need to first dilute the product with water (1:1). You can add any oil base to the tincture.

Video: what to do if your child has an earache

Almost all parents sooner or later encounter the problem of ear disease in children, but not everyone knows how to help the child in this case, relieve pain, improve general state and at the same time do no harm.

One of the long-standing methods of treating otitis in children is alcohol compresses; how to correctly carry out such a procedure and thereby contribute to speedy recovery, we suggest you figure it out below.

Otitis is enough frequent illness ears in preschool children and school age. The most common cause of this disease is:

  • viral infection;
  • poor personal hygiene;
  • hypothermia.

Ear structure

As you know, the human ear consists of three parts - outer, inner and middle.

In this case, the outer ear includes:

  • external auditory canal
  • eardrum
  • auricle

Inner ear:

  • contains the bones of the sound conducting system
  • organ of hearing
  • organ of balance

Middle ear:

  • Eustachian canal between inner ear and throat.

The last section in children has structural features; it is shorter and wider than in adults; it is this feature that is often the cause of many ear diseases.

As a rule, middle ear inflammation in children can be caused by:

  • untreated runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • untreated caries;
  • ARVI;
  • other diseases of a viral and bacterial nature.

Pain from inflammation of the middle ear usually worries children very much, and during the day the pain can be tolerable, but by night the situation worsens, which makes the patient especially restless.

The child sleeps poorly, complains or cries. However, similar concerns can arise with other diseases.

You can check whether your baby’s ear actually hurts by gently pressing on the tragus of the auricle, if this is observed. negative reaction child, you should immediately consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate.

You should know that inflammation of the middle ear can be:

  • isolated;
  • combined;
  • catarrhal;
  • purulent.

Moreover, each form of otitis has its own treatment formula, which can only be determined by a doctor after full examination patient and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Quite often as complementary therapy, the doctor may prescribe special warming compresses for the ear.

It is important to know that such procedures should be carried out only if the patient does not have elevated temperature body, and also after consultation with a doctor, otherwise such an initiative may result in the most unpredictable and irreversible consequences.

As noted above, one of the aid apply a compress to the ear. As a rule, for such a disease, warming moist therapy is prescribed. alcohol compress.

A wet compress is a kind of gauze bandage, consisting of several layers, moistened with warm alcohol.

This alcohol compress on the ear is designed to activate local blood circulation by dilating blood vessels, relieving swelling and pain.

A compress on the child’s ear may be the method of choice for middle ear disease, but, like any remedy it has contraindications.

Application of a compress is contraindicated:

  • if there is purulent otitis media;
  • for diseases of the inner ear;
  • if the skin around the ear is damaged;
  • if there is swelling or swelling in or around the ear;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pustules in the outer ear area.

It should be remembered that a warm compress cannot be applied in acute period inflammation, as it can worsen symptoms and cause complications. It can be done only three days after the temperature normalizes or two days after the injury.

In addition, it is important to know that an alcohol warming compress on the ear is not recommended for children under four years of age.

Applying a compress

Well, now directly about how to make a compress on the ear. First you need to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • gauze or natural cotton fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol solution or vodka;
  • a piece of plastic bag or wax paper.

Most often, a prepared alcohol-containing solution is used for an alcohol compress. Pure 96% or 70% alcohol for similar procedures absolutely not suitable.

Best used as a compress:

  • medical alcohol, diluted in a 1:1 ratio;
  • boric alcohol;
  • levomecithin alcohol;
  • camphor alcohol;
  • vodka.

Before making an alcohol compress on the ear, the child needs to be prepared, calmed down, explained what exactly you will do, carefully clean the external auditory canal from wax and lubricate the skin around the auricle with baby cream or Vaseline.

Below we describe in detail how to make a compress on the ear from vodka or another alcohol-containing substance.

  1. You need to take a gauze napkin, a piece of soft natural fabric, cotton fabric - chintz, calico, or flannel - will do.
  2. Gauze or fabric should be folded several times and an area large enough for the passage of the auricle should be cut out in the center.
  3. Next, you need to moisten the prepared compress base in a diluted warm, but not hot, alcohol-containing substance or vodka (the strength of the solution should be about 40 degrees).
  4. Then squeeze it out a little and carefully apply it to the ear area, while the auricle itself must be brought out through the previously made slot.
  5. Then you should put a plastic blank on top, the shape completely matching the base of the compress and cover it with dry gauze or cloth.
  6. To insulate the next layer, all that remains is to apply cotton wool folded in several layers and secure everything with a children's thick hat, scarf or bandage.

For similar compresses in medical practice exists important rule- each top layer must completely overlap the underlying one. This is necessary to retain heat with the compress.

Anyone who has experienced otitis media knows how painful it is Ear ache, and how difficult the treatment is. The ear can become inflamed after the slightest hypothermia, suffered colds, as well as getting into the auricle dirty water. This is why the disease is often called “swimmer’s ear.” Young children are especially susceptible to ear pain. To somehow relieve the pain, the first thing that comes to mind is to make a warm compress for the ear at home.

Indications and contraindications

Warming improves blood flow to the painful area, as a result of which swelling decreases and pain goes away. However, few people think about how dangerous self-medication can be.

As a primary or additional therapy, an ear compress at home is recommended for:

  • Otitis externa, when the tissues of the auricle and external ear canal, including the eardrum.
  • Acute otitis media, when the tissues of the middle ear are inflamed. The middle ear is the cavity between the eardrum and the inner ear.
  • Chronic otitis media of the middle ear beyond the acute stage. When the disease worsens, the integrity of the eardrum. As a result, hearing is impaired from the ear long time pus leaks out.
  • Otitis interna – inflammation of the inner ear (cochlea). This is very serious illness, which, fortunately, does not occur often. In most cases, it is a consequence of acute or chronic otitis media, trauma or severe infectious disease, for example, tuberculosis. At internal otitis You can only apply dry warming ear compresses to your ears at home.

Remember that otitis is not simple hypothermia, but a serious disease that must be diagnosed by a specialist. Therefore, if you suspect otitis media or if you experience strange pain in your ears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only he can appoint correct treatment and tell me whether it is possible to apply a compress to the ear at home. If a purulent process has begun, self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences: the spread of infection, meningitis and even brain abscess. Doctors strongly do not recommend doing compresses for:

  • Suppurative otitis, when pus or bloody particles come out of the ear. In this case, exposure to heat will only worsen the situation and lead to the infection spreading to the inner ear.
  • Complications of otitis, if the patient has developed labyrinthitis, mastoiditis, etc.
  • Elevated body temperature. Compresses are contraindicated, even if the thermometer shows 37°C.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the ear area (presence of scratches, wounds, boils, dermatitis, etc.). Also, you should not apply compresses if there are large moles in the ear area.

What types of compresses are there?

All compresses are divided into dry and wet. With dry ones, everything is clear: just wrap the cotton wool with a bandage or gauze and secure the compress on the sore ear with a bandage, hat or woolen scarf. Cotton-gauze bandage warms ears and protects them from contact with external environment, which is not so little, because any blow of wind only intensifies the pain. To facilitate pain symptom, you can make a dry compress for the ear at home from sea or table salt. To do this, heat the salt in a frying pan and pour it into a woven bag. Wrap it in a towel and apply it to the sore ear. Keep the compress until the salt has cooled.

Wet compresses are classified according to the warming agents used:

  • Vodka compress. This is the most popular type of ear compress. Lightly warmed vodka is diluted by half with water. On "one" adult ear"It takes about 50 ml of vodka. For children, a less concentrated solution is made: vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. The dressing time is no more than 4 hours. Any compress is removed from children's ears after 1.5-2 hours.
  • Alcohol compress. Instead of vodka, you can use medical alcohol. Dilute in the same way as in the previous method. The only difference is that the alcohol does not need to be heated. The bandage is kept on the affected ear for a maximum of 4 hours.
  • Compresses with boric alcohol. Boric acid is an excellent antiseptic, so it can also be used in the treatment of otitis media. For a compress, mix boric alcohol, vodka and water in equal proportions (about 20 ml of each component). The compress is kept on the sore ear for 2-4 hours.
  • Compresses with camphor alcohol. Camphor alcohol has a powerful warming and absorbing effect. Before applying the compress, it is diluted twice with water and heated in a water bath to approximately 40°C. Alcohol can cause irritation, so it is advisable to lubricate the skin around the sore ear with a rich cream. The duration of wearing the compress is 1-2 hours.
  • Compresses with camphor oil. Before starting treatment, the oil is heated in a water bath to 40°C. The compress lasts for 2-6 hours. For children, sunflower oil is used instead of camphor oil.

Before applying an ear compress at home to a child or person suffering from allergies, a skin sensitivity test should be performed. To do this on inner side Apply a small amount of compress solution to the elbow or wrist. If after half an hour you do not find any side effects, the product can be used for treatment. For ear pain, it is recommended to do 1-2 compresses a day; treatment usually lasts 3-7 days.

How to apply a compress for the ear at home?

Before applying the compress, you should thoroughly clean the ear. It is better to use a cotton swab for cleaning. No need to go inside your ear. If you have sensitive skin, the area around the ear should be lubricated with rich baby cream. Further according to the algorithm:

  1. Fold the gauze into 5-7 layers. The resulting square should be slightly larger in size than the sore ear.
  2. Make a V-shaped or square cut in the gauze to fit your ear.
  3. Soak the gauze in the warming solution, wring it out and place it on the ear. The gauze should fit tightly to the skin behind the ear, the ear itself should be on the surface.
  4. Place a piece of polyethylene over the gauze. You should also make a hole in it in the shape of your ear.
  5. The third layer is cotton wool. It should completely cover the ear and the area around it.
  6. Secure the compress with gauze. You can wear a hat or woolen scarf on top.

Compresses are recommended to be applied between 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the ears are more receptive to treatment. After the procedure, the skin around the ear should be wiped wet towel, then grease with cream. You should not go outside for several hours.

In some people, otitis media develops literally after the slightest hypothermia: swimming in cold water, walking in windy weather, being in a draft, etc. If purulent processes have not yet begun in the ear, the disease can only be overcome local ways. The simplest and effective method relieve inflammation - apply a warm compress to the ear at home. It will quickly eliminate pain, and all the necessary ingredients and preparations - bandages, cotton wool, alcohol - can usually be found at home.

Fever, runny nose, weakness, shooting pain in the ear - all these are symptoms of otitis media. Many people know what ear pain is, sometimes they cannot bear it. Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear, often a consequence of a cold or flu. It is necessary to start treatment on time so that it does not turn into chronic form. In this case, a warming bandage will help.

First, let's define what a compress is. This is just a bandage soaked in a warming or medicinal solution, providing therapeutic effect on the inflamed area. The main purpose of such a bandage is to increase blood flow to the problem area, which reduces pain and brings recovery. It is due to this property that warming bandages are often used in otolaryngology.

Lotions will help get rid of sharp pain in the ears, the composition of which may be:

Alcohol in pure form(93-96 degrees), of course, it is not recommended to use it as a lotion on the delicate skin of the face, neck and head. Instead of one problem, you can also get a burn. The procedure is as follows:

You can repeat the procedure up to several times a day, and do the last one at night.

In order to put warm compress, you can use not pure alcohol, but pharmaceutical alcohol, for example, camphor. It should also be diluted with water, but its effect is more gentle because it contains oil.

Vodka ear compress

To prepare a composition from vodka, you will need no more than 50 ml of this 40-degree infusion for an adult and half as much for a child.

How to make a vodka compress on the ear is now clear, but when performing the procedures described above, you need to ensure that the bottom layer of cotton wool or bandage is not wet, but slightly damp. Do not allow a solution of vodka or alcohol to get into the ear itself.

This recipe for treating otitis media is often used at home in the absence of alcohol-containing solutions. In this case, you can take vegetable or even better camphor oil. All procedures for using an oil compress repeat almost the same manipulations.

Warming agent with Dimexide

Treatment of otitis is often carried out using the drug Dimexide as a compress. It has the following actions:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • warming.

Using boric alcohol for a warming dressing

A compress with boric acid (boric alcohol) is an excellent antiseptic. For a compress with this substance, take in equal parts:

  • vodka;
  • water;
  • boric alcohol.

If a warming lotion made from boric alcohol is used for a child, then a sensitivity test must first be performed. To do this, apply a small amount to the elbow and leave for half an hour.

There is another based on boric alcohol famous recipe, according to Tsitovich.

Therapeutic compress according to Tsitovich

This popular type of compress for otitis media uses boric acid (boric alcohol) and glycerin.

  • Cooking medicinal mixture from a 3% solution of boric acid and glycerin.
  • A cotton swab (you can use a cotton pad, but not cotton buds) are soaked in this solution and inserted into sore ear.
  • The procedure for warming a sore ear can last up to 5 hours.

This type of warming bandage, like alcohol or vodka, relieves shooting pain and relieves inflammation.

Herbal healing compress

For the herbal mixture, use the following collection:

  • chamomile;
  • basil;
  • sweet clover

The composition for the lotion is made as follows:

  • take 3 tbsp. collection spoons;
  • brew with 1 cup of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 30 minutes. and filter.

The decoction is ready. It should be warm . Now it is used to impregnate the insulating layer of the compress and cover with the top layer, as would be done with the alcohol-based version. Keep the herbal compress for 4 hours, covering your head with a hat.

Compresses made on the basis of otitis help with kombucha. To do this, use a well-infused mushroom (at least two weeks) and moisten the first layer of gauze with it.

Dry method

The concept of a dry compress includes:

  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • warming up with a special lamp;
  • dry heat treatment.

Dry heat can treat otitis media, using instead of a compress a bag of heated sand or salt calcined in the oven. Both sand and salt do not cool down for a long time, which will provide the patient with sufficient time to carry out the home procedure. In this case, a linen bag filled with warm sand or salt is simply applied to the behind-the-ear part of the head.

Warming compress on a child's ear

Warm compresses are often used to treat otitis media in children. Doctors to avoid prescribing antibiotics or other chemicals, they recommend resorting to gentle procedures first. However, it is recommended to perform them only on initial stage illness and according to a prescription drawn up by a pediatrician.

If you decide to independently warm up your child’s ear at home using vodka or alcohol, then you need to know that all procedures are performed in exactly the same sequence as for adults. But there are some individual recommendations:

For a very young patient, when it is not possible to fix the warming bandage at night, you can make a turunda in the ear from cotton wool soaked in medicinal composition. Part of the turunda must be brought out so that it can be easily removed. The sore ear is covered with cotton wool, strengthened with a light cap.

Doctors do not allow the use of alcohol or vodka compresses for a child under 4 years of age. In this case, it is better to make a warming bandage with vegetable oil or special pharmacy fee, which must be ordered by prescription. But we know that when treating, especially a small patient, one cannot hesitate.

It will not take much time to prepare the prescribed remedy for a child. There is a medical term cyto(cito), meaning "urgently". Doctors often resort to writing this word in the prescription. If a child is prescribed a pharmaceutical compress herbal infusion, then preparing it, if there is such a mark, will not take even one day.

Contraindications for the use of warming dressings

Vodka compress is a type of traction therapy, during which a bandage soaked in alcohol (vodka) is applied to the sore ear. Due to the warming effect of alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which helps improve local blood circulation. This allows you to normalize the influx useful substances to affected tissues, prevent them congestion and speed up the healing process.

How to make a compress on the ear from vodka? The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment depends on the correct application of the bandage, which should consist of several layers. Of no small importance is the regularity of the procedure, the frequency of changing applications and the concentration of alcohol in the medicinal solution.

Operating principle

Why apply a vodka compress to the ear? The procedure increases blood flow to lesions in the hearing organ. Due to the improvement of tissue trophism, the infiltrate resolves over time and swelling decreases. This leads to an increase in the internal diameter of the auditory canals, thereby restoring the drainage function of the Eustachian tube.

The principle of action of traction therapy is based on the reflex effect of heat, which promotes relief pain and restoration of cellular metabolism. Compressor treatment is one of the effective means local action, which have pronounced antiphlogistic, local anesthetic and anti-edematous properties.

By applying a vodka compress to the ear, you can strengthen local immunity and enhance the effect of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.

A local increase in temperature in the tissues leads to increased production of neutrophils in the body. This group of protein structures is one of the protective cells that prevent the development of pathogenic flora, represented by bacteria, fungi and protozoa. An increase in their concentration in the blood leads to the rapid destruction of pathogens in the body and, accordingly, the elimination of foci of inflammation.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is used to relieve symptoms individual species ear pathologies. Therefore, if signs of the disease are detected, the advisability of using warming applications should be consulted with an otolaryngologist. In what cases can a vodka ear compress be used?

The use of traction therapy will be justified in the treatment the following types ENT diseases:

  • exudative otitis;
  • catarrhal otitis;
  • tubootitis (eustacheitis);
  • otitis externa

Important! Warming is contraindicated in the presence of acute purulent inflammation in the mucous epithelium and bone structures organ of hearing.

Experts do not recommend using warm compresses for complicated ear pathologies. In some cases, this contributes to the spread of lesions and pathogenic flora, which is fraught with the generalization of inflammatory processes.

In what cases should you not use a vodka compress for the ear? Before using a physiotherapeutic procedure, you must ensure that there are no purulent processes in the ear cavity. The presence of ulcers always indicates the development of microbial flora in areas of inflammation. A slight increase in temperature at the site of inflammation only stimulates the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to worsening health conditions.

Undeniable contraindications to the use of thermal procedures are:

Please note that the use of vodka compresses is not recommended if there is mechanical damage(scratches, abrasions) in the external auditory canal.

Warming the outer ear leads to a change in consistency and properties earwax, which loses its bacteriostatic properties when the temperature rises. In other words, the use of warming applications when the integrity of the skin is damaged leads to a decrease in local immunity.

Preparing a compress

How to make a vodka compress on the ear? First of all, you should consider the components of therapeutic warming bandages. Only after preparing everyone necessary materials you can begin the procedure. Since alcohol solutions are irritating, it is not advisable to apply materials soaked in them directly to the skin when treating children, as this can lead to burns.

Important! When feeling severe itching or burning, the compress should be removed and the skin should be treated with an ointment that has regenerating properties.

To prepare vodka applications you will need the following materials:

  • cotton fabric (gauze) - used as a base, impregnated medicine(vodka);
  • wax paper (polyethylene, cellophane) - an insulating material that prevents the evaporation of alcohol and the wetting of other layers of the medical dressing;
  • cotton wool is a heat-insulating layer that enhances the warming effect of the alcohol composition;
  • bandages (kerchief, scarf) - material for securely fixing the bandage on the head.

Vodka compresses are placed exclusively behind auricle, and not on her.

This promotes more intense heating of the inflamed tissues inside the ear and prevents the alcohol solution from entering the external auditory canal.

Experts warn that only dry compresses can be applied directly to the ear. Wet warming bandages are placed only behind the ear. At the same time, special slits are made in the layer-by-layer materials to ensure a tight fit of the compress to the sore ear. Next, we’ll talk about how to make a vodka compress on the ear.

  1. fold the gauze into 8 layers and make a slot in the center of it, the diameter of which will correspond to the size of the auricle;
  2. similarly make a hole in kraft paper or polyethylene;
  3. soak the gauze in an alcohol solution;
  4. place gauze soaked in vodka behind the ear;
  5. put polyethylene (kraft paper) on top;
  6. insulate the bandage with cotton wool and secure it with bandages.

As a warming solution, you can use 70% vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, in the process of carrying out a physiotherapeutic procedure, several important nuances. Failure to comply with the rules is one of the key reasons ineffectiveness of compressor treatment. How to make a vodka compress on the ear?

  • for more intense heating of tissues, it is necessary to make each subsequent layer of compress wider than the previous one by 1.5-2 cm;
  • a bandage that is too tight can cause circulatory problems in the hearing organ, so it is advisable to secure it with elastic bandages;
  • It is not advisable to keep alcohol dressings on for more than 6-7 hours at a time, which is due to the gauze drying out and the virtual absence of a warming effect;
  • Change of therapeutic dressings should be done in the morning and evening;
  • to prevent irritation, areas of skin in contact with alcohol solution, should be sprinkled with talcum powder.

If the patient develops chills after applying the bandage, this indicates improper placement of the insulating materials.

Most likely, the polyethylene or layer of cotton wool does not cover the wet gauze, or the bandage itself does not adhere tightly to the skin.

Putting a compress on the ear with vodka small child, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • Before applying the bandage, it is advisable to lubricate the heated area of ​​skin with a rich cream, cosmetic oil or Vaseline;
  • when diluting vodka with water, the ratio should be 1:2;
  • It is advisable to use wax paper as an insulating material;
  • The procedure time should not exceed 3-4 hours.

Due to the hypersensitivity of children's skin, polyethylene or cellophane cannot be used as an insulating material. Synthetic materials can trigger the development allergic reaction, which is fraught with tissue swelling and deterioration in well-being.