Will the person drink little water. What happens if you don't drink enough water

Parents in childhood periodically frightened and told what would happen if you drink little water or refuse it altogether. Years have passed, and it's time to decide whether there was truth in all these statements or whether they will remain a horror story for gullible children.

Fluid in the human body

Base fluid human body- blood:

  • Circulates in a vicious circle;
  • Provides oxygen transportation to all organs and systems;
  • Regulates many physiological processes;
  • Consists of fluid and shaped elements;
  • Is universal transport system for all substances absorbed into the blood;
  • Abundant blood loss or cardiac arrest is guaranteed to lead to lethal outcome without emergency assistance.

But even it is not in a permanent, immutable state:

  1. Primary urine is formed from the blood by renal filtration;
  2. Almost all toxins coming from the outside world penetrate into the vascular bed;
  3. The fluid consumed provides a replacement for the liquid part of the blood.

That is why it is necessary to drink water - so that the lungs do not forget that they need to breathe. Well, so that the heart does not forget that it needs to beat. You can die without water in just a couple of days, one of the most terrible torture- death from dehydration.

In this video, nutritionist Elena Denisova will tell you about the benefits regular use water for the human body:

If you don’t drink enough water: the consequences

Chronic dehydration manifests itself in the form of:

  • The constant thirst that follows man everywhere;
  • Dryness of mucous membranes - eyes, mouth, nose, genitals;
  • Brittle hair, making an attractive hairstyle will no longer work;
  • Dryness skin which inevitably leads to premature aging;
  • Retraction of the eyes, due to a decrease in the swelling of fatty tissue;
  • Sharpening the shape of the face;
  • Severe headache.

The degree of manifestation of certain disorders depends on how much less liquid you consume from the required minimum. Recall that every day you need to receive at least 30 ml for every kilogram of your weight.

By counting with a calculator or calculating in your mind, you can get the necessary data. On average, every adult should receive at least 2 liters of fluid per day for the normal functioning of the body.

You won’t die from regular dehydration, but you won’t prolong your life either. Skin problems, constant drop in blood pressure, headaches and constant thirst. All this in the background pronounced weakness and apathy. All this very poorly fits the description of a normal or happy life.

The lack of fluid is felt subjectively, for this you do not need to undergo any tests or expensive studies.

The child drinks little water: reasons

Children need water just as much as adults. Again, it all depends on weight and age, but the proposed calculation formula is no longer suitable.

On average, a baby up to three years old needs 1.3 liters of fluid per day, closer to the age of 8, the balance shifts in favor of 2 liters.

A child may simply not like to drink a lot of water, this happens:

  1. The kid independently regulates the amount of liquid;
  2. If he wants to drink, he will ask or pour himself;
  3. No need to force the child to drink through force;
  4. The child will not bring himself to dehydration on his own, do not be afraid.

You can use a couple of tricky tricks:

  • Time drinking water for some event - waking up or going to bed;
  • Find the most beautiful mug and pour baby liquid only into it;
  • Drink water yourself regularly, setting an example for your son or daughter;
  • Store water in a conspicuous place so that the child has access to it at all times.

These techniques will help develop your child's interest and introduce water consumption into a habit. You can give liquid fractionally, it is easier for children to drink a little bit.

And better give up drinks and lemonades, having had enough of them, the baby will simply refuse ordinary water, without taste, color and smell.

Is your dog drinking enough water?

Dogs need a lot of water:

  1. The minimum indicator is taken at the rate of 20 ml per kilogram of body weight;
  2. Maximum - 70 ml per kg;
  3. Volume depends on conditions environment;
  4. Refusal of water can be regarded as a harbinger of the disease;
  5. With age, dogs begin to drink much less.

The most likely violations are:

  • Inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • Diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • Cancer tumor;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infections.

You should contact your veterinarian if regular vomiting or diarrhea occurs along with the refusal of water. Loss of fluid is not replenished and this can very quickly lead to a deterioration in the condition of the dog. Severe swelling on the muzzle and paws is a reason to contact a familiar veterinarian.

Diseases of the kidneys, which are accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in subcutaneous tissue, can have serious consequences for the body.

It is enough to regularly give water to the dog, constantly change it and keep the bowl clean. The dog will start drinking on its own, sooner or later. If this does not happen, and you see that the animal's health is only getting worse, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic.

The cat does not drink enough water

Cats generally need much less water:

  • Can refuse liquid for days;
  • A slight decrease in the amount of water consumed will not harm the cat's body;
  • Their urine is much more concentrated and "fragrant" than that of other pets.

Causes can be the same as in dogs - inflammation of the oral mucosa, diabetes, kidney disease, aging or pregnancy. The recommendations aren't too different either. Unless, you can try to add more liquid to the feed in order to somehow replenish the supply. On dogs it special effect will not produce, given the large need for fluid and impressive body weight. But with cats, in this regard, a little easier.

No need to force the animal to drink, pour water down its throat, or do something like that. Cats are able to control the feeling of thirst and satisfy it, as needed.

You should not expect a kitten to drink as much as a 100 kg man drinks, the needs are different. But if the cat Lately I began to “give up” and in addition to refusing to drink, there are other manifestations - it is better to consult with a veterinarian so as not to regret what happened later.

We drink water correctly

Life on our planet was born in water, and it is it that any organism needs in order to maintain this life:

  1. An adult, on average, needs 2 liters of fluid per day;
  2. Physiological moisture loss occurs not only due to sweat, but also due to evaporation from the surface of the lungs;
  3. It is best to use a clear, unsweetened liquid without dyes;
  4. Lack of water in the body can lead to a range of symptoms;
  5. Healthy people and animals should not be watered through force, they themselves will restore balance when necessary.

As a rule, the issue of fluid intake is not given so much attention. It all happens somehow by itself, as the need arises, it is quenched. They begin to think about it only when health problems arise or there is a desire to “pump up” and lead healthy lifestyle life.

It is better not to check on your own what will happen if you drink little water - a dubious experience. Focus on the needs of your own body, you will never lose, in this regard.

Video about the benefits of liquid for humans

In this video, Jan Gorishny will tell you what will happen if we don't drink water:

Many of us drink too little water and don't even realize it. Signs of lack of an appropriate amount of fluid are easy to confuse with something else, because dehydration can cause headaches, bad mood, or weight gain.

Here are 24 surprising signals that indicate dehydration that your body sends you.

You feel dry mouth

The lack of sufficient water in the body makes it so that we produce less sweat and natural fats, which protect the skin from drying out. If this problem persists for a long time, the skin will become very dry and lose elasticity.

you have dry eyes

Drinking water is important not only for moisturizing the throat and mouth, but also for the eyes. water scarcity it is easy to notice by the eyes - they become red, dry and tired, this is a sign that you are not drinking enough water. Another warning signal is the absence of tears, which can only be produced when you drink enough water.

Your joints hurt

Articular cartilage and discs are 80% water. If your body does not have enough of it, you may feel soreness when moving. Drinking enough water protects the bones from rubbing against each other, and the cartilage will be able to absorb shocks while running or jumping.

intense thirst

If you are thirsty, this is a sign that your body is already dehydrated. However, if your tongue resembles a desert, this is a signal that you are suffering from chronic dehydration and your health is at risk. Water should be drunk even if you don't feel thirsty. It is best to drink it throughout the day, in small sips.

Muscles hurt

Our muscles are also made up of water. The less we drink it, the less muscle mass. It is for this reason that it is so important body hydration before, during and after training. Fluids are necessary not only to quench thirst and relieve fatigue, but also for the proper functioning of tendons and muscles.

You have been sick for a long time

Water consumption allows you to quickly get rid of toxins and microbes present in the body during an illness or cold. If you are dehydrated, it will take you longer to get back in shape. However, this is not the only problem - with an insufficient amount of fluid, the body begins to draw water from the blood and organs, which can serious consequences for good health.

You are weak and tired

Feelings of tiredness and tiredness are often the result not of a lack of sleep, but of a lack of sufficient water in the diet. When the body draws water from tissues and cells, you start to feel worse and worse, and you lack energy.

Often after dinner we feel a sudden drop in energy and tend to look at coffee - this is a mistake, because it can increase dehydration. If you feel sleepy, start your day with a glass of water before looking for other ways to stimulate.

You are constantly hungry

Water deficiency in the body may be manifested by ... rumbling in the stomach. We often confuse hunger with thirst. This has consequences both for health, since the body does not receive the necessary dose of H 2 O, and for the figure - too frequent snacks end in weight gain.

Do you have digestive problems

Water is needed not only by our skin or muscles, but also by all organs. This is especially important for the gastrointestinal tract. Dehydration dries out the lining of the stomach, as a result, acids cannot perform their role properly and irritate the stomach. In practice, this means heartburn and other digestive problems.

You have frequent constipation

Water hydrates all gastrointestinal tract, and is very important for the normal functioning of the intestines. If you notice that you often have intestinal constipation, try to drink more water during the day. It's simple and effective method deal with an unpleasant and embarrassing problem. If increasing your fluid intake doesn't help, it's time to see a specialist.

Go to the toilet too infrequently

You may believe it or not, but if you go to the toilet less than 4 times a day, you are probably drinking too little water. Look also at the color of the urine - it should be pale yellow and even clear. intensively yellow is a message that the body is dehydrated. Remember that water deficiency contributes to the development of infections urinary tract associated with pain and long process treatment.

You're aging too fast

The amount of water in the body decreases with age. This means one thing - the older we get, the more water we need. The first signs of aging are wrinkles, loss of firmness and dry skin. However, the aging process affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs. Cells, tissues, organs need more and more water with age, and its absence can mean serious problems with health.

You have frequent dizziness

Although dizziness can be a symptom of many diseases, as well as a consequence of taking certain medications, it also appears in people who drink little water. Dizziness should let you know that you need water, especially if you notice others. dehydration symptoms.

Do you often have headaches?

Headache is one of typical symptoms body dehydration. If you feel light almost all the time headache, this may mean that your body is dehydrated. Instead of swallowing regular pain pills, try to drink more water. You may be surprised how quickly you will feel positive results.

You have an increased heart rate

Is your heart starting to beat fast? This terrible sign may indicate that your body does not have enough water. To avoid these unpleasant ailments, try to drink about 8 glasses of water a day.

Do you want something sweet

When you are dehydrated, your body is unable to convert glycogen into glucose, resulting in increased appetite(especially for sweets).

You have bad breath

Water is needed to produce saliva in the mouth. If you drink too little, the body is not able to produce enough saliva, whose task is, in particular, to wash out bacteria from the oral cavity. When there is not enough saliva, bacteria begin to multiply, resulting in bad smell from mouth. If you want to feel comfortable in any situation and not be afraid of bad breath, take care to provide yourself with fluids.

you have a fever

Although it seems strange, a fever can be a symptom of water deficiency in the body. To all life processes proceeded normally, the body must work at an increased speed, which may result in an increase in body temperature.

Get sick often

Are you frequently infected, have chronic catarrh and complain of a sore throat? The body's resistance depends on diet, exercise and good hygiene. However, great importance has sufficient water intake.

You have gained excess weight

Obesity is usually blamed poor nutrition and lack physical activity however, this can sometimes be the result of drinking too little water. Why? When the cells do not have enough water, they perceive it as a lack of energy. The signal that enters the brain is often confused with hunger, and instead of a glass of water, we eat a sandwich or a cake.

Problems with concentration

Studies have shown that even mild dehydration affects our intellectual ability. Concentration, memory, alertness and reaction time depend on the level of water in the body, so if you are working mentally or studying, then do not part with a bottle of water. Remember to drink water if you are driving. One study found that dehydrated people are more likely to be responsible for many road accidents.

you have a hangover

Each of us knows that if you overdo it with alcohol, then the next day will be difficult. However, it is worth knowing that the cause of a hangover can be as much as too much alcoholic beverages like too little water. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect, so you should drink as much as possible during activities. plain water. You should also remember to use a large number water just before bed. If you follow these tips, you will forever forget about a hangover after a party.

You are constantly annoyed

Do you feel tense and irritated? This is another one symptom of dehydration, which we usually do not associate with water scarcity. It turns out, however, that water is key not only for the health and proper functioning of the body, but also for our well-being.

Water exists in almost everything and everywhere, from soil moisture and ice caps to the cells inside our own bodies. Depending on factors such as location, fat index, age and gender, the average person is 55-60% water. At birth, babies contain even more moisture. Consisting of 75% water, they look like fish. But the amount of water in their body drops to 65% after their first birthday. So what role does water play in our bodies, and how much should we drink to stay healthy?

Water in our body is necessary to soften and lubricate the joints, regulate temperature and nourish the head and spinal cord. Water is not only in our blood. brain and heart An adult human being is almost three-quarters water. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of moisture in a banana.

Lungs more like an apple and contain 83% water. And even seemingly dry human bones consist of 31% water. If our body contains and is surrounded by so much water, why do we need to drink so much?

Every day we lose two to three liters through sweat, urine and intestines, and even just through breath. Therefore, we must compensate for the loss of fluid. Maintaining a balanced water level has importance. This helps to avoid dehydration or excessive hydration. Both processes can have a devastating effect on general state health. Upon first discovery low level water, sensory receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain signal to release antidiuretic hormone. When it reaches the kidneys, they create aquaporins, special channels that allow the blood to absorb and retain more water, resulting in concentrated, dark-colored urine.

Increased dehydration can cause noticeable losses in energy, mood, skin moisture, and blood pressure and signs of cognitive impairment. A dehydrated brain has a harder time keeping up with the same volume of tasks than normal brain, and it even temporarily decreases due to lack of water. Over-hydration or hyponatremia is usually caused by excessive water intake in a short amount of time.

Athletes often become victims of over-hydration due to complications in regulating water levels in extreme sports. physical conditions. While a dehydrated brain enhances production antidiuretic hormone, an over-hydrated brain slows down or even stops its release into the bloodstream. The sodium electrolytes in the body become dilute, causing the cells to swell. In severe cases, the kidneys cannot handle the volumes of dilute urine received. Then comes water intoxication, which can cause headache, vomiting, and, in rare cases, seizures or even death. But this is a rather extreme situation.

For a long time, conventional wisdom has been that we should drink eight glasses of water a day. This rule has since been adjusted. Now we are guided by the fact that the amount of water we should drink depends largely on our weight and environment. Recommended daily dose varies from 2.5-3.7 liters of water for men and about 2-2.7 liters for women.

The norm may vary depending on the state of health, activity, age, conditions of stay. While water is the healthiest humectant, other drinks, even those containing caffeine such as coffee or tea, also replenish fluid levels in the body. The water in food makes up about a fifth of our daily consumption. Fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, cucumbers, and even broccoli are over 90% water and can supplement fluid intake while providing valuable nutrients and fiber. Drinking also has various long-term benefits. Studies have shown that optimal hydration may reduce the chance of stroke, help manage diabetes, and possibly reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Keep this in mind and don't forget to drink enough water!

The fact is that many people take information about the benefits of water too literally, continuing to use the recommended one and a half to two liters a day, not even noticing that such a volume of liquid does not benefit, but real harm.

Meanwhile, when answering the question of why you don’t want to drink water, it is advisable to refer to the individual needs of the body, taking into account the nuance that people suffering from excessive puffiness should not drink a lot of liquid at all. If there are no contraindications this kind is not observed and the person does not suffer from hidden edema, then it is possible and necessary to increase the average daily volume of fluid and everything would be fine, but what to do when it doesn’t fit at all and how to understand why you don’t want to drink water at all? In order to try to answer this question, it is necessary to consider in more detail the rate of water consumption per day, developed by experts. The fact is that the notorious one and a half to two liters, which supposedly need to be consumed by one person a day, are a rather conventional figure. In fact, each person has his own norm, which is not difficult to calculate, knowing his exact weight, because according to this theory, thirty milligrams of water should fall on each kilogram.

That is, it turns out that a person whose weight, for example, is 75 kilograms, should drink at least nine glasses of water per day. At the same time, for a girl weighing about 55 kilos, it is recommended to consume two glasses less. And everything seems to converge, but what if, for example, a person’s weight reaches 100 or more kilograms, because then the required volume of liquid, according to the above calculations, should reach 12 glasses per day, and this is a lot. In addition, overweight in most cases just the same occurs due to the fact that fluid is retained in the body and excessive drinking will only aggravate the already not very good. good situation. That is why the rate of fluid intake should be developed for each person individually, taking into account all the characteristics of his body, and sometimes persistent unwillingness to drink is only a consequence of the manifestation of his needs.

Things will be completely different if all indicators, including weight, are normal, because there are often cases when the absence of a feeling of thirst, as such, is directly related to chronic underdrinking, as a result of which this need is simply dulled. Moreover, it is precisely the constant refusal to use excess fluid becomes the basis of why you do not want to drink water. The reasons for this phenomenon may be external character and as a worthy example, a situation can be cited when a person has to spend a long time in an excessively humid environment, which is not native to him. So, for example, getting into some hot country, the level of humidity in which can exceed the mark of 90 percent, a person may not want to drink at all, despite high temperature air. This phenomenon is explained quite simply, because in this case water enters the human body through the skin, nourishing it on cellular level.

Meanwhile, in a dry climate, it is imperative to satisfy the need for liquid, even if you are not at all thirsty. The fact is that the lack of water in the body can lead to the development of a number of negative internal processes. And first of all, the lack of fluid in the most negative way affects blood pressure, provoking its increase due to thickening of the blood. In addition, low water intake for a long time has a devastating effect on the joints, against which even such serious ailments as arthrosis and osteochondrosis can form. Few people know, but constant drinking has the ability to restrain allergic reactions to various irritants and this is another reason to adhere to an enhanced drinking regimen.

And finally, it is worth mentioning such the most important factor, as beauty, because dehydration at the cellular level contributes to the early activation of the aging process and that is why thin dry skin is very susceptible to age-related changes. In addition, almost all modern diets suggest abundant drinking regimen, since scientists have proven that chronic underdrinking leads to the fact that the body begins to stock up on adipose tissue in all possible corners, thus trying to protect itself from potential dehydration.

As a result, it turns out that what more people drinks, the faster it "washes out" overweight and the only contraindication for the use of this technique is increased swelling and late toxicosis, which tends to develop on later dates pregnancy, provoking almost unquenchable thirst.

For life. On average, about 5 liters of blood circulate in an adult body. Blood plasma is 92-95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to the cells of organs;
  • bring oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • dispose of waste materials internal organs through the kidneys;
  • maintain homeostasis (constancy and balance internal environment): to maintain the temperature, water-salt balance, the work of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: white blood cells and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the mass of blood decreases, its viscosity increases. It is not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads, the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Is it true. Even from mild dehydration, the brain works worse.

Brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and a fifth of all blood is constantly bathing it. Plus, the brain "baths" in the cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And with her:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people with autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day increase their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Feeling worse. In addition to the headache, there will be others unpleasant symptoms dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures normal digestion and absorption of food. nutrients from the intestine. If there is not enough water in the body, there will be discomfort in the abdomen and constipation.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day in order to produce 1.5 liters of urine as a result. This means that for the normal elimination of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration capacity of the kidneys worsens, they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation plentiful drink for their purification and restoration of function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a baby. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of an egg, swimming through the woman's reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases along with the increase in the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters at birth. Waters support the fetus, protect it from infections, create conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures the normal opening of the cervix and contributes to the safe movement of the child through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will it affect me in any way?

You will most likely look worse as you get older.

Even Avicenna noticed that old age is dryness. For the skin to do its job protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, the withering wind, or low temperatures air.

Healthy skin is 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. So, to preserve its turgor, it is necessary daily intake water. Better clean, slightly mineralized and without gas.

To maintain the health of the skin, it should receive at least 2 liters per day. pure water.

What other negative consequences does water scarcity cause?

Even the joints need water. If they are stiff, a person is deprived of freedom: he does not move well and can hardly cope with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered cartilage tissue. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that provides the mobility of the bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, in the articular bag surrounding each joint, there is an articular fluid for lubricating the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they are destroyed, causing severe pain to a person.

What if I don't want to drink?

While doing business, we sometimes do not notice that we are thirsty, and even confuse thirst and hunger, we reach for snacks when we just need to take a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all of it backfire- put a bottle or a cup of clean, low-mineralized water on the table and every time your eyes fall on the water, take a sip.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water has never hurt anyone.

* Based on research conducted by Zenithinternational (specialist consultants to the food and drink industries worldwide) in 2016.
** Eden is artesian water"Eden".