How to take goose fat. What properties does goose meat have?

Every woman dreams of preserving her youth and beauty, but as she ages, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, its elasticity decreases, wrinkles and folds appear, and sagging dermis that cannot be hidden. decorative cosmetics. Modern market offers many options for expensive cosmetics for facial care, but our ancestors used various natural remedies. Goose fat for the skin is of particular importance, as it brings skin cells incredible benefits. In past decades, it was this component that in most cases was the basis of various creams, ointments and other skin care products.

Beneficial properties of fat and its composition

Almost all fats of animal origin have a very rich composition, combining many components valuable for human health. But, according to many experts, goose fat contains the largest list of valuable components, the concentration and ratio of which are in an ideal natural balance.

Natural goose fat contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated acids, which effectively strengthen immune system, normalize all basic metabolic processes, while accelerating the processes of tissue regeneration. The basis of goose fat is natural linoleic acid(omega-6), as well as oleic acid, while the mass contains a considerable amount of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, in particular, many representatives of group B and vitamin C.

The action of each component of such fat brings significant benefits to the skin:

  • Oleic acid (omega-3) helps activate all cell renewal processes and rapid recovery fabrics.
  • Linoleic acid (omega-6) improves protective functions dermis, restoring natural barriers, prevents cells from losing valuable moisture, and restores their natural functions. The acid also has pronounced antioxidant properties.
  • B vitamins have a regulating effect on the processes of intracellular metabolism, increasing blood flow, thereby increasing entry into cells necessary elements nutrition. If there is a lack of vitamins of this group in the body, then itching appears on the surface of the dermis varying intensity, redness, all symptoms of irritation. In some cases, dermatitis may also appear.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol), which helps normalize blood circulation and stops the appearance of age-related changes in the layers of the dermis, increasing the level of moisture and elasticity of tissues. Tocopherol is necessary for effective fight With different types wrinkles, to eliminate scars and acne marks, to smooth out scars.
  • Sodium - helps maintain proper fluid balance in dermal cells.
  • Zinc, which allows you to quickly restore functions to normal sebaceous glands, eliminate inflammation, hyperemia, and also enhance damage healing processes (restoration of injured cells).
  • Selenium, which allows not only to eliminate symptoms of irritation, soothe tissues and increase skin elasticity, but also to smooth out wrinkles, giving the face a special velvety and tenderness.
  • Magnesium, which normalizes all metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis and inhibits the processes of tissue aging.

Natural goose fat is obtained by rendering the poultry skin and subcutaneous fat layer, as well as internal fat deposits. To do this, the washed raw materials are placed in a heat-resistant container, put in the oven on medium heat and periodically collect the rendered fat with a spoon, preventing it from boiling.

Melted goose fat has an oily structure, into which many components are perfectly mixed, which allows you to create various cosmetic preparations. When hardened, the substance becomes quite thick, but not hard.

Product selection and storage

Of course, not every person has their own backyard and can independently raise geese and obtain natural fat, so many purchase the product in retail and pharmacy chains, as well as on the market. But here it is important to know the selection criteria in order to purchase a high-quality and natural product.

Good goose fat has a yellow, slightly golden hue. Its consistency should be uniform and free of any inclusions or foreign impurities. If there are darker areas in the fat structure, this indicates deterioration of the product and its unsuitability for use for cosmetic purposes.

The smell of the product is also important. It should not be harsh and unpleasant, and should not have bitterness or rancidity. The taste of high-quality fresh fat is neutral, without bitterness.

It is best to store the substance in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container, since in this case the fat for a long time does not lose its beneficial properties. The fat, prepared independently, is poured, filtered into clean glass jars and covered with nylon lids. In a refrigerator, the product is stored for 6 to 8 months. If you need to save it for more long term, you can place the finished strained fat in the freezer. In this case, it can be stored for a year.

An important point is that raw materials for goose fat can be stored in the freezer only for 3 months, since in the future it loses its beneficial properties. Melting fat in the oven significantly increases the amount of valuable components compared to the original raw materials.

Application options

Ways to use goose fat in home cosmetology there are quite a few. Fat can be eaten in in kind, but in small quantities. In the correct concentration, goose fat, when consumed internally, does not cause any harm to the figure, but at the same time brings great benefits for maintaining beauty, freshness and youth. You can lubricate the skin with the product, applying it in its pure form without adding other components.

You can mix the fat with a ready-made industrial cream, taking the components in equal quantities, and you can even add the product to creams intended for application to the areas around the eyes. You can mix not in single portions, but in full jars from cosmetics, since such compositions are perfectly stored in the refrigerator. The use of creams enriched with fat helps maintain the youth of the dermis and give a healthy glow to the face.

To maximally moisturize the skin and nourish it with valuable components, goose fat can be applied to the entire surface of the face, including the eyelids, in its pure form, carrying out the procedure in evening time, after washing. The fat is applied with massage movements, but quite liberally; after half an hour, it is recommended to carefully remove the remaining fat with a soft cloth, without rinsing it off until the morning. This method of care can also be used for the skin of your hands.

An important feature of this fat is that it can be used as sun protection in the summer heat (it does not transmit ultraviolet rays), as well as in the winter cold, protecting the skin from chapping and frostbite.

Goose fat in cosmetology: recipes for the face

You can use goose fat on your face different ways, using it not only for care, but also for the treatment of certain diseases, rejuvenation and protection of the dermis.

To protect your face and different areas bodies in the summer heat and winter cold, you need to lubricate them with natural goose fat before each time you go outside, about 2 hours in advance, rubbing it into the skin with massage movements.

For acne, inflammation and purulent formations

The recipe was invented by Korean doctors who claim that using the product allows you to get rid of inflammation in a very short time, eliminating even large pimples and boils.

To make the drug, you need to take 110 grams of fresh goose fat, add Auba powder (20 grams) into it and mix thoroughly. The mixture must be applied to a cotton pad or napkin and applied in this form to problem areas, lotions, changing them three times a day.

For the treatment of psoriasis

This remedy is superior in its effect to many hormonal ointments, which are often prescribed for exacerbation of psoriasis.

To make the substance, you need to take dry millet root, grind it into powder, then mix a full spoon of powder with goose fat (3 spoons). The mask must be applied to the affected areas, treating regularly.

To nourish the dermis

The product is excellent for dry dermis, the surface of which is characterized by frequent peeling.

To do this, you need to take goose fat (25 grams) and thoroughly grind it with camphor oil(2.5 grams). Apply to the face after cleansing, and after 20 minutes, remove the remaining substance with a soft cloth, rinsing the skin with cool water.

To soften the skin of the lips

To make a healing balm you need to take rosehip petals or light color roses (20 pieces), chop them and grind them thoroughly with a spoonful of fresh fat. Apply every other day. If you use the product on a regular basis, the skin of your lips will quickly become beautiful colour, will become smooth, elastic and moisturized.

Against wrinkles, including around the eyes

To make a mask, you need to melt a spoonful of fresh fat, add juice squeezed from half a lemon and mashed yolk until it hardens. raw egg. After thorough kneading, the mass must be applied to the entire surface of the face and neck, leaving for 30 minutes, after which remove its remnants with a soft cloth, moistening it in fresh milk. You can use cotton pads. The procedure must be carried out twice a week.

As a rule, goose fat can be used by any person, since the substance has no side effects and any contraindications, but here it is important to take into account certain points. For example, you should not apply such products just before going outside, especially in hot weather, since fat is rich in natural fatty acids of the unsaturated group, which oxidize quite quickly upon contact with the sun's rays, which can cause harm to the dermis.

Goose fat is one of the oldest medicinal products used by humans. It was used to treat pneumonia, joints, skin, it was used to make healing potions to strengthen the body, it was added to cosmetics and much, much more.

Goose fat is a natural product obtained from connective tissue goose and made by reheating. This fat has always been very popular, easy to prepare and use, quite affordable, with low content cholesterol and very effective in use.

Goose fat is used both in folk medicine, and in the traditional one. It is often used in cosmetology, it is added to ointments, creams, and balms. It can be used both externally and internally, both in its pure form and with the addition of other components.

Goose fat is used for coughs and tuberculosis, for the treatment of joints and the stomach, for frostbite and burns, for the treatment of blood vessels, wounds and ulcers, and even hangover drinks are made from it.

Composition of goose fat

Goose fat contains a large number of(70%) saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids(Omega 3, Omega 6, stearic, oleic, linoleic acid), which are sorely lacking in our diet. After all, a lack of fatty acids, especially Omega 3, can cause metabolic disorders and an increase in excess weight, dryness and aging, brittle nails and hair loss, digestive disorders and nervous exhaustion.

Goose fat is primarily monounsaturated and has chemical structure similar to olive oil. The main advantage of goose fat is that it can withstand very high and low temperatures without changing its properties. That is why it is often used to protect the skin from sun rays And severe frost, from disease and peeling of the skin. It not only perfectly protects the skin, but also rejuvenates and nourishes it.

Also, goose fat contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP and others, which are responsible for antioxidant effects and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E synthesizes collagen, protects cells from damage, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin is also powerful antioxidant.

Minerals: zinc, sodium, copper, selenium, magnesium, which take part in the regulation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, normalize metabolic processes,

Benefits and uses of goose fat

Goose fat is currently used for preventive purposes, for the manufacture of cosmetics, to enhance immunity, as a warming agent, against colds and ARVI, as well as for skin disorders and defects (cracks, eczema, acne, acne, boils, inflammation, ulcers and etc.).


Goose fat is enough strong remedy against cough and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Goose fat works well for colds using the rubbing method. Since it has a warming effect, in case of fever, cough and inflammation of the bronchi, it is recommended to make compresses with a woolen scarf.

Also, goose fat is good prophylactic colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. You can drink it with warm milk, this will not only warm the throat and lungs, but also strengthen the body as a whole.

Currently there are many medicines against colds based on goose fat, both internal and external use.

When using pure goose fat at home, it is recommended to combine internal use with rubbing and compresses. Warm rubbing helps combat wet and dry cough. To warm the body and improve blood circulation, it is recommended to rub goose fat with massage movements in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and chest, avoiding the heart area if possible. We insulate the lubricated areas with woolen cloth (shawl, scarf), and let the body warm up well overnight.

For internal use, goose fat can be combined with milk, honey, and aloe juice. This interaction has a softening and expectorant effect, improves respiratory function.

Goose fat has almost no contraindications, but for people with high cholesterol and overweight, it is better to refrain from using it.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

Goose fat is often recommended for the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. It relieves swelling of the lower extremities well, improves venous drainage, relieves inflammation of the veins, thins the blood, reduces itching and numbness of the lower extremities.

Goose fat is mixed with aloe juice (2:1) and placed in a cool place. After a few days, the ointment is ready for use. This ointment should be applied to problem areas at night.

Skin treatment and healing

In severe winter cold, skin lubricated with goose fat remains soft and smooth, without chapping or cracking.

Goose fat has a powerful protective and healing effect. It was goose fat that hunters and polar explorers most often used to treat frostbite of the skin, generously smearing their faces and hands. Goose fat is also used for very high temperatures. The property of goose fat is that it can withstand very high and low temperatures maintaining its beneficial properties. It also has a warming effect, so it is an unsurpassed remedy for hypothermia.

Goose fat is also used for various skin disorders and diseases: psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, ulcers, redness and irritation, hives, cuts and wounds, burns and frostbite, etc.

For psoriasis, you can make an ointment at home. 3 tbsp. mix tablespoons of fat with 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed soapwort. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the affected area. This ointment does not cause allergies, and the effect is much better than that of pharmaceutical ointments.

Cosmetics containing goose fat have been used since ancient Egypt. Ancient manuscripts often contain descriptions of goose fat as a miraculous healing agent.

Currently, people are increasingly resorting to the use of natural cosmetics. Since this cosmetics does not just hide aging skin or some defects, but rejuvenates and restores skin and hair in a natural way.

Due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, goose fat normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and improves tissue regeneration. Also, goose fat is rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process, helps get rid of scars and increases the regenerative functions of cells. B vitamins, moisturize the skin, improve penetration nutrients, regulate metabolic processes in the skin.

Goose fat for improvement appearance, can be taken orally. It brings great beauty benefits and does not spoil the figure.

Goose fat has a tremendous effect in eliminating wrinkles. It is enough to add it to face cream or masks, and the results will double.

Video on how to make a face and hair mask at home.

Goose fat is a godsend for chapped lips. To soften your lips, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of goose fat, 19-20 rosehip petals, grind it in a cup, then mix everything and apply the resulting composition to your lips.

Main indications for treatment with goose fat

We will present all the indications for treatment with goose fat.

  • colds, hypothermia,
  • tuberculosis,
  • pneumonia,
  • rheumatism and joint diseases,
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, dry skin, rashes,
  • wounds, burns, frostbite,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • haemorrhoids,

Main contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the use of goose fat. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components that make up goose fat.

Relative contraindication for internal use, is pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 3 years of age. Also, you should not take it when acute diseases liver.

Goose fat is considered a universal product. Thanks to its delicate, silky structure, similar to olive oil, and a sweetish taste, it is used to prepare many dishes. Some chefs associate the extraction of fat from a goose carcass with white magic.

What is the value of the product

According to legends, fat was once known as an aphrodisiac. For newlyweds, pies were made from it, which must be eaten within a week.

Store goose fat in the refrigerator in a solid state, in an airtight container, for up to 6 months. At room temperature it has a liquid consistency and a transparent color. When frozen it turns yellowish-white. The melting point of this natural product+25 °C…+37°C.

Goose fat has a low proportion of saturated fatty acids compared to other animal fats (e.g. butter or beef lard). Dishes prepared using this ingredient are very tasty and aromatic.

In Europe, goose fat is traditionally used in cooking. It is especially closely associated with French cuisine. Latest Research prove that in those areas of the country where they cook mainly with goose fat, the percentage of heart disease is the lowest.

Dishes made with goose fat

Many gourmets use rendered goose lard instead of pork lard in the kitchen. The most passionate lovers of goose fat are happy to spread it on hot toast and eat it as a snack. No less pleasant to the taste are goose cracklings, vegetables baked in goose fat, and meat.

IN popular recipes The most common type is potatoes fried in goose fat until golden crisp. Sprigs of rosemary, sage or thyme add piquancy to the dish.

A huge number of chefs consider goose fat to be a real delicacy, especially during the Christmas holidays. They use it to cook scrambled eggs and omelettes, soups, stews, casseroles, and stew cabbage, carrots, and onions. Goose fat is greased with lean pork, veal, quail, and added to minced meat and pate. It is also ideal as an additive to dough.

Buy goose fat for cooking and improving your health in our online store.

Thanks to beneficial properties goose fat, it is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. The product is used to treat burns, respiratory diseases, and pain in joints and muscles. But it is not used as independent means, but only in the composition complex treatment. The advantage of this therapy is its naturalness - goose fat contains all the vitamins, microelements and fatty acids necessary for the body.

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    The benefits of goose fat

    The use of goose fat allows you to eliminate the deficiency of Omega-3 acids, which is manifested by dryness and flaking of the skin, brittleness of hair and nails, and disruption of work. digestive system and exhaustion nervous system. The composition of goose fat is rich in microelements (magnesium, selenium, zinc, sodium, copper) and vitamins. Due to the beneficial properties of the product, it is used to eliminate problems such as:

    • skin diseases;
    • pneumonia;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
    • impaired immune defense.

    IN Ancient China goose fat was used to cleanse the body of toxic substances, and also as a fight against malignant neoplasms.

    Modern traditional medicine suggests using the remedy as complex therapy a number of diseases internal organs and skin. These include:

    • tuberculosis;
    • colds;
    • bronchitis and pneumonia;
    • acute and chronic hemorrhoids;
    • cervical erosion;
    • psoriasis, eczema;
    • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

    Goose fat is also widely used in cosmetology. It is used to eliminate fine wrinkles, sagging and dryness skin, as well as to improve hair and nail growth.

    Harm and contraindications

    Despite all positive traits product, it has certain contraindications. Do not use fat-based products internally during pregnancy, for children under 3 years of age, or for people with allergies. The product should be used with caution by people with overweight bodies and increased level cholesterol. Before you start using goose fat, you should consult your doctor so as not to harm the body.

    Bear fat - medicinal properties, use in folk medicine

    Products for external use

    Traditional recipes are used to treat diseases of the joints and muscles, frostbite, burns and other skin lesions.

    Pain in joints and muscles

    An ointment is prepared based on crushed garlic and goose fat. The ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Garlic can be squeezed through a press or crushed in a wooden mortar. Mix everything well and apply to joints before bed using massage movements until completely absorbed. This mixture is used for osteoarthritis and arthrosis. Do not use the product if noted increased sensitivity skin.

    For muscle pain, homemade ointment will help. You need to take:

    • 50 g fat;
    • 10-15 drops of camphor oil.

    The fat is melted and oil is added to it. Cool and apply to the sore spot 2-3 times a day.

    Burns and frostbite

    For such problems, fat can be used either in its pure form, lubricating the affected areas, or mixed with other ingredients.

    Composition of the ointment:


    1. 1. Melt fat.
    2. 2. Add oil.
    3. 3. Stir and keep on fire for 3-5 minutes.
    4. 4. Cool and place in a glass container.

    Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day.


    First, treat the affected areas with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then lubricate the skin with melted goose fat. You can apply a sterile dressing.

    Another remedy that helps with psoriasis is prepared from goose fat and crushed red soap root. To do this you need to take:

    • 3 tbsp. l. fat;
    • 1 tbsp. l. red root.

    Mix everything thoroughly and apply to affected areas of the skin once a day.


    This skin disease is treated with a product that contains goose fat and fir oil. Ingredients:

    • 2 parts fat;
    • 1 part fir oil.

    Mix everything and lubricate the affected skin 2-3 times a day. You can use a bandage at night.

    The product should be used for no more than 20 days. If no improvement is observed, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


    For this disease, lotions are prepared, which alternate with taking traditional medicines.


    • 100 g goose fat;
    • 2 tbsp dried calendula flowers.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Melt the fat.
    2. 2. Add vegetable raw materials.
    3. 3. Place the container in a water bath and leave for 30 minutes.
    4. 4. Squeeze through cheesecloth.

    Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution, apply to the hemorrhoidal lump and leave overnight.

    Vascular diseases

    Venous congestion in lower limbs causes a pathology such as thrombophlebitis. Treatment of the disease requires integrated approach. TO drug therapy Traditional medicine methods are also added.

    Helps with thrombophlebitis folk remedy, prepared from two tablespoons of goose fat and one tablespoon Kalanchoe juice. Everything needs to be mixed well and left in a dark, cool place for 3-4 days. Apply the prepared ointment to areas where there are vein lesions. Best used before bed.

    A remedy that effectively fights vascular problems.You need to take:

    • 5 tbsp. l. larkspur root (dried and thoroughly crushed);
    • 1 tbsp. l. dried horse chestnut flowers;
    • 1 tbsp. l. acacia flowers;
    • 4 words l. goose fat.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Mix all dry ingredients, sprinkle with 70% ethyl alcohol and leave for half an hour.
    2. 2. Add melted fat.
    3. 3. Place the product in a fireproof container and place in a warm oven for 2 hours.

    The ointment should be applied to the affected veins, wrapped in linen cloth.


    To combat wounds that do not heal for a long time, use a mixture of goose fat (100 g) and powdered oak bark(20 g). All components are mixed well and applied to the wound surface before bedtime. Cover with a sterile napkin and secure with a bandage or plaster.

    The bandage is changed every day, treating the wound with antiseptic solutions in order to remove any remaining product. Apply the product until the skin damage is completely healed.

    Respiratory pathologies

    The medicinal properties of the goose product are used to combat problems respiratory organs. Used in complex therapy of bronchitis in children and adults, inflammatory diseases lungs and tuberculosis. A symptom such as cough can be eliminated with a compress.

    You need to take:

    • 30 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol;
    • 100 g goose fat.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Place the fat in a water bath.
    2. 2. Melt and add alcohol.

    Lubricate your back with the prepared product and chest(except for the heart area). Wrap in a warm cloth and leave overnight. Ointment relieves general state patient, eliminates cough and chest pain.

Many animal fats have mass healing properties, therefore they are actively used in medicinal purposes. One of them is goose fat, which contains many useful elements, helping to cope with various diseases joints, skin, gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of goose fat? Compound

Poultry lard includes vitamins PP, E, D, B-group, as well as a whole complex of polyunsaturated acids: oleic, stearic, arachidonic, myristic, omega-3 and 6. The product contains minerals: zinc, magnesium, selenium and others. It is completely natural and is formed naturally, it does not contain harmful cholesterol.

Use in folk medicine

Goose fat is quite easily absorbed by the body, speeds up renewal cellular structures, has immunostrengthening, anti-inflammatory, healing properties, effectively removes waste, toxins from the body, harmful substances. Has wound healing, warming, some antibacterial effect, warms the skin well, improves metabolism, stops the growth of tumors.

Melted lard is usually used for therapeutic purposes. It can be used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, burns, frostbite, gynecological diseases. It helps relieve pain in joints and muscles, relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatism. The fatty product actively fights varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, helps reduce symptoms.

Cold ointment for children and adults

At colds lard based can be prepared medicinal ointment. For this purpose you will need:

  • natural bee honey or;
  • cocoa powder;
  • leaf juice, goose fat.

Place all ingredients in a spacious container and heat over low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take the resulting composition 2 times a day, after dissolving a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of low-fat warm milk.

This recipe is used to treat colds in children over three years of age. The positive effect of the product appears the very next day.

Various compresses are no less effective in treating cough and other signs of acute respiratory infections.