What is the probability of contracting HIV with a single. The likelihood of contracting HIV with a single unprotected contact in men and women

The human immunodeficiency virus is the causative agent of a slowly progressive HIV infection. The danger of pathology lies in the ongoing destruction of immune cells, which leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and severe consequences, when protective functions the body is weakened so much that it loses the ability to resist diseases. Without specific treatment an HIV patient dies on average 10 years after infection. Antiretroviral therapy helps to prolong life up to 70-80 years.

To date, there is no vaccine against HIV. The only way to prevent danger is to observe preventive measures minimizing the risk of virus transmission. There are several types of infection. To understand how to protect yourself from this, you should figure out what is the probability of contracting HIV in each case.

Transmission of the virus through the blood

In a sick person, the virus is contained in blood, semen, vaginal secretions, saliva, sweat, and other biological fluids. Infection occurs through direct contact with damaged mucous membranes and circulatory system. The high probability of HIV infection during blood transfusion is due to gross non-compliance with the mandatory verification of the donor medical staff. If a carrier of the virus has become a donor, a healthy person will show signs of infection within the next 3 months. They are similar to the symptoms of a cold - fever, sore throat, headaches, loss of appetite.

From blood to blood, the virus can penetrate through the contact of open wounds. Intact (integral) skin serves as a kind of barrier that prevents the transmission of infection, so the infected blood itself, which has fallen on healthy skin does not pose any threat. With injections, the likelihood of HIV increases rapidly if medical instruments are poorly or not sterilized at all. This method is common among drug addicts who use the same needles.

Attention! About 10% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts who inject psychotropic substances.

Infection at home - is it possible?

The household route is one of the rarest variants, accounting for less than 1% of all HIV transmissions. Infection is possible with simultaneous use with sick things like:

  • manicure scissors, tongs;
  • razors, hairdressing accessories;
  • tools for tattoos, piercing;
  • lancets for glucometers;
  • other piercing and cutting objects.

Health care workers whose patients may be HIV carriers are also susceptible to "occupational" infection, although the risk is small. This occurs when a needle is accidentally punctured and infected blood enters the eyes, mouth, open wounds, on mucous membranes.

Transmission of HIV from mother to child

Diagnosed with HIV in a pregnant woman is not an indication for abortion. Modern therapeutic methods reduced the chance of HIV transmission from a woman to a child to 1%. The main thing is to start treatment already in the first trimester and be under constant medical supervision. To protect the baby during delivery, it is recommended to perform a caesarean section.

The period of lactation deserves special attention. In an infected mother, the immunodeficiency virus is found in breast milk. The probability of transmission of the pathogen during lactation reaches 20-25%. This can only be prevented by artificial feeding.

Sexual risk

Sexual transmission of infection is the most common among all possible. The probability of HIV in an unprotected act with a sick person reaches 80%, and this figure does not change depending on the type intimacy. Anal sexual contact almost always involves trauma to the rectal mucosa and the formation of cracks in anus which favors infection. During oral sex, the likelihood of HIV increases rapidly in the presence of acute diseases oral cavity, caries, inflammation of the gums, after swallowing the sperm of a partner with a positive HIV status.

Important! Women are infected 3 times more often than men. This is due to the fact that the vagina has much large area mucous than the penis.

The likelihood of HIV with a single exposure will be the same as with multiple exposures. The risk is minimized by quality barrier means contraception. A latex condom that is too thin or expired can break at the most crucial moment, which is fraught not only with the transmission of the virus, but also with STD infection, as well as unwanted pregnancy.

Factors that increase the risk of sexual transmission

Statistics show that sex with a sick person does not always lead to infection, but there are several factors that increase the likelihood of HIV transmission:

  1. venereal diseases in acute form. Most of them accompany inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, ulcerative formations, oppression healthy microflora. In addition to the pathological focus "strives" great amount lymphocytes - immune cells that serve as the main target for the immunodeficiency virus.
  2. The risk group includes women suffering from cervical erosion during menstruation, in case of defloration.
  3. A large number of sexual partners, especially under the condition of unprotected intimacy.

low immunity and chronic diseases contribute to the rapid spread of the virus throughout the body. It is possible to prevent the development of HIV infection and later AIDS thanks to antiviral therapy started immediately after sexual contact. The prophylactic course usually lasts at least 28 days.

How to avoid infection

Fighting dangerous infection has long been brought to the global level, due to the high prevalence of HIV among the population of the entire planet. The severity of the disease and ways to prevent infection are informed in schools, universities educational institutions, various public organizations. Prevention includes several standard recommendations:

  1. For any kind sexual contact you must use a condom. The probability of contracting HIV is reduced to 1%.
  2. Avoid spontaneous intimate relationships with casual acquaintances.
  3. Completely refrain from using narcotic substances. Addictions of this kind push people to rash acts - the use of non-sterile syringes, entering into intimacy without contraception.
  4. Treat in a timely manner chronic pathologies that reduce the body's resistance.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis of "HIV", a single test is not enough. To verify the reliability of the result, you must do at least 3 laboratory research. With an active sexual life for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to be periodically tested for both HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is worth noting that HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets, through water, touch, household items (unless they have a piercing-cutting function), insect bites. The conclusion follows from this - subject to basic precautions, communication with infected person safely.

The human immunodeficiency virus is known in every country. Widespread this disease due to the characteristics of its transmission. According to statistics, HIV infection is most often transmitted through sexual intercourse. One of the partners may not know that he is a carrier of the virus. That is why doctors advise to regularly take tests for HIV, AIDS. Not transmitted sexually this pathology only when using a condom. You should also carefully approach the choice of a sexual partner. If there are doubts about the health of a person with whom sexual intercourse has occurred, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. A vaccine given within 72 hours of having sex with an infected person significantly reduces the risk of infection.

Features of HIV transmission through sexual contact

Each route of infection has its own characteristics. With medical point transmission of HIV through sex is the most dangerous option of all possible. The fact is that it is precisely because of casual sexual relationships that more and more young people are infected with this virus. Sexual infection with HIV occurs in 70% of all cases. The cells of the virus are introduced into healthy tissues of the mucous membrane, after which they penetrate into the blood and begin to multiply actively after 7 hours. It is extremely difficult to stop the progression of the disease after this period of time.

Transfer mechanism pathogenic microflora from patient to healthy body simple enough to understand. Infection with HIV through sexual contact occurs in several stages. If a we are talking about vaginal sex, the virus enters the partner's organs through secretions: sperm or vaginal secretions. As you know, it is in these physiological fluids that the largest number pathogenic cells. However, even if an infected man does not ejaculate inside the vagina healthy woman the risk of infection is still high. Even in the lubricant that is released from the penis, there are many virus cells. That is why the most likely way infection is sexually transmitted. At the same time, HIV begins to actively multiply in the body of a healthy person and gradually takes over immune system by suppressing it.

HIV is not transmitted sexually unless a condom is used. Latex is a reliable means of protection against the penetration of the virus. However, it should be borne in mind that the slightest damage and microcracks on the condom reduce the effectiveness of protection and increase the risk of infection. Doctors advise trusting only proven brands of these products. You need to give preference to a quality manufacturer. Such a product usually costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but is more reliable. HIV cannot be transmitted after exposure using an intact condom. This method of contraception and protection has helped save many lives. Don't risk your health for a few minutes of pleasure.

The situation is more complicated with the transmission of HIV through anal or oral sexual contact. People have a lot of misconceptions about non-traditional sex. You can often hear questions about whether it is possible to get AIDS, HIV through anal sex. The answer will, of course, be in the affirmative. The fact is that in the rectum there are many receptors through which physiological fluids are almost instantly absorbed into the blood. As soon as the secretions of the penis with virus cells get there, they immediately enter the bloodstream through receptors and microtraumas. If a man is healthy and his partner or partner is infected, then anal sex he can get infected. The chance of contracting HIV sexually through the rectum is high, as this body contained a large number of virus if the organism is infected. In addition, this type of sexual intercourse is always accompanied by the presence of cracks and microtraumas of the mucous membrane. That is why even with anal sex you need to use a condom.

Some questions are caused by HIV infection after oral sex. Both men and women can become infected this way. It does not matter which of them took an active position, and which was passive. Many patients come to the doctor's office with the question of whether HIV is transmitted through sex if there was only oral sex. In any case, there is a risk of infection. Virus cells are also present in the oral cavity. If a person asks a doctor if it is possible to get AIDS through oral sex, then the doctor's answer is always positive. Prolonged contact of the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals often causes infection, contrary to popular belief that the risk of contracting HIV, AIDS during oral sex is low.

Why is sexual transmission of HIV the most common?

The degree of awareness and awareness of society largely affects the health of present and future generations. Children should know whether AIDS, HIV infection is sexually transmitted. The trouble with today's youth is that they do not want to delve into the information this kind assuming they don't need it. However, one day the risk of HIV transmission through sexual contact may affect everyone.

Sociologists have long been engaged in the study of the causes of mass infection with immunodeficiency through sex. The first of them is the lack of information about this disease. Adolescents and young people due to certain negative factors may not know whether it is possible to get AIDS, HIV through sexual contact. They talk about it at school, tell parents, inform television, radio, advertisements around the city. However, if a child was born in a dysfunctional family, does not receive proper education, then his level of awareness is low.

The second reason is the increase in crime. Every year, many girls and boys succumb to sexual violence. Naturally, an infected criminal does not think about the health of his victim, so condoms are out of the question. The percentage of HIV infection during forced sex is extremely high today. This is especially true for countries with low level life.

Another reason is a careless attitude to one's health. Healthy man, which has information about the ways of infection with an ailment, can simply ignore them. The reason for this is elementary carelessness or laziness. Reluctance to spend money on condoms, or simply the thought that the problem will not affect specific person often cause AIDS infection.

Many guys ask the doctor what to do if they slept with an HIV-positive girl. First of all, the doctor sends for blood tests that will show if there is a virus in the body. Further treatment is prescribed if immunodeficiency is nevertheless detected. Also, doctors are often asked about whether it is possible to sleep with an HIV-infected person. Sex with such people is allowed only if a quality condom of a proven brand is used. Also, there should be no wounds on the body of partners, one should not resort to bites, it is forbidden to scratch each other during sex.

How to reduce the number of sexually transmitted HIV infections?

In order to keep the current generation healthy and to take care of the next, people must become more conscious. Taking care of your health can save the lives of many people. If each person is responsible for their health, then the number of infections through sex will decrease.

In addition, it is necessary to inform schoolchildren about whether it is possible to become infected with AIDS, HIV through sexual contact. The probability of infection should be discussed in various television programs, shows. It would be useful to arrange special events where everyone could find out whether it is possible to get AIDS, HIV sexually. Possible cases life situations will become vivid examples how to act in any given situation.

What is the probability of contracting HIV during sex, every teenager and adult should know. It is necessary to carry such information to the masses in order to maintain health. Only by working together can this be overcome. dangerous disease like AIDS.

Every year the number of HIV-infected people is only growing, and there is no vaccine for it yet. There is also no drug that can cure this disease.

The drugs that exist today can only delay the onset of AIDS by making the patient non-infectious. So the only way escape from this venereal disease - prevention. Everyone knows that HIV is transmitted through blood and sexual contact, but people still have a lot of questions about this. We will try to answer some of them.

Possible routes of HIV infection:

    Parenteral - through the blood during transfusion and when using decontaminated medical instruments(syringes).

    Sexual way - everything is clear here, the virus is transmitted during unprotected intercourse (the probability of contracting HIV through anal contact is higher compared to traditional.

    Vertical - HIV is transmitted from mother to child.

Statistical data on all cases of (registered) infection, taking into account the mode of infection:

Factors that increase the risk of HIV transmission:

    The presence of sexually transmitted diseases, secondary infection in the body.

    The titer of the virus in an infected person - the risk of transmission depends on the viral load.

    The presence of microcracks, ulcers, injuries and erosion of the cervix.

    Anal intercourse for the receiving partner.

    Women are three times more likely to be infected than men.

Maximum risk of HIV infection: at what contacts?

    It is known that with vaginal intercourse, in the absence of sexual infections in partners, the absence of microtraumas and mucosal ulcers, and with a minimal viral load in an HIV-infected person, the probability of infection is only a few percent.

    The high risk of HIV transmission during anal sex in homosexuals and during anal intercourse in heterosexual couples primarily lies in the fact that there is no natural secretion mucous secretion, resulting in injury to the mucosa and intestines and increases the risk of infection.

HIV transmission through blood:

    In our time, it is almost impossible to transfuse untested blood, since its testing is under strict control, which eliminates any risk.

    When conducting various medical manipulations in medical institutions(surgery, dentistry, surgical operations, gynecological procedures, tattoo parlors, pedicure rooms), where the rules for sterilizing instruments are observed and there are no violations sanitary norms- Infection is almost excluded. But when using tools for piercing, in tattoo parlors, such norms and rules can be violated.

    Unprotected intercourse during rough anal sex, or menstruation in women, increases the likelihood of transmission of the virus.

    Sharing a syringe (drug addiction) was the main route of infection about 20 years ago. But the availability and low prices of syringes now reduce this risk.

HIV transmission in the home

The virus is unstable external environment especially to heating and drying. Until now, there has not been a single case of HIV infection in everyday life.

Transmission of HIV through saliva?

The virus is found in saliva, but in low concentrations, so infection is unlikely. Moreover, it is impossible even with a bite (if an infected person bites a healthy person).

Is HIV transmitted through kissing?

The saliva of an infected person is almost non-contagious, so kissing is safe. However, the risk increases if suddenly both partners have ulcers, injuries, bleeding wounds in the mouth and herpetic eruptions.

Can HIV be transmitted through oral sex?

Concerning oral sex, then the risk of infection exists only on the receiving side, namely, when the family of another is erupted on the mucous membranes of a partner (but this is rather a theory). Similarly, only a few cases of such infection have been reported worldwide.

HIV infection through lesbian caresses

In terms of contagion, lesbian sex is the safest. There is only a theoretical possibility of infection during the sharing of vibrators. For this reason, when using such practices, it is recommended to wash the vibrator with soap and remember to put a condom on it.

Can HIV be transmitted by using a condom?

Scientists have proven that HIV is not transmitted during protected sexual intercourse. There is a mass of literature, which indicates that the diameter of the pores of the condom is much larger than the size of the virus. Therefore, even if the virus manages to penetrate the latex, its amount will be negligible, and therefore infection will not occur. If during sex the condom is not torn or slipped, then you are completely protected.

What is the probability of contracting HIV when tears, sweat or urine of an infected person gets on the skin of a person?

It is impossible to get infected through intact skin, even if you are covered with the blood of an HIV-infected person. Moreover, tears, sweat, urine are absolutely safe.

Can HIV be transmitted through personal hygiene items?

HIV is not transmitted through linen, washcloths, plates, towels, etc. Even if suddenly these things get sperm, blood, or breast milk, there is no danger.

Is it possible to get HIV in a pool or bath?

Water is not able to carry the virus, because it quickly dies in it, so you can get infected in a sauna, bath or pool, you can have sex without a condom.

Is it possible to get infected during mowing of insects?

HIV can only multiply and live in the human body. Pets and insects cannot carry the virus.

Can HIV be transmitted through the air?

HIV is not the plague, not the flu, not tuberculosis, so by airborne droplets cannot be transmitted.

Is HIV transmitted by hugging or shaking hands?

As mentioned above, HIV is not transmitted through intact skin. Even if there are abrasions or cuts on your hands, the risk is minimal. Of course, the theoretical probability of infection exists if a bleeding wound is pressed against exactly the same bleeding and fresh one, but it is difficult to imagine hugs and a handshake in such a situation.

Is there a risk of getting infected from an HIV-infected person through toothbrush or a razor?

Household items that come into contact with blood, such as manicure accessories, a razor, a brush, theoretically have a risk of infection. But to date, there has not been a single case of infection in this way.

Can HIV be passed on to a child?

A pregnant woman can infect her baby in three ways (the probability of transmitting the virus in this way is about 25%):

    Through the placenta - the risk of intrauterine transmission is 5-11%, which depends on most factors. First of all, from the condition of the mother during pregnancy ( immune status, viral load, pathological course of pregnancy, the presence chronic diseases), secondly, whether the pregnant woman takes antiretroviral therapy, thirdly, on the number of births in history - the more there are, the risk intrauterine infection higher.

    During childbirth through blood - the probability of infection is 15% (significantly reduces the risk of caesarean section).

    Through breast milk during breastfeeding, as the virus is found in mother's milk, the child is advised to transfer only to artificial baby food.

Scientists conducted a study in pregnant women, which proved that the most high risk infection occurs during childbirth and in the first trimester, when the placenta is not yet fully formed and the placental barrier is still very weak. Thus, the fetus can become infected with HIV as early as 8-12 weeks of gestation.

For this reason, if an infected woman becomes pregnant, she must take needed medicine, and the newborn should be fed only artificially. In this case, the risk of HIV transmission is minimized.

Is it possible to get HIV orally?

Through toothbrushes, kisses, food, spoons and bites, HIV is not transmitted. But there is still some risk with oral sex, so we recommend using a condom in this case.

Misconceptions about "infected needles"

There is a widespread belief that drug addicts leave infected needles in cinemas, entrances, inject them in nightclubs, or transport. This information is inflated only by journalists who are greedy for cheap sensations. Forget about such stories of HIV-infected people who take revenge on the whole world, but rather pay attention to statistics.

The probability of contracting HIV is only if he took the syringe out of his vein and immediately pricked another with it, it is 20%. If the needle is already dry, then the probability of infection is no more than 0.3%. The network describes a lot of cases when a baby was pricked with a drug addict's needle in a stairwell or sandbox, but there has not yet been a single episode that would confirm that a child became infected with HIV in this way.

Many girls, after unprotected sexual intercourse, wonder if I have contracted HIV-AIDS. Maybe everything went well, and I'm not sick? The same question is asked by men who have had unprotected intercourse. On the forums you can find a large number of such questions, for example: "Did I get AIDS - HIV or avoided infection if I had sexual intercourse with a girl with HIV?". We recommend that you read


If you have had unprotected intercourse with a boyfriend or girlfriend and you don't know if your partner has HIV (AIDS), then the risk of infection is much lower, since it is not certain that your partner was sick.

If you are a woman and you have had sexual contact with a man who is known to have HIV (AIDS), then your risk of infection depends on two factors. If a man’s sperm enters your vagina and you continue to have sexual intercourse, if there are defects in your vagina (erosion, wounds, menstruation, etc.) or if you have a sexually transmitted disease and weakened immunity, answer the question: “Did I become infected with AIDS (HIV )" you can answer 50% yes. If, during sexual contact with an infected man, he did not finish in you, you have good immunity, and your vagina has no defects and wounds, then the risk of infection will be much less than in the previous case, but it still takes place. HIV infection is in male sperm and lubricating secretions from the penis, so if you do not get sperm and its lubricating secret, then the risk of getting sick is minimal.

If you are a man and you had sexual intercourse with a sick woman who is HIV positive, then the risk of your infection is less than that of a woman from a man, but it is there regardless of whether you ended up in a girl or not. The longer such intercourse was, the more likely your infection. It is very difficult to answer the question whether I have contracted HIV-AIDS or not, because there are a lot of factors. For example, the risk of infection is reduced if you urinate after intercourse and flush most of the HIV viruses out of the penis canal with your urine. We recommend that you read

It is impossible to say in percentage terms “Whether I became infected, or whether I became infected with HIV-AIDS or not, if there was unprotected sexual intercourse with an HIV-positive partner”, since such studies have not been conducted, but it can be said with certainty that the chance of contracting HIV for women are three times more than for men.

Vaginal infection: The risk and probability of contracting HIV through vaginal contact ranges from 0.01% to 0.32% for a passive partner, from 0.01% to 0.1% for an active one, and can vary widely depending on various conditions.

Anal infection: Since microcracks are created during anal contact, the risk and probability of infection increases compared to vaginal contact and amounts to 1% for the receiving partner, and 0.06% for the active one, and can vary widely, depending on various conditions.

Oral infection: The risk and probability of contracting HIV through oral contact for a passive partner is 0.03%, on average, and can vary greatly, depending on the specific situation.


The window period is the period when antibodies to the AIDS virus do not appear in the human body. HIV, which does not allow during this period to know whether a person is HIV-positive or not, and any analysis shows negative result.

One month after infection: The probability of finding out whether I have contracted (got sick) HIV or not is very small and practically comes down to a very small percentage.

Three months after infection: chance to see positive analysis in the case of HIV infection increases to 50%.

Six months after infection: In almost 90% of cases, if a person has become infected with HIV, after such a period of time it can be determined using analysis HIV infection. We recommend that you read

After twelve months: This is the case when the analysis shows the result of the disease in 100% of cases. So, if you passed an HIV test a year later, and it showed a negative result, then you can safely say to yourself that you have not contracted HIV infection.

HIV infection can occur when the blood, semen, vaginal secretions of an infected person enter the bloodstream of an uninfected person: either directly or through the mucous membranes. Maybe infection baby from the mother during pregnancy (intrauterine), at childbirth or during breastfeeding. other ways HIV infection-infection not registered.

Proportion of HIV infections by different modes of transmission

All reported cases HIV-infections in the world are distributed according to the routes of infection as follows:

  • sexually - 70-80%;
  • injection drugs - 5-10%;
  • occupational infection of health workers - less than 0.01%;
  • transfusion of infected blood - 3-5%;
  • from a pregnant or nursing mother to a child - 5-10%.

AT different countries and regions are dominated different ways infections (homosexual, heterosexual, injecting drugs). In Russia, according to the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, in 1996-99 the route of infection through injection drugs (78.6% of all known cases).

Risk for healthcare workers

At the end of 1996, the US Centers for Disease Control reported 52 cases of occupational HIV infection health workers throughout the epidemic in the country. Of these, 45 infections occurred through needle sticks, and the rest when infected blood or laboratory fluid with concentrated virus got into wounds on the skin, eyes, mouth or mucous membranes. The average statistical risk of infection was calculated: with an accidental needle stick, it is 0.3% (1 in 300), if the virus enters damaged skin, eyes or mucous membranes - 0.1% (1 in 1,000).

Sexual risk

It is estimated that the average risk of HIV transmission as a result of a single unprotected anal contact for the "receiving" partner is from 0.8% to 3.2% (from 8 to 32 cases per 1,000). With a single vaginal contact, the statistical risk for a woman is from 0.05% to 0.15% (from 5 to 15 cases per 10,000).

  • for the "receiving" partner, when the second partner HIV+, - 0,82%;
  • for the "receiving" partner, when HIV- the status of the second partner is unknown, - 0.27%;
  • for the "introducing" partner - 0.06%.

When unprotected oral sex with a man the risk of contracting HIV for the "accepting" partner is 0.04%. For the "introducing" partner risk practically absent, since it comes into contact only with saliva (unless, of course, there is no bleeding or open wounds in the mouth of the "receiving" partner).

Low average the risk of contracting HIV with a single contact - not a reason for calm. In the study cited above, 9 out of 60, that is, 15% of those infected received HIV as a result of one or two episodes of unprotected "receiving" anal sex.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting HIV through sexual contact

The risk of HIV infection for both partners increases with concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Sexually transmitted diseases are rightly called "virus gateways" because they cause ulcers or inflammation of the genital mucosa. At the same time, a large number of lymphocytes enter the surface of the mucous membrane, especially those that serve as a target for HIV(T-4 lymphocytes). Inflammation also causes changes in the cell membrane, which increases the risk of virus entry.

A woman is about three times more likely to contract HIV from a man through sexual contact than a man from a woman.

In a woman, during unprotected intercourse, a large amount of the virus contained in the seminal fluid of a man enters the body. The surface area through which the virus can penetrate is much larger in a woman (vaginal mucosa). Moreover, in seminal fluid HIV contained in a higher concentration than in the secretions of the vagina. Risk for a woman, it increases with STDs, cervical erosion, wounds or inflammation of the mucous membrane, with menstruation, and also with rupture of the hymen.

The risk of contracting HIV for both men and women increases if the partner has cervical erosion.

For a woman - because erosion serves as an "entrance gate" for the virus. For a man - because HIV-positive woman erosion can lead to exfoliation of cells containing the virus from the cervix.