Dwarf Yorkshire. A small dog with a big character - Yorkshire Terrier - dwarf, micro and other varieties with photos

What do you think these people might have in common? famous personalities, like Gerard Depardieu and Audrey Hepburn, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paris Hilton, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jose Mourinho, Britney Spears and Vyacheslav Fetisov? Of course, they are all popular, and crowds of fans follow their every move. But these are so different people with big names are themselves fans: their pets are mini Yorkshire terrier dogs. These cute miniature terriers accompany their owners on trips to social events and shopping, to glamorous parties and exhibitions.

When did it all start?

At the beginning of the 18th century, a new breed- Yorkshire Terrier. Its first representatives were hunting dogs in the homes of ordinary workers and peasants and were bred to kill rats and hunt small game. In weaving factories, the first Yorkies were used instead of cats - they hunted and destroyed rodents.

From whom did they come?

There is no exact documentary information about which specific breeds of British terriers made their genetic contribution to the appearance of the mini Yorkshire terrier dog. Scientists have only been able to establish that the ancestors of Yorkies were the extinct breeds of Paisley, Clydesdale and Black and Tan Toy Terrier. The Maltese has inherited excellent long wool, and from the Skye Terrier - an unusually beautiful blue-steel color. Having looked at the paintings of painters from the late 18th century - early XIX century, you can see that the exterior of the Yorkies of that time is quite similar to the familiar appearance of modern representatives of this breed.

Official recognition

As mentioned above, the first Yorkie breeders were simple workers who worked in woolen and weaving factories. Later, the aristocracy turned its attention to smart, cute and brave miniature dogs. During the reign of Queen Victoria, going out on the promenade or in society without a Yorkshire terrier was considered bad manners.

The British Kennel Club officially recognized the Yorkshire Terrier breed in 1874, registering in its pedigree book Albert, a male dog of owner Peter Eden of Manchester. Worldwide popularity and high demand came to Yorkies only in the second half of the last century.

Mini Yorkies in Russia

The first mini Yorkshire terrier in Russia appeared in 1971 with the legendary Soviet ballet star Olga Vasilievna Lepeshinskaya, who received this dog as a gift from fans. Until the 90s of the last century, single representatives of this breed appeared in different cities of our country, of which there were only ten at that time.

Only in 1991, animals of this breed were brought to Mytishchi from France, England and Spain, and the first nursery was founded. Yorkshire Terrier The mini has become a popular miniature breed. The first Russian mini-York kennels registered by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) were “Mini Shop” by Babaeva and “Moscow Talisman” by Manina.

Today, more than two hundred breeders, kennels and clubs from various parts of Russia are registered in the National Yorkshire Terrier Club.

Types of Yorkies

The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard does not include a division by size, but in life it is customary to classify dogs into the following three sizes:

In addition, dog breeders especially appreciate the mini baby-face Yorkshire Terrier. These are puppies with big round eyes on shortened muzzles and “gnomes” - dwarf dogs with a non-overgrown fontanel and large bulging eyes.

general description

Looking at any Yorkie, you will understand: with all his appearance he shows that, although small, he is a very brave and proud dog. As you can see, the Mini Yorkshire Terrier pictured below has a square body with a short and strong loin and a straight top line.

Front and hind legs When viewed from the front and rear, they should stand straight. Elbows should be straight, without moving outward or inward. Yorkies' feet are rounded, with small black claws. The mini Yorkshire Terrier is decorated with a straight and long, without any creases or thickenings, thin tail with fur darker than on the body.

The skull of this breed is not large, and the muzzle is of medium length with deep and straight-set eyes. The erect ears are set wide apart, which gives the dogs a sweet appearance. Yorkies should have a full row of teeth with a pronounced scissor bite.

Wool Pride

Silky coat is a special pride of owners of Mini Yorkshire Terrier dogs. The photo below shows what it can look like with careful and daily care.

The Yorkie's coat is very fine, silky and shiny, without undercoat, its structure resembles human hair. From the neck to the tip of the tail, the fur of Yorkshire terriers is painted in a steel color, but on the chest, head and paws to the elbows it is a rich golden brown shade. In adult dogs, the tan marks are an even reddish color, without any inclusions of black or steel. The Mini Yorkshire Terrier also stands out because, unlike most other breeds, it does not shed.


Representatives of this miniature breed They look glamorous and cute, but at the same time they are not short of intelligence, cunning and courage. These are excellent companions who enjoy communicating and are ready to adapt to almost any circumstances so as not to be left alone. They love attention to their person.

The Yorkshire Terrier mini (standard) gets along well with children and teenagers, as well as with older people. This is a real terrier who is not afraid to bark at a dog ten times his size during a walk if it seems to him that its intentions are not very good. Families with very young children should not have representatives of this breed, since the child does not always correlate his strengths, and he may simply not notice the dog on the sofa and sit on it.

In order for the pet to be a great companion and did not dictate his terms to the whole family, he needs to be taught obedience from puppyhood and preferably taught the simplest commands. The Yorkshire Terrier, regardless of size, is a very smart and sociable animal. It should be remembered that only love, affection and controlled severity can turn a puppy into an obedient and well-mannered dog.

Yorkshire Terrier mini: care

Dogs of this breed need daily and ongoing care. If you are ready for the fact that you will have to constantly wash, comb, take care of the eyes and claws, and carefully monitor your pet’s diet, then the Mini Yorkie is your breed.

Caring for miniature animals begins with daily washing. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad or swab and wipe the muzzle. Then you should carefully treat the eyes with a napkin soaked in lukewarm tea leaves or chamomile infusion. Using a special lotion, you need to brush your dog daily. In addition, the hair on the top of the ear needs to be trimmed weekly. Growing nails should be trimmed regularly and any growing fur between the toes and paw pads should be trimmed regularly. Every month you need to brush your dog’s teeth, and if you find tartar, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Yorkies' luxurious coat requires frequent, almost weekly, washing. After water procedures the dog only needs to be blotted with a terry towel, and then the coat is dried using a special brush and hair dryer. Using a brush, you need to slightly pull the hair according to its growth, placing it in the hairstyle. As a rule, the dog gets used to the third such procedure and does not become capricious during it.

Owners often pamper their pets with something tasty. It should be remembered that it is better to feed Yorkshire Terriers twice a day and in small portions special feeds. Food from the owner's table, of course, will please the animal, but it can be simply harmful to its health.

Mini Yorkies are quite easy to litter train, which makes it possible to walk them, especially in inclement weather, not every day. It is important to remember that you need to train your dog to use the house toilet as soon as the puppy is in your home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yorkshire terriers, according to experts, are one of the most expensive and popular dog breeds. There are many reasons for this, we will list only the main ones:

If you are thinking about purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier, you should consider that, just like other dog breeds, it has its drawbacks:

  • Caring for a luxurious coat will require a significant amount of time and financial investment.
  • Yorkies are quite fragile creatures, and their health will have to be carefully monitored.
  • Proper nutrition and adherence to feeding regime in order to avoid health problems.
  • The need for mandatory training so that the dog does not grow up capricious and aggressive.

Choosing a puppy

As already mentioned, in Russia today there are many kennels and clubs where you can buy mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Moscow and St. Petersburg today lead in the number of offers of Mini Yorkies from the parents of international and Russian champions with a pedigree longer than most English Lords. Accordingly, the price for such dogs will be more than high. In the event that you are buying a puppy as pet and companion and do not plan to participate in exhibition activities with him, it is worth taking a closer look at the offers in your city or region.

So, you have decided to get a mini Yorkshire Terrier dog. How to choose it? We'll tell you. First of all, you need to collect information about the origin of all animals for sale. The breeder must provide a pedigree of the dog confirming its purebred, or introduce you to complete information about the puppy’s parents, showing all available certificates and diplomas confirming the declared ranks and titles. It is advisable to see adult dogs, since as the puppy grows up, it will become more and more like them. After communicating with the seller, if everything suits you, you can choose a pet. What should you pay special attention to?

  1. First of all, study the appearance of the animal you like. If the puppy himself is smaller than his brothers or his limbs are more miniature, then he will most likely grow up to be more fragile and small.
  2. The dog's nose should be cold and moist, without any plaque or rim around the edge. If the puppy is not yet two months old, then his ears will not stand up, since in Yorkies and other terriers they rise at 2-2.5 months. Examine the ears: there is no discharge, scratches or scratches, as well as an unpleasant odor.
  3. Look and evaluate the correctness of the bite, it should be a “scissors” type. If you are not good at this, then invite experienced dog handler or an experienced dog breeder.
  4. Small Yorkies should be quite strong, with a close-fitting and shiny coat. Damages, scratches and scratches on the puppy’s body are not allowed. Wool anus must be clean, which indirectly confirms that the dog is not infected with helminths.
  5. Observe the behavior of the kids. Mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies that sit on the sidelines and do not play with others may have health problems and should not be purchased. If you are purchasing a pet for yourself, then it is better to take a closer look at the ringleaders and leaders who dominate others. Just remember that such leaders will have to be taught discipline and make efforts to educate and train. Shy and willing to obey the leader, puppies will be able to get along well with older people.

That's all you need to know about the Mini Yorkshire Terrier breed. We figured out how to choose a pet. After you have selected a puppy and paid for it, the owner of the kennel must provide you with in writing recommendations for feeding, growing, maintenance and care.

The Yorkshire Terrier looks cute and adorable. Few people remain indifferent when they see these funny little bundles of long, silky hair.

What is important for the owner to know

Yorkies are very fragile creatures. On average, this dog breed lives from 12 to 14 years. An adult animal should weigh no more than 3170 grams.

The Yorkshire Terrier is very friendly and can quickly form friendships with people or animals. He devoted to the owner, attentive listener. It has long been known that Yorkies have positive influence on the psyche.

This dog breed does not shed, they do not have a specific smell.

If you buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy without the help of a specialist, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • The “calling card” of a real Yorkshire Terrier is its brand.
  • The legs should be straight and the back should be flat.
  • The wool and skin are clean; if the wool looks like cotton wool, you will have to suffer with it.
  • The eyes, nose and ears should not be damaged or inflamed.
  • There should be six teeth below and six below, a scissor bite.

How often to walk

A Yorkie puppy should be taught to walk gradually, first carried out into the street in their arms and does not last long, after a while you can start carrying it in your bag. And only when he gets used to it, you can put the puppy on the grass for a while if the weather is good outside.

You should take this curious dog for a walk only on roulette. A walk of about an hour a day is enough to satisfy your Yorkie's need for activity.

Although Yorkies have long hair, they do not provide warmth due to the lack of undercoat. Therefore, it is better to dress your dog in clothes for walks. special overalls and shoes.

What physical activity does a dog need?

Your Yorkie should receive some physical activity every day. Games are suitable for this, so you need to make sure that the dog as often as possible played and ran.

If you don't let it discharge, your Yorkie will start misbehaving at home: tearing wallpaper, chewing things and doing all sorts of mischief.

What troubles can happen to a Yorkshire Terrier?

Yorkies are brave, curious and fearless. Recklessly brave puppies, when chasing something, can jump out onto the road or fall under the feet of a person or the wheels of a stroller.

Therefore, to avoid troubles, you should definitely control their movement.

You definitely need to train your puppy basic commands, because without them you can lose the puppy. They are easy to train, but this requires a strong owner, as these dogs are very ambitious.

How to care for a newly purchased puppy

Even before the puppy arrives, you need to take care of the necessary care items and prepare the place. In a new home, the terrier may be frightened by the new environment, but gradually he will begin to get used to it and master the territory.

What to buy for a puppy

It is better to buy all products for the maintenance and care of the Yorkshire Terrier in pet stores or at large exhibitions.

For Yorkie you will need:

  • enclosure (to create a cozy and safe place in the puppy’s home);
  • bed;
  • carrying bag;
  • collar with leash and tape measure;
  • bowls, at least two pieces;
  • feeder and drinking bowl (necessarily heavy, ceramic or earthenware);
  • latex and edible toys made from veins (bones, balls, squeakers);
  • specialized cosmetics (shampoos, balms, sprays);
  • Terry towel;
  • combs of several types: metal with a comfortable handle and frequent rounded teeth; massage brushes;
  • papillots with elastic bands;
  • small scissors with rounded ends, which are convenient for trimming the hair on the ears and between the toes;
  • nail clippers or nail clippers;
  • file for sharpening claws;
  • various clothes;
  • bows, hairpins and various accessories for creating hairstyles

Prepare your apartment for the arrival of a dog

For the puppy, you need to secure the quietest place in the house. Do not give him a place where possible drafts. You cannot assign the puppy a place near the radiator, in the corridor where people often walk.

Clean everything in the house small toys and things that an inquisitive dog might chew or swallow. It is better to purchase a special playpen, the dog will be safe in it, but do not put it in a dark corner. Give your Yorkie a bed to sleep on.

How to prepare a place where the dog will rest?

You can sew a puppy bed yourself by filling it with padding polyester or furniture foam rubber. Removable covers are a must. IN specialized stores for sale sunbeds with sides or in the shape of a house. Dogs feel more protected on them.

Basket for sleeping place A Yorkie will not be suitable, since he will definitely want to chew on it - “to taste it.”

How to train to the tray

It’s not difficult to train a Yorkie to sit on a tray, but at first you will have to suffer a little. Manifest patience, if you scold him and punish him, you can ruin the dog’s psyche.

Little Yorkies relieve themselves after eating and sleeping. This is the time to plant them. Stand in front of him until he empties. After this it is necessary praise him. Soon the dog will learn to cope with this matter on its own.

And if your pet continues to misbehave at home, then read ours on how to wean him from it.

Basic rules for keeping a Yorkie

To prevent diseases, do not forget inspect daily Terrier, in case of any abnormality, the puppy must be shown to a veterinarian.

A normal, standard, healthy Yorkshire Terrier typically weighs between 2 and 3 kg. The temperature through the anus should be 38-39 degrees.

What are the problems and diseases?

In the process of breeding a Yorkie, the following diseases are most often noticed:

  1. Dermatitis, alopecia and other skin diseases. With dermatitis, tumors appear, elevated temperature. Alopecia causes patchy hair loss, usually on the scalp.
  2. Eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. They may appear due to improper care, after which the dog’s eyes become cloudy.
  3. Displacement of the joints of the limbs. Dislocations kneecap. They are usually congenital.
  4. Diseases of the joints of the limbs, fractures, etc. Because of them, the dog begins to limp.
  5. Kidney disease occurs frequent urination, thirst appears. The dog is losing weight, although her appetite remains good.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Non-closure of the fontanel. By the time the dog is one year old, it should be closed.
  8. Spasm of the pharynx, which makes breathing difficult, leading to suffocation.
  9. Hernia.

When to get vaccinated?

Vaccinations will help keep your pet healthy. The first vaccination is given at 6 weeks, then repeated after two or four weeks. Next vaccination is assigned to the year when all the teeth are replaced.


All Yorkies have long, beautiful hair that requires constant care. It is necessary to comb the fur. You can give your dog a model haircut, but most owners like to do their pet’s hair themselves.

How often should I bathe?

You should wash your Yorkie three times a month. It's better to bathe him in the bath. You should not use too much pressure from the shower, as the puppy may be frightened by the strong jet. The water temperature should be 35-36˚C. It is better to take a special shampoo or use a children's shampoo, but they must be diluted with water.

After the dog has been washed, apply conditioner to the fur and rinse it thoroughly. To prevent the fur from becoming tangled, all actions are carried out in the direction of the fur.

After washing your Yorkie, wrap it in a soft terry towel and dry with a warm hairdryer. When the fur is dry, it should be combed and sprayed with spray. Immediately wrap the wool papillottes.

Eye care

In the morning, you should wipe your eyes with damp swabs and comb the hair down from them, as the hairs can injure the eyes.

Ear care

Ears need to be examined and cleaned once a week. Plaque is removed with a damp stick dipped in a special lotion. You don't have to go far into your ear to avoid damaging it.

If there is redness in the ears or bad smell you should contact your veterinarian.

Nose care

A Yorkie should have a nose wet and cold. An alarming signal is a white border around it or copious discharge.

Dental care

The Yorkie's teeth are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, so between them food waste often gets stuck, which must be cleaned with a toothpick.

At 4 months, baby teeth begin to change, which can cause fever and loose stool. You should definitely give it to your baby at this time. light toys, which it will be convenient for him to chew.

If baby teeth do not fall out and new ones grow nearby, you should consult a veterinarian. Often appears on the teeth of terriers. tartar, it also needs to be removed with the help of doctors.

Nail care

Nails are trimmed using light nail clippers 2-3 times a month, as they grow. They need to be cut off no more than by 2 mm. After this, treat with a nail file.

A clean, well-groomed Yorkshire Terrier will become a real family member, an excellent friend and companion. This smart, peace-loving dog gets along easily with everyone and does not cause much trouble.

Yorkshire Terrier– popular decorative breed dogs, which are in great demand among fans of small pets. Their miniature size allows even owners of small apartments to keep these dogs. Another undeniable advantage of the breed is the absence of undercoat, which means Yorkies do not shed, and your home will always be clean. Moreover, the structure of the coat is similar to human hair, so Yorkshire wool does not cause allergic reaction, unless you are allergic to dog dander or odor.

Breed varieties

There are 3 classes of Yorkshire Terriers:

  1. Super mini (micro). In this class, the weight of the future dog is a maximum of 1.5 kg. These are ideal “pocket companions” that you can always carry with you.
  2. Mini. Expected weight 1.5-2.0 kg. Small standard. The weight of an adult dog is 2-2.5 kg. It is customary to talk about these favorites as the “golden mean”. Miniature size, active nature, they are able to bear offspring.
  3. Standard. The very first representatives of the breed are classics. Weight adult reaches 3.1 kg. Very often they have elongated “fox faces”, while miniature dogs have a “baby-face” type. These are shortened noses with a round head, like doll faces.

Advantages of buying a Yorkie from the Superminiki club

So, if you are determined to buy a Yorkshire Terrier, then you need to choose a breeder or kennel. We invite you to contact our Superminik club. Many of our breeders have veterinary education, That's why Club puppies do not have any health problems. During the purchase process, you will be able to see in what conditions your future pet is kept, and also get to know its parents.

Yorkshire Terriers in our club sold with documents, vaccinated according to age and branded.

For reasons of “fashionable” and “ smaller size- less hassle." However, this baby requires a lot of attention and you need to take this into account when buying a pet.

Performance evaluation and information

The “mini” category includes York terriers weighing from 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. It is these dogs that most often become pets, and we can see them on city streets while walking with their owners. Adult dogs can grow from 15 to 18 cm in height.

The skull of these animals is small, slightly flattened on top. The muzzle is quite cute, covered with long hair, with dark eyes and a black nose button. The dog's gaze is expressive and intelligent. The ears are erect, small, and widely spaced.

Did you know? In 1943, the world's smallest Yorkie was born in England. The dog's name was Sylvia, she weighed 113.4 g and was 6.34 cm tall. The baby lived only two years.

Special attention When choosing, the Yorkshire Terrier's mini coat is worth choosing, because it must exactly match the description of the breed. This breed has a long and straight coat, shiny, without undercoat. The structure of the wool resembles human hair - it is just as silky and thin, and a little cool to the touch. As a rule, the color from tail to neck is steel, possibly silver-blue, but the chest, head and legs are a beautiful tan color (from golden cream to reddish brown). There are also other colors in which black with red splashes dominates. Animals whose fur is dyed in several colors are more expensive.

Origin of the breed and purpose

It’s hard to believe, looking at this miniature, doll-like dog, that in the distant 18th century their main purpose was to catch rodents in working-class neighborhoods and factories in England. They were kept in garment factories to protect goods from rats and released into the fields, where they also hunted pests.

Did you know? Miniature parameters and cute appearance hide a very bold character. There was a case when a Yorkshire terrier rushed to protect its owner from an Akita Inu dog. The baby survived the attack, but needed nine stitches.

The breed originated from working terriers with the participation of Chrisland Terriers, Paisleys and other species popular at that time. Yorkies were recognized at the end of the 18th century, and became widespread after the 40s of the last century.

Appearance of a mini-York - standard requirements

According to the latest standard, published in 2011, there are no clear restrictions on the height and weight of a dog. At first glance it should be clear that the animal is friendly, active, with a strong body and straight, long hair, which is parted in the center, from head to tail. A purebred dog must have an easy-going character with no signs of aggressiveness and nervous disorders. Here is a description of the “ideal” Yorkie:

  • nose black;
  • eyelids dry and black;
  • the head is proportional to the body;
  • the ears are V-shaped and covered with bright red hair;
  • ribs slightly rounded;
  • forearm and back straight;
  • the gait is easy, ensured by the correct angles on the hind legs;
  • scissor bite, the upper incisors are located in front of the lower ones, without forming a gap.

Important! When choosing a dog, pay special attention to deviations in character (timidity, aggressiveness), jaw position (absence of more than 2 teeth, gaps between teeth) and coat color (there should be no curled hairs).

Purebred Mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies will have black fur on top and bright fur on the belly, head and face.

Personality of the Mini Yorkshire Terrier

If you watch the animal for some time, it begins to seem that there is a battery inside - Yorkies are so energetic, cheerful and playful. They need constant movement and exercise, otherwise they become moody and nervous. Representatives of this breed always very selflessly defend their territory, including from other pets. We need to control these impulses and prevent such attacks. Yorkies have retained the hunter's instinct, so they will catch birds, rodents, butterflies, beetles - anything that gets in their way. In general, these dogs are sociable, smart and cheerful, which is why children especially love them.

Which owner is it suitable for?

Since Yorkies are very energetic, they are suitable for people who are active but have high level self-control, which is necessary for raising this “live animal”. This dog will be a wonderful friend for a child and a companion for a lonely person. But only an owner with leadership abilities, strict, persistent, but at the same time caring and affectionate, can subjugate him. Otherwise, the Yorkie may become the main dog in the house.

Training and education

Yorkies are very smart and easy to handle. They are able to learn the most complex commands and remember them, even if you don’t work with them for a long time. Even a preschooler can teach a pet the simplest commands that are necessary in everyday life.

The main thing in raising this breed is to give the dog the level of energy necessary for its irrepressible energy. physical activity. You need to walk him twice a day for at least an hour. If you have a country house or dacha, take your pet with you - there he can have plenty of fun. If the dog does not receive enough stress, it will chew furniture, wallpaper, and shoes. This is not out of harm, but he simply has nowhere to put the accumulated energy. And we must not forget to remind the Yorkie who is boss.

How to choose a puppy and their price

Your comfort and its future existence depend on how responsibly you take the choice of a puppy. Don’t be delighted at the sight of crumbs, but turn on a cool mind and Please pay attention to the following points:

  1. You can buy 2-3 one month old puppy who has all vaccinations and veterinary passport with seals and marks.
  2. The baby should be strong, active, and playful.
  3. Wool healthy puppy clean and shiny. Ask to hold the puppy in your arms and examine it.
  4. The nose should be black, moist and cold. There should be no discharge or white coating along the edge of the nose.
  5. Back and limbs healthy baby The legs will be straight, the paws will be rounded, and will be gathered into a ball.
  6. If you look into your mouth, you will see the gums of a beautiful Pink colour. On the top and lower jaw 6 canines and 2 incisors. The bite is correct upper teeth cover the lower ones.
  7. Gently touch the crown - at this age the fontanel should be closed.
  8. A healthy Yorkie has dark, moist eyes that look forward. The pupils are dark, the iris is clear, there is no discharge from the eyes.
The price of a puppy can vary depending on the region and degree of breeding and usually starts at $200.

Living conditions and safety

Buying for yourself pet, you need to realize that this is not a toy, but another family member who needs constant attention.


Caring for a mini Yorkshire Terrier is not only balanced and regular walks, but also mandatory care for the coat, teeth, eyes, claws, hygiene procedures. After all, a dog cannot cope with all these things on its own and is completely dependent on its owner.

Wool is the pride of the breed

To make your pet's fur look like in the picture, you will have to put in a lot of effort. First of all, purchase a set of brushes, tangle cutters, and shampoos. The dog must be combed and untangled before each bath. To do this, use a comb with sparse teeth, and especially tangled ones are sorted out by hand. It is better to entrust it to a specialist, although you will have to master the minimum skills yourself. To add shine to the wool, it is lubricated with oil.

Did you know? A Yorkie's coat, if left uncut at all, can grow to twice its height.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

Yorkies need to have their ears cleaned periodically, preferably after bathing. To make the procedure easier, hair is sometimes removed from inside ear. Every day you need to wipe his eyes with a cotton pad dipped in water. The accumulation of discharge from the eyes can lead to conjunctivitis. Nails also require trimming as they grow. This is done with special tweezers and no more than 1 mm, since the pulp of Yorkies is very close. At 5-7 months their teeth change, and you need to not miss this moment and show the dog to the doctor. Let your animal occasionally chew carrots, crackers, or just something hard to clean its teeth.


You need to bathe your pet 2-3 times a month. To do this, place a rubber mat in the bathtub or sink. The water should be slightly cooler than for bathing children. Shampoo is used for long-haired dogs, lather twice and wash thoroughly each time. Then apply conditioner and rinse well. The entire procedure should take no more than 10 minutes. When finished, the dog should be allowed to shake himself off and wrapped in a towel. After blotting the water, the wool is dried with a hairdryer using a massage brush.


Yorkies love to go outside and play active games. You need at least an hour a day for walking, if possible more. The dog must know basic commands, such as “Fu”, “Sit”, “Next”, “Come”, otherwise the walk will turn into hard labor for you. If the pet is not accustomed to obey, he, due to his excessive curiosity, may simply get lost.


Key factor for normal height and development of the mini Yorkshire Terrier, along with care and maintenance, is feeding. The main rule in nutrition is that you don’t need to feed your dog like you feed yourself. Not everything that is on our table will be useful to him. Menu adult dog should consist of 50% proteins (all meat), 25% porridge, another 25% fruits and vegetables. The healthiest meat is beef. Raw beef finely cut and scalded with boiling water. Liver and fish can be given twice a week, as can an omelet or raw yolk. Protein in cannot be given raw, as this will have a bad effect on appearance wool Yorkies love cottage cheese, and some take well to fermented baked milk and kefir. Food should always be extremely fresh.

It is not recommended to give ready-made and home-cooked food at the same time - keep an interval of at least three hours, as they are digested differently. Monitor the availability of water, especially when feeding. When feeding homemade food You need to give additional vitamins and minerals. Overfeeding pets is strictly prohibited. If you look at mini Yorkshire terriers, participants in various exhibitions, photos of which are available on the Internet, you can see that in adult dogs excess weight No. For a growing puppy, 1 tbsp is enough for every 0.5 kg of weight. l. food (without top). If the dog has not finished the food within 15-20 minutes, it is removed. Make sure food is at room temperature

Important! All sausages, frankfurters, sausages, smoked meats, lamb, pork and sweets are strictly contraindicated for Yorkies.

Health and characteristic diseases

Mini terriers, unlike regular Yorkies, are more... The eyes are at risk oral cavity and joints. Their bones and skeleton are quite fragile - even a jump from a high chair can result in a fracture. However, not everything is so scary - if your pet receives quality, balanced diet If you just walk enough, you will live without problems to a ripe old age, which is 15 years or more! Very important for the mini Yorkshire terrier timely vaccination, which will help protect him from many problems.

If you have already decided to have a four-legged family member, then do not forget that the Mini Yorkshire Terrier, although miniature, is still a dog, and he needs appropriate care and maintenance. In response to the care of this little one funny little lump will certainly thank the person with his devotion and give a lot of joy.

What do you think such famous personalities as Gerard Depardieu and Audrey Hepburn, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paris Hilton, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jose Mourinho, Britney Spears and Vyacheslav Fetisov might have in common? Of course, they are all popular, and crowds of fans follow their every move. But these very different people with big names are themselves fans: their pets are mini Yorkshire terrier dogs. These cute miniature terriers accompany their owners on trips to social events and shopping, to glamorous parties and exhibitions.

When did it all start?

At the beginning of the 18th century, a new breed appeared in the English city of Yorkshire - the Yorkshire Terrier. Its first representatives were hunting dogs in the homes of ordinary workers and peasants and were bred to kill rats and hunt small game. In weaving factories, the first Yorkies were used instead of cats - they hunted and destroyed rodents.

From whom did they come?

There is no exact documentary information about which specific breeds of British terriers made their genetic contribution to the appearance of the mini Yorkshire terrier dog. Scientists have only been able to establish that the ancestors of Yorkies were the extinct breeds of Paisley, Clydesdale and Black and Tan Toy Terrier. The Maltese was inherited with excellent long hair, and the Skye Terrier was inherited with an unusually beautiful steel-blue color. Having looked at the paintings of painters of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, you can see that the exterior of Yorkies of that time is quite similar to the familiar appearance of modern representatives of this breed.

Official recognition

As mentioned above, the first Yorkie breeders were simple workers who worked in woolen and weaving factories. Later, the aristocracy turned its attention to smart, cute and brave miniature dogs. During the reign of Queen Victoria, going out on the promenade or in society without a Yorkshire terrier was considered bad manners.

The British Kennel Club officially recognized the Yorkshire Terrier breed in 1874, registering in its pedigree book Albert, a male dog of owner Peter Eden of Manchester. Worldwide popularity and high demand came to Yorkies only in the second half of the last century.

Mini Yorkies in Russia

The first mini Yorkshire terrier in Russia appeared in 1971 with the legendary Soviet ballet star Olga Vasilievna Lepeshinskaya, who received this dog as a gift from fans. Until the 90s of the last century, single representatives of this breed appeared in different cities of our country, of which there were only ten at that time.

Only in 1991, animals of this breed were brought to Mytishchi from France, England and Spain, and the first nursery was founded. The Mini Yorkshire Terrier has become a popular miniature breed. The first Russian mini-York kennels registered by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) were “Mini Shop” by Babaeva and “Moscow Talisman” by Manina.

Today, more than two hundred breeders, kennels and clubs from various parts of Russia are registered in the National Yorkshire Terrier Club.

Types of Yorkies

The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard does not include a division by size, but in life it is customary to classify dogs into the following three sizes:

In addition, dog breeders especially appreciate the mini baby-face Yorkshire Terrier. These are puppies with large round eyes on shortened muzzles and “gnomes” - dwarf dogs with an open fontanel and large bulging eyes.

general description

Looking at any Yorkie, you will understand: with all his appearance he shows that, although small, he is a very brave and proud dog. As you can see, the Mini Yorkshire Terrier pictured below has a square body with a short and strong loin and a straight top line.

The front and hind legs should be straight when viewed from the front and rear. Elbows should be straight, without moving outward or inward. Yorkies' feet are rounded, with small black claws. The mini Yorkshire Terrier is decorated with a straight and long, without any creases or thickenings, thin tail with fur darker than on the body.

The skull of this breed is not large, and the muzzle is of medium length with deep and straight-set eyes. The erect ears are set wide apart, which gives the dogs a sweet appearance. Yorkies should have a full row of teeth with a pronounced scissor bite.

Wool Pride

Silky coat is a special pride of owners of Mini Yorkshire Terrier dogs. The photo below shows what it can look like with careful and daily care.

The Yorkie's coat is very fine, silky and shiny, without undercoat, and resembles human hair in its structure. From the neck to the tip of the tail, the fur of Yorkshire terriers is painted in a steel color, but on the chest, head and paws to the elbows it is a rich golden brown shade. In adult dogs, the tan marks are an even reddish color, without any inclusions of black or steel. The Mini Yorkshire Terrier also stands out because, unlike most other breeds, it does not shed.


Representatives of this miniature breed look glamorous and cute, but at the same time they are not short of intelligence, cunning and courage. These are excellent companions who enjoy communicating and are ready to adapt to almost any circumstances so as not to be left alone. They love attention to their person.

The Yorkshire Terrier mini (standard) gets along well with children and teenagers, as well as with older people. This is a real terrier who is not afraid to bark at a dog ten times his size during a walk if it seems to him that its intentions are not very good. Families with very young children should not have representatives of this breed, since the child does not always correlate his strengths, and he may simply not notice the dog on the sofa and sit on it.

In order for your pet to be an excellent companion and not dictate its terms to the whole family, it must be trained in obedience from puppyhood and preferably taught the simplest commands. The Yorkshire Terrier, regardless of size, is a very smart and sociable animal. It should be remembered that only love, affection and controlled severity can turn a puppy into an obedient and well-mannered dog.

Yorkshire Terrier mini: care

Dogs of this breed require daily and constant care. If you are ready for the fact that you will have to constantly wash, comb, take care of the eyes and claws, and carefully monitor your pet’s diet, then the Mini Yorkie is your breed.

Caring for miniature animals begins with daily washing. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad or swab and wipe the muzzle. Then you should carefully treat the eyes with a napkin soaked in lukewarm tea leaves or chamomile infusion. Using a special lotion, you need to brush your dog daily. In addition, the hair on the top of the ear needs to be trimmed weekly. Growing nails should be trimmed regularly and any growing fur between the toes and paw pads should be trimmed regularly. Every month you need to brush your dog’s teeth, and if you find tartar, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Yorkies' luxurious coat requires frequent, almost weekly, washing. After water treatments, the dog only needs to be blotted with a terry towel, and then the coat is dried using a special brush and hair dryer. Using a brush, you need to slightly pull the hair according to its growth, placing it in the hairstyle. As a rule, the dog gets used to the third such procedure and does not become capricious during it.

Owners often pamper their pets with something tasty. It should be remembered that it is better to feed Yorkshire terriers twice a day and with small portions of special food. Food from the owner's table, of course, will please the animal, but it can be simply harmful to its health.

Mini Yorkies are quite easy to litter train, which makes it possible to walk them, especially in inclement weather, not every day. It is important to remember that you need to train your dog to use the house toilet as soon as the puppy is in your home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yorkshire terriers, according to experts, are one of the most expensive and popular dog breeds. There are many reasons for this, we will list only the main ones:

If you are thinking about purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier, you should consider that, just like other dog breeds, it has its drawbacks:

  • Caring for a luxurious coat will require a significant amount of time and financial investment.
  • Yorkies are quite fragile creatures, and their health will have to be carefully monitored.
  • Proper nutrition and adherence to feeding regime in order to avoid health problems.
  • The need for mandatory training so that the dog does not grow up capricious and aggressive.

Choosing a puppy

As already mentioned, in Russia today there are many kennels and clubs where you can buy mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Moscow and St. Petersburg today lead in the number of offers of Mini Yorkies from the parents of international and Russian champions with a pedigree longer than most English Lords. Accordingly, the price for such dogs will be more than high. If you are buying a puppy as a pet and companion and do not plan to participate in exhibition activities with it, you should take a closer look at the offers in your city or region.

So, you have decided to get a mini Yorkshire Terrier dog. How to choose it? We'll tell you. First of all, you need to collect information about the origin of all animals for sale. The breeder must provide a pedigree of the dog confirming its purebred, or provide you with complete information about the puppy’s parents, showing all available certificates and diplomas confirming the declared ranks and titles. It is advisable to see adult dogs, since as the puppy grows up, it will become more and more like them. After communicating with the seller, if everything suits you, you can choose a pet. What should you pay special attention to?

  1. First of all, study the appearance of the animal you like. If the puppy himself is smaller than his brothers or his limbs are more miniature, then he will most likely grow up to be more fragile and small.
  2. The dog's nose should be cold and moist, without any plaque or rim around the edge. If the puppy is not yet two months old, then his ears will not stand up, since in Yorkies and other terriers they rise at 2-2.5 months. Examine the ears: there is no discharge, scratches or scratches, as well as an unpleasant odor.
  3. Look and evaluate the correctness of the bite, it should be a “scissors” type. If you are not good at this, then invite an experienced dog handler or dog breeder with experience.
  4. Small Yorkies should be quite strong, with a close-fitting and shiny coat. Damages, scratches and scratches on the puppy’s body are not allowed. The fur near the anus should be clean, which indirectly confirms that the dog is not infected with helminths.
  5. Observe the behavior of the kids. Mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies that sit on the sidelines and do not play with others may have health problems and should not be purchased. If you are purchasing a pet for yourself, then it is better to take a closer look at the ringleaders and leaders who dominate others. Just remember that such leaders will have to be taught discipline and make efforts to educate and train. Shy and willing to obey the leader, puppies will be able to get along well with older people.

That's all you need to know about the Mini Yorkshire Terrier breed. We figured out how to choose a pet. After you have selected a puppy and paid for it, the owner of the kennel must provide you with written recommendations on feeding, raising, maintenance and care.