When can Husky puppies have eye color? Scientists have discovered why huskies have “icy” blue eyes. Huskies change eye color.

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog, classified as a working sled dog. The dog has a harmoniously built body with a light body and well-developed muscles. home distinctive feature The breed has thick, dense wool, which allows it to withstand frosts down to 50-60 degrees. The Siberian Husky has light, smooth movements.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Rough, heavy or overly refined skull. Insufficiently defined stop.
  • Eyes too close together or too wide apart.
  • Ears that are too large or not standing up enough.
  • Thick, short or too long neck.
  • Tail curled tightly or lying on the back.
  • A short step that is out of rhythm, or an awkward gait.
  • Long, shaggy fur.
  • Manifestations of aggression, cowardice.
  • Growth above established standards.

Most dog breeders are unable to resist the angelic appearance of these unearthly creatures.

They have a proud posture, elegant gait, luxurious fur, a fluffy sable tail, and erect ears. The variety of colors is amazing - from exclusively white tones to pure black shades. There are also gray, fawn, red or brown markings on the coat.

All representatives of this breed have a mischievous, cheerful appearance, but they are all different in their emotional nature. They look at it differently the world animals with brown or blue eyes, and huskies with different eyes are distinguished by the fact that each shade of the eye leaves an imprint on the expression of the muzzle.

Some even have a nose of different colors, combining black, brown or beige tones. There are dogs with snow-white noses with pink splashes.

People from snowy Siberia have different eyes – a fairly common occurrence. A pet's left eye can be brown and the right eye blue and vice versa. However, this is not at all a sign of pathology. Breed standards allow them to be classified as full-fledged huskies.

In science similar phenomenon called iris pigment imbalance or heterochromia. Different colors can be congenital or acquired during the pet's life.

Scientific explanation

Diversity color range iris is a consequence of a lack or excess concentration of a special pigment - melanin in the animal's body. The concept has Greek roots, and translated into Russian means “a different color.” The content of this pigment becomes a decisive factor in determining eye color. If its balance is disturbed, heterochromia occurs. This means that there is too little or too much melanin.


This feature can be expressed in full or in part - by sector. The first type implies a clear difference in the shades of the irises. In the second case, different tones are present in one eye, part of which is painted in a different color. Therefore, one eye can be blue, and the other half brown with blue splashes.

Pigment imbalance is typical not only for representatives of this breed. This is typical for cats, horses, and cows. Sometimes it happens to humans.

Any characteristic of the husky breed begins with a description of the appearance of the northern handsome man. It is not for nothing that these dogs are considered the most beautiful representatives of four-legged animals. Beautiful, moderately fluffy fur of various shades, smooth, neat ears triangular shape, strong proportional build - all this makes the Husky an attractive breed for many dog ​​breeders. In terms of size, the husky is a medium-sized dog: the height of the husky at the withers is about 60 cm, weight – 25-36 kg.

Lifespan of a Husky

One of the frequently asked questions: how long do huskies live, is important when choosing a pet for home care. Average duration The lifespan of dogs of this breed is 12-15 years. But huskies are considered long-lived among dogs; there are cases when some representatives lived up to 20 years.

Husky eyes - unusual colors

In addition, a description of the Husky breed would be impossible without mentioning them unusual eyes. Husky eyes can be gray, blue, or brown, but the most common color of the iris is light blue. Multi-colored eyes are also allowed.

Husky dog ​​coat color - a variety of shades

Characteristics of this breed would be useless without special mention of the color variety of fur color of snow dogs.

What does agouti color mean in a husky?

If everything is clear with all the colors listed, then agouti huskies may raise questions among some dog lovers. Agouti-colored huskies are not the best option for exhibitions where it is judged appearance pet. But such dogs are endowed with excellent hound qualities and are capable of developing great speed, which is why agouti huskies are often used in sled dog sports competitions.

Distinctive features of the breed

In its origin and purpose, the Siberian Husky is close to some other dog breeds, but at the same time has some distinctive features.

Differences between Husky and Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky are compared in terms of driving qualities. Malamute is a powerful dog, and husky is fast. The Malamute is capable of pulling large and heavy loads thanks to its powerful body. He is calm and unhurried, rarely barks, is 10-12 centimeters taller than a husky and weighs more.

Compared to the Husky, the Malamute has coarser, stand-up fur that is grey, black or brown. His eyes are brown with black eyeliner. Malamutes do not have bottomless blue eyes, which are characteristic of huskies.

Alaskan Husky

A variation of the Siberian is the Alaskan Husky, which is descended from other dog breeds. This is not an officially recognized breed with a not very thick coat, descended from a mixed genetic family. The blood of the Siberian Husky flows in the veins of the Alaskan Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Border Collie, German Shepherd.

This is one of the most popular mixed breeds among dog breeders, as it incorporates best qualities parent breeds. Compared to the Siberian husky, the Alaskan is taller and heavier (up to 45 kilograms).

Breeds and types of dogs of the north

Basically, all dogs of northern origin are sled dogs that look like a wolf, with a strong build and beautiful coat. There are three main breeds of sled dogs: Husky, Malamute and Samoyed.

Differences between Malamute and Husky breeds

What are the differences between a Malamute and a Husky? distinctive features are they characteristic?

Answering the question of what is the difference between a Malamute and a Husky, it should be noted that Huskies are faster dogs, while Malamutes are strong individuals capable of carrying heavy loads. Representatives of the Husky breed are designed to travel long distances with high speed but light load.

The Alaskan Malamute is a strong dog with a powerful build and well-developed muscles. The Siberian Husky is a fast, agile dog of medium build that maintains a balance of speed and endurance.

The standard height of a husky is 50-56 cm, weight – 16-28 kg. The Malamute reaches a height of 58.5-63.5 cm at the withers, its weight is 34-38 kg.

Siberian huskies are more varied in color than their “Alaskan brother.” “Siberians” can be of almost any color, ranging from black, brown, all the way to snow-white. “Alaskans” can also be different in color, combining gray, black, sable, brown shades, but only white can be an acceptable solid color.

What types of huskies are there?

All huskies are sled breeds, incorporating several varieties of dogs with general characteristics, but different from all other varieties in the history of origin, habits and appearance.

Today the husky dog ​​is represented by the following types:

Choosing a puppy: kennels and prices

It is recommended to pick up a puppy from its mother at the age of 1.5-2 months. By this time, puppies become active and exhibit basic character traits and temperament. The baby should be alive, well-fed, with healthy eyes and ears, and thick hair.

You need to choose a puppy by looking at it in motion. Attention is paid to posture, the placement of paws when running, and the elegance of movement. From external signs It is worth paying attention to the ears, the proportionality of the skull, the correct, almond-shaped shape of the eyes. Lip pigmentation and tightness.

You can buy a purebred Siberian Husky puppy in nurseries in the following cities:

  • Moscow – from $350 (http://www.wingsdog.ru/, http://www.xacka.ru/)/).
  • St. Petersburg - from $400 (http://doggi5.ru/. http://husky.spb.ru/club-kennels.html).

High-breed puppies cost between $800 and $1,500. You can buy a puppy from your own hands even for $100-150, but in this case there is no guarantee of getting a purebred specimen.

Multi-colored eyes do not in any way reduce the number of fans of this breed. Its shaggy representatives are also loved very much, despite this phenomenon.

Scares some people possible reaction those around you, but in reality you are taking the dog for yourself, and not for passers-by. What they may think or say is just your illusion. Differences in color may not be noticed, especially when such a mischievous face is looking at you with sincere interest.

A husky puppy will cost you between $120-250. A funny toddler in a beautiful fur coat will become good friend, your source positive emotions. If you want to buy a dog cheaper, look for amateur breeders. IN dog kennels the price will be high.

Siberian Huskies in last years have gained popularity among dog breeders all over the world, and simply among those who are not indifferent to these faithful friends and human companions. And this is not surprising, because she is very charismatic, majestic and true breed dogs, individuals of which also have a unique exterior. The color of the eyes also gives dogs of this breed a special coloring of their appearance. Once you have seen the eyes of a Husky, it is simply impossible to forget this wolf-like, stern and, at the same time, devoted look!

Breed standards

The standard of this dog breed suggests some variations regarding both coat color and iris color. The color of the thick beautiful coat of these dogs with an active undercoat can be either black, white, brown, gray of various shades; tan colors diluted with stripes are also very popular. The most common Huskies are black and white with blue eyes, as well as white and gray blue-eyed, brown-eyed or black-eyed representatives of this breed.

Each stern Husky has a bizarre pattern on its face that resembles a mask, due to which the resemblance to a wolf, the calling card of the breed, only increases. Read the article about the description of popular breeds of black and white color big dogs.

Husky dog ​​eyes

The eyes of dogs of this breed can also be called their " business card", they are so unique and expressive.

The Husky's eye color, as prescribed by breed standards, requires some variety and can have the following shades:

Individuals with blue eyes

The most common variant of the breed's exterior is the Husky with blue eyes surrounded by a clear dark, almost black rim. Such eyes can be found in black and white, gray and white, and gray individuals.

But white Huskies with blue eyes are quite rare
encountered individuals, so true connoisseurs of the breed often dream of purchasing just such a dog.
According to dog handlers, blue-eyed white Huskies are the friendliest to people, love active games and live communication with the owner.

The color of a white dog’s nose can be black (it harmonizes very nicely with the rim around the eyes!), and a paler brown shade, or even a light cream color.

This transparent, icy look can charm anyone, because dog breeds with blue eyes are very rare. The Siberian Husky is practically the only breed whose standards officially allow this iris color.

Dogs with black and brown eyes

Husky dogs with brown eyes, eyes of a darker, almost black color are also quite common. At the same time, the color of a brown-eyed individual is, as a rule, more saturated, usually it is predominant black with white splashes.

In addition, there are also individuals with brown eyes, which have a pronounced reddish-amber tint. The coat of such dogs is often brown, of a warm shade, also diluted with white spots or wide stripes.

Heterochromic eye color

Causes ongoing interest among fans of the breed! And this is not surprising, since a puppy or dog with eyes different color(usually blue and brown, but other color combinations may also occur) looks extremely exotic and extravagant. Such dogs are also called “Harlequins” among dog handlers and fanciers.

However, the question arises why Husky different eyes, and what could cause this? There may be several reasons for this, but only a veterinarian can provide a reliable answer.

Among connoisseurs of this breed, there is an opinion that a Husky with different eyes is a kind of talisman that can bring good luck to its owner’s house. Of course, this fact has not been scientifically confirmed, but if, when choosing a puppy of this breed, the choice fell on the little harlequin, then you can make the purchase without hesitation.

History of the Siberian Husky breed

Researchers believe that the ancestors of the husky appeared about 4 thousand years ago somewhere in the Chukotka Peninsula and Eastern Siberia. The husky's ancestors were used by the aborigines there as sled dogs. Without this, people could not survive. In addition, these dogs were very unpretentious and ate little.

The name of the breed comes from the nicknames that whites gave to the locals - “Eskies”, and their dogs - “Husky”.

It is believed that the origin of modern huskies was not without the participation of wild wolves. Scientists suggest that the ancestors of huskies periodically mated with wolves, which was facilitated by their own owners. Bitches in heat were tied up overnight in special places for mating with a wolf.

The selection of dogs was very strict. All rejected "eski" were killed or castrated. Thus, only the elite remained in their teams.

The history of modern Siberian Huskies began after the Americans purchased Alaska from Alexander II. The “gold rush” helped a lot. Extremely harsh conditions forced gold miners to have sled dogs. It was simply impossible to survive without dog sleds. At first, miners harnessed any dogs of suitable size to the sledges. Often this ended badly, both dogs and people died. Only over time, at the end of the 19th century, the image of a real sled dog emerged. And then with Far East Russian sled dogs were brought to Alaska.

The breed was officially recognized in the USA in 1934. In the USSR, sled breeds fell out of unified register, due to the strange policy of merging dog breeds. Siberian Huskies reappeared in the country only after 1991.

Siberian Husky team.

Description of the breed

Height: females - 49-55 cm, males - 53-61 cm. Weight: females - 17-24 kg, males - 22-30 kg. They live on average about 15 years.

The body is strong and sturdy, slightly stretched. Bitches are more graceful than males. The head is large, with a graceful muzzle. The chest is powerful and deep, of medium width. The limbs are strong and muscular. The forelimbs must be strictly straight and parallel. Hind limbs have powerful thighs and should also be parallel. Broken paws. The looseness of the paws is a big drawback. The tail is medium and feather-shaped. The end of the nose is black or brown, in winter time with pink stripes. The eyes are almond-shaped, often bright blue color, but they can also be brown. Eye size is average. Very thick coat with dense undercoat.

Acceptable colors:

  • black and white;
  • white;
  • black;
  • marble;
  • grey-white;
  • sable;
  • brown-white;
  • black with tan.

Photo of a Siberian Husky.


They are very active, energetic and funny dogs. Are different friendly character. They love children and are friends with them. Therefore, they are ideal for families with children. They need constant attention and affection.

Despite their stubbornness and independence, they are easy to train.

Get along well with other pets.

Huskies are not well suited to be guard dogs.

Disadvantages include a tendency to run away and constantly dig holes, either in the ground or in the snow.

Photo of a Siberian Husky.
Siberian Husky with blue eyes.
Siberian Husky with multi-colored eyes.

Since the dog is very active, it needs significant physical exercise and long walks fresh air. Huskies need to run and jump a lot.

The husky's thick coat needs to be brushed daily, and during the shedding period - 2 times a day. Bathing your dog is often not recommended.

Huskies do not tolerate hot weather well. During this period, it is necessary to keep the dog in a cool room or in the shade and provide sufficient quantity fresh water.

It's better to feed a husky natural products, such as:

  • boiled beef or rabbit;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet);
  • boiled sea fish;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Siberian Husky is enough healthy breed but may suffer eye diseases and epilepsy.

Photo of a Siberian Husky.
Photo of a Siberian Husky.

During World War II, Huskies served as medics.

Eyes of Siberian Huskies - photos, pictures

Adult Siberian Huskies with blue eyes:

Siberian Husky puppies with blue eyes:

Adult Siberian Huskies with different eyes:

Husky puppies with different eyes:

Siberian Huskies with brown eyes:

What color eyes will husky puppies have?

It is impossible to immediately determine what color the puppies' eyes will be, because immediately after birth, all babies of this breed have dark blue eyes. Therefore, you will be mistaken if you decide that your eyes will remain blue in the future. After a certain period of time, the color of the eyes begins to change, and only then can one accurately determine what color the eyes of an adult dog will be.

Thanks to dark eyes, the animal's gaze seems softer, blue eyes seem more penetrating, because the light pupil is better visible. This affects not only the dog's appearance and head appearance, but also its ability to adapt.

What eye color should you choose a husky with?

From the point of view of dog trainers, it is important that the eyes are small size and almond-shaped, thus the eyes are better protected from wind and frost, and are also more protected from injury.

as for color, light eyes more sensitive to light, especially when it reflects off the surface of bright white snow. This is very noticeable because blue-eyed dogs squint their eyes a lot. It is impossible not to notice how huskies with eyes of different colors close their eyes precisely on the one that is painted blue. For hard-working animals, which are harnessed to harnesses every day to cover several tens of kilometers, the need to constantly squint their eyes causes additional discomfort and adds to fatigue. It turns out that, despite the unusual blue color of their eyes, dogs with brown eyes more practical.

These certainly popular and cute dogs attract the attention of animal lovers not only soft long hair, pleasant beautiful color and a kind, friendly character, but also unusual eyes.

The resemblance to a wolf is given by a face frame, or a mask, which can start on the very bridge of the nose and extend onto the forehead. This variety of colors is sure to be found among representatives of the Siberian breed.

The most a clear sign This northern breed is considered, of course, to have blue eyes(photo will follow). Previously, they believed that a dog with such an appearance was a defect, since it was believed that such puppies might have visual impairment. In the exterior of the Siberian Husky breed, the blue color of the iris is the most common and is actually stated as the standard for this particular breed variety. The most common are black and white huskies with blue eyes.

Reference. There is such a variety of huskies as white-haired, which have the same color of the iris. These dogs are a real treasure for dog lovers and are extremely rare. The exterior options also include brown and black eye colors, which is also the norm for pure origin.

Different eye color

The possible relationship of the breed with the Taimyr wolf gives the dog’s gaze a special coldness and mystery, especially if the eyes are blue. But, in addition to light, sky blue or gray iris of the eye, the Siberian Husky has black and brown. It is found very often, has a rich, deep tone and goes well with different nose colors (they are not only black, but also beige, flesh-colored with pink streaks) or the color of the dog’s coat: red, beige and white. Representatives of other variants of the breed, not Siberian, have eyes that are reddish and light brown, and also with an olive tint.

Husky with different eye colors

The rarest case is the presence of heterochromia of the eyes, colored differently, which gives the dog’s appearance even more mystery and beauty. This is a special sign when one eye of a dog is blue and the other is brown, such heterochromia is called complete. It also happens that one eye can be a completely even tone, without any inclusions, and the second will not only be a different color, but will also include a different shade, as well as spots and dots. This case is called sectoral heterochromia.

What is the name of

Odd-eyed dogs are very popular among breeders, as they are of great interest at various exhibitions. And, in principle, boast about this true friend Any owner will be pleased at home. Huskies with this feature received the nickname Harlequins from dog handlers. They say that such a puppy will bring good luck and happiness to the house.

Norm or defect in the breed

This phenomenon is normal for this breed and does not imply the presence of any disease, etc. Puppies with heterochromia are sometimes sold for a higher price, although, in fact, such a cub will not differ from others in anything except the eyes.


The main reason for the appearance of this feature may be a hereditary deficiency or, conversely, excess of melanin - a substance that is responsible for the color, intensity and brightness of the color of fur, skin and eyes. It is also likely that crossing a blue-eyed dog with a brown-eyed dog will result in a mixture of the two colors.

IMPORTANT! If the eyes have become different over time, that is, this was not a congenital sign of the puppy, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, as this may indicate the first manifestation of a possible pet illness. This breed, unfortunately, has a predisposition to eye pathologies.

What eye color do albinos have?

Albinism from birth deprives the pigmentation of color, which means that the eyes should be light. Albinos themselves are very rare and may have a light blue tint to the iris. However, cases of heterochromia in an albino puppy cannot be ruled out.

When is puppy eye color determined?

Almost all newborn dogs' eyes always have a bluish, bluish tint. Just like everyone else, Husky cubs begin to open their eyes on the 18th–20th day of birth, and the retina is fully formed on the 21st–22nd day. Then, when the puppy is six months old, the color begins to change rapidly and does not always remain blue.

IMPORTANT! If the iris appears cloudy or there is some swelling, you should consult a specialist.

The eyes of a husky can certainly be considered the hallmark of this breed, despite the amazingly beautiful color. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that for many lovers of these animals, the main association with this breed is eye color. And as it turns out, blue is not the only option.

Beautiful breed of dog called husky in Lately is gaining widespread popularity all over the world. This dog with an amazing exterior, a stern wolf-like look and at the same time a devoted and faithful disposition will be able to long years become your true four-legged friend. In the process of choosing a pet, many dog ​​breeders are interested in why huskies have different eyes, is such a nuance acceptable, and if not, what colors of the dog’s eyes are recommended to pay attention to? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Blue-eyed or brown-eyed huskies are a worthy choice for a connoisseur of truly majestic and at the same time loyal varieties of dogs. To figure out what eye color is found in huskies, which shades are preferable and which are not, you need to mandatory. Interestingly, each breed of dog has its own “zest”.

When it comes to an extravagant four-legged creature, even the most inexperienced dog breeder will easily note the color of the eyes and the shade of the fur on the head (due to this characteristic, a representative of this breed is often compared to a wolf). What eye colors do huskies have? According to key species standards, they are:

  • brown;
  • amber;
  • blue;
  • olive

It is huskies with blue eyes that are considered the most recognizable. This color has a characteristic dark rim and looks very unusual. It is most often found in dogs with gray color wool or black and white representatives of the breed. As for white pets with expressive blue eyes, they are a real rarity. To find such a pet, you will have to try.

By the way, scientists have proven that it is the blue-eyed representatives of the breed (who also have white coat) are considered the most friendly towards the owner, they are very fond of outdoor games and, in general, cannot live without active pastime.

Dogs of this variety with brown eyes are much more common. Moreover, for the most part, their coat color is much darker than that of the blue-eyed representatives of the breed. According to the standard, it is also possible amber peephole: it is very warm and attractive. Which shade will be the most beautiful depends on your preferences.

Heterochromia and its causes

Huskies with different eyes are unique. As a rule, this “diversity of eyes” includes two basic shades: brown and blue. However, sometimes a pet can have other eye colors. Husky called Harlequin is the name given to these extravagant representatives of the breed. The phenomenon itself has special term– heterochromia.

Interestingly, a representative of this breed can have two types of heterochromia - complete or sectoral. In the first case, the pet’s eyes will be distinguished by color, but in the second, one eye combines two shades. It is believed that beautiful, odd-eyed huskies are already born as such, that is, heterochromia is a hereditary phenomenon.

Such “failures” occur due to a lack of the special pigment melanin in the body. If its concentration is too low, a similar result may occur. Sometimes the reason this phenomenon is the crossing of a brown-eyed pet with a blue-eyed pet.

Remember that in some cases, different husky eyes are the result of some kind of illness. For example, you have been treating your pet for a very long time strong drugs and over time they began to notice how the shade of his eyes changed. WITH similar problem You should contact a specialist as soon as possible. In general, the eye shades of this breed of dog can be truly varied. Which one is more beautiful is up to you to decide.

Video “Care and education of the Husky breed”

From this video you will learn about how to care for and educate popular breed Husky dogs.

Husky – sled breed dogs. The shaggy inhabitants of the harsh North moved to city apartments. The breed is popular due to its extraordinary appearance - they resemble wolves. Their gaze seems to hypnotize, especially if the husky has eyes of different colors.

Do all huskies have different colored eyes?

Not all dogs have this feature. Huskies can be blue-eyed, brown-eyed, and there are even individuals with an olive tint to the iris. The breed standard allows for color diversity, including multi-colored eyes.

Reasons for different eye colors in huskies

Scientifically, this phenomenon is called heterochromia. The irises are colored in opposite shades, one of which is black or brown, and the second is blue. The iris contains the pigment melanin, which gives it its color.

If there is little pigment, the eye is light. If there is not enough pigment, the eye turns out to be partially lightened. Outwardly, it looks half blue. Or the light iris is covered with brown spots.

Heterochromia can be congenital or acquired. The puppy is born with a clearly visible anomaly. It appears due to a deviation in the genes responsible for the production of melanin. Innate differences are the result of crossing individuals with different colors irises. Then the cub gets one eye brown or black, and the other blue.

Acquired heterochromia develops due to injury. Penetrating and non-penetrating damage changes the structure of the membranes and the shape of the eyes. Their color also changes. The iris becomes lighter or darker as a result of medications. For this reason, Huskies can also have eyes of different colors.

Multi-colored eyes look impressive, but do not affect the pet's health or behavior. Lack of melanin only affects the dog's eyes. There are black and white, brown, white and gray huskies with special eyes.

When it might be dangerous

Mobile pets run away while walking and can get hurt along the way. If your dog's eye color has changed or tears are produced profusely, you should contact your veterinarian.

Professional breeders call dogs with heterochromia harlequins. According to popular belief, they bring good luck to the owner. Therefore, lovers of the breed want to get pets with a special feature. Harlequins are not uncommon. For example, pure white dogs with blue eyes are less common.

Husky dogs are friendly, loyal, and smart. Each dog has a personality. They are interesting to watch. When purchasing a pet, it is important to remember: regardless of eye color, it needs love and care.