Breeding dogs at home: how much you can earn. Dog breeding as a business: necessary equipment and documents

Very often, having learned how much a Chihuahua or Russian Toy puppy costs, people immediately begin to count the income of its breeder: “Wow! So, I sold five puppies and I can go to Turkey! Or buy a car. Cool!" . Many people sincerely believe that breeding purebred dogs - great business. And it is precisely its profitability that makes dog lovers go to shows and buy a second, third and tenth dog. “But of course! Champion puppies are even more expensive, but they eat just as much!”

Some people decide to start breeding themselves and buy an expensive puppy of a fashionable breed. And only after plunging headlong into this difficult task does the newly minted entrepreneur realize how cruelly he was mistaken. And “excess profits” from the sale of puppies, in fact, are not always higher than the average salary in the country. Why? - Let's figure this out together.

Cost calculation

Where does any business start? – Of course, from a business plan. And here, first of all, it is important to in full take into account all costs. Calculate starting capital. In our case, the first thing we need is a dog. Namely, a female with a pedigree, quite promising from the point of view of future breeding, healthy. And of course a sought-after breed. We will need to sell the puppies somehow! You can buy such a manufacturer for at least 25,000 rubles.

Next, she will have to be fed and watered until she is one and a half years old (the officially permitted age of first mating). And this is also an expense, even for such a small dog as a Spitz. Let's add here the costs of a veterinarian (vaccinations, etc.), cosmetics, ammunition, and care items. And also force majeure in the form of “eaten” imported shoes or a chewed leg of an antique table.

If you want to increase the value of your future puppies due to the titles of his mother, be prepared to pay a tidy sum for participation in exhibitions. And also travel with your pet to several cities, and even countries. Those. plus travel and hotel expenses.

Breeding purebred dogs involves mating them. And you also have to pay for it. Puppy or money. How to negotiate with the owner of the male dog. “What if I buy a male and a female? Then you don’t have to pay!” - the first idea that comes to the mind of a newbie divorcee. Logical. Just immediately multiply all previously agreed upon expenses by two. Now figure out what is cheaper - keeping a male dog or paying for mating.

Another expense item is keeping puppies. This includes:
- costs for additional nutrition and vitamins for whelping and lactating bitches;
- medication provision for childbirth and the postpartum period;
- veterinarian's fee (if his presence is necessary);
- feeding puppies;
- vaccinations;
- preparation of documents for litter.

In the case of expensive puppies of a popular breed, all expenses for their maintenance are approximately equal to the price of one baby. For everyone else – significantly higher.

What about income?

If your activity is exclusively breeding purebred dogs, then there is only one source of income - the sale of puppies. And this is akin to playing the lottery. Firstly, no one knows how many of them will be born. Yes, pugs can give birth to nine babies, but they can also give birth to two. And three puppies are already a lot for a little terrier.

Secondly, the cost of puppies depends on their quality and the presence of famous ancestors in the pedigree. And if you can influence the second moment, then no one knows what kind of puppies will be born. The most beautiful dog often becomes the mother of very average children. And a large Chihuahua can please you with expensive miniature babies.

Thirdly, market conditions. An incredibly popular and expensive Spitz bought a year ago can easily go out of fashion by the time puppies are sold. Or prices for puppies will fall due to the market becoming oversaturated with them.

We are confident that you will eventually sell all the puppies at a reasonable price. And you will have quite a decent amount in your hands. But even this is unlikely to cover all of the above expense items. This is what it is, a dog business!

But how does it work out for others?

And yet, people manage to make money from dogs. But how? – First of all, by cutting costs. They buy cheaper producers, lower quality feed. They learn the basics of veterinary medicine and grooming, and look for wholesale suppliers of pet supplies. Unfortunately, such savings often cost dogs their health.

An increase in income is often achieved in most cases due to frequent births. A dog mates in every heat, as long as her age, strength and health allow. Agree, this is not the most humane method of enrichment.

Breeding purebred dogs can also become profitable by increasing their number. A kennel of 15-20 heads, with its own stud dog, is undoubtedly more profitable. However, in this case, you will need enough space to accommodate and walk your pets. You will not become like would-be breeders who keep dogs exclusively in cages.

In addition, dog breeders often master the specialties of a trainer, handler, groomer, and mating instructor. Pet shops and dog groomers are opening. And, thus, they organize a good source of permanent income.

If, no matter what, you decide to become a breeder, then remember that breeding purebred dogs is hard work. Requiring from you special knowledge and experience, as well as significant material costs. The latter, alas, do not always pay off just by selling puppies.

Often, after learning about the cost of a Chihuahua or Russian Toy, many begin to calculate the breeder’s earnings. In their opinion, after selling his offspring, he can afford an expensive foreign vacation or purchase a car.

And only after they tried this type activities in practice, they begin to understand that not everything is so rosy...

Initially, the dog was a domestic animal that helped a person with housework, hunted and guarded the house. Over time, such a concept as a “decorative dog” appeared, the main purpose of which was to lie on the sofa or on the owner’s lap and decorate the interior.

Modernity is such that the fashion for four-legged friend can be compared to clothing fashion: it changes rapidly and dictates rules for those who strive to match the style.

Having an expensive and prestigious dog is a symbol of success, akin to an expensive car, mansion or yacht. Breed pet can have a positive impact on the social status and image of the owner.

The level of demand is greatly influenced by economic reasons. For example, after the number of rich and wealthy people in the country increased, there was a significant increase in interest in large guard breeds such as: German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Cane Corso.

As you know, demand creates supply, so people are increasingly starting to breed purebred pets. But you shouldn’t count on a high level of income, because a shepherd dog that was popular just six months ago can next year change pug. In general, the sustainability of the business is quite illusory, and as practice shows, the maintenance of elite nurseries is carried out by wealthy people who love our little brothers.

Required documents

The paper side of the issue is a point that must be taken into account. You can start processing documents based on the following list:

  • a breeding bitch or dog will require a pedigree and a certificate of admission to breeding, which is issued by the Russian Canine Federation (RKF);
  • The breeder will need: documents on specialized education and a lease agreement for a factory console, giving the right to open a nursery. In addition, it is necessary to register the breeding farm in the RKF register.

By the way, it would be useful to study some specialized literature, from which you can learn a lot useful information about proper nutrition, cultivation, education, necessary vaccinations and basic commands.

Which breeds to choose?

Now you have to make a choice suitable breed for breeding. To do this, you need to analyze the demand market and identify the most popular ones. Taking serious action at this stage reduces the risk of failure.

Statistics show that the most popular include:

  • German Shepherd, who is the most devoted, intelligent and beautiful dog, easy to train, and also a real protector and watchman. The cost of a puppy varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. depending on the purity of the breed.
  • Labrador with a loyal character. Its high level of popularity is due to its endurance and childish playfulness. As an adult, she is very smart and serious dog, capable of serving as a guide or nanny. A healthy puppy with a pedigree will cost the future owner 15 thousand rubles.
  • Rottweiler. Opinions about the behavior and character of this animal are very contradictory, but one thing you can be 100% sure of is that it is the best protector. In addition, he can be called flexible, obedient and not too demanding of living conditions. Nice puppy will cost at least $500.
  • English bulldog– companion dog. They become so attached to their owner that they cannot part with him for a long time. The calmness of a bulldog can be envied, which is why this breed often chosen by families with small children.
  • Dachshund and pug– a cute, affectionate and funny animal that does not require special care and performs an excellent guard function.
  • Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier- small pocket dogs that have become very popular in Lately. The attractiveness of this separate category hidden in defenselessness and incorruptibility. Such a pet is expensive and very demanding to care for.

Providing the necessary conditions

Before you start purchasing your first pair of dogs, you need to decide on the location and conditions of their living. In addition, you need to decide in advance on the number of breeds to be bred.

Animals must be kept in clean, spacious enclosures and fed only high-quality and balanced food. The bitch and puppies should be placed in a separate enclosure. Pets must be guaranteed timely veterinary care. In no case should we forget about vaccinating individuals in accordance with age, as well as regular use them anthelmintic drugs.

It would be a good idea to hire the services of a trainer, because an ill-mannered dog is unlikely to please the buyer.

If you plan to send an animal to an exhibition, you will need careful preparation - a stylist and a grooming specialist.

The most ideal solution for keeping dogs is a country house. There will be no obstacles for animals to walk here. And if suddenly someone does not have enough space, then the presence of free space will make it easy to decide this problem and significantly expand the business.

Under no circumstances should your own apartment be used to organize a kennel, because not only will it be impossible to live in it, it will also be uncomfortable for the dogs. By the way, neighbors, sanitary services and utility companies will become your regular visitors.

Purchasing animals

The difficult path in this area begins with the acquisition of a female dog with an excellent pedigree. The duet of a good dog and a competent breeding program guarantees the achievement positive result. A person who has decided to engage in this type of business must be able to visually assess the quality characteristics of the breed.

The ideal breed is a non-existent concept, therefore, making a choice is not so easy. Using the following criteria, you can purchase the most appropriate individual:

  • small food intake;
  • friendly character and calm disposition;
  • easily amenable to training measures;
  • resistance to various kinds of diseases and the ability to withstand negative conditions;
  • rapid reproduction and high cost.

To be honest, selecting an option that fully matches the list is not easy. difficult process, but rather impossible. But it’s still worth spending time on purchasing a decent copy, because the profitability of the business depends on this.

Care, feeding and breeding

Teeth deserve special attention - there should be no plaque on them. And the breed, which is characterized by drooping ears, requires regular cleaning ear canals and prevention against ear mites.

The level of grooming required for a longhaired breed depends on how soon the dog will be showing after being whelped. Many long-haired bitches lose their hair within 1.5 months of breeding, so there is no need to maintain full length, and a little trimming will make grooming easier.

Long hair requires daily combing, dividing into several separate strands, wrapping the resulting strips in tissue paper and curling them in the manner of paper curlers. Mastering this sequence is especially necessary for the Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese breeder.

To get strong, healthy puppies can be counted only if throughout the entire pregnancy the bitch got good good nutrition and was kept in decent conditions. The first month does not require any adjustments to the animal’s diet. If in normal times concentrates were used for nutrition, then the pregnant woman’s menu should be diversified with meat (beef, lamb, etc.) and raw egg yolks(a small individual should receive no more than 2 yolks per week, and a large one should receive no more than 2 daily).

It is not the quantity of food that needs to be increased, but its quality. A pregnant bitch especially needs food that is characterized by a high protein content, since it is this component that acts as the main building material.

The diet must include meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The onset of the 4th week of pregnancy should be accompanied by an increase in the number of foods with high content animal proteins. In addition, we must not forget about fish oil and vitamins - A, B1, D and E.

To learn how to determine when to breed a dog, watch the following video:

How to look for clients?

This business inevitably leads to a search for ways to sell offspring. The main problem is that this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

Several selling methods:

  • Placing advertisements in any media. Of course, not every call received will lead to the desired result, but, as practice shows, clients are still found.
  • Advertising puppies at an exhibition. This method cannot be ignored, because many buyers want not only to buy a purebred puppy with a good pedigree, but also to look at the level of training of the parents.
  • "By acquaintance." The pets of those breeders with whom the client knows personally are much more trustworthy.
  • "By recommendation". This advertising method is win-win and free. A satisfied client who shares information about the breeder and his pets will definitely bring in several buyers.

Besides, good results can be achieved through advertising on transport or colorful posters in crowded areas of the city. But only large nurseries that sell a large number of puppies can afford such costs.

Total costs and profit of the project

The expense side of the business includes:

  • purchase of several purebred dogs;
  • registration in the club;
  • construction of an aviary;
  • purchase of special food and fortified supplements;
  • payment for veterinary services;
  • payment for the services of a trainer;
  • payment for participation in exhibitions;
  • purchasing various accessories - muzzles, collars, leashes, etc.

It is difficult to name the exact amount, since it all depends on the chosen breed and the number of animals.

A purebred puppy with a good pedigree costs approximately 20-30 thousand rubles, and an adult bitch on average produces 4-5 puppies, therefore, we can conclude that the breeder will earn about 100 thousand rubles from 1 individual. The amount is, of course, small, but if we consider it as Additional income, then quite decent.

Currently the demand for " four-legged friends" is rapidly increasing. Some people like small dogs, while others need service or guard dogs. All of them are ready to become true friends for their owners, which the latter really appreciate. IN old times Breeders were mostly people who really love these animals, but today dog ​​breeding attracts potential profit.

This type of business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Like any other, it requires an investment of money, time and labor. Before placing a bet on this type of activity, it is worth considering all the nuances.

What you need to know about breeding?

To start a business, you need to assess the upcoming costs, because it is not enough just to be the owner of a purebred dog. She needs proper nutrition, toys, veterinary care, including vaccinations.

If you are ready to invest the money needed for all this and wait patiently for your profit, you can begin the next stage of planning.

The most popular dog breeds currently:

  • One of the leading positions in this list is occupied by playful Yorkshire terriers. They have earned special recognition from the fair sex. The cost of an animal of this breed is quite high (can reach $1 thousand);
  • Kind, playful Labradors are quite popular. They are very loyal to their owners, and can become nannies for children. The cost of a puppy is approximately $400-500;
  • Despite conflicting opinions about Rottweilers, today many people choose to breed this breed of dog as a business. This is due to the fact that the demand for them is quite high. Puppies cost about $500;
  • They become reliable watchmen, security guards and true friends. german shepherds. They are easy to train, and their cost can range from $400 to $1 thousand;
  • Gallant and aristocratic bulldogs also do not lose their attractiveness for breeders and potential owners. They are calm and " mutual language“Children and people who have virtually no knowledge of animals work well with them.

Such dog breeds as pug, dachshund, Pekingese, chihuahua, husky, cocker spaniel, chow chow, boxer, and sharpei are also in demand.

What should a dog be like?

There are a number of criteria that dogs must meet:

  • They should be easy to train;
  • Animals with a kind, flexible character are valued;
  • It’s very good if “ four-legged companions» not picky about food, consume it in small quantities;
  • The pet must easily adapt to different conditions life and not have a tendency to frequent illnesses.

Of course, many of those who have decided to start breeding dogs and are wondering where to start may doubt the success of the enterprise from such a list. In fact, these criteria are quite feasible for purebred dogs, whose pedigree is replete with titled champions.

The fact is that the listed qualities are passed down from generation to generation and are embedded almost at the genetic level. Of course, there are exceptions. In addition, a lot depends on the personality of the breeder, because an evil temper can ruin the character of even the most ideal dog.

Remember that your business will be profitable only if you are able to maintain the purity of the chosen breed during breeding, so carefully approach the issue of a mate for your pet.

Your occupation involves breeding dogs, in which the breed should only improve. Study the pet's pedigree, inquire about health (mental and physical), find out whether the animal had offspring and what quality they were.

In order for your activities to be honest, and for the baby animals to have a confirmed pedigree, you must obtain permission to breed them.

When purchasing a puppy, be sure to check with the breeder whether he is capable of producing high-quality offspring in the future. Usually they themselves report that this or that dog is not suitable for this “role”. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to obtain permission.

Being the owner of a purebred, healthy animal, you need to contact the main canine organization in your country (for example, for Russia this is the RKF). There they will give you a pedigree, in return for which you will give the puppy's birth certificate. This must be done before he reaches 15 months of age.

Next, you need to register your pet for any of the exhibitions held by clubs, providing a copy of your passport, veterinary passport and the pedigree of the animal. There he will be examined by an expert, whose conclusion you must submit to the canine association in order to obtain permission to breed healthy, purebred dogs.

Breeding methods

There are two main methods:

  • Purebred. It is used to produce purebred offspring;
  • Interbreed. The purpose of creating such offspring is to breed crossbreeds, new breeds with new qualities and characteristics.

When selecting animals, take into account:

  • Hunting or service characteristics;
  • Offspring;
  • Exterior;
  • Origin.

The age of the dogs is also important. When breeding official and hunting dogs their age is divided into three groups.

For the former, the younger group includes animals 10 months old. – 1.5 years, in middle school – 1.5 years – 2.5 years, in high school – 2.5 years – 10 years. For the second: junior group– 10 months – 1.5 years, middle – 1.5 years – 3.5 years, senior – 3.5 years – 9 years.

The production of offspring occurs in several stages.


Regardless of what methods of dog breeding are used, the selection of pairs is carried out after a general selection of potential sires. Animals are paired taking into account their breed, age, and quality characteristics. Cables play a significant role - for purebred breeding, its quality must be better quality bitches.

During selection, the pedigree and health status of the animals are studied, after which the next stage begins.


It starts about a month before the female dog goes into heat. During this period it is necessary to devote Special attention health, animal nutrition, monitor physical activity - it should be sufficient, but not excessive.

For many novice future breeders, it comes as a surprise that the pets must “get to know each other” before mating, so that the process itself occurs without complications. To do this, it is recommended to take walks together. However, professional breeders do without this.

Mating usually occurs on days 11-13 from the start of estrus. Re-mating must be done a day later. It is not recommended to breed a bitch more than once a year.

Whelping, childbirth

Pregnancy in a female dog lasts 58-65 days. In the second half, the pet becomes calm and tries not to commit sudden movements, eats and sleeps more.

During the first half of pregnancy, the animal can be handled normal mode, but don’t let yourself get overtired. In the second half, she needs to be excommunicated from work and training. It is important to take the bitch for walks so that she does not gain weight and breathes air.

Childbirth can last from a quarter of an hour to several hours, less often - up to a day, and is carried out at home. If they drag on, veterinarian intervention is necessary.

Remember, you cannot touch puppies with your hands during the first 24 hours.

The friendship between man and dog has continued since those ancient times, when people just began to live in large settlements and master hunting large animals. Dogs were the first guards and helpers. They did not require special care, ate leftover human food and were always ready for service. More than tens of millennia have passed since then. People's lives have changed, but a dog still counts best friend person. Thanks to the work of breeders, today every family can choose a pet that will be most comfortable living in the existing conditions. The variety of breeds of these domestic animals and their mutual friendship with humans are good prerequisites for starting dog breeding as a business and making a good profit.

What is a dog breeding business?

You can engage in a business such as dog breeding either at home or by organizing a kennel. These are two completely different approaches to business. They require different financial investments and different efforts from the breeder. At the same time, it cannot be said that the nursery can give the breeder such a profit that cannot be compared with the income of those who raise puppies at home for sale.

Running a nursery is both troublesome and responsible. This is done by professionals veterinary education, dog handlers who most dedicated their lives to working with dogs. Their activities are not limited to selling puppies: they raise dogs, train them, hold competitions, participate in the work of various kennel clubs, that is, they work closely on the development of dog breeding as an industry.

Anyone who has been interested in dog breeding knows that the cost of dogs of some breeds can be several tens of thousands of dollars. But you shouldn’t think that having bought an expensive purebred bitch or dog, you can immediately start making big money from their offspring. In fact, than more expensive dog, the more expensive its maintenance is. Moreover, it is difficult to find a buyer for very expensive puppies. Therefore, an expensive dog is, first of all, a big expense, and only then a chance to make good money.

Breeding dogs of popular breeds in the middle price category is considered more profitable. If the price of a puppy exceeds $600, then it will not be easy to sell it, no matter what advantages a representative of this breed has.

The following dog breeds are currently most popular for breeding:

  • German Shepherds ( beautiful color, are easy to train, excellent guards, friendly character);
  • Labradors (attractive appearance, kind and pliable character, easy to train);
  • Cocker Spaniel ( small sizes, attractive appearance, flexible character, neatness and quick training);
  • indoor dogs toy groups (Yorkshire terriers and Pekingese).

When choosing a breed for breeding, be guided by your own taste and preference, because before you make money on these dogs, you must put a lot of effort into them. And working with animals for whom the soul “does not lie” is not only futile, but also unprofitable.

What do you need to breed dogs?

To understand where to start breeding dogs and how to become a breeder, evaluate the resources that you have. Knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and practical experience working with animals are considered useful for dog breeding. Read about it.

But even if you have practical skills and knowledge, do not expect that you can do without the help of professional veterinarians when breeding dogs. Qualified dog care is necessary in many cases (infections, injuries, congenital diseases etc.)

It is best to agree with a trusted veterinarian who will examine your dog population once a month and provide emergency assistance. Such service (excluding medications) will cost you about 10 thousand rubles per month.

The premises for dogs must meet the requirements for keeping a particular breed. If a breeder decides to breed dogs of the toy group, then appropriate conditions must be created for them. Warm and bright room with space for games, ceramic floors and dry bedding. No sharp corners, wires, tall structures, etc.

Labradors and shepherds can be kept in enclosures, which must also be warm, comfortable and clean.

Cleanliness and facilities for dogs are very important, because when planning to sell puppies, you must ensure that the animals have an attractive appearance, matching the exterior. Violation temperature regime in the room where a dog lives, untimely cleaning can ruin the appearance of your charges as much as bad food, lack of physical activity and proper veterinary care.

If you don’t know where to start breeding dogs, consult with experienced dog breeders who specialize in the breed you have chosen, and show them the premises where you plan to set up a place for dogs. Also consult with your veterinarian and only then make a final plan for your start. You may find information on how to obtain .

The initial refurbishment of existing premises will cost you up to ten thousand rubles. The biggest costs at the start will be associated with the purchase of puppies or adult dogs. If you immediately intend to start dog breeding as a business, then take two females; also, depending on finances, you can take one male. This purchase will cost you approximately 100 thousand rubles.

Do you like taking care of animals? Why not turn your favorite activity into profitable business? Read. All about how to organize a profitable business temporary overexposure pets.

Find out what kind of income it can generate.

Starting your own business does not always require large investments. For example, you can start practically from scratch and gradually develop to open a small pet store.

Selling puppies and making your first profit

The first mating for females can be done at the age of about a year. Pregnancy in dogs lasts about two and a half months. Accordingly, if you took three-month-old puppies for breeding, then at least 1.3 years must pass before you receive your first profit. This long term, given that during this time the dog must eat very well and be examined regularly by a veterinarian.

By the time the first puppy is sold, the total cost will be approximately 200 thousand rubles (purchase of the dogs themselves, purchase of food, payment for veterinary care). On average, dogs have three to four viable and healthy puppies in one litter. By selling them, you can earn about 200 thousand rubles.

In order not to spoil the health of bitches, they should be bred no more than three times in two years. A male dog will also bring you puppies, and for each mating with which the breeders will give you a puppy. After selling the first litter from two females, the initial investment should pay off.

The secret of success in every business, as many successful people say, is a person’s love for what he does. Thus, any small spark, idea or even hobby that you dedicate your free time to can, with enough persistence, lead to success in life.

An excellent proof of this theory is the dog breeding business. Dog lovers who treat raising them as a hobby have brought this activity to the level of a popular business that is gaining significant momentum these days.

If previously only enthusiastic dog breeding fans were involved in maintaining kennels, today, inspired by the high profitability of this business, amateur entrepreneurs are also getting down to business.

However, to professionally breed dogs, you need to know all the nuances of this business and follow clearly established principles. Only this approach to business can ensure your successful “existence” in this field.

Where to start and how to succeed in the dog breeding business

Before proceeding directly to breeding, it is necessary to do a number of analytical works and make financial calculations:

  • The planning phase should begin with gathering information about market segments, dog varieties, and supply and demand analysis.
  • Next, you should decide on the breed of dog you want to breed.
  • The final stage of planning will be making financial calculations and determining the profitability of the project.

Based on the results of the work done, the aspiring entrepreneur will have a ready-made guide to action.

Market segment and its analysis

Nowadays you can find a large number of Animal lovers who want to get themselves a purebred dog:

  • When breeding decorative dogs, you should focus on pet lovers who would be happy to take on a new four-legged family member.
  • If you are going to breed hunting breeds dogs, then the clientele will be narrowed to hunting enthusiasts or residents rural areas.

Anyway Demand for purebred dogs is growing, and selling the offspring profitably will not be difficult.

Traditionally, the sale of dogs in Russia occurs through specialty stores or markets. Placing advertisements in newspapers and on Internet sites on relevant topics will increase the chances of selling offspring.

Marketing organization in this market segment is the easiest and most enjoyable activity. This is due to the fact that passing by such a “product” without positive emotions a normal adult is unlikely to succeed. And what can we say about children?

Application procedure. Step-by-step instruction.

We will tell you how to run a chinchilla breeding business at home. Example financial plan with calculations.

A sample Charter of an LLC with one founder can be found at the link. What should the main founding document reflect?

Breed selection

Organizing a business and choosing a breed for breeding depends on your initial capabilities:

  • availability of sufficient space,
  • conditions of detention,
  • budget for starting activities and other parameters.

When choosing a breed, you should pay attention to the following factors inherent in the modern “ideal” dog:

  • Nutrition
    The ideal dog should consume a small amount of food.
  • Character
    The animal's temperament should be docile and friendly.
  • Intelligence and fast training
    Dogs that can be trained quickly will be very popular.
  • Dimensions
    A dog should take up little space in the house.
  • Disease resistance and tolerance to different weather conditions.
  • The ability to bring constant and large offspring.
  • Great cost.

It is very difficult to find a breed that fits all of the above criteria.

Every entrepreneur, focusing on the final buyer, is forced to do so at his own peril and risk. prioritize some criteria and turn a blind eye to the absence of others.

The analysis showed that in Russia the most popular breeds dogs are:

  • Pekingese
    A decorative breed of dogs whose height is barely larger than that of a cat. These funny creatures easily find their way to the hearts of ladies.

This dog breed comes in a variety of colors. Pekingese is different long hair, the miniature size of these creatures is ideal for small apartments.

A puppy of this breed, having a pedigree, is valued on the market from 12,000 rubles.

  • Cocker Spaniel
    A very popular dog breed in Russia. Distinctive features This breed is flexible and friendly. Dogs of this breed are ideal for families with small children.

Prices for such a purebred puppy can reach 20,000 rubles.

  • Labrador known for his loyalty
    Due to this character trait, this breed of dog is often used as a guide dog.

The cost of such a puppy starts from 15,000 rubles.

  • German Shepherd
    The most famous breed dogs with developed intelligence. Shepherds are very loyal dogs that immediately become attached to their owner and are easy to train.

The price for a purebred puppy starts from 15,000 rubles.

The choice of breed for breeding depends on personal preferences or initial guidelines. To successfully obtain and raise offspring, it is necessary to study the relevant literature and collect recommendations on keeping animals, and reinforce the acquired knowledge practical advice experienced dog breeders.

Basic business expenses arise after purchasing a dog.

She needs to be fed, looked after, given vitamins and vaccinated - all this costs big money, That's why this business suitable only for those entrepreneurs who are willing to wait for profit in the long term.

For similar nuances of the dog breeding business, watch the video:

Business organization

The process of breeding dogs requires constant human participation. Needed for animals ongoing care and appropriate feeding. The situation is “aggravated” by the fact that we will be breeding purebred, not ordinary dogs.

In no case Dogs should not be kept in cages. This is not only inhumane, but also harmful to the health of pets.

The success of the project will largely depend on compliance with the following key points:

  • Aviary
    There are no special requirements for premises when breeding dogs, but it is desirable that the areas be located away from residential areas.

It is best to set up an enclosure outside the city, in the countryside. An ordinary kennel, which is easy to make with your own hands, can be suitable as a home for dogs. There should be enough light in the enclosures, and the humidity should be at a normal level.

  • Uninterruptible power supply
    Each nursery resident should receive a diet appropriate for his age. Purebred dogs should be given special food, which includes all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The cost of 1 package of this food starts from 1,000 rubles.

  • Water
    In the room where the dogs will be, a constant supply of water is necessary, because... dogs will drink very often. Therefore it is worth considering everything possible options to provide enclosures with a constant source of clean water.
  • Vitamin supplements
    Periodically it is necessary to mix with the main feed various additives and vitamins. This will ensure that the animals’ diet is complete.
  • Graft
    In order to protect dogs and offspring from diseases, it is necessary to carry out routine examinations animals and periodically vaccinate them.
  • Care products and accessories
    You should also stock up on hygiene products and equipment for caring for animals in advance. It is better to buy various dog accessories (collars, bowls, toys) in bulk.

What do you need to do to succeed in dog breeding?

Experts do not advise entering this segment by investing with borrowed funds.

To take dog breeding to the next level profitable business must have sufficient reserve of own funds.

It is a mistake to assume that having one purebred female you can provide yourself with a constant income from the sale of her offspring and high level arrived. For highly profitable production it is necessary to have at least 2–3 females.

However, the project should be started exclusively with the maintenance of one dog. It will be much easier for a novice dog breeder to test himself in practice with one pet.

Having conducted a successful experiment on one individual and acquired the necessary skills, you can begin expanding your business.

The optimal number of dogs for a kennel is 15–20 breeding individuals.

To achieve success, you must listen to the following expert advice:

  • Minimum expenses
    Based on the results of completing a “pilot” project on one dog, it is worth fully optimizing the breeding process, calculating all costs and trying to reduce them as much as possible. This can be achieved, for example, by purchasing feed, vitamins and other components in large wholesale quantities.
  • Increase in the number of manufacturers
    The more animals you have in your care, the higher your profit.
  • Pedigree
    Very important factor when selling purebred dogs. A girl puppy should be taken with the best possible pedigree (which must be documented).
  • Exhibitions
    The female must be constantly exhibited at exhibitions, trained and cared for. When buying her offspring, clients will first of all pay attention to insignia, awards from exhibitions, the disposition and appearance of the parent.
  • Providing related services for grooming, inspection and sale of dog food
    The business potential is very great. By correctly setting priorities for development, you can organize a large pet for dogs, open a pet store, a hairdresser for animals and a small veterinary clinic nearby.

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Financial plan for starting a business

Here are financial calculations for starting a business with a single female puppy with a very good pedigree. It is necessary to spend money on purchasing a female, raise her until she is one and a half years old, after which she is allowed to breed.

Having gone through the full cycle of raising one puppy, receiving, maintaining and selling its offspring, you will get more exact numbers and indicators for calculation, based on which you can build a clear policy for business expansion.

Thus, when you move on to the level of a “serious” business with impressive expenses, you will already have sufficient experience in this matter.

Expenses (reflected for 1 cycle) – 95,000 rubles.

Buying a purebred female – 25,000 rubles.

Costs for maintaining a female - 35,000 rubles:

Costs of caring for offspring:

  • Grooming items (collars, bowls, toys, etc.) – RUB 5,000.
  • Documentation costs for puppies – 15,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for keeping puppies – 5,000 rubles. (until they are sold).
  • Other expenses – 10,000 rubles.

Income – 120,000 rubles. (6 puppies for 20,000 rubles).

It should be noted that your initial breeding experience will not be focused on obtaining high profits, which you should not count on in a “pilot” project.

Let's say your female gave birth to 6 offspring. It will be possible to sell them only after they gain strength and move from mother's milk for self-feeding.

By that time, the cost of puppies will be 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The exact price will depend on the pedigree and success of the parents at exhibitions.

The net profit from the first mating cycle will be 25,000 rubles. Based on these numbers, you can begin expanding your business.