What is a pit bull? All about the fighting American Pit Bull Terrier

The Pit Bull Terrier, despite being the ancestor of the Amstaff, is still not considered an officially recognized breed by the FCI. Therefore, the dog does not have such strict standards, and its appearance can be very different.

The Pit Bull Terrier is the ancestor of the Amstaff

The pit bull has always been a very common breed in England, as it was originally bred for baiting large animals. Thanks to its tenacity, the animal was able to attack large animals, such as a bull, until it won. After baiting was banned, this breed was exported to the United States, and to this day it is strictly controlled.

In America, the pit bull showed itself to be a real killing machine: since the breed was developed from crossing bulldogs and terriers, it received excellent reactions and great tenacity. These dogs were most often used in dog fights, and pit bulls developed a very unenviable reputation.

UKC makes many concessions for this breed, for example, there are no clear restrictions on weight, body color or nose. In the photo, the dogs look tightly built, muscular and confident. Pit bulls have a square muzzle, short and strong back, as well as a toned stomach.

With all its appearance, the dog must show power, readiness to react to an irritant and rush to the owner’s defense.

Pit bulls have a square muzzle

People who are little familiar with the characteristics of the breed are ready to make a lot of unflattering comments about it, and also cross to the other side of the street when they see a pit bull, even if it is muzzled.

In the past, the media very often published news about cases of dogs attacking a person, even the owner, but this information has long been outdated. The pit bull, like all domesticated animals, has animal inclinations. Proper upbringing, early socialization and a good attitude can work wonders for any creature.

Pit bull dogs are good companions, understand commands well, learn quickly and are ready to protect the family to the last drop of blood. Their love for people makes them poor watchdogs, but their firmness towards strangers makes up for this.

Like many fighting dogs, the pit bull terrier needs early socialization. The puppy needs to be walked around different places and introduce him to people, only in this case will he be able to grow into an adequate and balanced dog.

Pit bull dogs make good companions

Should you buy a pitbull puppy for your child?

As mentioned above, the pit bull terrier is a very clever dog. If she is raised correctly, then the puppy will know from childhood who his owners are and why they should not be touched.

Passers-by are often on the verge of fainting from the usual games of a dog with a child, since from the outside they look intimidating. It is very difficult to anger a pit bull and provoke it into aggression. Many years have passed since the time when he was a fighting dog, and dog handlers have radically changed the training scheme.

Raising aggression in pit bulls is prohibited by law, so if you take puppies from a good breeder, then the risk of acquiring an unbalanced individual is minimal. Pitbull puppies can become a baby best friend and a defender, but this will require a lot of effort.

The Pit Bull Terrier is a very smart dog.

Pit bull terrier care

Experienced dog handlers say that a dog of this breed will feel comfortable in an ordinary city apartment, but it will be good if the pet has its own enclosure.

Pitbull is a very active and sporting dog, so she needs daily exercise and long periods of exercise. The pet will happily chase balls and sticks around the field, but it is recommended to walk it only in places specially adapted for this, since many people are afraid of pit bulls.

But you shouldn’t focus on this, because your pet’s self-control and endurance will allow him to ignore irritants. In this regard, the question arises: how to choose pit bull terrier puppies so that in the future he will show himself to be psychologically stable and healthy pet?

The Pitbull is a very active and athletic dog.

Pit bull puppies: when to buy and how to choose?

If you want to get a psychologically balanced, beautiful and purebred dog, then you should contact professional nurseries. Only in this case will you be sure that you will not fall into the hands of scammers. Otherwise, you must either enlist the help of an experienced dog walker or be one yourself. If you follow this strategy, you will be able to choose a healthy, beautiful and purebred baby from the litter:

  • Never choose a pit bull terrier puppy based on a photo: you must come to the breeder’s home and evaluate the mobility, character and habits of each dog.
  • Always ask the breeder for documents. This is the only way you will be sure of mental state future friend's parents.
  • Puppies, even at a young age, differ in character. The owner with early childhood begins to socialize the kids, so it’s easy to understand what kind of dog will grow up, withdrawn or sociable.

If you want to represent your friend at exhibitions in the future, then you need to contact only special nurseries, since it is almost impossible to get a puppy with titled parents.

To sum it up, a pit bull puppy is a difficult breed to raise, but with a little effort and patience, a former fighting animal can be turned into a wonderful friend and protector.

You should never choose a pit bull puppy based on a photo - if you don’t understand this, then resort to the services of professional dog walkers. It’s better to pay a little more so that you don’t have to go to the doctor with your dog, as it will have a lot of problems. birth defects, which a beginner may not know about.

If you contact a nursery, you will be absolutely sure that the pet is balanced and psychologically stable. It is not scary to leave such a pit bull alone with a child, as he will never attack his owners or other people. Remember that teaching a dog to be aggressive means putting yourself at risk of being bitten or even killed.


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They are rightfully considered the American Pit Bull Terrier. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a truly outstanding dog.

She has muscles of steel, an iron grip. She is distinguished by incredible dexterity and courage, which borders on fearlessness. But at the same time he has a very kind heart. In fact, this is a beautiful and very affectionate animal. In relation to humans, the pit bull terrier behaves like a small indoor dog.

Today, when dog fighting is no longer compatible with public morality, these dogs are beginning to be used for other purposes that are far removed from violence, in particular, as bodyguard dogs. And you know what, this is very not simple task, because many stubbornly refuse to bite a person. In order to force a dog to grab onto a mitten, it is necessary to awaken the predator instinct in it, to convince it that we're talking about about an exciting game that will not harm anyone.

Only in this case can a pit bull perform the functions of a bodyguard, and a very reliable one, because no other dog in the world has such a grip as a pit bull. To bite as hard as possible, pit bull terriers have the mouth of a shark.

It’s the same as saying “Let’s ban football to stop riots in stadiums” or “Let’s destroy knives, because from time to time, some men kill their wives with them instead of cutting bread.”

Pit bulls can do more than just bite. He has an iron grip and if he decides not to unclench his jaws, then they can only be unclenched by inserting a stick between his teeth. There are pit bulls that open their mouths, but they must be taught this patiently and persistently, using games and rewards, as with other breeds of dogs.

The Pit Bull Terrier loves to play and even has a certain sense of humor. He understands jokes, understands when it is necessary to portray a circus dog, although this does not correspond to his natural sense of self-esteem. Well, what to do if the hostess wants to ride the carousel with a friend.

His extraordinary agility allows him to perform such spectacular feats as jumping onto a tree. Rare dog able to perform such tricks. But this does not mean that the American pit bull performs such tricks under duress. Even those who don't know much about dogs will understand that they play and have fun to the fullest. Whether jumping, exercising, or grabbing a stick, the pit bull is simply having fun and showing his courage, just like a child who develops by riding a bike or skateboard.

The parents' job is to prevent their child from putting himself or others at unnecessary risk. Likewise, the owner’s task is to keep the pit bull within certain limits, although sometimes it is even difficult to imagine what this dog is capable of.

From a morphological point of view, the Pit Bull Terrier should remain a fighting dog, not because it needs to be trained for battle, but out of respect for its origins and the work done to breed the breed that was done before today. If it was a fighting dog in the past, it must maintain physical characteristics fighting dog, even if it is now used as a lap dog, for guarding or to participate in agility competitions.

Why exactly the pit bull terrier, and not the American Staffordshire terrier, nor the Great Dane, nor the Rottweiler? In fact, there is no answer to this question and at the same time there are hundreds of them in the sense that each person must choose the dog that best suits his lifestyle, requirements and aesthetic principles. A pit bull terrier is not the same as a terrier, for example. But he doesn't salivate. It is smaller in size than other fighting dogs.

This is the perfect lap dog. And also because the pit bull gets along well with dogs of other breeds. A pit bull even allows another dog to put its paws on its head, although in a fight the pit bull would easily eat it. He also gets along with cats and is very kind to children. And all this for one simple reason - he rushes only at the enemy. He doesn’t fight with someone who is not his enemy and that’s the end of it. Whether it is a two-legged or four-legged creature, a pit bull will not pay attention to it unless it is angered.

I have often witnessed when, or made a pit bull terrier very angry with their rash behavior. Why didn't he tear them up on the spot? Everything is very simple. The owner asked the pit bull not to touch these dogs. We have already talked about this, but we will repeat it again - for a well-mannered and well-trained bull terrier who has always gotten along with a person, the owner’s word is law.

That's why the former killer dog has turned into a balanced dog today. working dog who can work calmly in a group and perfectly follow all commands. Therefore, in the so-called pet therapy, a project arose to use pit bulls in the rehabilitation of children with problems. In conclusion, let us remind you that the pit bull terrier is a born athlete. He must always be in excellent shape. A simple active lifestyle is not always enough for him. Therefore, you can use various simulators, for example treadmill, which the pit bull likes so much.

One thing you need to remember is that there are no killer dogs, only killer people. The dog's only fault is that he loves the wrong person. But if he finds a good two-legged friend who is capable of establishing a friendly, trusting relationship with the pit bull, the pit bull will only pose a danger to criminals. For the rest - big or small - it will be an affectionate dog, capable of giving you its friendship and love. And anyone who lives with a pit bull will be able to understand the phrase that I once heard from a dog breeder. This phrase first makes you smile, but then it seems pure truth- “There are only two breeds of dogs in the world - the pit bull terrier and those that would like to become one.”

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A dog that is playful like a child, wise and balanced, devoted to its owner, and also has iron strength - this bouquet of characteristics belongs to the pit bull breed.

Despite their power, they never allow their superiority over humans to be used. This one has proven itself to be an ideal guard for its owner.

The pit bull puppy (2 months), the photo of which you can see, looks like a cute pet, but very soon he will grow into a real fighter.

Representatives of the breed once took part in dog fights. Dog breeding continued even after such events were banned, since fights continued to take place, only illegally. Animal owners made a lot of money from bets. After the fight, the dog was put up for sale; the more it won during the fight, the higher its price.

The Pit Bull Terrier has not been recognized as a breed until now. The Federation of Cynologists does not give permission for the admission of such animals to participate in dog shows and other similar events. Even if she is not considered real an independent breed, but there are still places where it is recognized. For example, in the USA, some patrons of this species defend the rights of pit bulls, and even manage to register them. One such supporter of the breed is the Kennel Club, as well as the American Dog Breed Association.

breed description

When you see a pit bull for the first time, you can immediately understand that this is an unusually strong dog. Representatives of the breed are divided into two types - bulldog type and terriers. Sometimes they are mixed.

The weight of dogs is not strictly limited - it ranges from 12 to 36 kg, but most often individuals of this species are found weighing from 14 to 28 kg. According to the standard, any color is allowed, except for “merle”. The color of pitbull puppies also varies. Coat colors are allowed from pure black and white to brindle, with different markings.

Her appearance is severe - the unusual shape of her head with rather wide cheekbones immediately catches the eye, powerful jaw and a strong “bull” neck. The animal has well-developed muscles and a wide chest. The ears can be docked, but the tail is not docked.


Despite all its advantages, this dog causes distrust on the part of many people. If you take Sweden, breeding pit bulls is strictly prohibited there. This was also done in some states of America. In other countries, walking these animals is allowed only with muzzles.

The character of a pitbull dog was formed over the course of long period. Today this dog has a friendly and balanced temperament. But hunting instinct preserved, thanks to which the dogs cope perfectly with the role of guarding premises, and are also excellent helpers while hunting.

Pitbull has the following character traits:

  • The desire to constantly be useful to the owner - childishly playful, the pit bull at the same time notices all the needs of its owner. Even if he is unwell, the dog will do everything in his power to become useful and earn gratitude.
  • Confidence in his own merits - such a noble feeling of a dog is manifested in the fact that even knowing about his superiority, he will never attempt to show it to the members of the family in which he lives.
  • Attentiveness and extraordinary prudence - even pit bull puppies have these character traits. Also in childhood they want to appear mature and wise.
  • Showing favor towards children - a dog of this breed is characterized by strong devotion to its “pack”, be it dogs or people around it. She behaves very carefully with them and will never bite a child, no matter what he does to her.

Pitbulls - good dogs for family maintenance, they can perform a wide range of different services.

Those individuals that were observed were not allowed for breeding mental disorders. Indeed, pit bull puppies, photos of which you can take a good look at here, can turn into dangerous animals if they are not raised correctly. Therefore, animals that could not control themselves and did not distinguish a person from a dog were destroyed. According to this principle, the gradual formation of the breed took place.

Pitbull puppies: preparation for purchase

After much weighing of all the pros and cons, or spontaneously, a person decides to purchase for himself as pet dog. But before going to the nursery, to the breeder, he needs to settle some issues and buy some things for his future four-legged friend:

  1. Before getting a puppy, you need to prepare for such an event. If it is a pit bull, you need to learn everything about this breed - what kind of temperament the dogs have, how to care for them, what to feed them and how to raise them.
  2. Consider all the pros and cons of such an acquisition.
  3. Decide what gender the puppy should be.
  4. Think about where to buy a dog - and it’s better if it’s a well-known kennel.
  5. Before purchasing a puppy from a breeder, you need to find out all the information about the latter. Check to see if he got into trouble when selling his dogs with genetic diseases.
  6. Buy special toys in advance that little puppy will be able to chew, thereby keeping your furniture intact.

How to choose a puppy?

When buying a pit bull, you need to make the right choice. Rumors that a puppy must have a big head are false. Attention, first of all, should be paid to ensure that the dog does not have the following defects: weakness of the joints, incorrectly positioned back and poor condition feet

Pitbull puppies must have a head. average size, neck stronger legs, paws are thick, there is a small hump on the beautiful curve of the back. Rear end the puppy is allowed just above the front. It is recommended to choose an animal with straight, strong and elastic limbs. If the tail is set low, you can be sure that the dog is brave and has good fighting qualities.

The color of a pet is a matter of taste of the owner. No color is given preference, the main thing is the standard. For example, a white pit bull puppy is very beautiful. This is a dog you can be proud of!

The black pit bull looks no less beautiful and respectable. Puppies having non-standard color, are inexpensive because they are not subject to further breeding use.

If you discover that the puppy is showing cowardice or unjustified aggressiveness, it is not recommended to purchase it. Being overly sensitive is also not a good dog's temperament trait because it is a sign of lack of self-confidence.

The first days of a puppy at its permanent place of residence

First, the baby must get comfortable in the house in which he will live. He will definitely have a desire to explore everything around him, and he needs to be allowed to do this. After such a walk around the territory, you can gradually begin to teach the puppy and show him attention and care on your part:

  • The owner and all family members must constantly show affection to the pet, stroking its head, back and tummy.
  • Gradually teach the rules of behavior in the house, do not allow him to go to those places that are forbidden for him to visit.
  • Teach your dog where his toilet is.
  • Begin to teach the very first necessary commands: “sit” and “place.”
  • After 10 weeks, the puppy can be introduced to other animals. It is better to conduct such lessons in a small area near the house or within the walls of your own home.
  • At every opportunity, take the dog outside, where he will gradually become familiar with cars, other houses and parks. The more experience she gains from a young age, the easier it will be for you to deal with her in the future.

Beginning of socialization

Look, this cute creature is a pitbull puppy (2 months old). The photo, as you can see, confirms that he is not yet able to protect either himself or his owner, since during this period of his life he must undergo socialization. This will allow him to learn to form his own idea about other animals and what is happening in the world around him.

The first step of socialization is the puppy's communication with his mother, her care and teaching discipline. Next comes communication with other brothers, in whose company small animals learn to obey or, conversely, dominate.

The next step belongs to the dog breeder, since he is the first person in contact with the puppy. At this time, he should be affectionate and at the same time maintain discipline, begin to accustom the baby to behavior within the walls of the house.

Only after this is the duty to teach small pet To environment will fall on the owner - the person who bought it. A pit bull puppy at 2 months needs socialization more than other breeds. The holder must introduce him to strangers, accustom him to communicate with different people. You should always have a treat with you to reward your pet for treating strangers well. Puppies are most susceptible to this type of association at the age of 14-16 weeks.

You should not allow your pet to become agitated during an unexpected noisy environment or when a cyclist passes by. To distract the dog's attention, you can give your dog a treat. Best to show by example that everything around is calm and beautiful.

This point of socialization is critically important; it has a serious effect on all the remaining years of the dog's life. It is necessary to accustom the animal to frightening factors from afar, repeating the attempt until the pet stops demonstrating its excitement.

A dog’s acquaintance with the world around him lasts throughout his life, and the more new things are presented to a young animal, the much less receptive and cowardly the dog will show itself in the future.

Caring for pitbull puppies

From a young age, pit bull puppies need care for their fur and eyes. Ears should also not be forgotten. Babies begin to see on the 9-11th day from birth. The blue color of the iris remains unchanged for up to 1.5-3 months. Eyes should be examined daily, if present. purulent discharge It is necessary to contact a veterinarian without delay.

The dog's nails should be trimmed as they grow. Pit bull puppies under the age of 6 months need this procedure once every 7 days, up to one year - once every two weeks. If it happens that the pulp is damaged, you need to stop the bleeding with brilliant green or several crystals of manganese.

pit bull?

The first weeks after birth, the puppies are fed by the mother with her milk. Particularly useful is colostrum, which babies receive immediately after birth. After one month old The pit bull diet is gradually changing - their menu is becoming more expanded. They are accustomed to consumption cow's milk, milk porridge, raw and cooked meat, as well as vegetable soup. Be sure to add vitamins and minerals to their food.

The amount of necessary food that a dog should consume directly depends on its age and physical characteristics, as well as on lifestyle and stress:

  • immediately after weaning, pit bull puppies should receive food several times during the day;
  • start giving food with five small portions a day;
  • at the age of 3 months they gradually switch to four meals a day;
  • at eight months of age, feed the puppy 3 times a day.

Before deciding what kind of pit bull it is, it is important to know that the diet should be ideal for young dogs and puppies, thanks to it, the animal receives everything it needs to grow.

The main part of a low-milking dog’s diet is meat; it should be at least 100 g of the total portion. It's best if it's beef. Once every six days you can give veal or chicken hearts; liver is also useful. Once a week, meat can be replaced with fish. Although an adult American pit bull loves fish, a puppy cannot eat such foods in large quantities - in some cases, a fish day can be arranged twice a week, but not more often.

Every day the pet should receive skim cheese, milk, pureed apples and carrots. You can cook porridge with milk. It is recommended to include one boiled egg in the menu.

If problems arise with the appearance of wen, you should immediately change the dog’s diet, because pit bulls have a greater tendency to form them due to poor nutrition. It is necessary to completely exclude flour products and sweets, limit the consumption of animal fats.

Feeding dry food

It is better to start feeding a small pit bull dry food at the age of two months. There must be food High Quality. At first it is given as a treat.

If no signs of allergy appear, you can continue daily norm of this product for a puppy up to 120 g, divided into several servings. It is imperative to ensure your pet has free access to drinking water.

Raising a puppy

To have a loyal dog with an intact psyche next to you, without proper education can’t be avoided, you should devote a lot of time to it. A pit bull can only become truly loyal to its owner if the owner has animal husbandry skills and great patience.

Rumors that tough measures are effective and various kinds torture is just a myth. Nothing good will come from raising a pit bull this way. You need to love a puppy of this breed, like other living beings, and try to attract his attention to yourself. Treatment should be equal to all members of the family in which the pet is located. Fear cannot achieve a positive result.

A pitbull puppy's aggression begins to manifest itself when he is in a small confined space for a long time. He needs a lot physical activity, you need to walk with him as much as necessary, about two hours a day. Only then will the pet be happy and calm. It is impossible to reduce the time of walks and active games.

The American Pit Bull is a dog with great intelligence, she happily learns everything new and is ready to obey her mentor. Today, methods of raising puppies remain simple and at the same time effective. Here are some tips on how to successfully raise your pet:

  • One of the rules to remember is that a dog's life is currently. Every time a puppy receives a reward or punishment, he accepts it for his actions in those minutes. For example, if he did something bad an hour or two ago, punishing him is no longer effective; he will not understand why he is treated this way.
  • You must adhere to the rules of upbringing that are established by the puppy's owner. If you do not allow him to climb onto the bed or sofa once, then this prohibition must take place constantly. You cannot give in to his plaintive requests; once you give in, you will have to do it always; it will be difficult to change this behavior of your pet.
  • The pet should receive a reward only for such actions that will be useful in the future.
  • Based on the fact that the puppy is trying with all his might to please the owner, you can tell him how to achieve this. Coercion will only delay the learning process.
  • If you repeat a command in a demanding tone over and over again, accompanying the order with shouts, then you can achieve only one thing - scare the dog, but in no way bring the pit bull closer to understanding what they want from him. In this case, it is better to start all over again and go back to the basics of the teaching.
  • Training does not always go as desired, but this is not the reason for the inability to train your dog. You should try to be confident in your actions and become a consistent realist. The main thing is not to lose Have a good mood while raising your pet.

The formation of the dog’s psyche and character lasts until the second year of life, after the third it reaches its maximum. You should not strive to conduct fighting contact training as early as possible, although puppies sometimes require this at 10 months. But there are cases when such a desire does not manifest itself at all.

It is recommended to begin fighting training when your pit bull is 15 months old, and not earlier. This should be done gradually, with great care and patience. The partner in the fighting contact should be an old and experienced “fighter” who can give a good lesson to a newcomer in this matter, but will not bite too much.

If the puppy likes the first allowed contact, then the next one can be provided to him no earlier than in a month. First contacts are about instilling confidence in one's own strength.

How to keep your puppy healthy?

Pit bull puppies, photos of which you can see in the article, seem at first glance to be calm and calm.

And over time, they can turn into healthy, beautiful pets, but only with proper care and education. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to the health of your little pet, monitoring not only physical condition, but also psychological.

Immediately after purchase one month old puppy The pit bull needs to be examined by a veterinarian, and then it is recommended to routine examinations in the clinic. If there is no desire for reproduction and breeding work, the animal can be castrated or sterilized. You cannot miss the time for vaccinations, the doctor must warn you about this:

  1. The baby should receive the first vaccination at 2.5-3 months. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the puppy’s health is normal and its condition is excellent.
  2. Three weeks later, a second vaccination is necessary.
  3. When the puppy is 5-6 months old and the baby teeth are replaced, the third vaccination is given.
  4. The puppy receives a fourth vaccination per year, and then the vaccination is repeated annually.

This type of dog originates from Great Britain and Ireland, where dog fighting has always been in fashion. Terriers and bulldogs were used to create the breed. From these two types of dogs, pit bulls inherited tenacity, enormous power and quick response. After some time, they ended up in America, where they were officially registered as a separate breed.

Pitbull - fighting

History has brought to us information about the representatives of this breed, Dustman and Trusty. Trusty was very famous for his battles. He took part in more than a hundred battles and was never defeated.

The same fame was attributed to Dustman, but his appearance resembled something between a terrier and a bulldog. It was from these animals that pit bulls took their ancestry.

These events took place in Europe, approximately in the 18th century. And in America these bloody spectacles were already gaining popularity with all their might. The first bull and terriers and bulldogs were brought from Europe for the events. Many modern owners of pit bulls encounter lines in the pedigree of their dogs that go to famous dogs, brought to America in the 19th century.

Gallery: pit bull dog breed (25 photos)

Pit bull dog character

Everyone makes their own conclusion about the nature of the breed when they get a pet, raise and raise a puppy. For many years, those who bred this breed considered its main feature to be its readiness and ability to fight.

But aggression towards people was considered unacceptable. If a dog growled at a person, it meant that it was afraid. And this was considered unacceptable. Many were even ready to kill their dog if he growled at them.

If the owner of this dog decides to raise reliable friend at home, he will definitely succeed. These animals have very great energy and strength from nature, which give pit bulls great curiosity, and they are always ready to explore and learn about the world around them.

These dogs are very active, they love when their owner plays with them. Especially in active games. They very loyal to their owner and will always follow him. If we put it this way, we can say with all confidence that the character of this dog is created by its owner.

It is because of this that there are absolutely opposite opinions about this breed. And also these opinions are influenced by the large black mouth, which is considered a sign of anger and aggressiveness. Of course, the character of this breed is different from others, for example, huskies or, say, French bulldog type breeds.

Types of aggression and causes of its occurrence

The Pit Bull Terrier is a predatory animal, and aggression can appear due to various reasons. Stand out the following types aggression:

From these animals you can raise a vicious dog that will rush at people and can easily bite to death. Or maybe a kind, affectionate friend who will always come to the aid of his owner and will get along well with the child.

U adult dog the character is already stable. She is completely confident in herself and her abilities, and is always ready to benefit her owner. Certainly good qualities a dog will only show it if it is properly raised and trained by its owner.

Book about raising a pit bull

The book has the following contents:

  1. Introduction.
  2. History of the breed.
  3. General description of the standard.
  4. Body type of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
  5. Breed standard.

In addition to the above chapters, the book contains a lot of useful and interesting information about this breed.

Raising a pitbull puppy

When raising a puppy of this breed, you must not forget that aggression towards him is simply unacceptable, and this dog cannot be kept on a leash. But you always need to be very persistent and achieve the given commands.

It's always better to feed your dog healthy and the right food . But, if there is no time for preparation, or there is no such opportunity, then it is possible to feed it with elite dog food. It contains a lot of microelements and vitamins necessary for a puppy. With this food the puppy will be energetic and healthy. But, if in doubt, you can always consult a veterinarian.

Pit bull training. According to the observations of dog handlers around the world, this breed is easy to train, mastering different commands and performing various difficult tasks. All this is helped by the natural liveliness and curiosity of the breed.

First of all you need to go general course training dogs, so that they are obedient. After completing this course, the pet owner will have new horizons for developing new abilities in his puppy.

Experience shows that these animals works well with teams from the protective guard service course. This course teaches the owner to control his dog, and he develops the ability to manage his aggression.

Also, in no case should you devote a lot of time to developing aggressiveness against a person. After such training, the pit bull will become a great threat to everyone around. This dog doesn’t just bite, but by intuition, like a real fighter, chooses vital places.

If we add to all of the above the very powerful force of its bite, it will immediately become clear to what extent such a pit bull will be dangerous. The world is moving incredibly a large number of stories about pit bull attacks, but in fact they are less than ten percent of all dog attacks on people.

Such a bad opinion about this breed is caused by the devastating consequences after an attack by these animals. Main role the owners of dogs of this breed played a role in this, who specifically get them as bodyguards and, without thinking, poison them on people, thereby frightening others.

The most important difference between a pit bull and a Staffordshire terrier is their purpose.

Pitbull - descendant of strong fighting bull and terriers. This breed is always ready to give its life for its owner.

Stafford is just show class dog, which has a place at exhibitions. The pit bull has always been considered a violent breed, even a killer. When a pit bull was bred against a Stafford in fights, the pit bull always won.

Advantages and disadvantages of pit bull terriers

Advantages of the pit bull breed:

  • It does not require constant care.
  • Simple everyday diet.
  • He is a fast learner. Becomes a loyal defender.
  • Sick a little.


  1. Labor-intensive education that takes a lot of time.
  2. Aggressiveness. If not properly trained, it will become dangerous for people.
  3. Requires a lot of attention, in the absence of which it can become uncontrollable.

Attention, TODAY only!

The pit bull is a medium-sized dog with a strong build and well-defined muscles. The breed is characterized by athleticism and is distinguished by a mountain of muscles.

Pit bull color different colors and shades. The dog is always ready for heavy loads and is ideal for protecting home and family.

Pit bull breeds are not at all as bloodthirsty or aggressive as owners say. These are quite peaceful and adequate dogs.

History of the breed

The history of the breed is truly unique. It dates back to 1888. The American Bull Terrier dog was obtained by crossing a bulldog and a terrier. It started with the bulldogs. In Old England, bulldogs were considered baiting dogs. Later, bullying became prohibited. People began to use bulldogs for dog fighting. However, later the interest in fighting with dogs simply disappeared. The bulldogs, despite their anger and aggression towards their opponents, turned out to be clumsy. Representatives of the breed could not jump and dodge agile opponents. The result of the battles was considered known.

Taking into account their characteristics, bulldogs began to be crossed with representatives of agile and agile breeds. The species obtained by crossing a bulldog and a terrier turned out to be successful. The American Bull Terrier dog breed has appeared.

The Pitbull dog breed was considered fighting dog. Pit bulls were actually used for dog fighting. After the ban on fighting, dog breeding continued, and fights began to be held in illegal ways in order to earn money on bets. The dogs were bred according to the principle of “killer dogs”, taught to fight from an early age. After the fights than bigger dog won in battles, so more expensive than a dog sold. Previously, this type of gambling was considered a powerful and profitable betting. The American Pit Bull Terrier was quite suitable for fighting. She is aggressive, cruel, quick to react.

The breed originally appeared in the United States of America. After the ban on fighting and the identification of the aggressive qualities of dogs, at the initiative of the government, the media carried out a campaign among the population for the complete destruction of the breed. The press constantly talked about cruel cases of pit bull terriers attacking people, and provided terrible-looking photographs and comments.

In fact, the characteristics of the breed are such that it is possible to raise an excellent guard dog from a pit bull terrier. Due to their keen sense of smell, representatives of the breed are indispensable when working in special services. Mainly used for searching narcotic substances and explosives. Today at European countries breeding and maintenance American pit bulls is strictly prohibited. The breed is popular in Russia and the USA. There are strict rules for dog breeders.

Description and standard

Pitbull - at first glance makes it clear that the breed is strong and passionate:

  • a head with wide cheekbones and a powerful jaw - the dog has a strong grip;
  • a strong neck with well-developed muscles smoothly transitions into a broad chest;
  • slightly elongated muzzle with small eyes - they always look straight, which makes it seem that the gaze is slightly “prickly”;
  • the torso is powerful, the physique is strong;
  • the leg bones are rounded and strong;
  • the coat is short and coarse, there is no undercoat;
  • color - the standard does not highlight a specific color;
  • height - 43-49 cm;
  • weight - 20-30 kg.

The pit bull is an excellent bodyguard, well suited for police service where faithful dogs. The dog looks a little stern - but at the same time the best and most affectionate nanny for children, loves to play games with children.

Despite the above positive traits strong dogs, distrust of the breed remains. Breeding pit bulls is strictly prohibited in Sweden and select US states. In others, dogs are allowed, but walking is allowed in the evening and in muzzles.

Advantages of APBT

Character of the breed

A pit bull is a dog with a character based on strength, confidence and interest in life. Pitbulls are good family dogs and love children. The dogs are agile, they can climb and climb, the fence will not be a hindrance. Pitbull has wide range various services.

During for long years The temperament of the breed changed. Today the dog has become friendly and balanced in character, endowed with amazing intelligence, and is always ready to help his owner. The breed has retained its hunting instinct, which is used in hunting animals and is suitable for guarding homes. The dog demonstrates complete dedication and the highest intelligence.

Don't listen to stories that tell you that a pit bull needs to be treated harshly or tortured to increase the dog's courage. The pit bull is characterized by courage and fearlessness, requires attention and love, and appreciates the love of its owner.

Pit bull care

The American Bull Terrier breed is suitable for keeping in an apartment and in a private house. Dogs need long walks and active games, otherwise, with excess nutrition, the Bull Terrier easily gains excess weight.

  1. Regular brushing is not necessary, given that bull terriers do not have thick and long hair.
  2. Monitor the condition of the claws on your paws. More often than not, the claws grind down on their own, but it is better to periodically inspect the paws and trim the claws if the tips of the claws have grown below the pads of the toes. If nails are not trimmed in a timely manner, the dog will limp when walking.
  3. Examine your ears and eyes for preventive purposes. Keep clean and dry.

Representatives of the breed are clean animals; it is advisable to bathe and wash them as needed (about once every six months). Proper care for the American Bull Terrier - proper diet and mandatory nutrition control. The disadvantage of the breed is called:

  • The tendency of dogs to be overweight. If your pet is not getting adequate exercise, monitor your dog's weight. Excess weight body leads to the occurrence of diseases in the dog’s body.
  • Sensitivity to all kinds skin diseases. Bull Terriers may show signs of allergies due to poor nutrition.

Proper care of the American Pit Bull Terrier should begin at early age, teaching the dog to calmly respond to procedures. Given the fighting characteristics of dogs, it is recommended to exercise them regularly. The species is active and is not capable of vegetating in inactivity. Avoiding the chance of finding an apartment or house in poor condition, take care of a number of physical exercise for a pet: active games during walks, running, competitions - just to give an outlet.

Mistakes when choosing a puppy

When choosing a pit bull, it is better to purchase it from a good kennel.

  • Be sure to check the dog's pedigree first.

If the pedigree is worthy, choose a suitable puppy. The choice is difficult, the pit bull puppies are beautiful, you will want to take them all.

  • A common mistake is choosing a puppy with a big head. Its large head does not provide power.
  • It is not recommended to choose a puppy with fragile joints, poor foot position and an irregular back.

Feeding your pet

Choose a diet that is as balanced as possible. The diet includes vitamins and essential minerals. It is permissible to feed dry food and natural products. First of all, the pit bull terrier needs a daily routine.

  1. You cannot force a dog to eat.
  2. You should not specifically give unloved foods.
  3. It is forbidden to starve, even teaching you to eat everything.

You can't starve a dog! A pet is a member of the family, with its own preferences. This will have to be taken into account.

Raising a puppy

Pitbull puppies are fed 4-5 times a day. The diet is high in calories! Proper feeding assumes:

  • feed at set times;
  • it is important to constantly change the water;
  • Food should be served from permanent dishes; it is better to purchase a plastic or aluminum plate.

Most bull terrier breeders prefer to use dry food for their pets; this method of feeding is simpler. If you are going to follow this example, remember that dry food is selected:

  1. The most balanced composition for the pet's breed.
  2. Be sure to consider your dog's weight and lifestyle when choosing food.
  3. Premium quality food containing additional microelements and vitamins.

Nutrition of adults

As a rule, feeding an adult dog depends on the type of food the puppy eats. They often opt for high-quality dry food. Of course, food is much more expensive than universal, not highly enriched food. useful microelements... But saving money on your pet’s health is simply unacceptable.

For feeding an adult American Bull Terrier, a “natural” diet is highly recommended. If you use natural products nutrition, remember: