Features of children born after 50 years. Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause?

Is it possible for a woman after 40-50 years of age to become pregnant during menopause? controversial issue which worries many women various reasons. Only some ask it with hope, while others ask it with a feeling of genuine fear.

Indeed, giving birth to a child requires a lot of mental strength, a sincere desire to give birth, physical endurance and good health.

These criteria are best met by the female age category from 19 to 38 years. Further, a woman’s reproductive abilities and others important functions some organs begin to gradually fade away.

And after 40-45 years, when the approach of menopause is not far off, many people have serious doubts about whether and how realistic it is in principle to get pregnant during and after menopause.

Menopause is a natural multi-stage period characterized by involution of the reproductive system against the background age-related changes in organism.

When we're talking about You can often hear the following association about menopause - “women’s autumn.”

In fact, for some, the onset of menopause is a sign of approaching old age, but for many others, on the contrary, it is the beginning of a new, free life.

With the onset of menopause, the female body undergoes major changes.

You can finally take a break from monthly menstruation, not use protection during sexual intercourse, and at the same time not be afraid of an unplanned conception.
The majority of female representatives believe that if there is no period, it is impossible to get pregnant. However, the absence of menstruation can be caused by various reasons.

An important role is played by how stable these manifestations are. Perhaps these are only the first signs of a woman having irregular menstrual cycle.

It is worth noting that fertilization occurs only under certain conditions that provide the opportunity to become pregnant.

Women's ovaries must properly produce follicles in which the development and maturation of the egg will occur.

In this case, the hormones estrogen and progesterone must be actively produced, ensuring the formation corpus luteum and preparing the uterus for ovulation.

As menopause approaches, all the conditions necessary for conception gradually disappear, and the chances of getting pregnant become smaller every day.

It is at this moment that the question arises whether a woman can become pregnant at the age of, for example, 45 years or 48 years, 50 years or after 50 years.

This topic is discussed especially acutely in married couples at an age when there are no children in the family yet, and the situation will soon become critical.

After all, with age, the functions of the ovaries weaken, which in gynecology is called malfunctions in the functioning of the hormone-producing processes of the genital organs. At the same time, the last reserves of follicles are exhausted.

If the performance of the follicles is insufficient, this affects the development and maturation of the egg. In this case, there is a very high probability that ovulation will no longer occur at all.

And yet, conception during menopause is possible. And not only theoretically, but also practically.

Don't miss one important detail- the menopause period lasts more than one day, week or month.

The appearance of the first signs of menopause is, of course, a reason to consult a gynecologist

The menopausal period can last for long years, and sometimes decades. This means that the probability of getting pregnant remains even at 60 years old, and possibly at 65.

There are many cases where women become pregnant after fifty years (for example, at 51-61, etc.) after the onset of menopause and even during postmenopause. These are all real statistics.

Recently there was a unique case with a woman who conceived at 75 years old. The happy mother presented the birth of a child to her husband as an emerald wedding anniversary gift.

Changes in the female body during menopause

The first sign of hormonal changes when a woman reaches menopause is oligominorrhea.
This is a disruption of the regular menstrual cycle. Moreover, the change in intervals occurs both in the direction of increasing and decreasing the number of days.

Considering the average indicators, at the turn of about forty years, the number of eggs in the ovaries, as well as the production of FSH, LH and other hormones, significantly decreases.

The drop in progesterone occurs most sharply compared to other hormones. Three to four years (or more) before menopause, approximately 50% of menopause passes without ovulation.

It is for this reason that questions arise such as whether a woman can become pregnant during or after menopause or what is the likelihood of conception after 50 years.

As a rule, with the help of hormonal or herbal medicines it is possible to remove unpleasant symptoms which sometimes interfere with leading a normal lifestyle

Hormonal changes primarily affect sexual function in women, which usually leads to a deficiency of sex hormones.

These changes in the female body occur throughout menopause. Signs are conventionally classified into three categories: early, middle and late.

Early changes are characterized by symptoms such as those described below:

Medium-term symptoms appear during the first few years during menopause:

  • urogenital – vaginal disorders (dryness, itching in the vagina), painful sensations during sexual intercourse, dysuria (various types of urination disorders), genitourinary tract infections;
  • external - the skin becomes less elastic, dry, the first wrinkles and gray hair appear, hair may fall out, nails break.

Late changes mainly appear after menopause and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decrease bone tissue, which leads to increased bone fragility;
  • asymptomatic manifestation primary signs post-menopausal osteoporosis;
  • heart disease vascular system(vascular atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, arterial hypertension);
  • diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, bile ducts;
  • Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).

There are also atypical hormonal changes, which includes climate syndrome, which occurs in 30-60% of women.

After menopause, women may be offered hormone replacement therapy.

This is a symptom complex pathological manifestations(somatic, vegetative, urogenital), which is characterized by a more severe form of menopause. Can be observed at any stage.

Stages of menopause at 50-60 years old

Normally, menopause begins at the age of 45-50 years. According to medical statistics, in most cases the upper threshold is 47 years old and the average is up to 52 years old.
Late menopause usually occurs after 60 years, doctors give more accurate data on the onset at 56 years and before 65. Symptoms are described above.

Table gradual development menopause

Delayed menopause

During menopause, MC without ovulation alternates with normal ovulatory cycles in a ratio of approximately 50/50.

Menopause is a disease characterized by hormonal imbalance

At the same time, menstruation occurs irregularly, the duration fluctuates, often in the direction of reduction. During menopause, more scanty or less heavy bleeding is observed.

There is a misconception that it is impossible to get pregnant if you do not have periods, especially at the age of about fifty years or more.
Therefore, when there is no menstruation for two or three months, many women forget to use protection without worrying about the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy during menopause may not be noticed immediately, since it is quite difficult to reliably determine them.

The fact is that the symptoms of premenopause are very similar to the manifestations of the female body during pregnancy.

For example, lack of menstruation, general weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, headaches, frequent urination etc.

However, if menstruation does not come for 12 months or more, then this process indicates a complete cessation of the production of sex hormones and the onset of postmenopause.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause naturally?

The theory of the probability of conception during perimenopause naturally at 49 years old (or another mature age) not only confirms this possibility, but also encourages women to carefully protect themselves.

Health allows you to become a mother

For those couples who are determined to conceive on their own (without medical care) the following conditions favorable for fertilization must be taken into account:

  • correct determination of the ovulatory cycle;
  • sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation or 5-7 days before it;
  • high qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the partner’s sperm.

This combination of circumstances can be the key to good luck getting pregnant at 53 years old, for example.

This fact will be another proof that during menopause women have different age category it is possible to get pregnant.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after menopause at 49-55

Often women turn to gynecologists, asking their question, for example, in the following formulation: “I haven’t had periods for three years, I’m 52, after menopause do I have a chance to get pregnant?”

It's reasonable to assume that the answer to this question is a resounding no. However, there is a paradox medical statistics, which to many may seem at least implausible.

The percentage of unplanned pregnancies in the age category from 40 to 55 years (and above) is much higher than the chances of fertilization in the category of women childbearing age from 25 to 35 years.
Nature similar phenomenon is surprising and little studied, so doctors are not yet able to explain what is associated with childbearing after 50 years, and even more so after 60 years.

But the facts confirming that a woman can absolutely become pregnant after menopause are quite enough to convince even the most inveterate skeptics.

Causes and problems of early menopause

Early menopause is a specific pathology, a sign of which is the absence of menstruation (or sudden cessation) at the age of 30 (plus or minus a few years).

There are known facts of observation of premature menopause in girls 23-25 ​​years old. You can get pregnant during early menopause at any time, since this process cannot be controlled.

With this pathology, hormonal changes in a woman’s body occur already in the early stages of formation.

The symptoms of menopause primarily include hot flashes

The first reason early menopause is ovarian dysfunction, which is caused by many factors:

  • gynecological operations (for example, removal of ovaries);
  • treatment of cancer using chemotherapy or radiation to which the woman has previously been exposed;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • the use of aggressive drugs that provoked serious hormonal changes.

Genetic predisposition:

  • damage to chromosome X;
  • Turner syndrome or absence of a complete chromosome series (one instead of two);
  • excess chromosome number (three instead of two).

Indirect reasons:

  • acceleration, puberty ahead of schedule(already at 10-12 years old);
  • spinal disorders;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas (enzyme deficiency);
  • excess body weight (obesity);
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of autoimmune origin.

The list of problems is quite diverse. If you need a result to solve them, then for this you need professional approach specialists and detailed examination.

Artificial menopause: types, causes and consequences

Artificial menopause is a forced shutdown of the ovaries to stop the production of estrogen through medical intervention.
Artificially induced first menopause is used for treatment large number hormone-dependent diseases.

Menopause mainly occurs in women after 45 years of age

For example, to treat the following problems:

  • uterine bleeding of various etiologies;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroma;
  • oncological neoplasms, tumors.

And also for the treatment of infertility using artificial ovarian stimulation.

The choice of method that causes artificial menopause depends on the cause, symptoms, treatment, purpose and age.

  • surgical (oophorectomy) - radical removal ovaries with oncology, the process is irreversible;
  • radiological - radiation therapy, Maybe partial restoration functions;
  • medicinal - a gentle method using special drugs, the functionality of the ovaries and the body is completely restored.

Full rehabilitation after infertility treatment can last from two to four months, but this does not stop anyone.
The fact that you can get pregnant after artificial menopause gives you strength and optimism. Indeed, for many women, for example, at the age of 47 or more, the dream becomes a reality.
Many people are afraid of this type of therapy because possible consequences or severe treatment.

It is important to know! None negative consequences after the use of artificial menopause methods was not recorded.

You should not react to myths about the irreversibility of recruitment excess weight body or complete loss of libido.

It’s better to refer to the statistics, which have recorded a large percentage of happy mothers or girls and women cured of oncology.

Wonderful surprise

What should a woman do if she has an unwanted pregnancy?

Unwanted pregnancy during menopause usually occurs due to an incorrect attitude towards contraception.
Many people believe that the periodic absence of menstruation is a reason to refuse contraception. Termination of pregnancy during menopause is dangerous due to serious complications.

Indications for drug interruption pregnancy:

  • anemia, exhaustion of the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (liver, kidneys, endocrine system etc.);
  • age-related pathologies (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries).

If a woman is able to carry and give birth to a child without risk to own health and fetus, then doctors refer the pregnant woman to full examination body.

The danger of preserving a fetus at 48-52 years of age

The birth of a child is an incomparable happiness at any age, especially if a woman has been waiting for this for many years.

But if this joy came to you during menopause, then at 52 years old be prepared for possible complications.

Late pregnancy

For mother:

  • possible development of diabetes mellitus;
  • a sudden increase in blood pressure can trigger a heart attack or stroke during childbirth;
  • dysfunction of many organs due to heavy stress;
  • high probability ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage;
  • postpartum ruptures and injuries;
  • infections;
  • increased risk of death for an old mother due to extreme stress during childbirth.

For the fetus:

  • high infant mortality rate;
  • gestational diabetes increases the risk of developing congenital anomalies(internal or external deformations of organs);
  • prenatal preeclampsia causes the development of hypoxia in the fetus;
  • genetic abnormalities in the child, children may be born with Down's disease, cerebral palsy, exstrophy Bladder etc.

According to statistics, women 45-55 years old die during childbirth 6 times more often, and the risk of fetal death inside the womb is 3 times higher than in young women giving birth under 35 years of age.

Pros and cons of late pregnancy and childbirth at 40

To decide to carry and give birth to a child in adulthood, you need to consider all aspects and the seriousness of the situation.

Happy to become a mother again

Obvious advantages:

  • awareness of thoughts and actions - a woman will control her every step and is ready to sacrifice a lot;
  • material base - stable position, normal conditions life, some financial security makes it possible to avoid stress due to unsettled life and similar troubles;
  • stable relationship with a partner - in most cases, women who have a trusted, reliable loved one agree to give birth at this age;
  • achievements - many have already had a career in professional activity, and now they joyfully devote themselves to motherhood;
  • rejuvenation of the body - the feeling of motherhood gives new strength and to some extent returns youth.
  • biological clock - often the habit of living regardless of circumstances leads to the fact that the child is no longer needed;
  • reasonable fear when thinking about the development of possible complications described above;
  • a change in the established rhythm of life - many women have great difficulty accepting the new conditions and lifestyle associated with the birth of a child (especially the first-born).

As you can see, the role is played not only physiological factors, but in many ways psychological side question.

Regardless of the interval of absence of menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist, who will refer you for an examination to determine the reason for the cessation of menstruation.

When intimacy is joy

General recommendations for restoring the menstrual cycle:
  1. Normalization of daily routine and rest.
  2. Ensuring proper nutrition.
  3. Eliminate stress.
  4. If you are underweight (anorexia), undergo a course (cyclic) therapy.
  5. If there are gynecological problems, be treated with an anti-inflammatory course or another, it all depends on the diagnosis.
  6. For cycle disorders associated with taking oral contraceptives, a wait-and-see strategy is used in combination with taking gestagenic drugs.


    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Let's talk today about how pregnancy proceeds at the age of 50, we'll find out what doctors think about it today. Female body It’s so uniquely designed that you can become a mother at fifty, if only you’re healthy. Indeed, currently everything more women they give birth at this age, which used to be a rarity; usually in such years grandchildren already appear, and the female body enters the period of menopause.

The female body functions according to certain rules, after birth, a girl has approximately 400 thousand eggs, over the years their number gradually begins to decrease, and by the age of 50 they remain within one thousand, however, the chances of getting pregnant still remain.

On average, by the age of 45-50, the production of the hormone estrogen decreases significantly, as a result, ovarian function decreases, therefore, the chances of becoming pregnant decrease significantly at the age of 50, as the female body gradually enters the so-called menopause.

The first stage of the menopause is premenopause, its duration varies from 4 to 7 years, while the woman feels the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, the intervals between menstruation lengthen, and menstruation becomes scanty.

In addition, so-called hot flashes occur, it is noted emotional instability, characterized by morning sickness, aversion to smells and tastes. These changes indicate rapid hormonal changes.

The second stage of the menopause - menopause or menopause - is marked by the end of menstruation, which occurs after the age of 50. A year later, menopause turns into postmenopause.

Based on the data presented above, it is quite difficult to get pregnant at this age, but still this miracle sometimes happens. For pregnancy to occur, the maturation of the egg, the process of ovulation, and fertilization of the egg must occur.

Increases the possibility of pregnancy after 50 and some carelessness to practice sexual intercourse without contraceptives. Most gynecologists recommend using contraception for another five years after the end of menstruation.

If pregnancy occurs - signs of pregnancy at 50 years old

The most common symptoms of pregnancy are similar to the onset of menopause; if a woman has the following symptoms, we can talk about a possible pregnancy:

Availability morning sickness;
Lack of menstruation for a long time;
Swelling of the mammary glands;
Intolerance to certain fragrances;
Sleep disturbance;
Change taste preference;
Emotional lability;
Excessive fatigue.

If the listed signs appear, it is necessary to urgently go to see a gynecologist; it is worth noting that at this age, doctors do not always immediately determine pregnancy, since a tumor can first be diagnosed, and only when the fetus enters a period of active growth does everything become obvious.

Late pregnancy - doctors' opinion

Let me start with the fact that during pregnancy a powerful restructuring occurs in the female body, which is not always possible to withstand safely even at the age of twenty-five, but there are always exceptions, and what is bad for a young girl may turn out to be good for a lady at 50 years old.

However, at 50 years of age, pregnancy may worsen chronic diseases, which were dormant until this period. A woman's risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases, she may join hypertonic disease, as well as negative changes in the musculoskeletal system.

It is important to remember that it takes sufficient quantity calcium from the mother's depot, and after 50 years, women are advised to take vitamin complexes containing calcium. In addition, the activity of the kidneys weakens, and a gradual descent of organs located in the pelvis occurs. All this can negatively affect future pregnancies.

According to doctors, this is only a small part of the troubles that can develop during pregnancy. In addition, there may be pathological development the fetus itself, the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome or other chromosomal pathologies greatly increases. And yet, having become a mother at 50 years old, a woman may simply not have time to raise a child due to low life expectancy, which is very sad.

Therefore, many doctors recommend forgetting about so-called unprotected sexual intercourse during menopause, and doctors also do not recommend giving birth after fifty years. However, there are women who look great at 50, they are healthy, fit, full of optimism and vitality, but in appearance you can’t give them more than 38, of course, there are not so many such lucky ones.

Pregnancy at 50 years old is still quite rare. If a woman is healthy and full of strength at 50 years old, no one can stop her from getting rid of pregnancy, carrying it well and giving birth to a healthy baby. All people's bodies are different, therefore, if a woman becomes pregnant at that age, there is no need to rush to have an abortion. It is imperative to consult a gynecologist and undergo a full examination by a therapist and endocrinologist.

And after the doctor concludes that the woman is healthy, you can give birth at this age without fear. Currently, the obstetrics and gynecology service is equipped with modern equipment, which will help a woman give birth to a healthy and happy baby.

Is it possible to have a baby after 50? Yes, in principle, it is possible. A little more concern about your health, a little more worry about responsibility for the future fate of the child, but otherwise they are predominantly give birth like normal women. Especially if this is not their first baby.

If a woman gives birth at 50, then she needs an eye and an eye. Many doctors monitor their patients anyhow. With the one who gave birth after fifty, this is unlikely to work. In addition, such patients require increased monitoring.

What difficulties may arise?

But in principle, if a woman does not suffer from serious diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes, then medical contraindications absent for childbirth. But the fact that childbirth prolongs youth women- it's just a beautiful legend. The female body is experiencing extreme stress. As, in principle, during childbirth at any age. But after 50, this stress is especially strong.
No one argues that the birth of a child fills life with special meaning. But in addition to bearing the baby, you need to raise him, give him a decent education, and then how Can live longer. Because if average duration life is about 70 years old, no one would wish their child to remain an orphan at a relatively young age. At 20 years old.

On the other hand, such mothers especially do not have the right to get sick often or relax in any other way. The body's hidden reserves are activated. Physiologically, it is not clear what is happening to the body women, but morally this is more than understandable.

Don't forget about one more point. In Russia and surrounding countries, life expectancy for men is very low. And when planning a child, you should understand simple things:

  1. The “young” mother risks being left alone due to the fact that the time allotted to her husband has already passed.
  2. If the child is the first, the mother risks even more.
  3. Rarely are such mothers able to “watch” at the baby’s crib for a long time. They themselves need care, not that they are able to take care of anyone.
  4. Late children have an increased risk of being born with Down syndrome. And such patients are most often unable to care for themselves or are only minimally capable.
  5. If you have young relatives, then this solves many problems.

Another reason that occurs differently for everyone

Don't forget about the onset of menopause. In all women it occurs at different time, and when it comes, children physically cannot appear. For some people it occurs at the age of 40, and nothing can be done about it. And if in fifty, then there are opportunities to get pregnant and carry a baby.

Will you have enough strength during the post-pregnancy period?

But everything is not so rosy. The body reserves mentioned above are included only during pregnancy. Think about it: do you have the strength to get up to see your child at night? During infancy, babies rarely sleep soundly through the night. Some time after pregnancy, a sharp decline in hormones occurs, and the body returns to its normal state. Therefore, carefully consider whether you are healthy enough to raise a child. It is important not only to have enough strength give birth to, it is important not to leave the baby orphan.

Examples of record-breaking mothers

If the above doesn’t scare you, then here is a list of record-breaking mothers who decided to have a child when they were over 50.

  1. Carmela Busada, 66 years old

This is the most desperate young mother we know. A US woman decided to get pregnant using IVF. And... gave birth to adorable twins. She decided to take this step after the death of her mother, who, by the way, was 102 years old.

  1. Elias Karam, 64 years old.

She and her husband also had to resort to IVF. In addition, in Germany (namely, where the “young” mother and her husband are from) such operations are prohibited, but this did not stop them. They went to another country and had an absolutely healthy daughter.

  1. Paricia Farrant, 62 years old.

This is the third child of such an old mother. She and her husband had to use the IVF method.

A few examples of stars who gave birth after 40

  1. The oldest famous woman is Holly Hunter. She decided to become a mother at 47 years old. Moreover, this was her first birth.
  2. Susan Sarandon was a little behind her. True, she acquired her third child at the age of 45.
  3. Shari Blair was the same age when she had her 4th child.

What do people on forums think about this issue?

Their opinion boils down to approximately one thing: if health allows, then giving birth to a child is false. But is it necessary? That’s the question. Do you want your baby to have a grandmother instead of a mother? Perhaps if he is still, for example, 4 of the year, he may become shy about you. Are you sure you're ready for this? The understanding that his mother is always important, no matter how old she is, will come to him much later.

But again, how to approach this issue from a moral perspective is up to you to decide. Just like with surrogacy. Everyone has an example of the far from young Alla Pugacheva. Lately in sight. Although this option carries much fewer health risks. To be more precise, in this case there are no risks at all. But the problem is that hiring a surrogate mother is very expensive.

Instead of output

What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? If you're not afraid, like this woman in labor If you, doctors and other women in labor will see what consequences this step can bring for your body and, even more importantly, for the child’s body, then give birth. Yes, children with Down syndrome also have the right to live. But they will live longer and more successfully if they have a mother who is full of strength.

Even if your child is lucky and is born absolutely healthy, then later years in 30 you will leave him an orphan. And even then, if you and your child are lucky. It's early enough. Are you ready for this?

If this child is not the first-born, the risks are significantly reduced. But they still remain. If you have a young and energetic husband, then it will be easier for the baby. If you have big family, then even easier. But still, no one can replace mom. Therefore, think about this step many times. Weigh the pros and cons. And if you do decide, we wish you good luck. Sometimes mild pregnancies occur even at the age of 50. Many examples speak of this.

Children are a joy. And many women, even after reaching childbearing age, decide to please their husbands - whether old or new - it doesn’t really matter

Photo source: woman.ru

But if at 25 it’s easy and natural, at 35 it’s good, but already alarming, at 45 it’s scary, difficult, but desirable, then after 50 it’s simply a feat. And many women decide on it.

Photo source: supercoolpics.com

1. World record for difference between births installed by Elizabeth Ann Battle. She gave birth to her first child early - at 19 years old.

41 years after the birth of her daughter, on May 19, 1956, a son, Joseph, was born. The mother of the newborn was 60 years old at that time.

Photo source: wittyfeed.com

2. American actress Adrienne Barbeau gave birth to twin boys at age 51(got pregnant naturally).

Photo source: metronews.ru

3. World record for oldest mother to conceive naturally and give birth to a live baby belongs to the British Dawn Brooks, who gave birth to a son in 1997 at the age of 59.

Photo source: dailymail.co. uk

4. In 2006 Romanian writer Adriana Iliescu gave birth to a daughter at the age of 66.

The woman had an emergency caesarean section, as it became known that one of the two babies Iliescu was carrying had already died.

Photo source: theguardian.com

5. Russian Natalya Surkova in 1996, at the age of 57, she gave birth to her third child. By that time she already had two children.

Photo source: rrnews.ru

6. In February 2015 in Moscow a 62-year-old woman gave birth to a child 10 years ago I experienced the death of my son and really wanted to regain the happiness of motherhood.

7. Lyudmila Belyavskaya, second wife of the Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Belyavsky, in 2003, at the age of 52 by caesarean section gave birth to a daughter. It is worth noting that at that time her husband was 70 years old.

Photo source: metronews.ru

8. Belarusian Karina Solenikova became a mother at 54 years old. To do this, Karina was forced to leave for Kharkov, because the law “On Assisted Reproductive Technologies” came into force in Belarus, prohibiting IVF for women over 50 years of age.

Photo source: tut.by

9. A little earlier, in 2013 Tatyana Korotkaya, a Minsk resident, became a mother at the age of 54.

Photo source: tut.by

10. British actress, star of the TV series “Shameless” Tina Malone gave birth to her second child, a girl, Flame, at 50.

She and her husband, who is 19 years younger than Malone, dreamed about this for a long time. The child was conceived through IVF using a donor egg.

The desire to become a mother was so strong that she decided to do it, despite the threats of doctors. To do this, the actress had to lose 69 kg!

Tina Malone says having a baby at 50 was easy (quoted by DailyMail):

I'm not saying everyone should run out and have a baby at 50, but I firmly believe that older women are much more best moms, and I want to show others that they can do it.

Photo source: dailystar.co.uk

I'm not an idiot, I knew all the risks associated with childbirth, but you have to take risks in life to get what you want.

But I do think there should be a limit. I think that over 55 years old it is already too late, because you want to see your child at least graduate.

Photo source: dailystar.co.uk

If you had asked me 10 years ago: “Another child or an Oscar?”, I would have said Oscar. But if you now offered me an Emmy, a Golden Globe, an Oscar or a child, I would choose the child every time.

Are there any cases of childbirth after 50 years in your family history?