Acute myeloid leukemia, myeloid leukemia, AML - symptoms, treatment and life prognosis for patients.

Megakaryoblastic leukemia(M7) is a rare variant of leukemia that is combined with fibrosis bone marrow(acute myelosclerosis). Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is characterized by the presence in the blood and bone marrow of megakaryoblasts - cells with a hyperchromatic (excessively stained) nucleus, narrow cytoplasm with thread-like outgrowths, as well as undifferentiated blasts. Often, ugly megakaryocytes, as well as fragments of their nuclei, are observed in the blood and bone marrow. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is the most common type acute leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Megakaryoblastic leukemia is often combined with bone marrow fibrosis (for example, acute myelosclerosis). It is difficult to treat and therefore the prognosis is usually unfavorable. The megakaryoblast essence of cells is determined not only using electron microscopy in combination with a cytochemical examination for peroxidase, but also using antiplatelet antisera, which reveal specific markers on the cells of this series.


Myelofibrosis and low content Rarely dividing blasts interfere with cytostatic therapy required due to profound cytopenia. Predominantly cytostatic therapy does not bring the desired effect and even complicates cytopenia. The most effective way Treatment of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia with manifest myelofibrosis is considered to be a bone marrow transplant.


Clinical signs are the same for all types of acute leukemia and can be quite polymorphic. The onset of the disease can be sudden or gradual. There is no characteristic onset or specific clinical signs for them. Only a thorough analysis of the clinical picture makes it possible to recognize a more serious disease hiding under the guise of a “banal” disease. A combination of symptoms of bone marrow failure and symptoms of a specific lesion is typical. Due to leukemic infiltration of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tonsil tissue, necrotic gingivitis occurs, necrotizing tonsillitis. Sometimes a secondary infection is added and sepsis is formed, which can lead to death. The symptoms of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia are mostly devoid of specific features. As a result of the disease, suppression of normal myelopoiesis and other signs of the terminal stage are noted. In some cases, acute megakaryoblastic leukemia can have the clinical and hematological picture of acute low-grade leukemia, and the bone marrow histology resembles the picture of myelofibrosis. This form of megakaryoblastic leukemia is characterized by a low content of blast cells in the blood and bone marrow, a polymorphic cellular structure of the bone marrow, often manifested by megakaryocytosis in the bone marrow and diffuse myelofibrosis, and occasionally osteomyelosclerosis. Myelofibrosis usually makes it impossible to perform a bone marrow puncture throughout the course of the disease. Cytochemical and cytological analysis of blast cells that enter the blood, for the most part does not identify in them specific signs of belonging to any germ of hematopoiesis.

What is Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is characterized by the presence in the bone marrow and blood of megakaryoblasts - cells with a hyperchromic (strongly stained) nucleus, narrow cytoplasm with filamentous outgrowths, as well as undifferentiated blasts. Often, ugly megakaryocytes and fragments of their nuclei are found in the blood and bone marrow. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is the most common type of acute leukemia in children with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).

Megakaryoblastic leukemia is often combined with bone marrow fibrosis (acute myelosclerosis). It responds poorly to therapy, so the prognosis is usually unfavorable.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

When studying megakaryoblasts by electron microscopy using cytochemical staining for myeloperoxidase, a specific location of the enzyme was discovered in them ( Breton - Gorius). The above technique is used to identify megakaryoblasts. The megakaryoblastic nature of the cells is determined not only by electron microscopy in combination with cytochemical testing for peroxidase, but also by using antiplatelet antisera detecting on the cells this series specific markers.

With this form, ugly megakaryocytes, fragments of their nuclei and accumulations of platelets are often found in the blood and bone marrow. The level of platelets in the blood is usually higher than normal.

Symptoms of Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

The clinical picture of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is mostly devoid of specific features. In the outcome of the disease, suppression of normal myelopoiesis and other signs of the terminal stage are observed. In some cases, acute megakaryoblastic leukemia may have a clinical and hematological picture of acute low-grade leukemia, and according to bone marrow histology, a picture of myelofibrosis. This form of megakaryoblastic leukemia is characterized by a low percentage of blast cells in the bone marrow and blood, a polymorphic cellular composition of the bone marrow, often pronounced megakaryocytosis in the bone marrow and diffuse myelofibrosis, sometimes osteomyelosclerosis. Myelofibrosis, as a rule, does not allow bone marrow aspirate to be obtained throughout the disease. Cytological and cytochemical analysis of blast cells released into the blood, for the most part, does not reveal specific signs belonging to any germ of hematopoiesis.

This form of acute leukemia is difficult to distinguish from subleukemic myelosis with cytopenia and early appearance blast cells in bone marrow and blood.

Myelofibrosis and the low content of rarely dividing blasts complicate cytostatic therapy, which is necessary due to deep cytopenia. In most cases, cytotoxic therapy does not provide good effect and even worsens cytopenia. Most effective method The treatment for acute megakaryoblastic leukemia with severe myelofibrosis is bone marrow transplantation.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia?



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Spicy myeloid leukemiamalignant tumor myeloid lineage of blood. The disease is characterized by the rapid proliferation of altered white blood cells. Accumulating in the bone marrow, they inhibit the growth of normal blood cells, resulting in a decrease in the number of platelets, red blood cells, and normal leukocytes. The disease is manifested by rapid fatigue, frequent minor skin lesions, shortness of breath, frequent infectious lesions, increased bleeding. It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults, the incidence increases with age.


Factors contributing to the development of acute myeloid leukemia:

1. Pre-leukemia (myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloproliferative syndrome);

2. Impact chemical substances(chemotherapeutic drugs, benzene, other aromatic organic solvents);

3. Ionizing radiation;

4. Genetic factors (the likelihood of the disease occurring in the patient’s immediate relatives is three times higher).

Symptoms of acute myeloid leukemia

An insufficient number of normal white blood cells causes high susceptibility to infections. Due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells, anemia develops, which can cause pallor, fatigue, and shortness of breath. A lack of platelets leads to easy skin damage and increased bleeding.

Early signs of illness are often nonspecific and may resemble symptoms of the flu or other illnesses (fever, weight loss, decreased appetite, fatigue, shortness of breath, increased skin breakdown, bleeding, bruising, persistent or frequent infections, pain in joints, bones). There may be an enlargement of the spleen and lymph nodes.

Some patients experience swelling of the gums due to tissue infiltration by leukemia cells.

The disease can be asymptomatic and is detected during a general blood test during a routine examination.


A characteristic change in the ratio of cellular elements in a general blood test is an increase total number leukocytes (leukocytosis), the appearance of immature (blast) forms, a decrease in platelets, red blood cells. A preliminary diagnosis can be determined by identifying blast forms of leukocytes in peripheral blood smears.

For a definitive diagnosis, appropriate changes in the bone marrow aspiration biopsy must be present.

In accordance with the WHO classification criteria, the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia is established if the presence of more than 20% myeloblast cells in the bone marrow and/or blood is proven.


M0 - minimally differentiated acute myeloblastic leukemia;

M1 - acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation;

M2 - acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation;

M3 - acute promyelocytic leukemia;

M4 - acute myelomonocytic leukemia;

M4eo - acute myelomonocytic leukemia with bone marrow eosinophilia;

M5 - acute monoblastic leukemia or acute monocytic leukemia;

M6 - acute erythroid leukemia, incl. acute erythroleukemia, very rare acute pure erythroid leukemia, acute mixed erythroleukemia, pure erythroid leukemia;

M7 - acute megakaryoblastic leukemia;

M8 - acute basophilic leukemia.

  • myeloid sarcoma;
  • acute eosinophilic leukemia;
  • acute myeloid dendritic cell leukemia;
  • acute mast cell leukemia;
  • acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis;
  • acute basophilic leukemia

Patient Actions

If signs of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia

Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia consists mainly of chemotherapy, which occurs in two stages: induction and post-mission treatment. The goal of induction therapy is to achieve complete remission by reducing the number of leukemia cells to a certain level.


Main complication of this disease - death. The causes of death in acute leukemia are hemorrhagic syndrome (DIC syndrome), neuroleukemia, renal failure, heart failure, acute adrenal insufficiency, infectious complications (sepsis).

Prevention of acute myeloid leukemia

There is no specific prevention. For timely detection of the disease it is necessary to visit a doctor regularly and take all required laboratory research. After completing treatment for acute leukemia, the patient should not move to places with different climatic conditions, expose your body to procedures related to physiotherapy.

Children who have recovered from leukemia receive preventive vaccinations in accordance with a specially developed schedule.


Higher education:


Samara State medical University(SamSMU, KMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy Postgraduate Education

The statistics on leukemia are sad. The disease can occur at any age. Each has its own shape. Acute leukemia occurs more often in children and young people. Adults get sick chronic types. A feature of blood oncology is the absence characteristic symptoms at the beginning of the illness. It all starts with a general malaise. The first analysis that signals it is general analysis blood.

Types of leukemia

Medicine divides leukemia into two groups - acute and chronic. These forms are in no way dependent on each other. Acute leukemia cannot, like other diseases, take on chronic course. And vice versa, chronic leukemia does not have an acute form. Leukemia is caused by a dysfunction of bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Based on the number of leukocytes in the blood, there is the following classification:

  • leukopenia (reduced number of white blood cells);
  • aleukemic type of leukemia, when the number of leukocytes is within normal limits;
  • subleukemic – the number of leukocytes is slightly higher than normal;
  • leukemic, when the blood becomes whitish due to a huge excess of the norm.

Types of acute leukemia:

  • myeloblastic leukemia;
  • lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • monoblastic leukemia;
  • erythromyeloblastic
  • acute biphenotypic leukemia (classified as hybrid) and others.


  • megakaryocytic leukemia;
  • prolymphocytic leukemia;
  • eosinophilic leukemia;
  • neutrophilic leukemia;
  • monocytic leukemia and others.

Each of them has its own causes and symptoms.

Syndromes and symptoms

In all types of acute leukemia, 4 syndromes are observed, which can be combined with each other or manifest separately depending on the type of cell that has undergone the mutation:

  1. Anemic. At insufficient production red blood cells occurs oxygen starvation tissues and organs. Symptoms are weakness, pallor, dizziness, tachycardia, impaired sense of smell (pathological perception of smells), hair loss and other signs of anemia.
  2. Hemorrhagic. The syndrome is associated with platelet deficiency. Appears on initial stage bleeding gums, minor skin and mucous hemorrhages, bruises. As the disease progresses, major bleeding may occur.
  3. Infectious complications with signs of intoxication. Characteristic of leukemia associated with a lack of leukocytes, in particular neutrophils, which are responsible for fighting bacterial infections(for lymphocytic leukemia). The patient experiences constant headaches, weakness, nausea, and quickly loses weight. He becomes defenseless against viral and infectious diseases - influenza, sore throat, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and others.
  4. Metastasis. Malignant cells are carried through the bloodstream to organs and tissues. They first attack the liver, spleen and lymph nodes.

Hemorrhagic syndrome is manifested by bleeding gums

All types of leukemia at the initial stage are characterized by similar symptoms:

  • general weakness and soreness;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • enlarged inguinal, axillary and cervical lymph nodes.

With the development of leukemia and depending on its type, the symptoms begin to change, they become more complex, and the manifestations are more painful. Subsequently appears:

  • heat;
  • severe night sweats;
  • instant fatigue;
  • anemia;
  • Very rapid decline weight;
  • dizziness;
  • liver enlargement.

At the terminal stage, frequent severe infectious diseases and thromboses begin.

Megakaryocytic leukemia - symptoms, treatment, prognosis

A megakaryocyte is a cell that subsequently forms a platelet. Megakaryocytic leukemia is rare. It is also called hemorrhagic thrombocythemia. Characterized by uncontrolled growth of megakaryocytes and then platelets. It is recorded in children under 3 years of age, children with Down syndrome and adults over 45 years of age.

Megakaryocytic leukemia has the peculiarity of long-term asymptomatic development. It can take months, and even years in adults, from the first changes in tests to the appearance of signs of the disease. Megakaryocytic leukemia can cause both bleeding and thrombosis. Bleeding in this type of leukemia mainly occurs in the lungs, stomach, intestines, and kidneys. Hematomas form on the skin. Heart vessels and large vessels can become thrombosed lower limbs and peripheral vessels, pulmonary embolism is possible. In 50% of patients the spleen is enlarged, in 20% the liver is enlarged. There are complaints of pain in the upper abdomen under the ribs, intestines, headache, strong and fatigue, itchy skin, sudden changes moods, elevated temperature bodies. May be accompanied by signs of anemia.

Indicators in the analyzes:

  • a general blood test reveals a large number of platelets;
  • in bone marrow analysis - increased cellularity and megakaryocytosis.

At the same time, platelet precursors are enormous in size and disproportionately developed. Prothrombin time, bleeding time and platelet lifetime are normal. Megakaryocytic leukemia is differentiated by the following indicators:

  • if in two tests carried out one after another with a break of 30 days, more than 600,000 platelets per 1 μl are detected;
  • increased cellularity in the bone marrow with giant megakaryocytes;
  • the presence of colonies of pathological cells;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • with progression – bone marrow fibrosis.


If the disease progresses favorably, then specific treatment is not carried out. Therapy begins when thrombosis and erythromelalgia develop - convulsive spasms of the arteries in the extremities, accompanied by severe burning pain. In this case, drugs that inhibit platelet aggregation, cytostatics and blood thinners (heparin) are prescribed.


The average life expectancy with megakaryocytic leukemia in adults is 12–15 years. The terminal stage is blast crisis. It develops rapidly over 4–6 months. Patient survival childhood– about 50%. Children with Down syndrome have the best prognosis; their disease responds better to treatment. Adults have a lower survival rate than children.

Monoblastic acute leukemia - symptoms, prognosis

Monoblastic leukemia is localized in the bone marrow and arises from mutagenic stem cells. There are changes in lymphatic system and spleen. Children and adults can get sick. In adults, monoblastic leukemia is more common. Primary symptoms characteristic of all types of leukemia - fatigue, weakness, bleeding and a tendency to infectious diseases. The most pronounced symptoms are:

  • intoxication with decay products of blood tumor cells;
  • heat;
  • necrotic changes in the gums and nasopharynx;
  • infiltration of gums and some internal organs.

Monoblastic leukemia is characterized big amount blast cells in the bone marrow - up to 80%, in the peripheral blood there are few of them. In a third, leukocytes are recorded in large quantities– hyperleukocyte form of the disease. Pathological process the central nervous system may be affected. A large amount of lysozyme in the blood serum is fraught with the development of renal failure.

The only treatment for this type of leukemia is chemotherapy. Stationary stage– up to 8 months, general course– up to 2 years. The prognosis is unfavorable, survival rate is low. Remission is possible, but in case of relapse the only way treatment - bone marrow transplant.

Prolymphocytic leukemia

Prolymphocytic leukemia is classified as a rare type of lymphoid leukemia and is divided into 2 groups. The first includes the B-cell variant, it occurs in most patients and occurs in more mild form. Prolymphocytic leukemia with a T-cell variant is observed in approximately a quarter of patients and differs severe course And unfavorable prognosis. Average duration life is about 8 months. The incidence among women is 4 times higher than among men. Prolymphocytic leukemia is usually insensitive to chemotherapy. Leukocytes are observed in large numbers and pathological increase spleen. Prolymphocytic leukemia often appears in people over 65 years of age.

Subleukemic myelosis

This type of leukemia is considered one of the most benign and has a long chronic course. If the disease is diagnosed in at a young age, then it occurs with more severe symptoms. From the moment of diagnosis to the blast crisis, which ends subleukemic myelosis, it can take from 5 to 20 years. Three lineages of hematopoiesis change: erythroid, megakaryocyte and granulocytic. The prognosis and treatment depend on which of them is more susceptible to malignant changes. Leukocytes in the blood increase slightly.

Risk factors

The impetus for the malignant transformation of blood cells can be:

  1. Ionizing radiation. At risk are health workers in departments, radiologists and radiation therapy, workers nuclear power plants and people living in close proximity to them.
  2. Chemicals are carcinogens. They pose a danger to workers involved in the production and use of varnishes and paints containing toluene. Workers of metallurgical enterprises may also be included in this group due to the presence of arsenic in the cycle. For employees chemical industry benzene compounds are a threat. Leukemia can also be provoked by certain medications.
  3. Human T-lymphotropic virus. The main risk group is residents of the south of Japan (it is most widespread there), Equatorial and South Africa and Asia, as well as injection drug addicts. It is also transmitted sexually.
  4. Genetic predisposition to cancer, as well as some hereditary diseases(eg Down syndrome).
  5. Domestic reasons - poor urban ecology (car exhaust and harmful emissions from industrial enterprises), harmful food additives.
  6. Smoking. Smoke tobacco products contains benzene.
  7. Chemotherapy sessions may lead to the development of myeloblastic or lymphoblastic leukemia in the future.

It is not at all necessary that together and separately they will provoke development terrible disease. But you cannot ignore them, and it is better to minimize the risks as much as possible. Regular medical examinations and a routine general blood test can reveal the disease at its most early stage and ensure a more favorable outcome. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

UDC 616.411-003.972



Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova

Department of Internship and Residency in Therapy No. 3

This article presents clinical case A rare variant of acute leukemia is megakaryocytic. Described clinical picture, morphological research data andAndimmunophenotyping of bone marrow. Features of the disease in the presented observation were the presence of thrombophilic episodes and unfavorable outcome.

Keywords: rare variant, acute leukemia, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, M7, clinical case.

Acute megakaryocytic leukemia(AML, AML M7, according to FAB classification) - a variant of acute myeloid leukemia, in which blast cells, which form the basis of the disease, are mainly represented megakaryoblasts(these are the precursor cells of megakaryocytes, from which, in turn, platelets are formed).

AML is a very rare variant of acute myeloid leukemia. Its exact proportion among all cases of acute myeloid leukemia, according to various estimates, is 3-10% in children (most often younger age and with Down's disease), and in adults only 1-2%. The age distribution of AML has two peaks: one among young children (up to 3 years), the other among older adults.

AML is characterized by the presence in the bone marrow and blood of megakaryoblasts (cells with a blastic but hyperchromic nucleus, narrow cytoplasm with filamentous outgrowths), as well as undifferentiated blasts. Often, ugly megakaryocytes and fragments of their nuclei are found in the blood and bone marrow. Thrombocytosis is characteristic (more than 100 - 104 in 1 μl), but thrombocytopenia may also be present. Immunophenotype of the pathological population: HLADR-/, CD33/, CD34, CD41, CD61. AML is difficult to treat, so the prognosis is usually unfavorable.

Considering the rarity of this variant of leukemia and the difficulties of its differential diagnosis, it seems appropriate to us to present our own observation of acute megakaryocytic leukemia.

Clinical observation

Patient M., 55 years old, in August 2011 was hospitalized in the hematology department of City Clinical Hospital No. 7 in Almaty. From the anamnesis it is known that since June of the same year, he was periodically bothered by nosebleeds, pain in the left hypochondrium, and began to notice increasing weakness, sweating, and weight loss. Subsequently, the patient was observed for pulmonary embolism, and therefore was hospitalized in the hospital. During the examination: the hemogram revealed severe normochromic anemia, leukocytosis up to 62 thousand with neutrophilia, hyperthrombocytosis up to 1912x10 9 l, ESR-65 mm/hour; in the coagulogram: hypocoagulation, hyperfibrinogenemia, thrombinemia. After the conservative treatment and stabilization general condition the patient was referred for further examination and treatment to a hematologist.

Status on admission: severe condition, Karnofsky index 70%. Skin pale, hemorrhagic ecchymoses at injection sites. Asthenic, low nutrition. Zev is calm. Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. T-36.6S.

From the outside respiratory system: rib cage regular form, percussion - clear pulmonary sound. On auscultation, weakened vesicular breathing, silent fine rales in lower sections. ChD-24 per min. Heart sounds are muffled, the rhythm is correct. Blood pressure 120/70mmHg. Pulse-83 per minute. The tongue is moist and clean. The abdomen is soft and painless. Liver +3 cm from under the edge of the costal arch, soft-elastic consistency, painless. The spleen is not palpable. The chair is decorated, in regular color. Urination is free and painless. Diuresis is adequate. The effleurage symptom is negative on both sides. There is no peripheral edema.

Peripheral blood analysis: hemoglobin -80 g/l, erythrocytes - 2.5x10 12 /l, platelets - 2000x10 9 /l, leukocytes - 72x10 9 /l, blastemia - 12%.

Morphological research bone marrow: blasts make up 60.6%. Blast cells are polymorphic. Cells vary in size, and both macro- and mesoforms are found. The outlines of the cells are irregular. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio is moderate. The nucleus is round, with a fine mesh chromatin structure. The kernel structure is rough. The cytoplasm is basophilic, granular, and has the appearance of a narrow rim. The contours of the cells are uneven, with processes of the cytoplasm and the formation of “blue” plates. There are many megakaryocytes of an ugly shape and fragments of their nuclei in the field of view. When assessing the residual germs of hematopoiesis, attention is drawn to the pronounced dysplasia of elements of the granulocytic and erythroid series.

Immunophenotyping of bone marrow cells revealed a pathological population of progenitor cells with a phenotype characteristic of megakaryocytic leukemia: HLADR-/, CD33/, CD34, CD41.

Based on the above studies, according to the FAB classification criteria, a diagnosis of AML M-7, a megakaryocytic variant of acute leukemia, was established. Two standard courses of cytostatic therapy were carried out according to the “7+3” scheme (cytosar, rubomycin). Soon the patient developed acute thrombosis inferior vena cava and was carried out surgical treatment: through the skin, through the jugular implantation of a permanent cava filter into the infrarenal part of the inferior vena cava.

There was no expected effect from the PCT courses. Symptoms of intoxication increased. Last hospitalization according to emergency indications with pronounced symptoms of tumor intoxication, multiple organ failure, leukemic infiltration of internal organs. The patient died 6 months after diagnosis from acute cardiovascular failure against the background of progression of the underlying disease. The autopsy was not performed according to the wishes of the relatives for religious reasons.

Thus, given the general rarity of acute megakaryocytic leukemia in adult patients, the presented observation is interesting in that it concerns a patient who, at the age of 55 years, was diagnosed with acute megakaryocytic leukemia, against the background of which episodes of thrombophilic conditions were repeatedly noted.


1 Jaffe E. S., Harris N. L., Stein H., Vardiman J. W. (eds.). World Health Organization Classification of Tumors. //Pathology and Genetics of Tumors of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. Lyon: IARC, 2001.

2 Lowenberg B., Downing J. R., Burnett A. Acute myeloid leukemia // N. Engl. J. Med. – 1999. – R. 341.

3 Duchayne E., Fenneteau O., Pages M. P. et al. Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia: a national clinical and biological study of 53 adult and childhood cases by the Groupe Francais d’Haematologie Cellulaire (GFHC) // Leuk. Lymphoma. -2003.- 44(1).

4 Abdulkadyrov K.M. Hematology // Latest Directory. – St. Petersburg, 2004





Tү yin: Atalgan makalada zhedel leukozdyn sirek nuskasy – megakaryocytes leukozdyn klinikalyk zhagdayy korsetilgen. Klinikalyk korіnіsі, morfologichesk zertteu zhane suyek kemigіn immunophenotype u malimetteri sipattalgan. Korsetilgen baqylauda was aurudyn ereksheligi thrombophilialyk episodetar zhane kolaysyz natizhe bolyp tabylady.

Tү withө zder: sirek nuska, zhedel leukemia, zhedel megakaryocytarly leukemia, M7, klinikalyk zhagday.





Resume: This article presents a case report of a rare variant of acute leukemia - megakaryocyte. We describe the clinical picture, these morphological studies and immunophenotyping bone marrow. Feature of the disease in the present observations were the presence of thrombophilic episodes and poor outcome.

Keywords: rare variant, acute leukemia, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, M7, clinical case.