From damage to cancer (general information). How to make a real spoilage for cancer

Today we will talk about the damage that ill-wishers can send to various diseases. Such situations can be encountered very often in our lives. I myself have encountered this more than once. For example, when everything seemed to be fine with a person, and then he suddenly begins to waste away, which is simply creepy. Health and appearance changes literally before our eyes.

In the article we will analyze in detail what it is, how it can be determined, and what to do next if a similar incident does happen to you or your loved ones.

“Melts before our eyes” - this is what they say about a person who suddenly begins to waste away from a disease that came from nowhere. Until recently, he was full of strength and energy, enjoying life, but today he is rushing to the doctors in the hope of a cure for the consuming illness. And all this is because his aura is pierced by a negative program that takes away vitality. If a person before the damage was not different good health, the magical message will destroy his energy faster.

A disease spell destroys the body from the inside. When it is aimed at a separate organ or system, it is they who will suffer. If the program is aimed at causing harm to health in general, black magic will affect several components important for life.
In terms of meaning, such damage is classified as:

  • Organic, sending viruses and infections to the object and leading to suppression of the immune system. In turn, it creates fertile ground for the development of pathologies.
  • Not organic, exhibiting distortion psycho-emotional state object. Nervous disorders on the face, but doctors cannot accurately diagnose them.

According to the working period, damage to health can be single or multiple. In the first case, it is applied only once. By introducing itself into the energy spheres, it creates the preconditions for the development of the disease. The essence of multiple damage is the multiplicity of rituals performed, which trigger and support the mechanism of the pathological process.

How to determine

A characteristic manifestation of damage to the disease is a sudden deterioration in health and the development of any illness. When visiting a doctor, a person does not receive proper help, since the specialist cannot determine the true cause of the ailment. And although the problem grows every day and becomes obvious, the doctor says that the patient is absolutely healthy.

However, the spoiled object is already seen as indifferent, lethargic, becomes depressed and loses interest in life. If the diagnosis is established, the doctor identifies cancer, a condition close to a heart attack, peptic ulcers organs or severe forms of pathology.

Recognizing the signs of a spell is not difficult. If you notice a rapid gain or loss of weight, feel unwell, see a difference between the pupils or their constant movement, it means that you are damaged. For a married couple reproductive age the negative program is manifested by childlessness, although according to the results of the tests, the husband and wife are considered capable of procreation.

Loss of strength and weakness, which constantly occur when attending church, also indicate that the person has been “spoiled.” Some victims experience nightmares, nervousness, self-dissatisfaction, and strange life events as symptoms.

How to find out who did it

How can we determine who sent this flow of negative energy? It is clear that professional witches and sorcerers engage in such dirty tricks. But who was the customer of the damage that led to deterioration of health? Remember if you were treated to a person who has a bad reputation. Or maybe there was a serious conflict with someone? Or have your personal belongings recently gone missing? If one of the events occurred, it may be associated with a deterioration in your health. You should also take into account the ancestral roots of damage - in this case, the negative message spreads to the whole family.

How to expose the creator of the curse? To do this you need to make a dream. In anticipation of any Orthodox holiday or on Sunday night, read the following text before going to bed:

“I walk in rows, looking with my eyes. In the middle of the rows stands Saint Samson. In the name of God, who is always alive, I say to him the holy word: “Holy Samson, show me a prophetic dream.” I am punishing - let Samson point out the enemy to me and prophetic dream His face will show me. Most Holy Trinity, help me in this matter, and the great Jesus Christ bless my dream. I call on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for help. From now on and forever. Amen".

Then go to bed. Among the visions, the creator of corruption should appear.

If you want a personal meeting with the enemy, perform the nail ritual. The tool should not be simple - you need to find it in the cemetery or ask the agency funeral services. The nail must be the same type that was used to nail down the coffin lid. With bare hands you cannot take it - this can be done with gloves or using a cloth.

Use the nail like this. Having driven it into the threshold of your own home, say:

“Whoever harmed me and spoiled me, I call with a nail. If you don’t come to me in 3 days, you will die in six months. Coffin, cemetery, nail. Come to me, invited guest."

Reinforce the plot with a threefold “Amen.” Now wait for the enemy - he will appear in the next 3 days. Even if this person is familiar to you, do not be surprised by his strange behavior.

How to remove

With a low intensity of exposure, damage to health can be removed by swimming in an ice hole (in Epiphany night). By washing in holy water, the body gets rid of sins and negativity that has struck it from the outside. But if the holiday is far away, and measures need to be taken urgently, magicians recommend performing a ritual with fire and water. To perform it, a person must wait for the waxing moon phase and go to the shore of a river or lake, taking a new white towel and church candle. The manipulation is performed at dawn. Holding a burning candle in your left hand, you must mark yourself with a cross three times and enter knee-deep water. The words you should say are:

“Powers of water and fire, take away my sorrows and pains from me. Remove the induced illness, the observed illness, the induced sore. How rich this world is in water, and how much fire illuminates it, my words mean just as much. And no one can overcome them. Amen".

Now let's look at how to get rid of damage to illness using salt. For this magical action you will need:

  • salt;
  • red wine;
  • church candle;
  • a handful of ash;
  • A little clean water in a bowl.

The day of the ritual should be women's day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The moon needs to be in its waxing phase. It is advisable to choose a dark time of day. When alone, a person should stand facing west and place a container of wine in front of him. Add a little water, 3 pinches of salt and ash to the drink. A candle is lit next to the dishes and read:

“Salty salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives one of reason! I salt the evil with grains of salt, salt it out, salt it. I incinerate the evil spirits with ashes. I deprive demons of their sanity with wine. Anyone who washes himself with water gets rid of ailments, nightmares and fears. The illnesses induced, observed and caused will leave him. No one will talk over my words, overcome or reconsider. Amen".

Within 3 days, the person responsible for causing the damage must come to you and ask for forgiveness, without saying why. Tell him “God is your judge” and don’t give him anything. Otherwise, the damage may be caused again, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it.

Official medical statistics do not take into account the deaths of patients from damage to death, the symptoms of which resemble acute ones. systemic diseases. When suddenly a young man full of energy dies, burning from an aggressive form of cancer or acute heart failure, then the first thought that comes to mind is: “someone did a fatal damage to him.” People most often die prematurely due to a negative program that contains information about the closure of chakras, damage to the psyche and organs internal secretion, which leads to death. Ordinary people often refuse to believe the symptoms indicating the infliction of fatal damage; they try to treat emerging diseases with the help of traditional medicine and lose this fight for their happy life, despite the fact that signs of black damage can be seen and neutralized.

What is damage?

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous types of negative programs that are introduced into a person’s biofield using magical rituals. Since the very beginning of civilization, irrational fear of magical manifestations has been in the human subconscious. A bunch of different stories about supernatural beings living in the Lower Astral and devouring the energy of a spoiled person, cause fear of strange phenomena. All incomprehensible incidents related to demonism and causing negative emotions, stimulate the instinct of self-preservation and promote the production of adrenaline. Every inexplicable incident that has occurred in a person’s life forces one to analyze the current situation in search of signs of damage caused to death.

Black magic has mechanisms with which you can break through any energy protection. To work on a given task, one master or a group of magicians can work, who decided to join forces to prove to themselves and people what energy power they possess. To inflict fatal damage, the following are used:

  • things and objects taken from the world of the dead;
  • binding a living organism to a deceased person;
  • dolls with organic inclusions of the victim;
  • runic formulas;
  • linings;
  • rituals involving the Lower Forces;
  • zombification;
  • conspiracies of the victim's things.

The introduction of a demon from the Lower Astral that pushes a person to commit suicide refers to professional work black magician Such a ritual cannot be performed elderly woman, who had read various recommendations and decided to take revenge on her neighbor.

As a result of the work of a black magician with corrupt people, fatal accidents, suicides caused by unexpected clouding of reason, and terrible accidents occur. The magician who cast the spell must be strong enough and know all the intricacies of the process, because such work is difficult to apply. It requires summoning the spirits of death using magical instruments, which not everyone is allowed to do with impunity.

How to determine the presence of fatal damage

The evil caused by the Lower Forces has many faces, but where there is death that did not occur from old age, everywhere one can suspect the negative impact of damage done to death. Black magic always affects the psyche, which leads to inhibition of personal development, degradation and suicide, as the final chord of a destructive program.

A person suffering from such vices as greed, deceit, and fierce hatred of other people is possessed by demons. Such personal characteristics indicate that he suffered from a death spell done while he was still in the womb. Negative programs imposed on the fetus greatly influence the development of personality. Pathologies mental development often observed in children whose mothers tried to get rid of the fetus, but they did not succeed for reasons beyond their control.

Accidental murder in everyday life often occurs due to damage done to death. A corrupted person attracts robbers, thieves, hooligans, whose consciousness has long been enslaved by the Lower Forces and is in an altered form.

Important: A person who has pure, well-pumped energy and actively believes in God will always leave mortal danger because it inner strength can be felt at a distance and stops villains.

In order not to allow the mechanism of fatal damage to completely destroy the body systems responsible for the vital functions of the body, you need to learn how to diagnose negative programs with the introduction of larva based on the primary symptoms.

Signs of damage caused to death

The presence of fatal damage can only be determined if a person is accustomed to listening to his intuition, inner voice, and leading healthy image life. Anyone who monitors the state of his body and soul will not be able to ignore the initial attack of an unknown disease that has affected the body.

Negative programs most often cause diseases resulting from damage to the chakras responsible for the work endocrine system. A person's biochemical processes are disrupted, and he experiences severe torment from this. One of the signs indicating fatal damage is the absence of a confirmed diagnosis at the time of appearance. acute symptoms unknown illness. Doctors suspect several diseases, but gradually rule them out because the main symptoms do not correspond to the preliminary diagnosis.

The use of traditional treatment regimens for such diseases is useless, and the person gradually fades away until someone thinks to send him for diagnosis and treatment to a proven magician. He diagnoses magical effects and selects a method for removing damage to death. With a strong biofield, which is difficult to immediately hit, which happens in men of reproductive age, insomnia is observed. It is accompanied by periodic lapses into sleep, where a person is haunted by the same type of nightmare visions.

You can suspect that damage done to death has been caused by sudden appearance suicidal thoughts. If depressive thoughts were previously absent, their presence can be explained negative impact inhabited entity. Constant failures in everyday affairs should alert you. These may be signs of the evil eye, which should be distinguished from damage caused to death. The evil eye can be washed off with holy water by washing your face. It is removed after listening to the mantra, or the sound of the sound “Om”.

Damage to death cannot be gotten rid of so easily. With it, a situation arises when everything that has been done previously falls apart, there is a feeling that the created world is collapsing, and a feeling of hopelessness is so deep that thoughts appear that push towards suicide. The loss of a loved one who suddenly ends the relationship and leaves without explanation can also indicate damage. If a relationship between a woman and a man was dear to her, and everything suddenly turned bad, this may be the intervention of a negative force that is trying to lead the person to death by any means.

Emotional outbursts, usually unusual for humans, must be analyzed. Under the influence of corruption, the psyche always becomes unstable, because the damaged metabolic processes prevent the nervous system from working correctly with signals. A corrupted person experiences inexplicable outbursts of rage or fear.

How to confirm or refute doubts

To understand how true the suspicions about existing damage are, you need to conduct a diagnosis. The first method is very simple. With its help, you can find out whether mortal damage has been cast on you. To work, you need to take a glass of salted water and put out three burnt matches in it. They are thrown into the water and observed: if they drowned, then damage has been caused, or there have been attempts at negative interference in the biofield.

The second method gives a more complete picture of the state of the energy shell. To obtain the information you will need 1 fresh fertilized egg and a stable glass of salt water. Take a container and fill it two-thirds with salted water, then crack the egg into it, making sure that the yolk remains intact. After this, sit upright with your spine straight. The head is held as if someone had hung it from the top of the head to the sky. This pose promotes the most complete circulation of energy throughout the body.

Place a glass of water and an egg on the crown of your head and sit there for three minutes without moving. During this time, the protein must absorb information from the upper chakra, which, in the event of fatal damage, is blocked by a curse. Next, the glass is removed from the head and its contents begin to be examined:

  • A clean, transparent white and an unbroken yolk can be considered an excellent result, since this indicates that no magical effects were performed.
  • Columns in a glass mean manipulations with subtle bodies.
  • Weakly visible vertical columns indicate minor magical effects.
  • Volumetric dark pillars indicate a strong negative program.
  • Cobwebs speak of weak magical effects, including the infliction of damage by a weak, incompetent magician.
  • Bubbles in the protein indicate that the energy field has been manipulated, which can lead to illness or business failure.
  • Black dots in the yolk of an egg are bad sign. It can be assumed that a type of death damage was used using cemetery paraphernalia, and the ritual was performed by an experienced and powerful magician. The effect of such damage is delayed in time, but it can lead to death if left unattended.
  • If the protein forms many threads and bubbles, then the person being tested has several negative programs, one after another, introduced to enhance the damage to death. The thicker the threads, the more slander was made.
  • When the white covers the yolk with a dome, it can be assumed that there is a generational curse that blocks the roads of life and prevents one from achieving the final goal. With such damage along the cursed line, in men or women, there are always deaths that occurred for one reason.
  • Green and gray spots in the protein are a cause for serious concern. We need to sound the alarm and contact specialists. The damage could be caused by a very powerful dark magician who specializes in curses and the whole mechanism of damage to death is well known to him.

This diagnostic method allows you to determine the source of damage and its strength, which makes it possible to quickly contact a specialist for qualified help. If you try to remove damage done to death on your own, you will waste time.

Removing damage to death

There are many rituals used to remove damage. They differ in methods and methods of application, but real damage with the infusion of entities can only be removed if complex treatment. Lower Forces can be expelled not only with the help of ritual fire, spells, traps, but also when using christian prayers, sign of the cross and pectoral cross.

The clergy support the common people in the opinion that there is damage to death, and that the entities that become attached to a person who is far from Faith and God’s Arbitrary are to blame for this. Liberation from the negative attachments of damage to death requires a lot of time and long work to cleanse the aura and return to the protection of the Almighty.

Rituals for removing severe damage to death exist in black and white magic, as in all religions. A corrupted person must choose between a black magician, a healer and the church. The Christian religion declares that only within the walls of churches can a person be completely freed from demonic obsession. The Holy Fathers believe that a frightened but not expelled demon will bring with him several more like him, which will worsen mental condition person. Then the person affected by the damage begins to develop symptoms of split personality, strange visions, and an increased tendency to drugs and alcohol.

White magic rarely helps in eliminating the entity. The job of a white magician is to normalize energy flows with the help of different methods. He is unable to fight aggressive larvae. Success in treatment will be achieved if the healer has several well-developed gifts and knows the basics of black and white magic. Then he will be able to solve all the tasks assigned to him.

Black magicians believe that their experience in working with evil spirits allows them not only to release evil spirits and drive them to the right person, but also to remove it and expel it back to the Underworld. Fighting deadly damage at home is difficult and dangerous. A person who does not know the intricacies of work can transfer the damage to himself and then get sick. When cleaning yourself, it is not enough to remove the damaged aura like a stocking and burn it in the fire. You need to break the ties and transfer them to the one who did it. If the master is hiding in the shadows and it is impossible to identify him, then the negative program must be transferred to a dry tree, a black animal, or your enemy. Often mortal damage is driven away to the swamp with the help of a conspiracy, but all this can be done by a knowledgeable person.

If you have energetically strong man who knows the secrets of black magic will have an increased interest in the victim, he will constantly repeat his ritual, increasing the number of negative connections, returning the damage. In this case, a person must energetically hide, and he can only do this himself, using special techniques which are used when working with chakras.

If you discover symptoms of damage done to death, decide as soon as possible who you need to turn to for help. If you use the contact data on our website for this, you will receive qualified assistance to get rid of the entities and you will have best protection from returning damage.

Damage is an evil from which none of us is immune. Damage, first of all, is dangerous because it brings irreparable harm to the health of those who have been subjected to this scourge. There are many types of damage, but in this article we will talk specifically about damage to health, its signs and ways to remove it.

Damage that is harmful to health is introduced with the help of a negative program that carries negative energy. Even an ordinary person can implement such a program. But, as a rule, in order to achieve the desired effect and be sure that the implemented negative program will work, ill-wishers turn to the help of specialists who practice black magic. Usually these can be sorcerers, witches or dark magicians, working with negative energies.

Damage to health introduced into a person distorts and deforms a person’s energy field, making holes in it through which leakage occurs vital energy. The result of such a negative program is various ailments and diseases. Often our medicine is simply unable to determine what is happening to a person and begins to treat non-existent diseases, thus causing additional harm. If damage to health is not detected and removed in time, then irreparable damage can be caused to a person’s health. It's even possible fatal outcome. Of course, most people survive, but the damage to health is irreparable.

First of all, timely intervention of a specialist - parapsychologist will help to avoid this. Because of this, it is very important to know the symptoms of spoilage that is harmful to health. If you suspect that you have been damaged, contact a knowledgeable specialist in a timely manner, he will be able to remove the damage to your health without consequences.

There are many types of damage to health, and they differ in where exactly the negative energy is directed. Damage is mainly aimed at deteriorating health in general, but can be directed at a specific disease, for example, the heart, reproductive function or on appearance ( skin diseases, obesity).

Damage to disease can be organic and inorganic.

Organic damage is intended to trigger the mechanism of organic diseases, such as influenza, dysentery (infectious), or hypertension, heart attack (cardiovascular), various types of cancer (oncology). Organic damage is very similar in principle to healing. After all, if a magical effect can trigger the body’s restoration systems, creating conditions for its harmonious work, then a process in reverse direction, disabling such systems or causing a malfunction in their operation.

Organic damage to health in pure form knocks down our body's recovery systems, primarily the immune system, making its victim more susceptible to various types diseases. Organic damage that is harmful to health is divided into single and multiple.

The principle of one-time damage is to create conditions for the acquisition of the disease. In this case, a one-time implementation of a negative program is used.

Repeated or prolonged damage is intended to constantly maintain the disease and mechanisms aimed at the incorrect functioning of the recovery systems of the victim’s body. Such damage is associated with the repeated implementation of complex negative programs. As a result of such damage, the energy of a person subject to such attacks changes greatly. A one-time damage to health can be determined only at the moment of its application or for a very short period of time. She acts as a trigger. During the period of symptoms of the disease, traces of spoilage practically disappear or are barely noticeable. In cases with prolonged damage, treatment with traditional medicine alone will not bring the desired results. And the disease will most likely develop into chronic form with constant outbreaks of exacerbations. Treatment will give positive result only if the negative program is removed, that is, damage to health. Otherwise, the damage will continue to spoil health, and treatment will be ineffective.

Inorganic spoilage has completely different manifestations. When this type of damage is applied to health, there are no organic changes. It does impossible treatment traditional medicine and provides the victim with a painful condition without apparent reason. But there's one here positive point, the human body susceptible to such damage remains practically healthy, and the likelihood of healing is high.

The mechanism for causing such damage, which is harmful to health, is much simpler than organic damage. Which, however, does not prevent her from spoiling her health just as effectively. This type of malware has no effect on internal organs victims. The main area of ​​influence of such damage is the human psychoenergetic field. IN modern world full of stress and other negative phenomena, a small push is enough for a person to firmly “take the path” of neurosis. In many cases this can be done even without resorting to magical actions, skillfully playing on psychological problems and natural fears that are inherent in each of us.

Signs of damage to health

Typically, signs of damage to health can manifest themselves as follows - the disease occurs suddenly and develops very quickly. Seeing a traditional medicine doctor does not help. The disease develops... In such cases, making a diagnosis is very difficult or even impossible. Often, after undergoing the most thorough examinations, it turns out that medical point the person is completely healthy. But if the mechanism of damage to health has already been launched, the victim will only get worse every day. A person loses his taste for life, becomes apathetic, and seems to dry up from the inside. In some cases, when a diagnosis is made, it is usually found severe forms illnesses, pre-infarction state, stomach ulcer or cancer. It is quite possible to determine the signs of health damage yourself. If for no reason you start to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight very quickly. When you feel unwell, and doctors make different diagnoses and treatment does not help, if the pupils constantly “run around” or one is larger than the other. When a woman of reproductive age cannot become pregnant, but examinations and tests show that she and her husband are healthy. If you often experience weakness and loss of strength, or when visiting a temple you feel bad. If you start having nightmares often, you lose vitality, and nervous system is depleted.

You should also pay attention to something unnatural, something that has never happened to you before and at the same time you feel severe discomfort.

How to remove damage to health

Parapsychological specialists, who have repeatedly removed damage to health, note that after competent removal of damage, doctors of traditional medicine put correct diagnosis and successfully cure a person. Or rather, they complete the treatment, since the main causes of the recently incomprehensible illness have already been eliminated by a specialist parapsychologist.

The damage will continue to spoil a person’s health until it is removed. If the damage is not too complex and was not caused by a professional, but an ordinary person, you can get rid of it yourself. But if the negative program is complex and implemented by a professional, it is not only not recommended to deal with such damage to health, it is simply too dangerous. It is better to contact an experienced parapsychologist and, with his help, remove the malicious program. Otherwise, you can cause even more harm to your health and make the consequences irreversible.

Some simple ways removing damage to health in a mild form.

1. During the week, you should drink a glass of holy water three times a day and wash your face with it, then read the Lord’s Prayer.

With hope and Faith in the Best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

Are there any conspiracies for cancer? How effective traditional methods and magic to cure cancer? Is there damage to cancer?

Yes, conspiracies for cancer and magical rituals exist and are used. But, unfortunately, not every patient can be helped. If a terrible illness is karmic retribution, no one will save this patient. When a tumor is a consequence of some “natural” factors, the disease can also be fought official medicine, both folk and magical. If experts in the field of black magic had a hand in the occurrence of cancer (damage to cancer is a very common thing), you cannot do without the help of a magician or healer.

Unfortunately, most often a person does not know the real reason of his illness and may turn to the wrong place. I know of many cases when doctors tell a patient: “Sorry, we can’t help you, look for your grandmother urgently.” In turn, if traditional healer realizes his inability to help a person, he is obliged to honestly and openly tell his client about this, and refer him to doctors before it is too late to undergo surgery and apply chemotherapy. Money, ambition and bias must be completely brushed aside when a person's life is at stake.

First I'll talk about the techniques traditional medicine, used in cases where the cause of formation malignant tumor not associated with witchcraft and there is no damage to cancer. Nutrition must be sharply limited, to the point of constant malnutrition. Cancer cells must starve! Magnesium-rich foods you need: Bell pepper, millet, groundnut. I recommend eating cereals, grapes, southern fruits, caraway seeds, quince and grapefruit juice. At pernicious anemia This combination has worked well: spinach, apples and vitamins. Avoid milk, meat, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, canned foods.

Many people have heard that gynecological tumors (uterine cancer, etc.) are treated with “honey, wine and aloe.” I will share with you more detailed recipe. One part of aloe is mixed with two parts of natural May honey and two parts of red fortified wine. The aloe is at least 5 years old; do not water it for several days before cutting. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator. Within a day the drug is ready for use. Dosage: three times a day an hour before meals for 1-2 months. The first five days you need to take the mixture one teaspoon, then one tablespoon. In combination with taking this drug, you need to take daily sitz baths in a decoction of violet flowers.

Here is a very interesting and effective recipe. Pour one part of ground birch ash into five parts of water and boil for 10 minutes. When the ash has settled, strain the liquid through cheesecloth into a bowl that you store in the refrigerator. Mix a quarter glass of this liquid with fruit juice and drink three times a day. Eliminate milk from your diet.

Local remedy: grind fresh carrots and onions, apply to the tumor and bandage. Change the bandage three times a day.

Place a living crayfish at the site of the tumor and remain motionless until the crayfish begins to move backwards, after which it falls dead (in 20-30 minutes). Cancer must be allowed to freeze in a place where it itself may crawl away. Remove the dead cancer immediately and perform the procedure regularly.

Make thin plates of clay, which are applied to the site of the tumor daily for 2 hours. At the same time, I recommend drinking water with the addition of purified clay (about a teaspoon per glass of water). Clay absorbs toxins and malignant cells and then removes them from the body.

An hour before breakfast, drink one tablespoon of purified clarified kerosene, but in the first days, start with a few drops. In case of strong allergic reaction Do not carry out this treatment: kerosene is not suitable for everyone.

There are a number herbal recipes from cancer, but the composition medicinal plants depends on the location of the tumor.

For liver cancer, brew a decoction of yarrow, horsetail, mint, St. John's wort, chicory, and birch leaves. Drink half a glass three times a day. Drink juice at the same time sauerkraut without salt and beet juice.

For stomach cancer, go to sleep fresh leaves plantain with sugar and leave for 10 days. Strain the juice and drink it a tablespoon 5 times a day for a month.

For cancer of the lip, tongue, and larynx, rinse your mouth with sorrel and beetroot juice and take the juice orally.

Pancreatic cancer is treated with the following composition: calendula flowers - 2 parts; celandine --2 parts; birch leaves - 2 parts; mint leaves - 1 part; elecampane root - 1 part; dill seeds - 1 part; sushinitsa - 1 part; St. John's wort - 1 part; coriander - 1 part. Drink an infusion of these herbs half a glass three times a day.

For uterine cancer - daily douching with a warm decoction of celandine and violet (a glass of herb per four glasses of water). There are a lot of onions, beets, garlic, cauliflower.

For cancer of various localizations, you can use a decoction prepared from the following herbal ingredients: celandine, plantain, wormwood, immortelle, violet, chamomile, yarrow, currant leaf, fireweed leaf, burnet root, St. John's wort, lungwort. Drink the composition 3-4 times a day, half a glass at the same time. Take a break one or two days a week and let your kidneys rest!

Chop all parts of hemlock and pour into glass jar equal volume of vodka for 3 weeks. Seal tightly and shake occasionally. Strain the tincture and drink 1 drop in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 drop with water. The next day - 2 drops, then - 3 drops of tincture and so on, up to 40 drops. If at any time you feel unwell, stay on the achieved dose until the body adapts to the poison, then continue the course of treatment. After 40 drops, reduce the dose one drop per day until you reach 1 drop. Repeat the course periodically. Carry out a similar treatment with fly agaric tincture.

Start treating with spells by purchasing a spool of black thread. During the full moon, begin to tear small pieces of thread from the spool, constantly saying: " It’s not a thread that breaks and breaks,and the cancer rips, tears itself apart, eats itself, gets rid of itself! There is no place for you on my body, just as there is no thread on this spool! Amen"When the spool remains empty, burn all the pieces of thread, dissolve the ashes in water and take a few sips. Wash the cancer-affected area with the rest of the water and ashes.

Light 12 aspen splinters, fumigate the patient with smoke and read the following conspiracy against cancer 12 times: " Just as a torch-torch, a bug-eyed disease, a severe cancer of the earth, not a river, not underwater, not under a stone, burns and goes out, so come down from the servant of God (name), burn to the underground, submerged, under the stone, disappear from the servant of God (name), expire, forever, amen".

This plot is read 3 times on the waning moon on the water that needs to be given to drink and wash a sick person three times a day: " Cancer is heavy, painful, eating! Don’t grab, don’t bite the servant of God (name), let go of the claws, roll away to a dark forest, to a dry bush, where a rooster won’t crow, a dog won’t pass, a baby won’t scream. Amen"After each repetition of the text, do not forget to spit over your left shoulder three times.

The next spell is read on water in exactly the same way as the previous one: " In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. In the city of Vereten there is a throne, on that throne sits Mother Mary with a sword andcross cuts cancer. Cancer: prickly, powerful, oppressive, growing, fiery, fatty, internal, smelly, watery, creeping, poisonous, poisonous, rotting, bloody, granular, ripening, servulant, cereal. Mother of God! You help everyone, you quench all illnesses, quench illnesses, damage to cancer and all its titles from the servant of God (name), in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

When treating birch mushroom with chaga, read the plot: " I, servant of God (name), will get up, pray, go, blessed, from door to gate, go out into the open field, in that open field costs White birch, there is chaga on the birch tree, and the chaga is gnawing on the birch. And the servant of God (name) is destroyed by cancer-growth. Cancer-growth, go from the body of the servant of God (name) to a curly birch tree, to a gnarled chaga tree, live with it, grow together. Where there is one crayfish on a birch tree, there will be two. In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit, amen".

Breast cancer spell: " Cancer is not a fish, a tumor is not meat! I will come to an empty field, where nothing is sown, not reaped, and where there is no owner; where it has grown, what was not asked for, worn by the body, placed on the chest. As that wheat dries, so the tumor will fall away from the servant of God (name). Niva toydry up, breast cancer will not happen. Amen"The plot is read 7 times when preparing wheat flatbread (a mixture wheat flour and water), which should be left on the chest for at least an hour. Then throw away the cake and repeat the procedure the next day. The ritual is performed daily.

A spell pronounced when a tumor is rolled out chicken egg(roll clockwise, pronounce the spell 33 times, then burn the egg). " Just as an egg will not return to a chicken, just as a stick will not become an oak tree, so the cancer will pump away from the slave (name) and fall behind. Go to where they plow in winter,in the summer they shovel snow, where the dead sleep, there they wait for you, cancer. Howthe cancer is retreating, so you, cancer, leave the body of the white servant of God (name). My word is strong and molding. Amen".

Damage to cancer is much more common than people think. The worst thing here is this: damage to a cancerous tumor does not disappear with the death of the person. Cancer "jumps" to the next victim, usually the closest relative, during a funeral. You can say: “Nonsense, these are old wives’ tales.” Have you ever heard how in a particular family, within a very short time, several deaths occurred in a row with short intervals? Moreover, the diagnosis is the same - cancer. Knowledgeable people try to protect close relatives of the deceased from the funeral procedure in cases where there are good reasons to consider the cause of death to be damage to cancer. When bidding farewell to a body, blood relatives should not kiss someone who has died of cancer!

There is a popular belief that healers often refuse to treat cancer patients for fear of taking the disease upon themselves. In fact, such healers simply understand that they are unable to help the patient. However, some are really afraid, because they may actually become victims of damage. The question here is very important energy protection doctor For example, during a reception day I am visited by several dozen visitors, many of whom have become victims of all kinds of curses: illness, loneliness, family discord, lack of money, alcoholism, and so on. What would happen to me if I took upon myself all the troubles of these people?! Just as a TV repairman uses his knowledge and skills to repair a TV, so white sorcerers and healers use their skills to “fix” people. After all, the TV master does not take upon himself the illness of the TV! In order for the damage to pass to the healer, he must, firstly, be afraid of the possibility of being “infected”, and secondly, be insufficiently protected.

In the magical arsenal there are many ways to remove damage to cancer, but it makes no sense to talk about them, since an unprepared person will not be able to use them. Damage to oncology is an extremely serious thing and only professionals can fight it. To those who planned to bring about such a curse, I want to remind you of the inevitability of a backlash. People diligently knock out nails from the coffin, driving them into the threshold of their victims, sew knotted ropes into pillows, even bubble They let you in with special spells. But they don’t think about the fact that, in the end, the damage to cancer returns to the one who sent it. This is the law of witchcraft retribution: if the return blow does not catch up with the aggressor in this world, it will catch up in the next!

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

From damage to cancer ( general information)

Sometimes it happens that a person gets cancer for reasons completely different from those described at the beginning. They simply help a person get cancer. And, as a rule, this is done so that the person dies, that is, to death. As you understand, it makes no sense to treat this with medications. If a person was promised, like: “Well, I’ll do it for you!” You’ll remember forever!”, or “This will all end up ruining you!”, then this is just such a case. If the one you offended or had a fight with is not able to cause damage, then he goes to a witch or witcher who uses certain knowledge, skills and abilities to harm other people. Black magicians do such things.

The opposite of black magic is white magic. White magic does good. Real white magician will never engage in magic that brings harm or evil, because he knows at what price he will have to pay for the evil caused to anyone.

Induced cancer progresses much faster than cancer as a disease. If the healer does not know how the damage was caused, then he will not be able to cure it. They do such damage different ways, so the treatment for it varies. When the damage is removed, it returns back to the one who sent it. It returns strengthened several times, and has the same consequences that the one who sent it wanted to cause, now for himself. He feels that the fruits of his labor have returned, and then a whole “war” begins between white and black forces, which is life-threatening for an uninitiated person to meddle in.

Therefore, only dedicated people need to heal damage. You need to know a lot and be able to cope with the machinations of the witch. So, in this case, for treatment, contact a healer. Such people have always been, are and will be as long as evil and disease exist.

Watch some videos on this topic at these links:

In conclusion of this section, I would like to say that the folk recipes given here will only help relieve the exacerbation of the disease for a while. All cancer symptoms may go away, and this can even be confirmed by medicine. But, after a while, he will return again. Its complete cure will occur only when all the causes that give rise to it are eliminated. And these reasons are a time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. You should know that they can help people get cancer, and this is done to the death of a person. It won't help with cancer damage drug treatment, nor treatment folk remedies. In this case, as they say, if you get sick from words, you need to heal with words.