Otitis of the inner ear treatment in dogs. Types of ear diseases in dogs and methods of their treatment

The ears are one of the most vulnerable organs of dogs, as they are more sensitive than those of humans. Ear diseases in dogs cause a lot of suffering to animals, so it is important for the owner to know their symptoms and begin treatment on time.

Every dog ​​owner needs to take care of their pet's ears.

Any inflammation in a dog’s ears can be determined by a change in the animal’s behavior. The dog performs the following actions:

  • Shakes his head.
  • It scratches his ears.
  • He rubs his head on the furniture.
  • Whines when the owner touches the head.
  • Walks with his head tilted to the side.
  • Rolling on the ground.

In addition to behavioral signs of inflammation, the following are observed:

  • discharge from the ears, from serous to purulent;
  • smell, from fetid to sickly sweet;
  • swelling of the ear area;
  • redness of the mucous membrane.

Causes of ear diseases in dogs

Inflammatory processes in a dog’s ears occur due to the following factors:

Any of the above symptoms should prompt an urgent visit to the veterinarian. Timely assistance to your pet will prevent the disease from progressing to chronic form and will allow you to quickly restore normal work organ.


Otitis in a dog in the photo

Otitis is common among fold-eared dogs. Workers are especially susceptible to them hunting dogs that often swim. Hit cold water in the ear provokes inflammation in the form of purulent or serous otitis. Inflammation can occur from fungi or bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus) entering the ear. The spread of infection is facilitated by the dog’s reduced immunity, hypothermia, accumulation of wax in the ear canal, ingestion of a foreign body or the introduction of a tick.

Otitis media can occur in acute or chronic form. The disease is divided into three types:

  1. Outer. Inflammation is localized in the area located between the hole ear canal and eardrum. Otitis externa develops as independent disease or as a complication of a skin disease.
  2. Average. The structures behind the eardrum become inflamed. A complication of otitis media is damage to the facial nerves, keratojunctevitis, and pain.
  3. Interior. Inflammation of the labyrinth of the ear. With such inflammation, the dog’s coordination of movements, vestibular disorders, and eye fluctuations are disrupted.

Treatment of otitis in dogs is carried out only after diagnosis.

Some breeds have a predisposition to the disease. Internal and otitis media gives painful sensations when opening the mouth, hearing loss, impaired yawning, discharge from the eyes. Inflammation develops quickly, the ear swells. If left untreated, pus can enter the brain and cause meningitis and even death of the animal.

If you suspect otitis media, your dog can be given first aid to relieve pain. The drugs Otipax and Sofradex are instilled into the animal's ear. The crusts are removed with a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and the wounds are treated with brilliant green.

Treatment of otitis media can be carried out at home, but only after consulting a veterinarian and only with medications prescribed by him:

  • Allergic otitis media is treated local medications, following a hypoallergenic diet.
  • Purulent otitis is characterized by the release of an oily secretion that has bad smell. For treatment, Chlorhexidine solution, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone) are used.
  • Fungal otitis. The ear canal is treated with phosphoric acid.

Auricular hematoma

The cause of the disease is injury auricle. The presence of a hematoma is indicated by thickening or swelling of the ear, its sagging, or the dog's head tilting to the side.

Hematoma is treated by applying a pressure bandage for 5-6 days, then opening and removing dead tissue. Big wounds stitched together. After the operation, the ears are wrapped around the head and a bandage is applied. Healing occurs within 10-12 days. For better healing the bandage is applied with ointments Levomekol, Methyluracil, Solcoseryl.


Photo. Eczema in a dog.

Itching begins in the ear, redness appears. The dog shakes its head and tries to scratch its ears. As a result of scratching, the eczema blisters burst and become infected. Secondary inflammation of the skin may develop against the background of eczema.

You can help your pet by instilling Ottinum and Ottipax into the ears. Drops can be supplemented with painkillers (Diphenhydramine, Analgin). The skin inside the ear is wiped with disinfectants - Rivanol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Boric acid. In the presence of severe irritation or edema, use ointments Geocorton, Hydrocortisone.


To destroy ear mites, the drugs Bars, Aurikan, Advocate, Otovedin, Deternol, Tsipam, etc. are used. Before using the drops, the ear is wiped with a swab moistened with hygiene lotion or baby oil to soften the crusts and better penetrate the substance into the tissue. After a few minutes, a few drops of the drug are instilled into the ear, the ear is massaged for one or two minutes to uniform distribution substances on the surface.

Drops against ear mites can only kill adult individuals, so the procedure must be repeated after 14 days. During this time, new specimens hatch from the laid eggs, and if they are not destroyed, the disease will return.

After the first treatment for ear mites, it is necessary to treat all surfaces in the house with disinfectant solutions and wash the dog’s bedding to prevent re-infection.

Dogs have excellent hearing and are able to pick up the most faint sounds even at a very long distance. If the dog ignores extraneous sounds, does not pick up the owner's commands well, does not get scared sharp sounds and doesn’t wake up from noise in the house, which means she’s starting to have hearing problems.

Deafness can be of two types:

  • Congenital - is hereditary pathology, characteristic of some dog breeds. To exclude the possibility of purchasing a deaf puppy, a special test is used when purchasing.
  • Acquired – occurs due to many factors during the dog’s life. Many ear diseases can lead to deafness, mechanical injuries, constant exposure Excessive environmental sounds.

Congenital deafness cannot be treated. Experts believe that even the use of special devices to restore hearing in dogs does not give the desired effect.

Acquired deafness is in many cases curable. After carrying out the necessary diagnostic studies And precise definition reasons, assigned drug therapy or surgery.

Preventive measures for ear diseases

Dog ear diseases are completely curable and serious consequences they arise only when untimely treatment. Chronic inflammation entails complications, tissue changes, and perforation of the eardrum.

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to monitor and care for your dog’s ears.

To quickly notice problems with your dog’s ears and prevent inflammatory processes, must be implemented daily care them:

  • Clean the ear with a damp swab.
  • Remove hair from the ear canal using an arterial clamp or depilatory cream.
  • Carefully remove any water that gets into your ear while bathing using napkins.
  • For redness inner surface ear, find out the cause with the help of a veterinarian and begin treatment immediately.

Timely treatment of ear diseases in dogs and compliance with care recommendations important body– guarantees the preservation of your pet’s hearing. You need to approach the elimination of hearing problems in your pet with all responsibility.

Ear inflammation or otitis media in dogs is one of the most frequent occasions visits to the clinic. Chronic and acute otitis undermine immunity and general health favorites. The dog becomes irritable, sometimes even disobedient and nervous due to constant pain. In severe cases, the pet may die. What is otitis media like and how to notice this disease in time?

- This is an inflammation of the part of the ear that ends at the eardrum. This is the easiest type of otitis, because... the hearing aid is not affected. The disease can be easily treated if the cause of the disease is correctly identified and therapy is started on time. If you delay a visit to the veterinarian, perforation (rupture) of the membrane is possible and inflammation can spread to the middle section.

Otitis media– the most common type of this disease. The middle section contains the auditory ossicles (hammer, incus and stapes), so serious damage can lead to hearing impairment or loss. The infection enters the middle ear from the outer part, from the nasopharynx (, bad teeth, virus) or through the bloodstream. in a dog that is not treated, it can spread to the inner ear. Therefore, you cannot delay visiting a doctor, you cannot rely on self-healing, advice from friends, etc.

Internal otitis It is rare, but very dangerous. If treatment is delayed, the pet may become completely deaf and even die due to inflammation spreading from the ear to the meninges. Besides common symptoms, with internal otitis, dizziness, vomiting, drooling, strange movements of the paws or head are possible - the dog loses orientation in space (the vestibular apparatus is located in the internal section).

Ear otitis in dogs can be purulent, exudative (sulfur discharge) and catarrhal, acute and chronic. More often than others, pets with a very wide or narrowed ear canal suffer from otitis media. Droopy ears, especially those pressed tightly to the head, block the access of air flow to the ears, which is why the inside of the ear canal is constantly warm and humid - a paradise for bacteria.

Otitis often develops due to insufficient or excessive care of the pet's ears (dirty ears or cleaned to a shine, devoid of a protective layer of sebum and wax). The reasons may not be directly related to the ears - low immunity, exhaustion, constant hypothermia and sleeping on a draft/cold floor, hormonal fluctuations, bad teeth.

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Infectious otitis media

Viruses, fungi and bacteria are the main enemies of the ears and the most common causes of otitis media. Pathogenic microflora may develop external and internally(bad teeth, general infection). In the case of any infection, the signs of otitis media are clear and characteristic:

  • reddened, thickened, lumpy, crusty or glossy, as if stretched, skin;
  • discharge (something yellowish, greenish or grayish constantly flows from the ear or both ears);
  • non-healing scratches;
  • unpleasant odor from the ears;
  • pain (the pet does not allow its ears to be touched, growls or runs away, whines when touched, squeals and jumps up in its sleep);
  • squelching when lightly pressing on the ear.

The pet shakes its head in a peculiar way, as if it wants to throw off something that is in the way. Some pets rub their ears on the floor or furniture, yawn forcefully, or often open their mouths wide (a reflexive attempt to relieve congestion). If you delay treatment, there may be a rise in temperature, refusal to feed, general lethargy, reluctance to play and walk - everything shows that the pet is sick and weakened.

Bacterial otitis develops in a similar way. Some bacteria (such as cocci) can also spread throughout the body, but this happens less frequently than with fungus. But viruses, unlike fungi and bacteria, rarely affect the ears directly. More often under viral otitis understand the complication after undergoing viral disease– enteritis, plague, etc.

Read also: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs: causes and treatment options

Allergic otitis media

It is impossible to determine allergic otitis media by eye - red, combed ears in dogs, thick discharge, a head tilted to the side, intolerance to touch. The pet is in pain, he shakes his head, tears his ears with his claws. These same symptoms may indicate any other type of otitis media. But for allergies, standard therapy is ineffective, so the veterinarian must monitor the treatment process.

If a dog has pus in the ear, this indicates that the pet is developing otitis media, and at an extremely severe stage. It is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the animal medical care, clean and treat the ear, and consult a doctor. You can learn more about the disease from this article.

Otitis is an inflammation of the dog's ear, a very common disease that occurs in most animals. As a rule, it is not serious if it is left untreated and treated early stage. However, if dog has pus in ear, - this indicates that the disease is progressing and you need to seriously take care of your pet. Let's learn more about the disease.

Causes of the disease:

    untimely inspection of the animal;

    bacteria and fungi;

    dog hypothermia.

Probably everyone has long known that any disease is easier to cure at an early stage. But there are cases when owners are not too vigilant towards their pets, and the disease progresses very quickly, after which dog develops pus in ear. In this case, you should provide your pet with the necessary assistance:

    Remove pus from your dog's ear. This must be done carefully, using cotton wool or cotton swab so as not to damage the ear and hurt the animal.

    Provide your pet with rest, water and a warm place.

The rest of the treatment is prescribed only by the doctor. The veterinarian prescribes novocaine blockades, antibiotics, antiseptics and all kinds of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for the animal. Also, if necessary, the doctor removes foreign objects and pus from the dog's ear.

Prevention of otitis

In order to avoid the occurrence of otitis in your pet, the following rules must be followed:

    Regularly inspect and clean your pet's ears. Healthy dog You need to clean your ears 1-2 times a month. This should be done using a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or special “Bars” ear drops;

    Avoid getting water into your ears. If this is the case, then tie your ears with a special elastic band while swimming;

If the animal does get sick, you should immediately consult a doctor. One way or another, you should remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it, so try to give your pet as much time and attention as possible, and everything will be fine.

Ear diseases in dogs are relatively uncommon. As a rule, everything is limited ear mites, which, with timely treatment, can be defeated relatively quickly and without consequences. But sometimes the same mites or infectious diseases lead to the development of more severe pathologies. Such as internal otitis in dogs.

As you may know, called ear inflammation. Internal - the most severe variation of this pathology, as it implies defeat internal departments hearing aid animals (i.e. eardrum, snail, etc.). As a rule, otitis media that is not treated in time leads to the disease.

Primary internal otitis is extremely rare. It is recorded only in King Charles spaniels and some other breeds. The disease is dangerous, as it is fraught with inflammatory processes in deep structures directly adjacent to the brain.

With internal otitis, the dog scratches its ears less often (compared to milder varieties). The animal often sits shaking its head or tilting it. The tilt side shows the location of the inflammatory process(central vestibular syndrome).

But this does not apply to cases where the pet is suffering from severe pain. In such situations, the dog begins to scratch the ears so much that this can lead to the appearance of bruises. However, we will repeat once again that internal otitis itself occurs extremely rarely - usually It is caused by otitis externa or media.

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That is clinical picture is also complemented by their symptoms: The ears may look inflamed, reddened, and hair often falls out on them. In many cases, exudate flows directly from the ear canals, often with a disgusting odor. Because of this, the hair growing near the ears becomes ruffled and glued together by secretions.

Since this type of otitis can lead to damage to deep cranial structures, some animals exhibit a clinical picture characteristic of inflammation facial nerve. These include: ptosis, drooping ears, numbness and a rubbery appearance of the muzzle itself. Loss is often observed. It may develop, and sometimes the appearance of corneal ulcers is observed. Sometimes, when it comes to complete atrophy of the facial nerve, whose membranes have been melted by pus, the animal’s nose and lips can be pulled to the side, making the pet begin to look somewhat frightening. These signs help distinguish internal otitis from simpler and less dangerous varieties.

note- in most cases, all these lesions are on the same side of the head as the otitis media itself.

When the disease has progressed, symptoms of hearing loss begin to appear and, even worse, violations vestibular function . Horizontal or vertical nystagmus appears (the latter indicates damage to the brain itself), torticollis, the animal begins to walk unsteadily and “incorrectly”, often stumbles and falls on a completely level place. Promotion of infection from inner ear to the brain leads to meningoencephalitis, or the development of deep. If nothing is done at all, severe internal otitis with almost 100% probability ends in brain damage, often leading to. In both cases there is only one outcome, and it is very sad.

Read also: Babesiosis in dogs: diagnosis, treatment and prevention

In principle, you can easily find out when the pathology has reached the brain. If in other cases the dog at least somehow shows interest in external environment, occasionally eats and drinks, then when the central nervous system is damaged, it becomes very apathetic, often the animal falls into a coma, from which it never comes out. In addition, even if the animal wants to eat, it is possible that if the infection penetrates directly into the brain, it physically will not be able to chew or even swallow water. Such pets die from exhaustion and dehydration.

Important! In the latter case, it is extremely important to exclude, since it is accompanied by similar symptoms.

About diagnostics

Diagnosis can be made based on the totality of clinical signs and medical history. If your pet has serious symptoms There has already been otitis media, or the owner has at least noticed exudate flowing from the ear canal from time to time; there is no need to think for a long time when making a diagnosis. To examine the “insides” of the hearing aid in more detail, a device called an otoscope is used.

In addition, radiographic examination can be used to help better visualize the location inflammatory processes. In general, experienced veterinarians recommend using both of these methods in mandatory– this is the only way to reliably determine the seriousness of the process.

Radiography will help detect degradation bone structures hearing aid and other parts of the skull. Alas, in advanced cases the diagnosis is made on the basis of a pathological autopsy. Let us warn you right away - it is difficult to treat this pathology and, unfortunately, therapy is not always successful; the drugs are not cheap.

There are a number of main reasons for the development of otitis media in dogs.

  • Decreased immunity. Low activity immune system pet leads to weakening protective function skin. As a result, numerous microorganisms and fungus multiply in the ears, and inflammation develops.
  • Presence of fur in the ears. Too thick hairline has several effects on a dog's ears negative impacts: interferes with the removal of excess wax from the ear canal, blocks the access of air (stagnation and waterlogging occurs), irritates the skin, leading to increased work of the ear glands.
  • Neoplasms in the ear. Growths in the ear canal can interfere with ventilation, bleed, fester, causing an active increase in the number of pathogenic microbes.
  • Allergy. Allergic reactions cause otitis media by increasing the secretion of sulfur and reducing local immunity.
  • Ear mite. Damages the skin of the ear canal, causing inflammation.
  • Overgrowth of cartilaginous and skin folds. This feature characteristic of dogs of certain breeds, for example, Shar-Pei. As a result of an excessive increase in the size of the folds in the ear canal, gas exchange in it is disrupted.
  • Water penetration. Stagnation of fluid in the ear promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Entry of a foreign body. If you get stuck in your dog's ear foreign object, air access will stop, irritation of nerve endings will begin, excessive amounts of sulfur will be released, and bacteria will grow.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Any endocrine disorders may cause excessive secretion of sulfur, reducing local protective forces.
  • Poor nutrition. Excess quantity simple sugars(sweet) in the pet’s diet leads to their presence in the sulfur produced. Released in increased volume, it becomes a breeding ground for infection.
  • Heredity. Animals with floppy ears (spaniels), excessively open shells (shepherd dogs) and prone to allergies are more likely to develop otitis than others.

Photo of otitis media in dogs

How does otitis media manifest in dogs?

Symptoms of otitis in a dog can be varied, the degree and form of their severity depends on the type of disease, immunity, individual characteristics pet, neglect of the process. The owner should contact the clinic if he notices the following symptoms:

  • the animal shakes its head or scratches its ears frequently;
  • the pet does not allow you to touch its ears;
  • discharge appeared from the external auditory canal;
  • the dog whines when he tries to scratch his ears;
  • too much sulfur in the passage;
  • at the beginning of the ear canal, hair falls out, ulcers, redness, and wounds appear;
  • the lymph nodes under the animal's jaw are enlarged;
  • the ears are hot to the touch, and swelling is observed.

As the pathological process The pet’s overall body temperature rises, and he refuses to eat.

In some cases, the predominance of one or another symptom may indicate the cause of otitis media.

Hair growing deep

Ear mite

There are dark-colored crusts on the surface of the skin of the auricle and ear canal. When they are removed, wounds can be distinguished

Bacteria, fungi

Skin swelling, redness, suppuration, increased local and general temperature

Liquid discharge from the ears


Appearance allergic reaction on other parts of the body

Types of otitis media in dogs

There are several classifications of otitis media in dogs.

By origin

  • Primary. Develops independently (hypothermia).
  • Secondary. It is a consequence of any disorders, for example, hormonal ones.

By localization

  • Otitis externa.
  • Otitis media.
  • Internal otitis. The most dangerous because they become inflamed eardrum, cartilage tissue. There is a threat of sepsis and spread of the process to the brain.

By the nature of the discharge

  • Purulent.
  • Exudative (a lot of sulfur is released).

With the flow

  • Spicy. It is characteristic of him strong pain, sudden development of symptoms.
  • Chronic otitis media. Has vague symptoms. It is characterized by a long course with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.

According to the source of inflammation

  • Fungal. The fungus multiplies very intensively, so the disease quickly spreads to the inner ear. The symptoms are pronounced, which brings anxiety and pain to the pet.
  • Bacterial. Accompanied by an increase in temperature and the formation of crusts on the surface of the ear canal.
  • Malassezia otitis media. Refers to fungal types of otitis. The causative agent is Malassezia. It is present on the surface of the skin of the dog’s ear, but manifests itself only when the body’s defenses are reduced. Often accompanied by a bacterial infection.
  • Allergic. Manifests itself in swelling, itching, redness of tissues. Does not respond to antifungal and antibacterial drugs. An allergy can be suspected if similar symptoms are found in other parts of the body.
  • Verrucous otitis media (warty). Numerous warts and growths form on the surface of the dog’s ear skin, which gradually cover ear canal, leading to inflammation.

Important: to diagnose the type of otitis in a dog, it is better to consult a specialist. Only lab tests can accurately indicate the cause of the disease. Independent selection medicines can cause complications, including deafness or inflammation meninges and the death of a pet.

How to diagnose

At the veterinary clinic, the owner will need to not only show the dog to a specialist, but also answer a number of questions. Great importance to make a diagnosis they have: diet (predominant product or feed), walking habits, presence or absence of vaccinations, chronic diseases. You will need to remember when the symptoms appeared, what the nature of the disease is, the behavior of the animal and other nuances.

For diagnosis, your veterinarian may prescribe the following types examinations:

  • blood tests, discharge from the ear canal;
  • scraping from the ear;
  • x-ray (if a foreign object is suspected);
  • tomography (to assess the condition of the inner ear, meninges).

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

Treatment of otitis media in dogs is complex. The conservative approach includes a number of areas:

  • eliminating the cause (if possible);
  • relieving swelling, itching, pain;
  • getting rid of crusts, discharge, external treatment;
  • detoxification of the pet's body;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes in the ear and throughout the body;
  • strengthening the immune system.

If we're talking about about overgrowth of the ear canal, tumors, foreign body, then surgical intervention is possible.

Due to the variety of forms of ear inflammation in dogs, treatment will vary. Yes, when chronic otitis media besides antibacterial drugs, prescribed during an exacerbation, it is recommended to use drops to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. Fungal otitis requires the use of antimycotic agents, and bacterial inflammation is treated with antibiotics. When diagnosing allergic otitis, first of all, prescribe strict diet and antihistamines.

Drugs for the treatment of otitis media in dogs

Purpose of the drug

Name of medicine

Hygienic treatment

Otoklin, Otifri


Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine


Sanatol, Levomekol

Eliminating symptoms of inflammation (pain, itching)

Otinum, Otipax

Antimicrobial drops

Otobiovet, Sofradex, Tsipromed


Clotrimazole, Nitrofungin

From ear mites

Amitrazine, Bars, Otoferonol


Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone, Mastiet forte


Otospectrin, Tresaderm, Oricin

Detoxification of the body

Hydrolysin, Sirepar

To boost immunity

Immunofan, Cycloferon

Complications of otitis media in dogs

Untimely contact veterinarian or sharp and fast development infection can lead to dangerous complications, which is especially typical for bacterial otitis. In addition to the disease becoming chronic, the dog may have the following consequences:

  • hearing impairment, deafness;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • neurological disorders;
  • psychical deviations;
  • swelling of the inner ear;
  • purulent eye lesions, strabismus.

Features of treatment at home

Even if the owner knows how to treat a particular type of otitis in a dog, ear therapy at home should only be done after the pathogen has been identified. You should not immediately stuff your pet with antibiotics or instill the first drops that come to hand. Such “treatment” can lead to a deterioration in the animal’s condition.

What other rules must be followed when home treatment animal? First, cleaning your ears should be done using a swab, not a stick. Because of her small sizes It is impossible to fully perform hygiene of the auricle and ear canal.

The owner must have the skills to clean the animal's ears, especially if the breed has a tortuous ear canal, there are numerous folds and cartilaginous growths. There is a high probability of causing pain in the dog through inept actions. In addition, if there are growths and folds, it will not be possible to properly see the surface of the skin and carry out hygiene.

Some owners believe that hydrogen peroxide should be instilled into the animal’s ear so that it “dissolves” deposits, which can then be easily removed. In fact, the solution is intended only for treating the sink. Penetrating into the ear and contacting pus, damaged surfaces, and wax, peroxide foams, leading to specific sounds in the ears. The animal may get scared.

All that is required from the owner is to provide the dog with peace, adequate competent treatment, good nutrition and attention.

What can you do before visiting the veterinarian?

If you cannot immediately seek help from a veterinarian, you can take several independent measures that will alleviate the dog’s condition.

  • Inspect the concha and external auditory canal. This must be done carefully so as not to cause pain to the animal.
  • If there are damages, treat them with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Otinum can be instilled into the ear. This product is not dangerous to the dog's health. It will help eliminate pain, itching, and soften deposits. It is better not to use other drops or ear ointment before a doctor’s examination and diagnosis, so as not to accidentally contribute to the resistance of microorganisms to further treatment.
  • If your pet is febrile, you can give him an antipyretic drug, such as paracetamol.

Prevention of otitis in dogs

Minor restrictions and rules for caring for your dog will help prevent the development of otitis media.

Attentive attitude to four-legged friend and, in case of otitis, a timely visit to veterinary clinic will be the key to the health of the dog’s ears and entire body.