Use of oak in medicine. Medicinal properties of common oak

A well-known tree to all of us has a mass healing properties. It’s even useful to just be near it, because the air around the oak tree, and especially around the oak forests, is saturated with phytoncides, thanks to which a person’s general well-being gradually becomes better. It is especially useful to breathe such air for people suffering from heart disease, headaches, and sleep disorders. In addition, there is a belief that oak is capable of giving a person some of its positive energy. But this is only possible if the person is in a good mood. Most the right time for contact with oak - from 9 pm to 3 am.

Help - common oak

The common oak is a tree from the beech family, reaching a height of 40-50 meters, a diameter of 2 meters, and living for 1000 years or more. In Russia there are about two dozen species of this tree. The most common is common oak (petiolate). The root of the common oak is quite thick, branching, the crown is widely spread in different sides.. The bark is smooth, olive-brown in color - in young shoots; all in cracks, gray-brown in color - in old ones. The leaves grow alternately, their shape is oblong-obovate, they are shiny with prominent veins. The oak tree blooms in April-May, the flowers are very small and inconspicuous. Male or staminate flowers grow in inflorescences - long thin light green “catkins”. The female or pistillate flowers of the oak are sessile, approximately the size of a pinhead. Acorns grow from them in the fall.

Where to look for oak?

Common oak grows almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, in forests, plantings, on plains and ravines, and rarely forms oak groves.

Features of collecting oak bark and acorns

As a medicinal raw material in folk medicine oak bark is most often used. It should be harvested in early spring. It is necessary to collect only young oak trees, which are cut down during sanitary felling. The bark should be dried outside (in good weather - in the sun, in cloudy and rainy weather - under canopies), or in a regularly ventilated area.

Properly dried oak bark should break when bent, but if it bends, this is a sign that the raw material is not completely dried. It is also important to ensure that the bark does not get wet during drying, otherwise it will lose a significant part of the tannins it contains. Properly dried raw materials are completely odorless, but after infusion or pouring hot water On the contrary, the aroma characteristic of fresh bark should appear. The taste of the raw material is very astringent. Shelf life - 5 years.

Less commonly used acorns. They must be collected at the end of September, after ripening. Drying acorns should be done in the same way as drying bark. After drying, the acorns must be thoroughly chopped. Store in bags or jars, protecting from moisture.

Contraindications in the use of oak preparations

Individual intolerance to tannins. Before starting treatment with oak preparations, be sure to consult your doctor. Oak preparations are contraindicated for children.

Side effects of treatment with oak preparations

Be careful! Failure to comply with drug dosages may result in vomiting. With prolonged rinsing oral cavity decoctions and infusions of oak bark may cause a decrease in sense of smell.

Recipes for treating oak bark and acorns

Tincture for bleeding

Pour 2 teaspoons of oak bark into 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 hours, then strain. Drink 15 ml every 2 hours.

Tincture for enterocolitis

Pour 1 teaspoon of oak bark into 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 8 hours, then strain. Take 125 ml of tincture before each meal.

Oak bark decoction for enterocolitis

Pour 40 g (4 tablespoons) of oak bark into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups before each meal 20-40 minutes.

Infusion of acorns for hemorrhoids

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed and roasted acorns into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups of infusion before each meal when treating chronic colitis.

Oak bark decoction for the stomach

To prepare the decoction, the bark must be crushed to a particle size of 2-3 mm. Pour 20 g (2 tablespoons) of crushed raw material into 200 ml of water at room temperature, close the lid, heat in a water bath and keep it like that, stirring all the time for 30 minutes. Then remove the broth from the water bath, let cool for 10 minutes, then strain and squeeze. Use room temperature water to bring the broth to its original volume. Take 0.5 cups before each meal to treat colitis with diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastritis. If you have a sore throat or stomatitis, rinse your mouth with this decoction.

A decoction for many ailments

Pour 40 g (4 tablespoons) of oak bark into 250 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook for 30 minutes, then leave for 2 hours, strain. For burns and eczema, make gauze lotions with this decoction; for bleeding hemorrhoids, use enemas and baths. If your feet are sweating, you can take foot baths with this decoction; you can also wash ulcers and wounds with it. The decoction should be taken orally in case of poisoning with mushrooms, copper and lead salts, diseases of the liver, spleen, chronic inflammation urinary tract And Bladder. The decoction will also help with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and with heavy menstruation.

Infusion for the stomach

10 g (1 tablespoon) oak bark pour 400 ml chilled boiled water, leave for 6 hours, then strain. Drink 0.5 glasses before each meal to treat diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and lungs.

Oak bark ointment assembly

Mix 2 parts oak bark powder, 1 part black poplar buds with 7 parts butter, then keep in a warm oven for 12 hours, then cook over low heat or in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain. This ointment should be used to lubricate burns and frostbite.

Especially for Ksenia

Hello, dear readers. Since childhood, we have heard about the unusual power of oak. He is mentioned in fairy tales official medicine recognizes the healing properties of oak, and many housewives keep it in home medicine cabinet. And I must say, it’s not in vain that they do this. In addition to the fact that the mighty tree is very beautiful, it also has a lot of medicinal properties. The benefits come from bark, acorns, leaves and even growths on the leaves - galls. They don't use the root. The bark is harvested in the spring, but the time for acorns has just come.

Many people think that they can only be used for children's crafts. Of course, you can and, by the way, the figures turn out very cute. Don't forget that coffee is made from acorns, just like chicory. It is very nutritious and healthy. The fact is that they contain a lot of starch, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, tannins and tannins.

Acorns contain quercetin, which relieves swelling, inflammation and even spasms, and it also has antioxidant properties. This substance is not at all dangerous for animals, but people need to fry it before use. In this case, you want the acorns to turn red, but in no case turn black. They are then ground and made into coffee. Add sugar, milk or honey to taste.

You should not eat raw, unprocessed fruits. It is harmful. Still, we are not wild animals. It’s better to make it tasty and healthy.

Acorns are used in folk recipes:

  • For indigestion and poisoning
  • For the treatment of enuresis
  • For genitourinary diseases of both men and women
  • For toothache and gum disease
  • For heart problems
  • For cough, asthma, bronchitis
  • For the treatment of diabetes
  • Stop bleeding
  • For coloring and strengthening hair

Oak fruit coffee

  1. If an upset stomach occurs, take a teaspoon of fried and ground acorns and brew with one glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take half a glass three times a day. Acorn coffee is also brewed and drunk for asthma, cough and heart disease.
  2. You can prepare a coffee drink from 30g of acorns (pre-roasted), 20g of ground barley, 15g of dandelion root and the same amount of chicory root and oat grains. All ingredients must be ground in a coffee grinder and stored in glass jar. Brew the drink at the rate of one teaspoon of the mixture per 250g of boiling water. You can add honey, sugar or milk if desired.

The genitourinary system is treated with a mixture of green acorn juice and honey. Take three to four times a day in the amount of two tablespoons. The bactericidal effect of this composition is used in the treatment of female inflammatory diseases in gynecology and very heavy periods.

Acorns for diabetes

Powder from pre-dried, roasted and crushed oak fruits is taken for a month 3 times a day between meals. To do this, take a teaspoon of powder and drink tea without sugar. The course of admission is a month, then a month break and again a month of admission.

For cystitis

A tablespoon of prepared acorns (the method is described above) should be poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled for several minutes, and after cooling, drink the resulting volume throughout the day.

Flatbread recipe

There is another way to prepare acorns. Dry and fried, they taste like roasted peanuts, and if you grind them into flour, you can bake flat cakes that taste unusual.

This is done as follows: first, bring sour cream (50 g) to a boil, add flour (30 g). Boil a little, then remove and cool. Add a small egg, sugar (10 g or to taste) and grated cheese (20 g) to the resulting mass. Knead and form cakes, and then vegetable oil bake them in a frying pan.

Yet bark is more often used. Its tannins are astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Infusions or decoctions are used for this. The fact is that chemical composition promotes tissue epithelization, accelerates metabolic processes and increases blood supply to tissues.

Useful properties of the bark

  • It is effective for digestive problems and diarrhea
  • For hemorrhoids
  • During exacerbation of peptic ulcer
  • For diseases of the liver and spleen
  • For wound healing
  • For varicose veins
  • In gynecology for cervical erosions and vaginitis
  • Removes bad smell in the mouth and strengthens the gums
  • For stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis
  • For frostbite and burns in the form of baths
  • Fights sweaty soles and palms
  • Effectively fights dandruff
  • Restores hair

Contraindications for use

  • Constipation
  • Age up to 12 years
  • Thrombosis
  • Individual intolerance
  • Acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases
  • In case of overdose, may cause vomiting
  • With prolonged rinsing of the mouth and throat, the taste sensations and sense of smell
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers should not use it

The bark is harvested in the spring and is best done during the flow of sap from young trees. Just don’t need to remove a whole ring of bark to prevent the tree from dying. The thickness of the bark should be no thicker than 6 mm. You can collect bark from trees cut down during sanitary felling.

One of the basic rules of preparation medicines which must be strictly observed: raw materials are taken only from healthy trees that grow away from automobile and railways, as well as any enterprises. The collected bark is dried with good ventilation and low humidity. If you do this in a dryer, the temperature should not be higher than 50 degrees.

Dry bark should become brittle. It should break, but not bend. When storing, you need to choose a place so that excess moisture is not absorbed in cardboard boxes or bags. And of course not in the light. Subject to the right conditions beneficial properties last up to five years. The leaves retain their beneficial properties for only a year.

Recipes using bark

For external use make a strong decoction. You need to take a whole tablespoon of dry (or fresh raw materials), pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. The broth is cooled and filtered.

For internal use There is universal recipe. In an enamel bowl, 20 g of bark is poured into 200 ml of water at approximately 90 degrees. Keep for 30 minutes under a tightly closed lid in a water bath, stirring frequently. After this, squeeze out, cool and add boiled water up to the volume of a glass. You need to drink half a glass twice a day.

Strengthening tea can also be prepared from leaves. 3-4 fresh leaves or one teaspoon of dried leaves is poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours. The resulting volume is divided into 3-8 doses, but you need to drink everything within 24 hours.

For acne

The universal decoction is mixed 1:2 with vodka. Wipe the face or other parts of the body with this solution.

For stomatitis and gum disease

Boil a mixture of two teaspoons and two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Then, when it cools down, rinse your mouth 6-7 times a day for a week. You just need to take into account that when rinsing, the tooth enamel darkens.

For toothache

Pour 100 g of small pieces of bark into a liter hot water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. After this, you need to remove from the stove and add 2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar and a small piece of hot pepper, leave for 3 hours. Keep the infusion in your mouth for 5-7 minutes several times during the day.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment is carried out using enemas. A teaspoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for one hour.

From sweating feet and hands

  1. Make baths or lotions. Boil two tablespoons in a glass of water for only 2-3 minutes. After infusion, take baths or apply linen rags soaked in the infusion.
  2. Take 100 g of raw material per liter of water. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Make baths for your feet or hands, immersing them in a warm broth for 20 minutes. It is better to do this directly at night every day for three weeks.

For diarrhea and worms

One teaspoon is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 2 hours, after which the infusion is filtered and drunk ½ glass 3 times before meals.

For douching and internal use for female diseases

For inflammation, as well as uterine bleeding The following decoction is used: a teaspoon of crushed bark is brewed in a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. You can drink a third of a glass only after meals. Warm the infusion if douching is carried out to a comfortable temperature.

For men with prostatitis, impotence

Often these problems are associated with nerves and a lack of vitamin B1. In this case, a decoction of 1 teaspoon of bark and a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath under a lid for 15 minutes, will help. You need to drink a third of a glass before meals. Thiamine helps restore nerve endings.

For sore throat

Brew a teaspoon of hot water with a glass and keep it on low heat for 1-2 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain and can be used to gargle 4 times a day.

Decoction for burns, frostbite and pustules on the skin

You need to take four tablespoons of bark, pour them into a glass cold water, let it boil and boil for another 2 minutes, then leave for 20 minutes and you can strain. The resulting decoction can be used as baths, douches or lotions.

Skin problems in infants

The only approved form of use for infants is baths with a very weak concentration of oak bark herb decoction. This helps to quickly cure heat rash.

Treatment of dogs and cats

Decoctions are also used to treat animals. Dilute the standard decoction 1:10 and give the animals to drink at inflammatory diseases intestines and stomach. Dogs are given from 1g to 5g 3 times a day, and cats 0.2-1g also 3 times a day.

For hair

When fighting dandruff, to give a beautiful shine and strengthen your hair, you need to rinse your hair after each wash. It’s true that it’s better not to use it for women with blond hair, since the shade will be unpredictable, but obviously darker.

For coloring and healthy looking hair

For two glasses of water you need to take a full tablespoon onion peel and two tablespoons of bark. Boil for half an hour on low heat under the lid. Cool and strain. Apply to hair, tie with cellophane and top with a towel. Leave for an hour. Wash off warm water with your usual shampoo. The hair will have a reddish tint due to the husk. This composition strengthens hair, heals its roots and relieves dry skin.

For dandruff

A mixture of herbs that contains a tablespoon of wormwood herb, a tablespoon of plantain leaves, two tablespoons of nettle leaves, two tablespoons of bark. Brew all this with two glasses of boiling water. Boil it all over low heat for 5 minutes. Immediately after cooling, you can rinse your hair. This is done after washing.

For oily hair

Brew a glass of hot water with a tablespoon full of St. John's wort herb and one tablespoon full of bark. All this needs to be boiled for 15 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, strain it and again bring the volume to a whole glass. Rinse your hair immediately after washing. At long hair the volume of the decoction should be increased.

Recipes using oak leaves

Substances that the leaves contain have the ability to lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol in blood vessels and increase good cholesterol. This helps prevent the development of coronary disease, improve the condition of blood vessels and reduce the formation of plaques.

Oak brooms, which are used in a steam room, reduce muscle pain, inflammation of the skin, and treat microcracks. Brooms for this purpose are harvested from the second half of June until August. To soften hard leaves, brew them in a container of boiling water for 20 minutes.

The leaves of this tree have antiviral effect. Therefore, they can be brewed in medicinal tea from herbs in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Use of galls on leaves

These ball-shaped outgrowths grow on the leaves in the second half of summer. They appear thanks to nut rollers - insects. Even when it is sick, a tree can bring us benefit. These galls are collected and brewed as tea and drunk with honey or sugar.

For lotions, make a decoction (take a tablespoon of galls per liter of water), brew with boiling water and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. After this, leave until cool and filter. The most useful green galls.

Despite the undoubted benefits, it must be remembered that exceeding the dosage, individual intolerance and excessively long use can cause harm instead of benefit. In addition, galls should be consumed in small quantities (no more than 3g at a time) since they can cause significant harm to the bladder.

In Russia, oak is the most energetic tree. The only other tree that is not inferior to it in this regard is cedar. But in the wild in the middle zone in the forests, the king of all trees, of course, is a strong, spreading giant. The energy of a healthy tree can restore the strength of a tired person in minutes. I will write a separate article on how to do this correctly.

Now I can say that wooden dies (planks measuring 10*15 about a centimeter thick) from different trees can help us a lot without even leaving home. It is good to apply oak planks to sprains for 20-30 minutes several times a day. They do a good job of delaying pain, and sometimes even get rid of it completely.

This majestic tree has always been considered a symbol of strength and invincibility. Now it’s not too late to go into the forest and bring back acorns and pieces of living wood, neatly sawed off. Now you know how to use the fruits of this tree, and if you want to make funny figures with children, then there are a lot of ideas for this.

The power of this majestic tree is enormous. For us mothers, he can help support our women Health and the health of our family and friends. Still, even natural medicines remain medicines. Consult your doctor before using them.

Health to everyone! And see you soon on Marivlad's blog.

And now I suggest you listen to the ballad about the oak tree. She is sad, but very beautiful.

Oak is a tree belonging to the genus Quercus and consists of a wide variety of species, such as red oak, white oak, Mongolian oak, more than 200 species in total. In central Russia, the most famous is the English Oak (Quercus robur). Everything from this tree is used for medicinal purposes: bark, acorns, as well as its leaves. Various phytochemical compounds present in oak leaves that provide many health benefits. The article will cover 15 of the most useful properties oak leaves.

Oak leaf acts as an antioxidant against free radicals

Phenolic compounds found in oak leaves act as a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body, making them useful in cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

Prevent the growth of cancer cells with oak

Oak leaves have an anti-carcinogenic effect, thanks to its antioxidant properties, oak can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Protecting the heart with oak leaves and bark

Flavonoids, which have also been found in oak leaves, have cardioprotective effects that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as oak leaves suppress vascular inflammation and prevent the formation of plaques.

The antioxidant effect in oak leaves increases blood hdl ( good cholesterol) and reduces ldl (bad cholesterol). This mechanism is important for preventing the development of atherosclerosis and will help prevent ischemic disease heart disease and even stroke. Leaves can help in l treatment of dyslipidemia (chronic cholesterol disorders).

In addition, preparations made from oak leaves reduce blood pressure, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Oak leaves speed up the healing of injuries

Oak leaves, as mentioned above, contain flavonoids, which play a role in the healing process, especially on superficial injuries. You can apply fresh or dried oak leaves to the surface of the wound to speed up healing. In addition, oak has a good hemostatic and disinfecting effect, which allows you to start using it immediately after injury, like plantain.

Oak helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers

All the same substances that heal cardiovascular diseases and wounds help heal intestinal and stomach ulcers. They also have a beneficial effect on digestion in general, killing pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract.

Oak brooms reduce local inflammation

Oak leaves can reduce local symptoms inflammation such as redness, swelling, and muscle pain. For treatment, it is simply enough to apply fresh or soaked dried oak leaves to the inflamed areas; it is not for nothing that oak brooms are considered healing, since after a bath with an oak broom, after just one use, skin inflammation noticeably decreases, pain, irritation and swelling disappear.

Fighting viruses and bacteria

Available herbs 2017


Traditional medicine knows many secrets of health, beauty and youth. One of the simple and effective medicines “for a hundred diseases” is oak bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which should be known to everyone who cares own health. The ability to correctly use this simple remedy will help strengthen the entire body as a whole and get rid of a number of diseases.

Medicinal properties of oak bark

Many people wrongly consider oak bark to be obsolete folk remedy. In fact, this component is often included in various drugs modern pharmaceuticals. This is due to the specific composition oak bark, which contains:

  • protein compounds, glucose, flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • pentosans;
  • pectins;
  • catechins.

The main property of tannins, due to which they are widely used in medicine, is the elimination harmful influence pathogenic microorganisms. This explains the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. According to various sources, oak bark contains from 15 to 20% of these substances. Tannins also help relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane and have a hemostatic effect.

Pentosans are polysaccharides with antigenic properties. They help produce antibodies to certain types of bacteria and microorganisms, have a general strengthening effect and improve performance immune system. Pentosans stop the inflammatory process.

Pectins are a type of polysaccharides that have positive influence on the gastrointestinal tract. They suppress the growth of microbial microflora in the intestines, normalize the functioning of digestive system, promote recovery normal microflora. These substances are used for both treatment and prevention of diseases. gastrointestinal tract, including acid-dependent disorders (chronic and erosive gastritis, stomach ulcer).

Catechins are a potent antioxidant necessary to protect against free radicals, slow down the aging process, and generally strengthen the body.

Properties of oak bark:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic.

The product is used in many branches of medicine, and is also successfully used in cosmetology, for example, to strengthen hair and improve the health of the scalp.

Catechins in the composition provide an oncoprotective effect.

Oak bark is quite difficult to prepare yourself. To the quality of raw materials used in therapy various diseases, there are special requirements, so it’s easier to purchase dried and crushed bark at any pharmacy.

For what diseases is it used?

The bark has found application in various branches of medicine. It is used both internally and externally.

    1. As an oral medicine, the bark is taken for indigestion. How aid, it can be used even when infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract, for example, with stomach (intestinal) flu. Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, the bark is used for gastritis, but not in the acute phase.
    2. Externally, a decoction and infusion of the bark is used to accelerate the healing of wounds and burns. The bactericidal effect of the product in this case helps to avoid infection of the wound.

    1. Based on the bark, rinses and hair masks are prepared that strengthen hair follicles, contribute rapid growth, have a positive effect on the scalp, helping in the treatment of dandruff.
    2. As compresses and lotions, the product is used for hyperhidrosis, reducing sweating and helping to fight the unpleasant odor of sweat.
    3. Another indication for the use of the product is foot and hand baths for fungal infections of the skin and nails (mycoses and onychomycosis). The bark promotes the denaturation of proteins, thereby helping to defeat pathogenic microflora.
    4. Thanks to the same fungicidal effect, the product is used in gynecology to combat thrush and restore vaginal microflora.
    5. The main indication for use is diseases of the oral cavity and gums. Moreover, oak bark extract is contained in the most effective medicinal rinses and toothpastes available in pharmacies. This remedy is recommended for use for periodontal disease, bleeding gums, gingivitis and stomatitis.

Oak(Quércus róbur) - this well-known, very hardy and powerful deciduous tree with a dense crown has other names - pedunculate oak, nelin, English oak, stezhar. It grows in deciduous and mixed forests, preferably on moist soils.

WITH medical point oak is interesting because of the bark of young branches that have not yet been covered with cork (up to six centimeters), young leaves and branches. Old bark contains less tannins and is not as effective.

Harvesting bark and young branches occurs during sap flow, and leaves after their formation, until the fifteenth of May.

Drying of bark and young branches with leaves occurs in the shade, while the branches should be suspended in small bundles. Raw materials are stored in a dry room in paper and canvas bags or boxes. The bark can be stored for up to five years, but one should not forget that over time the amount healing substances it decreases. Leaves are stored for no more than a year.

The benefits of common oak in medicine

Oak bark is especially used and valued in medicine, mostly shiny and young, it contains a lot of catechin -. Other components are of lesser value. It is used mainly externally, but also for douching and enemas. Less often she finds and indoor application in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea.

Oak bark and leaves exhibit astringent, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and soothing effects.

Medicinal properties Infusion of common oak is used for:

  • stomach diseases,
  • gastritis,
  • diarrhea,
  • inflammation of the intestines,
  • colic,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • diseases of the liver and spleen.

A warm infusion of the bark promotes digestion.

Oak bark infusion

A strong infusion is prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of crushed bark per glass of boiling water. Next, let it sit for an hour and you can use this infusion to make enemas for ulcerative colitis, dysentery, and hemorrhoids.

A decoction of the leaves and bark of common oak in a ratio of ten to one is taken for:

  • frequent urination in small doses,
  • bloody urine,
  • for kidney diseases and kidney bleeding,
  • inflammation of the urinary tract.

Using the healing properties of oak

An infusion of oak leaves is effective for bedwetting. Externally, decoctions are used for inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa in the form of rinses. This also helps with inflammation of the tongue, for applying lotions for bedsores and baths for frostbite of the hands and feet, wounds, burns, eczema, skin inflammation, scrofula.

For weeping eczema, you need mixed lotions made from a decoction of a mixture of pine and oak bark.

To eradicate sweating feet, wash them in a decoction of bark, prepared at the rate of two tablespoons per glass of water, boiled for two minutes. In this case, it is useful to put crushed bark in your socks for the day. The medicinal properties of common oak allow it to be made from a decoction and a bath.

Strong decoction of oak bark good for lotions varicose veins veins and boils on the neck.

Baths made from oak bark decoction have a strengthening effect on the body, improving blood circulation. In combination with other remedies, a decoction of oak bark also treats goiter. At the same time, lotions are applied to the goiter tumor.

Infusion of bark and leaves used both internally and for douching for such gynecological diseases, How:

  • pain during menstruation,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • inflammation of the female genital organs.

In addition, douching, baths and tampons from the infusion are effective for cervical erosion.

Oak bark quite often it is a component of gargling mixtures.

Recipe for making a decoction of common oak

To prepare a decoction for external use, take a tablespoon of mixed raw materials (leaves and bark) and place it in a glass of water, boil for up to three minutes and filter.

For making oak tea a teaspoon of bark is brewed with two glasses of boiling water, left for two hours in a warm place, removed from the sediment before use, and consumed half a glass three times a day before meals. Drinking more than two glasses of tea per day is not recommended.

Made from acorns folk coffee , for which the acorns are peeled and cut into large fragments, which are fried until browned. After cooling, they can be ground into powder and brewed like coffee. This remedy is used as food supplement, and given to children for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Helps oak bark decoction, which is mixed with vodka. Pour a tablespoon of bark into a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, the broth is filtered and vodka is added to it in the proportion of one part of the broth and two parts of vodka. This lotion should be used on your face.

When using oak preparations, dosages should not be exceeded, since these are mainly tannins that can cause vomiting. Children should not take the decoction or infusion orally.