Russian bull terrier. Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier (English) Bull Terrier) a breed of dog related to terriers. There is also a miniature bull terrier, which differs in height. These dogs are considered uncontrollable and dangerous, but this is not true. They are stubborn, but love people and their family with all their hearts.

  • Bull Terriers suffer without attention and must live in a home with their family. They do not like to be alone and suffer from boredom and melancholy.
  • It is difficult for them to live in cold and damp climates due to their short fur. Prepare clothes for your bull terrier in advance.
  • Caring for them is simple; just comb them once a week and wipe them dry after a walk.
  • The walks themselves should be from 30 to 60 minutes long, with games, exercises and training.
  • This is a stubborn and headstrong dog that can be difficult to train. It is not recommended for inexperienced or mild owners.
  • Without socialization and training, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, animals and strangers.
  • They are not suitable for families with small children, as they are too rough and strong. But older children can play with them if they are taught to handle the dog carefully.

History of the breed

The history of the appearance of bull terriers begins with the Middle Ages and the emergence of such a thing as “blood sport”, which is translated as bloody fun. This is a type of entertainment in which animals fight with each other, including dog fighting. These fights were popular entertainment in England at that time, and bets were placed on them.

In the fighting pits there were both poor and rich, and the profits were often huge. Almost every village in England had its own fighting pit, not to mention the cities. In them dogs fought with bulls, bears, wild boars and with each other.

In bull-baiting, short dogs were needed that could grab the nose of a bull to render it helpless. They were well prepared and only the strongest were chosen.

Often the dog held on to the bull even when it was flying in the air and held on as long as it was alive. It is believed that the first such battle was held back in 1209, in Stamford. From the 13th to the 18th centuries, this cruel fun was even considered in England national species sports

Over time, the popularity of bull baiting grew, and with it the need for a certain type of dog. The size, character, and strength of the dogs were adjusted to the requirements of the fighting pits; other qualities did not matter. Over the centuries, strong, vicious, fast dogs have been developed and improved.

However, in 1835, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed, prohibiting this type of entertainment. The owners found a way out and switched from fights between animals to fights between dogs, which are not directly prohibited by law. Dog fighting required less space, money and it was easier to organize them.

There is a demand for compact fighting dogs, which were easier to hide when the police appeared. In addition, dog fighting lasted longer than bull-baiting and not only strong but also hardy dogs were needed, capable of enduring pain and fatigue.

To create such dogs, breeders began crossing the Old English Bulldog with various terriers. These Bull and Terriers had the alertness and agility of a terrier and the strength, tenacity and high pain threshold of a bulldog. Bull and Terriers gained a reputation as gladiators because they would fight to the death for their owner's approval.

In 1850, James Hinas from Birmingham began breeding work to develop a new breed. To do this, he crossed the Bull and Terrier with other breeds, including the now extinct White English Terrier. The new white bull terrier has an elongated head, a symmetrical body and straight legs.

Hinks bred only white dogs, which he called bull terriers to distinguish them from the older bull and terriers. A new breed also called the "Hinks breed" or The White Cavalier for their ability to protect themselves and their families, but never start first.

In 1862, Hincks exhibited his dogs at a show in Chelsea. This dog show brings popularity and success to the breed and new breeders begin crossing with Foxhounds and other breeds.

The purpose of crossing is to increase elegance and dynamism. And Hinks himself adds the blood of greyhounds and, to smooth out the stop. Those dogs were not yet similar to modern bull terriers.

The Bull Terrier was fully recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1885, and in 1897 the BTCA (The Bull Terrier Club of America) was created. The first bull terrier of the modern type was recognized in 1917, it was a dog named Lord Gladiator and he was distinguished complete absence foot.


The Bull Terrier is a muscular and athletic breed, even intimidating, although they have a good temperament. The breed standard does not put forward any special requirements for height and weight, but usually the bull terrier reaches 53-60 cm at the withers and weighs 23-38 kg.

The shape of the skull is distinctive feature of this breed, it is ovoid or oval, without pronounced curves or indentations. There should be no rough features; the distance between the nose and eyes is visually greater than between the eyes and the top of the skull. No stop, black nose big nostrils. Lower jaw strong, scissor bite.

The ears are small and erect. The eyes are narrow, deep, triangular shape, dark color. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, devoted to the owner. This is the only dog ​​breed that has triangular-shaped eyes.

The body is round, with a deep and wide chest. The back is strong and short. The tail is short, wide at the base and tapering towards the end.

The coat is short, close to the body, shiny. The color can be pure white (spots on the head are acceptable) or colored (where color predominates).


They are attached to their family and owner, want to take part in its life, love to be with people and play.

When playing, you need to be careful with children, as this ball of muscles can inadvertently knock down a child. In general, it is not recommended to walk a Bull Terrier for those who cannot cope with it: children, the elderly and people after illness.

Is not guard dog, but they are fearless, loyal and intimidating, and can protect from danger. They have a natural protective instinct, but they are usually quite friendly with strangers.

The Bull Terrier has a strong instinct of pursuit; they can attack animals; during walks you need to keep the dog on a leash. They do not get along well with other animals in the house. Cats, rabbits, hamsters and other small animals are in constant danger.

The breed's ancestors were dogs from fighting pits, and they themselves took part in battles, although their creator saw bull terriers as a gentleman's companion, not a killer. The fame of their bloodthirstiness and uncontrollability is exaggerated.

For example, American society temperament testing ATTS (American Temperament Test Society), the purpose of which is to remove potentially dangerous dogs from breeding programs, reports high test pass rates.

The figure is about 90%, that is, only 10% of dogs fail the test. They are usually not aggressive towards people or dogs.. Bull Terriers were once gladiators in the pits, but today they are calmer.

Other dogs do not fit in because bull terriers are a dominant breed, and as a result, it is recommended to keep only bull terriers in the house. No cats, other dogs or rodents. Males can bully other males during a walk, always keep your distance while walking and do not let the dog off the leash.

As with other breeds, early socialization is the foundation for developing a friendly and manageable temperament. The sooner a bull terrier puppy gets acquainted with new people, places, things, sensations, the more calm and manageable he will be.

However, even such a dog cannot be trusted to communicate with other animals; instincts take over. Much depends on the specific character. Some bull terriers are friends with cats and dogs, while others cannot tolerate them at all.

It is not wise to test this on your friends' dogs, warn them and ask them to leave their animals at home if they are going to visit you.

Bulls are quite intelligent, but also independent and training them can be challenging. They respond well to confident, consistent training and supervision and poorly to roughness, hitting and yelling.

The role of the leader must be played out by the owner constantly, since the bull terrier is smart enough to probe the boundaries of what is permitted and expand them. Both miniature bull terriers and regular ones can be stubborn and uncontrollable, so they are not recommended for people who are getting a dog for the first time or who are mild in character.

Upbringing long process, and you will need patience. They have a fairly divided attention span, so lessons should not be long and they need variety to maintain interest. When attention is lost (and this often happens), you can regain it with the help of a treat or praise.

But even the most well-trained bull terriers can try to push the boundaries of what is permitted from time to time. Leadership, correction and constant supervision are needed to curb their strong character.

These dogs are alive and need large quantities exercise to stay happy and healthy. If his needs are met, the bull terrier can live in an apartment. Of course, they are more comfortable in a private house with a yard.

But they also live quietly in an apartment, provided they have a varied and regular load. This could be walking, jogging, playing with a ball, or accompanying you on bicycle rides. If they are missing, you will know about it. From boredom and excess energy, they become destructive: they chew objects and furniture, mouth the ground, and bark.

They also suffer from loneliness, when they have to spend a lot of time without people. Those who spend a lot of time at work should take a closer look at other breeds. Out of boredom, they begin to behave the same way as when there is excess energy, becoming nervous and destructive.

Isolation does not help, as they can chew on everything, even the doors behind which they are locked.


The short coat requires minimal grooming and can be brushed once a week. After a walk, you can wipe the dog dry, but you can also wash it regularly, as this does not harm the coat.

The rest of the care is the same as for other breeds - trimming nails, checking the cleanliness of ears and eyes.


If you decide to buy a bull terrier puppy, then check it for deafness. It is quite difficult to understand whether a puppy, especially a small one, can hear you. But deafness occurs in 20% of bull terriers white color and 1.3% of non-whites.

Due to their short fur, they suffer from insect bites, so a mosquito bite can cause allergies, rashes and itching. Otherwise it's enough healthy dogs who do not suffer from specific genetic diseases.

Average duration The life of a bull terrier is 10 years, but many dogs live up to 15 years.

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Bull Terriers are often prejudicially accused of being aggressive. However, representatives of this breed are kind - they love to play with children, they just love to play.

The well-established characteristic of the bull terrier in society is Where is it true, and where is the myth? More details in the review below.

Bull Terriers were bred in England. The ban on bullfighting in 1835 deprived people of the exciting spectacle. Dog fights and rat baiting began to occur. The shows took place in small rooms.

The bulldogs used in fights were too slow. The idea arose to breed a more nimble breed. The breeders' choice fell on agile terriers.

James Hinks is considered the founder of the breed. It was he who bred the perfect bull terrier in 1862. By crossing the white English terrier and, according to assumptions, the .

The result was an ideal fighting dog.

In Oxford it was considered good form to own a white bull terrier. The intelligence of the dogs captivated teachers and students.

Created for fighting, they still have a reputation as dangerous dogs. The call of blood makes itself felt in the presence of other animals, but boules are not dangerous to humans.

Breed standards

FCI Standard No. 11 dated 07/05/2011 “Bull Terrier”
Group 3 "Terriers". Section 3 “Bull Terriers”.

The weight and height of bull terriers are not limited by the standard, but the dog should look as powerful as possible for its size, consistent with its type and gender.

Average weight is approximately 18-36 kg, height at the withers is 30-61 cm.

The Standard English Classic Bull Terrier is not a large, muscular dog with a strong, athletic body. Flexible when moving, easy to run.

The head is low set and long. It is shaped like an egg. Description of the Bull Terrier breed contains unique feature - triangular eyes, narrow, deep-set and oblique. They are located at a greater distance from the nose than from the middle of the top of the head.

According to the standard, eye color should be dark brown. Light-colored eyes will cause disqualification.

The nose is slightly lowered. With expressive, open nostrils. Healthy, white teeth. The bite is correct and scissor-like. Particularly strong lower jaw.

The ears are small, thin, and set close. Straight, vertical, without sagging.

The front legs are stable. More developed than the hind ones. Consist of strong, round bones. Hind legs with an extremely flexible knee. All limbs are strong, muscular, of medium length. Compact toes are mobile.

The body should ideally be almost round in cross-section. The sternum is wide, deep with prominent ribs. Located a little closer to the floor than the tummy. The back is quite short and strong. The tail is also short, low, tapering to the tip.

The coat is short, straight, and even hard to the touch, with a distinct shine. In winter there may be a soft textured undercoat.

The color can be classic white or colored. In white bull terriers, colored pigmentation of the skin is acceptable, invisible through the coat. In colored dogs, the primary color must predominate.

What to feed a bull terrier? The food is chosen either or only factory feed. In the second case, you should give high-quality food of at least premium class. At natural feeding The diet is standard, with all the restrictions generally accepted for dogs.

How long does a bull terrier live? The average life expectancy with proper care and maintenance is 11-14 years.

Character of the breed: why is the Bull Terrier dangerous?

Despite a rather controversial reputation in society, this breed Among dog breeders he is famous for his very cheerful disposition. They enjoy playing with children of different ages. Bulls are disgusted by anger towards people. They don't like to be alone.

Characteristics of the Bull Terrier breed has the following qualities:

  • bulldog grip;
  • agility of a terrier;
  • endurance;
  • bravery;
  • low pain threshold;
  • desire to win;
  • unquestioning obedience to the owner;
  • intelligence.

They are smart and quick-witted. Sometimes they can insist on their own, but proper upbringing bull terrier leads to unconditional obedience. We will talk about the rules of education and training further.

The dogs are in excellent athletic shape. They can become jogging partners. You should pay as much attention to physical training as possible. Without load, they begin to look for an outlet for their energy. Character deteriorates. The other extreme is that the pet becomes lazy and gains weight.

Dangerous Features

How dangerous is a bull terrier? Don't forget that. The desire to win is in the blood of bull terriers. They become uncontrollable at the sight of cats and other living creatures.

You should not keep a bull terrier in a house with other pets. Sooner or later, the boule's natural instincts may come into play.

In relation to relatives, the dog is sometimes inadequate. Two males can spend a long time trying to figure out who is stronger.

To avoid trouble, you should keep a tight rein on your puppy.

The pet should feel loved, but at the same time know who is in charge in the house.

Bulls are the same owners as terriers. You should not tease an adult dog by taking away toys or claiming his property. This could end badly.

So how to raise a bull terrier? Here are some basic rules:

  • the puppy is taught to share his toys and things;
  • stop any aggression of the puppy, demonstrating their dissatisfaction with his behavior;
  • the owner is firm in his decisions and does not indulge the pet’s whims;
  • training is canceled if the puppy is tired;
  • It is absolutely forbidden to scold a bull for an unfulfilled command.

A calm, balanced and persistent owner is able to raise a bull terrier that is safe for society.

Advantages and disadvantages

Surprisingly Many bull owners emphasize the loving nature of their pet. They say that they are gentle, good-natured people with a giant heart. Plush pets.

Bull Terriers are completely devoid of any sense of malice towards people. Experts confirm that the breed is not very good as a watchdog or guard. She will not rush at the intruder.

Boules have courage, high intelligence and an athletic build. They are distinguished by their unusual appearance and cheerful disposition.

Easy to care for, clean. The dog should only be wiped with a cloth occasionally. Nails wear down on their own during training.

The disadvantage of bull terriers is their bad reputation and prejudice to the breed. Their tendency to dominate. Hunt small animals. The problem is being solved.

Short, smooth hair does not always protect the dog from the cold and scorching sun. Bulys are not suitable for damp, chilly climates. Also, white dogs should not be left in the sun for a long time - this can lead to burns.

Bull Terriers very often suffer from the bad reputation of their ancestors. Behind the unusual appearance lies huge heart, full of love. Correct and timely upbringing will create a brave and gentle family favorite from the “monster”.

Additionally, check out the video about the Bull Terrier dog: description of the breed, character and much more.

Day 1. Today the Owner looked at me in a special way and said: “Stop eating for free, you will earn money from me.” I don't quite understand what it is. The owner knows better, he is a Man!

We arrived at some barn that smelled of fear and blood a mile away. A healthy, sweaty man met us, took the leash and said: “Well, let’s go make a beast out of you.” And then he turned to the Owner: “Don’t you feel sorry for him? The dog is beautiful. He will spoil the skin, and he might die...” But the Owner remained silent. Strange...

They take me inside. The stench makes you dizzy, scary-oh-oh. Bad things are happening here, but WHAT? They tied me to a post, and then the sweaty guy took a stick. Hit! Pain rushed through every cell of my body, I howled. In desperation I rush to the Master, but he is silent. Strike, strike again! I'm breaking on the leash, the collar is cutting into my neck. I'm falling...

Day 2. Pain... All over the body. And hunger. They didn’t feed me yesterday, and today too. I lie and wait for the Master to come up and pet me as soon as HE knows how, but he is in no hurry.

Day 7. I think I understand what it means to “make a beast out of me.” I can barely stand on my feet from pain and hunger, but I still dodged and bit the sweaty one today. Wow, what a relief. Mom told me that you shouldn’t bite people, but during the day I forgot about it, for this I received a stronger cane, so be it. But I BIT him! Let him know what a bull terrier is!

Day 14. Rage and anger completely fill my mind. This is the only way I can overcome the pain that has long become a constant companion. Apart from her - nothing. I forgot when the Master's hand touched me when I ate and slept normally. Today they didn’t beat me, but they brought another dog. Big and older than me, he immediately tries to make eye contact and show his superiority. And then the Master kicked me and shouted: “Take him, you parasite!” FOR WHAT? Why should I attack him, do we share territory? Or maybe he offended the Master? Hit! Fury clouds my eyes, I take off, unclenching my jaw in flight. Here it is, the enemy's throat. I dodged in a jump, bounced off the teeth and... I felt his blood in my mouth. I didn’t understand what happened. They pull me away. “Your dog is ready,” I hear the words of the sweaty man through the pulsation of rage.

A year has passed, maybe two. I have fought many dogs. I almost always won, although I got pretty skinned. But I’m a dog, everything heals quickly on us. The owner is happy, he reaps a “good harvest” every time, so he says. But from that very first day I no longer felt the owner’s affection, although there were no such beatings either, they beat me a little, but I got used to it. Once the owner swung his hand when I climbed onto the sofa, but did not hit me. He probably read in my eyes that his throat was also open for me. I had already lost count of the fights, but one day a new champion came, I was thrown off the pedestal and big bets were no longer made. And then the worst thing in the life of any dog ​​happened - the owner decided that he no longer needed me. He threw me out into the street and slammed the door, and soon he himself left for new apartment.


Day 1. It was March outside, I think. During the day the sun was already warm, but at night it was frosty. My skin doesn’t provide much warmth, and there’s no undercoat. At first I couldn’t understand what to do, where to run, I just stupidly sat at the entrance and howled. FOR WHAT? Didn’t I give you enough, master, did I give my dog’s devotion and love... I fought for you, I was ready to die for you... But the master was silent.

Day 5. I lay curled up in a ball, shaking. I dozed off. A car pulled up and people got out. “God, he’s still lying here, poor thing,” I hear a voice. “Let’s at least let him into the entrance, let him warm up.” There was a breath of warmth. He got up and walked in, reeling from resentment and hunger. They hand me a sausage... It smells so good! But pride doesn't allow it. I'm a bull terrier, I don't take handouts!

Day 8. The janitor kicked me out of the entrance, albeit kindly, saying the residents were complaining. I went outside. The tramps are afraid to approach me, they only chuckle from afar: he’s a breed, they say, but he’s also in the trash heap. “He’ll die soon anyway, he won’t be able to withstand our life. And if the summer lasts, then in the winter he’ll definitely freeze.” Well, let! It's better to die than to be of no use to anyone.

2 months have passed. Now I am a full-fledged tramp, I learned to eat in the trash heap. He became just as dirty, with an empty belly and constant diarrhea. Today a man tried to lure me with a piece of rotten sausage. He also rummages through the trash, like us, but I growled at him and left. I DO NOT TRUST people, I will no longer belong to anyone! I don’t fight with other dogs anymore, we sort things out at a distance. It’s people who need dog fights, but it’s not clear why. They want blood, so let them grab each other’s throats, what does the dogs have to do with it?!

I forgot what kindness and love are - there is no such thing! How tired I am... Not even from hunger and worms - eternal companions stray dogs, tired of my loneliness, from understanding the cruelty of people. They call me a beast! Every day dozens of feet pass by, but no one stops. But on all corners they shout about animal rights and the fight against cruelty. Hypocrites! If we picked up tramps from garbage dumps, that’s the fight for our rights. I'm dead tired. Old wounds hurt and bones ache. I always want to eat and sleep... Sleep...

New life

Day 1. Brakes squeal! Am I dreaming about this? No, the door slammed, the sound of heels. “Baby, are you lying on the road? Whose are you? Are you feeling bad?” I hear a woman’s voice in my sleep, but I’m too lazy to open my eyes. Suddenly a hand stroked my head, it was like an electric shock! I'M UNHABLED FROM AFTERNESS! I AM A BEAST! He jumped up and growled. And she sits next to her and gently says: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t offend you.” And again he reaches out his hand. I close my eyes, is this really happening? Then the fat woman, who always smells like chicken, tells her something about me for a long time, shouting that I need to take me to a shelter. To the shelter - what is it? Don't want! But it's' too late. The rope wraps around my neck and they lead me to the car. Where are we going? I suddenly felt scared again, what if it all happens again? But no, they took me to the doctor. Well, it stinks here! They look, touch, check ears, teeth, even... well, you understand. They prescribe a bunch of pills. And another bag of food. It's all for me? We're going again. In the car, she says that there is a cat at home, you can’t offend him. “You’re smart, really. You understand everything! And also, you’re very handsome!” In addition to the cat, there is also a husband and daughter at home. They greet you joyfully. The cat is shocked. They didn’t let me talk to the cat, they dragged me into the bathtub and scrubbed and combed him for a long time. And then they gave me CLEAN water and a BOWL of food. I ate my fill and went to bed, even forgot about the cat.

Day 2. They took me for a walk, showed me the surroundings, and fed me again. Then they asked me to behave well and left. I met a cat, a normal animal, he didn’t immediately dig his claws into the face. In general, we agreed to live peacefully. People returned and brought me a whole bag of toys - balls, ropes, some kind of chewing sticks. I forgot what to do with them long ago, I poked the ball with my paw...

3 weeks have passed. They cleaned out the worms for me, I have recovered, I even run with pleasure. Today a man went for a walk with me. I was happily running through the forest, but suddenly he picked up a STICK. Really again?! NO! I won't allow myself to be beaten anymore! And I rushed as fast as I could. There were calls to return. Fuck you! He stopped, caught his breath, and slowly went to look around. I absolutely didn’t want to eat in a garbage dump as long as I endured it. I met a shepherd dog, she said that I was an idiot, that they just wanted to play with me. Do they play with a STICK? It turns out yes. I didn’t go far from home, the places were unfamiliar. Periodically I heard a woman and a man calling me, but I hid just in case. On the third day of the escape, I began to think about where I could get some food; it turned out there was a barbecue nearby in the forest, so I went there. While I was spinning, it got dark and a light rain began to fall. And then I heard the woman’s voice again, and that this fool was carried into the forest at night, looking, I surrendered to her! And then it seemed to throw me up - DANGER! While she was screaming in the forest, two men with pungent odor alcohol, they thought slowly, but their thoughts were going in a very bad direction. Is this my problem? It seems not, but she is looking for me... At first I tried to concentrate on looking for food, but then I couldn’t stand it. I'm a bull terrier! A fire broke out inside and I ran. When I emerged from the darkness, one man was already approaching her. Fury again overshadowed my mind, I jumped. The cry of despair, human blood and blows to the ribs only added to the anger. Her voice came through the fog: “Let it go, that’s enough, stop!” His jaw unclenched and he sat up. The second man tried to rock the boat, but a fighting stance and a roar were enough, and both got away. Probably now they will beat me again... But instead of hitting me, they grabbed me by the neck and covered me with kisses. I realized that I was wrong. I won’t leave her again, now she is my Mistress. So he began to follow on her heels. I am a bull terrier, which means I know what loyalty is! But her husband really just wanted to play. I realized this later when they showed it to me.

A year has passed. He lived like cheese in butter. But one day while walking I realized that I was losing consciousness. I woke up to the Mistress bothering me, tried to get up, but my paws wouldn’t obey. Trips to doctors, injections and vitamins began. Is she really that worried about my health, I’m a dog after all. The previous owner didn’t even heal the wound; everything healed on its own. It seems to have become easier. And then they announced to me that a baby would soon appear in the house. I myself felt that the hostess smelled differently, but I didn’t know what it was, but now I understand. I, the dumpster dog, am the first to be told the news. My heart is filled with puppy delight. They respect me! And they love it.

Winter has come, hard times for injured paws and broken heads. The veterinarian said that in winter the disease could recur, and I felt an incomprehensible trembling begin to rise from the depths. The owner's husband left to work somewhere, my paws gave out again, and then a terrible thing happened: I woke up in my own puddle. I have never experienced such humiliation in my life. The hostess did not swear, on the contrary, she again dragged me to the doctors, and I periodically lost consciousness. No one could say exactly what was wrong with me; they said it was due to constant beatings and stress. May be. But I think this is because there was too much pain and worry for one dog’s heart. The further I went, the more I felt the inevitable end approaching. I fell more and more often, I started going to the toilet at home, and the Mistress kept struggling. She cried and struggled.

Last day. I'm lying in a puddle again and can't get up. The head is shaking and the paws are wobbly. The hostess tries to lift me, but she can’t, she just somehow drags me onto the blanket. The doctor arrived. He took the Mistress into the kitchen and spoke to her for a long time. She came out in tears, and I understood without words that I would be spared from further torment. It’s better to die than for a bull terrier to remain lying down. And she's crying. She hugs me by the neck and cries, while the doctor does sedative injection, and then fills the second syringe. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, you saved me, but I can’t save you.” But is this really so? She saved me from a hungry and cold death on the street, fed me, cured me as much as she could, and LOVED me with all my soul. Even doctors are powerless against old age and disease. And I lived the last 1.5 years as if in paradise. So what are you apologizing for?!

I didn’t feel the second injection, I only realized that my heart was gradually stopping, I heard her voice, salty tears were dripping onto my nose. Darkness was falling, but with the last of my strength I reached out and licked her cheek. Thanks to her, I remembered again what it means when a person LOVES a dog, and a dog LOVES a person. “I love you! I will protect you even after death, it’s just a pity that I won’t be able to play with your baby.” It becomes easy for me... Consciousness goes away, and only the Mistress’s voice still breaks through the foggy haze. Darkness... Flight... The end...

Unfortunately I couldn't find the author.
Never get them for fighting, they also love affection and are very loyal to their owner. Well, for those who in the comments talk about killer dogs - how you raise an animal is how it will behave, it’s not a matter of breed at all.

Bull Terriers can rightfully be called the most controversial dog breed. According to the owners, they are the kindest, most loyal creatures, not capable of harming a fly, and are perfect as pets. But the media give a completely different description of dogs - bloodthirsty and merciless. Which opinion is true, and what do experts say about bull terriers?

The country of origin of the bull terrier breed is England. On its territory, at the beginning of the 19th century, one could meet the ancestors of modern representatives of the breed - Old Bull and Terriers. Their ancestors are old-type bulldogs and white terriers.

At that time, such dogs were used for bloody fun - fighting with bulls, which explains the name - “bul” is translated from English as “bull”. The dogs grabbed the animal by the nose and held it for so long until the bull was exhausted and fell exhausted.

To accomplish this, the dogs had to have very strong jaws and developed muscles. The development of the breed took place in this direction. Dogs were crossed with representatives of other breeds to improve the characteristics required for fighting. One of the main breeds were white terriers, which were used to fight rodents.

The descendants of white terriers and old bull terriers became dogs called bull and terriers. These are medium-sized dogs, not lacking in excitement, with exceptional endurance and mobility - ideal for bullfights.

Bull Terrier dog in the photo

In 1835, a law was passed in England prohibiting the baiting of large horned animals by dogs, which could not but affect the development of the Old Bull Terrier breed. But the breed did not disappear; dogs began to be used in another form of entertainment - rat baiting, and later in more cruel entertainment - dog fighting.

However, at that time one of the enthusiasts, James Hinks, became interested in improving appearance representatives. He decided that the breed would be a good fit for a family, but that some characteristics needed to be worked on. One of the directions was changing the aggressive exterior to a more friendly one.

First of all, dogs were crossed with. Work on the design of the breed took place later, it was carried out by the descendants of Hinks. Old Bull and Terriers are the ancestors of not only Bulls, but also Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, Manchester Terriers and other fighting breeds.

Description of the breed's appearance

The modern Bull Terrier is a strong dog with well-developed muscles and a compact build. Dimensions There are slightly more males than females. Weight dogs vary between 18-30 kg, height on average is 30-45 cm.

According to the generally accepted standard, boules are distinguished from other breeds by the following:

  • Scull It has an oval shape, the head is long and deep. The area between the ears is flat.
  • Jaws strong, powerful, with correct bite in the form of scissors. The lips are quite dry and fit tightly together. Small triangular-shaped eyes are set slightly obliquely. However, in an excited bull terrier, the eyes become more expressive and are noticeably rounded.
  • Ears representatives of the breed have small, triangular shapes; according to the standard, they should stand vertically. The nose is blunt, wide, with a black tip downward.
  • Neck long, with a clear muscular outline, wide in the shoulder area, tapering noticeably closer to the head. The back is straight, level, smoothly transitions into the lower back, which can be convex or in the shape of an arc. Rib cage in bull terriers it is wide with decent depth.
  • Tail short with low rise. It is thick at the base, but becomes thinner towards the end. The tail is held horizontally.
  • Front and rear limbs dogs are muscular, with strong bones and round paws. Moreover, the front legs are more developed than the hind legs.
  • Coat hard, short, smooth, evenly covers all parts of the animal’s body.

There are several colors of bull terriers, which are divided into two categories - white and colored. In the first case, the coat should be pure white; the standard allows for slight pigmentation of the skin and minor spots in the head area. Any color inclusions in a white coat are a breed defect.

Bull Terrier colors

Bull Terrier Personality Traits

This breed is quite specific, so it is categorically not recommended for beginners. And in this case we are not talking about the stupidity, imbalance and aggressiveness of these dogs. On the contrary, they mental capacity are located on high level, which allows animals to “probe” weak spots owners and gain the upper hand in relationships.

Photo of a bull terrier

There is some truth to the fact that Bull Terriers can be dangerous and ferocious weapons, since the breed's fighting instincts have not gone away. However, a well-mannered and trained dog will never allow himself to be aggressive towards others.

Unbalanced people have a tendency to attack, incorrectly well-mannered dogs, as well as dogs whose training was based on aggression and the development of hatred towards people and their own kind. The standard qualities of boules do not include aggression; they are also not characterized by cowardice and timidity.

Bull Terriers are not stupid, they are very affectionate towards family members, and have boundless devotion and fidelity. But this does not affect their protective and security qualities.

Some individuals may show jealousy and some capriciousness, so from the very early age You should explain to your pet its rights and existing prohibitions.

All representatives of this breed suffer from hyperactivity, and this quality does not disappear even with age. An old bull terrier can give odds to young dogs of other breeds. This is worth considering when purchasing four-legged friend, since you will have to walk for a long time, and be sure to give your pet physical activity. Only in this way will the dog feel good both physically and emotionally.

Photo - Bull Terrier dog breed

Bull Terriers love children, both teenagers and toddlers. Baby for the dog best companion for games. But, naturally, you should watch their interaction with small children, since the dog is strong and powerful, and in a fit of excitement it can unintentionally cause harm - push, drop, press.

Thoroughbred representatives can be extremely stubborn, so any liberties or refusals to obey should be suppressed from a young age.

Bull Terriers require mandatory socialization, this is especially important in relation to other animals. But even a well-bred dog can suddenly start a fight with his own kind, but pugnacity is more characteristic of male dogs. Therefore, you should not leave your pet unattended for a walk.

Bull Terriers – excellent guards, protectors, companions. But show all your positive traits the animal can only be in experienced hands. They need an owner with a balanced character, self-confident and with plenty of free time.

Dogs have a short coat that does not require complex grooming. It is enough to use a rubber or silicone brush 3-4 times a month. To remove dust and dirt, you can wipe with a damp cloth. Bull Terriers shed moderately. To reduce the amount of wool in the house during the period seasonal molting, you should comb your pet more often. This will significantly improve metabolic processes in skin and will speed up the process of wool replacement.

Bull Terrier puppy in the photo

Eyes and ears also require attention. It is enough to periodically inspect them and clean them as necessary. What requires a special approach is the muscular build of the pet. Bull Terriers need regular strength training to stay in good physical shape.

In addition, it is important to provide for the dog. It is extremely undesirable to overfeed the dog, since representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, which can cause the animal to become seriously ill.

As already noted, bull terriers need socialization, and training should begin as early as possible. You should immediately introduce your baby to people, dogs and other pets.

To avoid training mistakes and find a reliable, balanced protector, it is recommended to take a training course with a professional dog handler. It is advisable to do this in puppyhood.

Proper pet care

When choosing a pet to live in an enclosure or on a chain, you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​getting a bull terrier. Firstly, their coat will not allow the animal for a long time being in the cold, dogs also do not tolerate bright colors well Sun rays. Secondly, this breed is not a watchdog, but a guard and protector; like true bodyguards, they need to be close to the object of protection. We can safely classify bull terriers as apartment breeds.

When choosing a place for your pet, you need to take into account that it should be away from drafts and heating devices, since the dog can catch a cold, which often happens after the dog has warmed up near the radiator and goes outside. The place to sleep should be a soft bedding or mattress.

Bull terriers do not require a lot of space, since they are mostly active when walking, so you can have a pet even if you have a small apartment.

Tendency to diseases

Bull Terrier dogs can boast good health And strong immunity. Most often, the diseases that appear are hereditary in nature. These include pathologies such as:

  • hearing impairment, including deafness;
  • kidney diseases;
  • astigmatism.

To protect your pet from similar problems, when choosing a dog, you should be interested in hereditary ailments and carefully study the baby’s chart. This is unlikely to happen when purchasing from random breeders, but nursery owners value their reputation and initially reject puppies with defects in appearance and health.

Among the acquired ailments it is worth noting obesity, heart and dermatological diseases. But when proper care The risk of getting sick in bull terriers is quite small.

Videos of bull terriers

What is the cost of a purebred puppy

The average price of a purebred baby is 15,000-25,000 rubles. You can buy a puppy from your own hands and much cheaper - for 8,000-10,000 rubles. A high-quality representative of the breed will cost much more - 45,000-50,000 rubles. No matter how much a pet costs, it needs a strong hand, care and affection.

Bull Terrier Kennels

All bull terrier kennels you are interested in in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and not only:

Origin of the Bull Terrier breed

Origin of the Bull Terrier breed

Amstaff and pit bull wallpaper (my copyright):

Bull Terrier - old English breed. The name itself speaks of its origin from two radically different sources. Bull - speaks of the ancestor of the bulldog, terrier - emphasizes that this dog belongs to the large family of English terriers. Then, therefore, he is a crossed breed, a crossbreed? A completely logical question. Many dog ​​owners are very surprised when a proud bull terrier lover emphasizes that the bull terrier, as a single, systematically bred dog breed, is much older than almost all known German breeds dogs. In canine literature and the example of old engravings, the Bull Terrier can be shown as early as 1820 as its own breed of dog. He made his triumphant move into the canine world from Birmingham in the center of the Black Country around 1860 after James Hincks, the father of the modern Bull Terrier, managed to consolidate this type of breed so much that from then on we can talk about a fairly uniform picture of the phenomenon with clear outlines.
Dog breeding in the 19th century differed from dog breeding in the 20th century, primarily in that in the 19th century the dog’s successes, expected by humans, were in the foreground, and the external picture of the phenomena was often neglected. In the 20th century, on the contrary, in the foreground of dog breeding is external shape, a single, anatomically uniform breed type - unfortunately, the essential characteristics of setting goals for dog breeds are too often neglected. This is often shamefully kept silent and yet is of such fundamental importance. The origin of the Bull Terrier is associated with dog wrestling, an incredibly popular entertainment of the people in the 19th century in old England. Civilized people at the present time can only hardly imagine the extent to which brutal animal fighting spread throughout the British island, and from there penetrated into many countries of the world.
Dog fighting required absolutely special dog. Passion for the game, passion for fighting, toughness, courage, insensitivity to pain and endurance were the main prerequisites for surviving a fight in the ring. In this case, four-legged gladiators must be small size and capable, agile and dexterous in order to have the necessary speed in the fight. However, physique mattered only secondarily; combat strength, dexterity and successful combat endurance were in the foreground. Such a dog fight continued mercilessly round after round, it was carried out according to precisely established rules, it could last for hours. One can hardly imagine that here the passion for competition and the vanity of two-legged people contribute to cruelty. And so it is important to know, since ultimately the Bull Terrier breed emerged from the fiery furnace of this dog fight.
What is decisive for us is that in the process of selection from more than 100 generations of dogs, the character of the Bull Terrier was determined, which is significantly different from other dogs. The goal was an intelligent dog with an iron will, ready to fight at any time, who knew how to die.
Consciously, courageously, again and again, to fight for your own life - this is the fate of a fighting dog.
And it is also very important: in relation to a person, a fighting dog must be constantly affectionate, and in no way should direct its weapon against a person, otherwise, with all its strength and danger, a person would not be able to subordinate it to his power.
The Bulldog and the White English Terrier are the two main roots from which the Bull Terrier originated. However, it is also necessary to name the Dalmatian, who exerts big influence on the bull terrier, because it became related in order to give the bull terrier a physique suitable for long trotting.


9 years, 12 months ago