Shorthaired Pointer description of the breed. German shorthaired pointer: description of the breed, photo

German Shorthaired Pointer, or German Shorthaired Pointer(Deutsch kurzhaar), is a breed of active pointing dogs, which was bred on the basis of the old German short-haired pointers. The closest relatives of the shorthaired pointer are the Langhaar and Drathaar breeds.

History of the origin of the breed

Despite the fact that Germany is considered to be the homeland of the shorthaired pointer, the true history of the origin of this breed is currently unknown. According to some scientists, shorthaired pointers come from very ancient and little-known hunting breeds kept by noble people in Austria and Germany. However, it is absolutely certain that breed standards were established in Germany around the middle of the nineteenth century.

The history of the German Shorthaired Pointer dates back to dogs used in bird net hunting in the Mediterranean countries, as well as in falconry. Somewhat later, pointers appeared in France, Spain and Flanders, where the ability of such dogs to work in a standing position was highly valued.

This is interesting! Nowadays, the short-haired German pointer is undergoing a process of improving breed characteristics and testing, and the standards provide for the presence of a shorthaired pointer's physique, which allows the animal to fulfill all hunting requirements.

The appearance of the very first double-barreled weapon required a change in some of the rules for the use of hunting dogs, so there was a transition from pure pointers to universal gun dogs. A serious basis for the development and establishment of such a breed is the appearance of the “Studbook of the German Shorthaired Pointer”, which made it possible to put together breed characteristics, evaluation rules and tests hunting dog.

Appearance, description

A versatile hunting breed, it is characterized as a noble and harmoniously built dog. The physique features make such a pet strong, resilient and fast.. For a pedigree animal, the defining characteristics are the presence correct posture and smooth contour lines, as well as a dry head and tail with good carriage.

The nobility of origin is emphasized by the harmonious movements of the animal. The average weight of an adult male can reach 31-32 kg, and females are always somewhat smaller. The height of a male at the withers is 65-66 cm, and that of a female is approximately 62-63 cm.

Breed standards

The cynological world presents three official breed standards German Shorthaired Pointer, which determine the qualities of a dog. Basic General characteristics standard:

  • an elongated head, proportional to the body, having a wide skull and a slightly convex forehead;
  • the muzzle is quite strong, having powerful jaws, capable of not only capturing game, but also bringing it to their owner;
  • The dog's dentition is complete, with teeth tightly adjacent to each other;
  • the nose is slightly drooping or upturned, with a slight hump, with a large and brown lobe, with wide and well-open, mobile nostrils;
  • with a light yellow or brown iris of a medium-sized eye, with a very with an expressive look, with dense and neat eyelids;
  • ears distinguished by a high setting, always hanging down;
  • the neck is long and proportionate, with well-defined muscles;
  • the body is square in shape, powerful, with respectable proportions, toned belly, deep chest, straight back and wide lower back;
  • the limbs are strong and quite strong, having very good and developed muscles;
  • the front legs are characterized by obliquely set shoulder blades, lying flat to the body;
  • the hind limbs are distinguished by their parallel arrangement to each other, with wide hips and developed lean muscles;
  • The tail is of medium size, thick at the base and thinning at the end. The traditional practice is to dock a third or half of the tail.

Shorthaired Pointers have skin that fits tightly to the body without wrinkles or folds. The coat is dense, hard and rough, bristly to the touch. The hair on the head is softer and shorter. The main varieties are brown piebald, all brown, white with brownish spots on the head, sandy yellow, black and light brown speckled with a brownish head.

Character of the shorthaired pointer

By their nature, Shorthaired Pointers are not only excellent hunters, but also loving, full-fledged members of the family. German pointers are intelligent and friendly dogs that strive to please their owner.

This is interesting! A friendly pet is able to get along well with older children, and also has excellent watchdog and protective qualities.

It should be noted that representatives of this breed are characterized by a tendency towards leadership or dominance, therefore, with an owner without experience in keeping cops, shorthaired pointers often get out of control and become almost uncontrollable. Thanks to their innate intelligence and intelligence, German cops need constant mental stress and physical work.


Shorthaired pointers live quite a long time by dog ​​standards and do not have any special problems with immunity or health. The average lifespan of a shorthaired pointer dog is thirteen years.

Keeping a German Shorthaired Pointer

The Shorthaired Pointer breed is also well known to many breeders under the names Shorthaired Pointer, German Bark and German Pointer. The breed is unpretentious in everyday life and is perfect for keeping in apartment conditions. Aviary keeping is also allowed, but in this case you will need to equip your pet with a well-heated kennel.

Care and hygiene

German breeders managed to develop a breed that requires minimal care. At home care A hunting dog requires weekly brushing of the coat, which will help minimize the amount of hair falling out and promote natural renewal of the coat. During seasonal molting comb out pet recommended daily. Frequent bathing can harm the health of the shorthaired pointer, so if necessary, it is enough to wipe the coat with a damp soft cloth.

The drooping ears of the German Shorthaired Pointer require regular inspections, and, as necessary, they are cleaned of accumulations of dirt and wax, which serves as a preventive measure for severe ear diseases. Hygiene oral cavity is also very important, therefore early age The puppy should be taught to brush its teeth or use special treats and toys for this purpose. Discharge from the eyes is carefully removed with a damp gauze cloth.

What to feed the shorthaired pointer

Feeding an adult shorthaired pointer has some peculiarities, but during the first month of life, the pet should eat exclusively mother's milk. From the third month, the amount of milk decreases, and solid foods, represented by offal and minced meat, as well as porridges cooked in meat broth.

Barley and potatoes are not used in animal nutrition. The diet should be balanced and varied, containing sufficient quantity proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and fiber.

For the first five months, you need to feed your shorthaired pointer puppy five times a day, gradually reducing the number of feedings to twice a day. From the puppy's diet and adult dog Sweet and flour products, spicy, fried and smoked foods, as well as any tubular bones should be completely excluded. The diet of an adult German pointer can be represented by natural products and ready-made food, which are intended for energetic and active dogs.

This is interesting! With the onset of the autumn-winter period, the diet of the shorthaired pointer when kept on the streets needs to be made more nutritious and fortified, containing vegetable or butter, offal and beef tripe, vitamin and mineral complexes.

At natural feeding About 50% of the daily diet consists of boiled or raw lean meat, including chicken, beef and pork, rabbit and offal. Fresh and boiled vegetables should be included in your daily menu.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet products represented by radishes and radishes, onions and garlic, pasta and peas. Once a week, your pet should be given fermented milk products, sea fillet or river fish, fish fat, as well as a chicken or quail egg.

Diseases and breed defects

  • weeping eczema;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • otitis;
  • granuloma;
  • epilepsy;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • melanoma;
  • entropion;
  • cataracts;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal disorder;

Important! Breed deficiencies and disqualifying characteristics of the Shorthaired Pointer include any type of manifestation of weakness in the behavioral qualities of the breed, as well as noticeable deviations from established standards.

Subject to the rules of maintenance and care, even in mature age Shorthaired Pointers remain active and fully functional.

Education and training

The priority of the owner of such a serious breed as the Shorthaired Pointer should be proper education and competent training. The qualities inherent in nature must be developed, so it is advisable to start raising and training from an early age. In order to correctly determine the method of training and education, it is necessary to take into account the temperament and character traits of your pet. As a rule, fairly strict methods are chosen for shorthaired pointer, which is due to the very strong nervous system animal and resistance to various stimuli.

In the process of education they develop positive traits and are excluded negative properties character. However, training a German Shorthaired Pointer will not bring the expected results if the acquired puppy has a weak and cowardly disposition, is very afraid of loneliness, or prefers to curry favor with other dogs. According to dog handlers, a German pointer puppy should undergo not only home training, but also field training. By the age of six months, a pet of this breed with proper education already responds to his nickname, and is also able to perform some basic commands, including “sit,” “give me a paw,” “lie down,” and “place.”

The shorthaired pointer is considered a universal hunting breed. This dexterous, graceful dog, living at the behest of instincts, with proper training, easily becomes a devoted friend to its owner. Let's look at the description of the shorthaired pointer breed, the features of its maintenance and feeding.

They hunt with shorthaired pointers mainly for game birds. Some take them to hunt big game. Developed instincts do not allow the dog to sit still. This breed is intended exclusively for hunters and people leading active image life.

Description of the shorthaired pointer breed

Purebred representatives of the breed are distinguished by their graceful physique and expressive gaze. Their character is good-natured and good-natured. The tail is usually docked at 60% of its original length.

  • Weight . The German shorthaired pointer is medium in size. Weight ranges from 23 to 35 kg.
  • Height at withers. The dimensions of an adult shorthaired pointer are 52-65 cm at the withers.
  • Color. Brown, chocolate, and black colors are often found, sometimes in combination with white. If the coat turns yellow (yellow tan), they say that the dog has developed an innate instinct to search for a blood trail.
  • Lifespan. They live quite a long time - 12-14 years.
  • Character . They are sociable - they sincerely become attached to the owner, they do not like loneliness. Need constant movement.
  • Intelligence. The level of intelligence is high. They are easy to train and enjoy following their owner’s commands.
  • Security and guard potential. The German Shorthaired Pointer (Karzhaar) is not intended for territory protection. Attempts to develop security qualities have a negative impact on the psyche.

With a lack of physical activity and poor socialization, Shorthaired Pointers acquire undesirable character traits. They become shy, aggressive, or have other behavioral problems.


The breed standard includes more than 30 evaluation criteria. Shorthaired Pointer hunting dogs have a specific purpose, so they undergo strict selection. An incorrectly built dog physically does not have the opportunity to develop its breed characteristics. Representatives of the breed who do not have deviations from the norms are allowed to exhibit and breed. The requirements of the standard are described in detail in the table.

Table - Shorthaired Pointer breed standard

Part of the bodyDescription according to the requirements of the standard
Head- Elongated, elongated muzzle;
- forehead slightly convex;
- powerful jaws
Nose- With a hump;
- slightly up or down;
- brown lobe
Eyes- Medium size;
- brown iris
Ears- Located high;
- hanging;
- adjacent to the head
Neck- Long;
- muscular
Frame- Powerful;
- harmonious;
- tightened abdominal line;
- deep chest;
- back straight
Limbs- Strong;
- hind legs parallel;
- front with obliquely located shoulder blades;
- wide hips;
- toes are tightly clenched
Leather- Tightly fitting;
- does not bunch up
Wool- Short;
- hard

A distinctive characteristic of the Shorthaired Pointer breed is its innate gracefulness. In the stance, the dog stretches out into an arrow - straightened tail, elongated body, lowered head, raised paw. All Shorthaired Pointers take the stance on an instinctive level. The breed is especially good for hunting game - their waterproof coat and webbed toes make them excellent swimmers.

Advantages and disadvantages

For hunters, the shorthaired pointer is a universal dog and a faithful assistant. But when choosing a breed for home keeping, you need to take into account its natural characteristics. The pros and cons are shown in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of shorthaired pointer

Origin history and interesting facts

The history of the shorthaired pointer breed begins in the 17th century. Formation was completely completed by the middle of the 19th century. Ancestors - Spanish and English pointers. They were crossed to produce a breed for hunting on land and in water. The first shorthaired pointer was brought to the United States in 1925. Five years later, the breed was officially registered.

During the war years, breeding of shorthaired pointers stopped. Some of the dogs were taken to Yugoslavia - the breed had to be restored. In the USA, breeding work was more active. By 1950, the popularity of these dogs had reached its peak. Shorthaired Pointers participated in exhibitions, and more and more nurseries appeared.

There are 155 breeds registered with the American Kennel Club. The Shorthaired Pointer dog breed ranks 19th in the ranking, which is considered a good result and an indicator of popularity.


At home, the dog is given a separate place to rest - sofas and armchairs are prohibited. Shorthaired Pointers react sharply to dampness and drafts - the bed is placed in a warm, dry place, protected from drafts. Complete dog care includes the following items.

  • Wool . The breed is smooth-haired, but shedding in the apartment continues all year round. The dog is brushed daily.
  • Walks. In the city, the shorthaired pointer is not allowed off a leash. In winter, wear warm overalls or blankets.
  • Bathing. They don't bathe often - as they get dirty. After each walk, wash their paws thoroughly. In summer, swimming in open waters is encouraged.
  • Ears . Inspected every week. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Eyes . Wipe weekly with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves.
  • Claws. They cut their hair as it grows - about once a month.


Many dog ​​breeders prefer to keep their dog on ready-made feed. Prefer expensive brands super premium class. They contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. If you decide to feed the shorthaired pointer at home with natural products, carefully consider the diet.

When picking up a puppy, they are interested in its feeding pattern. You should not suddenly change the diet and frequency of feedings to avoid digestive problems. As the child grows, the portion is increased, new foods are introduced, and the number of feedings is reduced. The basis of nutrition is protein products animal origin - raw, cooked meat, offal.

A small puppy must receive dairy and fermented milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. From the age of three months, the amount of dairy products is reduced. During the period of teeth change, it is useful to give cartilage and special bones from pet stores. Porridge is cooked in broth with the addition of chopped vegetables - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.

Up to five months, the puppy is fed four to five times a day. By six months of age, the frequency of feedings is reduced to three. The bowl with the leftover food is immediately removed, and next time a smaller portion is served. If the puppy eats everything, does not leave the bowl, and continues to lick it for a long time, the portion is increased.

The diet of an adult dog is based on the recommendations of a veterinarian. Daily meals must contain everything necessary substances- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. The lack of vitamins is compensated for by special food additives. A list of recommended products is shown in the table.

Table - Natural nutrition of shorthaired pointer

Product typeFeaturedUnwanted and prohibited
Meat- Beef;
- veal;
- chicken;
- offal;
- cartilage
- Pork;
- mutton;
- duck;
- goose;
- sausages;
- salo
Dairy- Kefir;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- natural yogurt;
- ryazhenka
- Whole milk;
- yogurt with fillings;
- sweet, fatty cottage cheese
Porridge- Oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- rice;
- barley
- Pearl barley;
- semolina;
- millet;
- corn;
- pea
Vegetables- Carrot;
- zucchini;
- pumpkin;
- tomatoes
- Potato;
- green pea;
- exotic vegetables

You cannot feed a shorthaired pointer with food from your table. Dogs are harmed by sweets, smoked, salty, spicy, fatty foods. The digestive system reacts sharply to chemical additives - preservatives, dyes. Spices and salt dull the senses.


Training begins at an early age - as dogs grow older, they begin to lose interest in activities and listen less well to their owner. The following rules are followed in education:

  • patiently seek obedience;
  • commands are given calmly, pronounced clearly, and short words are used;
  • do not change previously established prohibitions;
  • exercise daily, without long breaks;
  • encourage with praise, stroking, treats;
  • classes are kept short;
  • do not resort to physical punishment.

After learning the basic commands, they move on to practicing hunting skills. All of them are already laid down on an instinctive level. The hunter's task is to open and secure them. The puppy is taught to calmly respond to any sounds and conditions. Attempts to hunt for domestic animals are stopped. If a dog is afraid of being shot, it is often an oversight of the owner rather than a congenital defect.

It is not advisable to have a shorthaired pointer as a pet. The inability to use instincts while hunting negatively affects character. When keeping your pet at home, you need to find an alternative activity for your pet - go on joint hikes, jogging, or cycling. Suitable activities are agility, freestyle, frisbee.

Diseases and treatment

Shorthaired Pointers are different good health, live long. The development of genetic diseases characteristic of the breed cannot be ruled out. Three diseases pose particular danger.

  1. Dysplasia hip joints . Hereditary disease. Appears before the age of two. Characterized by insufficient development of articular cartilage. IN difficult cases lameness develops.
  2. von Willebrand disease. Partial incoagulability of blood. Congenital disease. It appears at an early age, prolonged bleeding leads to the death of the animal.
  3. Progressive retinal atrophy. Develops until the age of two. Central vision is completely lost. The peripheral is partially preserved. Treatment is aimed at slowing down the process.


Bitches reach sexual maturity at seven to eight months. Depending on the individual characteristics it can come later - in ten months, in a year. They approach breeding responsibly - they are first examined by a veterinarian, given anthelmintic drugs, and vaccinated. They carefully choose a male dog - study his pedigree, evaluate his health.

  • In heat. The first estrus (estrus) begins at seven to eight months. At this age, the dog is not yet fully formed and is not ready to become a mother. The first mating is carried out on the third heat - at the age of one and a half to two years, from the tenth to the 16th day of emptying.
  • Mating. For mating, the bitch is brought to the dog's territory. Mating is carried out under the control of the owners. It is recommended to have two matings in a row to increase the chance of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy. Lasts 60-64 days. The first half of pregnancy proceeds without pronounced signs. For a while, the dog may become lethargic and refuse to eat, but after a few days the condition will stabilize. From the second half of pregnancy, food portions are increased, the diet is enriched with vitamin supplements, and the duration of walks is reduced.
  • Childbirth. Taken at home. If the owners do not have experience in giving birth, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian first.

The peculiarity of shorthaired pointers is that the bitch does not like to give birth on permanent place. Immediately before giving birth, she will try to create a “nest” for herself under the bed or closet. After giving birth, she drags the puppies, hiding them from prying eyes.

TOP nicknames

The name is chosen taking into account the character of the pet, its appearance, behavior. The nickname should be liked by the owners and be easy to remember. The most common nicknames are shown in the table.

Table - TOP nicknames for shorthaired pointer

Initial letter of nicknameHow to name a shorthaired pointer “boy”How to name a shorthaired pointer “girl”
A- Armstrong;
- Atom
- Iris;
- Aqua
B- Velvet;
- Berkut
- Barbara;
- Bridget
IN- Viking;
- Warrior
- Venus;
- Vilena
G- Gangster;
- Hudson
- Geisha;
- Grace
D- Dandy;
- Doctor
- Daisy;
- Savage
E- Huntsman;
- Elon
- Eva;
- Hedgehog
AND- Jacques;
- Bug
- Jasmine;
- Zhulya
Z- Beast;
- Call
- Fun;
- Star
AND- Izzard;
- Hidalgo
- Spark;
- Isis
TO- Gyrfalcon;
- Captain
- Comet;
- Country
L- Lucky;
- Ludwig
- Lassi;
- Legend
M- Marvin;
- Maurice
- Dream;
- Macbeth
N- Nigel;
- Norton
- Naida;
- Nana
ABOUT- Ozard;
- Orion
- Courage;
- Omega
P- Parker;
- Pirate
- Palm tree;
- Pink
R- Roll;
- Wrigley
- Rocket;
- Roxanne
WITH- Saiga;
- Sinatra
- Sunny;
- Fairy tale
T- Fog;
- Takashi
- Tootsie;
- Trixie
U- Daring;
- Urchi
- Whitney;
- Unka
F- Phantom;
- Foreman
- Flute;
- Frida
X- Haggis;
- Tail
- Hayley;
- Hannah
C- Ceron;
- Tsar
- Cilli;
- Queen
H- Chaplin;
- Chicago
- Chara;
- Chile
Sh- Jackal;
- Schmidt
- Sherry;
- Shimmy
E- Edwin;
- Eric
- Amy;
- Ashley
YU- YouTube;
- Nimble
- Yula;
- Yuka
I- Yard;
- Hawk
- Berry;
- Yana

Photo review

Some people confuse two breeds with similar characteristics - shorthaired pointer and drathaar. Shorthaired Pointers have shorter, coarser coats and an elegant build. Drathaars are denser, more muscular, and are distinguished by the presence of a beard. We invite you to see photos of shorthaired pointer puppies and dogs.

Cost and where to buy

In nurseries, a shorthaired pointer puppy costs from 20 thousand rubles (data as of March 2018). The price may be higher for outstanding representatives of the breed from working champion parents. Private breeders offer puppies at prices starting from five thousand rubles. It is recommended to buy dogs of hunting breeds from kennels where it is possible to study the pedigree of the parents and their performance characteristics. There are breeding nurseries in many cities and populated areas Russia:

  • Glorious Hunter in Veliky Novgorod-;
  • "Liberovento" in Malakhovka (Moscow region)-;
  • "Gern Gros" in St. Petersburg-;
  • "White Dews" in Moscow-

Reading owner reviews about shorthaired pointer, you have to deal with different opinions. The main thing in the breed is hunting inclinations, and the character is already formed by the owner with the help of regular training. It is intended for hunting - as a pet, shorthaired pointers will bring a lot of trouble to their owners and will feel unhappy.

Reviews: “I had no equal in my surroundings when hunting”

That’s what a dog needs to be trained on time, that’s for sure. I often look after my neighbors shorthaired pointers (2 males), the adult male is trained and very smart. The second dog is a puppy from this male, the owners let him go, he is now 2 years old. When he is left alone, it is simply a disaster; everything in the house turns into disrepair. The dog is even too active, but there is nowhere to put the energy, so it tears up everything it comes across. Before getting such a dog, you should think a hundred times whether you can devote the proper time to raising it and provide the necessary stress for it.


My kurtshar lived for seven years. A very kind and loyal dog. A wonderful hunter. Can be described in one word: FRIEND. And he guarded the house and looked after the children in the yard. He had no equal in his surroundings when it came to hunting. I felt the owner in everything.

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Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming Number of baths, brushing, and required amount professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly towards other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The shorthaired pointer (German shorthaired pointer, or German pointer) is a versatile hunting dog, capable of hunting on water and on land. Male shorthaired pointers reach a height of 55-65 cm and weigh 26-35 kilograms. The height of females can be 52-57 cm, and the weight is 23-30 kilograms. Animals of this breed are true loyal friends who need large quantities physical activity.

Kurzhaar is a universal sports, and good companion. The animal hunts birds, but can become an unsurpassed hunter of large animals, even deer! Hunting instincts do not prevent the dog from being an affectionate and gentle friend. He loves playing with children and being with his family. This dog will always keep you company during walks or evening runs. If you are looking for a strong, loyal and gentle friend for the whole family, then the Shorthaired Pointer can be an excellent pet that will be loved by all members of your family without exception.

The dog has graceful body proportions, expressive eyes, sharp mind and good-natured character. The tail of these dogs is usually docked, leaving approximately 40% of the original tail length. Animals are quite trainable. It is important to start training and socialization from a very early age.

Kurzhaar is full of activity and enthusiasm. He loves to be between people, play with children and give all his warmth and attention to family members. If on for a long time If you leave the dog alone, the animal may exhibit unpleasant character traits. A dog can be nervous, even aggressive; sometimes loneliness predisposes the animal to harm interior items in the house. It is noteworthy that males are more sociable than females, but loneliness is unbearable for the shorthaired pointer, regardless of its gender.

The powerful muscles of the dog require regular physical activity. Webbed feet and a water-resistant coat indicate that the dog loves water. If you have a swimming pool, then, undoubtedly, the shorthaired pointer will not refuse to swim in it.

A dog always tries to please and please its owner, especially if such efforts are rewarded with a treat or praise from the pet.

The shorthaired pointer is one of the few hunting breeds that, in addition to their main purpose, do an excellent job of being a caring, attentive friend and full-fledged family member. The shorthaired pointer easily hunts birds, especially waterfowl, rabbits, raccoons, and deer.

Photo of shorthaired pointer:

Photos of Kurzhaar dogs |

Origin story

The first representatives of this breed appeared in the 17th century. German shorthaired pointers in the form that is familiar to us now were bred in the mid-nineteenth century. The ancestors of the shorthaired pointer were Spanish pointers, which later began to be crossed with English pointers. The purpose of this selection was to breed a hunting dog capable of working on water and on land.

The Prince of the Royal Court of Hanover, Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfeld, generously rewarded the breeders of these dogs, as a result of whose work a hunting dog emerged that became an intelligent, affectionate and gentle family friend. The first dog of this breed was brought to the United States in 1925. She was brought there by Dr. Charles Thornton, who was actively breeding dogs. Five years later, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club and registered.

Second World War left its mark on the process of breeding German shorthaired pointers. With the approach of war, many breeders hid not only their acquired gold, diamonds, works of art, but also animals. The best dogs were sent to Yugoslavia. Since Yugoslavia was under the Iron Curtain after World War II, German breeders did not have access to the best representatives breeds They were forced to restore the breed with the help of those dogs that they had left.

Meanwhile, in the USA, the selection process was very active. The process of breeding German shorthaired pointers reached its peak in the 1950s. During this period, Shorthaired Pointers actively took part in various exhibitions and competitions held in the States.

The popularity of this breed among Americans has inspired many writers to immortalize the breed in their works. For example, Robert Parker, a master detective, turned a shorthaired pointer named Spencer into one of the main characters in a detective novel called “The Boston Detective.”

Other writers have also written extensively about this dog. So Rick Bass wrote " True story O best dog, which I have ever had,” the main character of which was also a shorthaired pointer. These dogs did not go unnoticed by journalists either. Sports journalist Mel Wallace wrote the book “Run, Rainey”, the main character of which was the same shorthaired pointer. Today this amazing breed, bearing the proud name “Kurzhaar”, ranks nineteenth among 155 breeds registered by the American Kennel Club.

Character of the shorthaired pointer

The shorthaired pointer is a versatile hunting dog, an excellent companion, a loving family member and a reliable assistant. Shorthaired Pointers love to be among people; walking on fresh air. Also, dogs of this breed have proven themselves well as guard dogs. They can be entrusted with the protection of any object. For active families, the shorthaired pointer is an excellent pet.

Shorthaired Pointers are characterized as dogs that do not require special care. Grooming involves weekly brushing. This simple procedure will make your dog's hair healthy and beautiful.

They bathe shorthaired pointers as needed. Excessive bathing can lead to negative consequences: washing out natural oils that protect the coat from brittleness. A common mistake many new dog owners make is frequent bathing with lots of soap. As a rule, beginners believe that this will help make the coat beautiful. In fact, this can lead to completely the opposite effect.

Active representatives of this breed will wear off their claws naturally, but if this is not enough, then you should trim them. Brushing your teeth weekly will prevent the formation of tartar and bad odor.

Every week you should carefully check your ears for inflammation or infectious diseases. The ears should only be treated with a special solution prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not use cotton swabs when cleaning your ears.

Training and education

The shorthaired pointer is quite difficult to train. They grasp basic hunting commands and techniques on the fly, but problems may arise in learning basic general skills. These dogs are distracted by any noise, sight, etc. It is very difficult to concentrate their attention on the learning process. Education must begin at a very early age. The classes themselves should be short. Consistency, systematicity and the use of rewards should help in successful training these dogs.

Health and illness

The average life expectancy of shorthaired pointers is about 12-14 years. Major health problems include: cleft palate, cranial cruciate ligament, epilepsy, vision problems, hereditary lupoid dermatosis, malignant neoplasms oropharynx and nasal cavity, tumors, von Willebrand disease.

Some interesting facts

  • German shorthaired pointers, which include the shorthaired pointer, are very active. They need daily walks and runs of at least an hour. If there is a lack of physical activity, the pet will be nervous.
  • Shorthaired Pointers are very sociable. They have a hard time with loneliness.
  • When keeping shorthaired pointers, you need to worry about enclosing the yard with a fence of sufficient height.
  • Dogs of this breed are prone to barking at strangers and noises.
  • Female Shorthaired Pointers have a strong maternal instinct and always meticulously care for their puppies.
  • If you want to have healthy puppy, do not purchase animals from random breeders. Trust exclusively trusted, familiar dog breeders. This will ensure that you become the owner of a healthy, strong animal.

The shorthaired pointer dog seems to have been created specifically for those who love to relax in nature or are keen on hunting. The elements of the German cop are the forest, river, field. An excellent swimmer and a good hunter, the shorthaired pointer will become a companion for walks and hunting. A calm and good-natured dog will be a reliable friend for the whole family and a good nanny for children.

Living in an apartment is not for this breed, since the German pointer is distinguished by its energy, endurance, agility, agility and love of movement.

Shorthaired Pointer: description of the breed, photo

Slender and lean German husky found not only in Germany, it is very popular all over the world. In Russia, the breed became best known and popular at the end of the 20th century.

Weighing 27–32 kilograms, the Shorthaired Pointer reaches 62–66 centimeters at the withers. Bitches are slightly smaller than males and have a height of 58–64 centimeters. Dog has well-developed muscles, strong bones, graceful and easy movements. Breed standards include:

The shorthaired pointer has a short, stiff coat, which can be of the following colors:

  • brown-piebald;
  • black;
  • sandy yellow;
  • white, with brown spots on the head;
  • brown;
  • light brown speckled, and completely brown on the head.

Character of the shorthaired pointer

Among owners of the breed, the German pointer's indefatigable performance, athletic build, speed, strength and endurance are highly valued. Very energetic the pet, regardless of the weather and place of residence, behaves like a groovy. If there are no conditions for the release of his energy, he may begin to damage household items and furniture in the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to walk with the Shorthaired Pointer, forcing him to actively run and play.


good guard dog He will never bite without a reason, but he loves to bark. This should be taken into account especially if the pet will be used for hunting. More from small age he needs to be taught when to voice and when not to.

The German husky wants to be the leader in the pack, so you need to immediately show your leadership. Her education is only possible for people with strong character . Otherwise, you may end up with an uncontrollable pet.

The breed does not tolerate loneliness and loves communication. It is better not to leave small children alone with a shorthaired pointer, as a restless dog can simply knock a child off his feet.

Kurzhaar - hunter (photo)

Hardy and strong, German huskies have a good sense of smell, a keen sense of smell and are always ready to hunt. They can hunt any game and under any conditions. Especially The breed is well oriented and feels comfortable in open spaces. But the pet can easily adapt to any conditions and, depending on the type of prey, change its hunting style.

The dog's long claws allow it to run quickly even in the mountains, and the membranes on its paws and Wool with water-repellent properties floats for a long time and quickly. This is why German huskies are often used when hunting waterfowl.

The hunting stance is in the blood of shorthaired pointers. When they see prey, they stare at it, raise their paw, lower their head and straighten their tail. In this position, the pet will wait for the owner’s command, who must communicate when it can hit the target. Already two one month old puppy stands in such a stance at the sight of a simple feather.

German husky training

The breed has a developed intelligence and is easy to train. But train and You need to start raising your pet as early as possible, otherwise you may end up with an uncontrollable animal whose character will be difficult to correct.

The main principle of training the breed is from easy to difficult. Training must be comprehensive, otherwise the restless pet will forget what happened in the last lesson. That is, each lesson should be based on the basis of previous training.

You need to train your dog every day. It is best to do this in the morning and evening, regardless of the conditions and surroundings. Training can be done at any free time, both on the street and in the apartment. Commands should be spoken calmly, clearly and briefly. To achieve results, you cannot resort to deception and physical punishment. The puppy should be rewarded with treats.

To prevent your pet from getting tired, lessons should not be too long. As soon as the shorthaired pointer begins to correctly follow all commands, it needs to begin to be taught the rules of behavior while hunting. In this case, from the owner you just need to reveal and consolidate the dog’s already genetically inherent hunting qualities. From an early age, the puppy should be prohibited from hunting domestic animals, otherwise problems will arise at home and on walks.

Features of keeping shorthaired pointer

A small pet in an apartment or house needs to be allocated a place away from doors opening onto the street and drafts. There must be toys in his corner made of rope or rubber.

To prevent the puppy from being too active in the house and becoming aggressive, it should be walked at least twice a day. At the same time, during a walk he should run and play actively. The best thing combine a walk with exercise, throwing an item and asking your pet to fetch it. Hunting breed will mistake a stick or rubber toy for prey and happily bring it to the owner.

The short, water-repellent coat does not require special care. You can comb it only so that the pet does not lose obedience and stability. German cops shed intensively, so the coat should be combed quite often during this period. The shorthaired pointer's wool does not cause allergies and does not stick to fabrics and carpets.

You can bathe the breed no more than once a month or as needed, otherwise the dog’s coat will lose the fatty layer that protects it from pollution and its shine. Only special shampoos should be used for washing. You should not take your dog for a walk after bathing, especially in the cold season. She may catch a cold and get sick.

Particular attention should be paid to the ears of a German pointer. They must be clean and dry. Dirty ears are cleaned with a damp cotton pad or cotton swab.

Your pet's eyes should also be clean and shiny. A little sour eyes are treated with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves. If tears come from the eyes and they are very acidic, the dog should be shown to a specialist.

Once a month kurtshaaar using a special nail clipper to trim the claws. Dogs that walk for a long time may not need this procedure, since their claws wear down on the asphalt.

To ensure that the owner does not have problems with caring for the pet, it must be taught hygiene procedures from puppyhood.

Nutrition of the German shorthaired pointer

The diet of a hunting dog is slightly different from that of other breeds. The basis of the diet of a German cop should be meat cut into small pieces, to which boiled cereals are added, except barley. It is necessary to feed the breed with vegetables and fruits, as well as add vitamin and mineral supplements to its food.

The little shorthaired pointer, which no longer receives mother's milk, requires dairy products in the form of kefir, milk and low-fat cottage cheese. In addition, his diet may include:

  • raw yolk;
  • boiled and shredded beef without fat or chicken.

From the age of six months, the puppy is no longer given milk, but cottage cheese and kefir are left in the diet.

The following natural products should not be fed to the German shorthaired pointer:

If the dog's diet consists of dry food, then the choice It is recommended to stop at high-quality premium or super-premium food, specially designed for active dogs. Since in different periods Throughout life, the body has different needs, food is selected according to the age of the pet.

The dog should be fed strictly according to the instructions written on the food packaging. It is not recommended to increase the rate yourself, because overfeeding can lead to various diseases and obesity. Until the age of three months, puppies are fed granules soaked in kefir or water. From five months onwards, puppy food with hard granules is purchased for shorthaired pointers, the chewing of which helps the pet’s teeth change.

High-quality dry food already includes everything your dog needs nutrients, so there is no need to give any additional foods or supplements.

Choosing a puppy

Already in one month old the puppy is ready to be separated from his mother and moved into new family. It is at this age that the breed more easily gets used to new living conditions. Designed for hunting the dog must have a pedigree, otherwise there is no guarantee of her abilities. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to the achievements of the parents.

When choosing a puppy Special attention You should pay attention to his posture, physique and development of the musculoskeletal system. If you are choosing a dog for the first time, then it is best to seek help from a specialist in this field, who will examine the puppies and make the right choice.

if you love leisure, then the German cop with proper upbringing will become your devoted friend and partner, and a wonderful nanny for your children. But if the opportunity to engage in active physical activity and will not walk your pet often, then before buying energetic dog, you need to think carefully.

Kurzhaar is an all-round athlete. After all, you rarely see a retriever stand up or a pointer know how to swim, but the shorthaired pointer can do any job, demonstrating energy and grace.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

He knows how to hunt birds, fur-bearing animal, even on a deer - and that's not all.

The Shorthaired Pointer is suitable for any service. The shorthaired pointer was created as a pointer and a retriever at the same time. He will bring any floating item. He has a waterproof suit for this kind of work. The wool is almost like duck feathers. But he is also required to have an elegant stance.

The breed initially has the ability to stand still with almost no training. A dog with an exemplary stance should not move at all.

When the Shorthaired Pointer immigrated to America, he was not immediately accepted. The Americans thought that he was too slow and that hounds were much better, and that special dogs were used more in America.

In America, they prefer rich brown color or a combination of brown and white. In Germany, black or black and white are allowed. If you want a dog of this breed, here is a list of the advantages of the shorthaired pointer or the German smooth-haired pointer:

Kurzhaar is always energetic. He's like a groovy guy. But be careful, he might eat your sofa. Being loyal and obedient, the shorthaired pointer may be too fussy for your children. The shorthaired pointer has good guard qualities. He doesn't bite, but he will definitely bark.

High energy and versatility make the Shorthaired Pointer special among all breeds.

These dogs can do anything. They can pull sleds, they are followed, taken on hunts, and used as a gunner. Pointers, from which the shorthaired pointer originated, have been known since the time ancient egypt. The shorthaired pointer was bred in the 19th century. They were bred as a universal game hunter. It must be understood that such versatility was achieved through great selection work. To breed shorthaired pointer, a lot of different breeds. Presumably, the shorthaired pointer was based on Spanish and English pointers, Dalmatians, Weimar pointers, German hunting hounds and German Vizslas. Crossing was carried out not on the basis of exterior, but on working characteristics.

Shorthaired pointers can vary in color, as well as in abilities. If you are not sure what color your pet is, then look at the nose - it should tell you what color it is. Dark chestnuts have a brown nose, blacks have the same black nose.

The name “pointer” is translated as suggestive (the second name of the shorthaired pointer is the German smooth-haired pointer).

When standing, the shorthaired pointer lowers its head low, glares at the victim, raises its paw, straightens its tail and becomes like an arrow. All Shorthaired Pointers instinctively take this stance. You can see how a 2-month-old shorthaired pointer puppy, having found a feather, will chase it, stop and take a stand. Bred to hunt waterfowl, shorthaired pointers have a short, water-repellent coat that allows them to maintain body temperature. They have webbed toes, which is good for swimming. The paws themselves are collected in a compact spoon, which prevents them from clogging. And the claws, strong as nails, make the dog all-terrain. Kurtshaars are subject to the earth, water and air elements.

Caring for the Shorthaired Pointer

The shorthaired pointer is suitable for any climate, but they need good loads and room to move. They love to be in company, but need supervision when interacting with children.

Their water-repellent coat is also dirt-resistant. This breed requires minimal grooming. From time to time they need to be combed, otherwise the shorthaired pointer will lose its stance and obedience.

Appearances can be deceiving; their fur sheds heavily. Since it is short it is not so easy to clean.

The shorthaired pointer makes a wonderful pet because it loves to be in the company of people.

Kurzhaar is not very suitable for families with small children. Being very mobile, they can inadvertently knock a child down.

Unlike others sports breeds Shorthaired Pointer dogs rarely suffer from hip dysplasia and joint diseases.

The shorthaired pointer is one of the super breeds. They are designed for canine sports. These unique athletes are able to run, run and run. The Shorthaired Pointer is made for jumping. They are very slender, which allows them to minimize the stress on their joints. All their strength comes from hind legs, allowing you to jump up.