Ligament ruptures: treatment and prevention. Cruciate ligament rupture


Closed mechanical damage to ligaments, most often ruptures, sprains (distortion).   The most common among ligament injuries is ankle or ankle sprain knee joint, which consists of tearing individual fibers of the ligaments with hemorrhage into their thickness or rupture of the meniscus (in the knee joint).


Victims report pain in the joint when moving, swelling. The examination reveals local pain on palpation and bruising, which can occur 2-3 days after the injury. When ligaments are torn, more intense pain is detected, difficulty moving the affected limb, and often hemarthrosis. The phenomena of stretching subside after 5-10 days, and in case of rupture they continue for 3-4 weeks.
Main syndromes: pain, swelling, hemodynamic disorders (blood supply or circulatory disorders), functional disorders, hemorrhages (hematomas).


A sprain occurs when one or more ligaments in the knee are overstressed, overstretched, or torn.
Damage to the lateral knee ligaments occurs as a result of tension when the tibia deviates. If the shin deviates outward (when walking on an uneven surface, tucking the foot in a heel, etc.), the ligaments are subject to strong tension and are torn or torn. If the tibia deviates outward, the internal ligament ruptures, and if the tibia deviates inward, the outer collateral ligament of the knee joint is damaged.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Treatment of ruptures can be conservative or surgical, depending on the nature of the damage. With any treatment option, painkillers and hemostatic measures are carried out, and the affected part of the body is provided with rest using immobilization. Also, depending on the location and nature of the injury, immobilization can be of different types ( soft bandages, removable splints, circular plaster casts) and by timing (1-6 weeks). Conservative treatment - tight bandaging of the joint, rest, cold for 2 days, then thermal procedures. During surgical treatment, after removing the plaster splint, therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy are performed.

Physical methods of treating ligament injuries are aimed at restoring the functions of the ligaments (fibromodulating methods), for which it is necessary to relieve (analgesic methods), restore impaired blood and lymph circulation of damaged tissues (vasodilator and lymphatic drainage methods), stimulate reparative and regenerative processes (reparative and regenerative methods) . Physiotherapy begins 1-2 days after injury, including after surgical treatment. If there is a removable splint, it can be removed during the procedures.

Anyone can experience a knee sprain. This injury is diagnosed not only in professional athletes, but also in ordinary citizens of all ages. Since it can have serious complications, it is important to consult a doctor promptly.

The structure of ligaments in the knee joint

The knee joint (KJ) is the largest in the human body and consists of three surfaces with a common cavity.

On the inner and outer sides of the knee joint, it is supported by the fibular and tibial collateral ligaments. The first is in a relaxed state when the knee joint is flexed, and during maximum extension it is tense. The tibial collateral ligament (TCL) includes 2 bundles: the posterior fibers are stretched during extension, and the anterior fibers are stretched during flexion. The cruciate ligaments provide support for the knee joint in the vertical plane.

The movements of all ligaments are dependent on each other. In particular, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) slows down the tibia when moving forward, and the posterior cruciate ligament and ACL remove lateral mobility and horizontal movement of the tibia in the CL. When a person stands, both cruciate ligaments, the BCL and ISS, and the quadriceps femoris muscle are tense. This ensures stability of the CS. If at least one of the ligaments falls out of normal condition, the stability of the CS operation is disrupted.

Causes of sprains

This type of injury can occur during the following events:

  • bruise;
  • a change in direction of movement that occurred very quickly;
  • lifting heavy loads;
  • under constant shock-absorbing loads in athletes.

Also, a sprain of the knee joint can be caused by a fall during icy conditions, or when skiing or sledding downhill.

A characteristic feature of this type of injury is a significant and sharp increase in physical load on the knee joint.

Classification of knee sprains

Traumatologists divided all cases of sprains into the following groups:

  • the first is single fiber breaks. There is almost no swelling and goes away very quickly. No violation motor function;
  • the second is multiple fiber breaks. Severe swelling. In this case, there is no complete impairment of the motor function of the joint. Bruising may be present;
  • the third is absolute fiber rupture. Required here surgery. Self-medication may not produce results, despite the high regenerative component of tissues. There is severe instability of the joint.

The difficulty of classifying sprains is due to the fact that with this disease there are often cracks or fractures in the bone tissue, and there may be a rupture of the synovial bursa or its inflammation.

Main symptoms

When an injury occurs, a clicking sound may be heard, which indicates that a third-degree sprain is likely present. Occasionally, such a sound may accompany a second-level illness. Typically, a sprain is accompanied by a blow or a sharp tilt of the body. There is often bruising. If the doctor is unable to accurately determine the nature of the damage, then a diagnosis of hemarthrosis is made. In fact, he talks about the existing symptoms, not the disease.

For first degree ligament damage pain syndrome almost absent. There is no impairment of knee joint movements, difficulty in flexion/extension. However, there is pain on palpation. The following features are present:

  • with mild to moderate damage, there are restrictions on mobility. Their cause is pain;
  • with severe ligament damage, unnatural mobility is observed. More precisely, the amplitude of movement is significantly greater than normal.

Tissue swelling is also one of the obvious symptoms. If there is a second or third degree sprain, it will be very significant.

Diagnosis and possible complications

Diagnosis is carried out using visual inspection, palpation and application additional methods such as MRI, ultrasound. X-rays are prescribed in situations where there is a possibility of a fracture or crack in the bone tissue. Magnetic resonance imaging is done in order to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the synovial bursa. If you refuse to carry it out, there is a high probability of purulent processes occurring.

This is directly related to serious complications. Inflammation and pus are negative processes that result in the appearance of fistulas. Eliminating them is quite difficult even with the modern level of medicine. This will take months.

For visual diagnosis great importance given to the extent to which the CS has retained its normal shape. Often, an ordinary bruise can be accompanied not only by a sprain of the ligaments, but also by the appearance of an increased amount of fluid in the joint. In order to determine its composition, it is necessary to make a puncture. It allows you to determine the presence of blood, pus or other negative components in the liquid. Based on this, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis.

How to treat a knee sprain?

It all depends on the severity of the injury. When the sprain is minimal, applying cold, a fixing bandage and keeping the patient at rest for several days is sufficient. For concomitant knee injuries, it is advisable to use pain-relieving ointments.

A second-degree sprain requires a more serious approach, but can still be treated at home. It is necessary to use a fixing bandage or orthosis. Cold is applied to the sore spot. This could be a heating pad with ice or a bag of frozen water. Due to the presence of severe swelling, it is undesirable to use continuous plaster casts. If there is an increase in tissue volume, this will lead to the onset of a serious degenerative process.

A third degree sprain requires hospitalization. Surgery is often required. This is due to the presence additional complications. Severe bruise injures not only the ligament, but also the joint, bone tissue, and synovial bursa. When hitting the knee joint, it is very rare that only a sprain occurs. Synovitis of the knee joint is a very common occurrence after receiving such an injury.

How to provide first aid and relieve pain?

For first and second degree sprains, the patient must be placed on a horizontal surface and exalted position injured limb. To do this, place a roll of rolled blanket, towel or pillow under it. A cold bandage is placed on the affected area. The temperature reduction is provided by frozen water. Only on the third day is it necessary to provide dry heat. Independent movement around the room or apartment is not prohibited. However, it is necessary to ensure a small level of fixation of the CS. For this purpose, elastic bandages, orthoses with low level fixation.

Severe injuries require the use of plaster or plastic splints. It is better to use factory-made products, as this guarantees the absence of additional complications. It is necessary to ensure the patient is in a state of rest while lying down with the leg elevated. In the first days you need to stop drinking alcohol.

Drug treatment

In case of severe injury, novocaine blockade is used, which almost instantly relieves pain. It is used in situations where there is a high probability that a ligament rupture will be accompanied by a fracture or a violation of the integrity of the tendons. For first or second degree injury, use for pain relief. special ointments, the basis of which are such active ingredients, like ibuprfen, diclofenac. It should be noted that the uncontrolled use of these drugs is undesirable.

Ointments containing ibuprofen quickly relieve pain, are well absorbed and last a long time. However, they have many contraindications. In particular, ibuprofen should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. For older people, it is dangerous due to the high probability of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases. There are other contraindications that can be checked with your doctor or pharmacist.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

At home they do a massage and apply a warm paraffin dressing. If possible, it is advisable to take a course of electrophoresis, UHF. Usually the course is 10-15 procedures.

Prescribing physiotherapeutic procedures is possible only during the rehabilitation period.

Surgery for ligament rupture

Typically, surgery is prescribed for rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. The reason is the lack of conditions for its regeneration. In other cases, it is usually possible to get by conservative treatment. The exception is situations where it is necessary to ensure maximum short time recovery.

Ethnoscience. Recipes

Along with traditional methods doctors now often take advantage of opportunities traditional medicine. These are various compresses from herbal decoctions or infusions that provide accelerated removal of tissue swelling and improved regeneration. The simplest and affordable recipe- This is the usual brewing of black or green tea, chamomile. It is advisable to drink rosehip decoction; it is a powerful antioxidant.

After receiving a knee sprain, you need to undergo a rehabilitation course, which includes therapeutic procedures and exercise therapy. It is also necessary to eliminate the likelihood of such injuries in the future. The easiest way to do this is to use the orthosis during sports training or increased physical activity. If the cause of injury is falls or sprains, then it is advisable to wear special fixing bandages or use elastic bandage.

How to strengthen the knee ligaments?

Particular attention should be paid to diet. The diet should include dishes such as jellied meat, jellied meat, jelly, fish, and dairy products. Regular morning work-out also reduces the likelihood of getting a knee sprain.

Exercise therapy for knee ligaments

You can begin physical activity after receiving an injury only with the permission of your attending physician. Physiotherapy includes exercises for stretching muscles, flexion and extension of joints. Even just swinging your leg while sitting is already an exercise. Therefore, their list, frequency and number of performances in each specific case prescribed by the attending physician.

Sprained ligaments of the knee joint is an ailment that, when proper treatment does not cause complications and is completely cured in short period time. It is important to seek medical help on time, undergo diagnostics and fully adhere to the prescribed treatment.

Ligament damage- violation of the integrity of the site connective tissue, which is a connecting link between bones, significantly strengthening the joint. In addition, areas of thin serous membranes located between organs are called ligaments.

Ligaments are positioned in such a way that they surround the joints, creating appropriate conditions for the connection of bones, strengthening the support for the joints.

Ligaments are made of dense connective tissue. At the same time, this fabric has a fairly large margin of strength, the ability to elasticity has extremely maximum values. An important addition to the listed qualities is high stretchability and elasticity.

Types of ligaments

According to their functionality, ligamentous connections can be conditionally classified into three key groups.

1. The first includes ligaments that contribute to the overall strengthening of joints.

2. The second number on the list is a group of ligaments that leads to inhibition of joint movement.

3. Finally, about the latter we can say that they direct the movement of the joints.

In addition to the listed types, ligaments are divided into those located inside the joint capsule, having a synovial membrane as a covering, and external ones, located outside the capsule.

Ligament problems

The most popular ligament injuries, which are observed extremely often, are injuries associated with sprains and ruptures.

A characteristic feature, in this case, can be considered the presence of certain motor problems during the functioning of the joint, which a certain ligament significantly strengthens.

The result of such troubles can be hemorrhage varying degrees, which is reflected in nearby tissues.

Signs of ligament damage

Typically, primary symptoms appear almost immediately after injury. However, it is worth noting that at first, the manifestation of symptoms can be extremely weak. After a certain period of time (1-2) hours, the situation can change dramatically.

– There is a significant increase in swelling in the area of ​​damage

– Painful sensations increase sharply

– Suffering greatly. This statement is especially true when walking, if the injury occurred on the leg.

Impaired performance of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus is an extremely serious, common cause, leading to a significant limitation of a person’s physical mobility.

In addition, stretching can be a consequence acute injury, excessive stress on the body over a long period of time.

Severity of sprain

There are three main stages of this ligament problem.

1. For the first degree, small painful sensations arising due to the rupture of several fibers.

2. The occurrence of moderate pain, accompanied by the appearance of edema and partial disability.

3. The maximum degree of severity can be characterized by the presence of severe pain arising from a ligament rupture. This stage of injury is accompanied by further unstable position of the joint.

Treatment of ligament damage

It is worth taking into account the fact that the therapeutic process for injuries to ligaments, tendons, as well as muscle problems, involves the provision of both primary and secondary care. If you are injured, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. For the first few days after receiving an injury, be extremely careful when putting stress on the injured leg; you must step extremely carefully.

2. The first forty-eight hours after injury, the use of ice is acceptable. However, it is worth remembering that you need to use it for a maximum of 15-20 minutes; it is not recommended to place it directly on the skin.

3. Some help A tight bandage will help: the size of the swollen area will decrease slightly, probably causing a partial reduction in pain.

The course of treatment necessarily includes taking painkillers, the selection of which, of course, should be selected by your attending physician.

Secondary therapy is restorative: physiotherapy, physical therapy, injections.

A sprain, just like getting a wound, is an injury that has the maximum degree of “popularity.” The chance of getting this damage occurs by stepping carelessly, unexpectedly tripping, or accidentally slipping. In the zone increased danger under these circumstances, the following joints are affected: knee, ankle. Ligaments located inside joint are torn, blood vessels are ruptured. The area of ​​skin around it begins to swell, and a bruise appears that has a bluish tint. Extremely observed painful sensations while moving, when inspecting (feeling) the damaged area.

The key goal of primary care for sprains is the desire to significantly reduce the actively manifested pain. Considering that the health of the joint is greatly undermined by injury, then, as for any patient, initially, it is necessary to ensure that such a joint is in a state of complete rest. If swelling is minimal, then using an elastic bandage is acceptable.

It is worth clearly remembering that any sprain is an undeniable reason for immediate medical attention. Such an injury does not exclude the presence of a crack in the bone.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the fundamental basis of treatment for ligament injuries is considered to be timely initiation of therapy for injured soft tissues, with the competent use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

This statement is especially relevant for situations where, together with injury, myositis actively manifests itself.

By the way, about him, here it was written in more detail.

Muscle inflammation that lasts for a long period of time significantly inhibits the process of soft tissue restoration.

This situation entails muscle detraining and a decrease in functional capabilities.

If inflammatory process shows hyperactivity, then the most important condition creation is considered good rest for the affected area.

Limiting the range of motion with a bandage is usually used to more reliably protect the injured area from various kinds loads

Very high efficiency in case of damage, it is possible to treat diseased areas by treating with ointments, the selection of which, of course, must be agreed with a doctor. The duration of treatment is directly dependent on the nature of the course and the severity of the disease.

Treatment of sprains with folk remedies

1. Fill an aluminum container with 200 ml of milk, add pre-chopped roots and barberry branches (1/2 tsp), and then boil for half an hour. Next, you need to allow it to brew for a third of an hour, filter it, and take 1 tsp three times.

2. Brew the color of twisted cornflower (3 tsp) with 500 ml of boiling water, carefully wrap it, let it brew for an hour and a half. After straining, drink 70 ml three times.

3. Pre-grind the root of the tall elecampane, then combine 200 ml strongly hot water with three tbsp. l raw materials. After leaving for a third of an hour, apply to the affected area like a bandage.

4. If a muscle sprain occurs without compromising its integrity (no cuts or scratches), then let’s say next way. On a napkin that we pre-moisten apple cider vinegar, add a small handful of cayenne pepper. Apply to the affected area for five minutes. From above, you should cover the napkin with a warm cloth. The procedure can be repeated.

5. Use a grater to bring a medium-sized onion to a mushy state, add the same amount of granulated sugar. Next, you should mix everything thoroughly. Place the resulting mixture on a cellophane surface and use it as a compress, applying it to the affected area and securing it with a bandage on top.

6. There is another Alternative option: Mix the mushy mixture of onions with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1/10. Apply compresses to the damaged area for six hours, then change the bandage.

7. For some, hot milk compresses help with sprains. After wetting, gauze folded in several layers is applied to the painful area, with cotton wool and compression paper placed on top. As soon as the gauze cools down, you should change the compress.

8. Fold a regular bandage into quarters and thoroughly soap it with baby soap (preferably very thickly). Then we wrap the diseased area in 3-4 layers. Wrap a woolen scarf over the top, leaving the bandage overnight. A slight pressure effect of the compress is acceptable.

9. Bring the root of the white foot to a powder state by mixing (1 tsp) with half a glass of sunflower oil. We treat problem areas with the resulting mixture.

10. Brew the color of ordinary tansy, pre-crushed (3 tablespoons), with a glass of boiling water, leave for sixty minutes. After straining, use by compression.

11. Prepare juice from fresh leaf bitter wormwood, treating the problem area with it.

12. Dry black poplar buds, a quantity of one hundred grams, brew 200 ml of water, let it brew for half an hour. Apply the resulting mass as a compress to the sore spot and change it daily.

13. Combine dry ordinary agrimony (30 g) with 400 ml of very hot water. Boil for a third of an hour in a water bath, then filter. Restore the original volume by adding the required amount of water. It should be used as compression for sprains and dislocations.

14. Prepare a collection by mixing the following components: grass, lavender color (1 part), sunflower oil (five parts). It is necessary to maintain a sufficiently long time interval, at least forty-five days. The resulting lavender oil should be used externally as a pain reliever for sprains and bruises.

15. Inflamed tendons can be treated in this way: brew a tablespoon of dry shepherd’s purse with 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap it up and leave it for two hours. Place a gauze bandage soaked in this infusion on the sore spot and bandage the top. It is worth keeping until it dries completely.

Ligament damage- a widespread traumatic problem, which most often has an indirect mechanism of occurrence, with sudden joint movements that significantly exceed the normal range of motion of the joint. Of course, no one is immune from these troubles, so you should definitely know the necessary minimum information on how to behave in the current situation.

Take an interest in your health in a timely manner, goodbye.

At various injuries ligaments, the integrity of the connective tissue is disrupted, which acts as a connecting element between the bones and significantly strengthens the joints. Typically, ligamentous tissue is located around the joints, thereby strengthening the joints.

With traumatic mechanical impact, shock or excessive physical stress, the ligaments can be partially damaged or ruptured completely. Most susceptible negative impacts and most often the knee joint is also affected. A doctor can diagnose a rupture or sprain using special techniques, after which he will appoint necessary treatment. Self-therapy at home, as a rule, does not bring the desired result and most often leads to the development of complications.

All bundles human body in medicine it is customary to divide into three groups:

  • strengthening joints;
  • inhibiting movement;
  • guiding movement.

Subtypes are also classified: internal - those that are localized in the articular capsule and covered with a synovial membrane, external - those that are located outside the capsule.

Severity of sprain

Regardless of the injured location, it is classified according to severity:

  • The first is a sprain - the ligament fibers are partially torn due to injury, while the overall integrity of the ligament is preserved. This kind of trauma is popular name"sprain", although the ligaments are not elastic and cannot stretch. This injury is characterized by mild pain and moderate swelling. There are no bruises or hematomas. Movement and support in the joints are partially limited.
  • The second - tear - breaks most of ligamentous tissue. Damage to the fibers of the ligaments with hemorrhage is characterized by severe swelling and bruising. When moving, severe pain occurs, which limits activity. In some cases, instability of the damaged joint is expressed.
  • The third - rupture - is accompanied by severe pain, large bruises and swelling. Joint instability is diagnosed.


Ligament injuries are most often caused by mechanical damage. When you exercise too much, one or more ligaments become overstretched and tear. Such injuries are often suffered by athletes and people whose life rhythm is very active and associated with constant movement and heavy physical activity.

With an unnatural deviation of the shin, the lateral ones are strained and damaged. When the shin deviates outward, the ligaments may tear or rupture altogether; this often occurs when tucking lower limbs. Inward deviation leads to injury to the external collateral ligaments, and outward deviation – to the internal ones. This results in dysfunction ankle joint.


Ligament damage is characterized by pain in the injured joint, which worsens with movement, and swelling. The severity of these symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. The doctor, performing palpation, notes pain localized in one place. Bruises and bruises may appear two to three days after the injury.

If it happened complete break ligamentous tissue, the symptoms will be very painful. In such cases, the victim needs urgent medical care. Movement of the injured limb is difficult, without timely treatment hemarthrosis may occur.

Negative or ruptures go away in one to two weeks; if there is a rupture, pain will accompany movements for up to a month or more. The main signs of ligament damage are:

  • pain in the area of ​​the damaged joint;
  • swelling;
  • disturbance of blood supply;
  • violation of lymph outflow;
  • functional disorders;
  • the presence of hematomas and hemorrhages.

Treatment options

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely diagnose the injured limb using methods such as ultrasound and MRI. It is imperative to distinguish a fracture or dislocation from a sprain or rupture of a ligament. The doctor can do this most accurately and without errors by additionally assigning the patient an x-ray of the damaged area of ​​the body. Typically, a tendon injury has visible differences from fractures and dislocations.

Treatment of incomplete ligament damage is performed in medical institution in the traumatology department. Patients are advised to keep the limb at rest, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, and the limb is necessarily given an elevated position. Also, the damaged subglob is immobilized with a bandage. For the first 24 hours, cold compresses should be applied to the injury site, ice can be used. On the third day, you can make warm lotions.

When moving, a tight elastic bandage is applied to the injured joint, which immobilizes the joint and protects damaged ligaments from re-injury. When the limb is at rest, the bandage must be removed so that blood can circulate freely - this promotes rapid healing. Leaving the limb wrapped all night will cut off the blood supply and cause a significant increase in swelling.

Severe pain can be reduced with special painkillers; for example, Analgin, Ketoral, Ketanov are prescribed. The active therapeutic course lasts, on average, 1-2 weeks and depends on the degree of damage. Full recovery A torn ligament occurs, on average, after 3 months.

If a complete rupture of the ligament occurs, the victim must be hospitalized at the nearest emergency room. In the trauma department, the injured limb will be immobilized, placed in an elevated position, and painkillers and physiotherapeutic procedures will be prescribed. Depending on which place was injured, treatment can be performed either conservatively or operative method. Surgical intervention To restore the ligament, it is usually carried out as planned. However, in particularly severe cases, surgery may be needed immediately. After surgery the patient passes rehabilitation period without fail.

Folk remedies

Before use traditional methods When treating a sprain, you should definitely consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of your actions.

Most famous recipes, which received a lot of positive feedback:

  • Pour 0.5 teaspoons of chopped barberry roots and branches into an aluminum bowl and pour a glass of milk. Place on low heat and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Remove from heat, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  • Pour 3 teaspoons of cornflower inflorescences into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Wrap in a towel and leave for 1-2 hours. Strain, take 75 ml orally three times a day.
  • Finely chop 3 tablespoons of elecampane root, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, remove the root from the water, apply evenly on gauze bandage and apply to the affected area as a compress.
  • Grate onion, mix with sugar in a ratio of 1:10, make compresses from the resulting mixture for 5 hours. After this time, change the compress.
  • Fold gauze in 2-3 layers, moisten it in well-heated milk and apply to the injured area. Place a layer of cotton wool and compression paper on top. After cooling, the gauze is moistened again, and the bandage is applied as it was originally done.


Recovery from injury also plays an important role in a full recovery. During the rehabilitation period it is recommended to perform special exercises, which strengthen and promote the restoration of ligaments. Good effect provides a massage that increases blood circulation in the injured area and, as a result, improves metabolism.

Plays an important role in recovery good nutrition. At first, you should not apply strong force to the injured limb. physical exercise, as this can lead to re-injury of ligaments that have not yet strengthened.


The external ones are most often damaged ankle ligaments. This occurs during an awkward movement, when walking on an uneven surface, when the foot turns inward and bends towards the sole. In this case, the ligament between the talus and fibula or the ligament between the calcaneus and fibula may be damaged.

There are three degree of ankle ligament damage:

  • The first degree of damage is when individual fibers of the ligament are torn or torn. This injury is often and incorrectly called a sprained ligament, although in fact the ligaments cannot stretch.
  • The second degree is a partial rupture of the ligament. In this case, a significant part of the ligament is torn, but this does not lead to loss of function of the ligament.
  • The third degree is a complete rupture of the ligament or separation of the ligament from its attachment.

At first degree ankle ligament damage the patient complains of not severe pain when walking, palpating the ligament or ankle joint. Edema and swelling appear in the area where the ligament attaches. When walking, the patient feels pain, but the walking function itself is not impaired. The second degree of damage or partial rupture of the ligament is characterized by the spread of swelling to the anterior and outer surface feet. The pain when palpated is severe, especially at the site of the ligament tear. Walking may be difficult due to pain limitation movements in the ankle joint, which intensify even more with movement.

In case of first and second degree damage to the ankle ligaments, x-rays no deviations are detected.

In the third degree of damage to the ankle ligaments, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to step on the injured leg. Edema, swelling and hemorrhage are pronounced and spread over the entire surface of the foot, even affecting the plantar part. Walking is very difficult and very painful.

When a ligament is completely torn off, sometimes a piece of bone tissue to which the ligament is attached is torn off along with the ligament. This area of ​​bone is visible on an x-ray.

As first aid for damaged ankle ligaments, a tight pressure bandage is applied and cold is applied over it. This helps stop bleeding at the tear site and reduce swelling and mobility of the ligament. For the first degree of damage, it is recommended to wear a pressure bandage for up to 2 weeks. Two to three days after the injury, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed (alternating magnetic field, baths, paraffin and ozokerite applications, massage). Recovery occurs within two weeks. With the second and third degrees of ligament damage, severe pain usually occurs, which requires pain relief. The most effective is the introduction of a 1% solution of novocaine or a solution of novocaine with alcohol into the area of ​​the rupture.

At partial rupture bundles apply a plaster splint for a period of at least 10 days. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed and physical therapy, during which the splint is removed. Recovery usually occurs within 3 weeks.

In case of third degree damage to the ankle ligaments, when the ligament is completely torn from its attachment, the patient must be hospitalized in trauma department hospital. A closed gypsum bandage for two weeks. Then the bandage is modified so that it can be removed during physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

Treatment in this case lasts about one month. After ligament damage, the patient must wear an eight-piece gauze bandage or a special ankle joint support for two months to prevent re-rupture at the healing site of the ligament.