How long does a dog's pregnancy last? Description of each week

If you have decided that one dog is not enough for you and are seriously thinking about puppies, this article is suitable for you.

We will tell you in detail what mating is, how long pregnant dogs walk, how to preserve the health of your pregnant pet, and give you the necessary information. practical recommendations. Helping your pet during such a crucial period will be much easier.

Intimate details from the world of dogs

While the male is ready to breed throughout the year, things are different for the female. She will consent to a fruitful date only during the established period of estrus, which is called estus (hunt) and lasts an average of a week. During the hunt, the female is fully prepared to conceive, and ovulation (that is, the release of the egg from the ovaries into the oviducts) occurs every few hours.

The mating is considered successful if it ends in mating (a lock that is caused by a spasm of the vaginal muscles). It is in the castle that the possibility of conception is higher. At the end of the process, it is better to lay the bitch on its side or let it stand on its front legs, slightly raising its hind legs (about 10-15 minutes). The next day you can repeat the knitting.

From what day should pregnancy be counted?

This is where the first problems begin in determining the timing of such interesting situation dogs. The date of the first mating is always taken as the starting point, so the second and all subsequent matings are recommended to be carried out as soon as possible, and not after 2-3 days.

But even in this case, there is a possibility of errors: in dogs that were mated on days 2-4 of estus, fertilization can occur within 5 days after insemination. Don’t neglect to mark the dates of dog meetings on your calendar and closely monitor the condition of your pet.

What affects the duration of pregnancy?

How long your specific pet will need to bear offspring depends on large quantity conditions.

Among them:

  • Animal breed;
  • Number of fruits;
  • Age of the dog;
  • Serial number Puppiness.

How long does a dog bear offspring?

The duration of pregnancy is an individual matter. However, in veterinary medicine there are average numerical characteristics of a “correct” pregnancy. We will rely on them.

Yes, representatives large and medium breeds remain in this position for 63 days, A small decorations - a little less, about 60 days. In practice, pregnancy can last from 59 to 66 days.

If after 67 days labor does not occur, you should consult a doctor. A delay before 70-72 days threatens the death of puppies in the dog's genital tract and will require timely intervention. And puppies born earlier than the appointed time (before 58 days) are born dead.

How can you tell if a dog is pregnant?

When asked whether whelping has begun and how many months the animal bears puppies, all dog breeders worry. The difficulty is that with a total duration of 2 months and a couple of days, exactly Pregnancy can only be determined after 3 weeks. Especially if the expectant mother carefully hides changes in own condition: Maintains normal energy, mood and appetite. However, it also happens the other way around: symptoms of pregnancy, according to behavior, appear from the first days.

Please pay attention to:

Detailed pregnancy calendar

For owners who approach this issue responsibly, a dog pregnancy calendar has been compiled. The boundaries of the periods of fetal formation are arbitrary; much depends on the personal characteristics of the bitch. This calendar is based on data about “correct” pregnancy and provides an approximate concept of the changes that occur in the dog’s body, timing and methods medical diagnostics pregnancy, and also about characteristic features each period.

First period

First seven days- as a result of the fusion of the reproductive cells of a female and a male (egg and sperm), a new cell appears that has the hereditary characteristics of two guardians (zygote). The zygotes actively divide and slowly move into the uterus, acquiring 3 embryonic membranes along the way.

2 week- having arrived at the uterus, the embryos are moderately distributed along its plane. A constant exchange of caloric substances is established between them and the mother’s body.

Pre-fetal stage

From 14 to 21 days- from day 18 the critical stage begins intrauterine development. The embryos form internal organs, nervous system, the genes that are responsible for breed individuality begin to take active action. And even though the embryo is still the size of a small grape and no different from the embryos of other mammals, you don’t have to think twice - when suitable conditions He will grow into a real dog!

WITH at this moment and until the birth itself, the owner must carefully adhere to the conditions of detention:

  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating of the dog;
  • Ensure the most optimal feeding menu;
  • Protect the bitch from physical and psychological stress.

At 21 days already allowed to do the first medical analysis– take a blood test to determine the level of pregnancy hormone (relaxin). This procedure quite new and, unfortunately, available only to residents of megacities where there are well-equipped veterinary clinics. However, don't be discouraged!

In the third week, you yourself will be able to see the first external symptoms of the onset of pregnancy - this is a noticeable thickening of the pet’s mammary glands. The nipples swell and, in dogs with fair skin, become a soft pink color.

4 weeks(21 – 28 days) - the height of the pre-fetal stage. The skeleton of the embryo ossifies, the formation of muscles ends, and the rudiments of jaws, limbs and nose are formed.

If you really want to find out the number and sex of puppies, this is the most best time to visit the doctor and conduct ultrasound examination(ultrasound).

On day 26–27 the veterinarian can find the embryos. Their size depends on the size of the dog (thus, in medium breeds they are equal to a walnut). In another week, the uterus will be filled with fluid, and this will make palpation uninformative.

Fetal stage

5 week- the first period of pregnancy is coming to an end. The embryo is becoming more and more like a puppy. It becomes more and more difficult for the dog every day. And owners are concerned with the question of how long a dog bears puppies, more than the period of completion of pregnancy.

From 5 weeks The dog is transferred to split feeding three times a day with an increased intake of vitamins and protein. Consult your veterinarian about the diet for your pet, which will be best for her at this stage of pregnancy.

6 weeks(35 – 42 days) - after a month, the dog loses its graceful form, the tummy behind the ribs becomes large, and the mammary glands swell. There are dogs that chew the fur around them, creating halos of hairless skin. The animal's loop seems to be open, and mucous discharge cannot be ruled out. The four-legged beauty is gaining very quickly excess weight and radically changes behavior:

  • He becomes noticeably calmer, clearly protecting himself;
  • Shows caution towards to strangers, trusting the stomach only to the owner;
  • He is jealous of his own place;
  • Some begin to stockpile “for a rainy day” by hiding food, trying to bury tasty morsels in hidden corners of their living space.

From 42 to 49 days- using a stethoscope it is already possible to hear the beating of puppies. The dog's uterus increases (up to 2/3 abdominal cavity), puts pressure on the internal organs and stomach. At multiple pregnancy The movements of the fruit are clearly visible. Their weight reaches 75% of the total weight at birth.

During this period, the frequency of meals is increased, reducing the size of portions.

You also need to watch the density of the animal’s feces (puppies become prone to constipation). If necessary, the dog is provided with natural laxatives ( linseed oil or orange juice).

8 week- the temperature of the dog’s nipples increases slightly, and when pressed, colostrum is released from them.

The dog can start “making a nest”: digging the carpet, dragging blankets and pillows into its space. Dogs with increased excitability show enthusiasm for things that resemble puppies (squeakers, toys). A four-legged mother can, without the help of others, “move” from her usual place to a new one, where she will feel safe. All this indicates that it is time for the owner to equip a “den” for future offspring.

Week 9(57 – 63 days) - the desired birth can begin any day. Make an agreement with your veterinarian in advance - your pet may need medical assistance.

Contrary to popular belief, preparing your pet for an upcoming pregnancy must begin in advance. It is important to worry not only about choosing a suitable gentleman, but also about improving physical fitness dogs. A month before the onset of heat, the loads and duration of walks are increased. Later, this will undoubtedly help the tailed mother avoid obesity and make childbirth easier.

A week before mating, the dog is transferred to a light diet provided with vitamins ( egg yolk, grated carrots, vegetable fats and seaweed).

It is prohibited to bathe the dog before mating; dry cleaning is required. Be patient, as soon as the last mating is over, you will take your soul away.


Pregnancy German Shepherd in firstborns and experienced mothers

Pregnancy and birth of a German Shepherd is an important stage in the life of the dog and owner. Will your German Shepherd have offspring? Your pet needs to be provided with proper care during pregnancy. What worries fall on the owner’s shoulders during these crucial two months? How to prepare for childbirth and help your dog safely give birth to puppies?

How long does a German Shepherd pregnancy last?

So how long does a pregnant dog walk ()? 60 days is how long it takes for a bitch to bear offspring. But pregnancy can last a little less - 58 days. Deviations are possible and in the direction of increasing the terms to 65 days.

The pregnancy of a German Shepherd lasts a little longer for first-time mothers than for an experienced mother.

If the pregnancy is multiple, the dog usually whelps earlier - from the 58th to the 60th day, and if the pregnancy is small, then the German Shepherd can give birth between the 63rd and 65th day. When there are few fruits in the womb of a bitch, the whelping date is delayed. In this case, puppies, it is more difficult for the dog to give birth.

If whelping delays up to 10 days, you will definitely need the help of a veterinarian. How long does a German Shepherd’s pregnancy last in your specific case? It’s better to check with your veterinarian. specialist

Signs of Pregnancy in a German Shepherd

How to determine pregnancy in a German Shepherd? Clear signs The fact that a German Shepherd is expecting offspring is obvious in the second half of pregnancy.

In the first month of pregnancy appearance bitches doesn't change. And palpation will not help you understand whether your pet is in an “interesting” position. This is the responsibility of the veterinarian, who can thus diagnose pregnancy after the third week.

IMPORTANT: In the first month, an attentive owner can assume from the dog’s behavior that she will soon become a mother. A pregnant German Shepherd (photo below) at times becomes apathetic, lethargic, wants to drink more often and requires more affection.

By the end of the first month - the beginning of the second, more obvious external signs of a bitch being pregnant:

  • closer to the 30th day, the mammary glands begin to enlarge, the growth of the abdomen is already more noticeable;
  • dog quickly after the 33rd day;
  • after the 38th day (at the 6th week of pregnancy) you can feel the fetuses in the uterus. At this time, with the help x-ray examination determine how many puppies the bitch bears;
  • at the 9th week of pregnancy, the dog’s stomach drops, vaginal discharge appears, and abundant colostrum appears (this may threaten the development of mastitis);
  • Milk appears in dogs that have given birth 7–10 days before the day of expected birth, and in primiparous shepherd dogs immediately before whelping or right during the process.

ATTENTION! Any disturbances in the normal course of pregnancy are a reason to urgently contact veterinarian. Deviations manifest themselves in the form of depressed behavior, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, bloody vaginal discharge, tightness of the mammary glands.

False pregnancy

False whelping most often occurs in dogs that are bred rarely and not regularly. This is a condition when an unmated bitch begins to behave like she is pregnant.

False pregnancy can be identified by the following signs:

  • the shepherd sets up a den for its offspring and aggressively protects it;
  • the dog becomes nervous and excited;
  • may lose appetite and show indifference to games and walks;
  • tinkers with soft toys and things, mistaking them for puppies;
  • The bitch's nipples swell, milk appears, and her belly enlarges.

How long do pregnant German Shepherds walk if there was no pregnancy? After two weeks, the German Shepherd’s condition should return to normal, but if not, it is better to contact a specialist.

Caring for a pregnant bitch

During this special period, the owner of a puppy German Shepherd needs to show his pet maximum care, love and attention. Stress and stress are harmful to the expectant mother, but she needs special nutrition and frequent walks.

If you are the happy owner of a unique dog - or a Chinese shepherd, then the specific care you need Necessarily check with the vet. doctor


During pregnancy, it is useful for the dog to visit more often fresh air. Walks can be long, but the owner needs to observe the behavior of the shepherd and not overtire him.

For walking, choose quiet places, walk at a leisurely, measured pace.

Starting from the 7th week of pregnancy, the bitch should be taken outside more often. The growing uterus puts pressure on bladder and intestines, causing the desire to have a bowel movement. German Shepherd pregnancy, which can vary in length, can bring many surprises into your life at the end of the term, including even night walks.


During this period the dog needs food with high content protein - eggs, cottage cheese, meat, liver, fish. Give your pet grated vegetables mixed with herbs to season the food. vegetable oil. Limit soups and cereals.

The puppy dog ​​needs to be given special supplements so that she receives calcium, which is intensively consumed by the body during pregnancy.

The transition to eating 3 times a day should be done starting from the 4th week of pregnancy. 4 meals a day are introduced in the 7th week, food portions should be small.

About a week before giving birth, they stop feeding the dog meat, giving it cottage cheese and fish instead. This is necessary to prevent eclampsia (there is a form of toxicosis - in the form of seizures).

Physical exercise

By the middle of pregnancy, the bitch limits herself sudden movements, jumping and running. But the owner also must not let down his guard, so as not to harm the health of the dog and puppies. How long does a pregnant German Shepherd dog walk? It is impossible to say exactly how long a pregnant German Shepherd dog walks a day; it all depends on the physical fitness of the pet.

Until the end of the 3rd week physical activity may still be at normal levels. But, starting from the 4th week, you should limit games and exercises. Excessive mobility may harm the development of puppies.

In the second half of pregnancy, monitor your shepherd’s exercise, they should be gentle.

Dog behavior before giving birth

On the eve of giving birth, the bitch behaves restless:

  1. She whines, looks for secluded dark places, and can tear her bedding with her claws.
  2. Often the dog follows the owner's heels.
  3. The shepherd's appetite may completely disappear, but some expectant mothers eat as before, right up to the start of whelping.
  4. The onset of contractions causes painful sensations, the dog begins to tremble, breathing becomes heavy. The harbinger of contractions is the release of mucus from the loop.

When such signs appear, the bitch should be taken to a pre-prepared place for childbirth.

What should the owner do before giving birth?

Births of a German Shepherd at home are quite acceptable and even welcomed, since the owner will be able to deliver a German Shepherd with the correct instructions from a specialist.

The shepherd owner needs to prepare a whole kit that will be useful during obstetrics, including:

  • oilcloths, diapers and sterile napkins;
  • thermometer;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • syringes, cotton wool, disinfectant solutions, medicines;
  • string (to tie the umbilical cord), scales, puppy box and heating pad;
  • multi-colored woolen threads (to mark puppies);
  • notebook with pen.

All this is placed on a table near the delivery box. The owner needs constantly watch for your pet so as not to miss the beginning of the birth process. And don’t forget that the shepherd can hide in secluded, narrow places, so keep a close eye on him and close cabinet doors and doors to other rooms.

Setting up a place for childbirth

You should prepare the birthing area in advance so that you have time to accustom your dog to it.

The room where the bitch will whelp should be warm (+28), and so that there are no drafts. It will be convenient for a bitch to give birth to puppies in a large box, wooden box or collapsible playpen. The height of the walls should be such that older puppies cannot crawl out of the shelter through them.

Prepare bedding (blankets, mattresses), which will need to be changed periodically.

In winter, if the room is cool, the whelping area is equipped with an additional source of body. If the dog lives in his own home, then it is worth moving him into a house.

Born puppies are placed in a separate box, the bottom is covered with sterile bedding. The walls of this nest for newborns should not be high so that the mother can see the children. How many puppies a German Shepherd bears is written below.

How to determine that childbirth is near?

When a German Shepherd's gestation period comes to an end, there is obvious signs approaching event:

  1. The dog's temperature drops by an average of one and a half degrees.
  2. The behavior becomes restless - the bitch begins to fuss and ask for help from the owner.
  3. Breathing is rapid, the dog is either cold or hot, the heart rate is increased, the pupils are dilated.
  4. Mucus is released from the loop.
  5. The bitch arches her back, squats - the contractions are approaching.

And when a woman in labor lies down and pushes, it means that labor has already begun.

How is childbirth?

The first stage of the labor process is contractions, which can last from several hours to a day. When the cervix opens, the bitch begins to push. With frequent pushing, the fetus moves out through the birth canal.

Then the process of the puppies exiting begins - pelvis or head first. The mother must rupture the amniotic sac, gnaw the umbilical cord and lick the baby to stimulate breathing and circulation.

The bitch eats the afterbirth that came out after the puppy. It contains many substances that are beneficial for dogs. But eating more than two afterbirths is harmful, this needs to be monitored. Otherwise, the shepherd may have indigestion.

IMPORTANT: The birth of the first child may be delayed, but the process cannot be stimulated. Everything should happen naturally.

The birth of German Shepherd puppies occurs at different time intervals - from several minutes to an hour and a half. The birth process itself can take up to 12 hours, depending on the number of puppies.

If 2 hours or more pass after the birth of the last newborn, the mother is no longer pushing, behaves calmly and is busy with the offspring, the birth process is complete. But it wouldn’t hurt to have a veterinarian examine you to be sure that everything is fine with your pet. The doctor will inject the dog with oxytocin to help the uterus contract better.

Photo of a pregnant German Shepherd in the last week:

How to give birth?

A bitch who has already given birth usually manages to produce offspring herself. The presence of the owner nearby has a calming effect on her.

But an inexperienced woman in labor often needs help. Obstetric care will be needed and, if any difficulties arise:

  1. Hands should be treated with a disinfectant solution and be ready to help the puppy go out into the world.
  2. If birth canal dry, they are moistened with Vaseline (sterile). The drug is administered with a syringe or catheter.
  3. A tired dog during childbirth is given a little broth or tea with milk and sugar.
  4. In between puppies, the bitch may need to empty her bladder and bowels. She needs to be taken outside. Don't forget to take a diaper - another puppy can be born at any moment. How many puppies does a German Shepherd give birth to, see in another section.

Helping puppies during birth

It happens that the fetus comes out with difficulty, then it needs to be carefully pulled out. Pull the baby by the exposed parts of the body, grabbing them with a sterile napkin. Do this by adjusting to the rhythm of your contractions.

If the mother herself cannot treat the newborn, she should:

  • free it from the amniotic sac,
  • cut the umbilical cord 2 cm from the tummy;
  • Use sterile gauze to remove mucus from the puppy’s mouth and nose;
  • let the mother lick the baby;
  • if the puppy does not squeak and is breathing with difficulty, he is shaken sharply;
  • As soon as the newborn makes squealing sounds, it is applied to the mother's nipple.

After feeding, all born puppies are placed in a prepared box with bedding and a heating pad. The babies are applied to the mother's nipple one by one. Everyone should get their portion of colostrum to strengthen their immune system.

Immediately after birth, the color of the puppy cannot be determined. You can read more about the types of colors in.

How does a dog behave immediately after giving birth?

Bitch who just gave birth has a strong maternal instinct and protects her litter. She is afraid to leave the kids alone, so walks should be short. In addition, your dog is weakened by childbirth and needs rest.

It is normal for the mother to feed the offspring and lick the puppies. She should behave calmly and not drag the children to other places. Pay attention to how much the German Shepherd carries puppies from corner to corner. If she does not calm down, then arrange another place for the dog, otherwise such movements may pose a threat to the health of the puppies.

But some shepherd dogs are characterized by postpartum titania. Its symptoms are:

  • the dog behaves nervously, it is frightened by something;
  • sometimes he lies down, sometimes he gets up, he leaves the puppies;
  • The bitch's breathing is rapid, saliva is released from the mouth;
  • convulsions and trembling in the muscles begin;
  • the dog does not eat.

In this case it is necessary urgent help specialist. While waiting for the doctor, give the shepherd dog Valocordin, cover it warmly, and apply a heating pad to its paws.

How many puppies does a German Shepherd have?

Much depends on how long the dog is pregnant; German Shepherd puppies can range from 1 to 12. For the dog itself, it is better if the number of puppies does not exceed 10. Otherwise, it is difficult to feed them. How many puppies can a German Shepherd give birth to? Answer: up to 14, but this is extremely rare.

On average, a female of this breed gives birth to 7 to 8 babies. A first-time dog may have fewer children. But in general, the number of offspring depends on heredity and the individual characteristics of the shepherd’s body.

In order for your pet to give you healthy and strong puppies, you should breed her no more than once a year.

Useful video:

Video of assistance during childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth of a German Shepherd - important process not only for the dog itself, but also for its owner. During this period, surround her with care and love, monitor her health. And at the most crucial moment, be ready to help the dog become a mother. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite an experienced dog breeder or veterinarian to be your partner.

Dog pregnancy– this is the period of development of a fertilized egg into a future puppy, right up to the moment of its birth. For the animal’s body, this is always stress and during this period it can become aggravated. chronic diseases or develop new health problems.

The load on the respiratory system increases, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Normal pregnancy in dogs lasts 60-62 days. However, viable puppies can be born earlier - from 58 days, or later than this - up to 72 days. This may be due to individual characteristics bitch's body.

Reason premature birth before the 58th day there may be an injury, hidden disease, poor readiness of the bitch for pregnancy: exhaustion, excessive obesity, too young or too old body.

If the bitch has not given birth on her own before the 72nd day, she will need surgical assistance (caesarean section).

Dog pregnancy by day: signs and symptoms

How to determine pregnancy in a dog? Signs of pregnancy depend on the stage of pregnancy. So until the third week, practically no changes are noticeable, except perhaps drowsiness and apathy.

  • By 25-30 days, the skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands swells and the glands themselves become clearly visible or pink in dogs with fair skin. An enlarged abdomen may be noticeable in the area behind the ribs.
  • Using ultrasound, pregnancy is diagnosed from 21-24 days. Already possible on the screen ultrasound machine see amniotic sacs with embryos.
  • Signs of pregnancy become obvious after the 29th day. The mammary glands greatly enlarge, and 7-10 days before birth, experienced mothers begin to produce milk. Only a dog with her first pregnancy can produce milk during labor or a few hours before.
  • From the 33rd day, the weight of the expectant mother begins to increase sharply.
  • At the 6-7th week of pregnancy (between 38-45 days), individual fetuses are felt in the uterus, the ribs and skull bones of the embryos are distinguished. During this period, X-rays can be used to accurately determine the number of puppies. This is especially important with large litters.

First pregnancy

It's special ordeal for a young dog. The first pregnancy may last longer than subsequent ones and be more difficult.

The owner of a young bitch should not rely on “nature”, since domesticated animals are no longer the same as natural conditions. And not everyone survives in the forest, but only the healthiest and strongest.

Therefore, you need to plan your first pregnancy for three to four months.

During this time, the animal must have well-developed muscles, excess fat removed, a carefully selected diet, all vaccinations done, and fleas and worms destroyed in a timely manner.

Afterwards, the dog may behave too restlessly: jump up, run around the room or enclosure, as if “not knowing” what to do with the puppies. The owner should not worry, this will pass in 7-10 days. You need to place the dog with the puppies and make sure that it does not accidentally injure the babies.

The anxiety of a dog who has given birth for the first time is often due to the fact that she has a lot of milk, and the puppies are still too small and are not able to suck it all out. When they get stronger, the dog will calm down.

False pregnancy in dogs: symptoms and treatment

This is a syndrome of physiological and mental disorders in the body of a female, which are caused by deviations in the activity of the gonads.

In terms of external signs, a false pregnancy is very similar to a normal one: the pigmentation of the mammary glands changes, the belly grows, and colostrum appears. However, in reality, there is no pregnancy.

The only sign by which an inexperienced dog breeder can distinguish a false pregnancy is the absence of fetal movement in the dog’s stomach. Experienced dog handlers also notice that the bitch is overly excited. She seems to be going crazy. With particular enthusiasm he builds a “nest” for himself, and takes special care of pseudo-puppies: soft toys, etc.

She goes outside reluctantly, and upon returning she immediately rushes to take care of her “puppies.”

With such manifestations of motherhood, you must contact a veterinarian. However, the owner can also speed up the end of an imaginary pregnancy. To do this, you cannot express milk from the mammary glands, you need to exclude dairy products from the diet, distract the bitch from her “maternal concerns” more often, and give sedatives.

Pregnancy in dogs is a long period in the life of an animal, which requires special care and attention from its owner. It is important to know that pregnancy is stressful for the animal’s body and sometimes carries with it a variety of consequences. During pregnancy, a dog is vulnerable to illness and mood changes, as well as apathy or depression.

Before starting mating, an owner who is going to breed purebred puppies should read a lot of information about how pregnancy goes and find out how many months a pregnant dog can walk. We will tell you a little about the features of dog pregnancy in this article.

Pregnancy in a dog lasts approximately two months or 56-66 days. You need to know that the duration of pregnancy in dogs begins from the first day after mating. Interestingly, primiparous and larger dogs will carry their puppies longer, with pregnancies that can last up to 71 days. Early births are also possible, starting from the 53rd day of mating.

If you are concerned that the birth did not occur on the expected day, and are very worried about this, calm down. You just need to reconsider the dates. In most cases, mating is carried out three times a week; maybe you just made a mistake with the exact timing. Funnily enough, how long pregnant dogs last depends on many factors, and the most common one is how many pregnancies they've had before. How more experienced dog, the faster and easier her pregnancy will be.

Signs of pregnancy in dogs

Whether a dog is pregnant or not, it is impossible to know the breeding field the next day. Moreover, in the first month of pregnancy there are no external signs pregnancy. Pregnancy in dogs can be indicated in the early stages only by changes in the usual mood: the dog becomes vulnerable, seeks solitude, sleeps a lot, suffers poor appetite. But the first signs of pregnancy in dogs can sometimes be just coincidences.

The dog is 49 days pregnant (photo by Renee V).

Only a veterinarian can confirm a dog's pregnancy using an ultrasound. It is best to carry out ultrasonography not earlier than 21 days from mating, but the most suitable period for indicating pregnancy is 30-35 days from conception. During this period, you can also find out how many puppies the dog is carrying.

The peak of a dog's pregnancy begins in the second month. During this period, the dog's appearance changes rapidly. Already 31 days after mating, the dog gains a rounded belly and sharply increases in weight. The mammary glands begin to change their shape from day 25, but their milk appears 7-10 days before the expected date.

Starting from 49-51 days after mating, you can visually observe and feel how the puppies move in the uterus, but this should be done very carefully so as not to cause harm. IN last days During pregnancy, the dog categorically refuses to walk outside, behaves aggressively with strangers and stubbornly seeks a quiet and safe place to give birth.

Caring for a pregnant dog

A pregnant dog is very vulnerable and unpredictable; it can either bark or be endlessly sad. Some dogs even experience toxicosis during pregnancy, so you shouldn’t be too surprised by the animal’s variable mood. A dog in this condition needs three walks every day, but it should be taken into account that it is strictly forbidden to live an overly active way of life; it cannot jump or run fast.

You need to know that no matter how long a pregnant dog walks, it needs careful care. In the first month of pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the animal’s nutrition, it should be healthy and nutritious, with sufficient quantity vitamins and proteins. Starting from the second month of pregnancy, the amount of food offered should be gradually increased.

The diet of a pregnant dog should contain vitamins of the group: B, A, D, E. This is a very important process during the dog’s pregnancy, because starting from the second month, puppies need more useful substances. During this period, you need to feed the dog not three times a day, but five, while reducing the amount of food from the usual. Thus, you increase the amount of food taken by 30%.

A pregnant dog often craves privacy, so you should help her find a quiet corner of the house where she won't be disturbed. In the second half of pregnancy, walks should be reduced to two. It is important that the amount of protein offered (eggs, milk, meat, fish) ten days before birth should be reduced, so that by five days it is not present in the diet at all.

During pregnancy, a dog needs to add a little calcium to its food, which is necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton in puppies. Also, in the last days of pregnancy, you need to limit the dog from overuse liquids.

During pregnancy, the dog should be protected from excessive stress; it is unacceptable for a pregnant dog to climb up and down the stairs on its own or jump on a chair or other high surface.

Now you know that a dog's pregnancy lasts about two months, and during this time she needs special care and attention. Make sure that a pregnant dog does not lie on the cold ground or floor, because in this way she will catch a cold both herself and the puppies.

Other useful articles on the site:

  • Before mating, bitches must be dewormed, we recommend that you find out.
  • As a result of pregnancy, dogs give birth to puppies, do not forget to find out.

Canine pregnancy is a natural process of fetal ripening in female dogs, which has its own characteristics for each breed. A dog is one of the animals that can give birth to several babies at the same time - this is especially true for dogs large breeds. Large females often give birth to up to 10 puppies, medium breeds give birth to 5-6 puppies, dwarf dogs– 2-4 puppies.

Features of pregnancy in dogs

Dog breeders believe that a dog's pregnancy lasts on average from 59 to 73 days. It all depends on the breed of the dog, the number of puppies being born, the age and living conditions of the pregnant bitch. But in general, large and small breeds In dogs, pregnancy proceeds in exactly the same way, which cannot be said about childbirth in different breeds.

Veterinarians distinguish three types of pregnancy in dogs - physiological, pathological and false pregnancy.

    Physiological pregnancy is normal, healthy pregnancy, in which the process of bearing puppies occurs without disruption normal condition female and fetus.

    Pathological pregnancy- this is a pregnancy that is characterized by a violation of the natural physiological processes and health of the female. During the pathology, the bitch experiences toxicosis and decreased appetite, caused by the rapid attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus.

    Pregnancy, which resembles physiological symptoms in terms of symptoms, but does not lead to fertilization. It occurs after 2 months and its symptoms resemble normal process- the mammary glands enlarge, milk appears, the belly takes on characteristic shapes, the female begins to behave like a pregnant woman (preparing a “nest”, behaves excitedly, shows aggression towards other dogs, etc.). False pregnancy lasts two weeks, then the symptoms disappear. During such a pregnancy, the female may develop mastitis, so she needs special care.

How to determine pregnancy in a dog

The behavior of dogs during pregnancy varies greatly, and this is due not only to the characteristics of the breed, but also to the characteristics of each individual dog, its character and temperament. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the female shows some nervousness, absent-mindedness, and some disobedience to the owner’s commands.

Only at the end of the first month of pregnancy does the bitch begin to “build a nest”, scratching the litter and straightening it with her muzzle. Sometimes a dog tries to hide food by denying itself food. The bitch begins to show signs of unfriendliness towards other people's dogs, even towards familiar ones. Occasionally, aggression is shown towards people if they come close to her bed, which she has begun to perceive as a “nest”.

At the same time, the dog begins to show a strange interest in objects that resemble puppies in shape, softness and size - she willingly drags small soft toys onto her bed, shows increased attention to the squeak of toys that remind her of the squeak of puppies.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in dogs early stages necessary to distinguish physiological pregnancy from false pregnancy, and to determine possible pathologies the process of gestation. To do this, veterinarians use inspection, palpation and x-rays.

Palpation on later effective, as it allows you to palpate the fetus in the abdomen, determine the enlargement of the mammary glands, swelling of the paws and abdominal walls. In this case, the fetus begins to be felt in the sixth week, and in the eighth week you can even feel the puppy’s body in the womb. During this same period, radiography can determine the condition of the puppies in the womb, their number and correct development.

Prevention of pregnancy

For some females, their usual behavior does not change even during pregnancy, but their usual behavior can change at any time if you irritate or physically “stress” the female - instinctive defense mechanisms. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, it is best to free the dog from training and service, walk it more often and not allow it to lie in one place.

In the same time, for any behavior of the dog, it requires increased attention and sanitary prevention from possible infectious and non-communicable diseases which she could pass on to her offspring. It is also necessary to keep it away from children - it represents a potential for them.