Pills before surgery for fear. Sedative injection before surgery

A typical trip to the doctor for many is severe stress, not to mention the operation. Fear of surgery is defensive reaction organism, and represents the fear of something unknown ahead. At the same time, people cannot accurately express what specifically scares them: the operation itself, rehabilitation period, hospital walls or something else. Already having in hand the direction to surgical procedure, almost all patients ask the question: how to overcome the fear of surgery?

Reasons for fear of surgery

  • One of the main reasons for preoperative phobia is complete uncertainty. The patient knows his diagnosis, knows approximately what will be done for him, and that’s where all the information ends. Not every surgeon will explain to the patient what is happening in his body, how the operation will take place, what specific actions he will perform, how many days the body’s recovery will take. The main task of a surgeon is to perform his work professionally, and a psychotherapist should calm all mental anxieties.
  • The absolutely opposite reason for fear of surgery is the patient’s excessive awareness of both his illness and the methods of treating it. Nowadays, you can find a lot of information on the Internet about any disease and methods of getting rid of it. You should not always trust the articles you read; each case is individual and requires a professional assessment by the attending physician. Having read about how surgery should be performed, how anesthesia is administered and other points, patients begin to panic about the operation.
  • The third reason for fear is anesthesia. Some patients are afraid that the anesthesia will have a bad effect and they will feel pain, others are afraid of the possible negative consequences of anesthesia. Surely many have heard the popular belief that one dose of anesthesia shortens a person’s life by several years. Well, another group of people who are afraid surgical intervention– fear of not waking up at all after anesthesia.

It is unlikely that doctors will be able to remember at least one person who would not be afraid of surgery. The only difference is that many are trying to overcome their phobia and go through this stage of treatment, while others, on the contrary, experience real panic attacks at the mere mention of surgery. There are frequent cases in medical practice, when patients voluntarily refused surgery due to their panic fear.

How to overcome fear

Each person is given the right to choose whether to agree to surgery or not. If we are talking about a small cosmetic procedure, say, removing burn marks, then the patient’s life is not in danger if it is refused. But most often, surgery is performed according to medical indications and refusing it can lead to serious complications. If the patient simply needs surgery, for example, removal malignant tumor, but because of fear of the upcoming procedure, the patient refuses surgical treatment, he must write in his own hand a refusal of the proposed treatment. Thus, doctors relieve themselves of responsibility for the unfavorable outcome of the disease.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, the patient understands that he simply needs the operation, but what to do if horror constrains the whole body? Psychologists give a number of recommendations on how to get rid of the fear of surgery.

Get distracted

Usually the fear of surgery reaches its peak the day before the procedure. In order not to completely go crazy, you need to try to distract yourself. Watch an interesting movie in the evening, read your favorite book, in a word, let your thoughts be occupied with anything, but not tomorrow.


Skeptics will, of course, grin and skip this paragraph. But for some, prayer brings emotional peace, and with its help, many people actually manage to get rid of the fear of surgery. It is not necessary to go to church or remember the exact text of the prayer; you can simply mentally turn to God and ask for a good outcome of the procedure.

Really assess the situation

Calmly think about what exactly are you afraid of? If the reason is anesthesia, try talking to an anesthesiologist. Tell us about your fear, and a competent specialist will reassure you by telling you how anesthesia will be applied. According to statistics, only one person out of several hundred thousand dies from improper anesthesia, and every tenth person dies from burst appendicitis.

Think positively

If you can’t get rid of thoughts about the upcoming operation, try to turn your thoughts into a more positive direction. For example, a woman cannot have children for many years, and the upcoming surgical intervention gives her a chance to become a mother. Think about your future baby and the fear of surgery will subside a little.

Don't escalate the situation

How can you not be afraid of surgery if your roommates spend the entire evening telling horror stories about surgeons who forget a scalpel or a roll of cotton wool in a patient’s body? Ask to change the topic of conversation or watch a movie on your laptop using headphones. You should not use the computer to search for “failed transactions over the past few years” and the like.

Take a sedative

Do not forget that you can take any sedatives only after consulting your doctor! Only he will tell you what you can drink and what you can’t. In any case, a decoction of mint, chamomile, motherwort or other medicinal herbs will not hurt.

Preparing for surgery

To overcome the fear of surgery, the patient must be calm and confident in the professionalism of the operating surgeon. The patient must understand that surgery is the only way to recover from the disease, and the sooner it takes place, the better. You need to prepare for the upcoming procedure not only morally, but also from a practical point of view. Choose a clinic that employs competent specialists, because the favorable outcome of the event depends on the professional skills of the doctor. If possible, complete preoperative preparation. Mainly it includes:

  • Surrender of all necessary tests long before surgery;
  • Give up bad habits at least a couple of weeks before the procedure;
  • Do not go to the bathhouse or do other things cosmetic procedures at least a week before surgery;
  • Keep a diary of changes in general health, body temperature and blood pressure;
  • Monitor your diet. Before surgery, you should not eat fatty and salty foods, carbonated drinks, chocolate and other sweets. It is necessary to give preference to lean meat, vegetables and fruits.

You should not conceal information about other chronic diseases from your attending physician; this can lead to complications both during and after surgery. If some points still worry you (bad tests, negative reviews about the surgeon), you should not submit to circumstances. Perhaps your fear serves as a signal for some action: change doctor or clinic, retake tests, or treat another disease. Poor health can also serve as a basis for postponing the date of the surgical procedure.

It is quite possible to overcome the fear of upcoming surgery and anesthesia; to do this, you need not to panic, but really weigh everything. Collect information about the practicing surgeon, follow all doctor’s orders, do not search the Internet for information about unsuccessful operations, in a word, don’t get hung up on the upcoming procedure. Thousands of people go on the operating table, afraid as much as you, and in the end everything goes well. If alternative treatment is not provided, trust your doctor and throw all worries away.

Today we will talk about:

Any operation- This is stress for the body. Many people are mistaken when they think that the success of the operation lies entirely on the shoulders of the doctor. This is a common misconception. Much also depends on the actions of the patient himself on the eve of the operation. What you need to know for what lies ahead elective surgery? Will tell you about Medicine.

Surely many people do not even suspect that proper preparation before surgery and subsequent compliance with the rules of the postoperative regimen have important for the health of the patient. If a person does not adhere to certain rules that all patients preparing for surgery must strictly follow, the doctor may cancel it. In addition, such a negligent attitude towards your health can significantly change the work of the anesthesiologist for the worse; he may make a mistake and choose the wrong method of anesthesia and the drugs used for you. Therefore in all medical institutions doctors strongly advise you to adhere to strict rules for the preoperative and postoperative period.

Before entering the department

You will see when you learn that preparations begin weeks or even months before you are admitted to the hospital wing. Here everything depends on the patient himself, because the doctor will not be able to constantly monitor the patient’s lifestyle and ensure that he follows all his instructions. So, what is required of the patient before entering a medical facility:

I. General information

1. Before the operation, you must put your body on alert, that is, be as healthy as possible. Due to cough and ARVI, a specialist may well undergo surgery if your condition seems unsatisfactory to him. However, what should those who suffer chronic illnesses? Together with the doctor, achieve stable remission by the date for which the operation is scheduled.

2. You should give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. It is best to avoid smoking cigarettes one and a half months before surgery. Drinking alcohol on the day of surgery is strictly prohibited, because for a long time Anesthesia does not work. In addition, it negatively affects the functioning of many internal organs. And you need your heart, kidneys, and liver to work at full capacity.

3. Try to lead healthy image life and eating right. Be sure to include vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and dairy products in your diet (unless you have personal recommendations from a doctor). If a specialist says that you need to lose a couple of extra pounds before going on the operating table, it’s better to listen to him. Obesity leads to frequent complications. A patient who keeps his body in good shape endures it much easier. postoperative period than someone who doesn't watch their weight. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge in sweets, fast food, fatty and salty foods before surgery.

4. It is also better not to go under the knife with loose teeth and weak crowns. The fact is that the anesthesiologist must ensure patency during the operation respiratory tract. It sounds paradoxical, but your tooth can simply get lost. It will be worse if you swallow it.

5. Prepare all medications you take in advance. Doctors cannot know about every pill that makes you feel better. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you take. If you resort to alternative medicine(propolis tinctures, various decoctions and ointments) - the doctor should also know about this.

II. Personal items

1. All jewelry (earrings, bracelets, rings, etc.) should be left at home. There is no need for you to wear them during surgery. They can interfere with specialists during work and even injure your skin.

2. You should be careful about what to take with you to the hospital. First, don't forget about toiletries (soap, towel, toilet paper, shampoo, washcloth, etc.). You should also take your shaving accessories with you. If you lie in paid clinic, you may not need them, but in regular city hospitals it is better to bring everything with you, including utensils. Be sure to bring 1-2 mugs, a cup, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a boiler or small teapot, and tea leaves. Don't forget scissors and thread and needle. It is better to wear comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Please note that it may get dirty or torn, so it is advisable to bring already worn clothes.

3. You will have enough free time before the operation. To calm down and distract yourself, take several books, magazines, Board games(chess, checkers, dominoes). Don't forget your phone or tablet. Take care of chargers. If your child is undergoing surgery, allow him to take his favorite toys into the department.

Before anesthesia

I. Hygiene and appearance

1. If you have not had any instructions from your doctor, be sure to take a shower with soap the evening before the morning surgery (or the afternoon before the evening surgery). Water procedures will help cleanse your skin of impurities invisible to the eye, which will reduce the risk of infection.

2. Don't forget to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings.

3. Before the operation, your skin should be cleansed of foundation, powder and makeup. It is not allowed to lie down on the operating table with a manicure, because the varnish may interfere special device read data about the patient's breathing.

4. Piercings, earrings, lenses, hearing aid, should also be left in the room.

5. If the operation will be performed on a part of the body where there is hair, it should be thoroughly shaved before the operation. Your doctor should tell you about this. If no recommendations have been received from him, do not use the razor. You can make microscopic cuts that can easily become infected.

II. Food and medicine

1. All medications you take must be agreed upon with your doctor and anesthesiologist. This is very important question, because even Viagra can provoke a critical drop in blood pressure and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition during the course of the operation.

2. If you are allowed to take any medication several hours before surgery, it is better not to take it with liquid.

3. The morning before you have surgery, you are not allowed to eat or drink any liquids, including drinking water. It is extremely important that your stomach is empty during surgery, otherwise your life will be in real danger.

III. Psychological side of the matter

1. Excitement and fear before an operation, even one planned in advance, is a normal human reaction that should not be embarrassed. In order not to worry and feel comfortable, try to collect as much competent information as possible about how such operations are carried out. Read a book, listen to your favorite music. If you are haunted by a persistent feeling of fear, talk to the doctor who will perform the operation.

After operation

After a successfully completed operation, the patient still has to recover from anesthesia. Gradually, muscle sensitivity will return to him and he will regain consciousness. To eliminate medications, the body will need time and concentration. Doctors say that patients recover from anesthesia in 4-5 hours. After that, about another 10-15 hours are spent half asleep. This reaction is completely normal and should not bother you or your loved ones.

What you need to know

  • after anesthesia, you need to spend at least a day in a quiet environment: you cannot run, jump, play active games, work with children, etc.;
  • It is prohibited to handle any devices that can harm your health (chainsaw, lawn mower, etc.);
  • after anesthesia, you should not drive, because your reaction speed will be noticeably slower, you may fall asleep while sitting in the driver’s seat;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor;
  • alcohol (including beer, cider, cocktails, etc.) should be excluded for at least a few days, allow the body to recover and rest from the stress experienced;
  • if you were discharged from the hospital after anesthesia (a minor operation was performed), ask a friend or relative to monitor your condition for 24 hours and tell the doctor if you get worse;
  • Limit yourself in food and drink for the first 3-4 days; your diet should consist of broths, porridges with water, yoghurts, mousses, toast bread.

For the operation to be successful, do not forget that you must be directly involved in its preparation. Compliance with doctors' instructions will help avoid possible risks and complications.

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I want not to be afraid! I understand that if I resist, none of the doctors will play around with me and persuade me, and I won’t go THERE voluntarily!

You talked about the onset of anesthesia

I understand that I need to take a sedative, but this will not help me. I’m afraid in panic, although I understand that it’s me who needs this, and not someone else, and it depends only on me, but.

Where is the injection for general anesthesia given? Sorry for the stupid question, but, as you understand, I’m a coward and I want to know where general anesthesia is injected.

into a vein in the arm, but before this anesthesia, 10 minutes before they inject something else into the butt, I don’t know what kind of drug it is. My husband had surgery 2 months ago

Special thanks for the reassurance, but if I did not allow a good, pleasant doctor to insert lenses into my eyes, although all my life I dreamed of blue eyes)))) Then, I’m afraid, I definitely won’t be able to just look at the light bulb and voluntarily surrender to the doctor. I myself understand how stupid this sounds, but the fact that I’m afraid is an understatement.

secondly, dirty operations only happen in traumatology, they are always tough, rarely in cardio and neurosurgery(

thirdly, you didn’t inject anything for relaxation, like Relanium. usually people are lethargic after them and offer little resistance.

If I were you, I agreed to general anesthesia (you fell asleep, woke up and that’s it.

nurses use it on their hands/gloves almost every minute because blood on the gloves is already aseptic))) suits are changed immediately with a new patient or if they are heavily soiled (and when a cyst is removed there is practically no blood), and surgeons wash themselves. It’s really amazing, it’s like being in another country. Maybe you have a very, very minor operation. Well, how can I not relax at all, even though Baralgin should be poked.

Hello! I am an anesthesiologist. And I can, I hope, answer your questions about pain, pain relief

Questions and answers are not censored, everything is transmitted in the original. This is not journalistic material, this is direct speech. It will hurt some eyes.

Hello! I am an anesthesiologist. And I can, I hope, answer your questions about pain, pain relief, anesthesia and anesthesia.

Please tell us about the funniest/ridiculous case from your practice related to anesthesia (and resuscitation - you’re probably also a resuscitator?).

Yes, I am an anesthesiologist and resuscitator. It’s kind of hard to single out the best one. There were many of them. I very often remember a case when a ten-year-old child, in order to carry out a minimal surgical intervention (opening an abscess, lymphadenitis, in my opinion), had to be administered a dose of drugs that was ten times higher than usual. The person had an individual reduced sensitivity to anesthesia drugs.

Novocaine and its later derivatives actually potentiate (strengthen) the effect of psychotropic substances (alcohol is one of them). After an overdose of alcohol, it is found in the blood increased amount enzymes that destroy it. Accordingly, the effect of an “injection in the gum” may be insufficient.

Differences in the structure of certain genes can affect the metabolism of certain drugs. Among anesthesia drugs, this applies mostly to opiates (morphine analogues). Some people have slower elimination/destruction.

I very much doubt that they will be able to determine an allergy specifically to anesthesia drugs. If only because you need to have these drugs in your laboratory and use them to determine the antigen-antibody reaction. But they do not have the right to store these drugs; for this they need a license, a room with bars in the walls and doors, and a double alarm circuit. This is regulated by the drug trafficking law. There is a strong opinion that some of these “laboratories” are engaged in quackery.

This, apparently, is for the time being.

We used to have this too. Then another, new inspector from OBNON came and said that now he would not fine the hospital, but the next time he came, he would definitely, if nothing changed. This was a very long time ago, moreover.

If tests are done for every drug prescribed to a patient, there will not be enough resources (temporary, human, material). Therefore, before prescribing the drug, the doctor must carefully collect the patient’s medical history, find out the general predisposition to allergic reactions, the presence of allergies to this in close relatives, etc. Anaphylaxis develops in sensitized patients, that is, in those who have already received this drug, they have antibodies in their blood that can give such an immune response. In dentistry, anaphylaxis is often mistaken for a reaction to intravascular injection of a drug, when the needle accidentally enters the blood vessel, and the introduction of the drug into the vascular bed causes sharp drop blood pressure, with all the ensuing consequences.

There are many drugs for anesthesia; there is no specific drug for a specific operation. Almost all patients under water anesthesia (before falling asleep) experience pleasant sensations similar to mild intoxication.

For ENT surgeries I use a combination of ketamine, sibazone and fentanyl. I even have my own experience on these operations on children. Younger children do not remember the fact of the operation; older children say that they had a dream. And yes, indeed, deep anesthesia is not possible, the cough reflex must be preserved.

It has been noted that hallucinatory manifestations after the administration of ketamine to women often have an erotic connotation, while in men they are more often of an alarming and threatening nature. The introduction of sibazon, in most cases, neutralizes these manifestations.

I didn't know about these statistics. Where does the information come from?

Perhaps this is the right approach.

This refers to the removal of adenoids and tonsils in children; deep anesthesia cannot be given without tracheal intubation.

at the same time, it is convenient for the surgeon. The patient does not resist, does not gurgle blood, you can pick at the surgical field as you like and achieve normal hemostasis.

It’s the endotracheal tube that gets in the way of the ENT surgeon. In the clinic where I work, we have been operating on children under anesthesia for 2 years now, the number of operations has increased significantly, precisely because under anesthesia. The technique is without intubation, partly developed directly by me. Before this, most of these children were operated on (under anesthesia) at the Regional Children's Hospital and at the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. Just today the parents of one of the children were categorically against anesthesia; his adenoids were removed under local anesthesia. The plastic surgery of the nasal septum was performed as usual - relaxation, intubation, etc.

And further. I am an ardent opponent of “profit” operations; a child’s psychological trauma can last a lifetime. And I went to the manager for two years. ENT department and whined: let's start operating under anesthesia. Now we are with him best friends, he much prefers to remove adenoids and tonsils under anesthesia.

Peking - oral tamponade, in Russian. And we chronically don’t have tubes with cuffs (balloons), I buy them with my own, from time to time.

Don’t try to persuade me, it’s much easier for me to intubate the trachea, administer relaxants, and breathe slowly into the bag. The reality is that we work without intubation.

Where are you now, if it’s not a secret? In what country, I mean?

How's it going in the hospital? drug provision? It’s bad here - Marcaine only appeared a week ago, lidocaine is running out, listenone and atropine are running out, and the department is given epidural kits and spinal needles in single quantities..

Ours is no better. For example, in 2012, my colleagues and I purchased atropine several times with personal funds. We wrote out a prescription according to list “A” and purchased 20 packs at once.

After a short acquaintance and a night together, the girl says to the man:

Do you want me to guess who you work for?

Doctor, you washed your hands so thoroughly.

I can guess who's major.

How did you guess?

I didn't feel anything.

I didn't feel anything.

- (with pride) well, I’m an anesthesiologist!

The drug of choice, in my opinion, is ultracaine. As an option - citanest. It is not clear why they offer lidocaine; sometimes doctors prefer to prescribe it inexpensive drugs, and the rest depends on the technique of local anesthesia.

Thank you, ultracaine is our everything :)

I'm waiting for the doctor's answer. Thank you.

Any chemical substances cause harm to our body, in the case of intravenous anesthetics, 2 anesthesia for 1 hour each will not cause irreparable harm. Some patients endure 25 anesthesia per year, no fatal consequences was not noticed.

I'll add a little. In principle, any manipulation accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the vessel (vein) wall can provoke increased thrombus formation. Some drugs (propofol, for example) have an irritating effect on the vascular endothelium (hence phlebitis and possible thrombosis)

I absolutely agree with you. That’s why I cited propofol as an example of a drug that is not diluted and is injected (more often) into a peripheral vein.

Tell them to bring a price list for the services of an anesthesiologist, signed by the chief physician. Ask if they will give you a cash receipt for services rendered?

There are no drugs for general anesthesia (narcosis) on the market.

Well then, nitrous oxide.

Without the appropriate equipment, xenon anesthesia cannot be performed. And, by the way, take an interest in the cost of this gas - about 30 dollars per liter. With xenon anesthesia, taking into account recycling, 5 liters of this gas are consumed per minute.

Try drugs based on nimesulide, dexalgin. If you are taking any other medications at this time, or have any chronic diseases Be sure to consult your doctor.

For repositioning bone fragments (fracture reduction) in children, the intravenous anesthetic ketamine is ideal. Mask anesthesia is now very widely used in adults as an induction before the use of low-flow anesthesia.

Operating team of 15-16 year old acne-prone teenage surgeons, for whom the patient is under anesthesia and with a purulent process in abdominal cavity the only opportunity to finally lose my virginity. Well, you understand me, right?

7 daily allowances doctorsheeshka: on average, about 30–40 anesthesia per month, plus duty in the intensive care unit. There are not enough staff. People come after internship, work for a year or two and become medical representatives.

If you consider that I also work in a maternity hospital (in the neonatal intensive care unit), then I have 18–19 daily shifts per month.

There is nothing to bet on, there is no time for two. By the way, I myself sometimes think about becoming a medical representative - I was called to AstraZeneca, but the only thing that stops me is my love for the specialty and faith in a better future. The salary, with all the additional payments and VMP, barely reaches 1k USD. But I don’t take bribes, I don’t scam patients for money, it’s a shame to receive gratitude since the days of sanitation.

And yet - suddenly you know: about 10 years ago I did a blood test - an allergic reaction to anesthetics. Now for some reason they don’t do such tests, doctors say that they don’t show anything, and you can only find out the reaction to the painkiller after the fact. Is this really true?

An analogue of Septanest is ultracaine, they contain the same active ingredient: articaine. There are many manufacturers of popular medicines; only the trade names differ. In your case, after conducting a clinical blood test (check the level of eosinophils), it is advisable to consult a competent allergist, then, on his recommendation, take a 3-5 day course antihistamines(diphenhydramine, suprastin desloratadine, etc.). And, after thorough premedication, administer local anesthesia. Local anesthetic Must be combined with adrenaline. In any case, the doctors on site know better. My advice can only be of a advisory nature.

The questions are not stupid, ordinary questions from a normal, inquisitive person. Common practice in modern general anesthesia is the use of multiple drugs to achieve the surgical stage of anesthesia. Due to the mutual potentiation (intensification) of the action of each of the administered drugs, the total dose of a single substance is less than with mononarcosis. This minimizes the risk of developing side effects inherent in each drug. The same goes for the mask, most likely to maintain background anesthesia, you were given a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide (1:2) to breathe. A tube is inserted into the trachea to ensure adequate airway patency during performing mechanical ventilation during the operation. Before the operation (in the ward), you were given so-called premedication, a combination of drugs to prevent disorders heart rate, excessive salivation and vomiting activity.

The mechanism of action of most modern general anesthetics is a reversible disruption of the process of impulse transmission in the central nervous system. I think it is unrealistic to cover all the nuances in detail within the framework of a post. However, I will try to answer most of the possible clarifying questions.

Thank you very much for your answer! In fact, there are a lot of questions about the nuances of the effect of anesthesia on the central nervous system at the neural level. I understand that describing everything here is pointless and rather inconvenient. So I would be grateful for links, perhaps to some popular scientific articles or books on this topic, and on neurobiology in general, if you have them at hand, of course. Thank you!

Epidural anesthesia is performed without turning off the patient's consciousness. This is a variant of local anesthesia, not anesthesia. Sometimes epidural anesthesia uses intravenous sleeping pills, but this is not anesthesia (not general anesthesia). Light music in the operating room is a common practice both here and abroad.

Most likely, this is your individual sensitivity. Moreover, my sister has the same feature.

You are unlikely to be able to influence the pain threshold. You can train your will, i.e. by an effort of will to subjugate more severe pain. You can also recall mind control techniques (meditation, etc.)

I am sincerely glad that everything ended well! Respect to my colleague, health to my son. Do not be ill!

WHO had a CS done?? What kind of injection is given before the operation, what is then led under the arms to the table.

Mobile application “Happy Mama” 4.7 Communicating in the application is much more convenient!

By the way, my husband was given gas before the spinal injection, because... the shaker mastered it before the operation and he was swaying))))

The doctor also gave me a choice: sleep or laugh))

They don’t inject any sedatives... the author of the post made me laugh))))))))

everything will be OK

You will lie down on a narrow table, a catheter will be placed and the medicine will be injected into a vein. 10 seconds and see you)))

kstt you can ask that the tube be inserted into the urethra after anesthesia, because this is very unpleasant.

General anesthesia or what?

and I saw and heard everything. I thought it was cool.

there will be so many cool moments... how your lalya will smile with a toothless smile.

It’s even a shame... I suffered in labor from 2 am and gave birth to 4218 eldest by 5:20 pm..

And then she came, lay down, fell asleep, woke up a few hours later and they brought the baby doll and only 3600... the worst thing in the CS is getting up for the first time after the operation..

and as soon as you get out of bed, it is advisable to do it faster... then you need to pull yourself together and straighten up completely, holding the seam of course... and it’s better to get up right away in the bandage...

Sedative injection before surgery

I don't know much about this... intravenous

I recently had an experience, not the first, but previous operations were quite easy, but this time everything turned out to be serious. The most important thing is choosing a doctor. If you trust him, then great, drive away anxious thoughts by thinking about his talent. Don’t be superstitious in the negative, but on the contrary, catch good signs. You won’t be able to rejoice now anyway, so just be confident and calm: fifa:. Plan the things you will do after the operation, start something now:020:. If the hospital has normal staff, then you will completely relax there. Before the operation you will be given a calming injection, but you shouldn’t be afraid of modern anesthesia, you should be happy about it.:flower:

Ahhh, so this is not a long operation, especially don’t worry. :)

But in general, despite the diagnosis and the complexity of the operation, I was calm because of my daughter, because children feel everything!

They say the operation is not complicated, it will take about 15 minutes, but I’m still scared ((

I try to hold on and think about the good, because... A lot depends on your mood too.

Don't worry. It seems to you that this is an invasion of the holy of holies - your beautiful body. For a doctor, this is an ordinary job and the doctor does this job well. I believe that the evening before the operation you will be given a sedative tablet so that you can get a good night's sleep. Sometimes there is a rationally inexplicable fear of anesthesia, but it is somewhat absurd - You are not afraid to fall asleep in your bed in the evening - fearing not to wake up the next morning? Don't be afraid here either.

Everything will be fine. :flower:

They will put you on an IV in the operating room, then give you an injection and you will wake up in the ward. It is very, very rare to be transferred to intensive care for several hours after surgery thyroid gland- either if the operation is very lengthy (5-7 hours - this happens, not your case), or if the patient is of advanced age and has health problems. I also think this is not your case.

NB: this is exactly in this clinic for this type of surgery. Each clinic does it differently - for example, Muscovites after a thyroidectomy are forced into intensive care for a day. Although IMHO there is no need for this - three hours after the first - two-hour - operation I was finishing my lunch with a bang :) The second was longer, but also after dinner I was already wandering along the corridor.

How lively you are, though. 😉 I couldn’t eat after the operation (thyroidectomy), I only drank broth until the next morning - it was uncomfortable to eat! I got up about four hours later, when I had gotten enough sleep:008:

What helped, first of all, was a conversation with the anesthesiologist, who, firstly, kindly laughed at my fears, and secondly, threatened that with such an attitude she would not take me to the operation.

And besides, I was put in the ward on the eve of the operation with a girl after the operation, although she had a swollen eye, she was alive, this also cheered me up :))

I read the next topic about thyroid disease and discovered that you and I have the same diagnosis, only I was diagnosed a year ago and everything that was in the way was already cut off. :008:

Tell me, what did they tell you about holidays at the seaside? I understand that you can’t sunbathe and you can’t be under the sun. In one place the doctor told me it was possible, but in another he said it was impossible. I so dreamed of going to the seaside with my child at least in September

1. “Kashchei the Immortal drowned himself, hanged himself, threw himself off a cliff - in general, he had as much fun as he could.” What I mean is that if you have had a thyroidectomy and, if necessary, been treated with radioiodine, then in principle you can afford anything. Restrictions on the sun and the south - most likely not even in terms of carcinoma, but in terms of general health - it is necessary to select the correct level of thyroxine in order, on the one hand, to achieve suppressive therapy, on the other hand, not to absorb all the negativity of thyrotoxicosis.

But they didn’t put me in intensive care either - this is a rarity, really rare during surgery on the thyroid gland!

I’m not alive, I wanted to eat - they haven’t fed me since the evening before the operation, you monsters!:001::004:

Regarding resuscitation - these www.endocrincentr.ru, for example, are always put on hold for a day. “It’s customary here,” they say. Moreover, they do not prescribe surgery if there is no room in the intensive care unit for a person. Another surgical school.

I was about to have surgery on my spine, I was soooo scared:001:

The day before, the anesthesiologist was supposed to talk to me, but for some reason he couldn’t. In the morning I’m waiting for the operation, and I drank some tea. (no one said anything to me:005:). I don’t know exactly what time the operation will be. Suddenly my sister bursts in and yells: why aren’t you ready, why aren’t you undressed?: wife: Me: But no one told me anything.

She: I hope you haven’t drunk anything since the evening? Me: Current water 🙁 Me: What if you start vomiting during the operation and you choke?:wife::wife::wife:.

I undressed and crawled onto the gurney. Me: Why are your nails covered in varnish?: wife: If you're dying under anesthesia, how can we determine that your nails are turning blue, you can't see anything. 015::015::015: And wipe off the gloss from your lips! Your lips will turn blue - we won’t notice!

How was I supposed to know everything if no one told me!:009: That’s how I went to the operating room.

The most unpleasant thing in this whole process is when they take you naked under a sheet on a gurney along the corridors to the O. hall, where they prepare you for surgery, put you under anesthesia, the unknown lies ahead.

I woke up there in OZ. They forcibly woke me up and talked to me so that I would not fall asleep. So we got to the ward.

There they told the girls that they wouldn’t let me sleep for another two hours. They explained that I had anesthesia through an intravenous catheter + tube. If I fall asleep, I might forget to breathe. And I wanted to sleep so bad:073:

Then I couldn’t get up for a day, it was assumed that I would go to the toilet on the bedpan, in a diaper or on an absorbent sheet. It didn't work out! Well, I couldn’t stop myself! :(

In general, I didn’t go to the toilet for a day or drink, so as not to want to. This was my biggest mistake! Don't repeat it! On the contrary, you need to drink more so that toxins come out faster after anesthesia!:ded:

The next day I couldn’t stand it anymore and had to get up. But. no strength. I could only get up on all fours and correct posture so that the spine does not bend. I was lying on my stomach and couldn’t find the strength to pull my legs under me.

In general, I somehow got up. The whole room led me to the toilet.

But by lunchtime I finally recovered after drinking half a liter of water. :014:

The most interesting thing is that the operation site did not hurt at all! This is a mystery to me.

And during the dressing, I looked at the seam in the mirror over my shoulder. It’s as if they just drew a scar on my skin. There was some slight swelling for a couple of days and that was all.

So the operation itself is not scary. You just need to prepare for it correctly.:020:

Before surgery - how to get ready and not be afraid?

Psychologist, Skype consultations

Uzhgorod (Ukraine)

Now the preparation will begin and devote yourself entirely to it, direct all your attention there, in currently. Bad thoughts will go away on their own.)

Psychologist, Arranger On-line therapist

online now

Psychologist, Family psychologist

online now

Psychologist, Family consultant Online

Maybe it's just me?

How to tune in, how to calm down, how to stop jittering?

Advice from a psychotherapist!)

Or you can allow it to be, strengthen it, exaggerate it. Because of this, he also runs away)) Good luck, Oksan!)

How to tune in, how to calm down, how to stop jittering?

Psychologist, Storyteller, Fairy Tale Therapist

Prayer - “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

“fearlessness” and “panic” are two extremes that are harmful to the optimal course of both the operation itself and the recovery process after it.

Plus, it's a new experience! You love everything new and spicy. Re-live, enjoy!)))

And even closer to evening, a sedative, like it or not, will be injected. You even want to be afraid and worried, but that’s it, bainki

I'm part of the operation

It's great that the wait is over and the time has been set, good luck!

The last thought before anesthesia will be more energetic upon awakening from anesthesia.

Turn to those who know how to (set up, .) do this, and not just give advice! Who knows the techniques, and does not share experience!

Advice from a psychotherapist!)

Because of this, he also runs away)) Good luck, Oksan!)

From the question of how, return to the question of what can I do to make the operation as successful as possible? If the answer is: “Calm down, relax, tune in to the positive,” then what to do for this and as you yourself know)))

Psychologist, Trainer hypnologist coach

Psychologist, Your therapist Skype consultation

Psychologist, Supervisor, Gestalt therapist

Psychologist, Supervisor, Online psychotherapy supervision

London (UK)

Maybe it's just me? I'm afraid, something's scary.

That not random people will operate, but professionals.

That after the operation we will provide the body with everything necessary nutrition and energy to restore strength and balance.))

A little worried? Well, that's enough. Don't waste any more energy on this. Everything is good in moderation. Of course, something new is always exciting. But this is not new anymore. Look how many people have gone through this and are alive and well.

no-no-no, I planned to spend the whole night (or part of it) more cheerfully

Before the operation you are supposed to pray and sleep.

London (UK)

So, fly under anesthesia, and we will work/pray for you here.

"pray before him and you will receive healing" - these words were spoken in a dream in the hospital to a woman who had lost hope of healing - the image helped and the miracle of healing happened.

Psychologist, Storyteller, Fairy Tale Therapist

If we believe in their skill, trust the process, then it will be successful. Trust in their professionalism - thereby helping both them and yourself.

It would also be good if you asked someone close to you, whom you trust, to be mentally with you for the entire period of time while you are under anesthesia.

To “protect” your subconscious a little.

Would you like to try a recipe or taste?

Hugs and sending my support.

your whole family will help you

Just at these moments my eldest daughter is undergoing surgery. I pray for her too. God willing, everything will go well.

An hour later I also run to my doctors.

Oksana, if once upon a time it was an operation, anesthesia and everything you listed in a conversation that “knocked” the woman out of you, then. According to the logic of things and the law of “knocks out a wedge with a wedge,” this operation with all the applications should bring you back.)))))

I’ll fly under anesthesia in search of a part of myself. I will find you and bring you back to your body. That's enough, I've had a walk, it's time to go home.

Memo for the patient before surgery

Why do you need to get tested again?

Usually before surgery I order a clinical blood test, biochemical analysis blood in order to assess changes that may have occurred since the results of tests were received at the place of residence. Unfortunately, the necessary parameters are not always determined at the place of residence, which is one of the most common reasons for repeated blood tests.

I determine the blood type before any operation, which is mandatory in all hospitals.

Why is it necessary to see a therapist?

Unfortunately, often the conclusions of a therapist from the place of residence do not suit me due to the fact that they do not contain information about the patient’s current condition, the need and advisability of preoperative preparation.

There are many diseases that do not manifest themselves until a person falls into stressful situation. Often, while patients are in hospital, chronic diseases worsen, and this requires adjustment of the therapist’s prescriptions.

How many days will the hospitalization last?

On average, hospitalization lasts a day. The duration of hospitalization depends on the need for preoperative preparation and complications of surgical treatment. In general, one can formulate next rule- “the younger the patient and the fewer chronic diseases he has, the sooner he will be discharged.”

10 days - minimum permissible period as part of treatment under compulsory medical insurance.

What do you need to have before surgery?

  • elastic bandage (5-6 meters long, wide). After surgery, I bandage the patient with an elastic bandage in order to press the flaps of skin to chest wall and improve their engraftment.
  • compression stockings. Compression stockings are especially important for patients suffering from varicose veins veins lower limbs), for the prevention of thromboembolic complications. It is known that cancer patients have a higher risk of developing thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels with blood clots) than others.
  • good mood

Before the operation, the patient is given an injection to relieve pain and reduce fear. Nurse takes him on a sitting gurney to the operating room. The patient is placed on the operating table and an intravenous infusion system (drip) is placed. The patient falls asleep and wakes up after the operation.

Preparation for surgery under general anesthesia

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient if during the operation it is impossible to use local anesthesia for complete pain relief. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Proper preparation for anesthesia will help reduce the likelihood of complications, both during and after surgery. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. Despite its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia still remains not entirely subject to human will. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not provide negative influence. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages of anesthesia

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient’s life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, there is no longer any need to talk about mortality due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small potential for health hazard human brain(possible mental impairment).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If you do everything as the anesthesiologist advises, you can reduce the likelihood of complications.

The advantages of general anesthesia include such factors as the patient’s lack of sensitivity to the surgical procedures being performed, and the patient’s absolute immobility, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without tension. In addition, the person under general anesthesia completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient’s consciousness is turned off during the operation, and therefore there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by side effects such as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dry throat, and headaches.

These discomfort are temporary in nature, and their intensity and duration can be adjusted if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, by not eating or consuming water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for surgery

It is important to properly prepare for surgery under general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, general condition the patient’s health and many other factors, preparation time can vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fueled by stories from other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the tabloid press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who will operate on the patient, should have an informative conversation with precise instructions on what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of it. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study his state of health and also give him useful tips by adjusting, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient’s health condition is carried out:

  • blood test (general);
  • urine test (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general analysis urine.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for surgery, but a few days before the operation he noticed an increase in temperature or an exacerbation chronic illness, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! At feeling unwell the patient's operation is necessarily postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling afraid of anesthesia or a surgeon’s scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed. To reduce feelings of anxiety, you can seek help from a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient is required to be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient’s psyche is traumatized already in the clinic, when the doctor recommends to his ward surgical treatment. Even then, fear begins to occupy a dominant position in a person’s consciousness. The one who will surgery, needs the sensitivity of medical staff.

Every patient without exception should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a particularly intense feeling of fear (cries often, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medicinally, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for planned surgery.

Fear - strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from adjusting to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthesiologist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of surgery, but still live full life, without poisoning it either to yourself or loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should give up ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: “Yes, I’m afraid of anesthesia.” Every patient who is about to undergo major surgery experiences fear. This is a normal state, since a person is accustomed to controlling the work of his own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disrupt the patient’s usual rhythm of life.

To psychologically prepare for an operation under anesthesia, while experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, and meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace. Breathing exercises and positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • The anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon should know about all medications taken (even about 1 tablet of aspirin);
  • you should tell doctors about recent illnesses and allergic reactions;
  • You cannot hide diseases suffered in the past that are popularly considered indecent (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you should not eat or drink 6 hours before surgery;
  • It is advisable to quit smoking 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • Removable dentures and piercings must be removed from the oral cavity;
  • you need to remove contact lenses and hearing aids (if any);
  • Decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before surgery, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines of toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and following the instructions will help you not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

The duty of the attending physician is to help the patient overcome fear and depression of pain, as well as prepare the patient’s body systems for surgery.

The patient should be open and talk honestly about everything that worries him. Only trusting relationships and strict adherence to rules and regimes will help you get through this period without serious stress on the psyche and body.

What sedatives can you take before surgery?

You should not take any medications before surgery. Be it sedatives, antibiotics, hormonal, etc. without the appropriate instructions from a doctor. Alcohol is strictly prohibited the day before surgery, as well as alcohol-containing products (including alcohol tinctures, such as valerian).

You need to take your mind off your thoughts, not think and, most importantly, not stress yourself out. This is the most disgusting thing) A person, from a lack of information (and in this case, the process of the operation is unknown to us), begins to cheat himself and imagine God knows what. Brings himself to fainting, and when everything passes he says: “Well, why was I so afraid?!”

The day before my operation, I watched all sorts of comedies and ate delicious foods. Thoughts faded into the background. I went to bed early, ended up getting enough sleep and came to the operation in good spirits. After the comedy and good sleep, the mood was high, which was passed on to the doctor) in the end everything went just as well as possible) The main thing is to be in the mood that the operation is good for you, and no one is going to harm you)

Anesthesiologist: “Anesthesia has almost no side effects”


General anesthesia cannot provoke hair loss and memory problems, and women in labor should not be afraid of an epidural, the head of the surgical department with short-term stay of patients told the BG editorial office during a direct line medical center"LODE", anesthesiologist of the first category Yuri Shidlovsky.

What should the patient tell the anesthesiologist before the operation to avoid death during the operation? (Sergio, via email)

Risk fatal outcome during anesthesia almost equal to zero. There is a percentage associated with an allergic reaction. We always question the patient about suspected allergic reactions. Mandatory - regarding all surgical interventions: what kind of operations were performed, how they came out of anesthesia, were there any complications, are there any chronic diseases, are any medications taken constantly. This is a fairly serious inspection. And, of course, we look at the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person.

From a health point of view, is it better to treat teeth with or without anesthesia (we are not talking about removing a nerve)? (Pasha, via email)

At the moment, anesthetics with a predictable effect are used. They do not cause serious side effects, so teeth can be treated without fear under anesthesia.

Before surgery (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy) I am always terribly worried. Trouble falling asleep. Is it possible to take some kind of sedative or sleeping pill the evening before surgery? Will this affect the effectiveness of anesthesia? I am very afraid of waking up while the operation is not yet over (Mariya, via email).

You can and should take sedatives and sleeping pills. According to the rules, the patient must be hospitalized. Premedication is carried out on the eve of the operation (the patient can do it at home) conventional drugs"for sleep"). Sedatives are prescribed at night so that the patient can get enough sleep and not worry too much. Because surgery is stressful if it happens high pressure, the anesthesiologist will have to correct it.

Hello. Can hair fall out after anesthesia (lasted 3.5 hours)? After two months, my hair started to fall out a lot. Blood tests are normal (Katerina, via email).

No, at the moment there are no medications that cause baldness.

Please tell me if they are violated metabolic processes in the body after general anesthesia? Is it necessary to somehow remove the anesthesia from the body? Maybe you need to take some medications for the liver or something else? (Maxim, via email)

Metabolic processes slow down during anesthesia, but after recovery from anesthesia they are restored in full. There is no need to remove drugs from the body. They are quickly recycled. During the first day they are no longer in the blood.

Hello! I had an operation under general anesthesia. Six months later, an autonomic nervous system disorder was diagnosed. She was treated for a long time, all the symptoms did not completely go away, but she still has one more operation under general anesthesia. Are there any contraindications? Can general anesthesia be a provocateur of the disease? (Sonya, via email)

There is no such thing as general anesthesia. There is general anesthesia.

Currently, drugs used are safe from the point of view of neurological disorders. The term “autonomic disorder of the nervous system” as such is not clear. The patient must have misread the diagnosis. The trigger mechanism for the appearance of neurological disorders was most likely preoperative or postoperative stress.

In general, can there be any side effects if the anesthesia is performed correctly? (“BG”)

Currently, drugs are used that are devoid of serious complications. They are quickly eliminated from the human body without any side effects.

My daughter faints every time she visits the dentist after an injection. How can you check if this is a reaction to the medication or the nerves? She says that she is not afraid (Mama_Oli, via email).

It is necessary to conduct an allergy test for anesthetics. You can ask your daughter whether there was such a reaction during the first administration, that is, whether there was preliminary sensitization. If it was not there, then it is not an allergy.

Please tell me, does general anesthesia affect the quality of a man’s sperm? My husband and I are at the active stage of planning, and he urgently underwent surgery to remove a growth in his throat. (Albina, by email).

Anesthesia does not affect sperm quality.

Good afternoon My tooth broke. And a week after the day of removal I will have surgery on the thyroid gland. Is it possible to remove teeth a week before surgery? (Oleshka, by email)

There are no contraindications, but it is advisable to pause for up to a month. It is believed that a month should pass between any operations. But tooth extraction can be done a week before the upcoming surgical intervention.

Are there security questions that a patient can ask an anesthesiologist to understand that he is dealing with a professional? (ValentinKa, via email)

Probably, there are hardly any such questions. But I am pleased when patients ask about something.

How do you generally communicate with an anesthesiologist? (“BG”)

The anesthesiologist always examines the patient on the eve of surgery and immediately before surgery. The patient can have as many contacts with the anesthesiologist as desired.

Is it true that red-haired people require more anesthesia than, for example, brunettes? (Mythologist, via email)

No. There are some differences between the Negroid race and the Caucasian race. This is not due to the pain threshold, but to the peculiarities of the urinary system.

They did hysteroscopy and other operations (about 10 times). Consequences - difficulty concentrating and bad memory, I can’t even remember some events in my life. There are 3 more anesthesia ahead in connection with the IVF procedure. What are the risks of complications during subsequent anesthesia? Are there any ways to prevent this phenomenon? (Guest, via email)

Problems concentrating may not be related to the use of anesthesia.

I have crowns on my front teeth. Can an anesthesiologist damage them when administering anesthesia? (Oksana K., via email)

Unfortunately, this option is possible. In particular, this is due to difficulties during tracheal intubation. We predict difficult intubation, but sometimes we can be wrong. There are concepts short neck, limited mouth opening, large epiglottis. Such options are possible.

Which anesthesia is better - a “mask” or an “injection into a vein”, for example, during hysteroscopy? (Margot, via email)

Intravenous anesthesia for this surgical intervention is optimal.

My child, at the age of two, underwent two operations using anesthesia. Could this weaken his immune system and negatively affect his health in the future? (Anechka, by email)

Good afternoon Please tell me whether the presence of tattoos on the back is a contraindication for spinal anesthesia? (Katya, via email)

Good afternoon. I am 14 weeks pregnant and will have surgery to remove a cyst on my eye. Doctors say they will start with local anesthesia, but general anesthesia may be required. How can both of these anesthesia options affect the health of my unborn child? (Curious, via email)

Anesthesia will not affect the health of your unborn child.

Is general anesthesia given to children during dental surgery? (Olga, question by phone)

Yes, this is practiced. IN dental clinic there is an anesthesiologist. He comes in certain days and provides anesthesia for children. Can be used from any age. The risk is associated only with the administration of drugs, but it is very low.

Good afternoon. Please tell me whether any tests are carried out on the patient before surgery to determine whether he is allergic to a particular drug? (Guest_Ya, by email)

How then to determine a possible allergic reaction? (“BG”)

The severity of the allergic reaction does not depend on the dose. Anaphylactic shock may develop at a dose of 0.0001 of the drug. Therefore, they assume that the examination simply does not make sense. When conducting tests, you can get the same reaction as when injecting an anesthetic. Research on an allergic reaction can be carried out after the fact, in a situation where it is necessary to decide whether it is an allergy or the human body’s response to stress and in variants of polyvalent allergies.

I am about to have an operation to remove fibroids (along with the uterus), but I have problems with my nose (deviated septum and permanent allergic rhinitis). Will this affect the course of the operation and is there anything to be afraid of? (Patient, via email)

You need to warn the anesthesiologist that you have such a pathology. But this is not a contraindication. If the patient is afraid, then the same operation can be done under spinal or epidural anesthesia. This is anesthesia, which is characterized by adequate pain relief and minimizes blood loss during surgery.

Why do they say that epidural anesthesia is not allowed during childbirth? (“BG”)

It's a delusion. Epidural anesthesia provides a comfortable birth, adequate labor. There will be a minimal number of ruptures, minimal blood loss, and no depression in the newborn.

Yes. The only contraindication is the patient’s refusal. In general, in traumatology, gynecology, and urology, this is the anesthesia of choice.

General anesthesia is prescribed to the patient if during the operation it is impossible to use local anesthesia for complete pain relief. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this procedure every day. Proper preparation for anesthesia will help reduce the likelihood of complications, both during and after surgery. The patient is required to strictly follow the recommendations that will help him prepare for the upcoming test physically and psychologically.

In many cases of surgical intervention, it is impossible to do without general anesthesia. Despite its relevance and necessity, such anesthesia still remains not entirely subject to human will. Medicine cannot give a 100% guarantee that this artificial sleep will not have a negative effect. An honest and open dialogue between the patient and the anesthesiologist is important when planning an operation, which should be prepared in advance.

Back in the middle of the last century, anesthesia before surgery was associated with a risk to the patient’s life. Today, thanks to a huge leap in the development of all branches of medicine, as well as due to the use of advanced technologies, there is no longer any need to talk about mortality due to anesthesia. However, there remains a small possibility of a threat to the health of the human brain (mental impairment is possible).

Almost everyone who has to go through this procedure experiences fear, sometimes turning into panic. But, since there is no alternative to such anesthesia, it is necessary to use all available possibilities to achieve maximum safety. To do this, before anesthesia, it is important to prepare your body in accordance with established rules and the individual requirements of the attending physician. If you do everything as the anesthesiologist advises, you can reduce the likelihood of complications.

The advantages of general anesthesia include such factors as the patient’s lack of sensitivity to the surgical procedures being performed, and the patient’s absolute immobility, allowing surgeons to work with concentration and without tension. In addition, a person under general anesthesia is completely relaxed, which allows doctors to work even with hard-to-reach vessels and tissues, without wasting time. Another advantage is that the patient’s consciousness is turned off during the operation, and therefore there is no fear.

In some cases, anesthesia is accompanied by side effects such as attention disorder, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, pain and dry throat, and headaches.

These unpleasant sensations are temporary, and their intensity and duration can be adjusted if you prepare for the upcoming operation as required by the doctor, for example, by not eating or drinking water for several hours before the procedure.

Preparing for surgery

It is important to properly prepare for surgery under general anesthesia. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming surgical intervention, the general health of the patient and many other factors, the preparation time can vary from 2 weeks to six months. During this time, the patient sometimes develops a persistent fear of surgery and anesthesia, which is fueled by stories from other patients or anonymous testimonies read in the tabloid press.

The anesthesiologist, together with the surgeon who will operate on the patient, should have an informative conversation with precise instructions on what you can eat and drink a month before the operation, a week before it and on the day of it. In addition, the patient must be examined by other specialized doctors who study the state of his health and also give him useful advice on adjusting, for example, smoking, weight, lifestyle, sleep.

Even before a short and simple operation under general anesthesia, at least the following examination of the patient’s health condition is carried out:

  • blood test (general);
  • urine test (general);
  • blood clotting test;
  • general urine analysis.

It is important to tell the truth about how you feel. If the patient was properly preparing for surgery, but a few days before the operation he noticed an increase in temperature or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, for example, gastritis, the attending physician should know this! If the patient is not feeling well, the operation must be postponed.

Fear of surgery under anesthesia

Feeling afraid of anesthesia or a surgeon’s scalpel is normal and should not be ashamed. To reduce feelings of anxiety, you can seek help from a psychologist. In many developed countries, each patient is required to be consulted by such a specialist before surgery, and if necessary, consultations can be multiple. In our country, few clinics and hospitals can boast of such an opportunity, so patients themselves sometimes have to ask their doctor for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a conversation.

It is believed that the patient’s psyche is traumatized already in the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment to his patient. Even then, fear begins to occupy a dominant position in a person’s consciousness. Anyone undergoing surgery needs the sensitivity of the medical staff.

Every patient without exception should be reassured and encouraged. If the patient shows a particularly intense feeling of fear (cries often, talks about death, sleeps and eats poorly), he needs urgent consultation with a psychologist. In the preoperative period, most patients are in dire need of preparation for surgery, not only medicinally, but also psychologically. There are several areas of mental support for patients:

  • training of children and elderly people;
  • preparation for emergency surgery;
  • preparation for planned surgery.

Fear is a strong emotion, which in this case plays a negative role, preventing the patient from adjusting to a favorable outcome of the operation.

Since the consequences of anesthesia depend not only on the anesthesiologist, but also on the patient, you should carefully consider your own emotional experiences and promptly see a specialist to restore mental balance. You can be afraid of anesthesia or the outcome of surgery, but at the same time live a full life, without poisoning it either for yourself or your loved ones. To do this, you should prepare for the operation psychologically and physically, controlling not only what you can eat or drink, but also what you can and should think about.

Psychological attitude

First of all, you should give up ostentatious bravado and admit to yourself: “Yes, I’m afraid of anesthesia.” Every patient who is about to undergo major surgery experiences fear. This is a normal state, since a person is accustomed to controlling the work of his own body, and the thought that he will be helpless inspires fear and anxiety. In addition, there is fear for the consequences of anesthesia and the success of the operation itself. Such anxiety is normal if it is not constantly present and does not disrupt the patient’s usual rhythm of life.

To psychologically prepare for an operation under anesthesia, while experiencing fear, you can do auto-training, yoga, and meditation. It is enough to master the technique of proper relaxation and breathing in order to feel peace of mind and peace after just a few sessions. Breathing exercises and a positive attitude will help overcome fear and panic.

Physical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, body preparation is important:

  • The anesthesiologist and the attending surgeon should know about all medications taken (even about 1 tablet of aspirin);
  • you should tell doctors about recent illnesses and allergic reactions;
  • You cannot hide diseases suffered in the past that are popularly considered indecent (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • you should not eat or drink 6 hours before surgery;
  • It is advisable to quit smoking 6 weeks before the appointed date;
  • Removable dentures and piercings must be removed from the oral cavity;
  • you need to remove contact lenses and hearing aids (if any);
  • Decorative varnish is removed from the surface of the nails.

A week before surgery, you should eat foods that help cleanse the intestines of toxins and gases. If you prepare correctly, the body will tolerate anesthesia easily and without complications. A competent approach and following the instructions will help you not to be afraid of the upcoming procedure and will allow you to restore strength after the operation.

Amobarbital is a barbituric acid derivative with a hypnotic effect, which is part of sedative medications prescribed to patients preparing for surgery to reduce anxiety.

Chemical properties Amobarbital

Sedative before surgery Amobarbital is a white powder that is not very soluble in water. Due to this circumstance, drugs containing this substance are absorbed more slowly and last a little longer than barbamyl, which is the precursor of this chemical compound.

pharmachologic effect Amobarbital

The effect of barbiturates, a group of which includes Amobarbital, has unfortunately not been thoroughly studied. There are a considerable number of blind spots in how exactly they affect the human body.

However, experts agree that the basis of the action of all such medicinal substances is the suppression and partial blocking of the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the hypothalamic region of the brain.

As a result, the flow of stimulating nerve impulses does not reach the cerebral cortex and does not have a stimulating effect on the human central nervous system.

With increasing concentrations, Amobarbital can have an anticonvulsant effect, which can be very useful in many diseases accompanied by the development of similar clinical manifestations.

In significant doses, it can depress the respiratory center, which causes extremely severe manifestations of drug overdose. As a result, extreme caution must be exercised when handling hypnotic drugs that are derivatives of barbituric acid.

Amobarbital, like many other barbiturates, is actively absorbed from the intestine when administered enterally. Therapeutic concentration active substance is created in the patient’s blood within 15 to 30 minutes. The half-life is about a day. In the presence of liver diseases, as well as in childhood this figure may increase significantly.

All barbiturates can induce microsomal enzymes in the liver. As a result, such substances can affect the metabolism of many other drugs. This should be taken into account when co-prescribing drugs containing Amobarbital with other medications.

Amobarbital penetrates well through tissue barriers, including the placental barrier. It is also detected in breast milk. Approximately 50 percent is excreted as metabolites, the rest unchanged. Elimination occurs primarily through stool and partly through urine.

Indications for use Amobarbital

Drugs containing Amobarbital are prescribed only in one case - in the preoperative period, to relieve anxiety state and increasing the effectiveness of anesthesia.

Please note that only a specialist can prescribe and evaluate the effectiveness of using Amobarbital. Unreasonable use is fraught with serious consequences, including fatal ones.

Contraindications to the use of Amobarbital

Amobarbital preparations are contraindicated for use in the presence of the following conditions:

Individual intolerance.

Relative contraindications: heart rhythm disturbances, arterial hypotension, tendency to abuse medicines, liver damage, respiratory diseases, old age.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also included in the list of absolute contraindications, especially during the third trimester. The development of physical dependence of the fetus on such drugs has been proven. Because of this, at the present time they are trying to avoid prescribing barbiturates to women in labor.

Application and dosage of Amobarbital

For adult patients, Amobarbital is prescribed enterally in an amount of 50 to 400 milligrams of the substance, depending on the patient’s body weight. Children - from 2 to 6 mg per kilogram of body weight, but not more than 100 mg.

Parenteral use consists of administering 30–200 milligrams of Amobarbital, for children - 2 or 3 per kilogram of body weight.

During use, the effectiveness of the respiratory system should be carefully assessed; if this function is suppressed, measures should be taken intensive care.

Side effects Amobarbital

From the central nervous system: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, impaired coordination of movements, headache, nightmares, fainting, hallucinatory manifestations are possible.

From the outside digestive system: nausea, possible vomiting, constipation, damage to the liver and pancreas.

Other undesirable manifestations: changes in the hemogram, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, decreased blood pressure, bone and skin lesions in the form of dermatitis, as well as allergic reactions.

Medicines containing Amobarbital

This medicinal substance is contained in the following drugs: Barbamil and Estimal.


Due to the fact that the use of such drugs can cause the development of physical dependence, they are included in the list of drugs subject to strict registration. Any purchase and use of barbiturates without a doctor's prescription is illegal and extremely dangerous, fraught with very serious consequences.