How much protein is in chicken? Chest, thigh, wing and lower leg. How much protein is in chicken breast, why is it recommended to use it in diet and sports nutrition

Chicken breast is known to be dietary products, it is often recommended to include in therapeutic diets and diet plans for weight loss. This meat is the ideal food for athletes and other people who lead active image life, it is also suitable for those who suffer from excess weight and obesity.

Chicken breast includes a lot of protein, and there are practically no fats and carbohydrates in it. How much useful protein and other components are in this product, we will tell in the material.

Where else is protein found?

AT sports nutrition protein is a necessary ingredient, yet it called a protein. Thanks to proteins, you can form and build up muscle mass. Also, proteins must be present in any diet menu, they are very important for the body, so you need to make sure that foods with their content are always present in the diet.

AT in large numbers squirrels contained in the following products:

  • in meats such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, rabbit and venison;
  • in fish and seafood - tuna, squid, anchovies, salmon, sardine, mackerel, shrimp, etc.;
  • in vegetables and fruits - bananas, avocados, spinach and soy asparagus;
  • in chickpeas, peas, brown rice, soybeans, beans;
  • in pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • in different nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts and Brazilian, almonds.

The amount of protein in chicken fillet

So, how much protein is in 100 grams of chicken breast? It is known that for the normal functioning of the body enough 80 grams of protein. Chicken breast contains them in different ways depending on the preparation method:

  • fresh breast contains 23 grams of protein per 100 grams of product;
  • the content of this component in boiled or fried breast is 28 grams;
  • the amount of protein in smoked chicken fillet is reduced to 18 grams.

We have seen that the amount of protein in chicken fillet directly depends on how you cooked it. Everything is explained by the fact that when cooking meat loses about 20 percent of water. Accordingly, in boiled meat there will be more protein per 100 grams, since weight is lost.

In order to provide yourself with a daily protein intake, you will need to eat about 300 grams of boiled chicken breast, it is better to do this in 2 doses. White chicken meat is digested very quickly and well, is well absorbed and does not cause weight gain. Boiled breast can be consumed even in the evening and not be afraid for your figure.

But remember that chicken breast provides very little energy, so if you eat it without anything, then over time you will feel a breakdown. Recommended diversify protein menu products containing carbohydrates:

  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

The value and components of chicken fillet

Along with the question of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, many are interested in how many calories are present in the breast. Yes, calories this product in raw form is 110 kcal per 100 grams and may vary depending on the method of its preparation.

It is also worth noting the content of chemical organic compounds in this product. And the key The components of this meat are as follows:

  • water - about 60 percent;
  • protein - 25 percent;
  • about 8 percent fat;
  • the remaining percentages share elastin, collagen, amino acids and protein compounds among themselves.

AT chicken breast practically no fats and carbohydrates. The amount of fat in it is 1.9 g per 100 grams, and carbohydrates - 0.4 g, respectively.

This type of meat is a universal dietary product and all thanks to the large amount of protein and low fat content, as well as a minimum of calories. And it also has very many minerals and vitamins useful for immune system. So, this type of meat contains the following components:

  • vitamins of groups B, A, C and PP;
  • choline, useful for the kidneys and liver;
  • potassium in large quantities, regulating blood pressure;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • phosphorus, etc.

How to cook chicken breast?

Chicken meat can be prepared in the following ways:

  • bake in the oven;
  • fry;
  • cook;
  • put out;
  • cook for a couple.

Fried fillet the least useful and most high-calorie, however, it is easiest to cook it this way. Some beat the breast before frying, others do not. You need to fry the meat for 4 minutes on both sides, season and salt it if desired.

But it will take longer to cook or stew the breast. boiled chicken Raw is eaten extremely rarely, mainly it is used as a component for salads.


Some don't like chicken fillet, consider it tasteless, but the taste of this product depends on how it is prepared. For example, you can cook delicious and nutritious dish based on fillet in sour cream. To do this, prepare:

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet without skin;
  • 100 grams of sour cream, can be low-fat;
  • one onion;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Wash the meat and remove the skin if it was originally. Then delete excess fat and weld. You need to cook for about 15 minutes, no longer, so that the meat is not overcooked and not tough. Fry the onion for olive oil to a golden hue.

Cut the boiled breast into pieces and put in a saucepan, add onion, sour cream and spices, mix everything well. Add water and simmer over low heat. When almost all the water has boiled away, the chicken will be ready. It can be served with a side dish of fresh or steamed vegetables.

This dish is delicious and contains 70 grams of protein which is the daily allowance for an adult.

If you want to cook chicken roast, then the breasts are boiled for 30 minutes, then cut and stewed along with vegetables.

At the end, you can add sauce based on the following ingredients:

Roast is prepared in just 40 minutes.

If you want to cook a delicious chicken fillet in the oven, then it is recommended to pre-cook it. marinate for 2 hours. You can use sauces and dressings for this, which contain a minimum of carbohydrates, which, accordingly, will prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

As you can see, chicken breast is a rich source of protein, as well as a tasty and healthy and low-calorie dish from which you can cook great amount delicious and healthy meals.

Chicken breast is an excellent dietary product, which is part of many therapeutic nutrition systems. It is ideal for active athletes as well as obese and overweight people. The fact is that in the chicken breast there is practically no fat and a lot of protein necessary for muscle growth.

How much protein is in chicken breast?

per day for normal operation The human body needs 80 grams of protein. In 100 grams of fresh chicken breast it contains 23 grams. In boiled and fried - 28-29 g, in smoked, this figure drops to 18 g, and in steamed breast, the protein is the same as in raw.

As you can see, the way this product is prepared affects the content of this element in it. And the secret to the fact that there is more protein in boiled breast is simple: during cooking, the chicken loses about 20% of the water that it contains. And it turns out that by putting a piece of breast weighing 100 grams to cook, ready-made it will weigh only 80 grams.

As for the calorie content, it is 110 kcal per 100 g, fat 1.2 g.

In sports nutrition and nutritionists, protein is called protein. It is essential for building and building muscle mass. It enters the body only from the food we eat. Therefore, it is very important that foods containing protein are always present in your menu.

List of high protein foods

1. meat: lean beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, venison;

2. fish and seafood: salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, shrimp, squid, anchovies, fish milk;

3. fruits, vegetables: soy asparagus, spinach, avocado, banana;

4. cereals: beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peas, brown rice;

5. nuts and seeds: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and brazil nuts.

But back to the chicken breast. So, having found out that in order to cover the daily norm in proteins, you need to eat 250-300 grams of boiled breast. It is better to divide this amount into 2 doses. White chicken meat is very easily and quickly digested, well absorbed and does not threaten with a set of extra pounds. Therefore, you can safely eat it for dinner.

An important fact: chicken breast gives the body very little energy, therefore, eating only it, you will feel a breakdown. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify your menu by including carbohydrate foods, fresh juices, fruits and vegetables.

How to cook delicious chicken breast: recipe

Many people dislike chicken breast, considering it dry and tasteless. But it's just a matter of getting it right. Below we offer you amazing delicious recipe chicken breast in sour cream.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet without skin - 300 gr.
  • Sour cream 100 gr, if you are on a diet, take low-fat sour cream.
  • Onion 1 small head.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Wash the breast, remove the skin, if any, cut off excess fat and boil. It should not be cooked for long, only 15-20 minutes, otherwise digest it and the meat will turn out tough and tasteless. Fry the onion in vegetable oil(preferably olive) to a beautiful golden color.

We cut the finished breast into cubes, put it in a saucepan, add onion, sour cream, spices there and mix thoroughly. Add some water and set to simmer over low heat. When the water boils almost all, the dish is ready. Add a side dish of fresh or steamed vegetables to it, and enjoy the great taste.

By the way, this is the perfect lunch. And most importantly, such a dish contains 70 grams of protein, and this is almost its daily norm for an adult.

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On average, 1.5 grams per day per 1 kilogram of human weight is exactly how much protein is needed for normal life. It is difficult to overestimate its importance: muscle growth and recovery, fat burning and hunger satisfaction. This is why we need to make sure we have enough protein in our food basket. First, let's find out how much protein is in chicken breast.

Chicken meat has long been regarded as a priority food in healthy menu. This is confirmed from different points of view. First of all, recognized fact that, in terms of fat content, chicken meat compares favorably with other varieties. A 100 gram serving of chicken breast contains only about 3 g of fat, which is comparable to a teaspoon of butter. The same goes for cholesterol levels, and this is the health of our heart.

Secondly, every time you enjoy chicken breast, you are replenishing your nutrient stores. In addition to complete protein, the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normal functioning of metabolism and general condition health.

How many proteins are in 100 g of chicken breast? We must consume protein daily, even more often: at every meal. It has great importance for our health. It is the chicken breast, being an ally proper diet, leaves special place for proteins. How many grams of protein in a chicken breast depends on whether it is a peeled fillet or meat with skin and bones.

On average, the amount of protein in 100 grams of the product is from 20 to 25 g. The skin, of course, increases the protein content, but it does not add health, as it does not abound beneficial substances. For example, antibiotics are part of the feed mixtures in poultry farms, and their highest concentration is found in the chicken skin. And fried chicken skin is a source of carcinogens.

In general, a 100-gram serving of chicken breast will provide nearly 25 grams of protein. Imagine, this is ¼ of the weight of the entire portion!

How much protein is in boiled chicken breast? So, 100 grams of boiled skinless chicken breast is an excellent source of protein in meat and can meet our daily need for it. Moreover, in such a portion of chicken meat, 25 grams are animal protein, and it contains all the essential amino acids we need on a daily basis. Thus, the protein in boiled chicken breast is considered high quality and complete.

According to research, daily rate protein intake for men is at least 56 g, for women - 46 g. If you lead an active lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, then you will need an additional 1.2-1.4 g per kilogram of body weight daily. Thus, a 100-gram serving of boiled chicken breast is almost half the daily protein intake for the average citizen of our country.

Chicken noodles, stewed breast, fried meat ... Chicken in almost any form is good for our health! The benefits of eating chicken meat are many. The mere fact that it contains a small amount of fat and calories, but at the same time a lot of protein, makes this product ideal for maintaining weight. Not to mention the chicken is literally stuffed nutrients and vitamins. In addition, there are many ways to cook this protein storehouse deliciously.

Here are seven reasons why chicken breast should be in your diet:

  • If you are looking for a meat source that is high in protein and low in fat, chicken breast is the way to go. Chicken meat protein promotes the growth and development of the muscle system, helps maintain healthy weight and lose the extra.
  • Chicken meat is high in a proteinogenic amino acid called tryptophan, which improves our mood after eating a big bowl of mom's noodles. In fact, if you have a depressing state, then chicken breast will help increase your serotonin levels, which will cheer you up and calm you down.
  • In addition to protein, chicken contains several minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and selenium, which help keep bones and joints in good condition.
  • Supports chicken breast and heart health. Vitamin B6 plays important role in preventing heart attack, and chicken meat just contains it in enough. In addition, chicken is rich in niacin, which lowers cholesterol, and omega-3s. fatty acids useful for the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces PMS symptoms. Magnesium found in chicken breast is a nutritional mineral substance, which will help calm the symptoms of the premenstrual cycle and cope with mood swings.
  • Alpha and beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin A, retinol - all of which are found in chicken and contribute to eye health.
  • Increases immunity. Chicken broth has long been used as home remedy to relieve the symptoms of a cold. The hot steam of the broth will help get rid of a runny nose and sore throat.

Chicken is one of the most commonly eaten meat products around the world. It is especially popular among weight watchers because it is an excellent source of protein. Foods containing high levels of protein are indispensable assistants in muscle building and weight loss.

However, chicken comes in a variety of cuts including breast, thighs, wings, and drumsticks. These parts contain different amounts of protein, fat and calories, so each of them has its own purpose.

In this article I will talk about how much protein is in different parts chicken, including breast, thighs, wings and drumsticks.

Chicken breast

The breast is one of the most popular parts of the chicken.

Skinless chicken breast contains: 31 grams of protein and 165 calories per 100 grams of product. 80% of calories come from protein and 20% from fat.

Chicken breast is especially popular among bodybuilders and those who want to lose weight. High level protein and low calorie content means it can be eaten in large quantities without fear of gaining excess fat.

One chicken breast contains an average of 54 grams of protein and 284 calories.

Chicken thigh

A cooked, skinless, boneless thigh contains 26 grams of protein and 209 calories per 100 grams of product. 53% of calories come from protein and 47% from fat.

Interestingly, chicken thighs have a little more dark color than chicken breast. This is because chicken legs are more active and contain more myoglobin. It helps to provide active muscles with oxygen and also makes them darker.

Some people find that the dark color of chicken thighs makes them more juicy.

One chicken thigh has an average of 13.5 grams of protein and 109 calories.


One skinless and boneless chicken drumstick contains 28.3 grams of protein and 172 calories per 100 grams of product. 70% of calories come from protein and 30% from fat.

One skinless chicken drumstick contains, on average, 12.4 grams of protein and 76 calories.

Most people eat the drumstick with the skin on. A drumstick with skin contains an average of 112 calories. 53% of calories come from protein and 47% from fat

chicken wing

One skinless and boneless chicken wing contains 30.5 grams of protein and 203 calories per 100 grams of product. 64% of calories come from protein and 36% from fat.

One skinless chicken wing contains an average of 6.4 grams of protein and 42 calories.

As with drumsticks, most people eat chicken wings with the skin on. Chicken wing with skin contains 99 calories. 39% of calories come from protein and 61% from fat

What Part of Chicken Should You Eat for Maximum Benefits?

Which part of the chicken to eat depends on your health and fitness goals.

While all parts of the chicken are excellent sources of protein, some have less than others. Extra fat in the thigh, lower leg, and wings may benefit some goals but hinder others.

If you are trying to lose weight, then chicken breast is the best choice For you. This part contains fewer calories and more protein.

People who want to maintain their muscle mass also benefit from eating chicken breast. It contains a large amount of protein, which is the most an important factor when it comes to choosing which part of the chicken to eat. For example, chicken breast is ideal for bodybuilding people.

However, people who follow diets with low content carbs can benefit from eating the fatty parts of the chicken as they need a lot of fat in their diet.

If your goal is to build muscle and gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body burns. People who fall into this group may benefit from eating the fatty parts of the chicken as they contain more calories.

Lean chicken meat is one of the most popular dietary products. The breast contains a lot useful elements, practically no carbohydrates, and no fats. The product saturates the body with protein and essential amino acids.

Protein content per 100 grams of chicken breast

The benefits of breast for the body are invaluable when it comes to protein content. In 100 g of unprocessed white meat - more than 23 g organic matter. Only seafood contains more of a building element for muscle tissue. Read about in our publication.

Due to the low energy value you can not use the breast as the only source of strength, you need to supplement the diet with fruits, vegetables and cereals. However, the product is ideal in the period after illness or physical exhaustion.

The amino acid composition is represented by non-essential and non-essential amino acids (12 and 8 g each, respectively).

During heat treatment the amount of protein increases: when cooking and frying by 6 units. When smoked, on the contrary, it decreases by 4 units. Thus, due to weight loss, when cooked in water or oil, the protein in the product becomes more than in raw. When steaming chicken, the number practically does not change.

Fats in chicken breast

White chicken meat is the basis of most diets, due to the low fat content in the product. Its largest amount is in the skin, so if the breast is without it, then the dish becomes completely safe for the figure. replenishment daily allowance for the fat element is only 3% per person under 50 with moderate activity.

When frying and baking with oil, the indicator increases. In the first case - up to 7 g, in the second - up to 5.5 g. Athletes choose chicken for daily nutrition, since other types of meat (pork, lamb), with a similar protein content, include much more fat.

How many carbohydrates are in chicken breast

In raw and boiled breasts, the carbohydrate content is very low - less than 1 g. They belong to the complex category, that is, their breakdown in the body occurs very slowly, respectively, the blood sugar level rises slowly. It is for this reason that the product is approved for diabetes.

Chicken meat is included in the menu for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas due to the almost zero content of both fats and carbohydrates.

BJU table - nutritional composition of chicken breast

White meat containing animal proteins - excellent tool to fight overweight. It is recommended to use it to prevent the development of tumors, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.