How long to cook chicken necks for dogs. Dogs can have chicken necks! Can dogs have chicken necks?

We live in rural areas, there is no time and opportunity to monitor the complete diet of animals. We buy chicken heads for cats, can we feed them to dogs too? On veterinary forums they say that it is undesirable, but cats don’t have any problems - their fur is shiny and they look well-fed.

8 replies Reply

15.03.2013 17:18

Vladimir Helpful answer? |

The main food of my shepherd (German male 4 years old) is porridge made from a mixture of buckwheat. rice, rolled oats and pasta. For a 6 liter pan, 1-1.5 kg of chicken heads. It's for 2 pm. In the morning, a dozen chicken paws after 5 minutes in the microwave. I don't bother with claws and beaks. The dog is cheerful and cheerful, the heaviest in the village.

07.03.2014 17:49

EvgenijMarkovich Helpful answer? |

Undoubtedly, the veterinarian is wrong. If a dog eats chicken heads offered to it, good luck. But better. Certainly. cook them and serve them. For example. with porridge. Tubular chicken (duck, goose) bones are contraindicated for dogs. because the dog chews them up. bones may crack lengthwise. forming sharp edges. which, in turn. may injure the animal's gastrointestinal tract. By the way. When preparing chicken heads, it is advisable to pinch off the beak, as it can also be dangerous. Moreover, it is not digestible and is useless in food.

02.04.2013 02:39

Nellie Helpful answer? |

Hello! Can you give chicken necks to a dog? and in what form?

30.07.2014 13:48

Semen111 Helpful answer? |

Of course not. To grow one like this large dog healthy, you must give muscle meat: beef, chicken, turkey. And meat should be at least 70% of the total diet. Porridge of rice and buckwheat well boiled in water, stewed vegetables and a little fat are added to the meat. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products are required. Don't forget to add vitamin and mineral supplements for puppies large breeds so that the skeleton is formed correctly, there is good hair and strong teeth. And chicken heads have almost no nutritional value, they just clog the dog’s stomach, they have a lot of bones. no head of course you can’t choke!

01.04.2013 01:35

Alexander Helpful answer? |

I have a Moscow Watchdog who is 7 years old. For 4-5 years I have been feeding him a scrap of bread in the morning, a little dry food in the afternoon, and in the evening a bag of chicken heads with beaks. He doesn’t want to eat anything else. Favorite pancake dish, and with all this the dog weighs 82kg

06.01.2014 19:33

Elena Helpful answer? |

My dog ​​is 6 years old. Breed - Central asian shepherd dog. Chicken heads are very good food. I cook it with porridge. There were puppies. 13 pieces came out of 14 births (one had congenital pathology) Starting from 3 weeks she gave cottage cheese, goat milk chicken liver and mostly boiled meat separated from boneless chicken heads. After one and a half months - with bones, but without beaks. At 35 days, the minimum weight of the puppies was 3.2 kg. maximum 4.5. Moreover, my dog ​​is far from a large representative of the breed. About 43 kg.

As for anyone pet, plays important role for her health and well-being. There are certain requirements regarding proper nutrition: There are foods that are good for your pet, and there are foods that should not be given to your dog. There is a lot of debate about whether to include chicken bones dog on the menu. The article is devoted to this issue.


Should I give it to my pet or not?

The dog's diet should be based on animal proteins, which are found in natural food. For pets, lean meat is suitable, which may contain cartilage and tendons, and also not a large number of fat Some meat can be replaced with offal, which includes animal entrails, ears, lips, blood, udder, and bone offal. The legs, joints, heads and bones after cutting the carcass contain protein, which has low biological value, but also a lot of fat. When feeding puppies with bone by-products, you need to add food with high content squirrel.

Chicken by-products, such as entrails, paws, skin, bones, heads, necks, skeletons with fat trimmings, have a high energy value and are liked by four-legged pets. Chicken meat rarely causes allergic reaction in dogs, so it can be used when creating a dietary menu.

Chicken bones

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, the first question that arises is about feeding it. A young body requires a variety of nutrients, which are necessary for developing organism. Bones are the most important product for puppies; they contain building materials such as protein, calcium, lime, glue, etc. It is useful for young dogs to chew on bones, especially when teeth change between the ages of 4 and 6 months, this speeds up the change process.

Animal bones are useful as a source of calcium. Its meat contains little, more phosphorus, and calcium is more beneficial for dogs than phosphorus. Calcium contained in bones is easily absorbed. If bones are regularly present in the dog’s diet, there is no need for additional calcium supplementation. Bones should be given raw. Gastric juice dissolves them, and they become a source of natural calcium and phosphorus, as well as substances that are material for the formation of joint cartilage. But chicken tubular bones are strictly contraindicated!

It is especially dangerous if the dog has eaten enough boiled bones; when cooked, all the nutrients are removed from them, they change their structure and when they enter the stomach they simply turn into dust.

Long bones are very dangerous, especially for small breeds dogs. They are fragile and, when chewed, break into sharp pieces that can damage the animal's esophagus, which is why they should not be given.

Bones should not be given as the main food: they are poorly digested and can cause constipation, intestinal obstruction, and volvulus. In adult dogs, bones are quickly worn down by teeth. If a dog has eaten tubular bones, you need to monitor it; if any problems arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Soft bones can be given as a treat after your dog has eaten a hearty dinner. Well-fed dog will not greedily gnaw on them, but can prolong its pleasure by savoring the bone for a long time.

Chicken heads

If the dog is not allergic to chicken by-products, then you can feed it chicken heads. Raw heads need to be cut into several particles, add porridge or vegetables with vegetable oil. At the same time, there are no tubular bones in the heads, which are harmful to four-legged pets. The only thing is that the beaks should be removed, they have no value, they are not digested. If a dog has eaten heads with beaks, they can cause the animal to burp.

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Chicken necks

Puppies from the age of two months can be given necks either whole or in the form of minced meat. It is advisable to scald raw necks with boiling water. However, you should not feed them more than three times a week. While there is a danger from small bones in the paws and wings, there are no bones in the necks, so you can safely feed even small dogs. Pets enjoy chewing on them. Adult animals can also be fed chicken necks 1-2 times a week.

Necks can be given to clean teeth and massage gums.

Chicken feet

There are many opinions both for and against. Many people give the paws raw; they are then easily digested by the dog, although the claws must be removed. There is an opinion that it is better to give chicken feet in the form of jellied meat, which will even be useful for growing puppies. If you regularly feed puppies jellied meat, it can replace industrial chondroprotectors.

Preparing jellied meat is not difficult. Place the paws in a thick-walled pan and fill them with water. Bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 5 hours. After cooking is complete, remove the bones, leaving soft fabrics. When the jellied meat has cooled down, you can give it to your pet. Boiled Bones should not be given to avoid blockage gastrointestinal tract and punctures of the esophagus.

Paws consist of tubular bones, this is one of the reasons why many dog ​​breeders do not give them as food to their pets. If the dog has eaten tubular bones, then you need to monitor its feces. If bloody traces are found, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Some dog owners feed their pets paws and porridge all the time, but this should not be done. You cannot feed only paws; they can be given as additional food, but not often, since a lot of toxins and waste accumulate in the bones. The diet should be varied so that the animal receives all the nutrients. When giving raw chicken feet, it is advisable to pour boiling water over them, as they can be dangerous.

Veterinarians' opinions also vary. Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst conducted research according to which he found that dogs eating natural food live longer than their counterparts eating food. In his book, he substantiates his conclusions by the fact that the dog is a carnivore with strong teeth for chewing and tearing meat. In addition, it has a short digestive tract, which contains enzymes that help digest raw animal protein. Therefore, Billinghurst recommends feeding meat bones, such as turkey and chicken wings, as well as necks.

By-products are fed to dogs in kennels. Chicken by-products contain a large amount of collagen, for example, in necks and wings - 20-30%, in paws - 60-70% of total number squirrel. In heads and paws, digestible protein is 12.3%, and fat is 6.8%. Because chicken fats oxidize quickly even at low temperatures, offal can be stored for no more than 3-4 months. To reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases, it is better to boil offal or scald it with boiling water.

Veterinarians believe that dogs are different and the reaction of each organism to raw meat products is individual due to the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in each case you need to decide personally what food to give your pet.

If the dog was fed dry food from birth, then when switching to chicken by-products, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, since natural food requires more quantity gastric juice than dry. Therefore, the transition to natural food should be gradual. If the dog ate the food and burped, there is no need to do anything in this case; you can even let the dog eat what it burped.

Video “What food is best to give to dogs”

It is forbidden
- hot (straight from the stove), cold (from the refrigerator), spicy, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked food;
- river fish. You can only give boiled seafood. Never give freshwater or raw sea food, as infection with worms is possible;
- You cannot give bones instead of food. Contrary to the ingrained misconception, bones are death for a dog. Firstly, they are not digestible. Secondly, they can cause constipation, intestinal perforation, and volvulus. Tubular bones are especially dangerous, as they tend to split into sharp pieces. Bones also contribute to rapid grinding of teeth;
- you can’t constantly feed pasta, legume products, white bread, potatoes, peas, food products wheat flour;
- the dog should not know what sausages, sausage, or ham are. However, it seems that soon even people will not know about these products. But we know many owners who are capable of doing the incredible for their pet and will not stand up to any expenses or difficulties. In this case, all this is completely in vain. Sausages for a dog it is poison. They damage the liver, and the dog risks dying already in at a young age. After all, we don’t know what additives are added to sausages to make them look attractive;
- the puppy should not know the taste of sugar and sweets. Sweets spoil the appetite and disrupt digestion. In addition, they destroy teeth and have an extremely adverse effect on the eyes, which begin to water;
- do not feed pork and fatty lamb, raw chicken;
- You cannot add spices to your dog’s food: pepper, Bay leaf, spicy tomato sauce;
- feed rotten and sour foods.

A dog is a carnivorous creature, so the basis of food should be protein products: meat, mainly raw, dairy products, eggs. On porridges and soups good puppy you won't grow. They contribute to the looseness of the constitution, and the cocker must be strong.

MEAT. It is recommended to feed only beef, and mainly raw. Many dogs are irritated by the smell of blood, and raw meat they refuse. In this case, it must be scalded with boiling water or lightly fried. Up to a year, a puppy should be given 50 g per day per kilogram of weight. An adult dog can be given 200-250 g of meat per day. The liver, kidneys, heart, udder contain a lot useful substances, but they need to be given well boiled. Finely chopped vegetables should always be added to meat feeding. Never give bones. But there is an exception to this rule. It refers only to soft cartilage, and even then in small quantities. You can give a boiled chicken neck, previously broken with a hammer.

Fish. Instead of meat is given from time to time sea ​​fish. To a little puppy you need to give fish that does not have small bones: cod, hake, etc. An adult dog eats all the fish without leaving a trace.

Dairy products. In first place, of course, is cottage cheese, as the main source of well-absorbed calcium. A puppy up to one year old should be given calcined cottage cheese which you have to cook yourself. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of 10 percent calcium chloride to half a liter of boiling milk. Throw the curdled cottage cheese onto a sieve. When the whey has drained, cool slightly and give to the puppy. The remaining whey can be left for drinking or brewed with it. cereals"Hercules", which should be given for another feeding.
Milk is food, not drink. It is very useful, but it makes some dogs weak. Kefir and yogurt have a good effect on digestion and are very useful. It is useful to add grated cheese to porridges and vegetable mixtures. It is also convenient to use as a treat during training.

Eggs. The product is very nutritious. Raw yolks are best given mixed with dairy products or porridge. Raw protein undesirable, in addition, it is simply not digestible. Eggs can be fed soft-boiled or as an omelet. With systematic meat feeding, one or two eggs per week is enough.
Eggs are given to puppies - 1 egg per week (yolk only), adults - 2 eggs (whole raw) per week. It is very useful to add ground food to puppies. eggshells- a source of natural calcium necessary for a growing body.

Cereals and bread. These products cannot be the dog’s main food, but their use in small quantities is quite acceptable and even necessary. The nutritional value of cereals is variable. In first place is "Hercules". It should be soaked in kefir, whey, broth, and milk. It's better not to cook, but adult dog generally give raw flakes. It is acceptable to cook porridge from rice, buckwheat, and millet for a puppy. Pearl barley irritates the puppy's intestines, so it should be given in small quantities, or better yet excluded from the diet altogether. When cooking porridge with milk, it is good to add cabbage, carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables, except potatoes. An adult dog and a teenage puppy should definitely be offered to chew rye bread crackers.
Cereals (oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, barley) are always fed to the dog boiled. Barley and pearl barley dogs are reluctant to eat, so they are given mixed with oatmeal or millet. "Hercules" must be given raw, pre-soaked in milk or broth for 1-2 hours. You can pour boiling water over it, adding butter.
It is recommended to give bread in the form of crackers. Never give soft bread: in the dog’s stomach it turns into a paste that spoils the digestive tract. For the same reason, pasta, pancakes and other flour products should not be given.

Vegetables. It is useful to give carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, rutabaga, zucchini, beets and other vegetables finely chopped or grated, adding butter or sour cream in small quantities. Raw chopped greens - parsley, lettuce, onions and garlic, dill - are an excellent vitamin supplement to the main food. Puppies can be given a vegetable mixture as an independent dish. Raw berries and fruits, dried fruits are good for him. Boiled pumpkin with porridge is good as vitamin food and anthelmintic. When organizing feeding the puppy, keep in mind that the puppy must be introduced to dairy products, especially cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits from an early age.

Garlic. Raw finely chopped garlic (1 clove) on a piece of bread with butter It is useful to give to a puppy and an adult dog weekly as an anthelmintic.
Garlic is very useful, especially as a preventive measure against possible infection with worms. Give a puppy half a slice twice a week; for an adult dog, crush a whole slice and add it to any food.

Raisins, dried fruits, cheese. All this is a convenient and useful bait, which is used as a reward during training.
Fruits are given crushed. Grated apples are very useful, try to accustom your puppy to them (a guarantee of the health of an adult dog).
Cheese - absolutely required product- a source of calcium.

Salt. A dog requires significantly less salt than a person. Therefore, it is not necessary to add salt to food; it is enough to give a piece of herring once a week.

Fish oil can be given to a puppy if he himself will lick it from a spoon, but not by force. It is given in winter and early spring, first 1/4 teaspoon every other day, and from 3 months the same dose daily.

If the owner managed to find a food composition in which the dog feels great and always has properly formed excrement, then this diet should be given every day. Herself best food for dogs, the one to which the bacterial flora of their digestive tract has already adapted will, for variety, be enough to add appetizing leftovers from your table.

A strict feeding regime for dogs promotes better digestion of food. Feeding times must be observed punctually. Adult dogs are usually fed twice a day - morning and evening at the same hours.

It takes the dog no more than 10-15 minutes to eat, after which he is given a rest. Uneaten food is not left to the dog, with the exception of bones. Dishes should be thoroughly washed and dried immediately

Even for dogs of the same size or breed, the same amount of food cannot be recommended. Their metabolism is different, just like that of people, so on a diet that makes one dog monstrously fat, another will be just normal. Obesity in dogs is the same problem as in humans.

The need for food is influenced by factors such as the dog’s activity, the characteristics of its metabolism, and air temperature. A growing dog requires more food than an adult dog of the same weight.

A well-fed dog is full of energy and cheerful, has a glossy coat and sparkling eyes. Phlegmatism, lethargy during walks and reluctance to run in the absence of signs of obvious illness may be the result of overfeeding. A hungry look, protruding ribs are a direct indication to increase the amount of food.

Chalk, coal. Apparently, the puppy needs them during the period increased growth and bone development. The pieces should be in a place accessible to the dog. She will gnaw them as needed,

During the period of teeth change (from 3 to 7 months), it is recommended to give the puppy 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or lactate per day. If the puppy does not eat calcium tablets, then they should be ground in a coffee grinder and added to the food.


Poultry by-products (entrails, skin, bones, paws, heads, necks, skeletons with fat samples) have a high energy value and are well eaten by dogs. Chicken necks can be given whole or as minced meat. But it is advisable to do this no more than three times a week. Chicken meat is much less likely to cause food allergies in dogs. It can be used as a dietary food.

Chicken eggs contain 58% protein, 32% yolk and 10% shell. Raw egg whites contain an anti-nutrient called avidin. Avidin reduces the activity of vitamin H (biotin). The protein in raw eggs is boiled by 50-60%, and in boiled eggs by 90%. When feeding eggs in large quantities, they should be boiled or given to the dog as an omelet. A dog can receive no more than 2-3 raw eggs per week. A raw egg can cause in many dogs laxative effect. This can be avoided by giving the white and yolk separately.
The yolk promotes the absorption of calcium and improves the formation of bone tissue. Egg shells (dried and ground) are an excellent source of calcium. For better absorption, you can add 3-4 drops of lemon juice to it.

Cow's milk contains complete protein and is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and microelements. The use of milk and dairy products in a dog’s diet increases nutritional value and improves the digestibility of all nutrients in the diet. Also, the use of milk allows you to reduce the supply of meat and fish feed. However, it should be noted that many adult animals do not synthesize the lactase enzyme in their bodies. Lactase is responsible for the breakdown and digestion milk sugar lactose. As a result of its absence in the dog’s body, when consuming milk, diarrhea occurs, which leads to metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is better to give milk to the animal in the form fermented milk products. Sour milk should not be given to your dog. Daily dose milk for an adult dog should not exceed 20 ml per 1 kg of animal. Milk should be given after the main feeding.
Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein and calcium. They can replace some of the meat and fish in a dog’s diet. Regular use cottage cheese prevents fatty degeneration of the liver.
Can you feed your dog cheese? soft varieties free of pungent odor and mold and not containing significant amounts table salt.
All dairy products have a laxative effect.

The easiest way to evaluate a dog's diet, like our own, is in calories. A growing puppy needs 220 calories per day per kilogram of body weight, while a sedentary older dog needs only 55 calories.
If you want to give complete diet including meat, use the following as standard:
Meat - 0.5 kg
Crumbled biscuits, dry gray bread or porridge - 0.5 kg
Sterilized bone meal - 2 teaspoons
Fish oil or multivitamins - 2 drops

This needs to be remembered

When feeding dry food, follow the instructions on it, but remember that animals, like humans, natural food always more useful.
Raw food is always healthier for your dog than cooked food. Every predator lives exclusively on raw, uncooked food, such as it finds in nature.
A dog does not have such a refined palate as a person who needs to rotate foods. The dog can receive the same food every day. The food should not be cold or hot, dry or liquid. The basic rule: slightly warm and mushy food.
Heads and big bones it is necessary to cut into small pieces so that the dog can gnaw them well and from all sides.
Fish is a high quality product. Bones and heads are generally not difficult for the dog and do not pose any danger. U big fish it is recommended to remove the skeleton and sharp short bones in the fins.
Bones belong to essential products dog nutrition. They contain lime, protein, glue and other high-quality building materials. Chewing on bones is good for your teeth and gums. They are especially indispensable for the nutrition of young dogs, as they contribute to the rapid change of teeth, which occurs from the 4th to the 6th months of life.
Boiled bones have no nutritional value, tubular bones are dangerous. During cooking, bones significantly lose essential nutrients. Long bones are fragile, especially poultry bones, and they easily splinter into pieces and can damage the mouth or throat.
Potatoes, legumes and corn are not suitable food for dogs. Eating legumes and corn often makes her sick and may even vomit.

One day, while scrolling through the search, I came across a discussion about “is it possible to give a dog chicken necks and chicken heads?

In this article on the website “Around Dogs” we will tell you about Is it possible to give your dog chicken necks/chicken heads?.

So, let's start with the fact that bones cannot form the main diet of a dog, precisely because they end up clogging the stomach. If you are thinking about chicken bones, then read two points:

1 if the choice fell on broiler chickens, they are fed with food with growth hormones (in two to three months a quite huge chicken grows, try raising one from a regular one), and they are also given antibiotics. There are no hormones in expensive feed, but you know our manufacturers (why pay more is their main motto). Its bones, of course, are not as sharp as those of a domestic dog, but they can also have harmful influence, both on the trachea and on the stomach of the dog, especially if these bones are boiled;

2 if you choose domestic chicken - their meat and bones, of course, should not contain hormones, they are more pure, but at the same time, finding the necks and heads of these chickens is much more difficult (you won’t run around the village and ask every grandmother - do they have a head or neck left for your dog).

So, my verdict on the question you asked is simple - 1-2 necks per week - as a treat (do not boil!). I don’t recommend giving a chicken head, unless you have trouble cutting off the beak. Small dogs they are not given.

Yes, even if some give necks and heads for breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of meat, even if they don’t have any problems, but this is only a temporary indicator, and no one guarantees that everything will always be in order with them.

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of your pet. Dogs, like many other animals, need foods that benefit the entire body.

Chicken by-products are one of the most common healthy baits. What are by-products? Heads, necks, paws, bones, navels - all this remains after cutting the chicken and is called offal.

Pet owners have long realized that such parts of the carcass, which at first glance are not edible for humans, can benefit the dog. By-products are stored for no more than two months at low temperatures and no more than four months when completely frozen. During this time, the paws, heads, necks and bones do not lose their beneficial features, however, after the expiration date, it is undesirable to give the dog an expired offal; the consequences can be more than sad.

Most main question which worries everyone caring owners, is it possible to give a dog chicken, or rather the remaining parts of it? Which by-products should be treated with greater care, and which can be given without any fear?

Is it possible to give chicken bones?

In fact, chicken bones are considered dangerous by-products. For example, well-cooked bones become too soft and can clog a dog's stomach. IN best case scenario it could all end with problems with stool, or at worst, the pet will need surgery. The only benefit of boiled bones is in rich chicken broth, which can be used to prepare delicious porridge. The long bones of the wings and paws are the most dangerous for dogs. Such an offal should not be given to a pet under any pretext.

Tubular bones easily turn into sharp fragments, which not only cannot be digested in the stomach, but can also tear it open, which can lead to fatal outcome. No matter how hungry the dog is, no matter how pleading and pitiful his eyes are, you should under no circumstances treat him with such bones. Despite all this, some chicken bones still exist.

Large cartilaginous bones, which are part of the chicken skeleton and are not tubular and thin, can be given to your dog, as they are responsible for strengthening and shaping the cartilage and joints of your pet. However, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to observe your dog's bowel movements for the next 24 hours after eating the bones.

Is it possible to give chicken heads?

Chicken heads are a very healthy by-product, as the brain contains many useful components. This bait is especially useful for hound dogs. The heads can be given both raw and boiled, but in the second option they are more useful. If the dog eats boiled heads, then the daily portion can be doubled, since during boiling, some useful components evaporate.

Before you feed your pet a few chicken heads beaks need to be removed, since they are not digested by the stomach, and also check for small bone fragments. It is advisable not only to wash the raw head in warm water, and pour boiling water over it to eliminate various microbes.

Is it possible to give chicken necks?

The neck is exactly the offal that will be useful not only for an adult dog, but also for a small one of 3 one month old puppy. To prevent chicken neck from losing its beneficial properties, it is not advisable to cook it, especially since when boiled this offal, like bones, can clog the stomach and intestines. Chicken necks can be given exclusively raw, either whole or twisted into minced meat. Before use, the product must be doused with boiling water.

Is it possible to give chicken liver?

The liver is very useful product With high content vitamin A AT 12, however, in this case there are exceptions. Chicken liver can be an excellent bait, but no more than 2-3 times a week and in small portions, since oversaturation with the vitamin can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as weight loss, allergies and bone deformities. Liver can be given exclusively boiled as a small addition to the main dish.

Is it possible to give chicken feet?

As with any other offal, there is a lot of controversy about chicken feet. Some owners are categorically against feeding their pet with paws, while others are the opposite. In general, chicken feet are useful, as are heads, necks and cartilaginous bones, but there is one “but”. It is necessary to give chicken feet after removing the main tube bones and claws, since they are not digested by the stomach and can seriously scratch it, even clog it.

This by-product is useful both in raw form and in prepared form, for example, as jellied meat, which will strengthen the bones of your pet. Despite all the benefits, it is recommended to give chicken feet as rarely as possible, no more than once a week and again after complete removal dangerous areas.

How to properly give chicken by-products to your pet?

Your pet's diet should be based on your veterinarian's recommendations, as each breed has different needs. The only thing that remains unchanged is the generally established rules for feeding offal. For example, feeding frequency should not exceed 1-2 times a week. The amount of by-product should not exceed 50 grams for small breeds And 250 grams for large. If the pet eats exclusively boiled offal, their quantity can be increased, but not much.

Tube bones, claws and overcooked offal should be immediately excluded from the diet. If your dog tries a chicken head, bone, paw or neck for the first time, you need to monitor his well-being and bowel movements to avoid serious problems with the digestive and intestinal tract.