Why is the dog fed up with blood? Blood in dog's urine

It is impossible to cure any disease without a previously made, accurately clarified diagnosis. Diagnostics includes a whole range of measures - urine analysis is one of the most important highly informative procedures. For dogs, as for people, the composition/color of urine is the most important. diagnostic indicator. He can talk about a lot of things. If your dog has bloody urine, what to do? The veterinarian can only answer after comprehensive examination. Next, we will talk in detail about the causes, methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment of diseases that cause hematuria in dogs.

What is hematuria

Hematuria is the “scientific” name for a condition when a dog has a certain (more or less) but abnormal amount of red blood cells (red blood cells) in its blood.

Important! Owners should understand that the presence of blood in the urine does not always turn it bright red. At increased quantity The color of red blood cells can be light pink, burgundy, cherry, and often even brown.

Urine may have this color if there is an increased number of red blood cells.

There are three types of hematuria in dogs:

  • Initial - the first portion of freshly released urine is colored with blood, the rest is light.
  • Middle – bloody issues from the urethra, regardless of whether he pees.
  • The final one is the first urine without blood, the rest contains an increased number of red blood cells.

A change in color to bright red or dark burgundy usually indicates the progression of a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this symptom is observed in cases of serious poisoning or the presence of various types of neoplasms genitourinary system animal.

What can you learn about a dog from its urination?

Amount/time of appearance of blood– an important indicator. It determines the possible cause of the pathology. But accurate diagnosis The veterinarian makes the diagnosis only after a thorough examination of the animal. If necessary, special studies may be prescribed.

In males with diseases of the prostate gland, and in females with pathologies of the uterus/vagina, red blood cells are increased in the urine itself (in its first portion), and blood can also be released from the urethra regardless of urination. In such cases, the symptom is clearly visible to the naked eye.

Kidney diseases always cause general malaise

If the cause of hematuria is a disease of the bladder/urethra, blood in the urine is clearly visible, especially if the dog has severe inflammation these organs or the growth of the tumor progresses. In such cases, hematuria is also accompanied by such severe symptoms - some pain, incontinence, frequent urge. At the same time, the pet feels good - appetite/activity is preserved, there are no changes in behavior.

Pathologies of the kidneys/ureters, especially in early stages, does not cause a visible increase in red blood cells in the urine. Hematuria is determined only after testing, although exceptions also occur. In addition, the dog’s well-being may deteriorate significantly, manifested by the following signs of general intoxication:

  • the dog eats poorly or refuses altogether;
  • there is thirst;
  • the pet may vomit;
  • lethargy and other manifestations of general malaise are recorded.

Important! There are certain times when burgundy urine is not pathological sign– estrus, treatment with certain medications, adding foods that stain urine to the dog’s food, for example, beets.

Causes of hematuria

If your dog likes to eat beets, his urine may turn red. But there's nothing wrong with that.

There can be many reasons for this condition. Here are the main ones:

Mating can cause genital injuries

Video: a specialist talks in detail and clearly about the reasons for the development of hematuria

The dog has bloody urine, what to do with such symptoms?

If there is noticeable blood in the dog’s urine, it is released from the urethra regardless of urination - contact the clinic immediately. Accurate diagnosis in this situation, it will help preserve not only the health, but also, often, the life of the pet. Hematuria in most cases is accompanied by other symptoms - carefully monitor the dog’s condition and behavior. This will help you accurately answer all the veterinarian's questions.

It will be great if you can provide the specialist with the following information:

  • about the color of urine;
  • How much control does the dog have over the urination process?
  • at what stages does hematuria appear (initial, middle, final);
  • whether there is pain;
  • in what position and how often does the dog pee, what is the volume of urine, what is the nature of the stream;
  • after which hematuria appeared;
  • whether there are changes in behavior.

Important! At the slightest suspicion of diseases of the urinary system, it is extremely necessary to carefully observe how often the dog pees. If long time urine does not pass - immediately see a veterinarian. Never treat an animal yourself. Hematuria is the most dangerous sign, indicating serious health problems. Self-medication in this case can cause not only complications, but sometimes even the death of the animal.

Except general examination, the veterinarian may prescribe additional procedures for diagnostics - x-rays, ultrasound, blood tests. For hematuria, a urine test will be required. You will need to collect it for research. Often owners are asked to do this themselves. Sometimes urine is collected using a special catheter right in the clinic.

How to collect dog urine for analysis

Without a urine test for hematuria, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made. When complaining of blood in the urine, the veterinarian will definitely ask you to collect it for analysis. How can this be done practically? Let’s say right away that the procedure is not easy – it often looks funny and strange.

It is highly advisable to wash the outside of the genitals with warm water before the procedure.

Even better - process antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine.

If you have a male, we collect urine as follows. While walking, we carefully approach the animal from the side/back. When the dog begins to mark, place a wide-necked jar or bottle under the stream. This should be done at any “stop”. Don't be angry, don't be nervous - everything will work out. If failure occurs immediately, the process is repeated for next days– so the dog will get used to it, and you will get used to it.

To take material for analysis from the “girl,” prepare a special device. Regular empty plastic bottle wash and dry thoroughly - its size should be adjusted to the size of the pet. Close the lid tightly and cut off the bottom from the top. While walking, quietly approach the animal while urinating and place the device under the stream. In bitches, you can try collecting urine for analysis in a flat container.

Normally, a dog's urine is straw-yellow, without a sharp pathological odor. A change in the shade of liquid excrement indicates that there is some kind of disorder in the animal’s body. For example, dark mustard urine is due to dehydration, rich orange urine indicates problems with the liver or gallbladder, black - about a possible cancer. What does red urine mean in a dog, simply put, if there is blood in it? Let's try to figure out what causes blood in dog urine.

Why do dogs leak blood in their urine?

Blood in a dog's urine is almost always a warning sign that means there is serious problem. Bloody discharge may appear for the following reasons:
  1. Hemolytic poisoning– intoxication from rat poisons which act as destroyers of red blood cells. If an animal accidentally ingests such a poison, vomiting, convulsions, painful sensations, blood clots in urine. Hemolytics include not only rat poison, but also arsenic, some inedible mushrooms, and snake and spider venoms. It is important to contact a specialist as soon as possible so that he can save the pet by administering sorbents, painkillers, cardiac and rehydration medications. And if there is no opportunity to get to the doctor right this second, then at home you should induce vomiting by pouring 20-60 ml lightly into the dog’s mouth. warm water. You will also need a water enema and the introduction of sorbents (1 activated carbon per 10 kg of weight). The poisoned poor fellow will need to drink plenty of water, but you shouldn’t feed him;
  2. Infections urinary tract – very often a dog urinates blood with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. With such problems, the urine turns red with blood, and may also experience following symptoms: pain when trying to relieve a small need, swelling of the genitals (with inflammation of the urethra), temperature, useless attempts to pee, apathy and (due to pain and discomfort). By the way, with the listed ailments, blood also occurs at the end of urination, when a portion of urine has already been released from the animal’s urethra. And in some cases, only small drops of blood are observed in the urine, which can easily not be noticed, so you will have to pay attention to general state dogs. A disease like this cannot be left to chance. At the clinic, the dog will be prescribed antibiotics, antipyretics, antispasmodics, and rinsing of the urethra and bladder;
  3. von Willebrand diseasehereditary pathology, in which blood appears from the dog’s urethra, from its nose, mouth. Heavy bleeding are also observed during surgical interventions (castration, tail docking, etc.). Treatment involves blood and plasma transfusions;
  4. Urats ( urinary stones) in the kidneys, urethra, bladder - similar formations appear in pathology of the liver and blood vessels. If a dog urinates blood, experiencing pain, if the animal is clearly uncomfortable peeing, then the problem may be precisely in the stones, which impede the normal excretion of urine. The appearance of urates contributes to the development urolithiasis, which also often causes blood in the dog’s discharge. And ICD entails cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal failure. To help the dog, physical therapy, bladder lavage, painkillers, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are required. But first, it is important to identify what led to the appearance of stones;
  5. Prostate diseases in male dogs(prostatitis, cystosis, abscess, adenocarcinoma of the gland) - such ailments can not only cause blood in the urine, but also provoke problems with defecation, bouts of vomiting, and urinary retention. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes either medication or surgical treatment;
  6. Gynecological diseases in bitches(pyometra, ovarian cyst, etc.) - in such cases, the animal may have bloody urine (or bleeding from the vagina), the appetite is weak, the stomach swells. Almost always, removal of the ovaries and (or) uterus is chosen as treatment, since it is impossible to get rid of such diseases with medication;
  7. Damage to the genital organs or urinary systems as a result of injury– drops of blood in the urine may also be present in cases where the dog fell, for example, under the wheels of a car or fell from a height. If an accident like this occurs, it is important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. The worst thing is if blood in the urine appears for a reason severe bruise or rupture internal organs;
  8. Eating foods or using medications that color urine– if a dog likes to eat beets, then its urine may well have a pinkish or even red tint. Excrement can also turn an unconventional color due to the “fault” of certain medications. If the dog is cheerful, eats well, and does not look apathetic, it is worth remembering whether he ate something that would give his urine a red or pinkish tint.

A dog has blood in its urine: what should the owner do?

So, as we have determined, blood during urination is almost always alarming symptom some kind of disease. If your dog suddenly pees blood, it is important not to panic, but to observe the animal for 6-12 hours. For staging correct diagnosis The doctor will definitely need not only the results of tests, ultrasound and x-rays, but also the history of observing the dog according to the owner. So, you need to remember the following points if there is blood in your dog’s urine:

  1. What is the amount of urine (for serious illnesses) bladder partially emptied);
  2. How often does a dog pee (with some diseases) urinary tract dogs are blocked as a result of the placement of stones or after an injury, due to which the animal cannot walk in a small way);
  3. In what position does the dog pee (if the animal bends too low to the ground and sits down, then this happens with severe pain);
  4. Does the pet show pain when urinating (whining, breathing heavily, etc.);
  5. Is there blood present in the urine, or maybe there is only discharge on the genitals (for example, when the penis is injured);
  6. How is your pet feeling (does it have any, has it lost its appetite, are there any gastrointestinal disorders, etc.).
Based on the owner’s story, as well as on the basis of test data, the doctor will be able to determine exactly what disorder led to the blood loss. The owner will only have to adhere to the veterinarian’s recommendations, strictly following the instructions of the prescribed medicines.

Does your dog pee blood? Be prepared immediately for the fact that this problem is serious and will require lengthy investigation and treatment. And why such an unpleasant condition occurs and what to do if blood is detected in the urine, we will tell you in our article right now!


Causes of blood

Notice blood in your urine four-legged friend It’s not always possible right away. After all, if a cat does all his business in a potty and all the products of his vital activity, as they say, “in plain sight,” then the dog often relieves himself on the street. Well, there it is more difficult to notice such a formidable symptom as blood. What does the presence of blood in the urine indicate and what treatment does the pet require in this case - read on!

It is worth remembering that any deviation in the color of a pet’s urine in most cases indicates a particular disease. Sometimes, of course, the color of urine may change due to specific treatment or the dog eating certain foods, but this is rather a special case.

Reason 1 - injuries

Sometimes blood in the urinary canal appears due to injury. A dog is a fairly active creature. Males are often not only active, but also aggressive.

If your pet is involved in a fight or traffic accident, falls from a height, or suffers penetrating wounds, there is a high probability of kidney or bladder injuries. If, as a result, you see blood in the urine, pain in the abdomen or perineum, a hunched back, or the dog’s inability to stand, immediately take the animal to the hospital. Treatment for similar conditions carried out immediately!

Reason 2 – urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (UCD), which massacres our mustachioed and striped pets, is less common in four-legged friends. This is explained by the fact that the urethra in cats is much narrower than in dogs. In this case, stones in dogs usually form not in the kidneys, but in the bladder.

The reason for their formation rarely lies in improper feeding. Often crystals grow due to bacterial inflammation, which disrupts acid-base environment and provokes the growth of struvite crystals. Although an incorrect diet can also provoke the growth of foreign objects in the urinary and urine-forming organs. If there is protein diet and not sufficient quantity fluids in the diet, oxalates may begin to develop in the bladder. Stones injure the mucous membrane and eventually blood appears.

View of a group of stones on an x-ray

Veterinarians note that some predisposition to KSD is present in the following breeds: Schnauzers, Spaniels, Shih Tzus, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terriers, Dalmatians, English bulldogs. In addition to blood in the urine, UCD can lead to complete blockage of the urethra. Therefore, carefully monitor your pet; if the animal does not urinate for more than 12 hours, this is a reason for operational implementation urgent catheterization. And then in the video you can listen to what the veterinarian says about urolithiasis.

Reason 3 – cystitis

Cystitis – inflammatory process mucous membranes of the bladder. Cystitis is a very unpleasant and painful disease. It is characterized by sharp and chronic course. Bacterial cystitis is most common in dogs. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria that cause irritation of the walls of the bladder can enter it in various ways.

For example, from the anus located next to the urinary canal or even from such “distant organs” as oral cavity. In this case, the infection will be carried through the body by the lymph flow and can reach the bladder. It is also worth remembering that hypothermia or stress can trigger cystitis. In this case, bacteria that are in good condition“live” in the urethra, begin to actively multiply and rise higher urethra, causing inflammation there.

Veterinarians note that females are more prone to cystitis, since their urethra is wider and located closer to the anus than that of males.

Treatment of cystitis is almost always labor-intensive; in no case should you practice self-medication for this disease. It should also be understood that chronic form Cystitis is practically untreatable.

Reason 4 – babesiosis

Babesiosis or piroplasmosis – serious illness, caused by an ixodid tick bite. Pathogenic microorganisms– Babesia, which is carried by ticks, once in the blood of your dog, begins to actively destroy red blood cells. As a result, we observe a separation large quantity hemoglobin and the formation of direct bilirubin. To diagnose babesiosis, a rapid blood test is used; it helps to quickly “calculate” babesia in the blood.

Note that red blood cells during babesiosis are destroyed so actively that already 2-3 days after infection, a significant deterioration in the animal’s condition can be observed. Most clear symptom Babesiosis is urine that is an unnatural dark brown or red color. In addition, there is lethargy, apathy and elevated temperature. If your pet regularly takes walks in a forested area, be sure to treat it with tick repellent medications in a timely manner, because babesiosis can be fatal.

Reason 5 – leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease that is very often recorded in our pets. The causative agents of the disease - Leptospira - are distributed everywhere and infection can occur both through water or food, and through insect bites. Leptospirosis affects the liver, kidneys, blood vessels. As a result, the dog urinates reddish, brown urine, and the amount of urine decreases.

In addition, there is an increase in body temperature, apathy, refusal to feed, skin ulcers and more. After all, the symptoms of leptospirosis can vary depending on individual protective properties body.

Reason 6 – diseases of the genital organs

Sometimes blood in the urine can occur due to specific sexually transmitted infections. In particular, in bitches, blood can be released both in the urine and outside of urination due to pyometra, an infectious disease of the uterus. Male dogs, especially those who have not been neutered, may have blood in their urine due to prostate disease. In this case, it is important to monitor the time of urination, it can be very long or, on the contrary, insignificant, as well as the general condition of the pet.

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Reason 7 – neoplasms

Various neoplasms and tumor processes in the kidneys or bladder can also be one of the possible reasons for the appearance of blood in the urine. In addition, it should be remembered that all tumor processes are usually accompanied by a general serious condition animal. They are more common in older dogs and the animal can die from it.

Reason 8 – poisoning

How can I help my dog?

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for the appearance of blood in the urine, so you shouldn’t even think about self-medication for such a disorder.

In order for the treatment to bring results and be correct, a number of studies need to be done, in particular:

  • blood and urine tests, preferably general and biochemical;
  • in some cases x-ray.

In addition, for a veterinarian, the information about the pet and the course of its illness that only you can provide is very important, because, alas, our friends are silent creatures.

Therefore, try to answer the following questions for high-quality diagnosis and establishment of the causes of blood in the urine:

  1. What color urine does your dog pee?
  2. What is the nature of urination: posture, volume of urine, frequency of urge to go to the toilet, pain?
  3. Is urination uncontrollable and when was your last trip to the toilet?
  4. Is blood released outside of going to the toilet or only at the end of urination?
  5. What is the general condition of the dog?
  6. Is this the first time such symptoms have appeared or has the dog already had something similar?

To treat most of the diseases listed today, antibiotic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is used to maintain immune function. In some cases, you may even need to undergo surgery, so you should not delay going to the veterinary clinic.

Video “Canine Babesiosis”

Video about the disease babesiosis, how to possible reason the appearance of blood in the urine can be found below.

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Blood in the urine or hematuria (Haematuria) - characterized by the release of a certain amount of blood when urinating.

Hematuria is one of the symptoms of some infectious diseases, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs.

Veterinary specialists usually distinguish three types of hematuria: initial hematuria, in which the first portion of freshly released urine is stained with blood, the rest of the dog’s urine is transparent. Discharge of blood from the dog's urethra outside of urination. Terminal hematuria - in which the first portions of urine in dogs are without visible changes and only at the end of urination the dog produces colored urine. The appearance of hematuria in a dog is serious symptom the presence of a particular disease in the dog.

At the same time, the dog owner should not think that urine with blood will necessarily have a red color, due to the fact that the shade of urine mixed with blood can be from light pink to dark burgundy or even brown.

Sometimes the color of a dog's urine changes as a result of taking a number of medications, as well as when feeding foods that cause urine coloration.

In some cases, such a life-threatening symptom for the dog may not be detected by the owner through visual observation when the dog urinates, and in some diseases, hematuria can only be detected by examining urine in a veterinary laboratory.

Causes of blood in a dog's urine

The appearance of blood in a dog's urine may occur due to:

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of hematuria in a dog:

  • Urine stained with blood.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy.
  • Increased dog anxiety.
  • Pain in the abdominal area.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Pallor of visible mucous membranes.
  • Difficulty urinating, decreased urine volume.

How are diseases in dogs accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine diagnosed?

If the dog exhibits the above signs, the owner must contact a veterinary clinic, where specialists will conduct a full clinical examination and the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the cause of hematuria. IN veterinary clinic Your dog will have:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.

Based on the conducted diagnostic studies Your dog will be diagnosed with one or another diagnosis of blood in the urine.

Treatment of hematuria in dogs

Based on the diagnosis, veterinary specialists will provide appropriate treatment.

In case of hematuria caused by helminthic diseases, the dog is dewormed with appropriate anthelmintic drugs.

For hematuria caused infectious diseases(leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis), the dog is injected with the appropriate hyperimmune serum, antibiotics and sulfa drugs. To restore the intestinal microflora after a course of antibiotic therapy, various probiotics (bifilact, etc.) are used.

For venereal sarcoma – carried out surgical intervention or carry out conservative treatment vincristine.

In case of severe dehydration and impairment water-salt balance recommended use saline solution, as well as isotonic solutions - Reosorbilact, Ringer's solution, Ringer-Locke solution, etc.

To support liver function and relieve intoxication of the body, a glucose solution with ascorbic acid in a proportion of 200 ml of 0.5% glucose solution and 10 ml of ascorbic acid.

As symptomatic remedies a sick dog is treated with painkillers, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A dog urinating blood can be both a warning sign and an unjustified panic. It happens that the blood in a dog’s urine is not blood at all, but simply foods it has consumed of a specific color: beets or carrots. When a dog takes certain medications, it is also possible for its urine to turn a specific color. In any case, to confirm or refute your suspicions, you will need a comprehensive examination of the animal by a veterinarian.

Reasons why a dog urinates blood

There are several reasons for a dog to urinate blood. These include:

Only a comprehensive examination conducted by a veterinarian, as well as necessary tests and research.

Symptoms of possible diseases in a dog when urinating with blood

If a dog has blood in its urine, then it definitely has some kind of disease. Depending on the location, there are several diseases that are accompanied by urination with blood. This:

  • prostate diseases in male dogs;
  • diseases of the vagina and uterus in female dogs;
  • bladder diseases;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the ureters;

In case of diseases of the prostate gland in a boy dog ​​and diseases of the vagina or uterus in a girl dog, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

For diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, the following symptoms are observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • when urinating, the dog whines because it feels painful;
  • As for activity and appetite, they remain the same.

Symptoms of kidney and ureter diseases include:

  • the dog loses its appetite;
  • the animal becomes lethargic and passive;
  • Urinary frequency may not change.

Of course, if you notice these symptoms in your dog, you need to call a veterinarian.

In case of diseases of the prostate gland in a boy dog ​​and diseases of the vagina or uterus in a girl dog, blood is clearly visible: it appears not only during urination, but also when the animal is in a state of absolute rest.

What to do if your dog is urinating blood

When seeking help from a veterinarian, you should keep in mind that the doctor will require the following information from you:

  1. What color is urine? Pathology can be noticed if the urine has a light pink or even coffee tint.
  2. How often has the animal gone to the toilet in the last 24 hours?
  3. Does your pet experience pain during urination: he may whine pitifully, squeal and even bark.
  4. If there is bloody discharge in your pet's urine.
  5. Is blood present in the animal’s urine all the time or does it appear from time to time?
  6. How long have you noticed blood in your pet's urine?

Perhaps this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make a correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you for an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasonography Can only be done with a filled bubble. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in an animal, especially if the pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give your pet a good drink before the ultrasound - this way the bladder will not empty soon, which means it will be easy to do an ultrasound examination.

How to collect urine for analysis from a dog

Often, if a disease of the genitourinary system is suspected, a urine test of the pet is necessary. Collecting urine from a dog is very problematic. However if you stick to following rules, then you can do it quickly and easily:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Remove the litter from the tray and rinse it thoroughly.
  3. Insert a grate into the tray and wait until the dog wants to relieve itself.
  4. Once the job is done, take the tray and carefully pour its contents into a collection glass.
Perhaps this information alone and a comprehensive examination of the pet will not be enough to make a correct diagnosis, so the doctor may refer you for an ultrasound of the internal organs. Do not forget that ultrasound examination can only be done with a filled bladder. Of course, it is difficult to control the process of urination in an animal, especially if the pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Try to give your pet a good drink before the ultrasound - this way the bladder will not empty soon, which means it will be easy to do an ultrasound examination.
It should be remembered that the shelf life of urine for analysis is not long - only 3-4 hours, so you need to collect urine from your pet at least three hours before going to the laboratory, not counting the time spent on the road.

If you don’t use a tray to relieve your dog, but, for example, a diaper or outside, then buy a special urine collector at the pharmacy. This is a very convenient and practical thing that will allow you to assemble in a matter of seconds required amount analyses.

Treatment for bloody urination in dogs

Based clinical examination and the results of a urine test, your dog is diagnosed with the cause of urinating blood, and then a course of treatment is prescribed. Most often, diseases of the urinary system are treated with antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed. In addition to medications, you will need the above-mentioned decoctions and vitamins to maintain the strength of a weakened body.

Preventing bloody urination in dogs

To prevent your dog from urinating blood, you need to carefully monitor its diet, properly care for it, and show it regularly veterinarian, make sure she doesn’t get too cold and drinks enough water. Only proper care, the care and attention of her owner will help avoid similar problems with health, and then not only urination with blood, but also any other sore will bypass your pet.