Diet for urolithiasis in humans. What to eat if you find oxalates

is a disease that is based on disorders certain type metabolism, which facilitates the formation of salt crystals in the urine. The starting materials for stone formation are the components of the food we eat, and the mineral composition drinking water. The most common stones are oxalate, urate, phosphate and various combinations of these salts in one stone. Let's consider diets for each of these clinical situations.

Oxalate nephrolithiasis

The main goals of therapeutic nutrition are the exclusion of foods with high content oxalic acid and its salts and the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in magnesium, a calcium antagonist. The content of acidic and alkaline components in food should be balanced through a varied diet. It is advisable to limit the intake of carbohydrates, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), table salt and gelatin.

Fluid consumption, in the absence of contraindications, should reach 2–2.5 liters per day, and even more in hot weather.

Exclude or limit:

  • liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, salted fish, jellies and aspic on gelatin;
  • legumes (peas, beans and dishes containing them);
  • limit cheeses, exclude salty cheeses;
  • sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, gooseberries;
  • strong meat and fish broths;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa, strong coffee
  • meat and fish in moderate quantities (100 g per day or 150 - 200 g every other day), preferably boiled, including boiled sausages (milk, diet), sausages, eggs in any processing, salads from boiled meat and fish;
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream (but with elevated level calcium in the urine, with exacerbation of pyelonephritis and with an alkaline reaction of urine, these products are limited)
  • fats, butter and vegetable oils, unsalted lard;
  • any cereals and pasta;
  • bread and flour products, especially - coarse, with inclusion wheat bran;
  • vegetables and fruits with low content oxalic acid – in increased quantity(cucumbers, cabbage, peas, eggplants, turnips, pumpkin, lentils, apricots, bananas)
  • soups, sauces;
  • cold vegetable appetizers, squash and eggplant caviar

Urate nephrolithiasis

In the treatment of uraturia and uric acid urolithiasis, two main tasks are to reduce the level uric acid and alkalinization of urine.

The main goals of therapeutic nutrition are to limit foods high in uric acid and purine bases and to include in the diet foods that reduce urine acidity (alkalinization). For this, vegetables, fruits, berries, their juices, and dairy products are recommended. Potatoes, carrots, beets, melons, lemons, peaches, oranges, and non-acidic apples have an alkalizing effect to one degree or another.

At the same time, meat and fish products(liver, herring, kidneys, pork, sprats, sardines, turkey, chicken, etc.), legumes, eggs, grains; fats (lamb, beef). It is better to exclude by-products and poultry meat altogether.

The amount of fluid introduced into the body increases (1.5-2 liters per day or more). We recommend tea with lemon or milk, rosehip infusions, juices, water with juices and syrups, compotes from fresh or dried fruits. It is advisable to drink these drinks on an empty stomach, before bedtime and between meals.
Cranberry and lingonberry drinks, traditionally recommended for illnesses urinary system, should not be used for uraturia and urate urolithiasis. These berries, on the contrary, acidify urine.

  • lean meat, fish, poultry - no more than three times a week, boiled;
  • dairy products: milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese;
  • eggs: no more than one per day in any processing;
  • fats: butter, cow, ghee and vegetable oils;
  • cereals in the form of any dishes in moderation;
  • bread and flour products, you can include ground bran;
  • vegetables: in sufficient quantity and in any processing;
  • vegetarian and dairy soups;
  • salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar;
  • fruits, berries in any processing, dried fruits, marmalade, jam, honey;
  • drinks: tea, coffee with milk, fruit drinks, juices, rosehip and dried fruit decoctions.
    Exclude or limit:
  • meat of young animals and birds, broth from them;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, tongue, brains), sausages, smoked meats, pickles, smoked and fatty fish, canned meat and fish and sauces;
  • beef, lamb, cooking fats; limit pork fat;
  • legumes: beans, peas, beans;
  • mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, cauliflower;
  • chocolate, figs, raspberries;

Phosphate nephrolithiasis

Most often, phosphaturia and the formation of phosphate stones are caused by active inflammatory process– pyelonephritis, so its treatment is especially important.

The diet for calcium phosphate urinary stones and phosphaturia is aimed primarily at acidifying the urine in order to create obstacles to the formation and precipitation of phosphate salts and to the excretion of calcium in the urine. Predominantly meat food is desirable. You should know that taking large quantities of sour berries, vegetables and fruits does not lead to a significant change in the pH of urine, and more often, on the contrary, causes it to become alkalized.

  • meat, poultry, fish in any processing, including in the form of appetizers, soups and sauces;
  • egg in any preparation (1 time per day)
  • fats: butter and vegetable oil, lard;
  • cereals in any preparation, but without milk;
  • bread, flour products in any form;
  • vegetables: green pea, pumpkin;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour varieties of apples, cranberries, lingonberries, compotes, jelly and fruit drinks made from them;
  • honey, sugar, confectionery;
  • weak tea and coffee (without milk), rosehip decoction;

Excluded or limited:

  • smoked meats, pickles;
  • milk, lactic acid products: cottage cheese, cheese; sweet dishes made with milk and cream;
  • baked goods and milk products;
  • potatoes and vegetables, except those mentioned above; vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, canned vegetables;
  • spices, fruit, berry and vegetable juices.

The amount of fluid introduced into the body increases (1.5 - 2 liters per day or more). It is also useful to use plant products having a diuretic effect. These include watermelons, melons, bananas, eggplants, pears, strawberries, cabbage, cranberries, gooseberries, carrots, lettuce, currants, pumpkin, dill, and blueberries.

The risk of stone formation is reduced by consuming dietary fiber. This is part of the plant substances included in the diet that are not exposed to digestive juices and are not absorbed. They are found in wholemeal bread, nuts, vegetables, root vegetables, and unpeeled berries. Wheat bran works similarly, which is used 30 g per day in the form of additives to cutlets, etc.

When using any diet, it is necessary to take into account concomitant diseases. For example, with urolithiasis in combination with diabetes mellitus, you should adhere to diet therapy, as with diabetes mellitus, and with urolithiasis. In the presence of concomitant disease the patient must coordinate the recommendations for therapeutic nutrition given by the urologist with a doctor of the appropriate specialty (cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

One of the main methods of treatment and prevention is proper diet.

It is equally beneficial for both men and women to follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins, because the appearance of stones does not depend on the gender and age of the patient.

It's all to blame impaired metabolism and, as a result, increased concentration of salts and acids in the blood and organs digestive system.

Why do you need a diet?

Urolithiasis responds well to modern medicine. There are complexes of medications that, together with physiotherapy, help in the treatment of certain types of stones.

In more difficult cases, doctors can resort to instrumental and surgical intervention . These procedures are widely used and virtually painless.

But think about it, do you want to go under the knife or put stress on your liver by consuming different foods for several months? Or maybe it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it? In this case, diet cannot be avoided if you have already treated urolithiasis, because the risk of relapse is very high.


General principles and effectiveness

The effectiveness of proper nutrition will primarily depend on choosing a suitable diet exactly in your case.

If you experience pain in the lumbar region or other symptoms urolithiasis you should visit a urologist.

The doctor will prescribe all the necessary procedures to determine the area in which the stones are located and their composition. The composition is main factor when choosing the appropriate menu.

In addition to nutrition, it is necessary to support healthy image life:

Walking on fresh air are also necessary. All these factors help the body cope with the disease faster and enhance the effect of the diet.

There are two main principles good regime nutrition for any kidney stone formations:

  • Need to drink a large number of liquids, and it doesn’t matter what kind: water, decoctions, juices - everything is good and not harmful. 2 liters per day, for elimination extra salts and there will be enough ions from your body.
  • Balance and its energy value have important. It is necessary to restore the level of vitamins and nutrients that are lacking, and then maintain the body in this state to prevent relapses.
  • It is useful to reduce the consumption of salty and spicy foods.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the diet depends. For oxalate and phosphate formations in the ureters and kidneys proper nutrition is only preventive in nature, but does not contribute to their destruction.

If you have already visited a doctor and know what exactly is causing discomfort in your body, you can start to choosing an appropriate diet.

In men and women, the causes of urolithiasis are the same factors. Treatment is also no different, be it medications or surgery.

And diet, in this case, is no exception. The only point worth paying attention to is pregnancy. Proper nutrition for urolithiasis is beneficial for all people due to its balance.

But, if, during gestation, changes hormonal levels affect intolerance to certain foods - this should be discussed with a nutritionist and the diet adjusted according to individual characteristics your body.

Now let’s move on to the important part and figure out what you can eat and what you can’t, depending on the chemical composition of the stones.


Appear as a result of high concentrations of uric acid. Necessary limit the amount of purine in consumed products.

Most of this substance is found in:

  • meat of young animals;
  • brains, cartilage, tongue and other offal;
  • legume family;
  • some fish;
  • mushrooms

You can eat in unlimited quantities:

For reducing acidity and prevent crystallization of uric acid, you can drink alkaline drinks - mineral water, lemonade.

As stated above, some of these products may cause food allergies and intolerance, especially during pregnancy. The diet must be adjusted to suit your body and its characteristics.

Oxalate stones

The main factor in the formation of these stones is oxalic acid. Its excess means a lack of B vitamins and calcium. The intestines are responsible for combining calcium with oxalates. If there is not enough calcium, the acid moves on, forming kidney stones.

Products that should be excluded:

  • wheat bran;
  • rhubarb;
  • beet;
  • cocoa containing products;
  • lettuce, parsley and spinach;
  • gelatin;
  • products containing ascorbic acid as a preservative;
  • sour and citrus fruits.

You can eat, but be careful:

Insoluble fiber reduces calcium levels in the body, excreting it through the intestines and not the kidneys. It is necessary to control its consumption.

Not limited to:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cabbage;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon.

Any foods containing vitamin B6 and calcium are beneficial, most often cereals and nuts. Additional drinks may include infusions of violet roots and birch leaves.


Promotes their appearance alkaline environment, excess vitamin D and problems with the absorption of calcium salts. It is better to remove the following foods from your diet:

Limit consumption:

  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • most fruits and vegetables, except those listed below;
  • bakery products.
  • sour berries;
  • fish and meat in moderation;
  • pumpkin;
  • asparagus;
  • apples;
  • Brussels sprouts.

With this diet, vitamins A, C and foods rich in fiber are additionally prescribed. Teas from currant leaves well contribute to the removal of phosphates from the body.

In conclusion, dieting is not an easy undertaking. But it is necessary so that stones, like weeds in a garden, did not appear again and again.

Only a doctor can create the right diet based on tests and examination of your body. Do not try to treat yourself with a diet without understanding the chemical composition of the stones.

Perhaps the matter will not be limited to diet and you will have to use more radical measures, but that's a completely different story.

Find out what is allowed for urolithiasis from the video:

During urolithiasis, changing dietary habits is a priority, since all food breakdown products necessarily pass through the kidneys. Diet for urolithiasis is considered a necessary and important component of the complex treatment of the disease. Taking into account the type of disorders that caused the formation of stones, as well as the chemical composition of the stones, a therapeutic diet.

First, let me remind you of the essence of the disease itself. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones and the deposition of sand in the organs of the urinary system. The disease is quite common, and can occur in people of both sexes and all ages; it often occurs in a hidden and acute form, often accompanied by serious complications and relapses.

The reason for the formation of stones and sand is an excessive increase in salt concentration various substances, precipitated (not excreted from the body) due to impaired metabolic processes and exposure to certain adverse conditions. Among them are dehydration of the body, frequently occurring diseases of the genitourinary system in acute and chronic form(cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), nutritional deficiency or vitamin deficiency, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, sedentary lifestyle, congenital features or genetic pathology of the structure of the urinary system, unhealthy diet, hard water, vascular And metabolic disorders directly in the kidneys, and in the body itself.

At timely diagnosis disease, proper drug therapy and, most importantly, adherence to diet, treatment is successful, surgical intervention is not required. Careful adherence to a therapeutic diet for urolithiasis prevents the growth of existing stones or the formation of new ones, changes the acidity of urine, which promotes the dissolution of stones. The diet (regardless of the composition of the stone) requires adherence to a drinking regime, which stimulates the processes of removing stones, sand and other sediment from the kidneys and bladder.

So, the type of stones ( chemical composition) influences the choice of diet, which is developed by the doctor together with a nutritionist. Stones can be oxalate, urate, phosphate, organic and mixed (a mixture of various salts, found in almost half of the cases). Remember, a therapeutic diet for phosphate stones is completely unsuitable for urate stones; it will stimulate the growth of stones. Therefore, it is very important to trust specialists in matters of nutrition. Because of this, you cannot stick to it for long strict diet, this will dramatically change the composition of urine and provoke the formation of stones of a different type. For example, with a long-term alkalizing diet in the case of gout, patients often find phosphate stones in the kidneys. Medical nutrition is recommended during the period of active treatment; in the future, the diet is gradually expanded (again under the supervision of a specialist).

General principles of therapeutic nutrition for kidney stones.
In case of urolithiasis, it is very important to drink 2 to 2.5 liters of clean drinking water during the day (you can use rosehip decoction). Juices, fruit drinks, compotes, teas and other liquids do not count. In general, stones begin to form against the background of an increase in the concentration of ions in the urine, therefore, the more water is filtered and excreted in the urine, the better, the concentration will decrease.

The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys should be balanced and have sufficient energy value. Existing diseases of the digestive system must be taken into account, since their exacerbation can impair the absorption of vitamins and microelements, which will lead to stone formation.

Meals should be fractional, that is, 5-6 meals a day in small portions.

When does diet help?
Amino acid (cysteine ​​and xanthine stones) cannot be adjusted therapeutic nutrition, since they are formed due to genetic pathologies. If certain recommendations are followed, urate stones can be eliminated. Oxalates or calcium phosphorus stones are practically insoluble, dietary food will only prevent the formation of new stones.

Diet for the deposition of oxalate stones.
Oxalates are crystals of the calcium salt of oxalic acid; they are formed when there is an increased intake of oxalic acid or vitamin C in food, as well as when the absorption of oxalic acid increases due to a lack of calcium and vitamin B6.

The therapeutic diet includes exclusion from the diet:

  • green salad, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, celery, parsley;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • jelly and jellies;
  • figs and purslane;
  • vitamin C in the form food additives, as well as products where the vitamin is a preservative;
  • smoked meats, saltiness and marinades;
  • broths and spices;
  • offal.
It is necessary to significantly limit consumption:
  • salts (especially for children, since oxalates are most often formed in childhood);
  • carrots, tomatoes, green beans;
  • chicken and beef meat;
  • citrus fruits;
  • black and red currants, rose hips, gooseberries, blueberries;
  • sour varieties of apples;
  • sweets;
  • young greenery;
  • tea, coffee (preferably not strong with milk).
The diet is allowed to include:
  • potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, peas, eggplant, prunes, red beans;
  • pear, sweet apples, plums, grapes (grape ones are recommended fasting days), dogwood, apricots, bananas, watermelons;
  • all cereals and whole grains (especially buckwheat, wheat bran, oatmeal);
  • bran bread;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products (preferably in the morning);
  • infusions of half-palm, madder, birch leaves and violet roots;
  • low-fat fish.
If oxaluria is not severe, a corrective diet is not required, but if long term disease, there is a high risk of developing secondary inflammation (pyelonephritis), which leads to alkalization of urine and provokes the formation of phosphate stones. WITH similar condition It is quite difficult to develop a diet, since it is important to take into account and combine the requirements of two diets.

Sample menu for one day for oxalate stones.
Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 grams), 200 ml of tea with milk, a piece of bread with butter.
Lunch: rolled oats porridge with milk (150 g), lingonberry juice (can be made with jam) (250 ml).
Dinner: vegetarian vegetable soup (250 ml) with sour cream, a slice of bread, berry compote (250 ml).
Afternoon snack: pasta and cottage cheese casserole (150 g), fruit jelly (250 ml).
Dinner: 100 g of baked beef, boiled potatoes with carrots (150 g), a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: a small bun (not a muffin), a glass of cranberry juice.

Diet for the deposition of urate stones.
Their formation occurs against the background of an excess of the product of purine metabolism - uric acid - in the urine, as well as when the urine is acidic. Therefore, the diet in this case involves a reduction in the diet of foods rich in purine bases, as well as alkalization of urine. The diet is dairy-vegetable in nature.

Prohibited products:

  • canned food, marinades;
  • fish and meat of adult animals (you can eat three times a week not fatty varieties boiled), veal and lamb are excluded;
  • sausages and various smoked meats;
  • offal (brains, liver, lungs);
  • salted cheese;
  • animal fats (pork, beef or cooking);
  • fish;
  • jellies;
  • sorrel and spinach, cauliflower, rhubarb and figs;
  • rich broths, including mushroom ones;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • alcoholic drinks(especially beer and red wine);
  • tea and coffee (sometimes not strong), cocoa and chocolate, cranberry juice.
Authorized products:
  • porridge (buckwheat, millet, barley);
  • pasta, bread;
  • dried fruits, sweets (except chocolate), honey, jam, marmalade;
  • potatoes (baked or “in their jacket” are especially useful), tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, radishes (especially in combination with honey), beets;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • milk and fermented milk products, cottage cheese and mild cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • any berries and fruits (especially pears, apples, watermelons, apricots and peaches);
  • mineral water, lemon juice, fruit drinks, juices (especially carrot);
  • dairy and vegetarian soups (based on vegetable broth with the addition of boiled meat);
  • parsley, dill, green onions;
  • in a small amount of spice;
  • decoctions of cornflower flowers, clover, black currant leaves, dandelion roots and burdock.
Fasting with this type of stones is completely contraindicated, since it results in acidification internal environment body and increased formation of uric acid deposited in the kidneys. But fasting days (1-2 times a week) will be very useful (vegetables (1.5 kg per day), dairy or kefir (1-2 liters per day), fruit (apple 1.5-2 kg)). Fluid intake is not limited these days.

Sample menu for one day for urate kidney stones.
First breakfast: pudding of carrots, millet and apples (100 g piece), a glass of tea with milk, 150 g of vegetable salad (dressing - vegetable oil).
Lunch: rosehip decoction (250 ml), bun, but not baking.
Dinner: 250 ml noodle soup with milk, a slice of bread, potato cutlets (150 g), berry compote (250 ml).
Afternoon snack: two apples.
Dinner: cabbage rolls with boiled rice and vegetables (200 g), a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: decoction of wheat bran (250 ml).

Diet for phosphate stones.
Calcium salts phosphoric acid(apatites) are formed due to impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, therefore the therapeutic diet is aimed at acidifying the urine.

Prohibited products:

  • vegetables (including potatoes) and canned vegetables, fruits (juices);
  • ice cream;
  • milk and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheeses) (periodically arrange calcium days);
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • spices and savory snacks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • salt in any form and salty foods;
  • smoked meats, saltiness, marinades;
  • animal fats;
  • egg yolk.
Authorized products:
  • meat and fish (including seafood);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, beans, peas, lentils, asparagus, Brussels sprouts);
  • sour berries (cranberries, currants, lingonberries);
  • pasta, bread and bakery products(except for baked goods);
  • porridges and soups (vegetable);
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • egg white (sometimes);
  • liver;
  • nuts;
  • rosehip decoctions and fruit drinks (especially from cranberries and lingonberries);
  • apples and juices from sour varieties of apples and grapes;
  • mineral water;
  • herbal infusions or teas (burdock root, madder, elecampane, bearberry, lovage, centaury);
  • weak meat and mushroom broths;
  • moderately sweet;
  • salt (10-12 g per day).
If you have atherosclerosis, despite the possible consumption of meat and fish in this diet, these foods should be limited.

Sample menu for phosphaturia (phosphate stones) for one day.
First breakfast: 100 g buckwheat porridge, a glass of tea, egg white.
Lunch: a glass of rosehip infusion, a soft bun.
Dinner: 250 ml portion of soup with meatballs, a slice of bread, a glass of berry compote (you can use dried berries).
Afternoon snack: meat cutlet (no more than 100 g), a glass of jelly.
Dinner: 100 g baked chicken, 100 g boiled rice, a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: a glass of tea and a piece of grain bread.

Dietary nutrition for urolithiasis is aimed at improving the patient’s condition during therapy, after surgery and to prevent relapse of the disease. The diet and its duration should be prescribed by the attending physician together with a nutritionist based on the data of the medical examination and the tests obtained.

Modern complex treatment ICD allows you to completely get rid of stones and prevent their further appearance. Moreover, the treatment methods are so gentle that the kidney practically does not suffer and remains intact. IN Lately modern medicine actively resorts to the help of herbal medicine and homeopathic medicines which showed high efficiency in the treatment of urolithiasis.

It has been experimentally established that stones up to 5 mm in size can come out on their own. Larger ones have practically no chance of leaving the patient’s body “on their own”; in this case, such stones are subject to surgical treatment. If this is not done, the outflow of urine will be disrupted and an infection will develop in the kidney affected by the stone. As a result, the patient’s well-being will deteriorate, and the whole matter may end in the loss of the kidney.

Previously, surgery to remove stones was very traumatic, because... the surgeon had to open a large cavity, due to the fact that the kidneys and ureters are hidden quite deeply. As a result rehabilitation period the patient was stretched for quite a long time.

Currently, a variety of methods have been developed for the bloodless removal of stones from the kidney and ureter. One such method is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy - special device emits ultrasonic waves of the required frequency, which are focused at the location of the stone and destroy it. In this case, the kidney practically does not suffer, since the kidney tissue and the stone have different densities. After ultrasonic exposure, the stones are crushed into smaller fractions and sand, which can already leave the patient’s body on their own.

Another gentle method surgical intervention - percutaneous nephrostomy- under the control of an X-ray machine, a puncture (puncture) is made into the renal pelvis. Once at the location of the stone, a large field of activity opens up for the surgeon - he has the opportunity to administer a variety of medications, manipulate stones, drain urine, and remove fragments of stones. I must say that from a technical point of view this is quite complex operation and only an experienced surgeon can perform it.

Another method of bloodless surgery is laser lithotripsy. A flexible probe is inserted through the urethra, which penetrates first into the bladder and then through the ureter to the kidney itself. Inside the probe there is fiber optics, which displays an image on the monitor screen internal organs along which the device moves. It can also be supplied to the stone through a probe. laser ray, which creates high energy and destroys stone. If the stone small sizes, then you can get it with a special basket - a Dormia loop.

If there are signs of inflammation, then all of the above treatment methods are carried out against the background of intensive antibiotic therapy or after the infection has resolved.

If the patient has small stones that give hope for spontaneous resorption and passage, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy ICD. It must be said that this process is very lengthy and not cheap. Type of appointment medicines depends on the type of stones formed. But there are drugs that are prescribed to everyone - these are antibacterial drugs(uroantiseptics), antispasmodics. To treat uric acid stones, sodium and potassium citrates are prescribed in combination with drinking large amounts of fluid. For cystine stones, citrates and captopril are used. Infected and carbonate-phosphate stones are treated with potassium phosphate, ammonium chloride, methionine, lithostat, and antibiotics in large quantities. Oxalate stones are treated with potassium and sodium citrates.

In practice, medicine prefers to remove the stone first and then carry out drug treatment to prevent their reappearance.

Treatment renal colic should only be performed by a doctor. Therefore, calling an ambulance at home is a must. To relieve pain before the doctor arrives, you can take hot bath(if there are no contraindications) for 10-20 minutes and take a painkiller tablet (no-shpu, for example). If urine passes normally, you need to take a large amount of fluid. If there are contraindications for a hot bath (heart disease, liver disease, hypertension), then you can apply a warm heating pad.

In any case, you should never self-medicate - you should definitely see a doctor.

ATTENTION! The information presented on this site is for reference only. We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences self-medication!

The appearance of stones in the organs of the genitourinary system is a common occurrence. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment should begin. Diet for urolithiasis occupies one of the main places in therapy. Proper nutrition can quickly dissolve stones and prevent their reappearance. The list of permitted ingredients can be compiled by the attending physician, depending on the type of stones formed. Self-medication can complicate the course of the disease and cause side effects.

Nutrition for urolithiasis requires adherence to the rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of stones the body is predisposed to. The doctor does this using laboratory research. Once determined, foods that cause salt accumulation should be eliminated or minimized of this type in organism. An important step for the treatment or prevention of urolithiasis is the drinking regime. An adult should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. If desired, this value can be increased. Drink plenty of fluids helps remove sand and small stones from the kidneys. With the help of a nutritionist, you should determine suitable foods that can change the reaction of urine to prevent the deposition of salts in the organs of the genitourinary system.

What foods can you eat?

Watermelon is very useful for urolithiasis; it can remove sand and small stones from the kidneys.

Doctors identify products whose introduction into the daily diet has a beneficial effect on the organs of the genitourinary system. The list of components for urolithiasis that will be beneficial includes:

  • fruits and berries, including watermelon, currants, cherries, quinces, oranges, plums, cranberries, apricots and blackberries;
  • vegetables, especially cabbage, potatoes and pumpkin;
  • dried fruits, namely dried apricots and raisins;
  • bread products made from wholemeal flour;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereals and porridges based on them;
  • garlic in the form of a decoction;

Eating the above helps prevent and cure the disease in men and women. Diet is especially important for people after stone removal. It is this category that is prone to the recurrence of urolithiasis in the bladder and kidneys. Preference should be given to boiled, steamed, stewed or baked dishes, since the benefits of such foods are greater than those of fried foods.

What should you not do if you have urolithiasis?

Use frequently fried meat may cause the formation of stones.

There are a number of products, the use of which provokes the formation of stones and harms the entire genitourinary system. To prevent urolithiasis, you should limit the consumption of dairy products, onions, fresh garlic, fried meat and fish, legumes, chocolate and strong coffee and tea. Tomatoes contribute to the appearance of oxalate stones, so they should be eaten with caution. They are strictly prohibited during illness and to prevent relapse. salty fish, smoked meats, parsley, preserves, marinades and spices, sorrel, spinach, mustard and horseradish. Harmful drinks include alcoholic and carbonated drinks. The reason for the ban is the high content of oxalic acid in these components, which provokes the appearance of insoluble stones and harms the organs of the genitourinary system.

Features of nutritional treatment depending on the type of stones

The diagnosis of urolithiasis consists of three subtypes, each of which characterizes the type of stones formed. Thus, urate, oxalate and phosphate stones are distinguished. The type of doctor is determined based on the results of laboratory tests. Understand on your own what type of stones are in the kidneys or bladder, impossible. Depending on the diagnosis, dietary nutrition is prescribed. The list of ingredients for each type of urolithiasis is different. Thus, products allowed for urates are strictly prohibited for oxalate stones. Thus, starting a diet without consulting a doctor is dangerous to your health.

Nutrition for urolithiasis

Foods high in vitamin C help prevent urolithiasis.

Urate stones form in the kidneys when increased concentration uric acid. Doctors say that the presence of a small amount of stones of this type in the body is considered normal. However, their increased quantity poses a threat to human health. To prevent urolithiasis, proper nutrition is necessary, which consists of foods that make the urine pH alkaline. The list of healthy ingredients includes: dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk drinks), fruits, cereals (especially wheat and buckwheat), as well as foods high in vitamin C. Prohibited ingredients include fatty ingredients, canned food and alcohol. Drinking fluids is important for the treatment and prevention of urate stones in the kidneys and bladder. So, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. On hot days, this amount increases depending on the body's needs.

Nutrition for oxalates

Oxalate stones are formed as a result of the activity of oxalic acid. Leads to an increase in the concentration of the substance overuse vitamin C in food and general poor nutrition. The diet for oxalate stones is aimed at great content drinking in the diet and fractional meals. The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys begins with a single meal combined with freshly squeezed juices. Foods containing oxalic acid should be excluded from the diet and salt intake should be minimized. The patient's food should contain B vitamins, as well as vegetables and fruits. In addition, preparations based on medicinal plants are considered effective.

Nutrition for phosphate stones

Poor nutrition may lead to the formation of new stones.

Phosphate stones are formed when increased content calcium and magnesium salts in the body. A diet for urolithiasis involves excluding dairy, as well as some vegetables and fruits. You can eat all types of grains and legumes, high protein foods, sour berries, and green vegetables. If there are stones in gallbladder You should not consume alcoholic beverages, sweets and baked goods, as well as fatty foods and all types of seasonings and marinades. If there are oxalates in the urine, you need to increase the volume of fluid consumed to 3 liters.

For oxalate stones, nutrition is as follows:

  • For breakfast, a serving of low-fat cottage cheese with a glass of tea with milk and a slice of bread and butter is suitable;
  • second breakfast consists of oatmeal-based porridge with lingonberry juice as a drink;
  • for lunch you should prepare soup based on vegetable broth with the addition of a spoonful of sour cream, a small piece of bread and homemade compote of permitted berries;
  • the afternoon snack will consist of pasta casserole with the addition of low-fat cottage cheese and fruit jelly;
  • For dinner you should serve boiled or baked beef with mashed potatoes and carrots, and take still mineral water as a drink;
  • Before bed, a savory bun with a glass of cranberry or lingonberry juice is allowed.