An old dog loses its hind legs for a reason. What to do if your pet’s back legs suddenly fail? Injuries and pinched nerves

Many dog ​​owners, faced with such a problem as refusal hind legs, panic and don’t know what to do in this situation. Just an hour ago the dog was healthy and active, but now it is difficult to get up or cannot do so at all.

Why do dogs lose their paws?

There are many reasons for this disease, but for the most part they all fall into two groups:

1. Orthopedic problems and
2. Neurological problems.

The primary task of the veterinarian and the dog owner, naturally, is the need to identify the cause of the loss of support as quickly as possible.

If we consider the most common causes of hind leg failure in dogs, then the following can be distinguished:

  • 1. Injuries: fractures, sprains, ligament and tendon ruptures, peripheral nerve damage
  • 2. Arthritis of the joints of the hind limbs
  • 3. Discopathy
  • 4. Hernias intervertebral discs
  • 5. Arthrosis
  • 6. Tumors
  • 7. Dysplasia hip joints etc.
  • The back legs are most often affected by falls in dogs. small breeds(for example, when jumping off a sofa), in other dog breeds a common cause is car injuries, bites during fights, blows.
  • Common causes also include an unsuccessful jump or frequent and long climbs up the stairs, or a dog slipping on ice - all this leads to damage to the spine. At such moments, at the site of spinal injury, the integrity of the structure of the spinal column is disrupted, swelling appears, which compresses the nerves and spinal cord. As a result, the dog remains immobilized.
  • Also, a dog’s hind legs may fail due to degenerative diseases of the spine, spondylosis, that is, “local aging” of individual vertebral areas. Spondylosis in dogs occurs slowly, which is why it is practically undetectable. early stages.
  • Tumors also cause hind leg failure in dogs. Tumors that can gradually develop in the spinal cord or in the vicinity of it lead to fractures of the spinal column and pathological changes in him. During exacerbations of the disease, swelling appears, which compresses the roots spinal cord. As a result, the dog's hind legs fail, the back may arch, and the processes of urination and defecation are disrupted.
  • Failure of the hind legs in dogs with osteochondrosis is considered one of the most severe forms diseases. This disease is associated with impaired mineralization of cartilage. All dog breeds are susceptible to osteochondrosis, however, it most often occurs in puppies that quickly gain weight. large breeds. Simply put, the dog’s limbs are not yet prepared for heavy weight and heavy loads, which leads to failure of the hind legs.
  • Discopathy is also common cause failure of the hind legs in dogs. This disease is common among breeds such as French Bulldog, dachshund, etc. The disease is associated with the special structure of the spine of these breeds, which during selection has become more elongated, and now experiences powerful loads. As a result, the dog can suffer not only during active movements or jumping, but even in calm state The disc may fall out.
  • Hip dysplasia is often found in dogs of large and very large breeds, such as Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Asian, etc. This disease causes pain to the animal and can immobilize it forever. The cause of the disease is abnormal development hip joints, and discrepancy between the femoral head and the socket ilium. Dysplasia is easily recognized on x-ray. Severe dysplasia leads to arthritis.
    Also, dog owners should know that some other processes in the animal’s body can lead to such reactions, for example, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases internal organs. Diseases such as radiculitis or pyelonphritis can also lead to paw failure in a dog.

You may notice the first signs of a problem while walking. If they appeared after sudden movements(for example, during games), then do not consider activity as the cause of illness. Quicker, .

Symptoms of hind leg failure in dogs are extremely unpleasant:

  • The dog cannot move normally

  • Hind legs weaken and become unruly

  • As a result, paralysis of the pelvic limbs or paresis may develop.

Manifestations of the disease do not always occur all at once. Sometimes in the morning the dog feels pain, and in the evening the deplorable signs and consequences of paralysis of the limbs are already obvious.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure in dogs

The disease can cause discouragement among owners, since everything happens quite abruptly and unexpectedly.

There can be many reasons for it:

  • Limb injuries: fractures, nerve damage, tendon ruptures and sprains.

  • Arthritis of the extremities

  • Spinal pathology

If the spinal cord is affected in the thoracic or lumbar region spine, paralysis or paresis may develop. However, injuries are also risk factors. Sometimes a sharp turn, a fall, a blow, a bite during a fight with another individual provokes a whole chain of problems. Keep in mind that the dog may slip on the ice, jump unsuccessfully, or turn around. If possible, monitor your pet to reduce risk factors.

Nervous system

One of the most common causes of hind leg failure in dogs that owners encounter is problems nervous system.

Neurological disorders manifest themselves as follows: in the thoracolumbar region of the dog’s spinal column, strong pain . Then paws are taken away, and it is clear that the animal cannot move its limbs. Eventually pain sensitivity disappears. You may notice the first signs of a problem while walking. If they appear after sudden movements (for example, during games), then do not consider the activity to be the cause of the disease. Quicker, movement provokes symptoms of an existing problem.

This problem is typical for small and medium-sized dogs rather than large breeds, as well as individuals with a genetic predisposition to damage to the intervertebral discs. The main risk group is dachshunds; the problem is observed in French bulldogs, Brabançons, Pekingese and other representatives of brachycephalic breeds. Most often, unpleasant changes are observed between the ages of three and eight years.

Some dachshund owners think that the problem lies in the long spine. However, science does not confirm this guess. And it is interesting that the manifestations of the disease do not always appear all at once. Sometimes in the morning the dog feels pain, and in the evening the deplorable signs and consequences of paralysis of the limbs are already obvious.


Pathology develops in stages: First, the structure of the spinal column is disrupted at the site of injury, then swelling occurs. This causes the spinal cord and radicular nerves to be compressed. The latter problem leads to the disruption of the flow of blood with oxygen.

When this continues for some time, nerve cells die and nerve impulses along the peripheral nerves are blocked.

A severe injury violates the integrity of the spinal cord tissue, in other words, it ruptures it. It is clear that this is critical for any animal, and the help of a specialist is needed.

Degenerative diseases of the spine

Sometimes the spine can simply fall under the influence of degenerative processes. This also leads to the fact that hind limbs dogs stop working normally. In this case, the metabolic processes in the tissues of the body, and the parts of the spinal column undergo pathological changes.


Your dog's hind legs may also fail due to so-called “local aging,” or spondylosis, of certain areas of the spine. This disease goes away quite slowly. It may be almost invisible at an early stage. The outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus are damaged first. Then a process called calcification in medicine occurs with the anterior longitudinal ligament. Beak-shaped growths appear on the spine, they are called osteophytes.

Tumors in the spine

Tumor-like processes sometimes occur in the spine and in the spinal cord itself. As a result, pathologies gradually develop, and in some cases, fractures of the spinal column. If the process escalates sharply, developing edema compresses the roots and spinal cord. This results in the following symptoms:
limbs are weakened or compressed,
the back arches,
gait is disturbed,
the dog squeals while trying to make the usual movements,
refuses food.


Joints of the spine - weakness dogs diagnosed with osteochondrosis. If they are subjected to static loads, the joints can become deformed. The phenomenon is called spondyloarthrosis. Uneven loads on the spinal column are also dangerous. They lead to vertebral hernia: due to pathology, the fibrous ring changes, and as a result, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc protrudes. The hernia compresses the radicular nerves and sometimes the spinal cord itself.


Diseases of the intervertebral discs, also called discopathy, cause neurological lesions pelvic limbs. The substance of the disk changes and enters spinal canal. As a result, it is clamped:
or the spinal cord itself,
or roots spinal nerves.
Neurological deficit is a consequence of these processes.

When a large dog's paws fail, the problem has its own characteristics. Dobermans have German Shepherds, Great Danes, Rottweilers and similar breeds, the disease progresses gradually over several months or years. It can be assumed that damage to the intervertebral discs has occurred - in the lumbar region or near the lumbosacral junction.

French bulldogs are especially susceptible to discopathy. This is due to their unnatural anatomy, which resulted from artificial selection. The spine of this breed has become elongated, which leads to greater stress on it. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the distance between the vertebrae is greater than normal. As a result, even at rest it may fall out. intervertebral disc, and even more so during active movement.


Heavy breeds have their own problem - diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Saint Bernards, Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes characterized by intensive growth at the age of 4-10 months. This is partly why puppies of these breeds suffer from hip dysplasia.

Pay attention to the first symptoms! If a dog limps after sleep or a passive state in a lying position, and then “paces” during the day, these are the first signs, after which it is advisable to call the veterinarian home or take the dog for an x-ray. If the dog is not treated, the symptoms may intensify, and a prolonged problem can lead to the animal completely refusing to walk.

Osteocondritis of the spine

The most severe form of damage is spinal osteochondrosis. In this case, discopathy becomes more dangerous form- degenerative processes move from the intervertebral discs to the surrounding vertebral bodies. They also suffer ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral joints.

Here are some common causes of osteochondrosis:
Genetic developmental defects. Because of this, the vertebrae function unstable.
Spinal injuries.
Autoimmune processes.
Rheumatoid lesions.
Microcirculation is disrupted, and as a result, the nutrition of the disc is disrupted.

Spinal pathology

Blows and bites, falls and unsuccessful jumps, as well as other unfavorable factors lead to spinal pathology. This phenomenon leads to paresis and paralysis. The spinal column ceases to be integral, its structure is disrupted and swelling occurs. The spinal cord and radicular nerves are compressed.

What to do if your dog's back legs fail?

Unless you have special skills, knowledge and experience, you will most likely need a veterinarian. A doctor whose specialty is neurology will be especially helpful.

Now let's look at common questions.

Is it worth contacting if the first symptoms just appear: pain reactions to body movement, tension in gait or refusal of physical activity?

Yes, it's worth it. The sooner you contact, the greater the chances of helping. Even if the alarm is false, you can take the opportunity to do a preventive examination.

If it has already started late stage- the hind legs have given up, should I call the veterinarian, or is the dog already doomed?

There are always chances. If the animal is dear to you, then try to find out what can be done in the current situation. Even completely immobilized dogs were sometimes brought to their feet. Another thing is that the chances in this case are less.

Practical advice for a critical situation:

  • If the dog is injured and, apparently, the spine is damaged, then in order to deliver it to veterinary clinic, secure it to the board with straps or bandages.

  • If there is your four-legged friend whines and howls, and the doctor will arrive soon, do not rush to use painkillers - it can contribute to further displacement of the vertebrae.

Many dogs are susceptible to developing musculoskeletal diseases. Cases when their hind legs fail are not uncommon. There are several reasons for this condition.

Which breeds are most likely to have hind leg failure?

This problem is usually faced by owners of small and medium-sized dogs.

Dachshunds have a predisposition to lesions in their hind legs.

Some breeds have genetic predisposition to defeat intervertebral discs. Specific symptoms observed in:

  1. Tax.
  2. Brabançonov.
  3. French bulldogs.
  4. Pekingese.

Impairment of the hind limbs is observed at approximately 3–8 years of pet's life .

Main causes of pathology

This symptom is often observed against the background of impaired innervation of the paws.. The provocateur may be a lesion of the spinal cord at the lumbar or thoracic spine.

The development of arthritis can cause the hind legs to fail.

But the hind legs can also fail due to development:

Discopathy is often observed in Basset dogs.

Features of dysplasia

This pathology is very difficult to treat.

Dysplasia often occurs in Great Dane dogs.

Often dysplasia passed on to dogs genetically . Therefore, when purchasing an animal, you need to ask for both documents and tests for this disease from its father and mother.

Features of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis in a dog in the picture.

A conditional “continuation” of discopathy is osteochondrosis.

The main cause of this serious disease is considered to be impaired mineralization of cartilage. It quickly hardens, which helps.

Osteochondrosis dangerous because if left untreated, the animal’s hind limbs gradually fail.

Features of arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis occur more often in older dogs.

These pathologies are most often diagnosed in dogs of heavy, large breeds. The main difference between arthrosis and arthritis is the absence of inflammation. There is a rapid change in the cartilage, which soon collapses. With arthritis, the joint capsule becomes inflamed. This disease occurs in older animals.


First specific sign is pain syndrome. A little later, the dog becomes weak and lethargic. She has difficulty moving her paws. Pain sensitivity disappears last.

Pain in the limbs is main symptom diseases.

These signs may appear while playing with other animals.

  1. If the disease is advanced, symptoms appear even when the dog is in a state of relative rest.
  2. Sometimes all the signs of the disease appear immediately . Often in the first half of the day a pain syndrome occurs, and in the late afternoon paralysis of the paws develops.
  3. Most insidious disease is spondylosis . At first it occurs slowly and is not detected in the early stages. As the pathology progresses, the development of osteophytes is observed. Visually, they resemble beak-like growths.
  4. Tumors in the spine also do not manifest themselves at first . When the process worsens, the spinal cord is compressed. This leads to arching of the animal's back and disruption of its gait.
  5. When getting up and sitting down, the pet may yelp in pain . Involuntary urination is sometimes observed. In some animals, the act of defecation is disrupted. A weakened dog may refuse to eat.

How can you help your dog?

Having found at least one of the following in a dog alarming symptoms, need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, specializing in neuroscience. To establish a primary diagnosis, the doctor:

  1. Orders an x-ray examination.
  2. Checks for pain in the spine area.
  3. Clarifies the safety of reflexes.
  4. Checks for pain and tactile sensitivity.

If you notice any alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes a sick animal is prescribed a myelogram. The conducted studies help the veterinarian assess the stage of the lesion and decide on therapeutic tactics.

When diagnosing, it is very important to differentiate radiculitis. Incorrect treatment contributes to the worsening of symptoms.

Drug treatment

If the dog’s condition is characterized as acute, it is prescribed the use of steroid hormones:

  1. Solumedrol.
  2. Metipreda.
  3. Dexamethasone.
  4. Prednisone.

Solumedrol is used in acute cases of the disease.

At the end of this course, the dog is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines. The pet is recommended to take Rimadila, Quadrisola .

“Human” NSAIDs should not be given to animals.

This leads to an opening stomach bleeding. Death often occurs.

To improve nutrition nerve tissue, the dog is prescribed B vitamin injections . The metabolism of oxygen and glucose in affected tissues is activated by Actovegina. Prozerin is recommended for resuscitation of neuromuscular conduction. It can be combined with other anticholinesterase drugs.

When the pathology is in acute phase, Prozerin not registered. It is important to remember that these injections are painful.


The main goal of the operation is to eliminate compression of the spinal cord. Surgery is prescribed only after comprehensive survey dogs.

Surgery is prescribed to relieve compression of the spinal cord.

During surgery, the veterinarian removes the spinal arches. After surgery, the doctor advises the dog’s owners regarding the rehabilitation period.

What's the prognosis?

Severe swelling contributes to compression of the nerve tissue. Against this background, there is a deterioration in blood supply. Access of oxygen to the affected tissue is disrupted, and nerve cells die.

The prognosis depends on the degree of compression. How larger area damage to nervous tissue, the worse it is. If the animal has impaired defecation and no pain sensitivity, the prognosis worsens.

Therefore, it is very important to notice the onset of the disease. You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic if your dog:

  • worries a lot;
  • hides from the owner;
  • squeals when someone touches her back;
  • refuses to play with other animals.

Preventive actions

It is better to take a puppy of any breed in your arms when going downstairs.

Sooner or later, any dog ​​develops problems with its limbs. The owner's task is to reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases. To do this, you need to follow preventive recommendations.

Puppies of heavy breeds need to be given chondroprotectors. This must be done continuously until the child reaches 12 months of age. Taxams and large dogs up to 10 months you can't jump. Playing with large adult animals is not recommended.

Before reaching six months of age Puppies of any breed must be carried in your arms when going down.

  • They rise on their own. This helps strengthen muscles .
  • Animals prone to dysplasia are shown periodic x-ray examination . This will help to detect the disease in a timely manner.
  • It is important to provide your pet enough level physical activity . Their excess is just as harmful as lack of activity.
  • The dog's diet should be balanced . Until the age of six months, the animal should be given special food for young dogs. The pet's diet should be rich in vitamins and other substances necessary for the body.
  • It is important to protect your dog from drafts. Otherwise, there is a risk of catching a cold in the spine.
  • It is advisable to minimize the risk of injury. This will avoid the development of dangerous pathologies.

The dog should be protected from possible drafts.

Video about hind leg failure in dogs

Failure of a dog's hind legs is one of the most common neurological ailments. The causes, symptoms and treatment of this phenomenon will be discussed in this article.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure in dogs

The phenomenon of failure of a dog’s hind legs is associated with damage to the intervertebral discs. The following happens:

  • the hind legs become weak and do not respond to signals from the musculoskeletal system;
  • complete paralysis of the limbs develops - paresis;
  • the paws stop moving.

Failure of the hind legs is common to all breeds of dogs, but most often small and medium-sized dogs encounter this problem: dachshunds, Pekingese, French bulldog, Brabançon. As for age, from three to eight years old, dogs of the listed breeds have every chance of encountering such a problem.

Causes and diseases leading to hind leg failure in dogs:

  • injuries: fractures, sprains, nerve ruptures;
  • arthritis of the joints;
  • arthrosis of the limbs;
  • tumors in the spine;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • spondylosis - wear of the vertebral segments;
  • discopathy - disease of the intervertebral discs;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • dysplasia is a disease of the musculoskeletal system.
Failure of the hind legs is common to all breeds of dogs, but most often small and medium-sized dogs encounter this problem: dachshunds, Pekingese, French bulldog, Brabançon. As for age, from three to eight years old, dogs of the listed breeds have every chance of encountering such a problem.

Symptoms of a dog's hind legs failing

Failure of a dog's hind legs is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weak, lethargic state;
  • restless behavior;
  • passive state, including on dog play areas;
  • a tense gait, and sometimes even a reluctance to walk;
  • if you touch the dog’s back, the dog begins to whine and squeal pitifully;
  • pain reaction when changing body position;
  • the hind legs stop moving and lose sensation.

These symptoms can also include pain, but the moment the paws stop moving, the pain disappears.

It is worth noting that the listed symptoms occur abruptly; it doesn’t matter what the dog was doing: sleeping or walking - both in a state of movement and in a state of absolute rest, these symptoms make themselves felt. The main thing is that the dog does not make sudden movements - then the symptoms manifest themselves even more strongly.

What to do if your dog's back legs fail

An ailment such as hind leg failure can only be treated by a veterinarian. The owner himself will not help the dog in any way. If you notice the listed symptoms in your dog and suspect that its paws have failed, you should not wait - urgently call a veterinarian at home. If you delay, paralysis may develop, and the dog will never be able to fully move. A paralyzed dog cannot be helped at home - this is important to remember.

It is worth noting that the listed symptoms occur abruptly; it doesn’t matter what the dog was doing: sleeping or walking - both in a state of movement and in a state of absolute rest, these symptoms make themselves felt. The main thing is that the dog does not make sudden movements - then the symptoms manifest themselves even more strongly.

First aid from a veterinarian at home for failure of a dog’s hind legs

Once the veterinarian arrives on site, he should take the following steps:

  1. Check whether the tactile and pain sensitivity threshold is normal.
  2. Check the integrity of reflexes.
  3. Check whether the pain syndrome in the spinal area is still present.
  4. If necessary, an X-ray examination will be prescribed.
  5. Order laboratory tests.

A neurological examination, myelography and MRI may also be required. These studies will help the doctor make a correct prognosis of the disease, determine its severity and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Failure of hind legs in a dog: treatment

Many dog ​​breeders do not notice such a serious problem as hind leg failure, believing that it is temporary. Only after lost time, when the dog partially loses the ability to move, do they pay attention to this problem. It is unacceptable to self-medicate in such cases - the disease progresses quickly, and if you let it go, you can greatly regret it later.

Hind leg failure - dangerous phenomenon, which, depending on the severity, health characteristics of the dog, its condition, age and breed, can lead to certain consequences. IN best case scenario- lameness and unsteady gait, in the worst case - lost ability to walk on the hind legs.

Treatment for a dog with hind leg failure varies depending on what caused it and the severity of the condition. If a dog has spinal dysplasia, then drug treatment If it doesn't help, you'll need surgery.

After treatment, the dog must be prescribed rehabilitation period: Give her regular massages, take her swimming or another sport that will help her recover motor activity. After suffering from an illness, this comes first for her.

Many people say “it will heal like a dog” and they are very mistaken, since these cute animals, just like people, are not protected from diseases, including those related to the musculoskeletal system.

There are situations when a dog’s front or back legs begin to fail. Why this happens and what influences the appearance of this ailment can be found in this article.

A dog's paws are failing: what symptoms should you pay attention to?

Similar problem may appear suddenly and with severe symptoms, or may progress for a long time without revealing itself in any way. In the latter case, even the most caring owner The dog may not notice anything is wrong. The fact is that their visibility directly depends on the factors in the formation of the disease.

The main symptom of the development of the disease is the appearance pain, which do not always have a pronounced character. At the first stage of disease progression, the dog may experience periodic involuntary movements of the pelvis, more reminiscent of “lazy wagging.”

Such signs are easy to see while walking. Pain often occurs after active rest(games) or physical strenuous activity. In more severe cases, the dog may experience poor coordination or an uncontrolled fall.

When a pet tries to get up on its paws and fails, it begins to panic and, naturally, suffer from a lack of understanding of what is happening. Often the animal, having rested after active games, begins to move normally. However, sometimes a dog's paws fail for quite a long time.

Throughout the entire period of her illness, she was troubled by pain and weakness in the area. hind legs, making it difficult for her to get up and stand. Another important sign of a problem is a change in the dog’s gait, during which his paws become entangled.

However, the most terrible symptom counts complete absence sensitivity of the paws, which leads to the inability to move them. The presence of such symptoms indicates the development of paralysis or paresis, which requires qualified treatment.

Causes of paw failure in dogs

The diseases that cause this symptom do not always manifest themselves immediately, so it is difficult for a veterinarian to diagnose it. Often the period of their development is very long, and the pet owner, not knowing about the presence of the disease, only aggravates the situation and accelerates its progression.

So, what diseases can cause immobility of a dog’s paws and can they be cured?


The most common factor for such a symptom, paresis and paralysis, are simple injuries received during a jump, with sufficient high altitude, awkward movement, sprain or fracture from a fall, tendon rupture, pinched nerves, etc.

In order for a dog’s paws to fail, a slight displacement of bones, for example, spinal discs, is quite enough. Also, the dog may often develop swelling due to damage in the area of ​​the vertebral column, which gradually begins to compress and impair the functionality of the spinal cord.

This leads to impaired blood flow and rapid death. nerve cells. Over time, the nerve impulses weaken and cannot reach, so to speak, their “destination,” so the dog’s legs stop working.

Even after a long therapeutic therapy The pet may experience this symptom again. And the reason for this is the incompetent and incomplete cure of the primary factor of its formation. Therefore, you need to contact a qualified veterinarian again, but, naturally, to a different one.


The second name of the disease sounds like “intervertebral hernia.” It consists of malaise of the spinal discs, namely a modification of their substance, which over time enters the spinal canal, and then into the spinal cord area. As a result, severe compression of the spinal nerves is observed. It is quite difficult to cure the disease and it often makes the dog disabled.


Articular dysplasia is a difficult to treat and serious disease that begins to develop in four-month-old puppies. Characterized by severe symptoms: swaying hips, especially after heavy loads, limping after prolonged lying or sleeping, and inability to run for long periods of time.

Vertebral osteochondrosis

The disease is a kind of “continuation” of the previous illness (discopathy). Represents the most complex degree destruction of the vertebrae, which is caused by a violation of cartilage mineralization. Excessive hardness of the organ is observed, leading to damage to the intervertebral ligaments and joints.

Arthrosis and arthritis

Very often, the reasons for a dog’s paw failure are precisely these ailments. Arthrosis is a chronic disease, distinctive feature which is the complete absence of inflammation. It is characterized by changes in cartilage with further destruction.

While arthritis is a disease in the bursa of the joints, accompanied by inflammatory process. Reasons: lack of vitamins, minor injuries, poor nutrition, excess or lack of movement, hypothermia, aging, etc.

What to do if your dog's paws fail?

Naturally, the most effective way are preventive actions. However, if the dog exhibits a similar symptom, it is necessary to call a veterinarian and provide first aid, namely:

Immobilize the dog by tying it to a board;

Under no circumstances should painkillers be given because the cause of the symptom is not known.

The most important thing to do is to wait for a specialist who will conduct a thorough examination of the pet, determine the presence of sensitivity and pain in the spine, and also prescribe necessary treatment and analyses.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian may insist not only on drug treatment, but also on surgical intervention. It is not uncommon for even the most hopelessly ill dogs to complex therapy got back on their feet and became completely healthy.