Ultrasound of a newborn: mandatory tests in the first year of life. Ultrasound of a newborn (infants): abdominal cavity and internal organs

Ultrasound is one of the safest, most accessible and informative methods diagnostics, which is used in modern pediatrics. This method is based on the properties of ultrasound to be reflected when passing boundaries between different media. Based on the data obtained using reflected waves, an image of the child’s internal organs is created, from which the doctor can judge their condition.

Ultrasound for children is performed using a special sensor that is moved over the patient’s skin. This examination method is absolutely painless and safe. Unlike X-rays, which negatively affect growing tissues and can only be used according to strict indications, ultrasound can be performed even several times a day without risk to the baby’s health.

Indications for ultrasound in children

Ultrasound can be performed from the first days of a child’s life. This research method can be used for the purpose of screening examination or clarifying diagnosis.

Ultrasound screening of newborns reveals congenital pathologies, as well as diagnose possible developmental defects. For this purpose, all children without exception are recommended to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, an ultrasound scan at the age of 1-1.5 months hip joints and neurosonography, ECHO cardiography. In addition, comprehensive ultrasound scans are often performed for children under 1 year of age, which also includes cardiac ultrasound.

In the first year of a child’s life, it is carried out through the fontanel. This procedure is comparable in its information content to such complex and expensive diagnostic methods as MRI and CT. Neurosonography allows us to identify congenital pathologies and abnormalities of brain development, which is especially important for premature babies and children with birth injuries or hypoxia.

Ultrasound of the hip joints in some cases is prescribed for the diagnosis of dysplasia and congenital dislocation hips. It is especially important to undergo this procedure for children with breech presentation, complications during childbirth, or high birth weight. This type An ultrasound is also often recommended by an orthopedist if there is any doubt about the diagnosis.

Sometimes prescribed by a pediatric cardiologist. As a rule, this is done to exclude various malformations when murmurs are detected or changes are present on the ECG. Heart ultrasound is often performed on healthy children involved in sports clubs to determine permissible level loads

Ultrasound cervical region spine is usually prescribed to children with torticollis, a disorder muscle tone, birth injuries or entanglement in the umbilical cord.

In case of digestive disorders or the likelihood of diseases of certain internal organs, children undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which includes ultrasound of the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, and pancreas.

Ultrasound is also the most accessible and safe method detection of organ diseases genitourinary system.

Carrying out ultrasound for children

Ultrasound examination is one of the most effective methods diagnostics However, its success is influenced by factors such as the quality of the equipment and the qualifications of the specialist who conducts it. It is also important psychological attitude child, because increased anxiety Performing an ultrasound can be quite difficult.

That is why, when performing an ultrasound scan for children, it is very important to choose the right diagnostic center. In our clinics, examinations are carried out by highly qualified specialists using high-tech and modern equipment. Our staff knows how to find an approach to children of any age, making ultrasound not only an informative, but also a comfortable procedure.

Ultrasound for children in “Mother and Child” is:

Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels:

  • Dopplerography of abdominal vessels;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the upper/lower extremities of the child;
  • Dopplerography of renal vessels;
  • Dopplerography of neck vessels;
  • Duplex scanning arteries of the head;

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • Ultrasound of the child’s stomach;
  • Ultrasound of the gallbladder;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs for girls;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • Ultrasound of the pancreas;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the spleen.
  • Ultrasound screening for a child of 1 year of life;
  • Ultrasound thymus gland;
  • Ultrasound lymph nodes;
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues;
  • Ultrasound of the adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses;
  • Ultrasound salivary glands;
  • Ultrasound of the joint;
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints;
  • Ultrasound thyroid gland;
  • Echoencephalography.

Once born, the baby finds itself in a completely different environment. Previously, he was used to living in water, in a confined space, where light penetrates very poorly. Therefore, after being born, the child will go through a difficult adaptation period for some time, getting used to his new living conditions. Parents, for their part, should help him in this by creating not only optimal comfortable conditions, but also providing him with the necessary medical examination.

Ultrasound examination today is one of the most accurate and harmless diagnostic methods. It is based on the different densities and resistance of body tissues and fluids, which is why sound waves pass through them and are reflected differently. With the help of ultrasound, a specialist learns about the structure and condition of organs, pathologies of body systems and their current condition.

The safety of ultrasound examinations for children is considered proven, because ultrasound no louder than 120 decibels is safe for the human body. And in medical purposes use a dynamic range of 80-90dB. Even frequent (up to several times a month) use of this diagnostic method will not harm organs and tissues and will not in any way affect the development of the baby. To date, not a single scientifically proven fact has been found indicating the danger of ultrasound diagnostics. With proper hygiene and the least permissible wave power, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will not cause any harm to the baby.

Indications for ultrasound of infants are:

  • screening study within the prescribed time limits;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • localized pain or fever of unknown origin.

Medical examination of newborns

Even a seemingly healthy newborn needs a thorough medical examination. During the adaptation period, all the child’s organs, which were weakly functioning before birth, begin to work at full capacity, which is associated with a certain load for the baby’s body. Therefore, in a timely manner, during periods established by the pediatrician, it is necessary to undergo a certain medical examination, visit specialist doctors in narrow medical fields of knowledge, and also take necessary tests and undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

So, in particular, one of the mandatory conditions medical examination is to undergo an abdominal ultrasound for a newborn. This is necessary to diagnose the condition of internal organs, their size, location, as well as to exclude the presence of congenital anomalies and diseases. There is a certain scale of the relationship between the weight and height of a newborn’s body and the size of the internal organs, which they should reach in a child by a certain period of development. In addition, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity helps to timely recognize signs of congenital abnormalities in the development of internal organs in an infant.

The human abdominal cavity includes all the space that is below the diaphragm. During an ultrasound examination, the compliance of the condition (density, size and shape) of the baby’s organs with the standards prescribed in domestic pediatrics is observed. Examine the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas. Also subject to inspection gallbladder, stomach and intestines. The doctor looks at the retroperitoneal space, adrenal glands and ureters, veins and nerve plexuses. If necessary, Doppler ultrasound is prescribed to examine blood flow and fluid exchange in the peritoneum. Thus, during an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of a newborn, the state of his digestive and excretory system.

Purposes of Newborn Ultrasound

What can an abdominal ultrasound reveal in children in the first months of life? One of the aims of the study is to evaluate the pancreas. If its structure and measurements do not correspond to the average, this may be a sign of reactive pancreatitis. There can be many reasons, because intestinal dysbiosis, infectious colds or food allergy- not uncommon in children.

During the ultrasound gallbladder it is possible to detect kinks and deformations of this organ. Specific form It can be either a developmental feature or an acquired anomaly (kinks, constrictions). They identify signs of cholelithiasis, bile duct disease, polyps and tumors of varying quality. In addition, on an ultrasound of the gallbladder, the doctor may see signs of cholecystitis.

Liver may be characterized diffuse changes. They can be both a result of dysbiosis in newborns and a symptom serious illnesses: hepatitis or cirrhosis. The presence of cysts or organ hyperplasia cannot be ruled out.

Retroperitoneal space examined for the size of regional lymph nodes. If an enlarged spleen is detected, further examination of the liver and circulatory system. Also, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity examines the vessels, their lumen and the presence of blood clots.

Ultrasound diagnostics can be both comprehensive and highly specialized. For example, if necessary, a separate ultrasound of the newborn’s heart, as well as other internal organs, is performed. In addition, in addition to conventional ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound of internal organs and blood vessels can also be performed. And three-dimensional ultrasound allows you to get a real (as opposed to traditional two-dimensional scanning) idea of ​​the structure of internal organs.

How to prepare your baby for an ultrasound?

When we're talking about about ultrasound examination of a newborn, preparation depends on the organs that will be examined. As you know, a child up to six months old will not be able to go without food for more than 2–2.5 hours. An older baby, about a year old, can withstand a “hungry” period of 3.5–4 hours and the same amount without water. Porridge, meat products and vegetables take much longer to digest than breast milk and formula. Therefore, milk is something you should feed your child before going to the doctor.

If there is a need to look at the gallbladder or pancreas, then you should not feed the child before the procedure, at least 2-4 hours. This is important because a swollen intestine and stomach will hide these organs from the doctor's view. In addition, the gallbladder shrinks in size during the digestion of food, and it can be difficult to see its shape and lumen.

The pancreas can become significantly enlarged due to blood flow during digestion, and its size may be misinterpreted. If an examination of the organs of the excretory system is planned, then about half an hour before the ultrasound it is necessary to give the baby something to drink so that his bladder has time to fill a little by the time of the procedure. Otherwise, ultrasound diagnostics will be uninformative, and you will be invited to come another time. If your baby is crying from hunger, give him water. Clean drinking water in small quantities, without sugar and additives, will not distort the picture on the monitor of a diagnostic device.

Medical examination- this is not a whim of modern medicine, but a necessary preventive stage in the life of every child. Abdominal ultrasound is part of the newborn screening program: preventing the disease is much easier than treating it later. Moreover, on time Taken measures will protect you and your baby from possible adverse consequences.

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Ultrasound diagnostics- the most harmless and safe, but at the same time quite informative research technique. It does not contain X-ray radiation, which is dangerous to the health of both children and adults. There is no need to ensure complete immobilization of the child, for which special placement or anesthesia is used (and this is almost always necessary when performing radiography or magnetic resonance imaging).

Only ultrasound is used during the procedure high frequency with extreme low levels energy. The power used is tens of times lower than that required for even minimal heating of tissues. slightly increases the energy consumption of the device, but it still remains safe for the child. For this reason, ultrasound has become widespread and is also considered one of the best options for diagnosing the development of various pathologies in newborns.

What ultrasound examinations are most important to perform in the first months of a child’s life?

Doctor performing an ultrasound of a newborn baby

One of best moments The age for the study is considered to be 1 month. This is one of the best options, since it allows you to diagnose the development of most serious diseases and pathologies quite early. Most of these problems require diagnosis and treatment as early as possible, since only in this case is a fairly rapid recovery and a minimum of complications possible.

With timely treatment, most similar diseases It can be completely cured within two to three months. At the same time, a delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment not only delays the recovery period, but also seriously increases the complexity of treatment. For this reason, an ultrasound of a newborn at 1 month is a good option, which allows timely diagnosis and treatment of a disease that otherwise could drag on for many years.

First - ultrasound of the hip joints

Congenital dysplasia is one of the most common diagnoses in newborns. The consequences of this pathology can be felt for a lifetime if treatment is not started on time. At the same time, practice shows that identifying of this disease at the age of 1 month makes it possible to carry out quick and effective treatment, which is limited only to conservative and preventive methods. But later detection of this disease leads to the need to at least apply plaster, which has its own Negative consequences(for example - muscle atrophy due to lack of motor activity in fixed joints, which will also have to be fought later), or you will need surgery.

For this reason, in most countries this study is mandatory and is usually carried out in the maternity hospital, in the first week of life. We have not yet introduced such a practice; a referral for examination is usually given by an orthopedist during a standard examination if he notices some symptoms characteristic of this disease. But the problem is that this pathology does not always manifest itself immediately; often its symptoms appear only when the child begins to walk. In such a situation, it is simply impossible to avoid surgery.

Second - ultrasound of the brain

What’s interesting is that this study is most informative at this age, since compared to an adult, a newborn has large quantity“access points” through which the doctor can conduct research. Thus, one of the main points is the still open “fontanelle”, thanks to which the doctor can carry out the most full inspection, which means the research will be as informative as possible.

This study aims to identify congenital anomalies that require timely treatment, as well as identifying circulatory disorders and. For example, this technique makes it possible to identify ischemic brain damage that occurs during intrauterine hypoxia and subsequent cerebral hemorrhage. Lack of timely treatment often leads to severe consequences- various neurological disorders and brain disorders.

Simultaneously with the examination of the brain, large vessels of the neck are often examined, since damage quite often occurs during childbirth spinal cord exactly in this department.

Third - ultrasound of internal organs

Most often in this case we are talking about the abdominal organs, although research on various ones is also quite common. It is also advisable to conduct such a study no later than the 3rd month of life, but in practice, in our country such a study is rarely carried out in a screening mode, mainly only on the direction of a doctor in the presence of symptoms that indicate a pathology of one of the internal organs.

I would also like to note that world practice shows that before the age of 1 month (and preferably in the first week of life, right in the maternity hospital), conduct studies of the brain and hip joints. Examination of other internal organs is usually carried out according to indications, although it is not always possible to note disturbances in their development or functioning during routine examinations.

In pediatrics (in neonatology in particular), a common diagnostic method is ultrasound scanning. Thanks to it, various lesions inside the skull, diseases of internal organs, and developmental defects are identified. Every year, the ultrasound diagnostic method is improved. New devices are appearing that allow specialists to obtain images more High Quality and evaluate various internal structures, which are difficult to visualize.

For all infants (especially for premature newborns) mandatory research in the first month of life is . It allows specialists:

  • freely evaluate the structures of the internal organ;
  • promptly identify hemorrhagic-hypoxic brain lesions, ventriculomegaly, and developmental defects;
  • assess the development of the pathological process;
  • determine the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

Structures that can be examined after the baby is born at 1 month include the thymus gland. It is a source of hormone-like substances and hormones, the central organ of immunity. Ultrasound diagnostics of the thymus gland is prescribed according to indications. One of them is suspicion of thymomegaly (enlargement). Ultrasound scanning also allows doctors to identify hypoplasia of the thymus gland (its reduction) and cystic changes.

If a baby has vomiting or regurgitation syndrome, doctors prescribe an ultrasound gastrointestinal tract at 1 month of life. The purpose of it is to find out the cause of the appearance of suspicious symptoms, confirm or refute functional and organic changes (for example, gastroesophageal reflux, decreased motor function of the stomach, atresia or stenosis of the duodenum).

Ultrasound diagnostics can also be prescribed to examine the endocrine and gonads, abdominal organs, urinary system, and musculoskeletal system. In some cases, a heart examination is required. The indication for performing an ultrasound of this organ at 1 month of life is often a murmur in the heart area. Ultrasound diagnostics allows specialists to identify birth defects, intracardiac formations, infective endocarditis and other pathological conditions.

Types of ultrasound examination

One of the types of ultrasound diagnostics is cranial sonography. This term refers to the study of the brain. During it, a sensor with a frequency of 5 to 12 MHz is installed in the area of ​​the fontanelles. In newborns, they gradually begin to close after birth. The smaller the child, the better the fontanelles are suitable as ultrasound windows for examination.

Another type of ultrasound is echocardiography (heart examination). To diagnose various diseases in a newborn baby, a sector sensor with a frequency of 5 to 7 MHz is used. Ultrasound examination is performed through the anterior wall chest. The sensor is installed in the II-IV intercostal space. In newborns it is placed on the sternum or on the rib (than younger age baby, the higher the ultrasound sensor is installed).

Types of ultrasound diagnostics include sonography of the hip joint. This method allows specialists to timely identify dysplasia of the named joint in a newborn child. This pathology occurs in 2-5% of babies born. It is worth noting that the examination of the hip joint is carried out with a linear sensor having a frequency of 7.5 MHz.

Preparing for diagnostics

In some cases, the baby needs to be prepared for an ultrasound (in the first month after birth), in others - not. So, without preparation they do ultrasound examinations the following bodies:

  • thymus gland;
  • scrotum;
  • thyroid gland;
  • soft tissues and joints;
  • brain.

Preparation is required for ultrasound scanning of the hepatopancreatobiliary system. A newborn baby should not be fed for 6 hours before the test. Preparation is also necessary for ultrasound urinary tract and kidneys, abdominal cavity and pelvis. The listed procedures are done with a filled bladder. Adult children may not urinate long time. Breasts do not control this process, so the preparatory measure is to feed the baby breast milk or mixture 20 minutes before scanning.

If ultrasound diagnostics is prescribed to a newborn baby at 1 month of life in the screening mode, then no special preparation is needed. Mothers can only feed the baby before the examination. Well-fed children sleep and allow the specialist to calmly carry out the scan. The study can also be carried out while feeding a newborn baby.

Performing an Ultrasound Scan

There is no need to completely undress the child during an ultrasound examination. Only that part of the body to which the sensor is planned to be applied is exposed. A specialist applies to the skin sufficient quantity gel (before use, the product is warmed in a heating chamber). The sensor and cable are also disinfected.

During an ultrasound examination of the brain:

  • the sector sensor is carefully placed on the anterior fontanel;
  • the specialist examines the head in two planes and obtains a three-dimensional image of the internal organ;
  • when changing the position of the sensor, it is possible to obtain Additional information(the doctor uses additional ultrasound windows; examination through the posterior lateral fontanelles allows for a more detailed assessment of the cerebellum and aqueduct).

At 1 month of age, the esophagus is first examined. Then the stomach is examined. This organ is examined several times: before feeding, when feeding the baby, immediately after feeding and after some time (after about 30-45 minutes). After examining the stomach, the distal parts of the colon are scanned. If necessary, the specialist injects a small amount of water into the rectum. This procedure is necessary to assess the response of the distal bowel.

If an ultrasound of the biliary system is prescribed, the specialist determines the number of studies for each specific patient. Several scans may be required: before, during and after feeding. It is worth noting that the examination is performed in the supine position and on the right side.

Is ultrasound examination dangerous for a baby?

Ultrasound diagnostics is absolutely safe for a newborn baby at 1 month. Specialists conducting research work without protective equipment (unlike radiologists). Doctors just wear gloves. They are necessary to protect specialists and young children from various infections.

Ultrasound examination is not only a safe, but also a painless procedure. Ultrasonic waves are not felt by delicate baby skin. Babies only feel cool from the gel applied to the body before scanning to eliminate the air gap and from the touch of the sensor.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can go to an ultrasound examination of a baby with any complaints. The scan allows specialists to assess the condition of internal organs. The research usually does not take much time. It may only take 5 minutes. In severe cases, scanning takes 30-40 minutes.

When the child turns 1 month old, it is time to conduct the first examinations. The baby is examined by a pediatrician who measures height, weight and head circumference. At the same age you need to do an ultrasound. Early examination often allows timely detection of any changes in the condition of internal organs. A timely diagnosis will most likely lead to a full recovery.

Features of ultrasound for babies

  • Safe - ultrasonic waves, which are used for diagnostics, do not affect the small patient in any way.
  • Does not cause pain.
  • The procedure does not last long, the result can be seen immediately.
  • Informative - allows you to assess the condition of all internal organs, except the lungs.

In order for a newborn examination to show reliable result, use a special gel. Thanks to it, no air gap is formed between the body and the sensor. This improves the image quality on the monitor. The safety of the procedure allows it to be used repeatedly during short period time, if it is important to track the dynamics of changes occurring in the child’s body. It is also suitable for premature, low birth weight babies.

To the most important examinations, which are recommended for all children without exception, include ultrasound:

  • brain (neurosonography);
  • abdominal organs and kidneys;
  • hip joints.

In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe an ultrasound of the heart. For example, when he hears extraneous noises while examining a child. If nothing alerts the specialist, then the procedure is not considered mandatory.


Ultrasound of the brain is called neurosonography. It allows you to detect in a newborn various pathologies in development. All children need to have it done, but it is especially important to examine premature babies, as well as those who have suffered from intrauterine infection or hypoxia as a result of difficult labor. Also, an indication that the procedure cannot be ignored is a non-standard shape of the skull or asymmetry of the facial structure.

A 1-month study makes it possible to identify birth defects, intracranial hemorrhages, disorders intracranial pressure, cysts and neoplasms even before they become noticeable clinical manifestations. Sometimes treatment is required immediately; often the doctor monitors the dynamics of brain development.

For the convenience of the ultrasound procedure, you should take a diaper and napkins with you to wipe off the gel.

Also in this way it is possible to detect hydrocephalus on early stage. With this disease, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted. It accumulates in the intracranial space, causing disturbances in brain function. It is important to diagnose the disease as early as possible. Then the specialist will be able to prescribe treatment that will help reduce the amount of fluid, or determine the need for surgery. The later you start dealing with this problem, the higher the risk of serious complications and developmental delays.

The peculiarity of neurosonography is that it can only be done on very young children. The bones of the skull are very thick, they do not transmit ultrasonic waves. But in babies under one year of age, the fontanel is usually open, through which it is possible to conduct an examination. But often it closes much earlier, so it’s better not to delay going to an ultrasound. It is highly recommended to do it monthly. Special training not required for the procedure. It’s good if the baby sleeps - when he lies quietly, the specialist will get a reliable result.

Ultrasound of the hip joints

At 1 month it is also necessary to perform an ultrasound of the hip joints. This must be done in order to timely diagnose dysplasia - underdevelopment of joints or even congenital dislocation. Treatment depends on the form of the pathology. But if you identify the problem in itself early age, then most likely a conservative method will be sufficient. When the moment is missed, you cannot do without surgical intervention, otherwise the child’s posture will suffer in the future, and lameness may appear.

This study is recommended for all children, but Special attention given to premature babies, when breech, and also if the baby has asymmetrical folds on the legs and the hips are poorly moved to the side. These are often signs of pathology. No preparation is required for the procedure.

Examination of other organs

TO mandatory examinations The newborn also includes an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Thanks to the examination, it is possible to assess their condition, relative placement, changes in size and structure, detect inflammatory formations, benign and malignant tumors. The specialist will not ignore malformations of the spleen (for example, its incorrect location), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, which often occurs in infants due to dysbiosis and other reasons), changes in the shape and size of the liver and gall bladder.

For the study to be truly informative, it must be done on an empty stomach. Of course, it is difficult to keep a child who is just one month old hungry. But it is advisable to try to feed him 3 hours before the examination. And be ready to give your baby a breast or bottle immediately after. While food is being digested, the appearance of organs changes. This makes it difficult to assess their size and general condition.

Examination of the kidneys and urinary tract should also be carried out on infants at 1 month. Especially if one of the parents has chronic diseases these organs. Using the procedure, one can draw a conclusion about the functioning of the newborn’s urinary system and general condition kidneys and bladder. If problems with urination have been noticed, then you need to find their cause. During examination, it is desirable that the bladder is full. Therefore, it is worth feeding your baby shortly before going to the doctor.

If a specialist suspects disturbances in the functioning of other organs of the child, he may prescribe other examinations. For example, to exclude heart defects during murmurs. Often these are simply developmental features that disappear with age. But we need to make sure of this. The procedure to examine it is called echocardiography. Sometimes examination of the inguinal-scrotal area is required: when inguinal hernia or if a boy’s testicle has not yet descended at one month. This will help assess the need for surgery.

Ultrasound examination is an indispensable diagnostic method various diseases and pathologies in modern medicine. Examination of a child at 1 month will allow timely detection of disturbances in the functioning of the body and increase the chance of cure. Parents who care about the health of their newborn baby should not avoid this procedure. Moreover, it is safe and does not take much time. If necessary, it can be done frequently. You just need to remember that any prescriptions must be made by a doctor.