What is HPV HCR screening and determination of the degree of virus load. Methodology for completing final qualifying work

It is necessary to undergo HPV screening regularly. In order not to miss the human papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk, our healthcare system screens the population. This is a specific strategy of medical institutions that helps to identify carriers of the HPV virus and prevent the transformation of this virus into cancer. For this purpose, a special test scheme has been developed, a schedule for visiting a specialist and, if necessary, modern treatment.

The infection is divided into three subtypes:

  • Non-oncogenic HPV (types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) never cause cancer. These viruses spontaneously leave the body or manifest themselves by developing warts.
  • HPV NKR (6, 11, 42, 43, 44 type) – infection of low oncogenic type. They provoke the development of cancer in rare cases when special conditions. These viruses are transmitted sexually and contribute to the appearance of condylomas.
  • Human papillomavirus HCR (type 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82) - these viruses have a high carcinogenic risk and can mutate, causing precancerous and cancer diseases. In women, cancer of the uterus develops, in men, respectively, cancer of the head of the genital organ or anogenital cancer.

Today, cervical cancer ranks third in the number of cases, after breast and colon cancer. To prevent such a disease from becoming a tragedy, it is necessary to undergo HPV testing - screening. The infection can hide in the body, so the presence of the virus can only be determined in a clinic preventive examination. Visiting a specialist should be regular and constant.

What is included in the screening?

People should be seen regularly by specialists for visual inspection, necessary tests And accurate diagnosis. Since women are at particular risk, they need to be screened regularly after the age of 25. Inspection should be done every 5-7 years.

It all starts with a simple visit to the gynecologist. A smear is also taken there, which will show whether there is papillomavirus in the body. You can get tested to determine your HPV type on your own; a doctor’s referral is not required. If the result is negative, then you are healthy.

Most effective results The following tests show:

  • Digene-Test;
  • PCR Testing.

If the test for HPV HPV is positive, an additional colposcopy is prescribed. For this purpose, a colposcope device is used. This is a binocular with a lighting device that allows the doctor to better see the vagina and cervix. This procedure is necessary to determine areas of the epithelium with pathology. It is then that the doctor decides on other tests and a course of treatment.

It is best to undergo screening examination in a specialized medical institution where they are used modern methods prevention and treatment of HPV.


Or in other words, Digen HPV test. It identifies the causative agent of the disease and determines its strain number and, accordingly, the degree of oncogenic danger. Like the PCR analysis, the Digene test is able to recognize several types of papillomavirus infection at once.

The presence of a viral pathogen in the blood does not necessarily indicate oncology. Correct decoding Only a doctor can do the analysis.

The following materials are used to carry out the test:

  • particles of affected tissue;
  • epithelial particles from the vagina, cervical canal, urethra (scraping is taken);

  • tissues for cytology (cells are studied under a microscope skin and the composition of fluid in tissue cells).

A digen test can have only two results:

  1. Negative result. This means that there are no strains with high cancer risks. Reanalysis and the delivery time will be determined by a specialist.
  2. Positive result. It says you are at risk. In this case, the doctor prescribes additional examination and subsequently, the necessary drug therapy.

It is better to take the Digene test for preventive purposes after 30 years of age. Until this age period, the body is able to cope with HPV disease by suppressing the activity of harmful cells. Pap testing can help identify the disease in initial stage and start treatment on time.

PCR testing

This is one of the most effective, especially precise methods detection of HPV pathogens. Even if the papillomavirus has just entered the body, a PCR analysis will immediately detect its small concentration.

A PCR study observes the reaction of reagents with nucleic acid in human fluids. The analysis is carried out on biological material person. This is blood, urine or mucus. This test is very simple and universal. If you suspect the presence of HPV, such a test is ideal. Anyone can easily submit biomaterial for analysis.

Study of sequential chain reactions will determine the presence of the virus, its type and, accordingly, the risks of oncogenicity of the disease.

For correct diagnosis There are some rules for taking PCR:

  • men are not allowed to urinate for about 1.5 hours;
  • women should not use hygienic toilet during the evening bactericidal agents for washing and under no circumstances should you douche;
  • Women are not tested during menstruation. You must wait 2 days after it ends;
  • the use of vaginal ointments, suppositories or creams may give incorrect results. Three days before the delivery, cancel all funds;
  • If this is a blood test, then it is taken on an empty stomach;
  • 2 days before taking the test, give up alcohol, junk food and sexual intercourse.

The examination procedure takes place in several sequential steps:

  • The vagina is examined using a speculum. The doctor cleans the surface of the uterus from secretions using a tampon. This is done for diagnostic accuracy. Using a colposcope, the doctor begins to examine the uterus.

  • A gauze tampon soaked in water is inserted into the vagina. vinegar solution low concentration. Sometimes there may be a slight burning sensation. After two minutes, the tampon is removed and the colposcope apparatus is used again. Vinegar makes areas with HPV pathology turn white, so it’s easier to see them.
  • A Schiller test is performed. A tampon moistened is placed in the vagina aqueous solution Yoda. Healthy tissue of the vaginal epithelium will acquire a characteristic Brown color. Plots with painful pathology have a light yellow color. In medicine they are called iodine-negative zones.

This procedure is not particularly pleasant, but also does not cause severe painful sensations. Each stage lasts 20-30 minutes. If necessary, the doctor takes material for a biopsy. Colposcopy gives the most accurate results.

Positive analysis is not a sentence. Modern medicine learned to defeat even the most terrible diseases. There is no need to be afraid; oncology is easier to prevent than to cure.

is complicated by the sluggish development of processes in a young body, which often do not give specific symptoms. To detect the disease on early stage and preventive disease control use centralized screening for HPV HCR.

What is HPV screening

Screening is a targeted examination of certain groups of the population in order to identify a disease. Screening is carried out using a specially developed method by trained personnel.

HPV is an infectious strain of DNA containing papillomavirus.

All papillomaviruses (and there are more than a hundred of them) are divided into:

  • - viruses that can cause dysplasia of human skin tissue or mucous membranes, followed by malignant degeneration;
  • low-oncogenic - a group of viruses whose activity causes benign formations(, warts).

Note! The abbreviation VKR means high carcinogenic risk. HPV HCR is the name given to the strains of the virus that cause cancer. In women it is cervical cancer, in men it is penile cancer. For European residents and the population of Russia, these are 18, 16, 31 and 45 genotypes of papillomavirus.

When activated HPV type VKR tissue changes and degeneration occurs, which ends in a malignant process.

Screening for highly oncogenic papillomaviruses is carried out step by step, according to a specially developed scheme:

  1. Carrying out the presence or absence of altered cells (dysplasia) in the patient’s body (Pap test).
  2. At positive reaction The Pap test involves quantitative determination of the virus and its identification (advanced screening).
Photo 1: Screening for HPV HPV is recommended for all women starting at 24 years of age. It should be carried out during a routine medical examination of the population, during professional medical examinations, or at the personal request of the patient. Source: flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

Note! Screening can reduce the incidence of genital cancer by hundreds of times, which has important with the growing trend of infection.

Indications for testing

Indications for testing are:

  • the appearance of condylomas (other neoplasms) on the genitals, anal area or oral cavity;
  • discharge from the genitals of unknown etiology;
  • a person’s personal concern about possible infection after unprotected contact;
  • preventive control.

Importance of examination

Important! Detection of tissue dysplasia of the genital mucosa at an early stage is crucial in predicting the effectiveness of therapy. Early detection HPV HCR in the body allows you to take preventive therapeutic measures to destroy it.

It takes 5 to 15 years from infection to the development of cancer. Detection of the latent form of the presence of the virus in the body gives:

  • the possibility of dynamic monitoring of the condition of the genital organs and the activity of the virus (virus carriers are examined annually);
  • opportunity early treatment when the prognosis is most favorable.

Statistics show that Cervical cancer ranks 3rd among female genital cancers. Studies of the causes of the development of uterine cancer confirm a direct link between infection with HPV HCR and the subsequent development of cancer.

Photo 2: Every 8 out of 10 women who have crossed the 50-year mark are infected or have had HPV. This figure is increasing year by year due to the increasing sexual activity of the population. Source: flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

Types of screening for HPV HCR

The most informative and inexpensive is the screening method that is used in Russia - a cytology test allows at the first stage to “weed out” healthy subjects, and further research is carried out only on patients with identified tissue dysplasia.

Cytology analysis (PAP test)

The PAP test is an analysis using the Papanicolaou method.

This type of testing is distinguished by high accuracy of analysis.

To carry out the analysis, material is taken from the cervical canal of the cervix in women or the urethra in men. The procedure is painless and is carried out under normal examination conditions.

The material is placed either on glass (a common practice) or in a special liquid medium, which is more convenient for research.

A liquid PAP test is taken with a special brush, which is placed in a prepared liquid medium for transportation and storage. This method of collecting and storing biomaterial allows you to preserve and analyze all the cells of the collected epithelium.

How to prepare for the procedure

In order for the Pap test to be as reliable as possible, several conditions must be met:

  • 2 days before visiting the doctor, refrain from sexual intercourse, douching, and the introduction of vaginal medications;
  • women should plan their visit in the first half menstrual cycle, but after complete completion monthly bleeding;
  • the study is not carried out during an exacerbation period chronic infections or acute diseases;
  • the study is not carried out immediately after a course of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drug therapy.

Advanced Screening

Note! Advanced screening is a controlled collection of biomaterial for real-time analysis to determine not only the presence or absence of HPV, but also the type and quantity of human papillomavirus of the oncogenic group.

The analysis is carried out using a qualitative PCR method based on RT-PCR.

This technique allows you to interpret the results of analyzes for decoding using the Daijin test. And adjust further tactics of working with the patient.

The collection of biomaterial does not differ from the usual taking of a smear. The requirements for preparing for advanced testing are the same as for the PAP test:

  • Abstinence from use medicines vaginal 2 days before;
  • Abstinence from sexual intercourse for the same period;
  • Lack of menstrual bleeding.

PCR analysis

Analysis of HPV detection using a polymer chain reaction (PCR test) for its DNA has high degree reliability With its help you can determine:

  • fact of infection;
  • extent of distribution (quantitative analysis).

Analysis is possible on any fluid from the patient’s body: blood, mucous discharge, urine.


  • Women should not donate vaginal biomaterial during menstruation;
  • Men are prohibited from urinating 1.5 hours before the procedure;
  • Blood is donated on an empty stomach;
  • When collecting material from the genitals, women are prohibited from douching the night before;
  • Any medications are excluded 2 days before the collection of biomaterial.

Test results

  • The Papanicolaou test (Pap test) can be negative (no altered cells were detected) or positive (cancer cells were found in the sample taken);
  • The PCR test shows the presence or absence of HPV;
  • Advanced screening determines the type of virus and its quantity.

The quantitative result of the Daijin test is interpreted:

  • less than 3 Lg – the concentration of the virus is insignificant;
  • from 3 Lg to 5 Lg – average degree presence;
  • more than 5 Lg – high concentration of HPV.

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov as a teaching aid.

Reviewers: N.M. Novichkova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

T.V. Nikitenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

The methodological manual is intended for students studying in the field of History. Social science, scientific supervisors and reviewers.

© Chumakova A.S. 2014.


The final qualifying work (GQR) is a completed development in which the actual problems in the subject area under study, and the content and technologies for solving these problems are revealed not only theoretically, but also in practical terms at the local, regional or federal levels.

The thesis is a research work carried out by students independently under the guidance of leading specialists of the department and publicly defended at a meeting of the State Certification Commission (SAC).

The main goal of the graduate work is to systematize and deepen the student’s theoretical and practical knowledge in the specialty, apply it in solving specific practical problems, as well as develop the research culture of the future specialist. VKR completes professional training and shows (confirms) the graduate’s readiness to solve theoretical and practical problems in his field of activity. The quality of the thesis testifies to the level of methodological culture and theoretical preparedness of the graduate, his professional competence, the ability to select and analyze facts, as well as his professional and research skills.

SRS can have different directions and character: depending on the area of ​​application eeresults it can be predominantly either theoretical or applied. Theoretical work finds application in most cases in science itself when solving theoretical and methodological problems. Applied work is implemented mainly in practice, when solving practical problems.

Depending on the research methods used and the achievement of final results SRC can be analytical and empirical. Analytical work is based on literary data, logical conclusions, calculations, and the results of other people’s research. Empirical work is based on one's own systematic observations or one's own experiment, one's own facts.

Thus, according to its orientation VKR may be:





Carrying out and constructing a research project is a purely individual creative process, which depends on the set goal and objectives of the research, the chosen object and subject of the research, the range of information sources studied, the chosen logic of the research, the individual characteristics and scientific interests of the author of the research and his supervisor.

Completion of final qualifying work

1. General Provisions

SRC is a holistic study that involves the presence of theoretical and experimental components. The qualifying work highlights one of the current problems in the specialty and is completed by all students in the final year.

1.1. WRC goals:

Formation of a methodological research culture;

Systematization, consolidation and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge in the chosen specialty, their application in solving specific scientific and practical problems;

Development of independent work skills;

Mastering the methodology of scientific research, generalization and logical presentation of material;

Gaining experience in systematizing the research results obtained, analyzing, optimizing and formulating new conclusions and provisions as the results of the work performed;

Formation of research culture;

Proficiency in modern information technologies;

Determining the degree of students’ preparedness for professional activity.

The evaluation of the final work consists of several indicators:

Quality of work (level of topic disclosure, theoretical and practical significance, design, etc.);

Quality of presentation (ability to focus on the main points of the study, depth and completeness of answers to questions, orientation to the material).

When assessing the quality of work, the reviewer's assessment and the supervisor's feedback are taken into account.

The results of the defense of the thesis are assessed at a closed meeting of the State Examination Committee at the end of the defense with the marks “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” by a simple majority of votes of the commission members participating in the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the chairman's vote is decisive. Grades are announced on the same day after the minutes of the State Examination meeting are completed.

A student who receives an “unsatisfactory” grade while defending his thesis is issued an academic certificate.

When assessing the thesis, the supervisor, reviewer, and state examination commission may be guided by the following criteria:

Excellent rating

1) A clear, logical research program has been developed.

2) The relevance and novelty of the chosen topic is convincingly justified.

3) An analytical review of scientific literature is given, scientific-methodological, documentary and other sources are examined. Basic theoretical concepts and presentations are developed clearly, clearly, and reliably.

4) The ability to evaluate different points of view on the essence of the problem being studied is demonstrated, an analysis of advanced pedagogical experience is given and scientific independence and one’s own research position are demonstrated.

5) The hypothesis and research objectives are correctly formulated, adequate methods are selected.

6) Experimental material was processed in detail and carefully, various illustrated conclusions were given for the entire work, theoretical and theoretical data were summarized practical research, reasonable guidelines, ways to further study the problem are outlined.

7) The work is correctly and competently designed.

8) The graduate’s speech during the defense is structured logically and consistently.

9) The student’s answers to the questions of the commission members are complete and accurate.

8) Research materials were presented at a conference, seminar, school, etc.

Rated "good"

The work is rated “good” if the above requirements are met, but there are minor deficiencies:

1) The material is not presented convincingly.

2) Few examples are given.

3) There are errors in the design of the work.

4) The list of used literature is insufficient (less than 30 sources), etc.

Rating "satisfactory"

It is awarded if the basic requirements for student research work have been met, but it does not give the impression of a clearly planned, complete and completed study, and also if serious errors have been made or there are significant deficiencies in the design of the work that prevent an adequate assessment of the work done, and (or) the results obtained. Descriptive work is also rated “satisfactory”.

Rating "unsatisfactory"

It can be issued if the requirements for the research project are not met (an analysis of the literature on the research topic, modern theoretical concepts is not presented, the research methods do not correspond to the goals and objectives of the work, etc.).


1. Federal state educational standard average vocational education in specialty 050146 Teaching in primary school: approved on November 5, 2009 No. 535 - Moscow, 2009. - 44 p.

2. Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in specialty 050715 Corrective pedagogy in primary education: approved on October 12, 2009 No. 583. - Moscow, 2009. - 46 p.

3. GOST 7.1 - 2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules.

4. GOST 7.80 - 2000. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules.

5. GOST 7.32 – 2001. Report on scientific research work. Structure and design rules.

6. Regulations on final qualifying work at GAPOU TO: approved on November 6, 2014 No. 301.

7. Berezhnova, E.V. et al.. Fundamentals of educational and research activities of students / E.V. Berezhnova, V.V. Kraevsky. - Moscow: Academy, 2013. – 128 p.

8. Zagvyazinsky V.I. and others. Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research / V.I. Zagvyazinsky, R. Atakhanov. - Moscow: Academy, 2010. – 208 p.


Application form

GAPOU TO "Tyumen Pedagogical College"

To the Chairman of the P(C)K


student(s) of _________ course, specialty_______________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________ (full name)

“_____” ___________________ 20 ___


Please assign me the topic of the qualifying work: _________________________


I ask you to appoint the following as the head of the qualification work: _______________________


Signature of the supervisor ___________________ signature of the student _____________________

"______" ________________ 20___ "_____ "____________________ 20___

Decision P(C)K________________________________________________________________


Protocol No. _______ dated “____” ___________________20__


Task for performing high-tech research

Tyumen region



Chairman of the P(C)K



For final qualifying work

student ___________________________________________________________________

groups __________ Specialty ___________________________________________

1. Topic: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

approved by order of the director No. __ dated “___”____________20___

2. The deadline for submitting work to the P(C)K is “__” ___________ 20__.

3. Initial data for performing the work:

3.1. Goal of the work:


3.2. Object of study:


3.3. Toolkit (methods, techniques, etc.):



3.4. Main expected results of the work:

1) The theoretical part (chapter) of the final qualifying work, revealing questions about ………….

2) The practical part (chapter) of the final qualifying work, including fragments of lessons and their analysis………..

4. List of issues to be studied:

5. List of illustrative materials:



6. Control schedule for completing final qualifying work:

7. Consultants on related issues of final qualifying work:

Practice base:

8. Date of issue of the assignment: “____”____________ 20 _


Execution schedule thesis

Speciality __

Group No.

Student's full name __

Thesis topic

___ ___ _______________________________________________________________

Date Student signature

Date Manager's signature


Feedback form

Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region


head of final qualifying work


Speciality: ____________________________

Assessment of compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the preparedness of the author of the final work

Training requirements Compliant Mostly consistent Does not match
Be able to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of your activities when performing research and development work, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, their relevance +
Set priorities and methods for solving assigned tasks (problems) +
Be able to use psychological, pedagogical and methodological information - correctly assess and summarize the degree of knowledge of the object of study +
Own various methods collection, storage and processing (editing) of information used in the field of professional activity +
Possess modern information, pedagogical and computer technologies and use their capabilities in solving assigned tasks (problems) +
Be able to rationally plan time for completing work, determine the correct sequence for completing the task +
Be able to objectively analyze and evaluate the results obtained +
Be able to draw independent, well-founded and reliable conclusions from the work done +
Know how to use scientific literature professional orientation +

Noted advantages of the work: ________________________________________________________________________________


Disadvantages noted:______________________________________________________________________________


Conclusion: The work meets (does not meet) the requirements and can (cannot) be recommended for defense at a meeting of the state certification commission.

FULL NAME. leader, academic title, degree, position: ___________________________


"_____" _____________201__ __________________________ (signature)


Sample standard control sheet


Final qualifying work of a student ____________ group ___ specialty ___________________________________________________

Topic of final qualifying work ___________________________________________________________________

Analysis of VKR for compliance with requirements

An object Options Complies (+) / Does not comply (-)
Topic name Corresponds to the approved topic
Font size 14 kegel
Font name Times New Roman
Line spacing 1,5
Paragraph 1,25
Margin (mm) Left -30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm
Total scope of work 40-50 pages of printed text
Pagination Through, at the bottom of the sheet, on the right Arabic numerals
Sequence of structural parts of the work Title page, Table of contents, Introduction, Main part, Conclusion, References, Appendices.
Design of structural parts of the work The table of contents includes the headings of all chapters, paragraphs, applications, indicating the starting pages
Each structural part begins on a new page.
Names are indented with capital letters.
The distance between the title and the text is one line
There is no period at the end of the name
Quantity and design of literature used 30 bibliographic, reference and literary sources, Internet resources
List of references in alphabetical order
Making references to literature References to literature are presented in square brackets ()
Numbering of links is continuous
The number of references in the text corresponds to the list of references used
Table design
Design of drawings Placed after mention in the text

Standard control was carried out by the head of the research and development team _________________ /________________/

I am familiar with the results of standard control: _________________ /________________/

Date ____________

Comments corrected: ______________ /______________________/ _________

(signature) (full name of manager) (date)


Review form

Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

State autonomous professional educational institution

Tyumen region



for final qualifying work

on the topic of_______________________________________________________________________

student(s) ___________________________________________________________________

(full name, group)

Final qualifying work of _______pages, contains tables_______,

drawings ________, applications _________.

1. Dedicated to (relevance and significance of the topic)__________________________________________


2. Validity of the methodological and methodological apparatus_____________________


3. Compliance of the content of the work with the topic__________________________________________



4. Theoretical elaboration of the research problem__________________________


5. Analysis of the validity of empirical conclusions and recommendations__________________


6. Practical significance of the work_______________________________________________


7. Quality of design______________________________________________________________


8. Disadvantages of work_______________________________________________________________



FULL NAME. reviewer, academic title, degree, position _______________________________________________________________________________

«_____» _____________ 201_ _G. __________________________ (reviewer’s signature)


Sample title page

Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution

Tyumen region


Final qualifying work

by specialty (name of specialty)

(Work theme)

Tyumen, 2015


1.1. The role of communicative universal educational actions in communication junior schoolchildren
1.2. Characteristic didactic games s as a means of developing communicative universal educational actions in primary schoolchildren
1.3. Methods of using didactic games for the formation of communicative universal educational actions of primary schoolchildren
Conclusions on chapter 1
2.1. The results of the study are the levels of formation of communicative universal educational actions in junior schoolchildren at the ascertaining stage of the experiment
2.2. The use of didactic games in lessons for organization communicative activities junior schoolchildren
2.3. Testing the effectiveness of using didactic games for the formation of communicative universal educational actions in students
Conclusions on Chapter 2


for final qualifying work (FQR)

group course student

1. Topic of the WRC

approved by order for the branch dated "" 20_g. No._______

2. Leader

last name, first name, patronymic in full

academic degree academic title position place of work

3. Place of pre-graduation practice

4. Identification code VKR

5. Initial data for the WRC

7. List of graphic and demonstration materials

8. Calendar plan for completing final qualifying work

No. Name of the diploma project stage Deadline for completing the stage Percentage of completion of the project Supervisor's note on completion
Collecting information on the diploma project and taking a test on pre-graduation practice signature
Carrying out work on the issues being developed, their presentation in the explanatory note of the diploma project:
Implementation of the methodological part of the VKR signature
Registration of the explanatory note of the VKR signature
Execution of drawings, preparation of demonstration materials for the WRC signature
Standard control signature
Preparation of a report for defense in the State Examination Committee signature

9. Consultants for sections of final qualifying work

Supervisor 17.11.2014 Received the task 17.11.2014

signature date student signature date

Faculty of Arts

Department of Interior Design

Branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University in Omsk


supervisor about final qualifying work



The student showed himself in the following way while working on the research project:

1. Degree of creativity

2. Degree of independence

3. Efficiency, diligence, rhythm

4. Level of engineering (technical) training

5. Level of pedagogical (methodological) training

6. Possibility of use and scope of application of the results of research and development experiments _____________________________________________________________________


FULL NAME. head(s) of the WRC

Academic title Academic degree

Signature Date " " 20

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher professional education

"Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Arts

Department of Interior Design

Branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University in Omsk


For final qualifying work

group student

surname, first name, patronymic full designation of the group

1. Information about the reviewer:


Job title

Place of work

Academic degree Academic title

Other information

General analysis final qualifying work

2.1. Relevance of the topic

2.2. Compliance of the content of the completed WRC with the stated topic

2.3. Registration of the written work (content, style, literacy, accuracy, compliance with the Regulations “On the requirements for the preparation of the written work”)

2.4. Design of the graphic and/or demonstration part of the design work (quality and compliance with the standard of drawings, completeness and information content of illustrations and tables in the text of the work)

2.5. Novelty and originality in solving design, research or development problems

2.6. Degree of use modern techniques(design, planning and implementation experimental research, statistical data processing, etc.)

2.7. Degree of use information technologies(for the design of text, demonstration and/or graphic parts of the design work, solving design, research or development problems, mathematical processing of results, mathematical modeling, etc.)