Oregano, its beneficial properties and uses. Flea beetle beneficial properties

Flea beetle (popular names: ox tongues, elecampane, retarder, bloodwort, licorice) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome, woolly-tomentose. The stem is slightly branched, the leaves are green, fluffy above, grey-tomentose below, soft, wavy, stem-like with a deep-cordate base, sessile, finely serrated, serrated. The flowers form an inflorescence - a basket, with a multi-leaf involucre at the base. All flowers are fertile. The ligules of the marginal female flowers are linear, narrow, and golden yellow; 5 stamens with free filaments and anthers welded into a tube through which the style passes. The lower ovary is unilocular, single-seeded, with one style and a forked stigma. The fruit is an achene with a double pappus, the outer hairs of the latter are short, the inner ones are long. Blooms from the second half of summer. Distributed in the central and southern zone of the European part of Russia, Altai, Ukraine, and Belarus. It usually grows in damp places.
IN folk medicine used in the treatment of constipation, chronic colitis.
1 tablespoon of dry flea beetle herb per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain, take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for chronic constipation.

Common flea beetle

Common flea beetle (popular names: womanizer, bather, dream book, fat one) is an annual herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor, 15-30 cm high. The stem is branched, the lower leaves are oblong, narrowed towards the base, the stem is sessile, oblong-lanceolate, entire or finely toothed , wavy. The flowers form an inflorescence - a basket, equipped at the base with a perennial involucre. The receptacle is bare, flat or convex. All flowers are fertile, the marginal ones are female ligulate, dirty yellow in color, slightly longer than the average tubular ones; 5 stamens, with loose filaments and anthers welded into one tube, through which the style passes. The ovary is inferior, unilocular, single-seeded, with one style and a bifurcated stigma. The fruit is an achene equipped with a double tuft. Its outer hairs are short, fused into a low serrated margin, and the inner hairs are long, rough, single-row. Blooms in July-August. Distributed in the central and southern zone of the European part of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Grows along dense sandy banks of rivers, lakes, wet meadows, and weedy places.
WITH therapeutic purpose grass is used (stems, leaves, flower baskets).
The herb contains traces of saponins; The reaction to alkaloids is most likely caused by gamma-lactones contained in plants. From fresh roots polyacetylene compounds were isolated: tridecaenpentoin, trideca-diene-tetraine, diacetoxytrideca-diene-triine.
In folk medicine, an infusion of the herb is recommended for constipation, dysentery, in the form of enemas or sitz baths it is used for hemorrhoids, and in the form of poultices and gargles for toothache. The herb with its root has a diuretic effect; Its infusion was drunk for albuminuria. Weak children were bathed in the herbal infusion.
The flea beetle is also used for fumigating premises in order to exterminate flies, bedbugs, fleas and mosquitoes.
1. 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use for enemas and sitz baths for hemorrhoids.
2. 1 teaspoon of dry crushed herb per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours,

Swamp flea beetle

Oregano is a herbaceous plant up to one meter high, with pink-violet flowers, with a specific smell. It can be found on forest edges, roadsides, in gardens, near vegetable gardens.

Oregano is also called oregano, forest mint, incense, motherwort, flea beetle. The herb contains bitterness, tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils, thymol. The presence of these components determines the beneficial properties of oregano in diseases.

The plant has long been successfully used in folk medicine and as a spice in cooking. The herb is used as an aromatic seasoning for mushroom, potato, meat dishes, and marinades.

Oregano (aerial part) is collected during its flowering period (June - August), dried, distributed under a canopy, in attics. It is better to store finished raw materials in paper bags or boxes in a dry, ventilated place.

About the beneficial properties of oregano for diseases

Oregano has:

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • Antiseptic,
  • Sedative
  • Painkiller,
  • Expectorant
  • Choleretic,
  • Sokogonniy,
  • Hemostatic,
  • Antispasmodic,
  • Diuretic,
  • Laxative effect.

Decoctions and infusions of this medicinal herb in folk medicine it is used for diseases of the intestines and respiratory system.

In the treatment of gastroenterological diseases, oregano normalizes digestion, its infusion increases appetite, stimulates excretion gastric juice. A decoction of this herb is drunk for inflammation of the esophagus, gastritis with low acidity, and bad breath. The plant is used as an antiemetic and choleretic agent. It is used to eliminate intestinal spasms, flatulence (bloating), reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids, and liver diseases.

In nephrology for cystitis (inflammation Bladder) do sitz baths with infusion for 15 minutes twice a day, for one to two weeks. A decoction of the herb has a diuretic effect.

In psychiatry, oregano is used as a sedative for nervous excitement. An infusion of the plant is used for epilepsy, convulsions, neuroses, paralysis, insomnia, and hysteria.

In pulmonological practice, the beneficial properties of oregano are used to treat colds, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, suffocation, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Oregano is also called motherwort due to its pronounced effect on female body. Its decoction is drunk when menstruation is delayed, to terminate pregnancy in early dates, as a sedative for hysterical conditions during menopause. Oregano contains phytohormones, therefore it relieves hot flashes, headache in menopause, stops gynecological bleeding.

Flea beetle (flea plantain).

Latin name: Plantago psullim L.

Russian name: flea beetle

Ukrainian name: Bloshnik, flea plantain, flea beetle

Common names: flea grass, flea grass.

Family: plantains.

Medicinal parts of the plant: seeds.

Appearance: Flea plantain, flea beetle, ( flea grass) is an annual plant up to 30 cm high with a branched stem. Leaves linear, opposite, linear, with glandular pubescence in the upper part. Flowers small, inconspicuous, in oblong inflorescences-spikelets in the axils of the leaves. Fruit- boxes with 2 shiny seeds. Seeds black, shiny, oval-pointed with edges curved inwards, resembling fleas in appearance (hence popular nameflea insect).

Flea plantain (flea beetle is a popular name, it must be distinguished from another herb - flea beetle, which is in the botanical literature, but has Latin name Pulcaria duseptegis (L.) Gaertn.

Where it grows: sandy places, river banks, roadsides.

When it grows: Blooms in May - June.

Chemical composition: seeds contain a lot of mucus (up to 300%), fixed oils, protein substances.

Medicinal (pharmacological) properties: has enveloping, soothing, softening, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and hemostatic properties.

What treats: used to treat inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (diarrhea), and has also been found wide application in folk and scientific medicine as an excellent laxative (for constipation and intestinal atony).

Fresh grass plantain collected with plantain leaves big used as medicinal raw material for the manufacture of the drug "Plantain juice" which is drunk for treatment anacid gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum without increased acidity, externally - during treatment wounds, cuts etc.

Juice from fresh flea beetle grass good remedy for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, chronic colitis, as well as other diseases gastrointestinal tract, especially if there is ulcerative lesion mucous membrane.

Seeds of flea plantain can be replaced with seeds of plantain or plantain lanceolata (Plantago lanceolata L.), since they have similar properties. The usual dosage for treatment is 1-3 teaspoons per dose.

Externally used as a lotion for eye inflammation and as an ointment for treatment inflammation of the mammary glands.

Contraindications: No.

Collection time: at the beginning of autumn.

Traditional treatment recipes.

Recipe: 1 tsp. pour flea seeds into a glass of hot boiled water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes. and strain. Prepare before use. Application: drink for treatment colitis 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for making slime: prepare mucus before use: 2 tbsp. l. Rinse the flea beetle seeds, pour a glass of hot boiled water, cool for 15 minutes. Application: Take 1 tbsp for treatment on an empty stomach. l. How coating agent, for protection inflamed mucous membrane.

Recipe: Plantain juice: a mixture of equal volumes of juice fresh leaves large plantain and juice from flea beetle grass. Application: For treatment, drink juice 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals, diluted in 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Recipe: Flea bean seeds (“flea seed”) are used as a mild laxative in the treatment of atonic and spastic constipation . The laxative properties of the seeds appear 8-10 hours after ingestion, so they are drunk in the morning on an empty stomach: 1 tbsp. l. Wash down whole or ground seeds with water or sweet tea.

Syn.: womanizer, bather, flea man, dream book, fat woman, dressen, uman.

Natural remedy from mosquitoes, flies and fleas. Popularly used as a diuretic.

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In medicine

The common flea beetle is not used in traditional medicine, but empirically in traditional treatment It was found that decoctions and infusions of this plant help fight swelling and dropsy. The plant is taken internally for constipation, albuminuria, and dysentery. Flea flea rinses help relieve toothache, and compresses or baths help treat hemorrhoids.

Contraindications and side effects

Individual intolerance to the plant is possible. Allergies are expressed in the form of itching of the skin, runny nose, nausea and vomiting. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

At home

Flea fly helps in the fight against insects. It got its name due to the fact that it helped fight lice and fleas in any room. The stems and leaves of the flea beetle were collected in bunches, hung under the roof of the building and set on fire. For the procedure, fresh thickets or dry grass, slightly moistened with water, were used to produce more smoke.

Fumigation of the premises destroyed flies, mosquitoes and fleas. Today, flea beetles are also used in June-July, when there are a lot of insects on the street. Bundles of grass are hung on verandas and set on fire, this scares away all the flying inhabitants of the street.


The flea beetle (Pulicaria vulgaris) belongs to the Asteraceae family. Order - Asteraceae, family - Asteraceae. The genus Fleshnitsa includes 63 species. Among the people, the common flea beetle has many names: womanizer, bather, flea beetle, dream book, fat one, desen, uman.

Botanical description

The common flea beetle is an annual herbaceous plant with a height of 10 to 50 centimeters. A striking feature - bad smell. The stem of the plant is branched and erect, covered with small gray hairs, mostly glabrous.

The leaves are almost glabrous, elongated or lanceolate, with a rounded base or finely toothed, wavy, 1.5-3.5 cm long. The baskets are single or in irregular corymbs, numerous (up to one hundred pieces on one plant), as a whole they form a very dense paniculate inflorescence. It has two types of flowers: ligulate (female) along the edge of the flower and tubular (bisexual) in the center. Each flower has 5 stamens united together. The lower ovary is unilocular, single-seeded with a forked stigma.

The fruits of the common flea beetle are achenes with a double forelock, the outer one consisting of small denticles formed by short fused hairs, and the inner one made of longer, rough hairs. Flowering occurs from June to September, the achenes reach maturity in July-October.


The plant is widespread in the European part Russian Federation(especially in the southern and middle zones), as well as in Altai, throughout Ukraine and Belarus. The flea beetle is listed in the Red Books of Lithuania and the Udmurt Republic.

It grows mainly in wastelands, banks of rivers, lakes, pastures, wet meadows, roadsides, bottoms of beams, in weeds and other damp places. Prefers sandy soils.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

In medicine, the above-ground part of the plant (flower baskets, leaves, stems) and roots is used. The stems and leaves of the flea beetle are collected at the beginning of flowering (June-July) in dry sunny weather. Dry in rooms with good ventilation, avoiding direct contact sun rays, unfolding thin layer onto fabric, paper or wood flooring. The dried raw materials are crushed, sifted and stored in a tightly sealed container for no more than two years.

The roots are dug up and washed under running water. Then you need to dry this part of the plant; the easiest way is to wet the raw material with a paper napkin. Then the root is cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters long and laid out under a canopy. To prevent the plant from becoming damp, you need to turn it over once a day. Drying time is from 7 to 10 days. Shelf life: 24 months.

Chemical composition

From active substances the aerial part of the flea beetle contains: alkaloids, polyacetylene compounds, coumarins, essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins, organic acids, rubber, saponins, essential oils, coumarins, flavonoids, polyacetylene compounds. Rubber and polyacetylene compounds were found in the roots of flea beetles.

Pharmacological properties

Flea beetle has a pronounced diuretic effect; in folk medicine it is used in the treatment of edema. It has an anti-inflammatory effect when used externally, and is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

This plant is known for its insecticidal effect; it helps fight insects that can bite humans. Relevant for use against fleas, lice, as well as flies and mosquitoes.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, flea beetle is actively used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic colitis. Decoctions and infusions are used internally to improve stomach function and normalize the acid-base balance.

Flea beetle helps in the treatment of tuberculosis; it is brewed along with other herbs and drunk regularly for a month. Flea beetle also helps with albuminuria (the release of protein into the urine).

Decoctions and infusions of flea beetles are suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids; they are used in the form of microenemas, lotions and sitz baths.

Also, rinses and poultices with this plant help with acute toothache. For one tablespoon of dry raw materials you need a glass of boiling water, heat the solution in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then let it brew for at least 60 minutes. Rinse 3 times a day.

Adding a decoction to a bath has a general strengthening effect, so such procedures are recommended for young children prone to frequent colds.

Historical reference

In the territory modern Russia lives a large number of insects, they existed in ancient times. A variety of flies, mosquitoes and fleas were present in the life of any person. Especially actual problem began in the month of May-June, when many mosquitoes appeared in certain areas. To cope with this problem, residents sought different means and the most effective was a certain grass that grew along the roads. They started setting it on fire to remove all the insects. That is why they gave it the name “flea fly”.

Fleas often entered human homes from chicken coops. They could appear in both summer and winter. In warm weather, fresh grass was set on fire to remove insects; for winter, the flea beetle was dried. Today, such methods are relevant only on individual farms and are used in animal pens. The smell of flea insects does not harm animals, but it protects them from bites.


Maznev N. I. Encyclopedia medicinal plants. - M.: Martin, 2004.- 496 s.

Medicinal plants: encyclopedia / author. - comp.: I.N. Putyrsky, V.N. Prokhorov - Minsk: Book House, 2005. - 655 p.

Gubanov I.A. Flora of the European part of the USSR. - L.: Nauka, 1994. - vol. 7. - 317 p.

Oregano - widespread perennial, but, despite the fact that it is found almost everywhere in our country, not everyone knows about its beneficial properties and use in medicine. But even in the last century, with a shortage of antibiotics and disinfectants, decoctions and infusions of this herb were used for washing wounds and treating rooms in maternity hospitals, and this helped get rid of most known microorganisms and even cope with Staphylococcus aureus.

Oregano - beneficial properties and medicinal uses

Oregano, winter marjoram or motherwort is a perennial herbaceous plant with a strong, pleasant aroma. In ancient times, oregano was actively used to treat wounds, skin diseases, nervous diseases, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract And digestive tract. Today this plant is not particularly popular in folk medicine, but many people know about oregano seasoning, which is also prepared from oregano.

Oregano is a plant that can be found everywhere in our country and abroad; its bright purple flowers, collected in large inflorescences, can be seen in gardens, at the edge of the forest, among bushes and even on the side of roads.

Composition of oregano

The aroma and unusual taste of oregano is explained high content essential oil in the leaves and flowers of the plant. It not only has a beneficial effect on nervous system person, reducing irritability and calming, but also has a positive effect on the whole human body, causing a surge of strength, vigor and stimulating mental and physical activity. Together with tannins and flavonoids, essential oils provide anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect decoctions and tinctures of oregano. Bitters, phytoncides, organic acids increase secretion digestive glands, thin and stimulate sputum production, and ascorbic acid and other vitamins have a general strengthening effect.

The use of oregano in folk medicine

In folk medicine, oregano was most often used as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent, but in addition, decoctions and infusions of the plant also have an expectorant, diaphoretic and choleretic effect, lower arterial pressure, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and are very useful for various diseases female reproductive system.

Here main indications for the use of oregano:

  • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and colds, decoctions and infusions of oregano will help destroy pathogens, reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and accelerate the removal of mucus from the bronchi and lungs;
  • diseases of the digestive tract - for gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, as well as diseases of the liver and gall bladder, the use of oregano will help reduce discomfort and pain – due to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action, it will speed up recovery and normalize work digestive system;
  • diseases urinary system– oregano is part of the drug Urolesan, which is used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, and in folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of the plant are actively used to treat any inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • diseases of the nervous system – oregano essential oil has a pronounced positive effect on the human nervous system. It is recommended to be used for overwork, increased irritability, stress, insomnia and others. similar conditions. Oregano is also used as aid for neuroses, hysteria, migraines and even epilepsy;
  • skin diseases, wounds, abrasions, ulcers and burns - oregano has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and plant preparations are capable of destroying even such antibiotic-resistant microorganisms as Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci and pathogenic fungi. In addition, decoctions and infusions of oregano have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect and are used not only for rinsing and compresses, but also for preparing baths and trays for skin diseases;
  • diseases of women reproductive system– People believe that oregano is a feminine plant and is not suitable for men. But women used it to treat not only painful menstruation, but also their delay, and were also taken to improve well-being during menopause.


Oregano is a herb that has powerful effects on the human body, so it should be used with caution. And for some, decoctions and infusions of oregano are strictly contraindicated. Oregano should not be used to treat:

  • pregnancy– oregano causes strong contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, so it should absolutely not be taken orally at any stage of pregnancy, as this can cause bleeding and miscarriage;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastritis with increased acidity, colic and acute diseases liver and gall bladder - increased secretion of the digestive glands in these diseases can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

It is also believed that men should not use oregano for long periods of time for treatment, as it may have a negative impact on sexual health.

Oregano - recipes

1. Oregano infusion– used for gargling for sore throat and bronchitis, rinsing the mouth for stomatitis, gingivitis and others inflammatory diseases, and is also used for treating wounds, ulcers, abrasions, preparing compresses, baths and lotions for skin diseases. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tsp of dry herb into 1 tbsp of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, filter and use for its intended purpose. Oregano infusion can also be taken orally - when colds and disorders of the digestive system - 13 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.

2. Oregano decoction– used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous diseases. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of oregano into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. Take 13 tbsp orally 3 times a day before meals, the course of treatment is 10-14 days. As cholagogue Oregano decoction is taken 2 tbsp 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals for a long time.

3. Oregano for delayed menstruation– this recipe is used for irregular and painful periods, as well as if menstruation is delayed and pregnancy is excluded. Prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp of oregano in 1 tbsp of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, filter and 2 tbsp 3-4 times a day for 1 month. A collection of oregano, tansy, wormwood, quinoa and horsetail is also very effective. All plants are taken in equal proportions, except for wormwood - there should be 3 times less of it, and mixed. 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 1-2 hours. Take 12 tbsp decoction 5-6 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

4. Inhalations with essential oil– help to quickly get rid of cough and runny nose. To prepare a solution in 1 liter of boiling water, just add 2-3 drops of oregano oil. Inhalations can be carried out using special device or simply breathing healing steam for 5-10 minutes over a container with a solution. Inhalations are contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from hypertension, nosebleeds and patients with fever.

5. Compresses and baths with oregano– help with acne, boils, eczema and neurodermatitis. To prepare compresses or baths, pour 1 handful of fresh chopped herbs into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, filter and use as intended. You can also add 2-3 drops of essential oil to 10 liters of water for a relaxing and soothing bath.

6. Oregano tea– this tea helps to calm down, relax, strengthens the body and stimulates lactation. You can simply add dry oregano to green or black tea in a 1:1 ratio, or prepare a drink with a mixture of oregano, mint leaves or raspberry leaves. Mix 1 tbsp of herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink as regular tea, but no more than 2-3 cups per day.

Oregano is an excellent antidepressant and is successfully used not only in herbal medicine, but also in aromatherapy - a few drops of oregano oil in an aroma lamp will relieve you of headaches, fatigue and help cope with the symptoms of colds and ARVI.