Feng Shui home zones. Seven golden rules of feng shui

What does Feng Shui recommend to do in an apartment and what not?

Feng Shui is the science of harmony with environment and the art of its use in Everyday life. The Chinese have been using Feng Shui for centuries to build their homes and cities.

If you think that failures in life are haunting you because the cactus is standing in the wrong corner of the room, this article is for you!

At correct use principles of Feng Shui in personal space, you can achieve balance in your environment and, as a result, get inner satisfaction from life, and this is material well-being, good health, ...

Feng Shui advises:

  • Feng Shui advises: Increase lighting and clean windows regularly - this will allow solar energy to penetrate your home.
  • Feng Shui advises: Fix leaking faucets that could drain your health or wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace burnt out light bulbs and broken windows as quickly as possible so that positive energy does not disappear.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace fluorescent lamps with traditional incandescent lamps: flickering disrupts the movement of energy.
  • Feng Shui advises: Remove trash cans away from health and wealth areas.
  • Feng Shui advises: Create paintings that depict a waterfall, a babbling indoor fountain, or an aquarium. Water represents energy and wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Get flowers and greenery. Flowers are considered carriers of energy, but in the bedroom they spoil a woman’s love happiness and lead to quarrels and infidelity between spouses.
  • Feng Shui advises: If you see some disorder and are able to change it, act; if for some reason you are powerless over it, erase it from your memory.

Feng Shui does not advise:

  • Feng Shui does not advise: Use mirror tiles. It breaks your reflection and, therefore, your life into fragments.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Combine a study and bedroom. Different kinds energies will collide and reduce your progress in both areas.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Sitting with your back to the door (dooming yourself to a “dagger strike”) and the window - you will lack support in your work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Have “aggressive” corners – corners of walls, cabinets, ceilings that seem to “aim” at the place where you sit, sleep or work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Hang a mirror opposite the front door or directly opposite the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Paint large surfaces black: black absorbs energy.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Work in an office located opposite elevators, escalators, or regular stairs. The office at the end of the corridor also brings bad luck. And rope curtains and potted plants soften the chi in the long hallway.

Some more feng shui tips

The most important" healing agent" - cleaning the house from junk. If you hide it in the basement, closet or mezzanine, it will clog your subconscious thinking. Put it in the attic and your life's possibilities will be limited (upward movement is blocked). Chaotic qi wandering around in a crowded closet can affect your punctuality and stall your career advancement, causing financial stress and health distress.

In addition to junk, immediately get rid of items that you don’t like or that evoke unpleasant memories or associations. Give them to someone who loves them, or trade them.

Add lights and mirrors. Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main assistants: they reflect energy as well as the image of a person. Mirrors should be hung so that you can see some space above your head and around you. This way you leave room for ideas to develop. There must be mirrors good quality, framed, with clear reflection. Round and oval shapes are most effective.

Never place them opposite each other: the energy will bounce back and forth without moving. Avoid mirrors in the bedroom: in our dreams we liberate negative emotions, and if the mirror near the bed reflects them back, in the morning you risk waking up unrested.

Feng Shui crystal objects strengthen vital energy and improve any area of ​​your apartment. If, for example, you want to revive love relationship, place the crystal in the relationship area.

Hanging bells according to feng shui also attract positive qi energy. Hang a bell by your front door. Its melodic ringing will invigorate you and your guests.

Feng Shui plants can slow down the too fast movement of energy in a long corridor and transform energy stagnating in the corners. If you are striving for career growth, “heal” the career area with the help of living plants. Avoid pest plants with sharp leaves, dotted colors and thorns - they create bad energy, conflicts and failures.

If the entrance door located in the quarry area is adjacent to an elevator, which creates an endless vortex of qi up and down, then the quarry will jump in the same way.

Feng Shui recommends placing something heavy at the entrance: a cabinet or sculpture that stabilizes qi. If you're unlucky in love, we put pink roses in the bedroom. If we can’t find a job, we place a piece of black art in the kitchen. We don't have enough money - we put three purple pillows on the sofa in the living room. With difficulty we gnaw on the granite of science - we hang a mirror in a blue frame in the office. They tarnished their reputation - kitchen curtains should be red. Tired of scandals in the family, we light green candles in the living room.

If you want to end your loneliness, take a closer look at home environment: You'll likely see a lot of single items that reflect your marital status. Your task is to generate “paired” energy. Use double candlesticks, couple portraits and soft, romantic landscapes in the bedroom and relationship areas.

If your well-being zone is located in the bathroom, according to Feng Shui there is a danger of money leakage. Keep the toilet lid closed and outside place a mirror on the door that will prevent energy from leaking into the sewer.

Happiness and prosperity to you!

Firstly, you will be surprised how much your living space will increase as a result of getting rid of trash and junk. They say that if you don't use something for a year, you should think about the need to store it. Of course, this does not apply to your favorite children's toys that guarded your dreams from nursery to high school, for the first grade diary, for the first love letters, etc. This is already a historical relic. But the inserts of the “Turbo” and “Love is...” chewing gums can be safely thrown away.

Corners, mezzanines, niches, cabinets should not be filled to capacity with things, especially those not in use. In such places you need to clean more often and throw away everything unnecessary. It is very important that the house is clean, as it accumulates in dirty places. negative energy, affecting the health and well-being of the family. Secondly, if you have broken appliances or broken things in your house, be sure to fix them. Even a small watch that has stopped and is now lying in the far corner of your desk drawer can negatively affect your life. Check for burnt out light bulbs in lighting fixtures. Do not keep broken, cracked or glued dishes in the house. Even if this thing is very dear to you, it is better to get rid of it.

Take a critical look at your flower “plantations.” Are there dry or dying plants in your home? If there are, then get rid of them without regrets, otherwise instead of the beneficial growth energy created healthy flowers, you will receive painful withering energy.

A compass will help you find luck

Now let's delve into the teachings of Feng Shui and get acquainted with the magical Bagua octagon. This is such a nice regular octagon, in each sector of which there is a trigram. According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in life can be divided into nine aspects of life: wealth, fame, love and marriage; family, health, children and creativity; wisdom and knowledge; career, assistants and travel. All these nine categories, combined together in a specific order, form Bagua. Each part has its own compass direction, its own color, its own element and its own trigram.

You can apply this magical octagon to the plan of your house, apartment, or even a separate room. So you can determine which is which Bagua sector what it means and how to activate it to achieve your goals.

To determine this or that zone of your home, you will need the most common compass, a scale plan of your home and a Bagua grid (see table).

If you're ready, pick up a compass. Now you must determine the main parameter of your home from the point of view of Feng Shui - the direction of the front door. This is where you look from the house. Stand facing the front door and wait until the arrow calms down. Let me remind you that the red arrow always points north. Now mentally draw a perpendicular from the center of the compass to your front door. This imaginary line shows the true direction of your front door.

Now you need to draw the apartment plan into nine equal parts and align compass north with north on the plan. Are you oriented to the area? Amazing! Now carefully enter all the compass directions into the plan of your apartment and begin to evaluate the condition of the different zones of your apartment with the tenacious eye of a Feng Shui specialist.

A difficulty you may encounter is the problem of missing corners. After all, our apartments and houses do not always have the shape of regular squares or rectangles. Therefore, when applying the Bagua grid to the house plan, you may find out that one or even several sectors of the Bagua grid are missing. This negatively affects the quality of Feng Shui, but the missing angle can always be compensated, because Feng Shui corrects space not so much by changing the shape of the room, but by symbols.

So, as I already mentioned, each Bagua sector and each zone symbolizes one of the 9 aspects of life. Now you can determine which zone to tackle first in order to realize your most pressing desires.

Wealth Zone

As you can see from the Bagua grid, the zone of wealth is the southeast. If this sector is activated, Feng Shui promises abundance and prosperity. The color of this zone is green and purple, and the element is wood. To activate a tree, water is needed, as it nourishes it. The energy of water in Feng Shui is perhaps the main symbol of money. The most powerful representatives of this element of the elements in Feng Shui are sources of “living” water - waterfalls, fountains and aquariums. It is they, and especially the first two types (an endless variety of which you will find in stores), that are responsible for attracting additional funds and symbolically creating a source of wealth. If you want to use an aquarium for the same purposes, then it is better to choose one that you can keep open - the water hidden under the lid does not have the same force as that which is in direct contact with the air of the room. Make sure that the water in it is always clean, since dirty and stagnant water, instead of abundance, brings financial problems.

You can also activate the wealth zone with the help of talismans. One of them is a model of a sailboat. This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. For his efficient work it is necessary that the sailboat faces the inside of the house, that is, it “sails” and provides you with uninterrupted cash flows.

Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to attract money luck. These round coins with square holes in the center, depicting hieroglyphs or magical animals can now be purchased at any souvenir store. The easiest way to use them is to tie three coins with a red ribbon so that the hieroglyphs are on top and place them in your wealth sector. And one more piece of advice: do not keep money in unfavorable places, for example in the toilet, otherwise you will constantly lose it in life.

Glory Zone

The glory sector in the south is responsible for life success, achieving popularity and moving up the social ladder. The zone element is fire and the color is red. The most effective fire talismans are associated with open fire - fireplaces, candles and aroma lamps. For example, to enhance the energy of fire, you can use red candles. Just keep in mind that the energy is activated by the flame, and not by the candles themselves, so don’t be lazy about lighting them at least once a week.

Zone of love and marriage

In the southwest there is a zone of love and marriage. It contains enormous potential that can improve your love, sexual and social relationships with people. Its element is Earth and its color is terracotta. Traditional talismans of the Love zone are, first of all, paired items. They are great at activating romantic luck. It doesn’t matter what kind of pairs they are. A pair of pillows, for example, will work just as well as a pair of candlesticks with candles, and a pair of dolphins will be just as good as a pair of crystal eggs. This could be a photo of you, where you are together and happy, or figures of a boy and a girl kissing. Now, just don’t forget to periodically look at your “love corner”, imagining your dream realized, and your wish will surely come true. It is also desirable to have flowers - real or images - in the Love zone. It’s good to hang “wind chimes” here with heart-shaped pendants. Chocolates would be appropriate in the Love sector, chocolate candies and everything connected with them, because these are symbols of romantic relationships.

Children and creativity zone

This zone is located in the west of the Bagua grid. Its element is Metal and its colors are white, metallic, gold and silver.

Everything that has to do with children (yours, others, future and present) is presented here. The happiness of motherhood, caring for the health, development and well-being of children is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is also a creative zone. If you feel the need to express yourself, then it is important to activate this sector. The traditional talisman for this zone is airy wind chimes. These jingling straws can be purchased at any gift shop. Just be careful: air bells should have full tubes, no sharp corners or sharp design details. Not everyone who makes “wind chimes” knows Feng Shui. Also, by the way, figurines (netsuke) of children are suitable for this zone. They symbolize happiness, heavenly protection and protection for young children.

Zone of assistants, mentors and successful travels

In the Bagua grid this is northwest. The element is metal and the color is white, metallic, gold and silver. This zone affects the owner of the house the most, and is also associated with people who help you on your life path: mentors, colleagues, managers. When properly activated, the sector helps you gain the favor of people important to you, as well as help from the most unexpected sources. This zone is also responsible for travel. Therefore, if you dream of going on a cruise, I advise you to pay special attention to it.

Traditional talismans for this zone are portraits of people and images of those whom you consider to be your earthly and heavenly patrons: figurines or paintings of angels, icons, portraits of true friends, portraits of people famous and authoritative for you.

Career and life path zone

This zone is located in the north. Its element is Water and its colors are black, blue and cyan.

Everything that has to do with your work and career is presented in this sector. Activating it will help you climb the career ladder, get the job you want, change your profession, and increase your earnings. Another interpretation of the northern sector - life path. This is why it is very useful to analyze this area. If in your house it ends up in a hallway lit by a dim light bulb housing your school-era bicycle, then most likely you will have difficulty achieving your goals.

The most common traditional talisman for the Career zone is considered to be a turtle - a symbol of heavenly support, protection, wisdom and longevity. She is considered the image of the Universe: her shell is the vault of heaven, and her belly is the earth's surface. It brings money and support from influential people. The more turtles in your house, the more luck!

To activate the energy of water, the “mistress” of the quarry area, you can turn to the already mentioned fountains, waterfalls and aquariums. Also, the element of water can be represented by a painting or photograph with a landscape of water.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

In the Bagua grid, this is northeast. The element is earth and the colors are beige and all shades of brown. Helps achieve success in learning and retain acquired knowledge. Activating this zone will help you improve yourself, become wiser, and a sage can have everything, including money, power, and love. Traditional talismans of this zone: crystals and figurines or images of a snake. The latter is a symbol of perpetual motion and renewal of the universe. In the East, she is also a symbol of female beauty. “You are as beautiful as a snake” is a very flattering compliment for a woman. But most often the snake represents wisdom and deep knowledge. This sector can also be activated with the help of a globe, ceramic and porcelain vases and figurines.

Family zone

This zone is in the east. Its element is Wood and its color is green.

Family affairs and relationships of all members of the clan are represented in this sector. If you activate it, you can significantly improve the family climate and even help add to your family. The classic mascot of the zone is the green dragon. He personifies power, wisdom and kindness. An excellent talisman here can be family photographs where each family member looks content and happy.

Health zone

This zone is located in the center of the Bagua grid. Its element is earth and its color is terracotta.

Since this sector is in the center, it comes into contact with all other sectors, connects and unites them. And in fact, if there is no health, then there is no joy from anything.

Classic symbols of health and longevity are peaches. In China, it is believed that these fruits should be given to a sick person as a gift. Cranes are also a favorite symbol of this zone. Especially those depicted against a pine tree background. In the center of the house it is very useful to place all sorts of funny things and humorous pictures, books with cartoons, videotapes with comedies. Laughter - best medicine. Also, if it is appropriate in your apartment, Feng Shui advises installing a large dining table. He will become a wonderful talisman.

Now think about what you want most. Don't have enough money to buy a new TV? Take on the Wealth sector. Can't cope with the overwhelming amount of work? The Helpers sector is at your service. Are your relationships with the opposite sex not working out? Activate the Love sector. Looking for a job? Pay attention to the Career sector. In general, there are no goals, aspirations and desires that Feng Shui cannot help fulfill. No wonder the wise Chinese have been using the knowledge of Feng Shui for thousands of years!

Create “good Feng Shui” in the bedroom

I think that one of your favorite places in the apartment is the bedroom. This is the most important room for health, since this is where you spend about a third of your life. How to achieve comfort and harmony in this room?

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to determine the main purposes of using this room. If you are more inclined towards relaxation and sleep, then it is better to decorate the bedroom in soft colors so that the relaxing yin energy can manifest itself more strongly. If, on the contrary, you want to make the most of the active use of your bedroom, so that you don’t even want to sleep, use bright yang colors that help you not succumb to fatigue. You may find it makes more sense to go with an overall pastel design with a little pop of color thrown in. If necessary, you can easily increase their number by using, for example, candles, flowers, or even “randomly” left clothes.

There are several taboos related to the bedroom. The number of plants should be kept to a minimum, especially all climbing plants should be excluded. According to Feng Shui, during sleep they take away energy from a person. Therefore, if your window sill looks like a botanical garden and is entirely covered with flowerpots with vegetation, then at night, isolate yourself from the window and greenery with thick curtains. In addition, you cannot place an aquarium or other “aquatic” objects in the bedroom - this has a detrimental effect on romantic luck. By the way, a computer and TV located in the bedroom, especially opposite the bed, have a similar effect. Therefore, Feng Shui advises getting rid of them in the bedroom first. According to Feng Shui, the same energy “vampire” in the bedroom is mirrors. Under no circumstances should you hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them. But, if you really need a mirror in the bedroom, then hang it with some beautiful scarf or just fabric. And be sure to remove the shelves above your bed and move it out of the corner - you’ll immediately start getting enough sleep, and the sex will become enchanting.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that can be called both a science and an art about energy, space and people in it. Chinese philosophy claims that every person at birth receives heavenly happiness, which is his destiny and destined from above. Human happiness is created by a person for himself. But there is also earthly happiness, which embraces what surrounds a person. This is what can have an impact on a person’s entire life. After all, many objects are spiritual, which means they can influence fate individual person.

The place where we live or our home

Home protection rules:
. When you come home, be sure to wipe your shoes, take a shower and change into home clothes.
. After guests visit, never leave unwashed dishes. Immediately after guests leave, thoroughly wash the dishes with running water and wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information.
. New purchased or gifted items or clothing should not be worn without first being cleaned or fumigated. You risk getting unnecessary energy waste.

Cleansing with bells

The sound of the bell drives away evil spirits. This is common knowledge. But why? It turns out that the bells create vibrations that negative energy cannot bear and simply collapses. There are several types of bells.

Some are similar to ours, there are bells that look like hollow tubes in which the tongue is located, they come in metal and ceramic. The sounds of all these bells are different, but they are all tuned in such a way as to expel that stagnant, negative energy that could not be expelled by clapping. Therefore, after slamming the room, you must make another round, this time with bells. Be sure to wash your hands after handling them. This is done just in case; as a rule, when working with sound, negative energy is not as sticky as during clapping.

Whatever one may say, wealth clearly plays an important role in our lives.

And it mainly manifests itself in money. Therefore, it is good if there will always be his symbols in the house.

« gold fish» - a symbol of wealth and prosperity in China, literally has two meanings: “Goldfish” and “Gold in abundance.”

You can limit yourself to a ceramic figurine, or you can use living ones aquarium fish start a house.

Another popular symbol of wealth is three-toed frog. She usually holds one or three coins in her mouth, symbolizing wealth.

Accordingly, it should be located “facing” the inside of the house, and not vice versa. Sometimes the frog does not have coins, but has a slot in its mouth where a real coin can be inserted. The more this frog resembles the real one, the better. But the best three-legged frog is made of a yellow shiny metal that resembles gold, or is actually gold. The most appropriate place for the frog - the living room.

It is also considered one of the most popular and most effective symbols of wealth in Feng Shui. "cup of wealth". This is a real bowl or vase that is filled with a variety of objects.

The bowl itself must be made of metal: copper, gold or silver. It is perfectly acceptable to use a bowl or vase made of ceramic or crystal, but in no case should it be glass or plastic. The ideal shape for a cup of wealth is round and squat, widening towards the bottom, generally resembling a pumpkin with the top cut off. It was in such a vase, according to ancient beliefs, that divine nectar was kept. The “neck” of the bowl should be wide enough, but not wider than the middle. It is believed that it is easy for wealth to enter such a cup, but difficult to exit.

And an assistant for health

Did you know that Feng Shui also helps with health? And he even has several healing exercises in his arsenal. Firstly, to eliminate the imbalance in the distribution of Qi flows in human body. And secondly, they are especially beneficial for those of us who suffer from hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

So let's get started. Focus your attention on your hands and imagine that you are holding a weightless ball in your hands, which you are immersing in water. Focus on chest and imagine that you are standing on the top of a mountain, and only in front of you lies a boundless, air-filled space and light, towards which you open your chest. Take in the light and space, fresh Mountain air into yourself!

Feng Shui also helps to regain lost harmony and flexibility. Tilt one way, tilt the other. Imagine that a rainbow is hovering above you and swaying smoothly under light gusts of breeze.

Love is perhaps the most important concept not only for Feng Shui, but for every person in this life. Therefore, Feng Shui places great importance on creating an atmosphere of love and romantic, vibrant relationships in the home. So, let's go...

Painting with peonies It is considered a very powerful love talisman in Feng Shui.

If you are a single girl and want to get married, a painting with peonies (and, if possible, live peonies) should be placed at the entrance to the bedroom. If you are already married, then peonies in the bedroom will make your husband more loving, but there is a danger that he will look elsewhere. Therefore, the ideal option is a painting with peonies in the living room.

Paired symbols. They symbolize the natural union of two principles - male and female.

The most striking paired symbols of Feng Shui are a pair of mandarin ducks, a pair of frolicking fish or dolphins. However, you can place any symbols that in your mind symbolize love - swans, doves, figures of a man and a woman, and other images. The main thing is that there should be two and definitely of different sexes.

Mirror - a necessary thing in the life of every woman and man. It accompanies us everywhere and always. From the point of view of Chinese Feng Shui, total reflection person is especially important because so his inner strength always united, and the creative and energy potentials are very high. It is especially good if the mirror leaves a free area above a person’s head, thereby providing people with the opportunity for “growth” where it is necessary: ​​physical, spiritual, career, financial.

Mirrors should be in frames - this way they will preserve good energy and direct it in the right direction, rather than scattering it around.

Mirrors must be clean, then the energy emanating from them will be clean and positive. There is no need to hang mirrors opposite the doors or opposite the windows - in this case, everything good, instead of going into the house, will go back outside. And one more thing - it is very important to immediately remove and throw away the broken or cracked mirror. The mirror works the same way, taking on all the bad things, and it is important to throw this bad stuff out of the house as quickly as possible.

Angles and triangles

As our grandmothers tell us: “Don’t sit on the corner!” Then, according to them, there will definitely be no chance of getting married in the next seven years. According to Feng Shui, a protruding corner aimed at a person, be it the corner of a table, cabinet or any other, sends “poisoned arrows” at the poor fellow, which will leave him not only without reciprocity, but also without money, health and luck.

Four sacred animals

China is a country with a rich and very developed mythology. And, according to the ideas of the ancients Chinese sages, the house is surrounded by the spirits of four sacred animals: the Black Turtle, the Red Phoenix, the Green Dragon and the White Tiger. Each of these figures performs its own task.

Among all the diversity of earthly and mythical creatures These animals were not chosen by chance.

Each of them is associated with its own element:

Black Turtle - with Water;

Green Dragon - with Tree;

White Tiger - with Metal;

Red Phoenix - with Fire.

And the Earth is the house itself, located in the center.

Run under the rainbow - you will catch happiness!

For those who remember physics, it is clear: this is impossible to do. But even seeing a rainbow - a symbol of the Gates of Heaven - is considered a good sign. And Feng Shui recommends “taming” the rainbow and placing it in your own home.

That is why arched openings are so favorable - when passing under them, each time we “step under the rainbow” and receive the protection of Heaven.

Mandarin ducks

Mandarin ducks are one of the best Feng Shui talismans for activating the sector of Love and marriage. They attract romantic luck and symbolize a long and happy marriage.

These ducks got their name for their unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other ducks.

These are royal ducks. It is said that these birds choose a partner only once and die if separated. Therefore, these animals are a symbol of marital fidelity.

To activate this talisman, it is best to place ducks next to an aquarium or indoor plants. You can also put an object next to them that you associate with loving feeling and cloudless relationships

Chinese characters - one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui remedies. You can purchase ready-made panels with hieroglyphs at specialized stores, or embroider it yourself. You can try and draw them or just print them on a printer.

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage to the house.

Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his other half. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as great!

Hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to increase income and obtain all kinds of material benefits.

This hieroglyph can be placed in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other “money” places.

Hieroglyph "Wish Fulfillment" helps awaken the energy that is associated with your dreams and desires.

It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home; it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with wishes of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give the flame of eternal and unquenchable love.

Someone at the user level hangs hieroglyphs and symbols of good luck around the house. Someone in more detail, delving into the history of the emergence of Feng Shui. But be that as it may, you often hear that Feng Shui is a waste of time and does not help. No money, health, success.

Then you have to remember a few simple but eternal rules.

Firstly, you should never rush to hasty conclusions. In order for the activated sector to work, it is necessary for at least a month to pass, and in some cases even a couple of months.

Secondly, don't forget about positive attitude, in which you should arrive as constantly as possible.

And remember, at that moment when it seems that the whole world is against you, try to find at least one bright side in this situation. After all, as we know, “the darkest hour is before the dawn.”

When arranging your home in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, pay attention to those points that can negate your efforts. To do this, study the 10 main taboos of Feng Shui and try to correct everything that can cause disharmony and interfere with the proper circulation of qi energy.


According to Feng Shui, you cannot hang a mirror opposite the door so that it does not reflect back the energy flowing into the room. Also, you should not place a mirror in the marital bedroom, as this may provoke the appearance of a rival. In other rooms, mirrors are acceptable and can even be beneficial. But it is highly desirable that the mirror reflects the figure of a person in full height, and was whole (not assembled from fragments). A broken, chipped or cracked mirror, of course, should be thrown away immediately.


Dirt, dust, old unused things disrupt the energy of the house. They emit dead, stagnant energy, harming your business, health and relationships with people. In addition, by storing old stuff, you are literally programming yourself for the onset of a “dark streak” when this trash is finally useful to you. Make room for new, beautiful and comfortable things, and you won’t have to wait long for them to appear.

Broken, faulty things

Anything you intend to use should be repaired and put in order. Imagine that your home is a living organism. Will he function normally if some of his organs are sick or damaged? Repair everything that is broken, and part with what cannot be repaired without pity. Special attention pay attention to communications. Leaking pipes or taps are a recipe for poverty, and not just because of water bills. Together with dripping and leaking water, your home loses the energy of wealth, so it will be cheaper to spend money on repairs.

Floors of different levels

Floors in a house or in a separate room should not be at different levels. A very unfavorable moment.

This is how you energetically break up your space, and your destiny turns out to be “split” into pieces.

By raising one zone of the house higher than others, you make it dominant, drawing energy from other zones and, accordingly, from those aspects of life for which they are responsible.

Sharp corners

You're probably already familiar with the concept of "poison arrows." These arrows distort the flow of chi energy and adversely affect the person in their path. Protruding corners that launch “poisonous arrows” should be rounded or disguised. If this is not possible, rearrange them so that they are not directed to the places where you usually sit, lie, or stand. Pay attention to the hanging shelves. In addition to the existing corners, they also hang over you, depressing your energy. If you don’t want to get rid of them, “ground” them by hanging a curtain made of bamboo or beads that reaches the floor from the bottom edge.

Bathroom and toilet

On the bagua map, unfortunately, there are no areas where the location of the bathroom would be appropriate. But this is not a reason to take it outside. It is enough to keep the doors to the bathroom and toilet closed, monitor the cleanliness of these rooms and promptly eliminate possible malfunctions. if you have a pet, whose toilet is located next to yours, build a special pet door into the bathroom door.

Closed windows

In a stuffy room, not only the air deteriorates. The energy of qi should not accumulate in the house, acquiring a yin character, but, as it were, wash it, passing through it. If you cannot keep the windows open all the time, ventilate the apartment as often as possible. In this case, it is better if the windows are open in all rooms at the same time. If you are afraid of drafts, ventilate the house in your absence.

Poor workplace location

Wherever you work - at home, in the office or in production - the quality of work and life in general will be influenced by the location of your workplace. This is where you spend a significant portion of your time, so try to make this place comfortable not only physically, but also energetically. Sit better with your back to the wall, and the wall should be solid, without windows. As a last resort, you can put a screen behind your back, which will symbolically protect your rear. If possible, turn your desk in a direction favorable to you, but in no case opposite the door.

Obstructed entrance

Trees growing opposite the entrance, cars blocking the approach to the house, prevent the flow of qi from entering your home. The same applies to the accumulation of things in the hallway near the front door. Try to clear the entrance as much as possible inside and outside. The exception is green spaces separating the house from the road, if the building faces the roadway with its façade. In this case, we choose the least evil - trees and bushes will protect the house from the negativity emanating from the road.

Dangerous neighborhood

The location of the building also plays a big role. If you are going to buy a house, pay attention to what will be nearby and within your line of sight. A prison, hospital or cemetery is an extremely unfavorable neighborhood. But, for example, a bank or a well-groomed square is quite successful. Pay attention to how your house looks in a row of buildings. Ideally, they should be approximately the same size so that harmony is not disturbed.

And most importantly. Don’t be upset if you don’t manage to get around all the taboos; often it’s simply impossible. If you correct what is within your control, your life will already noticeably change for the better.

Short and very simple tips for those who decided to take the first step in studying Feng Shui. They are easy to implement, but very effective.

Feng Shui in an irregularly shaped room

If the apartment has an irregular shape, or the house has rooms with irregular shapes, where the corners point inward, then according to Feng Shui this is considered unfavorable for two reasons. Firstly, the sharp corners are aimed at the occupant of the room, they exude the “poisoned arrows” of Sha-Qi. Secondly, due to such an “incomplete” form, there is not enough energy in the house. This means that those living in this room will experience a deficiency in some area of ​​life. To eliminate these signs of bad Feng Shui, hang a crystal in front of the unfavorable angle or protect it with a screen. A tall green plant will also work. This will protect you from the poisonous arrow. A mirror hung on the wall will visually complement the shape, make it more correct and partially eliminate the second drawback.

Double bed and feng shui love

A double bed helps to attract love into your life. If you suffer from loneliness and dream of finding a loving life partner who would brighten up your existence, then install a wide double bed. Place it in your room so that it has easy access from both sides. Hang two night lamps - on your side and the one next to you, wait and use different ways feng shui to attract love.

Clogged sewer and feng shui

If the drainage system in your home suddenly becomes clogged with debris, this will have an extremely adverse effect on Feng Shui. A clogged sewer creates obstacles in the harmonious circulation of Qi energy, and this prevents life projects from being realized! In addition, the flow of favorable energy in the body will also be disrupted, which is not the most in the best possible way will affect the health of all household members. Therefore, clean the sewer systems as soon as possible, do not put this matter off for a long time.

Beware of the destructive Flying Star 5

Every year, keep an eye on the unfavorable Flying Star - Yellow Five. It symbolizes failures, illnesses, accidents. Avoid being in the area where she flies, do not disturb her. In 2012, the Yellow Five came to the southeast and will spread their harmful influence to the south-eastern part of all rooms. This applies to both residential buildings and office buildings, shops and shopping centers.

Feng Shui and the view from the windows

If you choose new apartment or house, pay attention to the windows. If they have a view of a hospital or courthouse, then this is unfavorable. Choose an apartment so that the view from every window is beautiful. But don’t think that the larger the window size, the better. From windows that are too large, all the Qi energy simply pours out onto the street. The size of the windows should be in harmony with the size of the front door.

Children's help in analyzing Feng Shui

Young children have a very keen sense of real estate Feng Shui - use their help! If you are viewing a home for purchase or land plot, then take your child with you. If the energy of the object is unfavorable, the baby will immediately begin to show signs of nervousness, and may even cry. So if he became capricious in a new place and became disobedient, then the Feng Shui of the property you are inspecting is not very favorable. But if a child smiles and laughs, then this is a wonderful sign. Trust the little man's opinion!

Follow three rules in the bedroom

When arranging a bedroom, there are three basic rules that should be followed so that your marriage does not collapse. Don't place mirrors in your bedroom so that they reflect the sleeping couple. The bedroom is no place for big people water bodies. Of course, a simple carafe of water doesn’t count, but an aquarium is a completely different matter. Do not use two separate mattresses on a double bed. This has an extremely negative effect on the Feng Shui of the marital bedroom and on family life.

When you are sick, use wind chimes

Very often people get sick when the unfavorable Flying Star Black Two settles in the room where they live. Her Negative influence capable of causing various diseases even relatively healthy person. Soothe the effects of this disease star with a metallic wind chime. Hang this feng shui tool with six or seven metal tubes in the sick person's room. Even if the Black Two has not affected this area in the house, wind chimes with air bells still protect against painful energy and attract favorable Qi into the room. But don't forget about the usual treatment!

Carry a compass with you

A simple compass can be a significant help in guiding business negotiations. If your line of work requires you to do this often, then use your personal favorable Feng Shui directions. Carry a small compass with you - it will allow you to use very effective method- sit on important meetings in such a way as to look with your face in one of your favorable directions. Keep your compass with you and always pay attention to which way you are sitting so you don't accidentally end up in the worst direction of Total Collapse!

Lucky number according to feng shui

The number 8, according to Feng Shui, is the most successful number in the near future. It will ensure success in any endeavor. To improve your luck, use the number 8 whenever possible. The effect of the lucky Eight will last until February 2024. And then it will be time for the lucky Nine.

Don't activate love at work

Various Feng Shui symbols and methods for love are good to use at home, but not at your workplace. Therefore, do not keep various mandarin ducks and other paired symbols in the office. Here they can only lead to an office romance associated with troubles and provoke scandals. In addition, they will distract from business, which will not have the best effect on work efficiency. If we are to use Feng Shui symbols in the workplace, then only those that contribute to success specifically for work and career growth. For example, dragon turtles.

Choose a direction during a date

There is a “love” favorable direction in Feng Shui called Nian-Yan. It depends on the personal Gua number, brings good luck in love and harmony in family relationships. During a love encounter, face this wonderful direction. This will help ensure that your romantic date will soon turn into a truly bright feeling for life!

Mirror and feng shui trade

Qi energy is not only the energy of life, but also of wealth. It helps trade flourish, so double the amount! Hang it next to yours cash register a mirror so that he can be reflected in it. Then your sales volume will also double! And if you place some Feng Shui symbol next to the device - for example, Chinese coins or a three-legged frog and they will also be reflected, then this will even more help make your trading successful.

Feng Shui in accounting documents

To help Feng Shui help you with your bookkeeping, use different symbols. Attach Chinese prosperity coins or other feng shui symbols that bring good luck to important financial documents, thick folders with invoices, and accounting journals. One of the best symbols that brings good luck is the mythical animal dragon turtle. This will lead to an increase in sales and will lead to a more organized accounting department.

Dress according to Feng Shui

Use colors in your clothing according to the Five Elements of Feng Shui. Wear red clothes to gain confidence. In Feng Shui, the color red is the element of Fire and means an assertive, bright personality. This is especially favorable if your activity is related to trade and you need to persuade people to buy something. To smooth out excessive temper, use the element of Water - in Feng Shui these are black and dark blue colors. White color- the element of Metal will add authority and increase influence. Wear for important business meetings white clothes. This will help show your professional side at its best.

Images of predators and feng shui

Do not hang aggressive pictures at home or in the workplace that depict wild predatory animals baring their teeth. If their mouths are open too wide, they will first swallow all the nearby Chi energy, and then “eat” you too. Feng Shui paintings depicting flowering fields and calm rivers will bring you much more benefits, use them better in your interior.

Make a symbolic money wallet

To attract money, create symbolic cats. For this, choose a wallet with several compartments, this will symbolize that there are several ways in which income comes to you. Place a banknote in each compartment and keep it there forever. Your symbolic money wallet should never be empty - it shows that you always have the necessary money available for expenses. Keep it in your desk drawer.

Subscribe with a stroke up

Sign with an upward stroke of the pen. When the signature goes confidently and clearly upward, permeated with Yang energy, then from the point of view of Feng Shui it symbolizes prosperity and success. The longer the stroke, the better. A downward signature, on the other hand, suggests decline. Especially if it is tilted to the left. If your pen stroke is like this, then you definitely need to change it. Work out for yourself new signature and practice “painting” until it takes on the proper form, rising upward!

Gorlyanka pumpkin as a symbol of abundance

The gourd pumpkin has a special property in Feng Shui. Unlike the three-toed frog or sailing ship wealth, it is not an activator for attracting monetary wealth. But it symbolizes the abundance of food in the house, helps in the birth of children, and protects against diseases. Use this wonderful feng shui symbol and it will definitely attract this kind of luck.

feng shui flowers

Flowers emit yang energy of growth, promote development and greatly improve Feng Shui. A bouquet of flowers is especially favorable in the eastern, southeastern and southern zones Houses. But as soon as they start to wilt, throw them away immediately. Also change the water so that it is always clean. Fading flowers in dirty water already acquire the Yin energy of decline. They can't stand in living rooms, especially the bedroom.

Maintain Yin-Yang balance in your home

One of the main principles when creating a favorable Feng Shui is to maintain a Yin-Yang balance in the interior. That is, the rooms should not have excessive noise or, on the contrary, be too quiet. It shouldn't be too dark or too bright. And there should be no empty rooms in the house. Otherwise, the Qi energy will simply stagnate, deteriorate and will not bring you good Feng Shui to your home.

Do not use broken dishes

Avoid drinking from a cup or eating from a plate that has cracks. Even if they are carefully and neatly glued together. The feng shui of broken dishes is not at all favorable. If broken edges or cracks appear, mercilessly throw away such dishes. If you are offered tea or coffee in a broken cup while visiting, it is better to politely refuse. Otherwise, you risk bringing bad luck on yourself.

Don't give sharp objects

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to give pointed objects, especially between lovers. This will greatly worsen the energy of a romantic relationship. Gifts like kitchen knives completely unacceptable from a Feng Shui point of view. If your loved one gave you such a gift, then give him a small bill or coin, this symbolizes that you “bought” the item and did not receive it as a gift.

Don't point fingers

Never point a knife, fork or any sharp object at people. Even forefinger. Not only is this considered bad manners in many cultures, it is also very bad feng shui. Hostility may arise between you and this person, which is not at all surprising - after all, with such an action you are directing the “poisonous arrow” of Sha-Qi at him.

Use symbols of love

Use different symbols of love in the bedroom. One of the most effective feng shui signs are mandarin ducks. They have a special property - they attract special Qi energy into relationships, which will fill your family life with its beneficial power. Symbols of love do not have to be oriental; they can also be familiar to you. For example, use paintings of paired animals or birds.

Feng Shui and passing exams

To attract good luck in the exam, get the support of the Flying Star of the Green Four. In 2013, she flew to the Southeast. This means prepare for the subject while sitting in the southeastern sector. During the submission itself, try to sit facing in favorable directions for Gua numbers- Success or Stability.

Deep sleep

If you don't sleep well at night and don't get enough sleep, then pay attention to what kind of feng shui surrounds you. Make sure to sleep in a favorable direction for your Gua number. If during sleep your head looks in the negative direction, then it is better to lie down. If you sleep under an overhanging beam, then changing your sleeping location is a must! It also doesn't hurt to examine your bedroom for any sharp corners. For better sleep it is necessary that qi energy sunlight soaked your pillows, blanket and mattress. Therefore, take them out into the sun for several hours during the day.

Get rid of old things

Old and disorganized things create bad feng shui. The Qi energy around them stagnates, and because of this, the new one cannot flow normally and fill your life with new possibilities. Therefore, take the time to clean up your home. Be decisive when cleaning and ruthlessly get rid of old things - don't look at every item and don't indulge in past memories. Chances are you'll never need them again anyway.

Maintain a balance of the Five Elements

Make the interior of your apartment so that all five basic elements are present - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. Wood is green shades and tall forms. Fire is red and triangular shapes. Earth - brown, beige colors. Metal is something round with silver or golden tones. And Water is a dark blue color and wavy shapes. Five elements will create a harmonious energy balance in your home.

Keep the front door in sight

Place your bed, stove, and work desk in your home so that you can see the entrance door to the room. If it is located behind your back, it will interfere with both proper rest and work. There should be something solid, stable, and supportive behind your back.

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site