Cholesterol plaques: symptoms and treatment, causes, prevention. Ways to treat atherosclerosis

Yellow cholesterol plaques on the skin of the eyelids are benign formations and are called xanthelasma. What it is? Let's figure it out.

Xanthelasma (translated from Greek - yellow plate) - a violation of fat metabolism, in which there is an increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This does not mean at all that xanthelasmas appear only in people who are overweight, hypertension and diabetes.

What is a cholesterol plaque?

A cholesterol plaque is a collection of triglycerides and.

As a rule, xanthelasmas are located in the region of the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Women often suffer from such formations, because female body most prone to metabolic disorders. That is why, when found under the eyes, it is necessary to carefully check the entire body for the presence of similar formations.

Cholesterol plaques on the face under the eyes can be either single or multiple, forming a complete ribbon-like tumor. Xanthelasmas do not affect vision and do not pose any threat to life, however, they still cause inconvenience associated with an unaesthetic appearance. In addition, after removal, xanthelasmas may reappear. This is due to the absence of changes in fat metabolism, that is, it is still broken, and plaques are formed again and again.

Treatment of cholesterol plaques

There are three types of getting rid of xanthelasma:

  • Surgical removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser irradiation.

Remember, if you have cholesterol plaques on your face, first of all, contact your medical Center for a thorough diagnosis of cardio-vascular system, instead of running to the beauty center for xanthelasma removal.

Cholesterol can also be useful, since cholesterol is an indispensable building block in the body, involved in the construction of cells, the production of vitamin D, hormones. we get from food of animal origin, it can be fatty meat, butter, margarine, sour cream. Such cholesterol contributes to a decrease in heart function, forming the so-called cholesterol plaques. For this reason, blood circulation slows down, blockage of blood vessels can occur, and as a result, a stroke or heart attack.

Cholesterol control

In order to always know your cholesterol level in the body, it is necessary to conduct a special blood test twice a year. Harmful cholesterol normally can range from 4 to 5.2 mmol / l. At values ​​above it is necessary to visit the doctor.

A plaque is a pathological skin element larger than 5 mm. It protrudes above the surface of the body, may have clear, even edges or merge with it. In dermatology, they distinguish different types plaques on the skin. Their appearance can be triggered by many diseases. In most cases, they have their own specific features. Among all skin rashes, plaque is one of the most common.

Photo of plaques on the skin

There are many reasons for the appearance of the corresponding pathological elements. Not always the problem is only in diseases of the dermis. There may be liver plaques on the skin, allergic, autoimmune. Even oncology sometimes causes the appearance of pathological elements.

Depending on their shape, plaques are:

  • Round.
  • Oval.
  • Irregular shape.

If plaques appear on the skin, then they can be smooth, flat at first, and eventually become convex and rough. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular pathology.

In the photo below you can see different types of plaques.

Dry plaques on the skin in adults are a sign of a dysfunction of the epidermis. Rashes are characterized by a difference in shape. They can have from 1-2 millimeters in diameter to 1 centimeter or more. In some diseases (psoriasis), these elements tend to coalesce to form whole conglomerates.

Dry plaques can occur against the background of the following processes in the human body:

  • Fungal infection of the skin. As a result of the activity of pathogenic organisms, the formation of characteristic elements occurs. They often itch and cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. To confirm the appropriate diagnosis, it is necessary to scrape from the pathological site, and then examine it under a microscope.
  • Allergic reaction. The appearance of flat plaques on the skin, marked by dryness, may be the body's response to exposure to a particular allergen. Such a development of events can provoke a certain food, detergent, insect bite. The cessation of the influence of the antigen leads to the subsidence of the severity of the pathological process up to its disappearance.
  • Psoriasis. Autoimmune dermatosis, which is accompanied by the appearance of dry elements. During the progression of the disease, plaques on the skin flake off and are constantly covered with silvery scales. The second name of the disease is "scaly lichen". Treat this pathology pretty hard. It is impossible to completely get rid of it. Really achieve a stable remission.
  • chronic stress. Dry plaques in a small amount can be a reaction to constant nervous strain. The best treatment in this case, the restriction negative impact stress on the patient.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Lack of vitamins, impaired absorption of nutrients, liver disease, an excess of a certain number of foods can lead to the formation of dry spots, which eventually develop into plaques.

There are enough reasons for the appearance of dry pathological elements on the skin. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to contact a dermatologist directly. He will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

Red plaques on the skin

A red or pink plaque on the skin is a sign of good vascularization of the pathological element (in most cases). Most often, it looks like a small tubercle that rises above the surface of the body. The shape and location of the pathology can vary significantly. Plaques appear almost anywhere (face, hands, ankles, body, etc.).

Potential reasons for the progression of the relevant elements are:

  • Secondary syphilis. Round plaque on the skin or oral mucosa during plural is one of the main manifestations of the disease. Parallel detected positive reaction Wasserman.
  • Herpetiform dermatitis. This is a disease without a well-established etiology. Its description indicates the appearance of a recurrent, itchy rash like multiple red papules, plaques, blisters.
  • Fungal mycosis. With this pathology, red plaques on the skin itch and may look like eczema. In the early stages, they respond well to treatment with hormonal ointments.
  • Lichen planus. Chronic illness, which is characterized by the appearance of small, shiny (glossy) plaques.
  • Medicinal toxidermia. Occurs due to the influence of certain medications. Considered as an allergic reaction.
  • Papular urticaria. Another type of allergy. Mostly seen in children. The reason is most often an individual intolerance to a certain type of food.
  • Psoriasis. The plaques that occur against the background of this disease are pink or red. They are dry, flaky and can itch.

Depending on the cause that caused the appearance of a red pathological skin element, the approach to its treatment will differ. To establish an accurate diagnosis, sometimes a simple examination of the plaques is not enough. At such moments, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy to determine the nature of skin changes at the histological level.

Brown plaques on the skin

Pigmented (dark) plaques on the skin indicate the deposition of melanin pigment in the affected area. Sometimes the characteristic visual appearance is due to the oncological process. If a dark spot or tubercle appears on the surface of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The reasons for such changes may be:

  • Basal cell carcinoma(pigment form). It most commonly affects the head and neck region. Differs in slow growth, does not metastasize.
  • Melanoma. A very aggressive skin tumor that develops mainly on the basis of nevi, moles.
  • Nevus Becker. This is an anomaly in the development of the upper layer of the skin, which is accompanied by the formation of a dark plaque with a warty surface. Over time, hair may appear on it.
  • Pigmented nevus. This is a birthmark that is brown in color and may protrude above the surface of the skin.
  • Senile keratoma. This is a benign tumor. It is regarded as a precancer. It is characterized by excessive growth of the surface layer of the body cover.

Among these pathological elements, xanthomatous plaques on the skin can also be attributed. They are predominantly yellowish in color. Formed in places of excessive deposition of lipids.

What to do if the plaques on the skin itch?

The appearance of any pathological elements on the surface of the patient's body should alert him. Whether it is plaques on the skin that look like lichen or an incomprehensible colorless spot, an enlarged mole, and the like. In any case, you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes it happens that while a neoplasm does not cause discomfort to a person, he tends to ignore it. However, as soon as it begins to itch or hurt, the patient immediately seeks specialized care or trying to solve the problem on their own.

The question of such people is always relevant about how to reduce the intensity of itching. Much in this case depends on the nature of the pathological element. Etiotropic therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after making an appropriate diagnosis. For fast elimination discomfort You can use the following methods and tools:

  • Cold. It is allowed to use a cloth moistened with water, ordinary ice, frozen piece of food. Sometimes it's easiest to take a cold shower.
  • Baking soda. Lotions with sodium bicarbonate can partially relieve an unpleasant symptom.
  • Antihistamines(Diazolin, Suprastin, Loratidin and others). They are drugs that block the activity of histamine. Thanks to this, itching can be eliminated. However, in the absence of etiotropic treatment, the symptom will return over time.
  • Hormonal ointments. suppress inflammatory process in the affected area. Effectively eliminate itching. Often included in the basic therapy of various dermatoses.

Usage medications should be carried out under the supervision or after consulting a doctor to prevent the development of side effects or complications. Self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the patient's condition.

Possible diseases

Very often, round dry spots appear on the face and chest area after severe stress or recent experiences. They are pink or red in color and are accompanied by slight itching. Differ sudden appearance and the same disappearance (during the day). In other cases we are talking about diseases of a different nature:

  1. Psoriasis. Dermatosis with a completely unexplored etiology, occurring in people of all ages. Has a hereditary nature. Characteristic differences- the appearance of dry flaky spots on the skin, not accompanied by any subjective sensations. On the initial stage the size of the plaques does not exceed 1-2 cm. The surface is rough to the touch, when pressed, peeling of the epidermis is observed, which resembles flakes. Over the course of the process, their number and size can increase significantly. Common locations - hairy part heads, elbows, knees, lower leg, back, less often the abdomen and groin area. Exacerbations of psoriasis are observed after severe stress or long experiences.
  2. contact dermatitis. An allergic reaction at the initial stage may appear as dry spots on the skin of red or pink color. The average size of the rashes is not more than a coin. There is a subjective sensation in the form of itching of varying intensity and concomitant symptoms in the form of swelling, redness, vesicles, blisters and small red dots that appear over the course of the process. It can appear on any part of the skin that has come into contact with the allergen. Allergic reactions are most severe in the groin and genitals.
  3. Multicolored lichen. A common fungal skin disease that manifests itself in the form of dry spots of various colors. Most often, lichen color can be identified by brown spots on the body, less often it takes on a pink or flesh color. Not accompanied by any subjective sensations (in most cases). The size of the plaques is 1-2 cm, rarely larger. The number of rashes in some cases can reach 7-10 pieces. Most often localized on the neck, area chest, back and abdomen. Over the course of the process, it can spread to the groin area. An exacerbation can be provoked by a sharp decrease in immunity (for girls, this is usually pregnancy), hypothermia, or a recent viral disease.
  4. Pink deprive. Another dermatosis with a controversial etiology, which cannot reliably indicate the cause of its occurrence. Some experts argue that pink lichen is a “sensor” of reduced immunity. There is also a connection with the seasons - 80% of exacerbations occur in spring and autumn. It usually appears as one or more round dry spots on the skin of pink or light red color. Localization - face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, less often groin and legs. Peeling of the lesions is often observed, in isolated cases there is a slight itching.
  5. Eczema. Very common chronic illness skin, which is characterized by an acute onset, long course and seasonal exacerbations. Eczema only at the initial stage can manifest itself in the form of dry spots on the body, with the course of the process, vesicles, blisters, weeping, crusts and scales are almost always added. Refers to diseases of a neuro-allergic nature. It has many forms, which are characterized by their own symptoms and localization of rashes. Each form is united by severe itching of the skin in the area of ​​lesions.

Less commonly, dry spots on the skin appear as a result of diseases of the internal organs, namely problems with the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. Men and women over the age of 50 are at risk.

Diagnosis and treatment

According to statistics, dry spots on human skin in 30% of cases appear after severe stress and spontaneously disappear within a few hours / days. Along with their appearance, slight itching may be present. The most common localization sites are open areas of the body (face, neck, chest).

If the rash persists for more than 2-3 days, then it is recommended not to delay visiting a dermatologist. Even if you have pink lichen, which resolves on its own (in 90% of cases) within 4-6 weeks, after diagnosis, you will be calm and exclude serious diseases. The same recommendations with pityriasis versicolor. Only here it is better not to hope for an independent cure and undergo an appropriate course of treatment, which usually includes the following drugs:

  • Clotrimazole in the form of an ointment (outwardly 2 times a day for 7-10 days);
  • Boric alcohol (rubbing lesions 2 times a day for 10 days);
  • Nizoral in the form of shampoo;
  • Dermazol in the form of shampoo;
  • Sebozol in the form of shampoo;
  • Fluconazole in the form of capsules (appointed much less frequently in advanced cases).

Also, with color lichen, in agreement with the doctor, 5-7 solarium sessions can be prescribed, which will get rid of pigmentation that remains in place of the lesions.

Treatment of psoriasis and eczema should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor who selects not only drugs, but also adjusts the patient's diet and lifestyle. Salt baths based on dead sea and visiting seaside resorts 2-3 times a year (especially during an exacerbation). The doctor should also inform that psoriasis is an incurable disease today, so that the patient does not “fall for” the tricks of pharmacists who groundlessly claim that their creams and ointments can cure the disease once and for all.

Causes of dry spots

Because the this phenomenon can be either permanent or temporary, then its nature may have different causes.

So, the constant presence of scaly spots on the skin (especially the face and hands) occupying a large area can be both a consequence of the general dehydration of the senile body, and the result of living in an area with a constant sharp wind (hot or icy).

In both cases, the basis for the appearance of dry skin on large area is its withering, but if it is impossible to get rid of the first reason, then moving to a more “friendly” place is enough to eliminate the second.

The appearance of the same focal "desertification" of the skin due to its overdrying is also caused by the existence of a certain psychotype of a person - prone to creating and living chronic stressful situations.

Several sleepless nights, spent at the computer, is quite enough for the occurrence of general dryness of the face and hands.

This condition arises due to the existence of a prolonged vasospasm (due to stress) in combination with a slight but prolonged exposure to the radiation of the device on the areas of the skin that are accessible to it.

Smaller foci or single spots can be caused by local disorders of blood and lymph circulation, due to reasons of either a reflex or dysmetabolic nature.

So, the same work on the keyboard with prolonged exposure to certain skin areas of the fingers can cause a reflex slowdown in the circulation of biological fluids in the bowels of a certain skin area- the result will be a transient (but rather long) disorder of its trophism, evidenced by a change in the surface layer.

The dysmetabolic (caused by metabolic disorders with the accumulation of toxic waste products) causes of skin trophism disorders should include almost any disease or condition with a prolonged or chronic course - from regular constipation to diabetes, from pregnancy to menopause, from cholelithiasis to chronic ( complicated) hemorrhoids.

Special mention deserves diseases of a systemic nature, the external "passport" of which is characteristic lesion certain areas of the skin. For example, lupus "butterfly" on the face - this red dry spot does not itch at any of the stages of its evolution.

The consequence of the presence mental pathology(along with the phenomena of oppression nervous system) serve:

Both each of these factors individually, and all of them together can cause dry spots on the surface of the skin.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Varieties and causes of rashes

Depending on the cause of the condition experienced, the age of the patient, his living conditions, habits, and other things, the consequences of both acute and chronic problems with the body “float” to the surface in the face of spots of various colors, which (rather conditionally) can be divided into red, white or dark.


This coloration of the spots testifies to the rapid processes occurring in the skin, requiring for their "burning" a significant blood flow, which ensures the delivery of both nutritious and protective substances to the focus. Its reverse outflow (no less rapid and intense) is obliged to organize the removal from the focus of the struggle of substances formed in the microstructures of "wounded" and "killed" tissues.

The appearance of red spots with a dry surface may occur due to the course of the disease in the body:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • mycotic (fungal);
  • skin;
  • neurological.
  • allergic;
  • systemic;
  • oncological.

Spots of viral origin include those with:

  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • chickenpox.

Typical are the appearance of the rash characteristic of an infectious viral disease, the nature of its spread throughout the body, concomitant signs intoxication and dehydration.

For bacterial infections hallmark there is a tendency to suppuration, while for allergic - significant itching and pronounced swelling of the affected area (it itches).

A mycosis (caused by a fungus) spot is a rough, rounded formation with a more or less “curly” (due to peeling) “roof”, which, with its unhurried procession along the surface, distracts attention from the simultaneous spread of its body also in the layers adjacent to it.

Spots in so-called skin diseases (more precisely, skin rash on the basis of neurological diseases) - eczema, psoriasis are distinguished by the simultaneous presence next to the already stabilized dry areas of zones with actively occurring changes, where in parallel there are:

  • manifestations of maceration;
  • formation of blisters and blisters;
  • crust formation;
  • tissue scarring.

The most indicative of the category of benign neoplasms is a dry, smooth spot of hemangioma with a slightly bumpy surface, which has the appearance of a red to cherry-colored mole that has grown to a bizarre shape. Age spots can also have the same color - a consequence of hormonal perturbations in the body, their distinctive feature is that they do not change color when pressed.


In view of the responsibility for one or another color of the skin, the melanin pigment (under the influence of ultraviolet rays acquiring a darker color) cases of the appearance of dry white zones on its surface are options for either a deficiency of melanin or its destruction due to:

  • vitiligo;
  • one of the lichens (pink, or Zhiber, or pityriasis, also called colored, sunny, beach);
  • one of the forms of leukoderma (syphilitic, drug or other).

A photo various kinds lishaev:

The most studied is focal lightening of the skin as a consequence of the settlement on it. pink lichen, immediately forming a large area of ​​the main focus, surrounded by many child screenings, oriented along the lines of natural stretching of the skin.

The spot is rough to the touch, does not cause negative sensations (itching, soreness), is clearly delimited from the adjacent healthy cover, its reduction (reverse development) does not require significant efforts from the body, after the restoration of immunity, the color of the tissues is completely restored.

Small light foci in area - round spots of pityriasis versicolor also easily disappear when an adequate metabolism in the body is restored.

The etiology of vitiligo still remains a mystery to the scientific world (viral, endocrine, and dysmetabolic theories are assumed), but the lightening of significant areas of the skin, due to completely white spots of rounded outlines coming from nowhere, when merging forming bizarre shapes, the level and state of the surface of which do not differ in any way from healthy skin, is an irreversible process (the hair in the affected area also turns white).


The appearance of spots on the body from various shades of brown to almost black may indicate:

  • the onset of senile degeneration of the skin;
  • the course of pregnancy with a pronounced hormonal "roll" towards focal darkening on the face;
  • the presence of melanoma;
  • fungal infection.

Separately, it should be clarified that the essence of brown and black moles is the deformation of skin structures, which has already formed by the time of birth and is not subject to further transformations. This is their main difference from melanoma, a highly aggressive tumor that also forms dark brown (to black) lesions on the surface (but with the main body located more deeply in the bowels of the tissue).

Senile spots - “blotches” on the skin (significantly protruding above the surface, with a brown, often deeply cracked surface, with hair growing through them) are areas of deep tissue modification due to trophic disorders, blood and lymph circulation, which have reached a dead end stage.

Pigmentation spots on the face and body of pregnant women differ from other skin only in a more intense color (no feelings other than aesthetic, not upsetting), after pregnancy they can:

  • brighten up;
  • disappear completely;
  • remain unchanged and in the same shape.

Depending on the conditions of "growth" of multi-colored lichen, its foci - dry plaques in some cases look like spots of color not white, but light brown - but its constant attributes always remain the tendency to merge and peeling of the formation surface.

When should you be concerned?

Due to the wide variety of dry spots that occur on the surface of the skin, it is very difficult to figure out what to do with them (and whether to do it). But the appearance of some signs of the "revival" of education should not be ignored in any case.

It can be:

  • a noticeable growth of education with the involvement of neighboring skin;
  • change in the color and nature of the surface;
  • increased "fragility", leading to ease of damage, followed by swelling, itching, redness of the entire mass or only the base;
  • the occurrence of pain or bleeding of structures of education;
  • ulceration of the spot, the occurrence of the phenomenon of maceration or its other destructive activity.

You should be especially vigilant in the presence of a neoplasm in an adult, and triple cautious - with signs of activity on senile skin, especially prone to rebirth.

Medical therapy

Treatment should always begin with a diagnosis.

Urgency requires cases with bleeding, ulceration, regional lymphadenitis, symptoms of intoxication and depression of the body. After express diagnostics, the neoplasms are excised and subjected to a thorough histological examination.

In less alarming cases, a visual study of the formation is also carried out, its laboratory (and, if necessary, instrumental) examination. Depending on the results obtained, either dynamic observation or treatment based on the nature of the spot is prescribed.

This may be drug therapy:

  • antifungal (Griseofulvin);
  • antiviral (Acyclovir);
  • antiallergic (from the antihistamine group - Calcium gluconate to hormones - Prednisolone and the like).

In turn, depending on the capabilities of the drug and the desired effect, it can be used:

  • locally (in the form of a cream, ointment, spray);
  • per os (in tablets, medicine);
  • injection (intramuscularly, intravenously).

In addition to treating the underlying problem, a correction is made:

  • metabolic and endocrine disorders;
  • immunity;
  • excretion systems (kidneys, liver, lungs).

You should not count on the success of therapy without:

It consists in the use of "home first aid kit" means or methods " folk treatment"(Lotions, decoctions, applications, baths, bathing) only in cases and doses agreed with the attending physician (including the frequency of application of procedures and the break time between them).

Any "partisanship" using the latest "miracle methods" and the use of untested technologies is fraught with deterioration of both local (skin) and general condition organism.

Only treatment under the supervision of a physician with regular efficacy studies can give an encouraging result without the threat of a relapse of the disease.

Common Causes

Any unpleasant changes in the body are often associated with a decrease protective function. If there are problems with immunity, it becomes noticeable to the naked eye. Peeling spots on the skin, irritation, itching may appear.

The following negative factors can also contribute to a change in the condition of the skin:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine disorders (in particular, diabetes mellitus);
  • avitaminosis;
  • sudden changes in ambient temperature;
  • fungus;
  • stressful situations.

In 80% of cases, it is possible to determine why a rough spot appeared on the skin only after a full medical examination, including blood sampling, as well as the study of the affected area using a dermatoscope. Only putting accurate diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe adequate treatment.

White dry patches on the face

Light areas are usually associated with impaired melanin production. And they appear in those places to which ultraviolet access is open (face, neck, hands). It is with light spots that the genetic disease Vitiligo begins to appear. This pathology can be inherited. It was from Vitiligo that the famous Michael Jackson suffered. A photo with his white spots on his skin is filled with net.

The disease can manifest itself at any age, but in a child with poor heredity, spots on the skin of the face and body will not be noticeable. Pathology begins to appear closer to 20 years. Initially, areas without pigmentation simply appear on the skin - white spots. By itself, the disease does not pose a danger to the body. But white areas can burn, it is recommended to protect them from ultraviolet rays. There is a risk of developing solar dermatitis. In this case, light spots will begin to peel off and itch.

The method of treatment for vitiligo is determined depending on the manifestations of the disease. If a light spots on the face a little, vitamin therapy will be enough. Vitamins from group B can be prescribed by a specialist. More launched forms diseases are treated with hormones.

If white dry spots on the skin begin to peel off and itch, it is possible that you had to deal with a fungal disease. A common occurrence is simple white lichen. The main symptom is white uneven spots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. If the spot itches, most likely it is lichen. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, local antifungal therapy is carried out, creams and ointments are used. Unfortunately, lichen simplex can develop into a chronic form when wrong therapy. Therefore, self-medication cannot be done.

Red dry spots

Most often, it is red rashes that manifest an allergic reaction. In most cases unpleasant symptoms develop in childhood. Over time, the number of allergens only increases. If initially the child develops scaly rashes when drinking milk or chocolate, then an allergy to citrus fruits, brightly colored fruits, and seafood develops. Red rashes can also indicate the development of contact dermatitis. The disease is accompanied by itching and irritation. Moisture may be present. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, the addition of a bacterial infection is not excluded.

Shingles is also characterized by red spots on the body. The causative agent is the herpes virus. The problem is that pathogenic microflora can affect not only the epidermis, but also the nervous system. The disease can be transmitted through casual contact. Therefore, if symptoms are detected in one family member, everyone should be tested. Statistics indicate that shingles can occur in one in four people who survive chickenpox. Both ailments are of a similar nature.

Herpes zoster is characterized by a rapid onset. In the affected area, there is a strong burning sensation. Most often, red flaky spots begin to appear on one side. Due to the fact that the virus accumulates to a greater extent in ganglions, rashes can be localized along spinal nerves, sometimes in the area trigeminal nerve(on the face).

Dry skin and burning are not the only symptoms of the pathological process.

With shingles, a person may complain of a significant deterioration in well-being and weakness.

The temperature in most cases remains within the normal range, less often it rises to subfebrile levels.

At severe course diseases, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system(difficulty emptying the bladder).

Shingles can lead to the development of serious complications, so it is impossible to delay therapy. Treatment involves the use antiviral agents, which are selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the patient's body, as well as the stage of the pathological process.

Dark dry patches

A round neoplasm that looks like a mole may indicate the development oncological pathology. If dark rough spots began to appear all over the body, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist.

However, simple pigmentation may indicate hormonal changes in the body. Such manifestations are observed in many women during pregnancy. Dry skin in this case is evidence of beriberi. All you need to do is eat well, avoid direct sunlight.


Chronic noncommunicable disease skin is also often manifested by scaly patches that can appear anywhere on the body. There are many varieties of the pathological process. Common is plaque psoriasis, in which the skin just peels off. If spots appeared on the extensor surface (elbows, the inside of the knees), most likely, it was this disease that had to be faced. Often, dry skin is observed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe border of the scalp.

The sizes of rashes can be various. Psoriasis begins to appear with small papules, the size of which increases every day in the absence of therapy. Individual elements tend to merge. How is psoriasis different from others dermatological pathologies? When the disease often affects the hair and nails, joints, internal organs. Common is psoriatic arthritis, accompanied by pain.

The disease is usually experienced by people with reduced immunity. It also matters hereditary factor. If someone in the family has already suffered from a pathology, the chances of encountering it increase.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. Unfortunately, it cannot be completely cured. However, a stable remission can be achieved if external anti-inflammatory drugs are used during an exacerbation. In addition, you need to eat right, have a good rest, avoid stressful situations.


This disease also belongs to the category of chronic. One of the manifestations is dry, flaky spots all over the body. In most cases, the pathological process is of an allergic nature. Food colorings, preservatives, rubber products, jewelry, medicines, dust, animal hair, varnishes, paints, etc. can cause rashes on the body.

Less commonly, eczema develops due to an infection. The disease can be fungal, viral or bacterial. If you had to deal with flaky spots, we are talking about dry eczema. Additionally, there is a burning sensation, itching.

Drug therapy for eczema includes the use of hormonal drugs, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory ointments. If the disease has infectious nature, antifungal, antiviral or antibacterial drugs may be additionally prescribed.

With the appearance of flaky spots on the body, in any case, you need to consult a specialist. At the same time, with a simple visual examination, the doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Proper Treatment can be prescribed after a full examination.

Why dry spots appear

The top layer of the dermis is sensitive to the environment. Spots may appear due to external factors: improper care for the skin, the use of unsuitable cosmetics, reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, strong wind.

Skin defects are also formed as a result of more serious, internal causes. Perhaps they signal diseases of the skin or organs. These factors include the following:

  • Fungal infections - pathogens penetrate the skin and begin to actively multiply, because of this, spots, cracks, and eczema form on the integument.
  • Stressful situations - moral overstrain undermines the functioning of the nervous system. This provokes various diseases, the cardiovascular, digestive and other systems suffer. Rashes form on the skin.
  • Dehydration - with a lack of water in the diet, all organs, including the skin, suffer. For this reason, dry spots usually appear on the skin of the baby.
  • Malfunctions of the internal organs - dry neoplasms appear as a result of improper functioning of the liver and gallbladder. If output harmful substances from the body is broken, then the enzymes accumulate in the body, as a result, spots appear. The disease can turn into dermatitis. Usually the disease is observed in an adult, less often in children.
  • Lack of vitamins - poor and unbalanced nutrition along with harsh climatic conditions worsens the condition of the skin. Dry spots appear on the body, but they represent only a superficial defect. Stains are easily removed. It is necessary to drink a course of vitamins and regularly lubricate the skin with nourishing, moisturizing creams.

White dry spots on the body

Whitish formations appear because the production of melatonin is disrupted different areas skin. The main reasons include the following:

  • Excessive exposure to sunlight - ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin. Over time, the skin begins to dry, and the surface layers of the epidermis peel off, forming spots.
  • Vitiligo is a skin disease that is still not fully understood and has no cure. With it, white spots appear on the skin, which gradually grow. The formations do not itch, do not peel, do not bother a person in any way, but cause him psychological discomfort, especially when they are focused on visible parts of the body.
  • Often, white spots are formed as a result of fungal diseases (including vesicular lichen). The defect has clear boundaries, a dry spot on the skin flakes off, but does not hurt.

Red dry spots on the skin

These defects are the most common. They indicate that the body is affected by irritants. Most often, spots appear due to allergic reaction. They are accompanied by itching, the skin becomes inflamed and irritated.

Sometimes red detachments speak of psoriasis or red lichen planus. With psoriasis, red dry spots form on the skin of the hands, neck, face, legs, and back. They itch, peel and cause a lot of discomfort.

Sensitive skin reacts to temperature changes, strong wind and cold. Often, after a long stay in such weather conditions, the skin becomes dehydrated, dry spots appear on it.

Dark dry spots on the body

Dark-colored spots may not be dangerous, but they can also be harbingers. oncological diseases. They occur in the following cases:

  • Hormonal changes in the body, pigmentation increases in pregnant women during menopause. As soon as the body returns to normal, brown spots on the skin will disappear.
  • The presence of a fungal infection - in this case, the spots itch and peel off.
  • Age-related changes - over time, the skin ages, loses its elasticity. Melanocytes begin to work worse, so dark spots appear on the body.

Medical treatment

When spots appear, you should seek help from a dermatologist. To make a diagnosis, a visual examination and a description of complaints from the words of the patient are sufficient (for example: does a dry spot on the skin itch or not, is there pain or discomfort). If the doctor doubts the diagnosis, then clinical studies will be carried out (usually scrapings are taken from the affected areas).

When dry spots occur, doctors prescribe drugs from the following categories:

  • Antihistamines - reduce tissue swelling, help to cope with allergies. In addition to taking medications, allergens should be excluded from the diet or everyday life. Antihistamines include: "Claritin", "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zodak" and "Zirtek" and others (the last two are approved for use by children).
  • Sedatives - if the person is in a state of constant stress, then skin defects will be provoked by nervous strain. The patient should visit a neurologist and drink a course of tablets: Novo-Passit, Tenoten, Afobazol, Persen. Motherwort tincture and mint tea also help.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments - in cases of severe inflammation, creams with a hormonal component are used. Among them: Triamcinolone, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Flumethasone. Non-hormonal ointments made on the basis of zinc, tar and salicylic acid. When buying, look at the composition of the cream, if it contains these components, then you can buy the product. From the first days of life, Bepanten helps children perfectly.
  • Preparations for the treatment of major diseases - if dry spots on the skin of the body, face, hands are caused by a disease of any internal organ then the underlying disease should be treated. Therapy will be prescribed by the attending physician.

In parallel with the treatment, doctors can prescribe hetaprotectors "Essentiale", "Karsil" in case of impaired work digestive system. For detoxification of the body, activated charcoal or Enterosgel is used. With strong painful sensations write out "Nise", "Nurofen", "Ketorol" - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If a bacterial infection has joined the spots, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

If dry spots appear on the skin of a child, then you should not self-medicate. Be sure to contact your pediatrician. He will determine what kind of rash it is and prescribe treatment. In most cases, the body reacts in this way to food allergens.

Treatment in a beauty parlor

Completely remove dry spots caused by external factors, it is possible in beauty salon. If the rash is caused by internal diseases or in a person skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema), then you can undergo cosmetic procedures only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The main procedures include the following:

  • Laser therapy - under the action of rays, melanin is destroyed, dark and dry brown spots on the skin are destroyed and disappear, while healthy skin cells are not injured. This method is considered the most gentle. For large stains, you will have to do the procedure several times.
  • Chemical peeling - dark areas of the skin are exposed to acids (tartaric, citric, malic), pigment spots get a slight burn, the top layer of the epidermis comes off, clean skin appears in its place.
  • Phototherapy is medical procedure, which is carried out with psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema, fungal diseases. Consist in the impact on the affected areas of light rays of different lengths.

In beauty parlors, special therapeutic whitening creams can be advised. They are made on the basis of hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic, ascorbic acid and etc.

How to treat stains at home

You can alleviate the patient's condition with folk recipes. But before using them, consult your doctor.

  1. To relieve inflammatory reactions, you should wash yourself with decoctions from medicinal plants. Brew a tablespoon of chamomile or string in a liter of water. Insist 15 - 20 minutes. Wash with infusion every morning until the spots on the skin of the face and inflammation disappear.
  2. Eliminates dry spots mask of honey. Melt two tablespoons of honey in a water bath, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Rub until smooth, apply to cleansed face. Hold for thirty minutes and rinse.
  3. Mix a tablespoon olive oil and the same amount of honey, mix the ingredients well. Apply to clean face wash off after thirty minutes. Then lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  4. Helps to relieve psoriasis special remedy. Cook a decoction of St. John's wort: a teaspoon of the plant in a glass of boiling water, cook for five minutes over low heat. Dilute dry mustard with a decoction, add a little butter. Apply to affected areas once a week.
  5. Alcohol tincture will help reduce inflammation in psoriasis. Take celandine, chamomile and string in equal proportions, pour vodka and leave for two days. Treat inflamed skin with tincture several times a week.
  6. Dry flaky spots on the skin will gradually disappear if you regularly take baths with medicinal herbs. Works great with skin rashes a bath in which a decoction of the string is added (taken twice a week). Good results are shown by a bay leaf bath. For this Bay leaf pour a liter of boiling water and insist an hour. Then the infusion is added to the bath. The procedure is repeated once or twice a week, for at least twenty minutes.

How to get rid of dark spots

Remove dry and rough spots on the skin of an adult, masks made from natural products will help.

  1. Sauerkraut juice is suitable for people of all skin types. Soak a gauze pad in cabbage juice, apply to age spots and wait 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse.
  2. Dilute mustard in warm water to the state of gruel and apply on the face. Wash it off when the mustard starts to burn your skin. The mask should not be done with dry skin, people who have dilated blood vessels on the face or have excess hair.
  3. Dry spots on the skin of the face can be lightened with a mask of radish and tomato. Rub the vegetable on a fine grater, apply gruel to problem areas, rinse after 10-15 minutes. Then apply a nourishing cream.

Plaques on the surface of the body are a fairly common problem in dermatology. There are many diseases that cause the appearance of the corresponding elements. Many people are interested in what causes plaques on the skin of the face.

Wet or dry plaques on the face may appear due to various diseases and processes in the human body. Most often, such changes develop against the background of the following situations:

  • Violation of the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in the body of a particular patient. In this case, brown or yellow cholesterol plaques (xanthelasmas) progress.
  • Excessive exposure to infrared radiation. This leads to the formation of plaque papillomas.
  • Autoimmune failure and violation of the processes of melanin pigment deposition. In this case, white plaques on the face progress.
  • Age-related changes in the skin. Against their background, senile keratomas occur. They are classified as precancerous diseases that require appropriate treatment.
  • Violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands in combination with excessive exposure to direct sunlight. Against the background of such an influence, seborrheic warts develop.
  • Excessive proliferation of keratinocytes caused by an autoimmune disorder. This is how psoriasis develops. It is accompanied by the formation of pink and red scaly plaques, which are covered with silvery scales.

Depending on the specific cause of plaque development, the appropriate treatment will differ.

Cholesterol plaques on the face

Below is a photo of cholesterol plaques on the face. It clearly shows small neoplasms in the region of the inner corner of the upper eyelid. It is this localization of these elements that is the most common.

Xanthelasmas are benign neoplasms that occur against the background of changes in lipid metabolism in the body of a particular patient. Against the background of such changes, excess cholesterol is deposited in the upper layers of the skin, forming the corresponding plaques.

They do not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. However, they cause visual discomfort. More common in women. They can be either single or multiple. If plaques appear on the face, then you need to look for the cause of their occurrence. Simple removal of xanthelasma in most cases gives a temporary effect.

Photo of plaques on the face

This picture shows typical cholesterol plaques.

The photo shows a white plaque on the face.

The patient in this picture has developed senile keratomas.

This photo clearly demonstrates what psoriasis looks like with localization on the patient's face.

In all cases shown above, it is necessary to consult a doctor for specialized help.

How to get rid of plaques on the face?

Many patients are interested in how to remove annoying plaques on the face. General treatment directly depends on the root cause of the pathology.

You can learn how to get rid of cholesterol plaques on your face from any cosmetologist and doctor. Treatment in this case can be carried out according to the type:

  • Surgical removal.
  • Cryodestruction.
  • Laser cutting.

However, after physical elimination, it is necessary to correct the lipid metabolism in the human body. If you do not ensure the normalization of the internal state, then pretty soon xanthelasmas will appear again.

Psoriatic plaques are virtually impossible to remove completely. You can only make them completely invisible. Pathology refers to chronic dermatoses that cannot be cured. Therapy is based on the use of hormonal ointments, creams and systemic therapy in severe forms of the disease.

Other types of plaques are treated according to a personalized plan.

We hear about the risk of high cholesterol levels at every turn. This disease causes dangerous consequences disease is atherosclerosis. As a result of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, the arterial pressure, weakness appears, memory decreases. Another unpleasant consequence of high cholesterol in the body is that plaques (xanthoma) appear on the skin. It is this manifestation that will be discussed in the article. We will tell you what the causes are, how to determine the disease, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Plaques appearing on the skin are called xanthomas. This is a bright external sign of an increase in low density in the body, with a reduced rate of high-density lipoproteins.

What is the difference between these two types of cholesterol:

  1. Low-density lipoproteins are a type of substance popularly called "bad". This cholesterol is directly related to the appearance of atherosclerosis. He contains high rate fat molecules, and also has atherogenic properties. It is important to control the content. Because it is low-density lipoproteins that are a component cell membrane and also affect the hormonal background. Therefore, with too low LDL, there may also be a decrease in physical activity, mood, and even the occurrence of neurosis and depression.
  2. Lipoproteins high density- so-called, . Its function is to regulate LDL level. It captures cholesterol molecules, transfers them to the liver for processing and excretion from the body.

The xanthoma is made up of LDL and triglycerides. It can form on the walls of blood vessels or under skin. Cholesterol plaques on the skin are painless, but this is the body's cry for the need to treat improper fat metabolism.

Causes and location of xanthoma

As mentioned above, the cause of the appearance of plaques on the body is. The appearance of this disease depends on a number of factors, which will be discussed further.

So, what affects the formation of xanthoma:

  1. Excess weight is one of the most common causes of atherosclerosis, and, accordingly, plaques.
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Exercising will help avoid problems with cholesterol levels, and help get rid of existing problems.
  4. Violations of the rules of nutrition - use a large number products with animal fats.
  5. Liver disorders.
  6. hereditary diseases.
  7. Violations of the work of the organs of internal secretion.

It's important to know! Plaques on the face appear as a result of an increase in the level of low density lipoproteins up to 6.24 mmol / l.

Most often, external manifestations are found and. At the same time, women have a higher predisposition to the appearance of xanthoma. They are located on:

  • face;
  • centuries;
  • legs;
  • joint projections.

To avoid such defects, it is necessary, at the first prerequisites for increasing the level of LDL, to take up its normalization.

Types of plaques that appear on the skin

Small xanthomas on the body, patients can not only ignore, but not even notice. But what is a disaster, especially for girls, is plaque on the face.

The main types of xanthoma:

  1. Xanthelasma is the most common type, located around the eye. It causes inconvenience, because it is a significant cosmetic defect.
  2. Flat - located in the folds of the skin of the feet and palms.
  3. Tendon - located on the flexor and Achilles tendon.
  4. Tuberous - localized on the fingers, knees and elbows.
  5. Multiple nodular - diffusely spreads throughout the skin.

In order for the skin to shine with freshness and beauty again, it is necessary. Proper nutrition, sports and daily routine will help in this.

Diagnosis of the appearance of xanthoma

If you get an appointment with an experienced doctor, then even initial inspection tells him about the nature of the appearance of plaques. If in doubt, a biopsy is done. In order to choose the right method of treatment, some tests are taken:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • checking the level of sugar in the body;
  • creating a liprogram;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • GDZ ultrasound

Conducted if necessary genetic testing. The results of these procedures will show the doctor which treatment is appropriate and effective.

Ways to treat atherosclerosis

Treatment should begin with identification. The process should be aimed at correcting violations.

Doctors advise:

  1. Refuse to drink alcohol.
  2. Give up cigarettes.
  3. Don't drink coffee.
  4. Decreased consumption of foods with animal fats.
  5. Inclusion of fiber-rich vegetables, fruits and grains.
  6. Adding to schedules for physical activities.
  7. Spend more time outdoors.
  8. In some advanced cases, doctors recommend stimulating the process with medications.

The three main groups of such drugs are:

  1. - reduce the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver. It also speeds up the process of breakdown and removal of LDL.
  2. Bile acid sequestrants - bind lipoprotein molecules and promptly remove from the body.
  3. Fibrates - accelerate the removal of low-density lipoproteins by taking molecules from the blood and transporting them to the liver.

Cholesterol plaques on the skin do not have serious health consequences, but it is aesthetically unpleasant. Therefore, they are removed mainly in such cases:

  • in case of xanthomas on the neck or face.
  • the appearance of plaques on the feet or palms, because they can be damaged and also inflamed.

To avoid the appearance of plaque on the skin, follow your daily routine. Do not forget also about playing sports, if health does not allow for full-fledged training, you can replace it with air walks. Normalize your diet. If you have removed the plaques, then a rehabilitation period is necessary - diet and medication prescribed by the doctor.

By the face of a person, namely by the condition of his skin, you can determine how healthy he is and what diseases are present in the body. So, sometimes on the skin of the eyelids appear yellow spots, a kind of plaque called xanthelasma.

For human vision these formations do not pose any threat. They are only a symptom of a violation of fat metabolism, which provokes an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

At the same time, a fatty spot can appear not only in those who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, or are overweight. Let us consider in more detail what causes cholesterol plaques on the face and how to get rid of them.

Xanthelasma are benign formations, they may appear as flat yellow bumps with clear edges and a smooth or wrinkled surface. Their size can vary from the size of a pea to 5 centimeters or more, the consistency is soft. On the face, they are mainly formed in the region of the eyelids, but can be combined with plaques on other parts of the body - knees or elbows. In rare cases, xanthelasma can form on the mucous membranes.

Cholesterol plaques on the skin tend to form in the fairer sex in middle or old age. The reason for the appearance of fatty tubercles is a violation of lipid metabolism or liver disease with normal lipid levels. Revealing that a person has impaired fat metabolism is not such an easy task. Although, most often patients have concomitant obesity, pressure problems or diabetes.

What do the studies say? Danish scientists have found that a plaque formed directly under the eye is an indicator of the risk of heart disease. So, researchers from the University of Copenhagen conducted studies and found that in 50% of people with xanthelasma, the level of cholesterol in the blood does not exceed the norm.

In this regard, the fatty tubercle on the face can be an autonomous indicator of a developing arterial disease. Therefore, the data obtained as a result of research can be useful for therapeutic purposes. Those of the patients in whom xanthelasma is detected are advised to closely monitor cardiac and vascular activity.

Causes of high cholesterol

In the human body, cholesterol is produced by organs such as the liver, kidneys, and some organs of the reproductive system. The fat produced in this way makes up about 80% of all cholesterol, the rest is ingested with food, mainly of animal origin. The ratio of the enzyme can be regulated by the person himself, namely, change by changing lifestyle and nutrition.

In the blood, cholesterol is contained in the form of lipoproteins of different density levels - low and high. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are considered “bad”, an increase in their level contributes to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques inside the vessels, and as a result, a stroke or heart attack may occur.

What causes an increase in LDL levels in the blood? From the use of fatty meats, dairy products with a high% fat content and desserts baked on margarine. When buying products in a store, you should pay attention to the information indicated on the label. The main sources of "bad" cholesterol are coke and palm oil.

What other factors can provoke an increase in low-density lipoprotein and cholesterol deposition on the eyelids? Negative consequences are caused by sedentary, sedentary image life. Help improve the situation physical activity, it increases the level of "good" lipoproteins. A person's age and heredity also play a role. After crossing the 20-year mark, physiologically, the cholesterol level in the blood begins to grow, the situation is aggravated in the presence of genetic predisposition to such diseases. Therefore, you need to constantly keep under control the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The appearance on the face is an alarming bell. After all, if there are plaques on the face, they are also on the vessels. At the same time, it is necessary to fight not with the consequences of the disease, but first of all with the causes of its occurrence.

Treatment should be complex, combine the intake of appropriate medications with a diet.

Prevention of xanthelasma

Carrying out therapeutic procedures for treating cholesterol plaques does not guarantee that the build-up will no longer appear.

An important condition for recovery should be taking care of own health and adherence to preventive measures.

Since cholesterol partially enters the body through food, you need to correctly compose a menu, which must certainly contain a certain list of products.

Products that must be part of the diet:

  • vegetable oils;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • greens;
  • a bird;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • nuts and seeds.

And products such as margarine and butter, sweets and pastries, soda, convenience foods and fast foods, as well as fatty lamb and pork, should be excluded from the diet or reduced to a minimum, as they are a storehouse of "bad" cholesterol. It is very good to use garlic inside, this product helps to strengthen the immune system and remove cholesterol neoplasms. This folk antiseptic has an anti-sclerotic effect, several cloves this product per day help to remove cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

A fatty spot on the face is not a pleasant sight; cosmetic procedures will help prevent its appearance and growth. Excellent tool in the fight against xanthelasma will be a massage. To improve blood flow, apply daily to the skin special cream, massage the area gently, in circular motions, so as not to stretch the skin. Five to seven minutes before bed will significantly improve the result.

In order for the correct effect to be achieved, the temperature of the mixture must be between 30 and 40 degrees, no more and no less.

Ways to eliminate cholesterol plaques

Getting rid of fatty formations on the skin of the eyes occurs in three ways - with the help of cryodestruction, by surgical removal and with a laser.

The cryodestructive method is suitable if the plaque is small and can be removed in one procedure. Among the advantages of the method, there is no damage to the integrity of tissues, therefore, after the removal of plaques, scars do not remain on the skin. Getting rid of fat spots occurs without anesthesia and anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. But this procedure also has disadvantages. It can not be performed on people under 20 years of age, and in the presence of various infections, and glaucoma. There is also a risk of hypothermia of the tissues of the eyelid and eye.

An old and many times proven way to eliminate plaques is to remove conservative way. The patient, under the influence of anesthesia, makes an incision in the area of ​​fatty formation, then the xanthelasma is separated from the vessels that feed it and cut out. The wound is sutured with removable or absorbable sutures.

In the nearest time after the operation, the wound needs care. The disadvantages of the surgical method include the presence of scars on the eyelids after removal, therefore, today it is used less and less. It is possible to remove plaques by microsurgery, the cost of such an operation will be higher, but also postoperative scars will be less noticeable.

The third method of removing cholesterol spots from the face is laser irradiation. This method allows you to completely and safely remove xanthelasma. Cholesterol plaques are amenable to laser exposure, high-frequency waves are transmitted under the skin, causing resonance.

The tissues surrounding fatty growths are destroyed, and the cholesterol present in them is smoothly excreted into the blood.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?

Laser treatment is quick and painless, and it does not leave scars on the skin. The risk of complications with laser plaque removal is much less, and the likelihood of recurrence of formations is lower, in comparison, for example, with cryodestruction. Laser removal of fatty spots is contraindicated in case of sensitivity of the eyes, as the procedure can cause irritation.

Also, the procedure cannot be performed in the presence of metal implants in the skin of the face. The rest of the procedure is quite safe. For the first time after it, eyelid skin care may be required, but the result of patients will certainly please. Already after the first procedure, the skin of the eyes acquires a normal, natural appearance. Total necessary procedures is set individually, depending on the neglect of the situation and the area of ​​the affected area.