Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, scalp and feet - causative agents of the disease and methods of treatment. What is the best treatment for dermatomycosis?

01/11/2019 | admin | 0 Comment

How to make calves thinner

100% effective ways to reduce calves on your legs

Hours in the gym, long runs, strict dietary restrictions...

What sacrifices do women make for chiseled and slender legs! And the results will certainly become visible sooner or later: the buttocks are tightened, fat disappears from the thighs. But the shins do not always respond to effort, and sometimes even become larger.

Voluminous calves look inharmonious, interfere with wearing short skirts and tight trousers, and cause complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce calves reaches the point of absurdity. Thus, in the USA it is gaining increasing popularity Plastic surgery to correct this part of the body.

In order to quickly and correctly get rid of big calves First of all, you need to find out main reason their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main culprits are the excess layer subcutaneous fat, too bulky muscles that appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large shins are yours genetic trait(you can verify this by looking at your parents and closest relatives), then it will be extremely difficult to reduce the muscles in your calves.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, which connects back heels with the calf muscle, your calves will look larger. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch far downward to connect to the short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place where it connects to the muscle is located higher. As a result, the calf muscle “sits” high, the lower leg looks thinner and more graceful. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lengthen the tendons. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke the growth of the calf muscles.

Gait and movements. Repeated activities day after day can affect the shape of your legs. For example, constantly walking on your toes, with your body weight resting on the forefoot (as when wearing heels), can cause your calf muscles to build up.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: if the rest of the leg muscles are weak, especially the tibialis anterior, the calves can compensate for the entire load, increasing over time. The solution to the problem is comprehensive strengthening of the leg muscles.

Fat deposits are another very common reason why calves appear large. Each person has their own specific problem areas, from which fat is lost last. If it's your calves and ankles, you'll have to be patient and persistent to achieve the legs of your dreams.

  • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally; along with your calves, your hips and buttocks will shrink. You may need to add isolation exercises for them if your goal is to get in shape.
  • To lose weight in your legs and dry out your thigh and calf muscles, cardio training with minimal or no resistance is recommended. This means that you need to choose a flat place on the street, and set the minimum incline on the treadmill. It is with such training that your legs and calves will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful shape. Endurance running helps reduce calf muscles and adipose tissue around it (as in the whole body), which make the legs look bulky. Double benefit - burn fat and reduce muscle!
  • Avoid exercises that focus primarily on developing leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make your calves look even bigger. For example, short and intense cardio training, strength exercises for the legs (squats, lunges), step aerobics, and mountain hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a high-incline treadmill, makes your calves even bigger.
  • Don't jump rope and generally avoid jumping with high leg lifts. Swimming, walking, cross-country running and exercise on an elliptical trainer are more suitable for losing weight in your calves. The elliptical machine is a great tool for low-intensity cardio workouts as long as you set the resistance to low. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, increase the time you perform the exercises. Long-term hiking They also help you lose weight in your lower legs by lengthening your hamstrings and calf muscles.
  • Avoid step machines and other exercises that simulate climbing stairs or hills, as they will primarily increase the size of your calf muscles. Remember that your goal is to make your calves thinner, not to pump them up even more.
  • It is better to avoid resistance training or perform larger number repetitions with light weights. Weight training that uses your calf muscles will only make them bigger, even if your goal is fat loss. It is absolutely impossible to reduce the size of your lower legs with their help. Effective methods to get rid of fat on the calves - diet, low-intensity cardio and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help stretch and lengthen the large calf muscles, including the “pumped” ones. For this purpose, you can attend stretching classes, yoga or Pilates. Great exercises for calves, you can do it against the wall. Stand facing it, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second at 70-80 cm, feet parallel, heels on the floor, and toes facing the wall. Bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, bend over and place your hands on the wall. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg and especially your calf. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is great for creating toned and lengthened muscles. Even with intensive training your calves won't bloat.
  • The following simple exercise to help stretch your calves can be done at any time, at work or at home. Sit on a chair with your straight back pressed against its back. Lift up left leg and make 6 clockwise rotations with your foot. The amplitude should be maximum. Repeat the same number of times on the other side, and then do the same exercise on your right leg.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce large calves using clothing and shoes. By resorting to them, you can make your legs look a few centimeters smaller in girth.

Remember, you can be in good physical fitness, fit and slender without protruding lumps of muscles. The main thing is to correctly create a training program that includes strength and cardio exercises and avoid stress and diets that provoke growth. muscle mass. With this tactic, volumes (and not just calves!) will steadily decrease.

Is your skin flaky or slightly itchy? Take a close look at your skin, you may have mycosis. This is a common disease caused by exposure of the skin to pathological microorganisms - fungi.

Anyone who has had contact with an infected animal or person can become infected. Let's look at the causes of the disease, treatment of the disease, and effective preventive measures.


Fungal skin diseases can be caused by about a dozen different microorganisms, the most common being fungi of the genus Candida.

The insidiousness of the disease is its frequent chronic course. Dermatomycosis may not manifest itself in any way, but cause harm to the body + infect other areas of the body or be transmitted to other people. It is important to start treatment on time; advanced forms are difficult to cure.

Factors contributing to the development of dermatomycosis:

  • weakened immune system;
  • unfavorable environment(too humid, hot climate or polluted air);
  • taking antibiotics;
  • disorders of internal organs;
  • the course of chronic diseases (liver cirrhosis, cancer, diabetes);
  • presence of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • presence of pets, poor care after them;
  • communication with infected people;
  • visiting swimming pools, saunas, public showers without special slates.

All these factors will not necessarily provoke the appearance of fungus, but the likelihood of getting sick will become several times higher.

Clinical manifestations of dermatomycosis

Many people mistakenly believe that the fungus only affects human feet; this is not true at all. The disease can “absorb” any part of the epidermis: face, abdomen, legs, arms, groin area. The possibility of fungus developing in places hidden under the hair cannot be ruled out.

Depending on the location, the symptoms of mycosis manifest themselves in different ways:

  • on smooth skin: the area of ​​the epidermis acquires a pink-reddish color, small scales form on it, itching or watery wounds appear that emit an unpleasant odor;
  • on hairy areas: Small papules appear first. With time hair follicles weaken, a bald spot forms in the area of ​​the affected skin;
  • tinea pedis: blisters appear between the toes and on the foot itself, constant itching interferes with normal walking;
  • ringworm inguinal, on the genitals: these places become covered with a rash, it is felt severe itching. The redness is usually oval or round in shape.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. For prevention, visit a dermatologist once every six months.

Systematically examine your child; children are most susceptible to this disease.

Advice! When you first notice symptoms of the disease, sleep separately from your significant other, limit communication with children and other people. This way you will protect your family and friends from infection.

Keep the wounds clean and sprinkle with talcum powder, this will speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Diagnosis of the disease

Put accurate diagnosis will be able qualified specialist, having carried out a number of specific diagnostic measures:

  • inspection skin;
  • taking biomaterial and studying it under a microscope;
  • viewing the skin under a Wood's UV lamp (affected areas of the epidermis glow green).

Having found out which fungus caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, feel free to start a course of therapy.

Treatment with drugs

Medicines are used topically, orally or in combination. These agents have an antimycotic (antifungal) effect.

Well proven:

  • Miconazole,
  • Fluconazole,
  • Diflox,
  • Difluzol,
  • Irunin.

These drugs are available in various forms: ointments are applied to the affected areas, capsules are taken orally, shampoos effectively fight ringworm on the head.

Complex treatment (orally medicines+ use of ointments) effectively eliminates this pathology. If you become infected from a pet, take it to the vet. This way you will avoid a relapse of the disease, because fungal colonies are resistant to chemicals, have adapted to survive in an unfavorable environment.

Traditional methods and recipes

Traditional medicine is very good in the fight against mycosis, they help relieve itching and irritation. Pay attention to simple, effective medicinal drugs:

  • Baths with olive and sea buckthorn oil will help avoid dry skin. For 500 mo, take 2 tablespoons of oil. Dip your hands or feet into the solution for 20 minutes; you can lubricate rough areas of the skin with these oils, waiting for almost complete absorption. At night, lubricate your skin with nourishing cream, wear cosmetic gloves;
  • If your nails are affected, eat foods containing calcium. Useful material contained in the following products: cottage cheese, parsley, carrots, apples, walnuts, dairy products;
  • apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin, soaked in a decoction of chamomile or oak bark;
  • are you taking a bath? Pour 1-2 liters of celandine decoction. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, alleviates the condition, relieves itching;
  • Regular iodine is effective, but do not overdo it with the amount of application. Do iodine grids once a day;
  • Brew sage, calendula, chamomile (two tablespoons per 700 ml of boiling water) and drink a glass a day. These herbs strengthen the immune system and promote a speedy recovery;
  • will come in handy Birch tar. It is part of many antifungal ointments (Vishnevsky, Wilkinson). Wash your hands tar soap, treat areas of the epidermis affected by the fungus. You can buy clean tar at the pharmacy and lubricate infected areas with it;
  • mix egg yolk With 1 teaspoon of tar, the resulting mixture lubricate the rough areas of the skin. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day;
  • Before going outside, to prevent the wounds from sweating, sprinkle with a mixture of finely ground rice (50g) + talc (50g);
  • use boric acid. Dissolve 50 g of this substance in 1 liter of water, moisten a bandage or cotton pad with the solution, and apply to the sore spot overnight. Carry out these manipulations for at least 10 days. The next morning, remove the bandage, wash the skin area, cover with baby powder, so the result obtained overnight will last all day;
  • potassium permanganate. A solution of this substance fights harmful microorganisms. Before going to bed, take a bath, wrap the affected epidermis with gauze soaked in potassium permanganate. You will definitely notice the result: the itching will disappear, the skin will stop peeling. Do these compresses for about two weeks;
  • natural coffe. We all love to pamper ourselves with this drink, but in case of fungal infection, use this remedy as a lotion. Apply a teaspoon of gruel (ground coffee + water) to a cotton pad and apply to the wounds. Do not keep for more than 30 minutes. This procedure will reduce peeling, itching, make your skin smooth and soft;
  • During treatment, treat shoes with a 30% vinegar solution. This can also be done as a preventive measure.

We learned to use improvised means in medicinal purposes, now let’s talk about how to prevent the disease and protect loved ones and friends from this unpleasant illness.

Important! Do not treat yourself under any circumstances; you will cause harm to yourself and others. A competent doctor will prescribe effective course treatment. Consult your doctor before taking home remedies.

On our website you can find out best recipes for the face against wrinkles.

Read the page about methods of treating abscess on a finger.

Precautionary measures

Our helpful tips will help you avoid this unpleasant disease:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not use other people’s combs, towels, shoes;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • In summer, wear as open shoes as possible; if you are prone to excessive sweating, sprinkle your shoes with talcum powder;
  • do not pet homeless animals, and forbid your children to do this;
  • Strengthen your immune system (take vitamins, healthy sleep, balanced diet);
  • in public swimming pools and saunas, wear your own flip-flops and, if possible, do not touch public items (soap, towels, rugs);
  • vaccinate your pets;
  • Visit your dermatologist regularly.

It is simply necessary to constantly follow these rules, because a fungal infection is treacherous enemy. Dermatomycosis, in neglected form, affects deep skin, even organs, leaving scars and scars on the body. Why should we spoil our health and appearance? Monitor the condition of your body, then the disease will bypass you.

Next video. Find out even more details about the causes and treatment methods of dermatomycosis:

Ringworms include skin diseases, which are caused by several types of fungi, their classification depends on the affected area.

Symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm of the feet, or athlete's foot, is a fairly common pathology that occurs more often in the warm season. It is caused by the fungus trichophyton or epidermophyton, which lives in moist, warm places between the toes. Signs of a fungal infection can include slight peeling, even in the absence of other symptoms, as well as pronounced peeling, accompanied by a painful, weeping rash, which is localized on the sides of the feet and in the areas between the toes. This may cause small bubbles to form. Fungal infection damages the skin on the feet, which can cause attachment bacterial infection, elderly people and people who have poor circulation in their legs are especially susceptible to this.

The causative agents of ringworm that affects the groin area can be various types of fungi, even yeast. Men who live or stay for a long time in areas with a warm climate are more susceptible to this disease. The pathology appears in the form of ring-shaped elements of a red rash located along the inside thighs and groin all over. Small bubbles may form. The rash is accompanied by itching and pain. The disease is characterized by frequent relapses even with the correct and complete treatment.

Lesions of the scalp are caused by the fungus microsporum or trichophyton. This type of dermatomycosis is very contagious, especially in childhood. Its manifestations are a red, scaly rash accompanied by mild itching; areas of baldness without signs of a rash can also form.

A fungal infection that affects the nail plates is called onychomycosis. In such cases, the trichophyton fungus affects the developing nail area. The affected nail thickens and becomes deformed, and may subsequently collapse, peel off, or separate from the finger. Onychomycosis is more common on the legs than on the arms.

With dermatomycosis of the skin, a pink or red rash is noted; characteristic round spots are often formed with a clearing area in the center. Any area of ​​smooth skin can be affected.

Fungal infection of the beard is quite rare. In most cases, diseases in this area are not fungal, but bacterial.

Causes of ringworm

The causative agents of dermatomycosis are grouped under common name– “dermatophytes”, this concept includes fungi of several genera, such as Microsporum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton.

The most favorable temperature for the development of dermatophytes is below normal temperature body, approximately 26 - 30 degrees. They are more suited to a moist alkaline or neutral environment. Due to this, infection, as well as exacerbations, occur more often in the warm season.

Different types of dermatomycosis affect different populations of people, which is associated with the composition of sweat or the secretion of fatty glands, which differ from person to person. age groups. Those at greatest risk of fungal infections are those who have a lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders and hormonal balance, skin damage, increased sweating, as well as people who eat poorly.

Diagnosis of ringworm

Suspicion of dermatomycosis arises when symptoms characteristic of this disease appear. For more accurate diagnosis use microscopic examination of the skin or nail plates for the presence of fungus. TO additional measures include a blood test that detects antibodies to fungi various types and allergy tests.

IN full list diagnostic measures include:

  • survey;
  • visual inspection;
  • microscopy of a pre-stained smear;
  • dermatological examination;
  • culture of biopsy material or exudate.

Dermatomycosis treatment

In most cases, dermatomycosis is mild, with the only exception being damage to the nails and scalp. Most often, it is quite enough to use special antifungal creams, which are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. Antifungal powders are much less effective. Active components drugs for the treatment of fungal infections are econazole, miconazole, ketoconazole and clotrimazole.

The selected cream should be applied twice a day. Treatment continues as long as the rash persists and for about 7 to 10 days after that. If you stop applying the cream earlier, a relapse may occur and the rash will appear again.

The effect of creams does not become noticeable immediately; it usually takes several days. During this period, you can also add corticosteroid ointments to the course of treatment to reduce pain and eliminate itching.

At severe course or persistent relapses of the disease, treatment often lasts several months. In such cases, other medications, such as Griseofulfin, may be used along with antifungal creams. This drug is taken orally and has a very effective action. However, when taking it, there are often observed side effects such as stomach upset, rash, low white blood cell count, headache, swelling and so on. In addition, it is worth considering that stopping taking this drug may provoke a relapse of fungal diseases. There is another medicine - Ketoconazole. It is taken similarly to Griseofulvin and also has many serious side effects, up to liver damage.

Keeping infected areas dry and clean promotes rapid healing and stops the growth and development of fungi. To do this, the affected areas should be washed with soap and then sprinkled with talcum powder. But it is better to avoid powders that contain starch, as they can cause even more fungal growth.

If the skin begins to get wet, it means that a bacterial infection may also occur. To prevent this from happening, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, applied topically or orally.

Dermatomycosis photo

Inguinal ringworm photo

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, photograph

Onychomycosis, photo

Photo of dermatomycosis of the scalp

Dermatomycosis is dermatological disease, in which the skin and its appendages (nails and hair) are damaged by microscopic fungi.

Dermatomycosis is widespread, the incidence in the general population is approximately 20%. Fungal pathology accounts for about 40% of the total structure of skin diseases. One of the most common forms of the disease is tinea pedis, which most often occurs in young men.


Causes and risk factors

The reason for the predominance of dermatomycosis in the general structure of fungal diseases is the constant contact of the skin with the environment.

The causative agents of human dermatomycosis are anthropophilic (the source of infection is a sick person), zoophilic (the source of infection is infected cats, dogs, horses and other animals) or geophilic ( infectious agent found in the soil) microscopic fungi. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick person, animal, as well as with soil, contaminated household items, and self-infection cannot be ruled out. Infection often occurs in public places (swimming pools, baths, saunas, beaches, hairdressers) and in organized children's groups.

In the absence of adequate treatment, dermatomycosis becomes persistent and subsequently requires long-term therapy.

Risk factors for developing dermatomycosis include:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • exposure to adverse environmental factors on the body;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • advanced age;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • wearing clothes, especially underwear, made of synthetic materials.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the depth of the lesion, there are:

  • epidermomycosis;
  • superficial dermatomycosis;
  • deep dermatomycosis.

Depending on the location, dermatomycosis of smooth skin, scalp, feet, groin area, and nails are distinguished.

Dermatomycosis of the feet can have a squamatous, intertriginous, dyshidrotic form.

By type of pathogen:

  • keratomycosis (pityriasis versicolor, nodular microsporia);
  • dermatophytosis (favus, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, rubrophytosis);
  • deep mycoses (blastomycosis, sporotrichosis, aspergillosis);
  • pseudomycosis (trichomycosis, erythrasma, actinomycosis).

Symptoms of ringworm

Symptoms of dermatomycosis depend on the type of pathogen, its virulence, the area and location of the lesion, as well as the duration of the disease.

With dermatomycosis of smooth skin, pink or red round rashes appear with a clearing in the center, moist areas of the rash become covered with crusts, the edges of the lesion peel off, which is accompanied by itching.


In case of nail damage, if necessary, surgical removal nail plate.

When a fungus affects the nail plates (onychomycosis), they thicken and become deformed over time, dead cells accumulate under the nail, the nail plate peels off and gradually collapses. The nail fold may also be involved in the pathological process. Nails are most often affected by fungus lower limbs.


When the scalp is affected, a papular rash and boil-like nodes appear in the affected area. The affected areas are usually hyperemic, swollen, flaky, and the patient complains of itching and soreness. Hair in the affected areas breaks off or falls out.


Dermatomycosis of the groin area is characterized by the appearance of inguinal folds pink spots round in shape with unclear outlines. The pathological process involves the skin of the perianal area, perineum, and inner thighs. As the spots progress, they enlarge and merge. Blisters appear along the periphery of the lesion, which is accompanied by itching, burning, and sometimes pain, then the rash becomes covered with scales and crusts.


With the development of the squamatous form of tinea pedis, the skin in the interdigital folds of the lower extremities is first affected. The skin on the affected areas begins to peel off, which is not accompanied by any subjective feelings. As the disease progresses, the skin of the lateral surface of the feet is involved in the pathological process. The elements of the rash merge with each other and are covered with light scales. In some cases, peeling is accompanied by the formation of weeping, itchy rashes.

Source: treat-fungus.rf

One of the most common forms of the disease is tinea pedis, which most often occurs in young men.

With the intertriginous form of dermatomycosis of the feet, patients complain of hyperemia, swelling of the interdigital folds, the appearance of cracks and weeping erosions.

With dyshidrotic dermatomycosis of the feet, numerous blisters appear in the area of ​​the sole, toes and arch of the foot, which eventually open to form erosions.

With the development of pityriasis versicolor, scaly spots appear on the skin of the back, chest, abdomen, neck, upper and lower extremities irregular shape light brown, yellowish pink or cream color.


With microsporia and trichophytosis, they are predominantly affected smooth skin and scalp. In this case, a few clearly defined round spots appear on the skin of the head, which are covered with grayish-white scales. Hair in the affected area breaks off at a height of 4-5 mm above skin level. When smooth skin is affected, concentric plaques appear on it, which are surrounded by a ridge of small blisters and serous crusts. In children early age With the development of superficial trichophytosis of the scalp, there is a loss of color and shine of the hair, breaking off at the skin level with the formation of round bald spots covered with small scales.


With the development of favus, favous scutes (scutules) are formed on the scalp, which look like thick dry crusts of yellow or light brown and emit an unpleasant (stagnant) odor. The edges of the scutulae are raised above the surface of the skin, the center is depressed. The hair in the affected area becomes thinner and is easily pulled out along with the roots. With progression pathological process death occurs hair follicles and cicatricial atrophy of the skin.



The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture, results laboratory research.

When treating elderly patients, consideration should be given to possible interaction systemic antimycotic drugs with chronically taken medications.

During microscopy biological material, taken from lesions (epidermal scales, hair, horny masses from the nail bed, etc.), mycelium, hyphae or spores of the pathogen are detected. Sowing scrapings from the affected area on nutrient media (universal and selective) allows you to identify the infectious agent and determine its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. May be required laboratory determination antibodies to the pathogen in the patient’s blood.

An informative method for diagnosing some dermatomycosis is to examine the skin under a Wood's lamp - a greenish-blue, reddish, brown or golden-yellow glow of scales in the affected areas is revealed.

Before prescribing systemic therapy for dermatomycosis, especially for elderly patients, a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test (liver transaminases, bilirubin, creatinine), as well as ultrasonography organs abdominal cavity and kidneys, electrocardiography. This allows us to identify patients for whom systemic therapy is contraindicated.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, seborrhea, syphilitic leukoderma.

Treatment of ringworm

A treatment regimen for dermatomycosis is drawn up only after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. Therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. The effectiveness of etiotropic treatment of dermatomycosis increases with correction pathological conditions that contributed to the development of the disease.

It is not recommended to treat affected skin areas until diagnosis is made. antiseptic solutions, as it may smear clinical picture and lead to a diagnostic error.

Drug therapy consists of using external (in the form of ointment, gel, cream, paste) antimycotic agents. In severe or treatment-resistant cases, a combination of local and systemic antimycotic drugs is used, treatment is supplemented antihistamines, glucocorticoids, vitamin complexes. The affected areas are treated daily with antiseptic solutions. The hair on the affected areas is usually shaved off and the scabs are removed. When a secondary bacterial infection occurs, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

When treating elderly patients, the possible interaction of systemic antimycotic drugs with chronically taken medications should be taken into account.

In addition to the main treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures can be performed (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, decimeter therapy, darsonvalization).

In case of nail damage, surgical removal of the nail plate is performed if necessary.

During treatment, a patient with dermatomycosis must avoid close contact with others. During therapy, the patient's belongings (clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items) are periodically disinfected to prevent re-infection. Family members of the patient are subject to examination and, if necessary, treatment.

The effectiveness of therapy is assessed based on the results of control studies.

Possible complications and consequences

Dermatomycosis can be complicated by the occurrence of allergic reactions, the addition of a secondary bacterial infection with the development of pyoderma, mycotic eczema.


With timely and correctly selected treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

The reason for the predominance of dermatomycosis in the general structure of fungal diseases is the constant contact of the skin with the environment.

In the absence of adequate treatment, dermatomycosis becomes persistent and subsequently requires long-term therapy.


In order to prevent the development of dermatomycosis, it is recommended:

  • timely treatment of diseases that contribute to the development of immunodeficiency;
  • increasing immunity;
  • disinfection of hairdressing and manicure supplies;
  • avoiding contact with stray animals;
  • avoiding the use of other people's clothes and shoes, personal hygiene items;
  • selection of clothes made from natural fabrics.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Fungal external skin lesions are classified as a separate group of diseases - dermatomycosis (smooth, inguinal, on the feet, hands, etc.). They can be localized throughout the body. They are transmitted under different conditions not only from humans, but also through personal belongings and animals. Some types of diseases can affect internal organs. According to statistics, about 20% of the adult population of the Earth is susceptible to mycoses of the skin and nails, and the duration of the disease can be decades.

What is ringworm

This group of infectious diseases is caused by dermatophyte fungi that metabolize keratin. Dermatomycosis of the skin is common name for dermatophytosis, group skin lesions, which includes athlete's foot inguinal, trichophytosis, favus, microsporia and many others. Fungal infections are not tied to race, social status or age, so do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

It is difficult to isolate a specific pathogen, since there are a huge number of fungal species (Microsporum, Trichophyton species, some types of Epidermophyton). In addition, in rare cases, Candida fungi can act as provocateurs of dermatomycosis of the skin. The disease itself (pictured) is not life-threatening (only deep mycoses are dangerous), but creates significant discomfort (itching, redness, peeling).

Causes of fungal infection

Mass infection with skin mycoses is sometimes caused by any occupational group, when workers for a long time are in the same enclosed room, use common showers, and use sealed professional clothing. Basically, the factors contributing to the development of dermatomycosis are determined by the individual condition of a person:

  • immunodeficiency (taking glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressants, chronic diseases, presence of HIV);
  • constant stress;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • bad habits.

Types of dermatomycosis

Types of diseases (pictured) are divided according to their location (different fungi affect different parts of the body). There is no complete classification of superficial mycoses due to the impossibility of the exact morphology of the pathogens. In the Russian Federation, it is customary to use the distribution of dermatomycosis according to the theory of Professor Shchelkalov, which classifies diseases by pathogens:

  • keratomycosis of the skin (seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor and versicolor, nodular microsporia);
  • dermatophytosis (imbricated mycosis of the skin, microsporia, favus, trichophytosis, athlete's foot);
  • candidiasis;
  • deep dermatomycosis (histoplasmosis, aspergillosis);
  • pseudomycosis (erythrasma, axillary trichomycosis, actinomycosis).


The symptoms of dermatomycosis of the skin can differ significantly from the location and the causative fungus. Therefore, only a specialist can diagnose a specific disease after laboratory tests. Self-administration of drugs for dermatomycosis in best case scenario will remove external manifestations, but will not destroy the pathogen. To understand that you need to contact a dermatologist, you should be attentive to any uncharacteristic manifestations on the skin.

Dermatomycosis of smooth body skin

  • superficial skin lesions - clear rounded red spots with a bump around the perimeter;
  • peeling of the patchy areas as the symptom subsides;
  • gradual increase number of formations and growth over the area of ​​smooth skin;
  • The spots are primarily located on the body: neck, chest, back, forearms.

Dermatophytosis of the scalp

Some doctors claim that this disease is typical only for children. However, statistics indicate that among adult men this type of dermatomycosis is 15-20% common. It affects not only the scalp, but also the mustache and beard area. Causes painful discomfort and baldness even in young men. Main symptoms:

  • excessive hair fragility, accompanied by itching and severe flaking;
  • pain;
  • inflammation of the hair follicles;
  • local hair loss;
  • local release of exudate from the skin, formation of bloody crusts, scales and swelling.


A common mycosis that occurs among the population. The disease affects the nail plate. If ignored, ringworm can spread to the entire foot. The main causes of infection are: public baths, swimming pools, water parks. The development of dermatomycosis is facilitated by long-term wearing of thick synthetic shoes without ventilation and poor foot hygiene. Key symptoms:

  • dullness of the nail plate;
  • complete change in nail color (becomes gray or yellow);
  • plate deformation;
  • accumulation of dead epithelial cells between the nail and its bed (a formation similar to a hard sponge);
  • gradual destruction of the entire nail plate.

Groin area

This skin disease accounts for 10% of all dermatomycosis diseases. Affects large folds and adjacent areas of the skin. Overweight and sick patients are more likely to suffer diabetes mellitus. Can be transmitted through direct contact or through shared household items. Inguinal dermatophytosis in women and men begins at inner surface thighs, gradually moves to the perineum, anal area, intergluteal fold. Symptoms:

  • scaly red-brown rashes with a clear border;
  • localization of the rash in the folds of the skin;
  • cracks, nodes and bubbles at the site of peeling;
  • redness healthy skin at the border of mycosis;
  • severe itching.


With mycoses of the feet, the areas between the toes are immediately affected as they are in closest contact. The route of infection is the same as in the case of fungal diseases of the toenails. If you don’t pay attention to the symptoms that appear (they don’t actually bother you at first), then severe clinical forms diseases. Ringworm of the feet can last for many years without effective therapy. Symptoms:

  • dry cracks and peeling in interdigital folds;
  • the appearance of rashes and plaques;
  • wetness and diaper rash in the intertriginous form;
  • skin itching, burning, pain;
  • numerous blisters (dyshidrotic type).


As such, dermatomycosis does not cause complications of the disease. At proper treatment and subsequent observance of personal hygiene rules, there are no scars left in the localized areas. At secondary development mycosis in the same place, hyperpigmentation and scar formation are possible after treatment. The danger comes from open manifestations of dermatomycosis, which can provide access to secondary infections and diseases. With proper treatment, the possibility of complications is minimal.


The diagnostic process consists of two stages. Primary – examination and interview with a dermatologist (mycologist). Do not use creams or ointments before this, so as not to disturb big picture manifestations. This is important in order to differentiate pathology from similar diseases(psoriasis, eczema). The next step is scraping from the lesion to determine the type of pathogen in the laboratory. Only after its identification is it possible effective therapy.


Successful treatment dermatomycosis in humans directly depends on the accuracy of identifying the pathogen and the patient’s compliance with the prescribed therapy. The general treatment regimen includes a therapeutic approach and medication: strengthening the immune system and destroying the fungus. Only A complex approach And further prevention will guarantee that the disease will not recur.

There is no specific technique or treatment regimen. Medicines, course, methods of support medicines are prescribed exclusively for a specific patient. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated if the patient does not know what specific fungus he has (self-therapy is permissible only if chronic forms).


During treatment supplement antifungal drugs immunostimulants and vitamins. This is done so that the body more actively fights the fungus, and the healing of the lesions occurs faster. For superficial mycosis, it is enough to fight the pathogen special ointments or creams, oral medications (with high toxicity) are occasionally prescribed. Severe cases require the use of antibiotics and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Systemic drugs

The drug Itraconazole is a synthetic antimycotic drug with a broad spectrum of action. Effectively fights all types of pathogens. The minimum period of admission is 2-4 weeks. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug on your own due to its high toxicity. List of contraindications, mandatory side effects so long that the application this tool It is advisable to take when other methods do not help. After the symptoms disappear, treatment is continued for another week.

The drug Fluconazole suppresses the activity of dermatomycosis pathogens and stops their growth. The drug is not prescribed to vehicle drivers, machine operators, and pilots because it causes regular dizziness and disorientation in space and time. The substance in the medicine, azole, requires large quantity in the body, the tablets must be taken directly with meals.

Antifungal ointments

Pimafukort is an antifungal ointment containing antibiotics. Successfully fights against dermatomycoses on the skin. Reduced effectiveness is observed in the treatment of fungal diseases in hairy parts heads. Do not use when open wounds on the skin and viral infections. Otherwise, it has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance). It can be used even in children under 1 year of age under medical supervision.

Advantan – antifungal cream glucocorticoid, drug high efficiency. In fact, it is not absorbed into the blood. Acceptable for use for the treatment of foci of dermatomycosis on the face and external genitalia. It is not recommended for use by pregnant women and during lactation. Otherwise, the cream has no contraindications. Do not use for viral skin infections.


Preventive measures to prevent dermatomycosis are elementary. In fact, these are rules for maintaining personal hygiene. At the same time, a strong immune system should be maintained so that the body can resist pathogens. It is much easier and more practical to stick to simple preventive measures how to treat dermatomycosis (therapy for which can take years). Rules for the prevention of fungal diseases:

  • personal hygiene products (towels, Toothbrush), underwear and shoes must be individual;