The use of birch tar - the benefits and harm to the body. Harm and contraindications to treatment with birch tar

Nowadays folk recipes almost lost. People buy expensive drugs to cleanse the body, forgetting that you can use the gifts of nature.

For example, birch - the most common tree in our area. Or rather, its tar, which is made from the upper part of the bark.

Interesting fact! Even in the herbalists of the 16th century they praised healing properties this tool and its beneficial effect on the body.

Try birch tar and spend complete cleansing the body will help this instruction for use.

Indications for tar cleaning

Harmful substances enter the body with food, drink, air- through the stomach, lungs, skin covering. Toxin attack caused by polluted environment so powerful that the body itself can not cope with it.

Part harmful substances deposited in body tissues. There comes a time when the concentration of poisons reaches a peak, and the body begins to fail.

The following are the problems that occur in a slagged body. These problems are easily solved if the body is properly cleansed.

There comes a time when the concentration of poisons reaches a peak, and the body begins to fail.

Instructions for use must be perfectly studied, because birch tar is a medicinal product.

Skin problems

Acne, psoriasis, lichen and similar diseases epidermis can be an indicator of slagging of the body.

The skin, as an indicator, shows the state of health of the body as a whole.

Acne, psoriasis, lichen and similar diseases of the epidermis can be an indicator of slagging of the body.

Think of young children who are introduced to the first complementary foods. If the baby ate something wrong, then pimples pop up on his cheeks.

It's the same situation with adults. if the body is full of toxins, the skin will "warn" you rash or other problems.

Hair condition

Dull, lifeless hair, dandruff, diffuse precipitation hair, baldness.

Like the skin, the condition of the hair is largely dependent on the pollution of the body.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Constipation and diarrhea, bloating, hemorrhoids.

The slagged body ceases to function normally. In particular, diseases begin gastrointestinal tract.

Odor from the mouth

Bad smell from oral cavity also does not appear out of nowhere.

Due to the same problems with the stomach, the food in it is not digested, but rots and ferments. Because of this, it appears bad smell.

Physical and psychological condition

Drowsiness, apathy, headaches, irritability. Does this all go on for more than one day? Worth thinking about.

A clogged body is not able to normally absorb vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

Excess weight

Leads to obesity malnutrition in which harmful, unhealthy products play a significant role. They do not nourish the body, but settle in the intestines, which in turn clogs it.

A slagged intestine cannot function normally. It stops over-fertilizing even healthy food, turning it into fats.

Obesity leads to malnutrition, in which harmful, unhealthy foods play a significant role.

Breathing problems

Diseases respiratory system- the most terrible indicator for cleansing the body.

Due to the slagging of the lungs, oxygen in in full cannot enter the body normally. Because of this, problems begin not only with the respiratory system, but also a number of other diseases.

Composition and useful properties of birch tar

Like any other remedy, birch tar has components due to which its actions are manifested.

So, tar contains:

Due to its rich composition tar has such useful properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • cleansing;
  • disinfectants;
  • antiseptic;
  • antipyretic;
  • laxatives;
  • regenerating;
  • painkillers.

Note! Phenol, toluene, guaiacol, xylene - all these substances in large quantities toxic! They contain birch tar. Instructions for use (cleansing of the body must be carried out in strict accordance with its provisions) warns that Do not abuse this tool!

Instructions for use (cleansing the body must be carried out in strict accordance with its provisions) warns that this remedy should not be abused!

Instructions for use

Purification of the body, in which birch tar is used, spend quite a long time, from a week to three weeks.

Tar is used in small quantities, a maximum of 10 drops. Such a dose will be safe for humans, and will not cause negative consequences.

When using birch tar, you do not need special diets. or some special food. Tar is a natural substance, it goes well with other additives or preparations.

Instructions for use advises not to take birch tar without allergic tests. Otherwise, cleansing the body will turn into a fight against the consequences of allergies.

Carefully! If any side effects appear during the cleansing of the body, immediately stop treatment with this drug and consult a doctor.

Cleansing Recipes

There are many ways to cleanse the body with birch tar. The most effective of them are described below.

Tar and milk

To clear the lungs and respiratory tract from slags take a mixture of tar and milk for 10 days. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach.

To clean the lungs and respiratory tract from toxins, a mixture of tar and milk is taken.

On the first day of brushing, take 50 ml warm milk and drop 1 small drop of tar there. On the second day, repeat the procedure, but already drop 2 drops into the milk. On the third day - 3, and so on, until you increase the dose to 10.

After completing the course, take a week break and repeat again given treatment. With intensive slagging of the body, cleaning is carried out from 3 weeks to six months.

To clean the genitourinary systems, take 250 ml of warm milk, where 5-10 drops of tar are dripped, and drunk three times a day. The procedure is carried out for 14 days.

To clean the genitourinary systems, take 250 ml of warm milk, where 5-10 drops of tar are dripped, and drunk three times a day.

To cleanse the vessels, dilute 10 drops of tar in a quarter cup of milk. Drink this mixture once a day for 45 days.

Tar and rye bread

This cleansing is good for people who suffer from skin diseases. This cleaning is carried out for three weeks, at night.

Tar and black bread, when interacting, are able to remove toxins from the deep layers of the skin. Consequently, acne disappears, stops inflammatory process on the skin.

Tar and black bread, when interacting, are able to remove toxins from the deep layers of the skin.

For cleaning, they eat a piece of black bread, on which birch tar is dripped. Instructions for use (the body is cleansed, thus, with a positive effect) recommends starting with 5 drops.

On the second day, the dose is increased by one drop, and so on, until it reaches 10. Rye bread with 10 drops take two weeks. Then they begin to reduce the dose of tar, one drop at a time, until it decreases to 5.

Purification with tar and honey

You need to use this composition for 7 days.

To improve the composition of the blood and speed up the metabolism will help 5-10 g of honey, in which one drop of tar was dropped.

Also, the mixture has a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

tar water

There are several ways to prepare tar water.

Method number 1:

Method number 2:

  1. Take 4 liters of cold boiled water and pour 200 g of birch tar into it.
  2. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes.
  3. Close the container with a lid and put in a dark place for 3 days.
  4. Every day, stir the composition with a spoon for 10 minutes.
  5. On the third day, carefully remove the top layer with a spoon, and pour the water into a glass vessel.

Method number 3:

You can try all three methods and choose the one that suits you. Take tar water usually on an empty stomach.

Tar water is less toxic than pure birch tar. Instructions for use (cleansing the body is more effective if it is followed) allows children to take such water, but only after eating, drinking milk.

For the prevention of diseases, tar water is drunk in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach, 200 ml each. They take water like this for a week, then take a 3-day break and continue the course for another week.

From scabies and psoriasis drink 4 times a glass, throughout the day.

Drink this water even from tuberculosis. If the patient is very weak, drink 50 ml of tar, diluting it with 50 ml of milk. If the patient feels relatively normal, then they drink in the morning, afternoon and evening, a glass.

From scabies and psoriasis drink 4 times a glass, throughout the day. In chronic diseases, drink 150 ml of water three times a day. With scurvy, they drink from one to two glasses a day, depending on the intensity of the disease.

With bronchial asthma, diseases of the joints and heart, they drink 1-2 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach, within 10 days. Then they stop for 10 days and resume the course for another 10 days.

Tar water is used not only inside, but also externally.

With acne, it is good to wash your face in the morning with chilled water. In case of gum disease, you can rub or rinse your mouth with it.

The initial role is to cleanse the body, birch tar performs better than many tablets. There are two main ways.

The initial role is to cleanse the body, birch tar performs better than many tablets. Especially in honey.

Method number 1:

  1. In 1 tsp. honey drip 1 drop of tar.
  2. This mixture is eaten at night.
  3. Increase the dosage by one drop each time until you reach 8.

The course lasts 24 days. This procedure carried out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

Method number 2:

This method has one drawback - with this treatment, helminth eggs are not destroyed but only adults. Therefore, cleaning should be repeated after 3 months.

Positive effects of tar cleaning

So, changes occur in the digestive system:

Also tar tar realizes its useful features in the area of ​​the epidermis.

Skin Effects:

  • acne, psoriasis disappears, lichen heals;
  • age spots disappear;
  • the robot is normalized sebaceous glands;
  • skin color improves.

In addition, the work of the respiratory system is restored due to the treatment and cleansing of the body.

From birch tar, acne, psoriasis disappears, lichen heals, age spots disappear.

Changes in the functioning of the respiratory system:

  • cured bronchial asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • after cleansing the lungs of mucus, oxygen fully saturates the cells of the body.

When using tar, the hairline also changes its structure somewhat.

In particular, with regards to hair:

And naturally does not do without changing the general state:

  • drowsiness, headaches disappear, sleep normalizes;
  • increased efficiency;
  • passes ischemic disease hearts, the blood is purified.


Any medicine has contraindications, birch tar is no exception.

Any medicine has contraindications, birch tar is no exception. First of all, this is pregnancy.

Instructions for use (cleansing the body is carried out in accordance with its provisions) advises to consult a doctor before using the drug.

And in no case do not take the remedy if you have:

To prolong and enhance the effect of cleansing the body need to lead healthy lifestyle life. Eat right, don't overeat harmful products, sleep at least 8 hours a day, love sports. Your health is in your hands!

From this video you will learn about the use and benefits of birch tar for all sections of the body.

This video has a lot for you. useful information about birch tar treatment.

Birch tar is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. Birch tar is a viscous oily liquid of dark color and pungent odor. People have long learned how to get tar from birch and use it for their various needs. But most of all it was popular in folk medicine, where it was used to treat many diseases. Birch tar is also used in official medicine.

Healing properties of birch tar

Despite the fact that before birch tar was used in almost all areas of life, today it is used mainly as an ingredient in the production of various medicines.

Birch tar is obtained in the tar, where it is boiled in special pots called reports. The principle of obtaining it has not changed much since the earliest times. Unless manual labor has been replaced by modern technology.

Birch tar contains betulin resin, phenol, xylene, organic acids, toluene and other substances.

It is interesting that in the countries. where birch tar was exported, it is called "Russian oil".

Birch tar has many medicinal properties. One of the main properties of birch tar is its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. These properties of tar formed the basis of such well-known ointments as Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment, tar soap.

In addition to these properties, birch tar has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • regenerating
  • drying
  • Painkillers
  • Antipruritic
  • absorbable

All these properties of tar can be used both individually and in combination. Due to these properties, birch tar is often used to treat various inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin. Also, birch tar dries and accelerates healing, relieving itching and burning in the affected areas.

Birch tar contains many useful substances that can be used for many treatments for many diseases. it helps to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain.

Birch tar is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, erysipelas, seborrheic eczema, folliculitis, fungal infections. It is used to treat bedsores, scabies, trophic ulcers, remove lice and many other diseases.

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of tar make it possible to use it for the treatment of wounds and burns of various origins.

Dandruff, acne, acne, abdominal dropsy (ascites), kidney stones, indigestion, urethritis, asthma, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding, and even gangrene - birch tar can help with all this.

Take peeled birch tar for chemotherapy cancer. it will cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances that the body receives at this time.

For women, tar will protect them from the occurrence of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids. Men - from prostate adenoma. Birch tar can protect from the transition benign tumor into a malignant one.

In folk medicine, birch tar with milk has long been taken for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Birch tar. Instructions for use

Birch tar is used for external application, and internal. For internal use prepare tar water or dilute with milk.

When applied externally, do medicinal ointments and cream with tar.

For internal use, birch tar is used for the prevention and treatment of:


Cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis

Fibrocystic mastopathy;


For external use, birch tar is mainly used to treat various skin diseases, burns, acne and dandruff. Tar is also used for cystitis, boils and other purulent abscesses, fungal diseases, in the form of inhalations for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Since ancient times in Russia, birch tar has been used against lice and scabies.

Birch tar for outdoor use

Since time immemorial, birch tar has been used to treat skin diseases, as well as external skin lesions. The anti-inflammatory properties of tar relieve inflammation, reduce irritation and redness, and contribute to a more rapid healing. Antiseptic properties tar does not allow microbes to develop on the affected surface of the skin.

Birch tar for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is virtually untreatable. For the treatment of psoriasis, pure birch tar is used, in the form of ointments and creams, as well as in the form of baths.

When using pure tar, it is applied to the affected areas with a brush. Before application, it is recommended to take a bath with medicinal herbs. Apply until the plaques become soft.

10% birch tar is also applied with a brush to the skin affected by psoriasis and left for half an hour. Then rinse and apply salicylic, boric or other ointment with lanolin.

Ointment with celandine. Mix 1 part of celandine, crushed and sifted through a sieve, with 4 parts of birch tar.

Ointment with honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of birch tar with 3 tablespoons of honey, and 2 tablespoons castor oil. Add 2 egg white. Mix well. Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

birch tar for eczema

Eczema is also a skin condition that can affect adults as well as teenagers and young children.

For the treatment of eczema, birch tar has been used for a long time and has very good results. There are a lot of recipes for tar-based ointments for eczema. Here are just two recipes for such ointments for eczema.

In equal proportions, take homemade cream and birch tar. Add one to this mixture chicken protein and mix thoroughly. When treating eczema, apply wipes soaked in ointment 2 times a day. The mixture is not stored for a long time, so a new one is made each time before use.

Propolis ointment. Mix 20 grams of fish oil with 1 gram (it's a little on the tip of a knife) rosehip root ash and 40 grams of propolis. Mix well and leave for 3 days.

Then add 20 ml of aloe juice and leave for another 5 days. After insisting, add 20 grams of birch tar and mix. Leave to infuse for another 21 days.

Birch tar from nail fungus

Nail fungus is a fairly common disease. And although it is not a problem to buy a cream or ointment from a fungus in a pharmacy, sometimes it does not work. In addition, there may be contraindications. Birch tar can come to the rescue.

Before using birch tar, you need to wash your feet well and steam them out. Remove the keratinized layer of the nail with a nail file or pumice stone and lubricate it with a nourishing cream. You can wear cotton socks.

In the morning remove the rest of the cream and cotton swab apply birch tar to the nail. If the skin between the fingers is affected, then lubricate it as well.

Leave it for one and a half, two hours, without putting on slippers or socks. After that, put on simple socks and do not wash off the tar for another 2 days. Then rinse your feet and repeat the whole procedure from the very beginning. Do this until the nail fungus is completely cured.

Birch tar from demodicosis

Demodicosis is a skin disease that affects the face, forehead, and eyelids. Demodicosis is often a harbinger of a disease such as rosacea. Causes this disease skin mite- Demodex. This disease is very difficult to fight. In the fight against this disease, traditional medicine successfully uses birch tar.

Half of a red brick (or a whole) is good to heat up in the oven or on the stove. Put it in a metal bucket or large saucepan (preferably a tall one). On a heated brick, drip 2 drops of birch tar and sit on a bucket without underwear.

Try to sit for about 15-20 minutes. There will be an oven. Treatment is best done at night for 6 days.

Treatment of birch tar burns

For the treatment of burns, an ointment is made from 1 part of tar, 1 part of sulfur and 10 parts of pharmacy vaseline. Half of the vaseline can be replaced fish oil, which is sold in a pharmacy. Lubricate the affected areas with this ointment, covering them with sterile wipes.

The use of birch tar inside

When using birch tar inside, you can normalize blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle, improve metabolism.

According to the reviews of people who took tar inside, improvements in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are noted, ulcers heal duodenum and stomach.

Take birch tar inside better in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon before meals and in the evening before going to bed.

Inside, birch tar is taken either with milk or water. It is prepared from 4 liters of cold purified water and 500 grams of pure birch tar. The tar must be from birch bark. The water is mixed and settled.

Then carefully remove the foam and pour with the utmost care into another bottle or jar. Close the container with tar water tightly.

This recipe for making tar water has been around for more than one hundred years. The prepared water can be consumed inside, added to baths, washed hair and washed.

Birch tar inside to cleanse the body

The course of cleansing the body with tar water is one and a half weeks. Take 2 tablespoons of water before meals once a day.

Then take a ten-day break and repeat again. After the second course, take a break for 3 weeks and drink water for another 10 days. The next course of cleansing the body with tar water is carried out only after a year. Before use, consult a doctor.

Birch tar from atherosclerosis

The composition of birch tar contains substances that have a positive effect on the vessels of the brain. This property of tar has long been used to prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of tar from a beret in 200 ml of warm milk (preferably not store-bought) and drink 3 times a day before meals for 45 days. Then take a break for a month and repeat the course. Such courses can be done 3-4 times a year.

The second method differs slightly from the first in its concentration. Here you need to dissolve 10 drops of birch tar in a ml of milk. Drink this composition 1 time per day also for 45 days.

Take 1 teaspoon of honey and drop 1 drop of tar. Increase by 1 drop daily until you reach 8 drops. Then you need to reduce one capella daily until you reach 1 drop again.

Take this drug at night before going to bed. The course is 15 days. Then take a break for seven, 10 days and repeat.

Birch tar in gynecology

Ingestion of birch tar inside helps with gynecological inflammatory diseases, genitourinary system, mastopathy.

For inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or female genital organs, birch tar with milk should be taken.

Treatment of mastopathy. Dilute 3 drops of tar in 200 ml of warm milk. Pete according to this scheme for 3 days. On day 4, add 5 drops of tar to 200 ml of milk. Take also within 3 days. On the 7th day of treatment, add 7 drops of tar to milk and take it for 3 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat if necessary.

Some do not tolerate milk, and the smell of tar is not the most pleasant. Therefore, you can take tar by dropping 5 drops on a piece of bread. You need to do this at night.

Then add 1 drop every day until you reach 10 drops. Then reduce by 1 drop until you return to 5 drops again. In total, you need 11 days for the course.

Birch tar for lung diseases

Birch tar inside can be taken in the treatment of bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis.

With bronchitis. Prepare tar water from 8 parts of water and a part of birch tar. Infuse for 2 days. Drink this water 1 tablespoon at night for 10 days.

With pulmonary tuberculosis. Dilute 1 drop of tar in 50 ml of warm milk. In the following days, increase the amount of tar by 1 drop until you reach 20 drops per 50 ml of milk.

Then they begin to decrease by 1 drop until they reach the original amount.

With cystitis. Dilute 5 to 10 drops of tar in 200 ml of warm milk. Drink this milk with tar 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course - 5 days.

Birch tar in cosmetology

The most famous product in cosmetology is tar soap. Few people know that this soap is one of the the best means skin cleansing. It dries out the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. This soap is very useful for those who suffer from excessive oily skin, enlarged pores and acne.

Tar shampoo has antiseptic action on the skin, helps with seborrhea and dandruff, with excessive hair loss.

With birch tar, you can make face and hair masks, various homemade creams.

Birch tar contraindications

It is worth noting that birch tar has very few contraindications. It should not be used for individual intolerance and hypersensitivity.

Tar is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Before using birch tar, it is necessary to do a sensitivity and allergy test.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-medication. Before you need to consult a doctor and read the instructions for the drug.

Learn how to use a natural substance called birch tar, its benefits and harms, tar treatment various diseases, instructions for use externally and internally, price and reviews, as well as medicinal properties tar soap.
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Dark oily substance characteristic aroma nature itself gives us: birch tar is extracted from young tree bark by distillation.

The smell of a viscous liquid is rather unpleasant; it is not without reason that a fly in the ointment is credited with the ability to spoil a barrel of fragrant honey. But you forget the sharp aroma when you recognize beneficial features facilities.

Birch tar has been used for a long time. Once upon a time, tar was smeared with shoes, wheel tires and leather products, protecting them from moisture and providing them with high elasticity.
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Today, the odorous liquid is part of medicinal and cosmetics- soaps, shampoos, hair masks, ointments (Vishnevsky, Wilkinson). To this day, you can turn to traditional medicine and buy birch tar in a pharmacy - the same, natural, without any impurities, or cook it yourself.


The composition of birch tar includes hundreds of useful substances, but special attention deserve:

  1. phenol (antiseptic)
  2. guaiacol (targeted action against rot and other infections)
  3. phytoncides (suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes)
  4. benzene, xylene, cresols, resins and organic acids

Thanks to the healing arsenal, tar copes with the role of an insecticide, antiseptic and local irritant.

Tar is widely used in dermatology for the treatment of skin ailments, in cosmetology, in oncology (to cleanse the body from the effects of chemotherapy), as well as in the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

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Its benefits for the body are enormous, however, do not forget about the possible harm.

Application and contraindications

When using tar (especially when we are talking about the use inside) you should rely on your feelings and feedback from those who have already used the product.

So far, no one has canceled individual intolerance - the same dosages for five will help to quickly get rid of dandruff or acne, and the sixth will be sent to the hospital with an upset stomach.

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How to drink birch tar to prevent unpleasant consequences?

Start treatment with a microdose - 1 drop dissolved in milk, water or fresh carrot juice. After evaluating your condition in the morning and marking “satisfactory”, you can gradually increase the amount of the active substance.

Long-term continuous use of tar solutions can harm both the stomach and beauty. Courses are designed for 7-10 days followed by a break of two weeks.

For external use, the procedure is not so strict, but it is advisable to do an allergy test. Apply a drop of the prepared cream or lotion to the delicate skin of the wrist and wait for a reaction.

The official instructions for use highlight the following contraindications:

1. Intolerance to the drug (allergy).
2. Aggravated eczema.
3. Violation of kidney function.

Keep in mind: pregnancy, lactation, kidney disease and acute skin ailments are strict contraindications for any variation in the use of tar. When applied externally, one should also take into account the side effect, which is expressed in the sharp sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. It threatens sunburn so protect your skin with clothing and creams for the next couple of days.

Birch tar: application

Tar, which you can buy in Moscow at any pharmacy, is a 100% concentrated, natural product. It is not used in its pure form, the maximum proportion is 1 to 5 parts of any active solution.

Usually birch tar is used externally, dissolving 1 ml of odorous liquid in the usual creams, ointments, shampoos, masks, lotions.

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too high concentrations will not give a quick effect, but, on the contrary, will lead to premature aging and dryness of the epidermis.

Tar water for hair

Hair loss and scalp problems (seborrhea, dandruff) greater efficiency showed treatment with tar water. It is not difficult to prepare a solution: 500 grams of tar is taken for 400 ml of cool liquid (preferably from a spring). The first two days, the drug is considered unready for use: the mixture should be infused, give foam and sediment.

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The pure liquid that was obtained in the process is tar water. It should be filtered, tightly closed in a glass container and put in the cold. In case of hair loss, the product is rubbed into the skin. The same recipe helps with increased pigmentation of the skin of the face.

Not only hair loss can be a reason to turn to birch bark, but also such a problem as lice in a child. Great for both dandruff and lice tar shampoo(either purchased or cooked). Hair masks foamed with a drop of tar liquid also help.

How to use for psoriasis

Prepare a mixture of birch bark ash (or 2% boric acid) and purchased tar and rub it into the areas affected by psoriasis. You can also use a pure concentrated product directly from the bottle, applying it pointwise with a cotton swab or sponge, and washing it off after 10 minutes.

Doctors approve of the treatment of psoriasis with tar, as well as the use of active substance with eczema and folliculitis. They consider folk remedy less dangerous than popular pharmaceutical ointments based on corticosteroids. Another reason for this choice is the achievement of long-term remission (up to several years).

Everyone who took tar for psoriasis leaves positive reviews: thanks to anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating properties, tar ointments and shampoos help to forget about the problem in one course (3 weeks). I suggest watching a video on the use of tar externally for skin diseases.

For the annual seasonal "anthelmintic" prophylaxis, a course of 8 days is suitable. On the first day, 1 drop of tar is dropped on bread (in a spoonful of honey, on an apple slice or in a cup of milk), and they are eaten. In the second - two, and so on, up to eight.

On the initial stages nail fungus can be fought with soapy tar baths. AT hot water dissolve soap chips and birch tar concentrate, then steam the legs in it for 15 minutes. The affected areas are thoroughly dried and dotted with tar mass.
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There is another way to get rid of the fungus on the legs: prepare a thick ointment from shavings of tar soap, baking soda and warm water, and every evening rub it on your nails and between your fingers. To heighten the effect, the feet can be bandaged at night.

Tar from acne

The problem of black spots and inflammation on sensitive skin faces can be solved in two ways - from the outside or from the inside.

In the first case, applied to the reddened areas healing mask from tar, honey and olive oil(ingredients are combined in equal parts). Well-proven washing with the participation of tar soap or the same water. Additionally, you can do spot cauterization with a concentrate from a vial.

Not everyone who used tar for acne left positive reviews. Some noted excessive dryness skin after using soap or a strong solution. Therefore, cosmetologists advise more gentle methods, which consist in adding 1 ml of tar to a facial wash, moisturizer, lotion or body milk.

The second option for getting rid of acne with the help of a birch gift is cardinal, and implies a complex effect from the inside. Instructions for use are detailed below.

Application in the garden

Tar from young birch bark is an excellent insecticide, it is often used in gardening and in the garden:

  • From the Colorado potato beetle. Spraying plants with a solution of tar and water in a ratio of 1 to 100.
  • From butterflies and codling moth. Spraying a tar solution (1 tablespoon per half a bucket of water) on fruit crops - trees and shrubs.
  • From the sea buckthorn fly. In order to repel insects, an odorous liquid is placed in a jar near the roots.

Foresters and summer residents will need a folk method of protection against ticks: a thick thread is impregnated with birch tar and tied around the wrists, ankles and neck. You can also moisten a hat, neckerchief and cuffs of clothing with a diluted product.

Instructions for the use of tar

Like any medicine, birch bark tar has its own characteristics, so instructions for its proper use are needed.

Bark tar is unique, cheap, effective, versatile and safe means to solve many urgent problems - subject to its external use.

Much more caution requires oral use: reviews, contraindications and the official position of doctors clearly indicate the likely dangers and side effects.

Instructions for use externally

When buying tar in a pharmacy, you will definitely receive not only a bottle with healing contents, but also detailed recommendations instructions for its use.

The official options for external use are as follows:

  • Spot application of the concentrate on the affected areas (wounds, acne, burns). The first application takes 10 minutes, then the time is increased to 25-30. At the end of the term, the tar is carefully washed off soapy water and moisturize the skin with baby cream or ointment.
  • A thin layer of tar is applied to the skin, then a bandage is applied. As a rule, less concentrated solutions of the drug are used.
  • With abundant skin lesions or acne in hard-to-reach areas, tar baths are effective. Prepared 100 ml of the mixture (50% alcohol and 50% tar) is stirred into warm water. The procedure itself takes 15 minutes.

These methods are indicated by doctors for eczema, neurodermatitis and psoriasis. However, you already know that birch tar treats not only these diseases.

Instructions for use inside (reviews, benefits and harms)

On the forums they often ask: “Is it possible to take birch tar inside?” ethnoscience knows a few cases where it is really effective. However, not everyone is suitable for oral use - reviews of doctors and those who dared to unconventional folk methods, differ and often diametrically.

Options for using tar inside:

1. For acne: treatment with birch tar inside with bread. For fast cleansing body, as well as against acne is used traditional remedy: before going to bed, they eat a piece of bread that has absorbed 5 drops of tar (allergy testing of the drug begins with 1 drop). Do not eat or drink! The dose gradually increases, the maximum is calculated individually (for someone 7 drops, for someone - 10). The use inside for cleansing implies a course of up to 18 days.

3. Slimming. A popular folk remedy reduces appetite, removes excess fluid, promotes the breakdown of fats, removes toxins, and also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. That is why the use of tar water for weight loss has proven effectiveness. The course takes 10 days, dosage - 2 tbsp. spoons daily before meals. To quickly achieve the result, three courses are carried out with breaks of 10 and 20 days, respectively.

Is it possible to drink birch tar for you, only the attending physician will tell for sure. It is not recommended to use this folk remedy without consulting a specialist.

In addition to the previously described "external" methods of dealing with acne, psoriasis, fungus and hair loss, it is worth mentioning one more thing. useful tool- antiseptic tar soap. Both purchased and homemade, it helps in many cases.
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Most often it is used for skin and fungal diseases, as well as for protection against bacteria:

  1. with nail fungus
  2. with lice
  3. with acne
  4. with dermatitis
  5. with dandruff
  6. with psoriasis
  7. in the treatment of wounds and burns
  8. with thrush

Since the soap contains only a small proportion of tar (about 10%), it does no harm and has no contraindications, except that it dries the skin more than usual. Exception - allergic reactions, the test for which must be done in advance.

cook home remedy not difficult: you need tar (birch and birch bark - the differences are only in the name, this is the same drug, so take any), water, grated "baby soap", a tablespoon of olive oil (or avocado, jojoba, coconut - whatever to taste) and 3-5 drops of essential - for flavor. Beat the mixture and send it to a water bath, then cool and leave for a couple of days to harden.

Birch tar is an oily, dark, viscous liquid with a pungent odor. It is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. The word "tar" means "burnt" or "burnt".

The ancient craft is still relevant today, the principle of obtaining tar has not changed much. Craftsmen stuffed special containers with birch bark - shells with a narrow hole for the resin to drain and heated them with a torch. The birch bark steamed, melted and released tar.

Modern production tar - these are iron boilers into which the bark is compacted. Hermetically sealed containers are heated, distillation in time takes 10-11 hours. From 75 kilograms of birch bark, 22.5 kilograms of pure tar is obtained.

In ancient times, tar was indispensable in almost all spheres of life. Tar was smeared on leather shoes and armor, so that they would not get wet in the rain, be soft and not dry out. Traditional medicine put birch tar in the first place, its use was very wide. Folk healers prescribed tar as anthelmintic, healed the wounds of animals and people, recommended as an antitumor drug. Nowadays, the use of tar has decreased significantly, but pharmacologists use it as a component in the manufacture of medicines.

Treatment with birch tar. What treats birch tar?

Tar is obtained as a result of the decomposition of bitulin, which includes benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids.

With atherosclerosis, these components will be unusually useful. There is a wonderful method of treatment with birch tar. Half a teaspoon of birch tar is stirred in a glass of homemade warm milk. It is necessary to take the drug for 45 days, one glass 3 times a day, an hour before meals. The break is one month. Three or four of these courses are required per year.

Tar angina, gangrene, bronchial asthma are well cured, when using it, a decrease in hair loss is observed, fungal diseases skin. The use of birch tar has a positive effect on long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, scrofula, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, erosive proctitis, and rectal mucosal ulcerations. There is a rapid recovery of those suffering from skin, skin ulcers, rashes. Effectively cured women with a diagnosis of " postpartum mastitis". Easily treatable microbial eczema, tumors, smallpox, bedsores, psoriasis.

In the treatment of skin diseases - such as scabies, psoriasis, erysipelas, leprosy, versicolor versicolor, athlete's foot - pure tar in combination with medicines has an invaluable impact, improving the quality of treatment.

Properties of birch tar

The use of birch tar

Purified tar is used in oncology, it neutralizes the negative effects of chemotherapy and drug treatment. It is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells in ovarian cysts, mastopathy, fibroids, adenomas, is prophylactic, preventing the transition benign neoplasms into malignant forms.

Birch tar with milk

Birch tar with milk - effective remedy at clinical form, characterized by the presence of a rounded formation in the lung, emphysema and all kinds of infections in the body. Take on an empty stomach according to the scheme, diluted in 50 ml of warm milk:
– 1st day – 1 drop;
– 2nd day – 2 drops;
- 3rd day - 3 drops and so on up to 10 days, each time adding a drop of tar. Then you should take a break for seven days and repeat the course again, the entire treatment period will take six months.

Cleansing of pinworms and ascaris will be very effective if one teaspoon of liquid honey is mixed with birch tar and taken before bedtime. The course is twelve procedures. Every day the number of drops is increased by one and brought up to eight.

For prevention, it is desirable to conduct a course of treatment annually.

birch tar for hair

Itching and irritation of the scalp surface when dandruff appears are removed with the help of birch tar. Dandruff is not a pleasant phenomenon; oily hair and hair loss are added. The use of natural natural product soothes irritated skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Purifying the scalp from the keratinized layer of cells, tar activates their respiration, cells are saturated with oxygen. At the same time, blood flow increases and regenerative processes are accelerated.

Can be used excellent remedy as a preventive measure against dandruff: dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar in two tablespoons of castor oil, add 100 grams of alcohol. The mixture should be rubbed massage movements into the scalp. After 2-3 hours, it must be washed off.

birch tar for acne

natural, eco pure product can be used to treat skin from. At oily skin face, frequent rashes tar soap with a high concentration of birch tar will help acne, which will relieve irritation and inflammation, cleanse and make the skin soft and velvety. Tar can also be used for cooking various means cleansing problematic skin:

  • Daily treat the skin with lotion: 50 grams of 95% alcohol, 5 grams of tar, a few drops of salicylic alcohol.
  • Honey and tar are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The prepared mask is applied to the skin thin layer and then washed off with water at room temperature.

How to take birch tar inside?

Birch tar, when taken orally, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves metabolism in the body. It is useful to take tar water: in the morning - on an empty stomach, in the afternoon - two hours before meals and in the evening - before bedtime. This is an excellent remedy for fever, purulent, dropsy. Used for the treatment of internal diseases, birch tar cleanses the blood, liver, intestines, and pancreas of toxins. Over time, patients feel an improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum heal.

How to drink birch tar?

Tar water helps to cure many ailments. It can be easily prepared according to a recipe known since ancient times: 4 liters of cold spring water and 500 g of tar must be thoroughly mixed in a vessel, which must then be tightly closed and allowed to stand for two days so that the tar settles. Carefully remove the foam, drain the clear liquid. It is necessary to store the product in a hermetically sealed container.

Birch tar ointment recipe

At home, you can prepare an ointment from birch tar. Tar, mutton or pork fat mixed in equal amounts, used to treat wounds and skin diseases. Ointment from pure birch tar and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:10 treats ulcers, pyoderma, infected wounds.

Birch tar for children

Young children often suffer from unpleasant allergic disease– . Birch tar is able to cope with these problems. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the affected areas butter or baby cream with a few drops of birch tar.

Contraindications to the use of birch tar

Pure birch tar and tar preparations can cause allergic irritations skin, up to the development of dermatitis. The use of birch tar as remedy possible only after medical consultation. The use of tar during an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases is not recommended. In acute eczema, exudative, folliculitis, it should be used with extreme caution.

The application of birch tar to large areas of the skin for a long time can lead to toxic effects on the kidneys. Weakness, nausea, diarrhea, convulsions may appear.

After applying the tar, patients experience a burning sensation, but the itching disappears. If the burning sensation stops after 10-15 minutes, then the treatment can be continued. Before you start using birch tar, you need to check the tolerance on a small area of ​​the skin, examine the urine.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

for protective coating (resin) of wood and processing of leather products

The instruction is intended for workers in the leather industry; construction workers, boat maintenance, and household use.

The instruction establishes the methods and modes of application of the birch tar product for the protective coating (resin) of wood and the processing of leather products. The instruction contains sections: general provisions, conditions of use, safety requirements, first aid measures in case of poisoning, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, manufacturer's warranties.


1.1. Means for protective coating (resin) of wood and processing of leather products birch tar (hereinafter referred to as the agent) is produced in accordance with the requirements of TU-20.14.71-001-1931433275-2017.

1.2. The agent is a homogeneous viscous liquid of black color, with a bluish-greenish or greenish-blue tint in reflected light, without lumps and foreign inclusions, has a specific smell.

1.3. Birch tar is used for the processing of leather products and for the protective coating (resin) of wood.

1.4. Birch tar for protective coating (resin) of wood and processing of leather products is most effective, namely:

The oily consistency of the product protects the impregnated wood from moisture penetration and reduces its cracking; after drying, it forms a protective film on the treated surface;

The tool is an antiseptic for wood impregnation, protects against decay by increasing the strength and conservation of treated wood;

The agent is used for dressing leather at the fatliqué stage; for better absorption of fat, it is mixed with birch tar (the agent protects rawhide from mold during storage);

The product is used to lubricate horse ammunition and leather products to protect against drying out, frost, moisture and mold.

After treatment, the wood is not subject to deterioration, retains its properties for decades.

1.5. Birch tar is checked by the quality control department.

1.6. The agent is a flammable liquid with an ignition temperature of plus 158 ° C and self-ignition temperature 320 ° C. Extinguishing media: foam or powder extinguishers. Keep away from open flame!

1.7. In terms of sanitary-chemical and toxicological safety indicators, the product complies with the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and hygiene requirements to goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)”, approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of May 28, 2010 No. 299.

1.8. Birch tar, according to the degree of impact on the human body, is a low-hazard product (refers to substances of hazard class IV in accordance with GOST 12.1.007). It has a slightly irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, does not have cumulative properties.

The product is most dangerous to humans when ingested through the gastrointestinal tract.


2.1. Birch tar is used in accordance with the current regulatory documents of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the relevant industries.

2.2. When used in the leather industry, as well as in everyday life, for the elasticity and safety of leather products (tarpaulin shoes, rawhide, harness, ammunition, etc.), they are applied evenly to a cleaned and well-dried surface.

2.3. During construction work, those parts of wooden piles, poles and supports that will go underground are coated.

2.4. At maintenance wooden boats (tarnishing the bottom) are applied to a cleaned, well-dried surface with a brush or rags and left to soak until completely dry.



3.1. Persons at least 18 years old who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to work with the product.

3.2. All work on industrial application means (treatment) must be carried out with a functioning supply and exhaust ventilation.

3.3. When using the product, all work must be carried out in personal protective equipment (robe or overalls, armlets, respirator, goggles, rubber gloves).

3.4. When used in everyday life, work should be carried out outdoors, it is also necessary to use protective equipment (apron, respirator, goggles, gloves).

3.5. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not swallow! Keep away from children!


4.1. Signs of drug poisoning are: headache, dizziness, increased sweating and salivation.

4.2. In case of accidental swallowing of the product, the stomach should be washed with warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate. Then take activated charcoal, saline laxatives (sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate), if necessary, seek medical help.

4.3. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse abundantly with water for 10-15 minutes, in case of complication, consult a doctor.


5.1. As consumer packaging, bottles with a capacity of 50, 100, 500 ml and 1 l can be used; canisters of 5, 10 and 20 liters and other containers by agreement with the consumer, defined by the technical documentation (TU).

5.2. Each container unit of the product is equipped with instructions for use.


6.1. Store in a tightly closed manufacturer's packaging, away from heating and heating devices at temperatures from minus 10 ° C to plus 45 ° With within 5 years from the date of manufacture. Avoid exposure to direct sun rays and atmospheric precipitation.

6.2. Store separately from food products, out of the reach of children and animals.

6.3. When defrosted, the product does not lose its consumer properties.


7.1. The device is transported by all means of transport, vehicles, in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on this type of transport.

7.2. Transportation of the agent is carried out when forming corrugated cardboard boxes with primary packaging in the form of bottles, or palletizing boxes or canisters. It is allowed to use reinforced packaging on pallets with walls and a lid, with the use of fasteners.

7.3. During transportation, storage conditions should be observed, excluding exposure to direct sunlight, precipitation at temperatures from -10 ° From to +45 ° WITH.


8.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the quality of the product complies with the requirements of the technical specifications, subject to the rules for use, storage and transportation.

Manufacturing organization: IP Samsonov V.I., Russia.