Skin mite in cats symptoms. Effective treatment for subcutaneous mites in cats

Separate types parasitize cats. It is useful for owners to know the sources and symptoms of infection, diagnostic methods, groups of drugs for treatment. Preventive measures will help keep your pet safe.


More common in cats the following types ticks:

The photo below shows ear mite Otodectus.

Sources of infection and pathogenesis

Most types of ticks are spread by contact: after contact with a sick animal, through objects - bedding, combs, bowls. Pathogens that can live more than one day in environment, get into the house on the soles of shoes, clothes. These include Otodectes cynotis, Notoedrosis cati, Sarcoptes.

Demodicosis develops differently. His pathogens become constant companions and part of normal microflora cats. In small quantities, they do not make themselves felt, but under adverse conditions they become more active and multiply. Demodicosis begins in cats with weak immunity, chronic diseases, after viral infections. Infection by contact is not excluded.


Clinical signs of ticks different types have both similarities and differences:

With demodicosis, the cat does not feel itching, because in hair follicles no nerve endings. The cat itches if an allergy begins due to an increase in the population. With otodectosis, the cat rubs its ears, their inner surface covered brown coating. If an infection joins, appear dark discharge with bad smell that clog the ear canal.


Ticks are difficult to install external symptoms, because the signs of infection are similar to the manifestations of staphylococcal and fungal infections, dermatitis and other pathologies. The size of ticks does not exceed half a millimeter, they cannot be examined without magnification, therefore, the species can only be detected and identified in the laboratory.

In parallel, the state of health of the animal is clarified with the help of clinical and biochemical analysis blood, feces, urine.


From the first day of detection of the disease, the cat is isolated from other animals, not allowed out into the street. The pet is bathed with a therapeutic zoo shampoo, this will help remove scabs, crusts, cleanse, soften the skin. The treatment regimen depends on the type of pathogen and the severity of the disease.

Veterinarians use the following groups of drugs:

1. External acaricides: ointments, gels, liniments, drops. Medicines are prescribed for focal form lesions not complicated by secondary infections. Before use, the skin is cleaned with a special lotion or disinfectant solution. Medicines are rubbed into the affected areas, after application they are not allowed to lick off the medicine until absorbed, it is better to put a collar on the neck. The frequency and duration of the use of drugs is different, this is indicated in the instructions.

2. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are prescribed for a generalized form of the disease, when the lesions grow. The names of the drugs are different, but they are based on the same active ingredient - ivermectin. The substance is toxic, so only a veterinarian can prescribe a medicine and determine the dosage.

3. Immunomodulators apply if defensive forces weak, and the disease has passed into a serious stage.

4.Antibiotics are prescribed when signs of a bacterial infection appear.

The doctor chooses the treatment regimen and specific drugs, independent action harm the pet. During illness, it is recommended to wash the floor daily and wipe the furniture with antimicrobial agents. A balanced diet will help strengthen your pet's immunity and cope with the disease.


You can protect your cat from ticks if you follow the rules of safety and hygiene:

  • protect from contact with sick animals;
  • do not let go for a walk unattended;
  • support immunity with a balanced diet and vitamins;
  • once a month, treat the withers with acaricidal drops;
  • regularly inspect the head and ears;
  • lead to preventive veterinary examinations;
  • early detection and treatment of diseases;
  • keep the cat and care items clean.

On the early stage removing ticks is easy running form they lead to serious internal violations. At the first sign of infection, it is important to seek veterinary care and follow your doctor's instructions.

What is so sharp reaction moral plan for skin diseases animals? - These clichés come from childhood: “Do not touch the cat, it has fleas, it is dirty, contagious ...”. Most people live by stereotypes, not even realizing how "dirt and infection" are close to themselves and there is only a small part skin diseases animals that are transmitted to humans.

Why conditionally? - Everything is very simple - demodex lives in the skin of all people and mammals, but attacks only when there are means for this - it is weakened, the skin is irritated, and so on. Before you run to the bath and wash with a brush, read the next paragraph!

Demodex folliculorum- the causative agent - a rare and atypical disease for a cat, the existence of which is called into question in principle. Dogs and people (facial ticks) are more susceptible to the disease, among cats, young immature individuals, animals that have undergone severe stress suffering from chronic pathologies or violations metabolic processes. There are no natural predispositions and risk groups. Demodicosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Irritation, redness of the skin.
  • Itching, scratching.
  • , which begins with areas of skin covered with short hair - muzzle, area behind the ears, armpits, paws, stomach. If the animal is not treated, it will go bald completely.

Read also: Streptoderma in cats: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Important! Sarcoptes scabiei can live on the body of a healthy animal for years without causing disease, but this is not the norm.

Cheyletiella- a subcutaneous mite that causes cheyletiellosis. Accompanied by strong, the appearance of dandruff, itching. The type of infection is contact, from the carrier to a healthy individual. Most often, there is a localized lesion (having clear boundaries) on the back. The disease does not affect the deep layers of the skin, with the exception of an individual allergy to tick saliva.

Read also: Heart attack in a cat: causes and symptoms

Important! Never use prophylactic and medicinal products from fleas and ticks intended for dogs! Many toxins that a dog won't even notice can kill a cat.

Note! "Hotbed" skin infections, most often, is a grooming salon. If your cat needs specialized skin and coat care, check the conditions for storing and disinfecting tools in advance.

In cats, the collective name for a group of invasive diseases in which the animal is attacked by endoparasites that live and breed in hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. Microscopic arthropods feed on desquamated cells of the epidermis and fat, while at the same time poisoning the body of the victim with waste products. Owners need to be aware of the sources and symptoms of infection, as well as medications to treat pathology.

The development of invasion is facilitated by factors such as balanced diet pets, past illnesses, long-term therapy antibacterial drugs, constant stress, non-observance of elementary hygiene rules. Dirty and unkempt skin are the most favorable circumstances for an increase in foci of invasion. According to scientists, some pets have hereditary forms immunodeficiency. A cat that does not experience obvious health problems and is carefully guarded by the owner is unlikely to feel Negative influence subcutaneous inhabitants.

The danger of a tick in a cat

Symptoms and forms of the disease

At chronic course diseases in cats serious problems in the work of all functional systems. Waste products of ticks released into the bloodstream of the animal cause prolonged purulent-septic inflammation internal organs. If the pet is not treated for a long time, it is highly likely that he will die from complications that have joined the main pathology.

Diagnostic procedures

The doctor scrapes with a scalpel part of the outer layer of the skin at the border of the healthy and affected area. The biomaterial is dipped into a special solution, after which it is placed between glasses and carefully studied using a magnifying device. At the same time, it turns out general state animal health through blood, urine and stool tests.

Treatment Methods

Acaricides (Epacid-alpha, Amitrazine, Frontline) are considered the drugs of first choice. Before applying the ointment, gel or liniment, the inflamed area is first treated with a liquid antiseptic. With localized demodicosis, shampoos containing chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide help well.

Medication treatment traditional medicine allowed only if the veterinarian has given the go-ahead. dock unpleasant symptoms you can perform the following wellness procedures:

  • bathing a pet in a decoction of chamomile;
  • treatment of affected areas with kerosene diluted in water;
  • lubrication of damaged skin with tincture of calendula;
  • washing wool with soap or shampoo, which contain birch tar.

Before embarking on any therapeutic measures, you need to make sure that all cat accessories (bowls, combs, brushes, rugs, scratching posts) are thoroughly disinfected or replaced with new ones. This will prevent re-infection.

Prevention measures

It is important to remember that preventing a severe pathology is much easier than dealing with its unpredictable consequences. With careful attention to the pet, he will always be distinguished by excellent health and good mood.

As a rule, its symptoms occur as a result of a weakening of the body. And how can the owner help his pet?

What is a subcutaneous tick in cats?

Demodicosis affects the weak body of a cat

Ticks feed subcutaneous fat and do not pose a danger to a healthy animal. But if a cat has a metabolic disorder or a weakened immune system, these microorganisms begin to multiply uncontrollably, releasing more toxic substances(life outcomes). As a result, a skin disease occurs, which is called demodicosis.

On the affected areas of the body of the animal, the epithelium is destroyed. Then small tubercles are formed ranging in size from 2 to 10 mm. From them, a reddish liquid subsequently begins to stand out. After some time, hair falls out, the skin begins to peel off.

Important! Dogs are predominantly susceptible to the disease; among cats, it affects young and weakened individuals.

Video: demodex mite under a microscope

Disease classification

The disease can occur in mild and severe forms.

Demodicosis can occur in two forms, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. The generalized form is characterized by an extensive lesion of the skin. A sick animal has purulent rashes that emit an unpleasant odor. Generalized demodicosis covers the shoulder blades, paws, neck and sides of the cat. After the opening of the rashes, wounds remain on the skin, which are covered with a crust.
  2. The localized form is expressed in a red rash that appears on the cat's muzzle. On the affected areas, a crust is formed that resembles scales. In an attempt to clean their fur, cats often damage these formations, as a result of which wounds appear on the skin. It is through them that an infection can enter the animal's body.

Causes of demodicosis in cats

Ticks can infect a pet of any gender and age. However, many veterinarians, based on experience medical practice, argue that the factors of predisposition are heredity and breed features. So, cats of the Siamese and Burmese breeds are more prone to the appearance of demodicosis. But keep in mind that pets of all other varieties are also not immune from such an unpleasant disease.

A number of adverse factors contribute to the development of the disease. The main ones include the following:

  1. Subcutaneous mite affects cats that have undergone stressful situations, infections, antibiotic treatment.
  2. Also, young individuals under the age of 2 years with weak immunity are susceptible to the disease.
  3. The disease is characteristic of animals with chronic pathologies.
  4. The reasons for the development of demodicosis should include not good nutrition. If the cat does not receive nutrients in enough, the defenses of her body are reduced.

Ailment wears infectious nature and is transmitted from a sick individual to a healthy animal. People should not be afraid of infection from pets; in humans, demodicosis is caused by ticks of a different species.

Problem symptoms

The first signs are redness on the skin and weakness of the pet

The clinical picture can manifest itself in two forms: scaly and pustular (pustular-papular). The names are due various types diseases. In some animals, the mite causes redness and damage to the skin in the form of small scaly folds, while in others - in the form of pustules and papules (vesicles with purulent contents). Sometimes there are also cases of mixed pathology.

The scaly form is expressed in the following features:

  • redness of certain parts of the body, the formation of scales;
  • hair loss around the eyes, on the neck, head, ears, torso, paws, depending on the form of the disease;
  • mild itching.

The pustular form has the following symptoms:

  • the appearance on the skin of tubercles and crusts about 5 mm in size;
  • the appearance of pustules due to the penetration of bacterial microflora into the affected areas;
  • very severe itching;
  • weight loss of the animal as a result of intoxication.

Important! Symptoms of demodicosis can be similar to other diseases, for example, ringworm or dermatitis. For a reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study.

Diagnosis of the disease

Demodex mites can cause serious disease

When making a diagnosis, a veterinarian considers several factors. One of them is the presence of symptoms that are characteristic of demodicosis. But if you focus only on external signs, this disease can be confused with allergic reaction, ringworm or dermatitis. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out.

A skin scraping is taken from the cat. The affected area is squeezed with fingers on both sides to remove ticks from the follicle, then the skin is scraped off. During the procedure, a few drops of blood may appear. Scraping is taken at least 4-5 times, because ticks can also be found in healthy cat. Further, the collected material is sent for sowing. That is, they are placed in a special nutrient medium in which, after a certain time, colonies of microorganisms grow.

Treatment of the disease

Medical impact

The first stage of treatment is aimed at the destruction of ticks. To do this, the cat's skin is treated with a 1% solution of chlorophos or a 5% soap emulsion. Further therapeutic measures depend on the severity of the disease:

  1. With a slight lesion, when there are 2–3 foci on the body of the animal, the hair is first cut off, then treated with acetone using a cotton swab. After that, Acrodex aerosol or 14% tincture of iodine is applied to the skin. After 3 days, they are treated with Vishnevsky ointment to relieve inflammation. Such a set of events is carried out 2-4 times with breaks for 5-6 days.
  2. With moderate severity of the disease, when 3-5 foci are formed, 1% coral emulsion or 2% chlorophos solution is rubbed into the skin. Processing should be carried out 5 times with an interval of 5-6 days. At the same time, the cat is given a 1% solution of chlorophos. The dosage is determined by the doctor.
  3. If the disease takes severe form and extensive foci appear on the body, skin covering treated with 2% chlorophos solution. This drug is also given to the animal inside, but a 1% concentration of the composition is used. The procedure is repeated every 5 days until the cat recovers. After treatment with chlorophos, the damaged areas are lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment with the addition of 2% dicresyl or Akrodex aerosol.

Good results are obtained by the use of the drug Ivomek. It is injected subcutaneously. But keep in mind that Ivomek should be used with caution. Some cats have hypersensitivity to this drug. To prevent anaphylactic shock, you should first make a test injection at the minimum dose that the veterinarian determines based on the weight of the animal.

The drug can be used provided there is no reaction. In some cases, after repeated injection of Ivomec in cats, there is increased salivation, passivity, the appearance of red spots on the skin. These manifestations do not require medical intervention, after 2-3 days they disappear on their own.

Drops are also used to combat subcutaneous ticks:

  1. Frontline is applied to the withers.
  2. Bars drops are applied to the skin between the shoulder blades. To treat the lesions, the cat needs to push the fur. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the veterinarian, it depends on the weight of the animal. Treatment is carried out no more than 1 time per month until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  3. Stronghold is applied between the shoulder blades of the animal. Applied 1 time per month. If necessary, after this period, re-processing is carried out.

Photo gallery: preparations for the treatment of pets

Drops Bars for cats

Stronghold for cats


The use of folk methods

Apart from medical methods exist and folk ways subcutaneous tick treatment. But use them only after consulting a veterinarian.

  1. Mix in equal parts grease, unrefined olive oil and Birch tar. Apply the ointment to the skin 1 time per day until the cat is completely healed.
  2. crushed birch leaves Pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Give the animal 1/4 teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  3. Melt cosmetic soap in a water bath and pour in the oil walnuts. When the mass has cooled, add a little birch tar. Treat the affected areas with ointment once a day until the symptoms disappear.

Photo gallery: folk remedies for subcutaneous ticks in cats


Features of caring for a sick animal

Care is the timely response and treatment of the disease. The affected areas should be regularly lubricated with medicine and prevent the formation of new foci. To the immune system cats coped with the disease faster, the pet needs to be provided with good nutrition. During this period, the animal's body needs proteins. If you are feeding a cat natural food, enter into the diet more meat, fish and dairy products.

When using special blends, choose premium formulations. These feeds are made from natural ingredients and provide the cat with the necessary nutrients. These include brands such as Eukanuba, Hills, Purina, Lams, Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Acana. At natural feeding give the cat a restorative vitamin complexes: Exel BREWERS YEAST, VITA-BON cat, Nutri-Vet.

Important! At the first sign of demodicosis, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Prevention measures

  1. Preventive measures include proper care i.e. a balanced diet and proper conditions content.
  2. It is also necessary to limit the contact of the cat with possible carriers of the infection.
  3. Periodically carry out the treatment with acaricidal preparations, because. it is these agents that are active against demodectic and sarcoptic mites. One of these drugs is IN-AP, which is applied to the withers.

One of the reasons that create favorable conditions for the development of demodicosis is stress. They can occur as a result of a long solitary stay of a cat in an apartment, poor-quality nutrition, a change of residence. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to minimize the risk of such stress-forming factors.

If you find signs of demodicosis in your cat, do not postpone a visit to the veterinarian. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary therapy. Treatment of subcutaneous mites is also allowed. folk methods. But before using them, discuss the effectiveness of these methods with your doctor.

For humans, demodicosis is not dangerous, but for cats it is very unpleasant disease which brings them a lot of discomfort. Subcutaneous mites that lay their eggs in the hair follicles are harmful to the health of the animal. What symptoms should be looked out for? How to carry out the treatment? Is it possible to apply folk remedies? What is the best thing to do to prevent the disease? Let's look at these questions in detail.

There are two types of demodicosis: localized and generalized. In the first case, only one part of the body is affected (for example, ears, eyes, neck, etc.), while the second type of the disease is more heavy character- several parts of the body are already affected. If the cat has suffered a generalized form of the disease, then it should be spayed to avoid the transmission of demodicosis by inheritance. In any case, at the slightest sign of a subcutaneous tick of a pet, it is recommended to urgently show the veterinarian.


  • The coat loses its original healthy appearance;
  • Dandruff appears around the eye, the skin turns red and flakes;
  • In some places, hair loss is observed, sometimes in bunches;
  • The pet is tormented by itching, he often scratches certain parts of the body with his teeth;
  • Hard and slightly convex growths appear on the body of the animal;
  • The affected areas become bald, pustules form on them;
  • The wounds that appear on the cat's body bleed with ichor.

In order to accurately diagnose demodicosis, it is necessary to conduct several tests. To do this, scrapings are taken from animals, which are carefully studied under a microscope. And only after diagnosis, depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Treatment of the localized form

The first manipulations performed for this type of disease are bathing the pet using special means, veterinarians recommend shampoos "Doctor" and "Elite". This is necessary to clean the coat and skin of the animal. After that, all wounds and crusts should be treated with a Chlorhexidine solution (if necessary, it can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide), then wait until the affected areas dry out.

After cleansing the pet's skin from scabs, the treatment of subcutaneous mites in cats with a localized form is carried out using the preparations "Tsipam", "Perol", "Ektodes", "Ivermek", "Neostomazan", "Mikodemocid", "Amit", as well as sulfuric and aversectin ointments. In addition to shampoos, solutions and ointments, the pet must be given means to increase immunity, these include Gamavit, Immunol, Gala-vet, Maksidin.

Treatment of the generalized form

When asked how to treat a subcutaneous tick in cats, if the disease has already passed into a more severe stage, the answer is unequivocal: this form is more difficult and longer to treat. After all, demodicosis has spread almost throughout the body of the animal, and the treatment will not be easy. Doctors advise cutting the pet first so that it is easier to treat it with drugs. At the first stage, the same means are used as in the treatment of a localized form.

Usually, given type the disease passes with complications, therefore, a course of injections of the Cydectin solution is prescribed. At the same time, the animal should be given the antibiotics Betamox, Kamacidin, Baytril or Amoxicillin. The drug "Ligfol", as well as a vitamin-mineral complex, will help restore immunity. Treatment of this form of the disease should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk remedies

We draw your attention immediately: self-treatment of a subcutaneous tick without consulting a veterinarian can be life-threatening for your pet! After all, the skin of cats is much thinner and more sensitive than that of humans, so you need to handle it very carefully. Treatment with folk remedies for demodicosis is permissible only if the doctor has not found any contraindications for this. Therefore, each option is discussed with a specialist. What remedies can a veterinarian offer to treat demodicosis?

  • Bathe your pet every three days using a special shampoo, and after each water treatment treat wounds with a strong decoction of chamomile or sage.
  • In the same way, bathe the animal every three days, but with soap based on birch tar, and at the end of the procedure, lubricate the affected skin with tincture of calendula.
  • In some cases, doctors allow the treatment of wounds with kerosene, but after that it is impossible to bathe the pet for three days so that the pustules on the skin dry out.

Preventive measures

You should not let your pet near animals whose health condition is in doubt. It is better to be safe than to find demodicosis in your cat later. Also try to maintain your pet's immunity, the right drugs your veterinarian will prescribe.

Although today there are many medicines for the treatment of subcutaneous mites, but it is better not to encounter this disease. And not even because a lot of time passes from diagnosis to recovery. First of all, the cat suffers, which demodicosis brings a lot of discomfort. And if you use preventive measures your pet will always be healthy.

You can see the current price of tick medications and buy them right here:

You can also ask a question to our site staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

    Hello. Tell me please. The cat has been combing his neck for 1.5 years, constantly walking in a collar. We went to two clinics, to two veterinarians and they make one diagnosis - food allergy. Put down antibiotics, prescribe diets for special feed, but the result is only for a maximum of a week (while injections that relieve itching are in effect). I have a suspicion of a tick, as the cat combs everything in the head area: the neck, near the ears, eyes. If there was a food allergy, I think it would have passed a long time ago, if you look at how many feeds we tried and on natural nutrition tried to move, all to no avail. The cat both combed and combs. They asked to do a scraping, but unfortunately, in the city where we take the cat, they don’t take scrapings. Is it possible to treat a cat for a tick without scraping?

  • Elena 20:12 | 15 Feb. 2019

    At fluffy cat on the tail found a stripe without wool. The skin was pink and clean. After a while I noticed that the tail was dirty. I looked closely - black spots. Wool thinned. What could it be? Doesn't itch. There is no dandruff. No ran either.