Lipoic acid tablets. Possible interactions with other drugs

Lipoic acid has many names, such as vitamin N, lipamide, berlithion, or thioctic acid. She possesses a wide range positive effects on the human body.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that, when progressing, affects almost all internal organs. By taking lipoic acid, the patient can save valuable time and delay the process of damage to the nerve endings and vascular walls that occurs with the "sweet illness".

Let's try to figure out when and how to take dietary supplements correctly, in what cases it is forbidden to take it, and also where vitamin N is found in nature.

Beneficial features

Thioctic acid is a popular dietary supplement in all corners of our planet. She is deservedly called powerful antioxidant and "the enemy of cholesterol". The form of release of food additives is different. Manufacturers produce it in tablets (12-25 mg of lipoate), in the form of a concentrate used for intravenous injections, and also as a solution for droppers (in ampoules).

When using alpha-lipoic acid, its benefit is manifested in the protection of cells from the effects of the aggressive activity of reactive radicals. Such substances are formed in the intermediate metabolism or during the decay of foreign particles (in particular heavy metals).

It should be noted that lipamide is involved in intracellular metabolism. In patients who take thioctic acid, the process of glucose utilization improves and the concentration changes pyruvic acid in blood plasma.

In diabetes, doctors prescribe alpha-lipoic acid vitamin to prevent the development of polyneuropathy. This name refers to a group of pathologies that affect the nerve endings in the human body. Symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the lower and upper limbs, in most cases are caused by the progression of diabetic polyneuropathy.

However, this is not the only disease in which thioctic acid is prescribed. Useful properties of food additives are distributed in the treatment of such pathologies:

  1. Job disruption thyroid gland.
  2. Liver dysfunction ( liver failure hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  3. Chronic pancreatitis.
  4. Deterioration of visual acuity.
  5. Intoxication with heavy metals.
  6. Alcoholic polyneuropathy.
  7. Atherosclerosis of the heart vessels.
  8. Problems related to the functioning of the brain.
  9. Problems skin(irritation, rash, excessive dryness).
  10. Weakening defensive forces organism.

In addition to the indications for use listed for alpha-lipoic acid, there are also overweight. Natural product effectively reduces body weight even without compliance strict diet and constant physical activity.

Also, vitamin N has a rejuvenating effect. Cosmetics with the content of thioctic acid tighten wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin in women.

Instructions for use of the drug

Sugar level

Negative Feedback associated with the high cost of these drugs, as well as a neutral effect on fat burning. Other users did not experience the positive effects of lipoic acid, but they did not get worse.

However, this natural product has established itself as a drug that well eliminates intoxication of various kinds and helps with hepatic pathologies. Experts agree that lipamide effectively removes foreign particles.

Analogues and products, including lipoic acid

If the patient has developed individual intolerance to the components of alpha-lipoic acid, analogues may have a similar therapeutic effect.

Among them, such funds as Thiogamma, Lipamide, Alpha-lipon, Thioctacid are distinguished. Also can use succinic acid. Which one is better to take? The attending specialist deals with this issue, choosing the most suitable option for the patient.

But not only preparations contain vitamin N. Food also contains a large amount of this substance. Therefore, it is quite possible to replace expensive nutritional supplements with them. In order to saturate the body with this useful component in the diet, you need to include:

  1. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils).
  2. Bananas.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Beef and beef liver.
  5. Greens (arugula, dill, lettuce, spinach, parsley).
  6. Pepper.
  7. Yeast.
  8. cabbage.
  9. Eggs.
  10. Heart.
  11. Mushrooms.
  12. Dairy products (sour cream, yogurt, butter, etc.). Dairy is especially useful.

Knowing which foods contain thioctic acid, you can avoid its deficiency in the body. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to various disorders, for example:

  • neurological disorders - polyneuritis, migraine, neuropathy, dizziness;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • various disorders of the liver;
  • spasms in the muscles;
  • myocardial dystrophy.

In the body, the vitamin almost never accumulates, its excretion occurs quite quickly. In rare cases, with long-term use of a food supplement, hypervitaminosis is possible, which leads to heartburn, allergies, and an increase in acidity in the stomach.

Lipoic acid deserves special attention among doctors and patients. It must be remembered that when purchasing Lipoic Acid, the instructions for use should be carefully studied, since dietary supplements have certain contraindications and negative reactions.

The food supplement is produced by many manufacturers, therefore it differs in additional components and price. The human body needs to replenish the required volume of biologically active substances every day. Thus, patients manage to maintain optimal body weight, normal performance glucose and improve your immunity.

Information about the benefits of lipoic acid for a diabetic is provided in the video in this article.

Characteristics and price of alpha lipoic acid. Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug. Reviews, instructions for admission, review effective drugs based on this substance.

The content of the article:

Alpha- lipoic acid is one of the most important for human body antioxidant substances. It has a complex effect on him, being both an effective preventive and remedy. It is prescribed for athletes, the elderly, vegetarians and all those who want to look good at any age.

What is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha-lipoic acid is a natural substance that belongs to the group of vitamins and is present in a certain amount in the body of every person. Usually it is produced in sufficient volume in a natural way, but in case of malfunctions in the systems and individual organs of a person, its deficiency may occur, which must be urgently eliminated.

Other names for the substance are thioctacid, thioctic or lipoic acid. In Latin it is written as Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is one of the most important coenzymes of small molecules of non-protein nature that bind free radicals and are classified as antioxidants of organic origin. In its unprocessed form it is a finely ground powder light yellow with a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.

Alpha-lipoic acid is highly soluble in alcohol, but poorly in water. Although its sodium salt does not experience problems with this, and it is it that is most often used pharmaceutical companies for the production of their funds. There are biologically active food supplements and medicines containing this component on the market.

Thioctacid can be included in both tablets and capsules, depending on the manufacturer. The original powder can also be produced, where the concentration of the substance is 100%. In the case of drugs, this component is most often combined with others - magnesium stearate, cellulose, etc.

The bioavailability of the substance ranges from 30-40% when oral administration of alpha-lipoic acid in the form of tablets, powder or capsules.

Drugs made with alpha lipoic acid usually have a shelf life of 2 years. Store them in a dry, protected from sun rays indoors at temperatures below 25°C.

The price of alpha-lipoic acid for 5 g of powder is on average 90 rubles. It can be bought both by weight and in the package. Dietary supplements in the form of tablets and capsules cost about 700 rubles. for 100-200 pcs.

The main food sources of thioctacid are meat and offal. She is in large quantities found in pork, chicken and beef liver, kidneys, heart, brains. Rice and spinach can also supply it to the body, but in much smaller volumes.

Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

It is an effective anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antioxidant, immunomodulatory agent. It is used both to improve health and to improve appearance. Thioctacid fights existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Below we list the main benefits of taking alpha lipoic acid:

  • Improves absorption of other substances. This acid increases the bioavailability of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol, thereby preventing the immune system from deteriorating and accelerating the regeneration of the skin.
  • Protects cells from destruction. Their membrane strengthens and they become less susceptible to the effects of cytokines that damage red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, and even sperm. This ensures the prevention of impotence, anemia, ENT diseases.
  • Lowers sugar levels. Due to this, its toxic effect on the body is reduced and associated complications are prevented in the form of retinal detachment, neuropathy, diabetic foot, disorders of the kidneys and thyroid gland. Damaged skin is also restored faster, and their dryness disappears. Alpha Lipoic Acid uses sugar as fuel, boosting energy levels. In fact, in its action it resembles insulin, although it cannot completely replace it.
  • Processes carbohydrates. Entering the body in large quantities, they (mostly simple) accumulate in the tissues and, if overabundant, can provoke the appearance excess weight up to obesity. Thioctacid consumes the carbohydrates eaten, converting them into energy.
  • Reduces negative impact environmental factors. This substance protects a person from ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, carcinogens, toxins, and stress. With its help, mood rises, physical and moral fatigue disappears, strength appears for leading an active lifestyle.
  • Promotes weight loss. This tool is a powerful fat burner, promotes its splitting in a natural way. This is due to increased heat generation and increased energy costs. This is especially important for athletes, primarily bodybuilders who want to lose weight and build up muscle mass.
  • Improves skin condition. The tool helps to eliminate acne, acne, dermatitis, scars, age spots. As a result of the use of alpha-lipoic acid, tissues are tightened, become smoother, moisturized, acquire a natural color and shine. The pores are also cleansed and opened, black dots pass.

Despite all their beneficial features, alpha-lipoic acid is primarily recommended for use as a powerful antioxidant agent. It protects cells from free radicals, reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and oncology, slows down the aging process of the body.

Indications for taking alpha-lipoic acid

Preparations containing this component can be prescribed at any age, depending on the manufacturer. First of all, they are required by vegetarians, since in their case, thioctacid cannot be supplied with food in the right amount. The main consumers are athletes, as well as people leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here are the main indications for taking alpha-lipoic acid:

  • Dermatological diseases. Preparations based on this substance are indicated for eczema, psoriasis, allergies, dermatosis, urticaria.
  • Cosmetic defects . These include enlarged pores, blackheads, bags, bruising and puffiness under the eyes, dark spots, acne. Also, the tool can cope with the dullness of the skin, acne scars, moles.
  • Use junk food . Dietary supplements containing this component will be useful for those who are fond of fried, fatty, flour.
  • They are especially important for people who love fast food, food. fast food, alcoholic drinks, coffee, chips, crackers, smoked sausages and fish, in a word, everything that suppresses the body's antioxidant defenses.

    TOP-5 preparations with alpha-lipoic acid

    We have prepared an overview of the 5 most popular and effective food additives. Among them there are both those that contain thioctacid in 100% concentration, and supplemented with other components. For the production of such products, both animal and plant components can be used. They are usually sold in tablet or capsule form, although the latter is more common.

    Let's describe some alpha-lipoic acid preparations in more detail:

    • Alpha Lipoic Acid (Lipoic Acid) Solgar. This dietary supplement is made in the USA and comes in capsules packed in glass jars of 30 pcs. Their composition, in addition to the active substance, includes additional components - cellulose and magnesium stearate. Designed to improve cellular metabolism, antioxidant protection body, lowering blood sugar and losing weight. Contraindications to taking alpha-lipoic acid are pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the drug and childhood. Daily dose- 1 capsule to be taken before meals. The price of the product is 1200 rubles.
    • Doctor's Best, the best alpha lipoic acid. The tool is made in the USA and belongs to dietary supplements. It helps the body fight free radicals, improves the absorption of vitamins C and E, supports normal level blood sugar. One capsule contains 150 mg of the main active ingredient, supplemented with magnesium stearate and cellulose. Its shell is made of gelatin, so this drug not suitable for vegetarians. The food supplement is sold in a plastic, opaque jar containing 120 capsules. Here's how to take alpha lipoic acid - 1-6 pcs. per day, depending on the state of health, with water, with or before meals. The price of the product is 877 rubles.
    • Healthy Origins, Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is another food supplement from an American manufacturer, which is based on natural ingredients. It is a capsule containing 300 mg of thioctacid, magnesium stearate and cellulose. The shell is made of gelatin, which is why this option is not suitable for adherents of the vegan diet. The main effect of the drug is to provide an antioxidant effect, prevent premature aging and normalization of assimilation ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol. As a dietary supplement, adults are advised to take one capsule per day, swallowed whole and washed down with water. Optimal time reception - in the morning, before meals or during it. One plastic jar contains 150 pieces, which is enough for 5 months of treatment. The price of the product is 1500 rubles.
    • Opti Men. This is a vitamin-mineral complex, intended primarily for bodybuilders who want to build muscle mass. Produced by Optimum Nutrition. The composition is represented by plant components - a mixture of enzymes, fruit and marine concentrates. Alpha-lipoic acid here contains 25 mg, in one tablet it is combined with vitamins C, E, A, K, as well as a number of micro and macro elements (selenium, iodine, zinc, magnesium). In one jar, 150 tablets are sold, making up 50 servings. The daily norm is 3 pcs., They must be taken before meals three times a day. It is desirable to add Omega-3 to this nutritional supplement. The approximate price of the drug is 1200 rubles.
    • Now Foods, Alpha Lipoic Acid. This dietary supplement can be used by vegetarians as it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The active ingredient here is thioctacid, which is 250 mg per serving. Other ingredients are rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. The basis for the shell of the capsules was a polysaccharide. There are 120 of them in one package, which you need to drink 1 pc. a day before meals or during meals. Thus, it will last for 4 months. The product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, and in case of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor before starting a course of treatment. The approximate price of the drug is 900 rubles.

    Instructions for use of alpha-lipoic acid

    Before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor, although drugs with this substance are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. At the time of therapy should stop breastfeeding.

    In the case of using a powder, its dosage can be from 0.2 to 1%. AT difficult situations when needed in short time improve the patient's condition, it is possible to increase the concentration up to 5%.

    Standard daily rate thioctacid in the form of capsules and tablets as a prophylaxis is from 25 to 50 mg.

    For athletes, it may be revised in big side- up to 100-200 mg. This is especially true when the active substance is combined with L-carnitine and other components, since in this case the volume of this substance decreases.

    On average, according to the instructions for alpha lipoic acid, you need to take 1-2 capsules per day - in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals, so useful material will be absorbed better and faster. It is not recommended to drink the medicine on an empty stomach.

    Contraindications and harm of alpha lipoic acid

    Medicines containing this component should not be administered to children under 6 years of age. A contraindication to taking alpha-lipoic acid is hypersensitivity to active ingredient, as well as the treatment of alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy.

    When taking medications, the following may occur: side effects:

    1. Gastrointestinal disorders. Characteristic features are pain in the epigastric region, severe nausea, up to vomiting, diarrhea and "rumbling" in the stomach, increased thirst.
    2. Allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of uncontrolled itching, hyperemia and irritation of the skin. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur, but this is very rare and occurs mainly in overdose.
    3. Other complications. These include migraine, hypoglycemia, shortness of breath, diplopia and convulsions, increased intracranial pressure. In some cases it is possible petechial hemorrhages into the skin, leading to bruising on the body. Most often about this in question with a tendency to internal bleeding and thrombosis.

    Note! At the time of treatment, you need to stop taking alcoholic beverages. Also people with high level sugar needs to be monitored every day.

    Real Alpha Lipoic Acid Reviews

    Most of the reviews about the tool are positive. Among the people who leave them, there are mainly athletes and those who do not eat meat. Doctors themselves speak quite well about drugs based on thioctacid. Here we have collected several opinions about such dietary supplements.

    Svetlana, 32 years old

    I have not eaten meat for 6 years, and the longer this period, the worse my skin becomes. I understand this, but I still do not intend to include animal products. But the doctor said that because of this, I had a lack of alpha-lipoic acid, and prescribed drugs with its content. Now, I’ve been treating them now, for about 3 weeks already, and I can say that the skin began to heal faster after damage, and indeed, appearance her improved.

    Mikhail, 40 years old

    AT last years actively train in gym with an emphasis on strength training. Not so long ago, I began to include L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid in my regimen. True, I take it as part of nutritional supplements, which still contains different vitamins. In general, I am satisfied with the result, I get less tired, I look fresher, my migraine has passed, and I have lost decent weight.

    Christina, 27 years old

    I use lipoic acid for weight loss, it helps me well, it really dissolves fat. But at the same time, I also train a lot, perhaps the remedy works this way in conjunction with actively life. In any case, I like that it is natural, does not harm health and is not addictive. Of the shortcomings, I can only note the high price.

    What is alpha lipoic acid - see the video:

    It is worth buying alpha-lipoic acid, if only because it is vital important substance, without which there will simply be nothing to reflect the attack of free radicals. Yes, other antioxidants also exist in the body, but thioctacid is the main one. For this reason, it is recommended to take it periodically to anyone who wants not to get sick and look good.

    General characteristics. Compound:

    Active substance: Lipoic acid (thioctic acid) -12 mg and 25 mg Excipients: sugar (sucrose), glucose (dextrose), potato starch, calcium stearate 1-aqueous (calcium stearate monohydrate), stearic acid, talc (hydrogen silicate). Shell excipients: aerosil (colloidal silicon dioxide), beeswax, titanium dioxide, basic magnesium carbonate (magnesium hydroxycarbonate), vaseline oil, low molecular weight medical polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone), sugar (sucrose), talc (magnesium hydrosilicate), quinoline yellow dye E -104.

    Pharmacological properties:

    Lipoic acid is a coenzyme involved in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha-keto acids, plays important role in the energy balance of the body. By the nature of the biochemical action, thioctic acid is similar to B vitamins. It participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, has a lipotropic effect, affects cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function, and has a detoxifying effect in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals and other intoxications.

    Indications for use:

    Important! Get to know the treatment

    Dosage and administration:

    Inside after eating. Adults - 50 mg 3-4 times a day. Children over 6 years old - 12-24 mg 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 20-30 days. If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, a second course of treatment is carried out after 1 month.

    Application Features:

    During the period of treatment, regular monitoring of glucose concentration is necessary (especially at the beginning of therapy) in patients with diabetes; you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

    Side effects:

    Interaction with other drugs:

    Enhances the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticosteroids. Reduces the effectiveness of cisplatin. Enhances the action of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents. It binds metals, so it should not be taken simultaneously with drugs containing metal ions (iron, calcium magnesium preparations); the interval between doses should be at least 2 hours. Ethanol and its metabolites weaken the action of lipoic acid.


    Hypersensitivity, lactation, children's age (up to 6 years). With caution - pregnancy.

    Storage conditions:

    In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Leave conditions:

    On prescription


    Film-coated tablets 12 mg and 25 mg. 10 tablets in a blister pack. 50, 100 tablets in glass jars or polymer jars. Each jar or 5 blisters, together with instructions for use, is placed in a pack.

    Biologically active substance- alpha lipoic acid, found in some medical preparations, has several indications for use. This compound, known as vitamin N or thioctic acid, exhibits antioxidant activity, enhances the action of insulin, and accelerates energy production. Lipoic acid in tablets helps to normalize the functioning of the body's vital systems not only for patients, but also for people who are fond of sports.

    What is alpha lipoic acid

    Thioctic acid was obtained in 1950 from bovine liver. It can be found in all cells of a living organism, where it is involved in the process of energy production. Lipoic acid is one of the main substances necessary for the processing of glucose. In addition, this compound is considered an antioxidant - it is able to neutralize free radicals formed during the oxidation process and enhance the effect of vitamins. The lack of ALA negatively affects the work of the whole organism.


    Lipoic acid (ALA) is one of the fatty acids containing sulfur. It exhibits the properties of vitamins and medicines. AT pure form this substance is a crystalline yellowish powder with a specific odor and bitter taste. The acid dissolves well in fats, alcohols, poorly - in water, which effectively dilutes sodium salt vitamin N. This compound is used for the preparation of dietary supplements and medicines.

    pharmachologic effect

    Lipoic acid is produced by every cell in the body, but this amount is not enough for normal operation internal systems. A person receives the missing volume of a substance from food or medicines. The body converts lipoic acid into a more effective dihydrolipoic compound. ALC performs several vital important functions:

    • Reduces the expression of genes that are responsible for the development of inflammation.
    • Neutralizes the action of free radicals. This acid is a strong antioxidant that protects body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation products. Taking an additional amount of a bioactive compound helps to slow down the development or prevent malignant tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis and others serious illness.
    • Increases the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
    • Helps fight obesity.
    • Participates in mitochondrial biochemical reactions to extract energy from digestible nutrients.
    • Improves the function of the liver damaged by fatty hepatosis.
    • Regulates the work of the heart, blood vessels.
    • Restores antioxidants of other groups - vitamin C, E, glutathione.
    • Recycles one of the most important coenzymes NAD and coenzyme Q10.
    • Normalizes the adaptive-immune function of T-lymphocytes.
    • Processes together with vitamins of group B received in the body nutrients into energy.
    • Reduces blood sugar levels.
    • Binds and facilitates the excretion of molecules toxic substances and heavy metals - arsenic, mercury, lead.
    • ALA is a cofactor for certain mitochondrial enzymes that triggers energy production.

    Indications for use

    In some cases, for the healthy functioning of the body, the amount of a substance obtained from products and produced by cells is not enough. The use of lipoic acid in tablets, capsules or ampoules will help a person weakened by severe physical activity or illness. Preparations containing ALA have a complex effect. According to many experts, they are widely used in sports, medicine and to combat overweight.

    Scroll medical indications for ALC appointment:

    • neuropathy;
    • disruption of the brain;
    • hepatitis;
    • diabetes;
    • alcoholism;
    • cholecystitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • poisoning with medicines, poisons, heavy metals;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels.

    Due to the normalization of energy production, preparations with thioctic acid can be used to combat obesity. The intake of the substance has the effect of losing weight only in combination with sports. ALA not only speeds up the process of fat burning, but also increases the endurance of the body. Compliance proper nutrition This will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster and keep fit in the future. Lipoic acid is used in bodybuilding for quick recovery and fat burning. It is recommended to take it along with L-carnitine.

    Instructions for use of thioctic acid

    How to take lipoic acid for therapy and prevention? The duration of treatment with vitamin N is 1 month. If the drug is for oral use, then it should be drunk immediately after meals. For therapy, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 100-200 mg per day. In order to ensure the prevention of metabolic disorders and the development of diseases during the year, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 50-150 mg. AT severe conditions patients are prescribed high doses - 600-1200 mg per day. This acid is a harmless substance, but sometimes it can cause allergies or diarrhea.

    Instructions for weight loss

    Lipoic acid combined with balanced diet, as well as with physical activity, speeds up the metabolism and helps to lose weight fat people. To get rid of excess weight, the dose of the drug is increased depending on physical condition after consultation with a doctor. The first dose of the medicine is done at breakfast, the second - after training, and the third - with dinner.

    Lipoic acid for diabetes

    For the treatment of diabetes, tablets with this substance or intravenous injections. It is not recommended to take the medicine orally after a meal, it is better to drink it on an empty stomach. The dosage of the drug for diabetes is 600-1200 mg per day. Funds with ALC are well tolerated, but sometimes when taken a large number active substance rash, itching, diarrhea or pain in the epigastric region. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, in some cases, by the decision of the doctor, it can be extended.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    This biologically active substance belongs to safe compounds, but it is prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers, because its effect on the fetus has not been clinically determined. AT difficult situations drugs with ALC may be prescribed to patients who are expecting a child if possible benefit for her exceeds the expected harm that will be rendered to the baby. breastfeeding the newborn at the time of treatment should be discontinued.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid Preparations

    The active compound ALA (alpha or thiocctic acid) is found in many medicines and dietary supplements of various quality and price. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, concentrate in ampoules for intravenous administration. Medicines containing ALA:

    • Berlition;
    • Lipamide;
    • Lipothioxone;
    • Neurolipon;
    • Octolipen;
    • Thiogamma;
    • Thioctacid;
    • Thiolept;
    • Thiolipon.
    • Antioxidant from NCP;
    • ALC from Soldier;
    • Gastrofilin plus;
    • Microhydrin;
    • Alphabet Diabetes;
    • Complivit Diabetes and more.

    drug interaction

    The therapeutic effect of the compound is enhanced when combined with B vitamins, L-carnitine. Under the influence of acid, insulin with drugs that reduce sugar becomes more active. It is forbidden to combine injections of the substance with solutions of glucose, fructose and other sugars. ALA reduces the effectiveness of products containing metal ions: iron, calcium, magnesium. If both of these drugs are prescribed, then an interval of 4 hours must be observed between taking them.

    Lipoic acid and alcohol

    On the effectiveness of therapy and prevention pathological conditions significantly affects the intake of alcoholic beverages, reducing the effectiveness of treatment. Ethyl alcohol can significantly worsen the patient's health. For the duration of treatment, alcohol should be completely abandoned, and people with drug addiction should seek help from a specialist.

    Side effects

    ALA is considered safe when the recommended dosage for treatment is followed. Side effects from drugs rarely occur, manifesting the following symptoms:

    • insomnia;
    • increased anxiety;
    • fatigue;
    • intestinal disorder;
    • rash;
    • redness of the skin;
    • nausea;
    • pain in the stomach;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • sharp decline sugar level;
    • labored breathing.

    Lipoic acid (LA) is a drug, the use of which will help normalize metabolism. The compounds that make up this drug are involved in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism able to change the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    The drug has hepatoprotective and detoxification properties, protects the liver from the action of damaging factors. Therefore, it is prescribed for atherosclerosis, various diseases liver and alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy.

    The active substance of the drug is thiocolic acid (Thioctic acid), which is the compound that provides healing effect this medical device.

    Lipoic acid is available as tablets, capsules, and injectable solution.

    It belongs to the group of antioxidant, hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic detoxification agents. It is synthesized in our body in fairly large quantities, but if endogenous thiocolic acid is not enough, it needs to be supplied from outside.

    The agent is a coenzyme of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and keto acids, enhances the nutrition of neurons. This substance lowers blood sugar levels and increases the storage of glycogen in the liver. In addition, LA exhibits high antioxidant activity.

    Instructions for use means that thiocolic acid is almost immediately absorbed when it enters the body. The half-life of the drug is approximately 15 minutes, after which its substances are completely excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.


    You can take lipoic acid both for the purpose of prevention and as part of complex therapy.

    Lipoic acid is prescribed for diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy, with loss of sensitivity, with coronary atherosclerosis, with hepatitis and cirrhosis, with intoxication various genesis and poisoning with salts of heavy metals.

    Lipoic acid is administered orally as tablets and parenterally as a solution for infusion.


    Lipoic acid is administered intravenously at a dose of 300-600 mg per day, which is approximately 1-2 ampoules of 10 ml + 1 ampule of 20 ml of a 3% solution. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. After that, maintenance therapy is continued in the form of taking LA tablets. The daily dose of maintenance therapy is 300-600 mg per day.

    Lipoic acid in tablet form is taken 30 minutes before meals, swallowed without chewing and washed down with a small amount of liquid. Take 300-600 mg per day or 1 tablet 1 time per day. The optimal dose that creates the proper therapeutic effect is 600 mg per day, after which the dose can be halved.

    For the treatment of liver diseases and intoxications, tablets of 25 mg or 12 mg are used. They are swallowed. For adults, the dose is 50 mg up to 4 times a day. Children over 6 years old can drink them up to 3 times a day. And so on for a month. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month.

    For the treatment of alcoholic and diabetic neuropathy, tablets of 200, 300 and 600 mg are used. They are swallowed whole on an empty stomach with water. half an hour before breakfast, up to 600 mg per day. Treatment begins with parenteral administration.

    Overdose symptoms are nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Possible occurrence allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, itching and even anaphylactic shock. Overuse lipoic acid can cause hypoglycemia. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.

    With increased sensitivity of the body to the drug, side effects may occur. For example, with a very rapid introduction of the drug into a vein, you may experience a feeling of heaviness in the head, difficulty breathing and increased intracranial pressure.

    In severe cases, after such administration of the drug, convulsions, double vision, petechial hemorrhages, thrombophlebitis, spontaneous bleeding can be observed.

    Hypersensitivity cell receptors for lipoic acid can provoke the development of hypoglycemia, in which case the dosage of the drug must be reduced.

    During the period of taking the drug, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of alcohol, since ethanol neutralizes the action medicinal substances.

    Doctors with diabetes should check their blood glucose levels more frequently. Because simultaneous reception lipoic acid and hypoglycemic drugs can provoke sharp drop glucose levels.

    Lipoic acid is administered intravenously with saline: 300-600 mg of the drug per 50-250 ml of saline.

    When administered intramuscularly, the dose of the drug at the injection site should not exceed 50 mg, which is equivalent to 2 ml of solution.

    Thiocolic acid preparations weaken the effect of cytotoxic drugs (for example, cisplatin), so their combined use is impossible.

    LK enhances the effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs, so they joint application should be carried out under close supervision.

    LA and sugars form poorly soluble complexes. Therefore, thiocolic acid preparations cannot be combined with fructose, glucose, Ringer's solution and other substances that react with SH groups or disulfide bridges.

    So we told what the drug lipoic acid is, instructions for use, composition, dosage, its analogues just almost forgot.


    1) Thioctacid 600,
    2) ,
    3) Thiolept,
    4) Berlition 300,
    5) Thiogamma,
    6) Espa-lipon.

    The composition of these drugs also includes thiocolic acid, so they all have all the same qualities that are characteristic of LA. Keep in mind that before you buy any of these medicines instead of LC, you should consult with your doctor. Remember that lipoic acid itself, the use of its analogues requires consultation with a doctor and mandatory familiarization with official instructions, always in the box with the remedy.

    Yulia Ermolenko,

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