Instructions for use of the fungicide Ridomil Gold for tomatoes and other vegetables. What is colloidal gold? Properties and Applications of Colloidal Gold

One of effective means capable of protecting vegetable and industrial crops from monocotyledonous annual and dicotyledonous perennial weeds, is a systemic selective herbicide Dual Gold.

Characteristic Dual Gold Herbicide Dual Gold refers to chemical class chloroacetanilides (amides, chloroacetamides). The active substance of the drug is C-metolachlor, the concentration of which is 96% (960 g/l).

You can buy DualGold herbicide in 5-liter canisters in the form of an emulsion concentrate.

Mechanism of action

Active substance C-metolachlor herbicide, when penetrating into weeds, stops their development in the phase of seed germination.

In sensitive weeds, the substance reduces the rate of cell division by reducing the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis fatty acids with a long hydrocarbon chain that make up cell membranes.

How to use Dual Gold

The herbicide can be applied in two ways:

  1. The main method of application is the incorporation of the herbicide into the soil to a depth of 2–4 cm, while the soil must be moist;
  2. Application of the herbicide during the period of emergence of cotyledons in weeds (before the growth of true leaves), and the culture phase - true leaves. This method is used only if it is required to eliminate weeds after germination.

In soil tillage, the soil is sprayed before the herbicide incorporation, at intervals of several hours (the shorter the time, the better).

Embedding must be carried out by harrowing to a depth of up to 7 cm (the herbicide is located in this case at the required depth of up to 4 cm).

It must be remembered that the soil should be even, without lumps.

Attention! The soil should not be cultivated within a week after the introduction of Dual Gold, otherwise its herbicidal effect will become weaker or completely stop.

As the practice of using Dual Gold shows, in 1-2 weeks one more harrowing is required for the final elimination of dicotyledonous weeds resistant to soil herbicides, while annual cereal weeds will already be eliminated by this moment.

Herbicide Benefits

  • It is highly effective against annual grasses and some hardy broadleaf weeds;
  • Has good selectivity;
  • Reliably protects cultivated plants in the early, most critical period of development;
  • Has a long protective period (8-10 weeks);
  • Does not cause phytotoxicity;
  • If the instructions for use are followed, it does not cause resistance;
  • It is one of the non-toxic soil herbicides. There are no crop rotation restrictions.

Instructions for use

Processing of crops from weeds with a solution of Dual Gold can be carried out at any time of the day, but the most favorable time for this is morning or evening, when the wind speed is negligible, and, therefore, there is no drift of the solution.

In addition, the air temperature is comfortable. It must be remembered that at an air temperature of + 30 ° C and above, the drug volatilizes.

Important! Since Dual Gold has little effect on dicotyledonous weeds, it is recommended to mix it with other herbicides.


Herbicide Dual Gold - instructions for use, analogues

The Swiss drug Dual Gold is used to protect cabbage, tomatoes, sunflower, beets, rapeseed, corn. It is applied to the soil in early spring to kill weeds before germination.

  • 1 Sore Joint
  • 2 Breaks knees
  • 3 arthritis treatment
  • 4 Joints treatment

Dual Gold is chemical agent with selective action. The active substance, C-metolachlor, infects weeds without harming vegetable crops. The drug is effective against cereal and dicotyledonous weeds: amaranth, shepherd's purse, foxtail, chicken millet, white mari.

Advantages of the new pre-emergence agent over previous generation herbicides:

  • economical consumption of the working solution due to the active work of the active substance;
  • protection of cultivated plants in early period growth when there is great competition from weeds;
  • long-term protective action that prevents the second wave of weeds from developing;
  • low volatility, directional processing can be carried out.

Dual Gold is a herbicide with low toxicity. It is not dangerous for bees, other beneficial insects and earthworms. Does no harm environment, since it does not accumulate in the soil, but decomposes into safe components. The protective action lasts for two months.

Release form

The drug goes on sale in the form of an emulsion concentrate, a colorless, odorless liquid. You can buy it in a 100 ml container or buy a five-liter canister. The price of Dual Gold is about 1600 rubles per liter.

Instructions for use

The herbicide is used at the beginning of the season, when the sown crops have not yet appeared on the surface of the earth. The agent penetrates through the first leaf and blocks the process of cell division, as a result of which the weed quickly dies. The drug can be used in different ways:

  • embed into moist soil to a depth of 2-4 cm. This is the main method of working with Dual Gold. Dry soil is pre-moistened so that Dual Gold does not lose its properties;
  • Apply to weeds until true leaves appear. Effective measure if there is a need to destroy weeds after they have sprouted.

Upon completion of the incorporation, it is impossible to cultivate or loosen the earth for a week, otherwise the herbicide will stop working. Warm water is used to prepare the working fluid.

The presence of impurities in the water, such as silt or clay, is unacceptable, as the product reacts with them. The mother liquor can be prepared separately, and then poured out of its water, based on consumption rates.

Diluted herbicide must be completely used up on the day of preparation.

If the water is hard, you can slightly increase the concentration of the solution. Spraying is carried out in the morning or in the evening, in calm weather, in order to avoid the drift of the drug to other cultivated plants. Processing vegetables at very high temperatures may cause strong evaporation of the agent.

If you strictly comply with the instructions for the Dual Gold herbicide, then the drug will not create a risk of phytotoxicity in cultivated plants. There were no cases of resistance during the entire period of use of the drug.

Instructions for use of the herbicide Titus;

Tornado from weeds - how to apply;

Hurricane forte - instructions and reviews.

  • 1 Top dressing Tomato
  • 2 Bow Fertilizer
  • 3 Iodine for seedlings
  • 4 Weeds Fight

Compatibility with other drugs

The agent can be used in tank mixes with most known herbicides used against dicotyledonous weeds, as well as fungicides and growth stimulants. In every specific case It's best to do a compatibility test first.

Fill one quarter of the sprayer tank clean water. The right amount of the drug is added to it, constantly stirring the solution. During processing, the working solution should be stirred periodically to ensure uniformity.

If two herbicides are mixed, then a stock solution of one agent is first prepared, poured into water. Dual Gold is added in the second turn.

Sprayer and hose must be clean. At the end of the work, rinse the sprayer well. Do not pour this liquid into water bodies or ditches.

It is disposed of in specially designated places.

One treatment is carried out per season. There is no limit to the waiting period. The effect of the application of the Dual Gold solution persists throughout the summer, which makes it possible to avoid subsequent waves of weed germination. Subject to all the requirements of the manufacturer, the drug gives a 100% result.

  1. To process potatoes and watermelons, 32 ml of herbicide will be required. They are dissolved in ten liters of water.
  2. To process sugar or table beets, you need to take 25–30 ml of Dual Gold per 10 liters of water.
  3. For seedlings of tomatoes and cabbage, it is required to dilute 32 ml of the product in ten liters of water.
  4. To process plantings of tomatoes, 22 ml of emulsion is taken per 10 liters of water. Approximately 5 liters of working solution are applied per one hundred square meters.

There are several herbicides based on C-metolachlor. All of them have proven themselves in the fight against grass and dicotyledonous weeds.


The emulsion concentrate acts on the embryos of weeds, completely suppressing the development of seedlings.

The drug does not require incorporation into the soil, it is well compatible in tank mixtures with herbicides that differ in the principle of action. The drug creates optimal conditions for the rapid emergence of seedlings of crops.

You can cultivate the soil already on the third day after spraying. Anaconda has an economical consumption of working fluid.


Effective against most types of weeds. Does not affect vegetable crops, crop rotation is possible already on next year after processing the area. Possesses high selectivity concerning the recommended cultures.

The period of protective action is 10 weeks. Difilayn destroys the lamb, garden purslane, different kinds chamomile.


The active substance of the drug is completely decomposed in the soil until the end of the growing season. The product has a long protective period, it provides protection for different stages sowing campaign.

One hectare will require about 200 liters of working solution.

Precautionary measures

Dual Gold belongs to the third class of danger. You can not spray vegetable crops in the sanatorium zone of fishery reservoirs.

Working with the herbicide must be carried out in compliance with all precautions. A person should use protective clothing, goggles, mask and gloves.

After processing the area, clothes are washed, hands are washed thoroughly with soap and water.

Avoid getting the emulsion or working fluid on open areas of the body or mucous membranes. In case of accidental contact, the skin and eyes are washed with a stream of running water.

If poisoning is suspected, drink several glasses of water, induce vomiting and take Activated carbon based on weight.

Seek medical attention if necessary.

The Dual Gold package is stored in a dark place at room temperature. There should be no medicines, food or animal feed nearby. Do not store packaging in places accessible to children and animals. The shelf life of the herbicide from the date of manufacture is 4 years.

weed killers, fungicides


Dual Gold Syngenta


Additional Information

Metolachlor, used for a long time in DUAL, is a 1:1 mixture of two diasteromers.

The researchers found that one of the two components was 15 times more active than the other, and successfully resynthesized metolachlor at a ratio of 9:1 with a predominance of the more active component to produce a new active substance: a new superactive active ingredient of the drug DUAL GOLD - C-metolachlor. The predominance of this active ingredient in the preparation is crucial for achieving high efficiency. This is what basically distinguishes DUAL GOLD from its predecessor: a stronger effect due to the content of C-metolachlor.


The mechanism of action of the herbicide DUAL GOLD lies precisely in blocking the process of weed regrowth.

In dicotyledonous weeds, the active substance enters through the cotyledons, also causing their death. Thus, the absorption of the drug occurs in the phase of weed germination, causing their death even before germination.


The superiority of DUAL GOLD is based on its optimal duration of action, which provides:


The complete absence of phytotoxicity and the widest range of crops on which DUAL GOLD herbicide can be used make the drug especially attractive. No wonder it is approved for use on 30 crops in more than 70 countries.


DUAL GOLD is 3-8 times less volatile than similar herbicides. Therefore, it can be applied in a targeted manner, practically avoiding loss of efficiency due to evaporation.

Unlike volatile herbicides, which must be deeply incorporated into the soil, DUAL GOLD in normal conditions does not require incorporation into the soil.


DUAL GOLD fits well into the technology of cultivation of all agricultural crops, without requiring significant costs for application.

Therefore, DUAL GOLD allows you to choose the following applications:

In arid climatic conditions, which dominate in some regions, a small incorporation (approximately 2-3 cm) can become a guarantee of the effectiveness of the DUAL GOLD herbicide. This method is currently used by many farms.

In the fight against annual cereals and a number of broad-leaved weeds, DUAL GOLD has taken a leading position.

Despite the emergence of other drugs and the ever-increasing onset of weeds, DUAL GOLD remains unrivaled due to its excellent efficacy and excellent tolerance of cultivated plants. DUAL GOLD is exactly the herbicide that is necessary for fundamental processing.

Application regulations

Purpose: DUAL® GOLD, a selective pre-emergence herbicide, is effective against major monocotyledonous and some dicotyledonous weeds in crops of corn, sugar beet, sunflower, soybean and spring rapeseed and other crops.

Application regulations: use the drug in strict accordance with these recommendations.

Compatibility with other pesticides:

Protective period: 8-10 weeks. When using the herbicide DUAL GOLD, EC, there is no problem with the second wave of weeds.

Impact speed:

Application technology:

Then the amount and uniformity of water supply through the tips are determined and compared with the calculated data on the flow rate of the working fluid per 1 ha. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours in calm weather, preventing the drug from drifting to neighboring crops.

Thoroughly rinse the sprayer and spraying equipment after finishing work with the preparation.

The procedure for preparing the working fluid: fill ¼ of the sprayer tank with clean water, turn on the agitator, add the calculated and measured amount of the drug and continue filling the sprayer tank while stirring.


Hazard Class: 3

Possibility of resistance: Absent subject to strict adherence to the recommendations developed by the company

Storage of the drug:

Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Toxicological characteristics

Hazard Class: 3

The drug is practically non-toxic to birds and bees, toxic to fish.

It is necessary to avoid pollution of water bodies and sources drinking water residues of the drug and water used for washing containers and equipment. The drug should not get into food and feed.

Livestock must not be released on freshly cultivated crops. It is necessary to carry out processing in the morning or evening hours in calm weather.

Hazard class for bees: 4 - pesticides that are practically harmless to bees.

The following environmental regulations must be observed:

Carry out plant treatment

  • at air temperatures below 15°С
  • with windiness - up to 5-6 m / s
  • border protection zone of summer for bees - at least 1-2 km
  • limitation of the summer of bees - 6-12 hours


Dual gold, ke (960 g/l)

Manufacturer: Syngenta

Preparative form: emulsion concentrate(CE)

Active substance: C-metolachlor

A.I. concentration: 960 g/l

Chemical class of the active substance: chloroacetamides

Package: canister 5l

Herbicide for the protection of corn, sugar and table beet, sunflower, soybean and spring rapeseed against annual cereals and some dicotyledonous weeds


DUAL GOLD, EC, selective pre-emergence herbicide, effective against the main monocotyledonous and some dicotyledonous weeds in crops of corn, sugar beet, sunflower, soybeans and spring rapeseed and other crops.


  • significant reduction in the hectare application rate due to the more active active ingredient - C-metolachlor
  • high efficiency against annual cereals and a number of important dicotyledonous weeds
  • excellent selectivity on a wide range of crops
  • reliable protection of crops in the early, most critical period of development, excluding competition from weeds
  • long period of action, providing optimal protection against weeds, as well as complete decomposition of the active substance in the soil by the end of the growing season
  • no phytotoxicity even in case of overdose
  • ideal component for tank mixes
  • easy-to-use, stable and highly concentrated formulation
  • herbicide necessary for fundamental processing

Metolachlor, which has been used for a long time in DUAL, is a 1:1 mixture of two diasteromers.

The researchers found that one of the two components is 15 times more active than the other, and successfully resynthesized metolachlor in a ratio of 9:1 with a predominance of the more active component to produce a new active substance: a new superactive active ingredient of DUAL GOLD, EC - C-metolachlor . The predominance of this active component in the preparation is of decisive importance for achieving high efficiency. This is what basically distinguishes DUAL GOLD, EC from its predecessor: a stronger effect due to the content of C-metolachlor.

Mechanism of action

Agricultural crops require special attention at the stage early development when the competition of weeds for nutrition, moisture and light is especially great and dangerous.

The mechanism of action of the herbicide DUAL GOLD, EC lies precisely in blocking the process of weed regrowth.

In cereal weeds, the active substance penetrates through the coleoptile, while the sprout twists and then dies.

In dicotyledonous weeds, the active substance enters through the cotyledons, also causing their death. Thus, the absorption of the drug occurs in the phase of weed germination, causing their death even before germination.

Long term protection

The superiority of the drug DUAL GOLD, EC is based on its optimal duration of action, which provides:

  • High efficiency throughout the growing season
  • Prevention of late weed infestation
  • Suppression of the second wave of weeds

At the same time, by the end of the growing season, the active substance is almost completely decomposed, as a result of which the problem with residual quantities is solved, and restrictions are removed for subsequent crops in the crop rotation.

Excellent selectivity

The complete absence of phytotoxicity and the widest range of crops on which the herbicide DUAL GOLD, EC can be used, make the drug particularly attractive. No wonder it is approved for use on 30 crops in more than 70 countries.

Low volatility

DUAL GOLD, EC is 3-8 times less volatile compared to similar herbicides. Therefore, it can be applied in a targeted manner, practically avoiding loss of efficiency due to evaporation.

Unlike volatile herbicides, which must be deeply incorporated into the soil, DUAL GOLD, CE does not require incorporation into the soil under normal conditions.

However, in particularly dry weather conditions, a shallow embedment of 3-5 cm will enhance the effect.

Flexible application

DUAL GOLD, KE fits well into the technology of cultivation of all agricultural crops, without requiring significant costs for application.

An indispensable success factor is its presence in the soil during the germination of weeds.

Therefore, DUAL GOLD, KE allows you to choose the following applications:

  • Before sowing (even a few weeks) on the soil prepared for sowing.
  • After sowing, before weeds appear.

In arid climatic conditions, which dominate in some regions, a small incorporation (approximately 2-3 cm) can become a guarantee of the effectiveness of the herbicide DUAL GOLD, EC. This method is currently used by many farms.

In the fight against annual cereals and a number of broad-leaved weeds DUAL GOLD, KE took a leading position.

Despite the emergence of other drugs and the ever-increasing onset of weeds DUAL GOLD, CE remains unrivaled due to its excellent efficiency and excellent tolerance of cultivated plants. DUAL GOLD, KE is exactly the herbicide that is necessary for fundamental processing.

Compatibility with other pesticides

Can be used in tank mix with other dicotyledonous herbicides to broaden the spectrum of action. However, in each case, mixed preparations should be checked for compatibility.

Protective period

8-10 weeks.

When using the herbicide DUAL GOLD, EC, there is no problem with the second wave of weeds.

Impact speed

The drug has an effect on weeds through the coleoptile, preventing their germination and appearance on the soil surface.

Application technology

Application technology: the cleanliness of the tank, main pipelines and tips, as well as the serviceability of the entire sprayer, is checked before the start of protective work.

Then the amount and uniformity of water supply through the tips are determined and compared with the calculated data on the flow rate of the working fluid per 1 ha.

Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours in calm weather, preventing the drug from drifting to neighboring crops. Thoroughly rinse the sprayer and spraying equipment after finishing work with the preparation.

The procedure for preparing the working fluid

Fill 1/4 of the sprayer tank with clean water, turn on the agitator, add the calculated and measured amount of the drug and continue filling the sprayer tank while stirring.

Continue mixing during processing to ensure uniformity of the working mixture. When filling the sprayer tank, the filling hose must always be above the water level to avoid back suction.

The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. When using the drug in a mixture with herbicides of anti-dicotyledonous action: in a separate container, prepare the stock solution of the herbicide, which is added to the water in the sprayer tank.

Then, DUAL GOLD, EC is added directly to the tank with the stirrer turned on.


When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity.

Possibility of resistance

Absent subject to strict adherence to the recommendations developed by the company.

Storage of the drug

Store the drug in a dry, dark room in the temperature range from -5°C to +35°C.

Shelf life

3 years from the date of manufacture.

Registrant: Syngenta Crop Protection AG

Dosage form:  tablets with modified release Compound:

Composition per tablet:

1 tablet contains:

Active substance: gliclazide 30 mg/60 mg

Excipients: lactose monohydrate 47.0 mg / 94.0 mg; hypromellose 2208 70.0 mg/140.0 mg; sodium carboxymethyl starch type C 10.0 mg / 20.0 mg; magnesium stearate 2.0 mg/4.0 mg; silicon dioxide colloidal 1.0 mg / 2.0 mg.


Tablets 30 mg: round, flat-cylindrical tablets, white or white with a yellowish tint, with a chamfer.

Tablets 60 mg: round, flat-cylindrical tablets, white or white with a yellowish tinge, with a beveled and notched line.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Hypoglycemic agent for oral use of the sulfonylurea group II generation ATX:  

A.10.B.B.09 Gliclazide


Gliclazide is a sulfonylurea derivative, an oral hypoglycemic drug that differs from similar drugs presence N -containing heterocyclic ring with an endocyclic bond. reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, stimulating the secretion of insulin by β-cells of the islets of Langerhans. The increase in the concentration of postprandial insulin and C-peptide persists after 2 years of therapy.

In addition to influencing carbohydrate metabolism, it has hemovascular effects.

Influence on insulin secretion

In type 2 diabetes, the drug restores the early peak of insulin secretion in response to glucose intake and enhances the second phase of insulin secretion. A significant increase in insulin secretion is observed in response to stimulation due to food intake and the introduction of glucose.

Hemovascular effects

Gliclazide reduces the risk of thrombosis of small vessels, affecting the mechanisms that can cause the development of complications in diabetes mellitus: partial inhibition of platelet aggregation and adhesion and a decrease in the concentration of platelet activating factors (beta-thromboglobulin, thromboxane B2), as well as the restoration of fibrinolytic activity vascular endothelium and increased activity of tissue plasminogen activator.

Intensive glycemic control based on the use of gliclazide(HbAlc < 6,5%), достоверно снижает микро- и макрососудистые осложнения diabetes Type 2 versus standard glycemic control (study ADVANCE).

The intensive glycemic control strategy involved the administration of gliclazide and its dose increase during (or instead of) standard therapy before adding another hypoglycemic drug (for example, metformin, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, a thiazolidinedione derivative, or insulin). The mean daily dose of gliclazide in patients in the intensive control group was 103 mg, with a maximum daily dose of 120 mg.

Against the background of the use of gliclazide in the group of intensive glycemic control ( average duration follow-up 4.8 years, average level HbAlc 6.5%) compared with the standard control group (mean level HbAlc 7.3%) showed a significant 10% reduction in the relative risk of the combined incidence of macro- and microvascular complications.

The advantage was achieved due to a significant reduction in the relative risk: the main microvascular complications by 14%, the occurrence andprogression of nephropathy by 21%, occurrence of microalbuminuria by 9%, macroalbuminuria by 30% and development of renal complications by 11%. The benefits of intensive glycemic control while taking gliclazide did not depend on the benefits achieved during antihypertensive therapy.



After oral administration, it is completely absorbed. The concentration of gliclazide in blood plasma increases gradually, reaching a plateau after 6-12 hours. Individual variability is low.

Eating does not affect the degree of absorption of gliclazide. The relationship between the dose taken (up to 120 mg) and the area under the concentration-time pharmacokinetic curve is linear.


Approximately 95% of gliclazide binds to plasma proteins. The volume of distribution is about 30 liters. Taking gliclazide once a day ensures that the effective concentration of gliclazide in the blood plasma is maintained for more than 24 hours.


Gliclazide is metabolized primarily in the liver.


Gliclazide is excreted mainly by the kidneys. Excretion is carried out in the form of metabolites, less than 1% is excreted by the kidneys unchanged. There are no active metabolites in plasma. The half-life of gliclazide is, on average, from 12 to 20 hours.

In the elderly, there are no significant changes in pharmacokinetic parameters.


- Type 2 diabetes mellitus with insufficient effectiveness of diet therapy, exercise and weight loss.

- Prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus: risk reductionmicrovascular (nephropathy, retinopathy) and macrovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by intensive glycemic control.


- Hypersensitivity to gliclazide, other sulfonylurea derivatives, sulfonamides or to excipients that make up the drug;

- type 1 diabetes;

- diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic precoma, diabetic coma;

- severe renal or liver failure(in these cases it is recommended to use insulin);

- taking miconazole (see section "Interaction with other drugs");

- pregnancy and period breastfeeding(see section "Use during pregnancy and lactation");

- age up to 18 years.

Due to the fact that the drug contains lactose, it is not recommended for patients with congenital lactose intolerance, galactosemia, glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Elderly patients, irregular and / or unbalanced nutrition, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypothyroidism, adrenal or pituitary insufficiency, renal and / or liver failure, long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids (GCS), alcoholism.

Pregnancy and lactation:


There is no experience with the use of gliclazide during pregnancy. Data on the use of other sulfonylurea derivatives during pregnancy are limited.

In studies on laboratory animals, teratogenic effects of gliclazide have not been identified.

To reduce the risk of developing birth defects optimalcontrol (conducting appropriate therapy) of diabetes mellitus.

Oral hypoglycemic drugs are not used during pregnancy. Insulin is the drug of choice for the treatment of diabetes in pregnant women. It is recommended to replace the intake of oral hypoglycemic drugs with insulin therapy, both in the case of a planned pregnancy and if the pregnancy occurred while taking the drug.

breastfeeding period

Taking into account the lack of data on the penetration of gliclazide into breast milk and the risk of neonatal hypoglycemia during gliclazide therapy, breast-feeding is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration:


The daily dose can be from 30 mg to 120 mg in one dose.

If one or more doses of gliclazide are missed, do not take a higher dose in next move the missed dose should be taken the next day.

As with other hypoglycemic medicines, the dose of the drug in each case must be selected individually, depending on the concentration of blood glucose and the indicator HbAlc.

Initial dose

The initial recommended dose (including for elderly patients > 65 years) of gliclazide extended-release 30 mg daily (1 tablet of gliclazide extended-release 30 mg or ½ tablet of gliclazide extended-release 60 mg).

In the case of adequate control, the drug at this dose can be used for maintenance therapy. In case of inadequate glycemic control, the daily dose of gliclazide may be sequentially increased to 60 mg, 90 mg or 120 mg. Increasing the dose is possible not earlier than after 1 month of drug therapy at the previously prescribed dose. The exception is patients whose blood glucose concentration has not decreased after 2 weeks of therapy. In such cases, the dose of the drug may be increased 2 weeks after the start of treatment.

Switching from therapy with gliclazide immediate-release tablets 80 mg to therapy with gliclazide extended-release tablets

1 tablet of gliclazide immediate release 80 mg can be replaced by 1 tablet of gliclazide extended release 30 mg or ½ tablet of gliclazide extended release 60 mg. When transferring patients from therapy with gliclazide (immediate release tablets) 80 mg to therapy with gliclazide, careful glycemic control is recommended.

Switching from therapy with another hypoglycemic drug to therapy with gliclazide

Gliclazide can be used in place of another oral hypoglycemic drug. When transferring to patients receiving other hypoglycemic drugs for oral administration, their dose and half-life should be taken into account. As a rule, no transition period is required. The starting dose of gliclazide long-acting should be 30 mg (1 tablet of long-acting gliclazide 30 mg or ½ gliclazide extended-release tablets 60 mg) and then must be titrated according to blood glucose concentration.

When replacing with gliclazide the prolonged action of sulfonylurea derivatives with a long half-life, to avoid hypoglycemia caused by the additive effect of two hypoglycemic agents, you can stop taking them for several days. The initial dose of long-acting gliclazide is also 30 mg and, if necessary, can be increased further, as described above.

Combined reception with another hypoglycemic drug

Gliclazide may be used in combination with biguanides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors or insulin.

In case of inadequate glycemic control, additional insulin therapy should be prescribed with careful medical monitoring.

Elderly patients

No dose adjustment of gliclazide is required for patients over 65 years of age.

Patients with renal insufficiency

The results of clinical studies have shown that dose adjustments of the drug in patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency medium degree gravity is not required. Careful medical monitoring is recommended.

Patients at risk of developing hypoglycemia

In patients at risk of developing hypoglycemia (insufficient or unbalanced nutrition, severe or poorly compensated endocrine disorders - pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, withdrawal of GCS after their long-term use and / or high doses, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system - heavy ischemic disease heart, severe atherosclerosis carotid arteries, widespread atherosclerosis), it is recommended to use a minimum dose (30 mg) of long-acting gliclazide.

Prevention of complications of diabetes

To achieve intensive glycemic control, the dose of gliclazide can be gradually increased up to 120 mg/day in addition to diet and exercise until the target level is reached. HbAlc . Be aware of the risk of hypoglycemia. In addition, other hypoglycemic drugs, such as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, a thiazolidinedione derivative, or insulin, can be added to therapy.

Children and adolescents under the age of 18

Data on the efficacy and safety of the use of gliclazide in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years are not available.

Side effects:

Given the experience of using gliclazide and other sulfonylurea derivatives, the possibility of developing the following side effects should be remembered.


Like other drugs of the sulfonylurea group, it can cause hypoglycemia in case of irregular meals and especially if the mealskipped. Possible symptoms of hypoglycemia: headache, severe hunger, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability, agitation, decreased concentration, delayed reaction, depression, confusion, impaired vision and speech, aphasia, tremor, paresis, loss of self-control, feeling of helplessness, impaired perception , dizziness, weakness, convulsions, bradycardia, delirium, shallow breathing, drowsiness, loss of consciousness with possible development coma, up to death. Adrenergic reactions may also occur: increased sweating, "sticky" skin, anxiety, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, palpitations, arrhythmia and angina pectoris.

As a rule, the symptoms of hypoglycemia are stopped by the intake of carbohydrates (sugar). Sweeteners are ineffective. Against the background of other sulfonylurea derivatives, relapses of hypoglycemia were noted after its successful relief.

In severe or prolonged hypoglycemia, emergency medical attention is indicated, possibly with hospitalization, even if there is an effect from carbohydrate intake.

Other side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. Taking the drug during breakfast avoids or minimizes these symptoms.

The following side effects are less common:

- from the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rash, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, erythema, maculopapular rash, bullous reactions (such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis);

- from the blood and lymphatic system, hematological disorders (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia) rarely develop. As a rule, these phenomena are reversible in the event of discontinuation of therapy;

- from the liver and biliary tract : increased activity"liver" enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase(ACT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase), hepatitis (isolated cases). If cholestatic jaundice occurs, therapy should be discontinued.

The following side effects are usually reversible if therapy is stopped:

- from the organ of vision: transient visual disturbances may occurdisorders caused by changes in blood glucose concentration, especially at the beginning of therapy;

- side effects inherent in sulfonylurea derivatives, as well as against the background of taking other sulfonylurea derivatives, the following side effects were noted: erythrocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, allergic vasculitis, hyponatremia. There was an increase in the activity of "liver" enzymes, impaired liver function (for example, with the development of cholestasis and jaundice) and hepatitis, the manifestations decreased over time after discontinuation of sulfonylurea drugs, but in some cases led to life-threatening liver failure.

Side effects , observed in clinical trials

AT clinical trial there was a slight difference in the frequency of various serious adverse events between the two groups of patients. No new safety data has been received. A small number of patients experienced severe hypoglycemia, but the overall incidence of hypoglycemia was low. The incidence of hypoglycemia in the intensive glycemic control group was higher than in the standard glycemic control group. Most episodes of hypoglycemia in the intensive glycemic control group occurred during concomitant insulin therapy.


With an overdose of sulfonylurea derivatives, hypoglycemia may develop.

If moderate symptoms of hypoglycemia occur without loss of consciousness or neurological symptoms you should increase the intake of carbohydrates with food, reduce the dose of the drug and / or change the diet. Close medical monitoring of the patient's condition should continue until there is confidence that nothing threatens his health.

Possible development of severe hypoglycemic conditions, accompanied by coma, convulsions or other neurological disorders. When these symptoms appear, an ambulance should be medical care and immediate hospitalization.

In the case of hypoglycemic coma or if it is suspected, the patient is injected intravenously with 50 ml of a 20-30% dextrose (glucose) solution. Then, a 10% dextrose solution is injected intravenously to maintain the blood glucose concentration above 1 g/l. Careful monitoring of blood glucose concentration and observation of the patient must be carried out for at least 48 subsequent hours. After this period of time, depending on the patient's condition, the attending physician decides whether further monitoring is necessary.

Dialysis is ineffective due to the pronounced binding of gliclazide to plasma proteins.


Preparations , contributing to an increased risk of developing hypoglycemia (enhancing the effect of gliclazide)

Contraindicated combinations

Miconazole(with systemic administration and when using the gel on the oral mucosa): enhances the hypoglycemic effect of gliclazide(possible development of hypoglycemia up to the state of coma).

Phenylbutazone(systemic administration): enhances the hypoglycemic effectsulfonylurea derivatives (displaces them from the connection with blood plasma proteins and / or slows down their excretion from the body).

It is preferable to use another anti-inflammatory drug. If phenylbutazone is necessary, the patient should be warned about the need for glycemic control. If necessary, the dose of gliclazide should be adjusted during and after taking phenylbutazone.

Ethanol:enhances hypoglycemia by inhibiting compensatory reactions, maycontribute to the development of hypoglycemic coma. It is necessary to refuse to take medicines, which include, and use alcohol.

Taking gliclazide in combination with certain medicines (for example, other hypoglycemic agents (insulin, acarbose, metformin, thiazolidinediones, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists), beta-blockers, fluconazole, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril, enalapril), H2-histamine blockers receptors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, sulfonamides, clarithromycin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs accompanied by increased hypoglycemic effect and the risk of hypoglycemia.

Drugs that increase the concentration of blood glucose (weaken the effect of gliclazide)

Danazol: has a diabetogenic effect. In case the reception this drug necessary, the patient is advised to carefully monitor blood glucose. If it is necessary to take drugs together, it is recommended to select a dose of a hypoglycemic agent both during the administration of danazol and after its withdrawal.

Combinations requiring precautions

Chlorpromazine (neuroleptic): in high doses (more than 100 mg per day) increases the concentration of blood glucose, reducing insulin secretion. Careful glycemic control is recommended. If it is necessary to take drugs together, it is recommended to select a dose of a hypoglycemic agent, both during the administration of an antipsychotic and after its withdrawal.

GKS(systemic and topical application: intraarticular, external, rectal administration) and tetracosactide: increase blood glucose levels withpossible development of ketoacidosis (reduced tolerance to carbohydrates). Careful glycemic control is recommended, especially at the start of treatment. If it is necessary to take drugs together, it may be necessary to adjust the dose of the hypoglycemic agent both during the administration of GCS and after their cancellation.

ritodrine, terbutaline (intravenous): beta-2adrenomimetics increase the concentration of blood glucose. Need to pay Special attention the importance of self-glycemic control. If necessary, it is recommended to transfer the patient to insulin therapy.

Combinations , which must be taken into account

Anticoagulants(for example,): sulfonylurea derivatives can enhance the effect of anticoagulants when taken together. Dose adjustment of the anticoagulant may be required.

special instructions:


When taking sulfonylurea derivatives, including gliclazide, hypoglycemia may develop, in some cases in a severe and prolonged form, requiring hospitalization and intravenous administration dextrose solution for several days (see section "Side effects").

The drug can be prescribed only to those patients whose meals are regular and include breakfast. It is very important to maintain an adequate intake of carbohydrates from food, as the risk of developing hypoglycemia increases with irregular or insufficient nutrition, as well as with the consumption of foods poor in carbohydrates. Hypoglycemia is more likely to develop with a low-calorie diet, after prolonged or vigorous exercise, after drinking alcohol or when taking several hypoglycemic drugs at the same time. As a rule, the symptoms of hypoglycemia disappear after eating a food rich in carbohydrates (for example, sugar). It should be borne in mind that taking sweeteners does not help eliminate hypoglycemic symptoms. Experience with other sulfonylurea derivatives suggests that hypoglycemia may recur despite effective initial relief of this condition. In the event that hypoglycemic symptoms are pronounced or prolonged, even in the case of a temporary improvement in the condition after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, emergency medical care is necessary.up to hospitalization.

In order to avoid the development of hypoglycemia, careful individual selection of drugs and dosing regimen is necessary, as well as providing the patient with complete information about the treatment being given. Increased Risk Hypoglycemia may develop in the following cases:

- refusal or inability of the patient (especially the elderly) to follow the doctor's prescriptions and control their condition;

- insufficient and irregular nutrition, skipping meals, fasting and dietary changes;

- imbalance between physical activity and the amount of carbohydrates taken;

- kidney failure;

- severe liver failure;

- overdose of Golda MV;

- some endocrine disorders: diseases thyroid gland, pituitary and adrenal insufficiency;

- simultaneous reception of certain drugs (see section "Interaction with other drugs").

Renal and liver failure

In patients with hepatic and / or severe renal insufficiency, the pharmacokinetic and / or pharmacodynamic properties of gliclazide may change. The state of hypoglycemia that develops in such patients can be quite long, in such cases, immediate appropriate therapy is necessary.

Information for patients

It is necessary to inform the patient, as well as his family members, about the risk of developing hypoglycemia, its symptoms and conditions that contribute to its development. The patient should be informed of the potential risks and benefits of the proposed treatment.

The patient should be explained the importance of diet, the need for regular exercise and control of blood glucose levels.

Poor glycemic control

Glycemic control in patients receiving hypoglycemic therapy may be impaired in the following cases: fever, trauma,infectious diseases or surgical interventions. Under these conditions, it may be necessary to stop gliclazide therapy and prescribe insulin therapy.

In many patients, the effectiveness of oral hypoglycemic agents, including gliclazide, tends to decrease after an extended period of treatment. This effect may be due to both the progression of the disease and a decrease in the therapeutic response to the drug. This phenomenon is known as secondary drug resistance, which must be distinguished from primary, in which the drug already at the first appointment does not give the expected clinical effect. Before diagnosing secondary drug resistance in a patient, it is necessary to assess the adequacy of dose selection and patient compliance with the prescribed diet.

Laboratory tests

To assess glycemic control, regular testing of fasting blood glucose and HbAlc . In addition, it is advisable to regularly conduct self-monitoring of blood glucose levels.

Sulfonylureas can cause hemolytic anemia in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Since it is a sulfonylurea derivative, care must be taken when prescribing it to patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The possibility of prescribing a hypoglycemic drug of another group should be evaluated.

Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:

Due to the possible development of hypoglycemia when using gliclazide, patients should be aware of the symptoms of hypoglycemia and should exercise caution during administration. vehicles or work that requires high speed physical and mental reactions, especially at the beginning of therapy.

Release form / dosage:

Modified release tablets 30 mg, 60 mg.


Primary packaging of the medicinal product for a dosage of 30 mg.

10 tablets in a blister pack made of PVC film and printed lacquered aluminum foil.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200 or 300 tablets in a polymer jar with a pull-on lid with first opening control. The free space is filled with medical cotton. Self-adhesive labels are glued onto the jars made of label paper or polymeric materials.

Primary packaging of the medicinal product for a dosage of 60 mg.

7 and 10 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed lacquered aluminum foil.

10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 84, 90, 100, 120, 125, 140, 150, 180, 250 or 300 tablets in a polymer jar with a pull-on lid with first control autopsy. The free space is filled with medical cotton. Labels made of label paper or polymeric materials, self-adhesive, are glued onto the jars.

Secondary packaging of the medicinal product.

By 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 blister packs No. 10, together with instructions for use, are placed in a pack of cardboard for consumer packaging.

2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 blister packs No. 7, together with instructions for use, are placed in a pack of cardboard for consumer packaging.

1 can, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack of cardboard for consumer packaging.

Storage conditions:

In the original packaging of the manufacturer at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life:

2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: On prescription Registration number: LP-004364 Date of registration: 05.07.2017 Expiration date: 05.07.2022 Registration certificate holder:Farmasintez-Tyumen, OOO Russia Manufacturer:   Information update date:   14.09.2017 Illustrated Instructions

Ridomil Gold MTs 68 WG, c. g. - this is the main fungicidal protection of vegetable crops

Active Ingredients: mancozeb (640 g/kg); metalaxyl-M (40 g/kg)
Chemical group: phenylamides/dithiocarbamates
Release form of the drug: water-dispersed granules
Toxicity: III class(according to WHO classification)
Container: one; 5 kg

Fungicide Ridomil Gold application. Main advantages

– Biologically effective combination of contact and systemic fungicides: excellent disease protection even when weather turn out to be unfavorable
– Both curative and preventive action of the fungicide
– Reliable protection of tubers and new growth

The drug Ridomil Gold instructions for use



Consumption rates, kg/ha

Waiting period, days

Maximum number of treatments

Method, processing time, restrictions

Potato Alternariosis, late blight 2,5 14 3 The first treatment for preventive purposes,

when weather conditions are conducive to the development of the disease, but before the closure of the ranks. Further treatments with an interval of 10-14 days

tomatoes Alternariosis, late blight 2,5 14 3 The first treatment during the period of active growth for preventive purposes, when weather conditions favor the development of the disease, but before the onset of symptoms of the disease. Further treatments with an interval of 7-10 days
cucumbers downy mildew 2,5 10 3 The first treatment during the period of active growth for preventive purposes, when weather conditions favor the development of the disease, but before the onset of symptoms of the disease. Further treatments with an interval of 10-14 days
Grape mildew, black spot, gray and white rot 2,5 25 3 Treatments during the period of active plant growth for preventive purposes (starting from the phase of 4 leaves) with an interval of 10-14 days
Onion downy mildew 2,5 30 3
Winter and spring rapeseed Downy mildew, gray mold, Alternariosis 2,5 30 3 First treatment - when symptoms of the disease appear. The next one is in 10-14 days
Hop downy mildew 2,5 20 3 The first treatment is for preventive purposes, when weather conditions favor the development of the disease, but before the onset of symptoms of the disease. Further treatments with an interval of 10-14 days
Tobacco Peronosporosis 2,5 14 3 The first treatment is for preventive purposes, when weather conditions favor the development of the disease, but before the onset of symptoms of the disease. Further treatments with an interval of 10-14 days

The action of the drug:

Ridomil Gold - fungicide combined systemic and contact action. Metalaxyl-M is rapidly absorbed and transported throughout the plant, providing protection to new leaves and stems that have emerged after treatment. Mancozeb is a contact fungicide that forms a protective film on the plant.

Phytotoxicity Ridomil Gold MC:

Processing times:

Fungicide application is carried out preventively, before the disease spreads. In the case of treatment after the lesion, the protective effect of the agent is reduced. It is permissible to carry out up to three sprayings with Ridomil Gold MTs 68 WG in one season. If necessary, the following treatments are carried out with fungicides that have a different mechanism of action, 7-10 days after the final treatment with this drug. The first introduction of the drug Ridomil Gold is carried out before the onset of the development of the disease, no later than the closing of tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers in rows; grapes - from the end of flowering, but before the start of ripening. The final treatment is carried out until the active growth of the stem ceases, immediately after the flowering of tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers. Do not process 2-3 hours before rain.

How to prepare a working mixture:

Make sure the tank is absolutely clean. After that, determine the required amount of water and check the uniformity of its supply through the nozzles, comparing with the calculated data on the consumption of the working mixture per 1 hectare (minute calibration method). Fill the sprayer tank with clean water up to half and turn on the stirring mode. Measure the required amount of the drug and pour it into the tank. Add the rest of the water while continuing to stir. Mix well before and during spraying. Rinse the tank thoroughly with clean water every day after finishing the treatment.

Drug consumption:

The consumption rate of the working mixture for vegetable crops, potatoes and rapeseed is from 300 to 400 l/ha, for grapes: from 400 to 600 l/ha, for tobacco: 400 l/ha, for hops: from 1000 to 2000 l/ha.

You can fungicide Ridomil Gold buy in the AgroLiga company, having received free consultation according to the peculiarities of its application on the crop you grow. Our price for Ridomil Gold is always loyal.

Tuberculosis passes before him, but it causes a fever. Answer to the riddle: -. In the treatment of lung disease, its colloidal form is used.

The fever is caused by the usual, and, in a figurative sense. The expression "" is known to everyone, denotes excitement, a certain loss of common sense in the pursuit of metal.

When its placers were not yet depleted, millions of people went to the forests and mountains in search of. Especially many were found in the USA.

It was there that for the first time they began to use the precious metal for medical purposes. Since 1885 colloidal gold began to be used in the fight against.

In 1890, Robert Koch discovered the effect of the element on tuberculosis bacilli. In the presence they lose their vitality.

Since 1927, it has been recognized as a cure for arthritis. By the 21st century, the scope of the drug has expanded even further.

Therefore, it is worth studying the properties of the material and understanding what the word colloid means.

What is colloidal gold

What it is chemists will easily understand. There is a section in their science. He studies dispersed systems. Two or more phases are mixed in them.

However, in the literal sense, they almost do not mix. Chemical reactions between the components do not occur.

Standard colloid system is a homogeneous medium and particles suspended in it.

colloid solution gold consists of finely divided pieces of metal and demineralized water.

The particles carry the same charge. Accordingly, the crumbs in the water repel each other.

This provides uniform distribution particles in the water, their constant movement.

In the language of chemists, it is in suspension. What are the properties of this product, let's look further.

Properties of colloidal gold

The mixture has no taste, smell, no toxic properties. The material also lacks the ability to chemical reactions.

- an inert element, moreover, biocompatible. This means that the substance does not cause side effects in the body.

It all comes down to benefit, none, even theoretically possible. Not for nothing, some Michelin-starred restaurants serve dishes with metal.

In Portofino, in Las Vegas, for example, they serve lasagna with. A piece of 6 by 6 centimeters costs about 120 dollars. Metal has been used.

On the digestive system colloidal gold works positively. So, you pay not only for the dish, but also for the benefits for the body.

Precious food is indicated for people with gastritis, slow metabolism, hyperacidity stomach.

Truth, inflammatory processes solution does not suppress. Suspension in demineralized water does not have antibacterial properties.

If you need to fight inflammation, use colloidal. There is such a thing too.

Colloidal is able to accelerate regeneration, that is, cell restoration.

Accordingly, the solution promotes the healing of ulcers and other injuries, such as burns.

Colds are given up before the medicine due to its immunostimulating properties.

The scheme of influence on depressive states. However, at use of colloidal gold, they disappear.

Perhaps a purely psychological moment plays a role. For someone who, in a moment of sadness, can afford to drink and eat precious metal, everything is not so bad.

Understanding this, patients relax, moreover, they begin to feel their importance, undergoing rehabilitation, which is not available to everyone.

Applications of colloidal gold

For medical purposes, they began to use it in the Ancient. True, then it was not a colloidal solution.

With the invention of the latter in the 17th century, new uses for the metal emerged.

Suspension in water is an excellent material for the restoration of furniture and decorative elements. You can spray the solution on the walls.

Solid coverage will not come out. But, it turns out a flickering surface. It looks more restrained and nobler than 100% coating.

Buy colloidal gold sought not only by designers, but also by electronics manufacturers.

Nanoparticles of the precious element are needed in microchips of computers, sensors, optical instruments and lasers.

The practice of adding to them for more than half a century. Previously, there were devices in which up to 10 kilograms of precious metal were hidden.

We are talking about military equipment and its control devices of the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Not surprisingly, the modern fever is the search for gold-containing items and the extraction of a valuable substance from them.

Representatives of the beauty industry did not pass by the colloid. They were partly inspired by the practice of the ancient Egyptians, and partly by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire.

In a solution of solar metal was used in cosmetic purposes as far back as the 1st century BC.

This is evidenced by one of the ancient treatises that have survived to this day. Colloidal in the book is called the elixir of life.

Of course, there were no nanoparticles in it. Therefore, the solution cannot be considered colloidal in the full sense of the word. We are talking about water mixed with finely crushed metal.

Colloidal gold in cosmetology 21st century - this is one of the main means of anti-aging.

To its withering, in many respects, leads to an excess of active oxygen. Precious metal particles in masks, creams and lotions neutralize the effect of the gas.

It has already been said that it can normalize the acidity of the stomach. The interaction with the skin is similar.

The pH of the covers is restored. The electrolytic balance of the skin is also improved.

So that, colloidal gold for face and bodies - favorite remedy celebrities, businessmen, politicians.

It is clear that getting colloidal gold- pleasure is not cheap. However, I would like to know specific numbers. We will not only learn, but we will voice.

colloidal gold price

Fungicides are drugs that have long been successfully used for the prevention or control of fungal diseases. Every year their number is increasing, new approaches to the creation of these drugs appear. One of them is Profit Gold. How is it different from other fungicides and for which plants is it intended?

Description of the fungicide "Profit Gold"

The preparation "Profit Gold" is a systemic fungicide consisting of two main active elements. One of them is cymoxanil. It has a systemic effect on pathogens. In addition, the drug has an external effect. This is what famoxadone does. It is this composition that makes it possible to protect a wide range of plants from phytomycosis for up to two weeks.

The resulting powder is produced in the form of water-dispersible granules. They are sold in bags of 1.5 g and 6 g. Which one is better to buy "Profit Gold"? Reviews say that it is more profitable to take bags of 6 g.

The drug was created by the French specialists of the DuPont company for the prevention and treatment of late blight, Alternaria and similar fungal diseases. In the markets you can buy the manufacturer's drug " Green pharmacy gardener."

fungal diseases

Pathogenic fungi tend to multiply actively in warm weather. This happens especially quickly at high humidity. The disease develops very actively, capturing huge areas. In one day, it can destroy the entire crop.

Late blight is especially dangerous for tomatoes. If the onion stops growing after being affected by peronosporosis, but it can be eaten, then only withered bushes with black-brown leaves and fruits can remain from the tomato plantation.

What diseases does the drug fight?

He can deal with the simplest microbes that cause fungal diseases, even those that are resistant to other drugs. "Profit Gold" can be used on any non-flowering plants. They are processed:

  • beets, potatoes from anthracnose and alternariosis;
  • tomatoes from stem rot and late blight;
  • mildew grapes;
  • onion from peronosporosis;
  • various cultures from this powdery mildew;
  • strawberries from brown spotting;
  • flowers from septoria;
  • indoor flowers.

The principle of action of the drug "Profit Gold"

Due to the dual system-contact structure of the drug, it works in two directions. Cymoxanil molecules make their way under the top layer of tissues and kill fungi there, blocking the further spread of the disease. Famoxadone destroys the cells of the fungus and its spores on the surface. For this, a protective film is formed from it, which stretches under the influence of moisture. So it increases the area of ​​action, spreading to those areas that were not treated initially or formed during the growth process. Famoxadone destroys the cell structure of the pathogenic fungus and its spores.

The duration of the drug is 2 weeks. Then you need to repeat the procedure. Due to the fact that the drug has a prolonged effect, that is, it works for about 2 weeks after application, it is necessary to harvest and eat it 14-15 days after the last treatment. For grapes, this period has been extended to a month.

Do not use "Profit Gold" with other fungicides, as it does not combine with them.

How many treatments can be done?

"Profit Gold" does not accumulate in plants, so spraying can be done up to 4 times per season. The exception is grapes, which are not advised to process more than three times. At the same time, it is impossible to spray the vine during flowering or ripening of the crop with Profit Gold.

Reviews suggest that treatments can be carried out more often than after 14 days. The waiting period, if necessary, can be reduced to 8 days.

Application rates

When processing nightshade, the contents of the package (6 g) are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The stronger the lesion, the less water is needed. On the initial stages or for prevention, you can take 10 liters, with a strong lesion - 5 liters. You can process about 1 acre of garden area.

The drug "Profit Gold" reviews are advised to use for the treatment of grapes from mildew. For the same 6 g of the drug, you need to use 15 liters of water. This amount should be enough to process 1.5 acres of vineyard area.

For the treatment of indoor flowers, use 1-2 g per liter of water. The amount depends on the type of flower and the degree of damage to its disease.

Application of the drug

Usually the first time is carried out preventive treatment. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Therefore, if frequent cases of infection with certain fungal diseases are noted on the site, it is better not to hope that it will somehow manage itself.

In the south, for the first time, spraying tomatoes with Profit Gold from phytophthora is advised to carry out reviews after planting plants in open ground. You just need to wait until the plants take root. In more northern regions, this occurs at the end of June. At that time pathogenic fungi usually begin to multiply actively, affecting plants. Potato plantings are treated against late blight when its leaves in a row have not yet closed into a solid carpet.

When to treat onions with Profit Gold? Instructions for use, reviews advise spraying it when the feather reaches a height of 10 cm. If traces of the disease become noticeable earlier, and the leaves turn gray, then treatment can be carried out earlier.

Grapes are sprayed before flowering. Its leaves by this time should be well formed. Re-treat the plants after they bloom.

Spraying is carried out in dry calm weather, in the morning or in the evening, until the moment when dew appears on the leaves.

Dilute the granules in a glass, filter the resulting solution. Then pour into the sprayer and add water.

How to treat plants with Profit Gold? Instructions, reviews advise spraying them so that the solution lies flat on the sheets. Do not allow the formation of drops and their runoff to the soil. handle the internal and outer part sheet.

The benefits of the drug

The medicine "Profit Gold" has a number of advantages:

  • has a systemic and contact effect;
  • quickly blocks pathogens, preventing its spread on the site;
  • has a prolonged action, protects the newly grown foliage;
  • is not washed off by rain;
  • moisture and rain enhance its effect;
  • not dangerous for people, animals and fish.