Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkshire terrier. Characteristics and description of dogs of the Yorkshire Terrier breed Esh Terrier dog

Like any miracle, it is not known for certain where the Yorkshire terrier came to us - documents about it are extremely rare.

One thing is obvious: its ancient ancestors are rat-catching hunting terriers.

We know Yorkies as heroes of our time. But a dog with such a set of qualities definitely shone in other times.

Dog handlers, collecting pieces of facts, answer: shone. And at exhibitions, and at social events, and in war.

York history

Persistent searches for the past of the Yorkshire terrier lead to the works of the writer Appier (from the 2nd century BC) about the terrier-like island dog “Agasse”.

Next - what inspires more confidence - to the manuscripts of the Roman naturalist Pliny St. (23-77), where the author mentions the fearless little hunters underground, whom the Romans discovered in large numbers upon arrival in the British Isles.

Most researchers of this issue are sure: a small terrier with character and excellent jaws - a typically British discovery.

Sailors from all over the world played a huge role in its spread.

The next trace of the history of the Yorkshire Terrier is in France, under King Dagobert (630); when, according to the law, everyone who kills a dog hunting underground will face the most terrible punishment.

As you can see, the word “terrier” was first used in 1359 by the Norman poet Gage de la Bigne.

Then, in 1570, he became the physician of the English Queen Elizabeth I Tudor, a professor at Cambridge and a naturalist, Doctor Caius. He described small dogs with long silken hair and descent from local badger and fox hunting terriers.

Mentions of Yorkies can be traced in canine sources of the following centuries:

  • 1605, King James I Stuart writes about the “ground” dogs of his native Scotland, surprisingly reminiscent of today's Yorkshire terrier;
  • 1773, Dr. Johnson in his travel notes shares about otter hunting with small long-haired terriers, affectionate towards humans, but fierce towards animals;
  • 1837, Thomas Bell in “The History of British Quadrupeds” characterizes a variety of terriers, especially highlighting small, elegant ones, with fur of extraordinary silkiness and color.

The booming industry of England encouraged peasants to go to the western and northern counties to earn money, where they brought their own dogs for hunting and protection from rodents.

The Scottish visitors had their own “Scottish” terriers. Among the latter were Cairo, sky, paisley And Clydesdale Terriers. The last two breeds were not recognized by the Kennel Club (England) and were lost in history.

However, them as well that- And Dandie Dinmont Terriers are considered the ancestors of the current Yorkshire Terriers, which came directly from the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire, in the north of England.

It was in Yorkshire in the 18th and 19th centuries that the “small, gray-blue dog with semi-long hair” - the Waterside Terrier, kept by peasants - was popular.

Among other ancestors of Yorkies, the Manchester Terrier, which came from Manchester, is distinguished: thanks to this species, Yorkshire breed long and soft wool.

Small dogs with a royal stature and a gift for hunting were noticed by weavers of one of the new factories in Northern England, who subsequently managed to breed a dog with long, flowing hair the color of blue steel, with clean golden-brown markings. Externally she was different from today's terriers: 6-7 kg, longer body.

The breed was called the “Yorkshire Blue and Tan Silky Terrier” and instantly replaced all small terriers in popularity.

Some people name the Yorkshire Terrier among its ancestors. maltese dog. Crossbreeding was carried out to improve the quality of wool. On the one side- yes - light Yorkies usually have just luxurious fur. With another- we cannot know for sure: breeding Yorkies is a direct path to wealth and the breeders of real, small, chic Yorkies could hide the truth about their origin.

After all, dwarf dogs with an amazing set of qualities sometimes cost fortunes, and during the reign of Queen Victoria, appearing in public without a Yorkie in your arms was simply bad manners.

Please do not think that the people who introduced new dog breeds to the world were so stupid as not to document the formation of the breeds. These people are children of their time: yes, at that time they had not yet thought of stud books and were guided by practical motives, but what a legacy the former breeders left us!

Even the first kennel clubs of the 18th century did not keep stud books, but prioritized the hunting qualities of the breed.

The verdict is this: There is no particular point in discussing the exact origin of Yorkies, but one can be content with the canine and epistolary heritage, which gives an idea of ​​the specific producers who left their mark on the development of the breed.

In the second half of the 19th century, England regularly held dog shows and organized kennel clubs.

IN 1886 The Yorkshire Terrier was recognized by the Kennel Club and entered into the stud book.

1898 The year was marked by the opening of the first Yorkshire Terrier Club.

“Father of the breed”

Those in the know will look at each other knowingly at this moment: undoubtedly, we're talking about O Huddersfield Ben- “the best breeding dog of the breed of its time and one of the most remarkable dogs of all breeds and times.”

Yorkshire Terrier Ben was born in Huddersfield in 1865, as a result of inbreeding in two generations. He weighed 5.5 kilos and was simply adorable.

His first owner, W. Eastwood, heard more than once that Ben is the best representative of mini terriers. And already in 1867, Mrs. M.A. bought the dog for a decent sum. Foster - renowned breeder and judge dog shows. Very soon hitherto unknown the dog became a superstar.

For my short life Ben took 74 prizes at competitions and exhibitions, and also managed to leave a considerable number of offspring, the representatives of which became champions more than once. Among the winners are Little Cat, Emperor, Cobden, Dandy, Mozart, Benson.

Ben and his daughter Katie. Photo from Wikipedia.

Ben of Hudderfield, referred to solely as the “father of the breed,” was tragically killed by a carriage at the age of 6.

The first photos and descriptions of Yorkies say that these dogs were not compact according to, but among Ben’s direct descendants there are Yorkies with a shorter back. Eg, champion Ted(Annie x Young Royal), also owned by Foster, weighed 1.8 kg, had 22.8 cm at the withers, and long hair. Ted took 75 prizes, 25 cups and was recognized more than 10 times “ The best representative breed”, taking first place in exhibitions a total of 265 times. In 1890, he was called the most perfect terrier in existence.

Ted's most famous descendant is Teddy d'Aspinal (born Halifax Marvel) - wearer of a luxurious coat.

The opinion about ideal weight Yorkshire Terrier - dog handlers come to the numbers from 1.35 to 3.15 kg. The emphasis is on the length, silkiness and color of the Yorkie's coat - blue back and bright golden head and paws. Then more attention began to be paid to the line of the back, head and ears, which prohibited from docking in England, since 1895.

Yorkshire terriers have more than once been recognized as the smallest dogs on Earth and have fallen into Guinness book. Yorkie from Thailand weighed 481 grams with a height of 12 cm; Blackburn dog - 113 grams at 6.3 cm; Mrs. Foster also raised a midget Yorkie, Bradford Queen of Toy, weighing 681 grams.

Yorkies in the 20th century

The first half of the 20th century was not the most saturated time with information about Yorkshire terriers.

It is known that in 1940 the first Yorkie was bred in Germany.

From 1946, reports about shows and breeders begin to surface.

At that time, about 250 dogs were entered into the Kennel Club stud book per year, during the war - 100-200.

The year 1947 was marked first post-war exhibition in England; this year 953 Yorkshire terriers were entered into the stud book, in 1949 - over 1000, and in 1960 - over 4000!

Yorkies came to the USA back in 1872, and the stud book of the Kennel Club of America was listed in 1878, however, interest in them increased along with Smokey- a fearless dog soldier.

Yorkie Smokey warned her owner, an Air Force pilot, about kamikaze military attacks, jumped with a parachute, accompanied nurses to the wounded and laid communications.

Smokey earned the rank of corporal and received 8 military awards. Having lived for 14 years, after the war she starred in 42 television shows.

Interest in Yorkies continues to grow: 1998 - 9th place in the AKC ranking, in 2003 - 6th place; in 2006-2008 - 2 places.

Among celebrities there are also many admirers of Yorkshire terriers: Stallone, Belmondo, Mashkov, Kobzon, Yudashkin, Zverev are the star fathers of Yorkies.

Yorkies in Russia

The first happy owner of a Yorkshire terrier in Russia was ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya in 1971.

Almost simultaneously, several individuals appeared in other large cities.

First in Russia The Yorkie kennel was opened in Mytishchi in 1991. Dogs were chosen from Spain, France, and Great Britain.

Today the national breed club includes about 80 nurseries, more than 60 of which are in Moscow and the region.

Of course, we must know history, including the history of our pets.

But, looking at the infinitely sweet face of the Yorkshire terrier, you understand: it doesn’t matter whether his ancestors saw balls or the basements of weaving factories - “I love him.”

It is heterogeneous, it is divided into subspecies: Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, Mini Yorkshire Terrier, Baby Face Yorkshire Terrier, Classic York and some others.

The main varieties of Yorkshire terriers, standard and mini, differences between these subspecies: size, color, coat type, muzzle parameters. This makes choosing a pet difficult, because all representatives of the breed are cute, and the various little things make them special.

Before talking about the characteristics of the various subspecies, let us designate the main standards inherent in ordinary Yorkshire terriers, these are:

  • dimensions: at the withers 15 - 18 centimeters, weight up to 3.5 kg(depends on the subspecies, but no more);

Important! Don't trust dog breeders who sell dogs that are too small - they often suffer from genetic health problems. At least this specific types Yorkies, you should be wary and buy a puppy only from trusted nurseries.

  • wool: long, similar in structure human hair; must be straight; the color at birth is black (only the muzzle is yellow, golden), then it gradually brightens, and in old age it becomes completely light;
  • eyes: dark, correctly set, not convex, shiny;
  • bite: scissor-shaped, teeth stand vertically.

Contrary to breed standards, there are special traits in different subspecies. Let's start with the color, which always has great importance in determining the breed.

Biewer York - description of the breed

This subspecies of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier was first bred and registered in Germany in the mid-80s of the last century. In Russia it was recognized much later - only in 2009.

Peculiarities Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, the description of the breed is specific coat color. Have black and white or gray-white okra s, on the muzzle golden veins.

In addition, representatives this subspecies of Yorkies distinguishes durable musculoskeletal system. This, in a sense, simplifies keeping a pet, because you don’t have to watch it so closely. In addition, beavers no specific diseases, which is also their positive feature.

The only one difficulty in content, is careful grooming doggie. To preserve the pet's special color, it needs to be washed much more often than a traditional Yorkie, and also needs to be used special means for hair care.

In other respects, the beavers do not stand out in any way. Their character is the same as that of other representatives of the breed; they need to be looked after in the same way.

Biro - Yorkie and Shoko - Yorkie

This subspecies too is different from standard Yorkshire terriers its color- There are no black hairs in the wool.

Usually they have chocolate-white color with golden tints. Also, Biro-Yorks are distinguished by the fact that their size and weight are slightly larger than necessary, so this subspecies is not included in the breed at all.

Recently withdrawn Choco-Yorkie, not included in the breed standard. From the name it becomes clear that the specificity of Shoko-Yorks in chocolate coat color.

He can be from light milky to dark chocolate. Besides, color must be uniform.

Mini Yorkie

main feature mini yorkie This miniature sizes. They weigh about 2 kg.

This causes some difficulties in such pets:

  • they must be constantly monitored and should not be left on beds, sofas and other surfaces elevated above the floor - the dog may fall and damage the bones;
  • You should not get a Mini Yorkie if there is a child at home, as children often do not calculate their strength when playing with a pet and can damage the musculoskeletal system;
  • There are some difficulties in breeding the breed, so if you are not a professional, then you should not do it.

Important! If you decide to purchase a mini Yorkie, then buy a puppy only from trusted pets. Some dog breeders breed this subspecies, or do not properly monitor their health.

Interestingly, these are not the smallest representatives of the breed! There are also so-called "micro-Yorkie" or "super mini", which weigh about one and a half kilograms or even less.

Such small dogs have health problems, more often with musculoskeletal system. Besides, they live less standard Yorkies.

Baby - face Yorkshire terrier

The peculiarity of this subspecies is that the muzzle does not meet the standards of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.

Here's what it is:

  • head has a round shape;
  • muzzle shorter than a traditional Yorkie;
  • ears located below forehead level;
  • eyes large, convex, which makes the look seem surprised, a little like a doll’s eyes;
  • spout upturned.

Thanks to this, the muzzle looks very cute, hence the name: baby face, because the muzzle resembles the expression of a child, a doll. However, these features cause specific health problems, for example:

  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • frequent eye injuries (due to bulge);
  • teeth often fall out (so you have to carefully monitor them);
  • snoring and grunting (due to improper placement of the nasopharynx).

You can buy this cute pet only with unlimited attention and care.


Yorkshire Terrier have long been successfully crossed with other breeds. Such unions produce interesting representatives. Quite popular are the so-called "chorkie" which occur thanks to crossbreeding Yorkie and Chihuahua. Peculiarity them is that at birth it is impossible to predict what kind of dog will have wool. She may be different colors , as well as various structure and length.

In addition, it occurs Yorkshire Terrier and Spitz mix. Representatives of such an amazing mixture have good health, because they take the best from their parents.

Very often external a variety of Yorkie mixed breeds not much different from the appearance of its parent, the Yorkshire Terrier.

However, some special features are visible in all these subspecies.

If you decide to purchase pet for participation in exhibitions, then it is better to choose a traditional Yorkshire terrier, because the remaining subspecies are not included in the catalogs of breeds that are capable of participating in competitions.

They are bred rather for sale, because they are very interesting and attract a lot of attention. Remember this when purchasing a puppy.

Useful video

Video about the Yorkshire Terrier about breeds, types and subspecies:

Yorkshire Terrier - detailed description dog breeds, photos, videos, features of keeping and history of the origin of the breed

Breed dossier

    Country of origin: Great Britain, Yorkshire and Lancshire.

    Classification: Group 3. Terriers. Section 4. Yorkshire Terriers (without testing and working qualities).

    Training: They are easy to train, smart, and pick up commands on the fly.

    Color: steel with tan (different shades).

    Dimensions. There are three types of Yorkies by size: Standard Yorkshire Terrier (weight 2 to 3.1 kg), Mini Yorkshire Terrier (weight 1.5 to 2 kg) and Super Mini Yorkshire Terrier (weight 900 g to 1.5 kg) .

    General impression: pocket dog with a doll face.

    Usage: decorative dog without any operational tests.

    Physical exercise: moderate. The Yorkshire Terrier loves walks in nature and active games.

    Character: friendly, responsive. Yorkies, despite their small stature, are independent dogs with a strong character.

    Grooming: weekly grooming routine. If the dog is a show class dog, it must be cut and combed regularly to keep its coat healthy and well-groomed. Periodic nail trimming.

    Amenability: Get along well with any pets. The most surprising thing is that among other (larger) dogs, Yorkies try to dominate.

    Diseases: cryptorchidism, joint diseases, disruption of the process of changing baby teeth (as a result - malocclusion).

    Diet: dry food.

    Lifespan: 10-15 years. In some cases, Yorkies can live more than 20 years.

History of origin of the breed

Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most... small breeds in the world. There are three types of Yorkies by size: Standard Yorkshire Terrier (weight 2 to 3.1 kg), Mini Yorkshire Terrier (weight 1.5 to 2 kg) and Super Mini Yorkshire Terrier (weight 900 g to 1.5 kg) . But this was not always the case - York terriers at the dawn of the breed's development weighed 6-8 kilograms. They were used to protect homes and households from small rodents. It is known that Yorkies were a popular breed in England back in the 13th century. IN late XIX century, the first officially registered club of Yorkshire terrier lovers appeared. The “father” of the breed is considered to be a Yorkie named Huddersfield Ben. During World War II, the development of the breed was suspended. Yorkshire terriers quickly gained fans around the world, now they are one of the most popular dog breeds not only in the UK, but also in other countries.


The Yorkshire Terrier is a breed of miniature indoor dog with an unusual appearance. When you first look at York, a cute teddy bear comes to mind. This is a long-haired breed, the peculiarity of which is its “hair” - long wool without undercoat throughout the body, the parting is even from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail.

Psychological picture

The Yorkie is a lively little energizer with a lively mind and a cheerful personality. The Yorkshire Terrier has a toy appearance, but this does not mean that he will allow himself to be treated as a toy or thing. Each dog of this breed is a completely independent individual with its own habits and needs. In addition, Yorkies have a tendency to “delusions of grandeur” - if you constantly run around with them and allow too much, then over time these cute dogs turn into little harmful tyrants. Yorkshire terriers really like human attention, and at exhibitions they feel like fish in water - they pose, obey all commands, allow you to play with them - they do everything to be touched and praised.

Yorkies are kept only in apartments and houses. Walking is carried out only on a leash or harness, because until the puppy is trained, it can run far and even get lost. Representatives of this breed have a magnificent silky coat that requires regular and careful grooming. These dogs require frequent coat trimmings and ongoing care for claws (filing and even painting). In the cold season, Yorkies are dressed in special fashionable clothes for dogs.

Price policy

The cost of one Yorkshire Terrier puppy: from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. The price directly depends on the pedigree, gender, age and class of the York.

Price: from 30 to 80 thousand rubles

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular breeds of miniature dogs in the world. These are smart, cheerful and cheerful pets. Besides these positive qualities character, Yorkies are one of those rare types of dogs that have no undercoat, do not shed and do not cause allergic reactions!

Let's take a closer look at this breed and find out what a Yorkshire Terrier looks like, how to care for it, what to feed and where to buy puppies?

History of the breed

Yorkshire Terrier dogs originated in England in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution. Just like dogs large breeds a ban was introduced, and cats were considered unclean animals, a need arose for dwarf dogs capable of exterminating small rodents.

By order of the monarchs, people began to select and breed small dogs, which were used as rat catchers on farms and local coal mines. These dogs were larger than their modern counterparts.

As a result of the mixing of several terrier breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier was born, and in 1886 it was registered in the Kennel Club stud book. The dog's name was Huddersfield Be and he became known as the founder of the breed.

Description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

In many countries there is a conditional division of the breed into:

  • standard Yorkies (weighing up to 3.1 kg);
  • mini (up to 2.1 kg);
  • super-mini (up to 1.5 kg).

However, according to the breed standard, weight adult dog should not exceed the norm - 3.1 kg; nothing is said about the minimum weight and height of the animal.

In pursuit of the fashion for very small dogs, unscrupulous breeders are trying to breed miniature pets (up to 1.5 kg), which is bad for the breed. Since such animals have many health problems. Therefore the bitches weigh less than 2 kg are not allowed for breeding!

Despite its miniature size, this breed has a proportional build.

  1. Head small, slightly flat shape.
  2. Eyes round, dark, with a lively shine.
  3. Ears set high, small, erect, V-shaped.
  4. Frame strong, compact, straight back. The ribs are slightly convex, the chest is rounded.
  5. Forepaws straight, shoulders correct form. Hind limbs also straight, knee joints slightly pronounced.
  6. Tail can be either docked or not docked. In both cases, the tail should be slightly higher than the back.
  7. Wool It is unique, its structure resembles human hair - it constantly grows, practically does not fall out and does not cause allergic reactions.

Interesting fact! The smallest dog, a Yorkshire terrier named Big Boss, weighed 481 grams and was only 11.9 centimeters tall.


Puppies of this breed are born black with tan spots on the face, paws and under the tail. At the age of about 4 months, puppies begin to change colors, and by 2-3 years the dog acquires its final color.

According to the breed description, the structure of the coat is soft, silky, absolutely smooth and shiny.

The color has a single standard:

  • dark steel-blue color of the coat from the back of the head to the base of the tail. Should not be mixed with red, bronze or dark coats;
  • The chest has a deep, bright tan. This color should extend to the elbows on the forelegs and to the knee joint on hind legs. The hair is darkest at the roots, lighter in the middle and very light at the ends;
  • The color of the head is golden brown, more saturated on the sides of the head, on the muzzle and near the ears.

If you are offered a dog of a different color, then perhaps it is a representative of a new species - the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, which was bred in Germany. These dogs are characterized by black and white color with golden and brown spots throughout the body.

There are also Choco Yorkies. The peculiarity of dogs is that they not only have fur, but even a nose, paw pads and claws of an even chocolate color.

A new and rare type of Yorkshire Terrier breed is the Goldust breed. Dog color options range from white and gold to all shades of gold.

Worth remembering that all these species are not recognized as individual breeds. They are not suitable for breeding or exhibition careers. However, all of the above colors are very popular among Yorkshire terrier lovers.


Despite their miniature size, Yorkies have a unique and independent character. Here are the main character traits that these animals have.

  1. Love for the owner. They are very attached to their owner and get a lot of pleasure from communicating with him! We are ready to be with a person day and night, to sleep in the same bed with him.
  1. Cheerfulness. Active games and walks are one of the favorite pastimes of Yorkshire terriers. They are energetic, love spending time with children and are excellent companions for them. If children are still small and do not understand that they can inadvertently harm a dog, then it is better that their games take place under the supervision of adults.
  1. Independence. Yorkies are capricious, they may not obey their owner or behave a little aggressively - this is due to their nature. Even with such compact sizes, they remain terriers with a spoiled and independent character.
  1. Intelligence. Dogs of this breed are smart, enjoy learning new things and following commands. Curiosity and attentiveness are in their blood.
  1. Courage. At first glance, small and defenseless Yorkies are actually brave and fearless. Without hesitation, they will rush to protect their beloved owner, even if the enemy is several times larger than themselves.
  1. Tenderness. When it comes to expressing feelings, this breed can be called one of the most loving and devoted dogs. They do not hide their emotions when they see their owner, openly demonstrating joy and boundless love.


Due to their character traits, pet training should begin as early as possible, at the age of 1-2 months.

If you decide to train your pet at home, then you will have a question: how to raise a dog correctly?

  • First, teach the puppy to respond to its name. Choose a short name so that your baby can easily remember it. Pronounce the name softly and affectionately - this will evoke a pleasant association in the puppy;
  • if you buy a puppy from experienced breeders or in a nursery, then, most likely, the baby will be trained to the tray. Otherwise, you will need to either walk the dog several times a day or toilet train it yourself;
  • teach your dog to use a leash. To do this, let your pet walk next to you. If he obeys, reward him with something tasty; if he disobeys, don’t punish him, try again;
  • to teach the commands “Stop” and “Come to me”, also use the reward method, in no case punishing the dog or using physical force;
  • As for the Fu command, a different approach is needed. If your pet behaves undesirably, clearly state its name and say “Ugh.” Raise your voice, give commands strictly and clearly;
  • train daily, educate in the form of a game.

Remember! If you do not have the time or desire to train a dog, it is better to entrust this process to experienced dog handlers, otherwise there is a risk of getting a wayward and uncontrollable animal!

Care and maintenance

Before you get a Yorkie, you need to know how to properly care for it. How to wash, comb and cut a dog? How long should you walk her and how often should her nails be trimmed? What to do with females and males during puberty?

Let's take a closer look at the above and other questions that an owner has when a Yorkshire Terrier appears in his home.

  1. Grooming. Wool is the main pride of these miniature animals. If you are preparing your pet for a show or simply don't want to cut your dog because you like long hair, then get ready for daily care for her. Using special oils and conditioners, comb your pet’s fur every day with a metal comb, and in order to coat didn't get confused or lost appearance, wind it on curlers or curlers.
  2. Bathing. Bathe your pet at least once a month with special shampoos for the appropriate coat type. After the procedure, wrap the dog in a towel, then gently dry it with a hairdryer. Make sure your pet doesn't get hypothermic.
  3. Eye care. The animal's eyes are washed daily with a cotton swab dipped in tea infusion. If your dog has tear tracks, it is necessary to wash the eyes with a special lotion or gel on a natural basis.
  4. Ear care. The ears are examined once a week. In the presence of earwax, clean cotton swab. If you find inflammation or bad smell, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  1. Claw care. Nails are trimmed twice a month with a nail clipper. After the procedure, it is necessary to file them to avoid delamination.
  2. Dental care. Be sure to inspect your dog's mouth at least once a week. Get your dog used to brushing his teeth daily with a special toothpaste.
  3. Puberty. Puberty begins at 8-9 months. However, at this age dogs should not be allowed to breed. Breeders recommend skipping one or two heats in female dogs before mating. For males ideal age The age for untying is 1 year.

Read also:

Keeping a Yorkshire Terrier

Before you bring a charming baby into your home, think about what you need to keep a pet and be sure to prepare everything you need.

So, you will need:

  • a personal place for the dog: a soft and warm rug, ottoman, basket or cozy house;
  • two bowls for water and food. It is better to take it with suction cups at the bottom so that their contents do not end up on the floor;
  • tray and special diapers for puppies;
  • the collar should be as soft as possible so as not to damage the delicate coat, especially when it comes to show dogs. Don't forget, too, about a flea collar;
  • clothes for walking in the cold season;
  • coat care products: shampoo, conditioner, metal comb, towel after bathing;
  • eye, ear and claw care products;
  • toys: soft, rubber, in the form of balls, bones or dumbbells, which they simply adore!


Lifespan the average age is 12-15 years. They are not distinguished by the strongest health among their fellows, therefore they require more attention in care.

Yorkshire terriers are characterized by the following breed diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the middle ear, which occur even with a normal draft;
  • pathologies of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • dental problems: broken bite, tartar, false polydentia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: ataxia, aseptic necrosis, osteoarthritis, injuries and ruptures cruciate ligaments, dislocation kneecap, fractures and sprains;
  • hypoglycemia – low content blood glucose;
  • hydrocephalus – very serious congenital disease, in which fluid accumulates in the brain;
  • allergic reactions to pollen, medications, foods, detergents etc.

Important! In order for your pet to always be healthy and feel good, it is necessary to follow preventive measures: regularly visit the veterinarian, get vaccinations on time and deworm the animal.

What to feed your Yorkshire Terrier

To make the dog feel good and have good health, monitor her nutrition from puppyhood. IN an important aspect is not only balanced diet, and food culture Your pet. Immediately teach the animal to accept food only from the hands of the owner and in no case from strangers.

Train your puppy to have good manners and patience by doing the following:

  • feed at the same time;
  • leave the bowl of food for no more than 15 minutes;
  • do not feed the dog from the owner's table;
  • Do not allow your pet to pick up food on the street.

Thus, you will not only educate obedient dog, and also save him from unnecessary troubles.

Now let's look at the most important questions dog nutrition.

What should the portion be?

In view of their small sizes(up to 3 kg), a serving should be no more than 60 grams. And with this small amount of food it is necessary to provide the entire set of nutrients and microelements.

What food should I feed my dog?

Let's figure out together what to feed your pet - natural products or dry food and canned food.

Feeding dry food is very convenient, but there are pros and cons of such feeding.

Advantages of dry food:

  • high-quality feed has a balanced composition;
  • There is no need to prepare food for your pet; the food is immediately suitable for consumption.


  • may contain chemical additives;
  • The dog gets bored with the same food, so you will constantly need to look for new types;
  • the owner cannot be sure that the ingredients included in the dry food are of high quality.

If you prefer this type of food, then choose exclusively “premium” class food.

At self-cooking food for your pet, consider the following recommendations:

  • 50% of the diet should be proteins (lean meat, cottage cheese, boiled fish without bones), 25% - carbohydrates (porridge) and 25% - fruits and vegetables;
  • in addition to meat, you can give the dog lungs, heart, liver, after boiling it;
  • Give your pet food warm (not hot!);
  • finely chop all products before serving;
  • Give your dog extra vitamins and supplements.

The following foods are prohibited for the breed.

One of the smallest dog breeds is, it is also one of the most popular in the world. And all thanks to her small size, a little perky character and a beautiful long fur coat! Many people want a small dog as an accessory, but this is not possible - a small Yorkie expects love, care and attention. This breed of dog is perfect for keeping in an apartment; it can even be taught to use the cat litter box, because Yorkies are quite smart animals.

History of the Yorkshire Terrier

The history of the origin of the Yorkshire Terrier originates from England in the 17th and 18th centuries. Then in Yorkshire there was popular breed Waterside Terrier, which was described as "small dogs with semi-long hair." This breed is considered the ancestor of modern Yorkies. It is interesting that the villagers then kept small dogs because they were forbidden to have large breed dogs.

During the period of industrialization, many people from villages moved to cities, hoping to find work and a better future there. Naturally, they brought dogs with them, and so the ancestors of the Yorkshire Terrier moved to the cities. Historians and dog breeders suggest that the modern Yorkie was the result of crossing breeds such as the Paisley Terrier, Cairo Terrier, Clydesdale Terrier, Waterside Terrier and Skye Terrier.

Yorkies came to Russia only in the second half of the 20th century. Then the ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya was given a puppy of this breed. After this, Yorkshire terriers began to appear in sick cities, and 20 years later the first kennel of this breed appeared in Russia. Today Yorkies have become so popular that the number of kennels in the country is approaching a hundred.

Yorkshire Terrier breed standard

In fact, the standard described below characterizes the Yorkshire Terrier general form representative of this breed, talking about body size, weight, shape of the muzzle, ears, coat structure, etc. Before you buy a Yorkie puppy, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the standard.

  • The head is quite small, the skull is flat, not round or convex. Neck of good length. The muzzle is not long, the nose is black. The jaws are straight, the bite is correct, even, scissor-shaped, the upper incisors fit tightly in front of the lower ones, the teeth are vertical.
  • Eyes average size, almond-shaped or oval, but not round or convex, set straight. The eyelids are dark, as are the eyes. The look is alert and intelligent.
  • The ears are small, V-shaped (equilateral triangle), carried vertically and not too well apart. The six on the ears is short and has a very rich red-brown color.
  • The body is compact and harmoniously folded. The back is short with a straight topline. The loin is very strong and the chest has moderately oval ribs.
  • The tail is often docked halfway, but not always. There is a lot of fur on it and it is a darker shade than the fur on the body. The tail is held slightly above the line of the back.
  • The forelimbs are straight, the paws are round and well covered with fur of a red-brown or golden color. In this case, the red-brown should hit no higher than the elbows. The claws are black.
  • The hind legs also appear completely straight when viewed from behind. IN knee joints the angles are moderately pronounced.
  • The hair on the body is medium long, straight (not wavy at all), fine silky in texture, shiny and not fluffy. On the head, the hair is long, flowing, and has a rich golden red-brown color (on the sides of the head it is more intense, as well as on the muzzle and at the base of the ears - where the hair is the longest). In this case, the red-brown color does not extend to the neck and should not be without admixtures of gray or black.
  • According to the standard, the weight of a Yorkie should not exceed 3.1 kg, preference is given to individuals from 2 to 3 kilograms. The height of dogs is from 17 to 23 centimeters. Super mini weigh up to 1.5 kg, and mini from 1.5 to 2 kg.

Yorkshire Terrier is the breed standard. On the right is a Yorkie puppy))

Yorkshire Terrier color

Yorkshire Terrier puppies immediately after birth have a black and tan coat color, so at first glance it may seem that they do not fall under the standard. But this is not true, because over time the wool becomes significantly lighter. Although some puppies do not change color as they grow older. For this reason, many Yorkies have coat color that does not meet the direct standard. For adult Yorkshire Terriers, coat color is very important.

Yorkshire Terriers have a steel blue coat color (dark, not silver blue) that extends from the base of the tail to the occipital protuberance. There should be no admixture of bronze, dark or yellowish-brown hair. The fur on the chest is an intense, bright red-brown color. At the same time, all red-brown hair is darker at the roots and lighter closer to the middle and ends.

Abundant wool on the limbs it has a golden red-brown color, the tips of the hair are lighter than at the roots. In this case, the red-brown color should not be higher than the knees and elbows. The short hair on the ears is a rich red-brown color. The abundant fur on the tail is blue, a darker shade than on the body.

Yorkshire Terrier - character

The Yorkshire Terrier dog is an excellent friend. A pet of this breed shares both joy and sadness with its owner. Moreover, in the second case, he can easily cheer you up thanks to his hunting character: on a walk, this prankster can fearlessly rush not only after a butterfly or a bird, but also a much larger cat and even a dog. So it's better to hit carefully.

Video about Yorkshire Terriers

Despite its size, the Yorkie fiercely protects its owner: as soon as someone violates your territory, this mini-lion will immediately do everything possible to drive the stranger away. It’s not for nothing that Yorkies are often carried with them, even in their purses (as long as their head is on top, because you need to see everything) - dogs of this breed love to be constantly next to you.

These pets, like a shadow, can constantly follow you around the house. And despite the desire to protect you from strangers, as soon as you tell your Yorkie that you don’t need to be protected from this person, the dog will immediately get along with him. But they are often aggressive towards other dogs. And yet, Yorkies love to lie on their owners’ laps while they are watching TV or just relaxing.

Yorkshire Terrier - photos of puppies and dogs

Yorkie girl photo. Author - minuk.
Yorkie photo. Author: drpavloff.

Yorkie breed photo. Author: Tobias Goldkamp.
Yorkie training. Photo by Michael G.

Yorkie puppies, photo by Brandon Daniel.
Yorkshire Terrier breed photo from Nkolus.

Yorkshire Terrier. Photo by jj.sheets.
Yorkie photo. Posted by thonk25.

Adult Yorkshire Terrier photo. Author: Ed Yourdon.
Yorkshire Terrier in clothes photo. Author: Arturo Mora-Soto.

Yorkshire Terrier care and education

When starting a Yorkie, first of all, remember that this is not a beautiful accessory, but real dog. Although the breed is small, the difficulty of caring for it is rather average - long hair always brings trouble. In other matters, what is the care of the Yorkshire Terrier's coat in more detail in the next paragraph.

First of all, we note that caring for a Yorkie's coat at home is not difficult - it just involves combing, bathing and trimming. You should bathe your pet no more than once a week, but not much less often. The wool needs to dry naturally, that is, it is better not to use hair dryers. Once the fur is dry, take a brush and carefully and thoroughly comb your Yorkie.

As for the haircut, if your pet does not take part in exhibitions, then you can do it yourself. We take scissors and trim the fur in the right places at our discretion. In other matters, in big cities There are many salons where dogs are professionally cut (called grooming).

Well-groomed means beautiful.
Photo by Cristiano Oliveira.

Walking a Yorkie should take about an hour with the opportunity to play, this time is quite enough to satisfy the pet’s needs for activity. We recommend teaching your dog such commands as “fu”, “come to me”, “near”, “sit” - then the walk will be much easier for you.

What to feed your Yorkie

Feeding Yorkshire Terrier puppies is no different from feeding other small dogs, we have already described in detail how to do it correctly (click on the link to find out more). An adult Yorkie can be fed as follows: natural nutrition, so ready-made feed.

If you are planning to feed your Yorkshire Terrier a prepared diet, then be sure to read about what is available. By following the link you will learn why you can’t feed your pets with economy class food, what are the disadvantages of premium class food, which foods are good, as well as a list of brands belonging to each class and their popularity rating.

The Dai Paw website recommends feeding Yorkies either natural food or high-quality food. For example, dry food about which only good things belong to holisticists, that is, it eats the highest quality. If you can’t afford expensive food, and natural food is not suitable, try it, which is also good, but the price is lower.

Although the Yorkie doesn't have to go through general course training completely, he can remember and perform even the most complex commands. Having completed training, the pet can easily remember commands even after several months during which they have not heard them. You can understand how to train a Yorkshire Terrier by watching the video below.

Video: Yorkshire Terrier training

As you can see, the author of the video uses treats: after correct execution command the pet receives a reward. This general principle and even a child can train a Yorkie using this approach, the main thing is that he understands how to behave with a dog.

“to me”, “sit”, “lie down”, “you can’t” and “give me your paw”, read the link. Even if you are not eager to train your pet, it is still worth teaching him the basic commands - this way, walking with your Yorkie will never turn into a nightmare (after all, the animal will be obedient and will be able to understand what you want from it).

Where to buy a Yorkshire Terrier

First of all, we note that you should not buy a puppy from your own hands, because in this case you do not know whether this pet is purebred, whether it is healthy, etc. But even in this case, you will have to pay a hundred or two dollars for it. The price of a Yorkshire Terrier puppy ranges from 300 to 700 dollars for a PET-class baby. For a BRID-class pet you will have to pay much more - from 1000 to 2000 dollars.

If you need pet- then a PET-class puppy will suit you and become your great companion. An animal of this class is not much different from more expensive ones, but it cannot participate in the exhibition. By the way, for a SHOW-class puppy they often ask about $5,000. Below is a list of kennels where you can buy a Yorkie puppy.

Find out more:(price of puppies with and without documents, with and without pedigree, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus).

Yorkshire terrier kennels:

  • Kennel of Yorkshire Terriers in Moscow - “Moscow Talisman” www.yorshire.ru
  • Kennel of Yorkshire Terriers in St. Petersburg - “Lux Mea” www.luxmea.ru
  • Yorkshire terrier kennel in Minsk - “Gold Line” www.biewer-and-york.clan.su
  • Kennel of Yorkshire Terriers in Kyiv - “Mon Bijou” www. dog-cat.kiev.ua
  • (in cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus).