Characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier, care and training of the Yorkie. Yorkshire Terrier dog (photo): a little friend for your family Features of the Yorkshire Terrier dog breed

A miniature dog with long, silky hair and expressive dark eyes captivates with its beauty. Indeed, the Yorkshire Terrier has become a favorite breed of fashionable ladies and show business stars, accompanying their dazzling owners at social parties and appearing on the covers of glossy magazines. The ability to behave absolutely indifferently in front of strangers, sitting in the arms or in the owner’s bag with the air of a royal person, touches casual viewers who certainly want to buy the same dog. But the Yorkshire Terrier is not only a decorative dog; modern dogs of this breed have the hot temper of their ancestors.

Yorkshire Terrier has an ancient and glorious origin, and although its history is shrouded in secrets and mystification, and there are few documented facts, one thing is certain: this The breed originated in the British Isles. As early as the second century BC, in the manuscripts of a Roman naturalist who landed on the islands, there were records of small dogs fearlessly fighting rats underground.

In the fourteenth century, terriers, thanks to sea routes, spread throughout Europe. A couple of centuries later, a professor at Cambridge University described miniature dogs with long, flowing, silky hair, from which the Yorkshire Terrier breed originated. And although the Waterside Terrier is considered the ancestor of the breed, Every Yorkie has the blood of numerous small terriers and even a Maltese.

Interesting! The favorite of glamorous people was created by real commoners from the county of Yorkshire, who created new breed not at all to shine in society, but to catch numerous rats. The new breed of dog had to be small in order to dexterously penetrate into secluded corners, and its long hair served as a kind of protective mantle from the sharp teeth of rats.

Later, already in 1886, the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of England and received an official name after the name of the county from which the majority were represented. best representatives. Initially, the size and format of Yorkshire terriers varied from super-small specimens to relatively large and even huge ones. Breeders paid much more attention to the length and silkiness of the coat, its unique color, than to the anatomical features. The breed acquired its perfect appearance already in the twentieth century.

The purpose of Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier dog breed is meant to be real. family dog, who knows how to deftly rid her owners’ house of rodents and other small pests. But with the development of the breed and over time, the skills of a rat catcher ceased to be a priority, and the incredible charm and amazing beauty of small dogs came to the fore. Today, the main purpose of the breed is the ability to give love and mass positive emotions the owner and his family members.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a wonderful companion for the whole family. These dogs do an excellent job of catching small rodents.

Dogs of this breed are ideal for both single people and large families. A small dog can be seen in the arms of an aging lady and surrounded by a noisy gang of children, since it is in the nature of the Yorkshire Terrier to always be the center of attention and get real pleasure from it.

Breed standard, description and photographs

The overall impression is that of a graceful, small animal with a strong, well-proportioned build and proud bearing. The regal appearance is created by the long, smooth coat that flows to the ground. The Yorkshire Terrier always looks confident and feels free in any company.

Photo. Yorkshire Terrier dog

Yorkshire Terrier in the photo

Here are the main characteristics of these dogs:
  • The body of the animal is strong, compact, strong, with a straight back, muscular loin and a short, straight croup. The chest is moderately deep, with rounded ribs and a smooth underline. The tail is of medium length, docked to the required size, set high, carried above the level of the back, covered with long hair of a dark silver shade.
  • The forelimbs are straight, parallel to each other, with a sloping shoulder, and covered with golden hair. The hind limbs are straight, with moderately pronounced angles, the paws are arched, strong, the claws are black.
  • The head is medium in size with a small, flat skull and not too long muzzle. The jaws are strong, straight, with small strong teeth and a scissor bite. Full teeth are desirable.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, round, but not protruding, straight set, dark in color, very expressive. The look is cheerful and lively, the rims of the eyes are dark, the eyelids are tight-fitting. Ears are small triangular shape, standing, not too widely spaced. The fur on the ears should be clipped to highlight its shape.
  • The coat is long, flowing, straight, with a silky texture, not wavy or fluffy. The color is steel, dark from the base of the tail to the back of the head. On the head and chest the color is golden; at the roots the tan is always richer and darker than at the ends of the hair. On the back the color is uniform, without interspersed brown or bronze hairs. It is interesting that in the Yorkshire Terrier assessment sheet greatest number points are assigned to the quantity and quality of wool, as well as the depth and correctness of color.
  • Movements are free, balanced, energetic, the perky raised tail indicates the cheerful character of a real terrier.

Important! Yorkshire Terrier puppies are black at birth with small spots of red tan. Even the breeder cannot predict how deep their color will be as adults. Only by the age of one year do the puppies begin to bloom and acquire the color characteristic of the breed.

Personality of Yorkshire Terrier dogs

Temperamental and courageous, the Yorkshire Terrier is not the pampered parlor dog that it is mistakenly portrayed as. A dog of this breed is quite capable of standing up for itself, rushing to the owner’s defense and even biting the offender. A bully and a desperate daredevil, he really does not like familiarity, and can bite a stranger who decides to stroke his shiny fur.

Yorkshire Terriers are temperamental and courageous dogs. They constantly hunt small animals and insects.

The protective qualities of the Yorkshire Terrier, due to its small stature, do not matter to the owners, but the dog is an excellent watchman, greeting any guest with a loud bark or reacting with a menacing growl to suspicious noise.

Yorkshire Terriers are natural hunters. The dog loves to look for traces of animals in the park and never misses an opportunity to hunt a lizard or a large beetle. The neighbor's cat may also be the subject of persecution. A dog of this breed, once in a village farmstead, will definitely start chasing poultry.

The Yorkshire Terrier is not a toy or a funny animal at all, it is a person capable of selfless love and possessing courage large dog. An intelligent and humorous dog, with proper education, becomes an ideal companion, devoted friend and constant companion.

Subtleties of training Yorkies

One of the characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier is its early maturation. The one-year-old dog is already fully formed, both physically and emotionally. Very often, it is this age limit that becomes an unexpected unpleasant surprise for owners: an obedient and sweet dog becomes a real prankster, loses his neatness skills, and shows aggression.

Most often, such a change in behavior becomes sudden only for owners who are not attentive to small signals that appear periodically. For example, the dog growled when trying to comb him, became annoying, and constantly begs at the table. At the same time, inexperienced owners satisfy all his desires, finding justification for such behavior.

Growing up, the dog understands that it is he who is the main one in the family, and begins to behave as he pleases. For this reason, raising and training a puppy (including ring training for show animals) should begin early, from the first moment of meeting a new family.

Yorkshire terriers are highly trainable and are happy to learn new commands, but if not trained they can become aggressive.

There is no need to make allowances for the dog’s tender age or small size. General course training will turn an eccentric puppy into a well-mannered, seasoned dog. These dogs will easily learn to “Sit” and “Lie down”, learn.

Important! You should not treat your pet as an ornament or a toy. Yorkshire Terrier puppies are very cute and funny, but inside every baby there is a stubborn and courageous terrier that needs firm and consistent training.

Dogs of this breed are good at grasping everything new, they are able to remember a large number of words and phrases, but endurance exercises are difficult for them. And yet, it’s hard not to be surprised when you look at how calmly and patiently an adult Yorkshire terrier endures all manipulations with its fur, and how motionless it stands in the exhibition stand.

Attitude towards children and animals

Yorkshire Terriers are very sociable and will easily make friends with other pets.

Yorkshire Terriers are eternal children, they are always ready to play and have fun, so they are happy to communicate with children. It’s interesting that when walking, other people’s children do not cause aggression or hostility in them, but if a hooligan boy wants to offend his little mistress, the dog will definitely come to his defense. In a family, a dog of this breed becomes a true devoted friend for the child, and a warm, trusting relationship is established between them.

If there are other pets in the house besides the Yorkie, then the puppy will definitely try to make friends with them. Puppies of this breed are friendly and inquisitive. An adult dog may react warily to a brought kitten or puppy, try to scare the stranger, or even bite. Over time, he will change his anger to mercy and begin to patronize the baby, even if he grows several times larger than him.

The small size of the Yorkshire Terrier does not at all detract from its great desire to command those of lower status. A new adult animal can cause strong jealousy in the owner and completely change his behavior in the house. The male most often begins to uncontrollably mark his territory, the females lose their neatness skills and spoil things.

Important! The danger for a dog of this breed is represented by babies who have just learned to walk. They may fall on a sleeping puppy, drop a heavy toy on him, or hurt him by grabbing his ear or tail. An adult dog may react to such behavior by growling or even biting the child, and the puppy will be frightened or injured.

How to properly care for a Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is the most labor-intensive dog breed in terms of coat care. The long and silky coat has a special, unique structure reminiscent of human hair. Just like hair, it quickly becomes dirty, the dog begins to look unkempt and smells terrible. You have to bathe the animal several times a week, and for bathing you purchase a special shampoo and a whole line of care products: balms, oils, conditioners.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat requires constant care. If the dog does not attend exhibitions, it is better to take it for a haircut.

Puppies of this breed have short fur that grows constantly and by the age of two the dog looks just great, provided that the coat is well cared for. Show dogs They are forced to walk in curlers all the time, as the wool becomes tangled and spoiled by grass, dust and street dirt. The dog is brushed daily. If the owners do not plan a show career for their pet, then it is better for the dog to get a haircut to make grooming easier.

In addition to the usual haircut, the Yorkshire Terrier receives a hygiene grooming approximately once every two weeks. First, carefully trim the hairs that bristle near the eyes and can injure them. Then the hairs inside the ears are plucked out, which is very painful, so the inside of the ear is pre-treated with a special anesthetic. The fur around the paws is carefully trimmed, and between the toes is trimmed. The hair near the anus is removed so that excrement does not stain it.

In order to keep the coat in order and protect the dog from the cold, and the delicate paw pads from street dirt and reagents, the Yorkshire Terrier is given clothes. Overalls of various styles and colors for cold days, warm sweaters and raincoats for the off-season, as well as summer cotton clothes. In clothes, the dog's fur becomes less wrinkled and dirty, and it does not freeze. They begin to accustom a puppy to wearing overalls or boots early, so that the adult dog is calm about it.

Tartar builds up quickly on your Yorkie's teeth, so they should be cleaned regularly.

The breed characteristic of the Yorkshire Terrier is increased viscosity saliva. This leads to a slow cleansing of food particles from the dog's teeth and rapid formation of tartar. The puppy must be accustomed to brushing its teeth with a special brush with early age, when the dog becomes an adult, it will calmly treat any manipulations in the oral cavity. Animals that are not accustomed to brushing their teeth must be euthanized for plaque removal procedures.

Tears often flow from the dog's eyes, as the eyes are injured by dust particles or hairs sticking out on the face. Tears dry out, forming tracks, the fur underneath them remains wet, microorganisms actively multiply there, and inflammation begins skin. To prevent these consequences, wipe the eyes with a special lotion daily.

If the dog does not walk much, then his claws grow so much that they cause discomfort, They can get caught on a carpet or other object and tear, which is very painful. Overgrown claws must be trimmed with a special guillotine or nail clipper. This is done very carefully, literally millimeter by millimeter, so as not to touch the tissue containing nerve endings and blood vessels.

Yorkie's diet

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest breeds and eats little, but this does not mean that the dog can be fed table scraps. Digestive system These babies are prone to various malfunctions, the pancreas is especially vulnerable. Acute pancreatitis is the most common diagnosed disease that can be fatal.

To stay healthy, Yorkshire Terrier needs fractional meals with a minimum amount of animal fats in the diet. For dogs of this breed, you should choose one type of food: ready-made food or natural food. You cannot mix dry food and natural products, just as you cannot give both types of food on the same day.

Yorkshire Terrier dogs are fed either natural food or premium and super-premium dry food.

Among ready-made feed It is preferable to choose those that contain products for Yorkshire terriers, or for animals with sensitive digestion. These are feeds such as, “ANF”, “Nutra Gold”. They belong to the premium class segment.

If you decide to feed your pet natural food, then the main products in the diet should be raw and boiled meat: beef, turkey or rabbit. Meat pieces are mixed with poached carrots or green salad, and pre-steamed oatmeal or rice flakes are added. Kefir or fermented baked milk is given every night at night. In between meals, you are allowed to treat your pet with fresh fruit.

Yorkshire Terrier Health

Inflammation of the gums - common problem among Yorkshire terriers.

Like many representatives ornamental breeds, Yorkshire terriers live a long time, often exceeding the age limit of 13-15 years. The dog will be healthy and cheerful if the owner devotes a lot of time to caring for him, feeds him properly and visits him regularly veterinary clinic. Otherwise, the dog may suffer from huge amount acquired diseases of the digestive tract, skin, and oral cavity.

The most commonly diagnosed:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Dermatitis and dermatoses.
  • Food and drug allergies.
  • Periodontitis and.

Particular attention should be paid to the desire of people to purchase very small dogs, with a short muzzle and big eyes. Dwarfism is always accompanied by anomalies internal organs, congenital diseases. Such a pet may suffer from heart disease, disorders reproductive system, weak immunity, various metabolic disorders.

In addition to health problems, dwarf dogs suffer from mental disorders. This is constant, causeless barking, cowardice, hysterics, and the desire for constant protection.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier are:

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • A large cost item for maintaining a pet of this breed.
  • The dog needs constant attention because it does not like to be alone.
  • The dog needs regular and labor-intensive care.

Important! The pet needs a fairly strict upbringing, since the Yorkshire Terrier is inclined to mistake the owner’s gentleness and compliance for an inability to be a leader. In this case, the dog begins to literally lead the family members, dictating its own rules to them.

How to choose a puppy and what to look for

The popularity of the breed led to the fact that, in pursuit of big money, Yorkshire terriers began to be bred by people who were far from understanding the true standard of the breed. On message boards you can see photographs of puppies that only vaguely resemble Yorkies, so you need to be especially picky when choosing a breeder. Right choice The breeder will allow you to purchase a puppy without congenital pathologies, with a strong nervous system.

Photo. Yorkshire terrier puppy

Yorkshire terrier puppy in the photo

The baby should be cheerful and sociable, want to meet guests, play with littermates, that is, behave actively and boldly. At the age of two months, when puppies begin to search new family, they are funny babies with short, spiky fur and triangular ears.

Despite his small stature, he should have a strong build, straight paws without signs of splay or clubfoot, and a provocatively sticking tail. An excellent pet can be purchased at a large kennel that professionally breeds dogs of this breed:

  1. In Moscow: nursery “JOY JELY”, website, cost from 700 dollars.
  2. In St. Petersburg: Dan Style nursery, website, cost from $850.

Although small, they are very brave. They are not afraid of larger rivals and very agile.

Thanks to their qualities they helped people, both in peacetime and in war.

The history of the Yorkshire Terrier is rich. Learn more about this energetic dog breed and several interesting facts from her history.

History of a famous dog breed

1. Yorkshire Terriers were originally rat catchers.

These little dogs trace their ancestry to several terrier breeds including Clydesdale Terriers, Paisley Terriers and Waterside Terriers .

Miners, weavers and businessmen in Scotland used little killers to getting rid of rodents.

Because of their small size, they could penetrate small spaces and hunt rats. Yorkshire Terriers were also used in hunting to chase prey out of their dens.

2. Yorkshire Terrier dogs for the poor.

Initially, the owners of these dogs were peasants, since according to the rules they couldn't have big dogs to avoid poaching on the lands of the nobility.

3. Weavers brought the Yorkshire Terrier to England.

In the early 19th century, with the onset of industrialization, many people moved to big cities to find work. When they arrived in England, they brought these small dogs with them. The animals soon took root, began to reproduce and even, starting in 1861, to perform at dog shows.

4. They were originally Scotch Terriers.

Before they appeared in England they were called Scotch Terriers. Journalist Angus Sutherland suggested changing their name. He believed that, despite their Scottish origins, the breed was perfected and improved in Yorkshire, England. People agreed, and in 1870 the name was changed.

5. One dog in particular must be thanked for the success of the breed - Huddersfield Ben.

Many believe that the father of the breed is an early Yorkshire Terrier named Huddersfield Ben, born in 1965. The dog was a champion at catching rats and strong opponent at various dog shows. He won more than 70 awards.

Although the dog was quite heavy (about 5 kg), his offspring were not very large, weighing about 2.3 kg. Ben lived only 6 years, but left behind an impressive offspring: most of the Yorkies that perform at shows today are distant relatives of Ben.

6. The first therapy dog ​​was a Yorkshire terrier.

When during the Second World War American soldier Bill Wynne found a Yorkshire terrier in a trench, he named him Smoky and took him with him. Together they traveled to New Guinea, and soon Smokey began helping the soldier in his work.

Thanks to devotion to the master and obedience, as well as his small size, Smokey could get through narrow pipes and communication wires under the Japanese airfield.

Without her help, the soldiers would have to dig trenches and be under constant fire from enemy forces.

Smokey also worked in hospitals as therapy dogs for wounded soldiers. After the war, she began to perform some roles in Hollywood, and also appear on various television shows.

When Smokey passed away, a monument was erected in her memory in Cleveland, Ohio.

7. The Yorkshire Terrier was used to develop a new breed - the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier.

In 1984, a small Yorkshire terrier named Schneeflocken von Friedheck was born. Its peculiarity was spots of blue, white and golden colors. Werner and Gertrude Beaver(Werner Biewer, Gertrud Biewer), who were breeding dogs, decided to use this feature to develop a new breed of dogs.

They managed to create a new breed of dogs, which they called Biewer Yorkshire Terrier.

8. They make funny noises (reverse sneezing).

The sounds that the Yorkshire Terrier makes are called reverse sneezing. Instead of "pushing" air out of the nose, as humans do when sneezing, dogs begin a series of sharp, convulsive breaths, which is accompanied by some kind of grunting.

And although some dog owners are scared of this reaction, reverse sneezing is not dangerous and goes away within a few minutes. This usually occurs due to irritants such as pollen, dust, cleaning products and perfumes.

9. Yorkshire Terrier in the Guinness Book of Records.

Yorkshire terrier Sylvia from England became the smallest dog in history. As an adult, her height at the withers was only 6.35 cm, and weight 113.4 grams.

10. A dog for allergy sufferers.

Yorkshire Terrier is suitable for people suffering from allergies.

The coat of these dogs has the same structure as human hair, so it does not fade and has no smell.

11. Yorkshire terrier puppies sleep for a long time.

The first few weeks after birth, Yorkshire Terrier puppies sleep 90% of the time.

12. Brave dog.

On average, a Yorkshire terrier weighs about 3 kg, but they don't know it themselves, and therefore they are not afraid of larger animals.

One day a small dog of this breed saved an elderly woman from more large dog from the Akita breed. The opponent was 8 times heavier, but lost, and the Yorkshire terrier needed 9 stitches after the battle.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a very sweet breed. They captivate many at first sight. Affectionate and loyal, active and friendly. Despite their small stature, they are true terriers.

Yorkies willingly make friends with their own kind, cats, parrots, rabbits and other domestic animals.

How long do Yorkshire terriers live? Pets are very loyal and are ready to serve us all their lives, which is 12-15 years.


The history of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is very short. It was developed in England in the 19th century.

The dog's ancestors were terriers different breeds who lived in Great Britain many centuries ago.

Peasants were the first to keep Yorkies, since large dogs were prohibited for them. Terriers protected their homes from rodents. The fabulous beauty of Yorkies and their friendly attitude towards people led to the fact that wealthier people also liked the small dog.

Breed characteristics

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest purebred dogs.

Coat and color

The Yorkie has a long, straight coat. The dog hardly sheds. The hair on the head is golden brown. The fur on the body has a dark steel-blue color. The terrier's fur on the chest is red-brown. The color intensity changes from roots to tips. The Yorkie's limbs are the same color as the head. Yorkie coat color does not always have standard characteristics. For example, a tan color can vary from too light to too dark. The terrier's body can be black or silver-gray. Some Yorkies have fur that reaches the floor, so it is customary to collect it in “tails” or cut it.


The dog's weight must be no more than 3.1 kg. This is the accepted standard for this breed.

The standard Yorkshire Terrier has a small flat skull and a short muzzle. The Yorkie's nose is black. The dog has erect V-shaped ears. Yorkies have a compact body, a straight back, and a strong loin.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog, despite its miniature size, has a bold and curious disposition. This dog is very loyal to its owner and behaves kindly with people. Doesn't conflict with other dogs either.

The terrier gets great pleasure from games. Dogs are very sensitive to their owner's mood and can adapt to it.

How to choose a puppy

When you buy a puppy from a breeder or kennel, inspect it carefully. Eyes and ears must be clean. Pets are branded in the groin. Feel the wool; if it is cottony, it will get tangled and you will suffer. Immediately give preference to another puppy from the litter.

Open your mouth and count your teeth. There should be 6 of them at the bottom and a similar number at the top. Correct scissor bite in a puppy.

Preparing the apartment for the arrival of the pet

As already mentioned, the puppy should have its own corner in the house. Choose a quiet place. Do not place the bed near a radiator or in a draft, near a TV that is constantly on, in a walk-through place, for example, in a corridor. The puppy is growing and he should get plenty of sleep. As already mentioned, remove small objects and threads so that he does not accidentally swallow anything small. There are special playpens. Pets feel great in them without you.

The lounger can be made from high foam rubber. Sew several covers for such a bed and change them. You can sew a pillow by filling it with synthetic padding. And it needs replacement covers. A basket is not a suitable bed for a baby; he will quickly chew it.

What to feed your Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier's diet may include dry food or natural products.

It is very convenient to use dry food, since all the necessary substances are already balanced here.

If the dog is fed natural products, there should be no dishes with spices among them, fatty meat, sausages and smoked sausage should not be given.

Have you decided to buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy? Great! Now you need to find out everything about its correct content.

The puppy should have its own place in your apartment or house. There you need to put a special bed, throw together different toys: latex, rag, chewing bones. A puppy can be toilet trained in an apartment. When there is a blizzard or pouring rain outside, you will not have to walk your pet. But this is in case of bad weather, because Yorkies love walks and active games.

During the first days at home, when you are with him, let your pet freely explore the rooms with you. And when you go to work, it is best to leave the puppy in a fenced area. Place a bed there, a bowl of dry food, water and some toys.

Remove small items from the floor that your puppy might swallow. Buttons and threads are especially dangerous, as they can cause volvulus. All household chemicals It’s better to place it high so that the Yorkie doesn’t reach it. The dog can chew on plants standing in large floor vases. Let them stand on stools and bedside tables so that the pet does not accidentally break or chew the flower.

If the puppy does something unwanted, strictly say no and entice the baby to do something else. Pets love to chew. Provide him with vein bones, smoked ears, and latex toys. The wires will need to be placed in plastic tubes so that the baby does not damage them. Toilet training can be done by both the breeder and you. Dogs are taught to walk on diapers or on a rag lying on a car mat.

How to care for a Yorkshire Terrier

How often should you walk your Yorkie?

If you adopted a puppy from a breeder and want him to accompany you on walks, don’t rush. To begin with, carry it in your arms. Walk for 10 minutes. and go home. Later you can carry it in a special handbag.

When the puppy has received all his vaccinations and the quarantine period has passed, he can walk on the ground.

Buy not immediately, but which covers chest, and fasten the leash on the back.

Yorkies do not have a warm undercoat. In cool weather, dress your baby in a raincoat, and in winter, a fur-lined jumpsuit. One that fits on all 4 paws and the pet will not freeze while walking.

Not all, but some owners buy special shoes with Velcro for their pet. The main thing is to choose the right size. The pet will appreciate it when it is warm and dry, and will be happy to walk in it.

What to buy for a puppy?

Buy care products in pet pharmacies, through or at major exhibitions.

York needs:

  • In order for the puppy to feel safe in a new place, a small enclosure is needed;
  • A special bag in which you can carry a dog;
  • Suitable size harness with leash;
  • Minimum 2 bowls;
  • A drinking bowl with a feeder made of earthenware or ceramics. They must be heavy and stable, then the puppy will not turn them over;
  • Latex toys (squeakers with balls) and edible vein bones, smoked ears;
  • Cosmetics. Sprays, various shampoos with balm;
  • Medium terry towel;
  • A couple of combs. Buy one with a wooden handle and rounded teeth; you also need a massage brush;
  • Elastic bands, hair clips, curl puffs and other accessories to create beautiful hairstyles;
  • Small scissors with rounded tips. They are convenient for cutting the hair between the toes of your pet’s paws and neatly on the ears;
  • A file to sharpen claws;
  • Clothes for Yorkshire Terriers.

What physical Does the dog need exercise?

Take your pet for a walk outside. Play with him with a ball, throw a stick or frisbee, play tug of war. It is important that the baby runs around and eats, sleeps, and lies next to you on the sofa at home. Otherwise, he may start chewing furniture, tearing off wallpaper and doing other minor mischief.

What can happen to a Yorkie?

Yorkies are very brave and at the same time curious dogs. Walk them only on a tape measure or leash. They are small and if they accidentally fall under the feet of an inattentive passerby or the wheels of a stroller, they can receive serious injuries. Let's not even talk about the cases when a child chased a cat or a stray dog, ran out onto the road and got hit by a car. Therefore, it is safest to walk with your little one on a leash.

Teach your baby basic commands. Create a trusting relationship between you so that the baby listens to you with pleasure and does not play pranks. And in a new home, the puppy always feels insecure and sniffs objects. But if you prepare everything, he will soon get used to his new home and be happy.

How to explain to a baby what a tray is?

When the puppy drinks liquid, he will want to go to the toilet. Place him immediately on a diaper or car mat covered with a rag. Be patient and be gentle while praising your dog for his success. By scolding, you can scare him and disrupt his psyche.

Caring for the coat

Their silky fur glistens in the sun and delights the heart. Caring for them is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but it is not very difficult either.

Yorkies do not shed.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat grows in length, just like our hair. They can be clipped, but show dogs must remain longhaired. At home they wear bright silk robes, and the wool is twisted into light curling irons.

Your pet's long hair needs to be combed daily (you can buy a special one, then the combing process will be easier). Some people cut their pets themselves or in a salon, but most people like long hair and hairstyles.

Yorkshire Terrier Grooming:

Terrier haircuts

About bathing

Your Yorkie needs to be bathed once every 10 days.

This is done in the bathroom. Use a shower with a moderate stream so as not to scare the baby. The water is made at 35-36˚C. Regular baby shampoo is suitable, but it is better to buy a special one. Concentrated diluted with water.

Bathed? Now apply the balm, let it sit for 1-2 minutes. and rinse thoroughly. It is important not to tangle the hair, so lather and rinse in the direction the hair naturally grows. Dry your baby with a towel and then with a hairdryer. Comb and spray with styling spray, immediately curl curlers.

Taking care of your ears

Take a cotton swab and soak it in lotion (special). Wipe your ears once every 7 days. There is no need to go deep into the ear to avoid damaging the eardrum.

Have you noticed that your ears are red or have an unpleasant odor? Take your pet to a veterinarian.

Taking care of your eyes

In the morning, wipe your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion. Comb the fur underneath them down. So, it definitely does not injure the eyes.

Taking care of your nose

It's good when the nose is cold and wet. If there is discharge or a white border, it means the pet is sick.

Taking care of your teeth

A Yorkie's teeth are arranged like squares in a chess set. The meat may get stuck between them. They need to be cleaned constantly to keep them healthy.

Teeth change at 4 months. At this time, the temperature may rise and an upset stomach may appear. Let your pet chew on latex toys pressed from bone veins. If they grow near dairy permanent teeth, you need to contact a veterinarian and pull them out.

Taking care of claws

Trim them 2mm every 10 days. Treat the ends with a nail file.

Your Yorkie is smart and peaceful. He will find an approach to all family members.

Yorkie diseases

Your Yorkie may get sick. Check it regularly every day. If something is wrong, take him to the vet straight away. Weighs healthy adult dog 2-3 kg. Normal temperature is from 38 to 39˚C.

Yorkies may have the following illnesses:

  1. Skin: alopecia or various dermatitis. Dermatitis can develop into a tumor. The temperature rises. Alopecia causes the dog's hair to fall out, most often on the head.
  2. Eye diseases: glaucoma or cataracts, etc. If you take care of your eyes incorrectly, they will become cloudy.
  3. The joints in the limbs may become displaced. For example, in the area of ​​the kneecap. This deficiency may be congenital.
  4. Diseases of the paw joints, fractures, cracks, etc. The pet will begin to limp.
  5. Kidneys. The pet often runs to the toilet and is thirsty. Your pet will lose weight with a normal appetite.
  6. Various allergies.
  7. The fontanel may not heal by 1 year.
  8. There are spasms in the throat, and this provokes suffocation.
  9. Various hernias.

When are vaccinations given?

At 6 weeks you need to do the 1st. After 14-30 days the 2nd. The teeth will change and by the age of 1 year you can do another one, and so on, every year. 14 days before vaccination, drive away worms.


The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier puppy depends on such factors as the origin of the parents, their titles and grades, and whether the puppy meets breed standards. Therefore, in nurseries you can find prices for puppies ranging from $500 to $1,500.

There are no documents documenting which breeds of England contributed to the genetics for the Yorkshire Terrier to be born.

Scientific minds have established that distant relatives were already non-existent breeds.

From the Maltese, terriers inherited an unusual steel-blue coat color.

Having reviewed the paintings of artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, we notice that the York of that time resembles representatives of modern times. In this article we will look at the standards and characteristics of Yorkshire Terriers.

The Yorkshire Terrier (or Yorkie) is a small decorative dog that was bred in Yorkshire at the end of the 19th century in Britain. The story is well known: the miners decided to breed a miniature rat catcher and used them at the very beginning for this purpose.

And then they began to use them as guards for handbags. Flirty beauties loved to carry precious jewelry in their handbags. They also put their pets there. And as soon as the thief stuck his hand in to profit, the bite was instantaneous.

Later, representatives of high society paid attention to the cute, tiny, intelligent animals. At the court of Queen Victoria, appearing without this dog was unacceptable.

British dog handlers officially recognized the breed in 1874. Global interest and enormous demand came only in the 2nd half of the last century.

The first York in Russia appeared in 1971 with the unsurpassed figure of the Soviet ballet O.V. Lepeshinskaya. She received it as a gift from admiring connoisseurs of her talent. And until the nineties, these dogs lived in the regions in isolated cases.

They started importing animals from Europe only in 1991. They decided to create a dog breeding club. The dog began to appear more often in people's homes.

Look at the dog: its appearance suggests that this is a proud and brave animal, although very small.

She is proud and important, compact and graceful, smart, frisky, playful, long-haired and proportionally built.

Yorkie is a fairly active and lively dog, but at the same time it has a positive character.

Head, muzzle and ears

Head size is small. The prominent roundness of the skull is absent. The muzzle is average, cute. The nose is black.

The eyes are not bulging, dark, with shine. The eyes are positioned at an angle for straight-line vision. The look has an intelligent expression.

The ears are neat and straight set. They are not very far from each other.

The fur of the Yorkshire Terrier has a magnificent color. The reddish-brown coat is deeply colored. The muzzle and bite can be recognized immediately.

The majestic breed has a number of teeth with a pronounced scissor bite. The upper incisors are in harmony with the lower ones. The position of the fangs is straight. The neck is strong and of normal height.

The legs are set straight in front, perfectly decorated with golden fur with a reddish-brown tint. On the tips hairline- lighter tone than at the base. The reddish-brown color must not extend above the elbow angles.

The dog's body is knocked down. Thoracic part properly developed. The dog has a solid back and a tucked tummy.

The paws at the back have protruding knee bends that are at a certain angle. Upon visual inspection, it is clear that the gait hind legs- straight. Yorkies have fairly covered paws with golden fur with a reddish-brown tint. The hairs at the ends are slightly lighter than the roots.

The tan color should extend above the bends of the knees.

The shape of the paws is round. The claws are dark. Movements, according to the accepted standard, must be active, free, and at a fast pace. While in motion, the dog should keep its back straight and its limbs pointing forward.

The tail is almost always docked. It is usually more intensely colored in a dark blue tone than the body. The tail is raised above the body line.

Recently, the UK has decided to allow animals with undocked tails to participate in exhibitions. The standard does not yet provide regulations in this regard.

Body hair average size. The hair falls smoothly, there are no waves or curls. The coat is silky, shiny, glossy, quite delicate and weightless. The texture resembles human hair because it has no fluff near the body.

It gets tangled easily, so it requires daily combing with a comb and brush. The cover of the head and muzzle is quite long, fresh golden in color with a reddish-brown tint.

And in general, the tone on the sides is much richer than near the ears and on the muzzle, on which the hair is much longer.

The standard does not allow for the spread of a golden-brown color to the neck area, as well as the presence of soot deposits or its mixing with other hairs.

Natural color is of great importance. It is dark, steel blue. Silver-blue is not allowed. The adopted tone must extend along the entire length of the body line: from the protrusion of the occipital part to the location of the tail.

The standard does not allow mixing with light orange, purple, or radically dark hairs. Front thoracic– wool of a restrained, flexible golden-brick color.

All hairs of this color are darker at the base than in the middle. In the end they have an even lighter shade.

It also does not provide growth parameters and a section by size. But the pet's weight is allowed up to 3.1 kg.

Disadvantages are considered regulatory deviations from the previously listed standards.

If at least one deficiency is identified from the list, it does not give the right to classify the dog as a breed standard.

The assessment of the deficiency is given based on the degree of actual manifestation.

In 1989, amendments were made: some requirements for appearance were changed.

Beyond the threshold of the breed there are dogs that have half the size. They are not purebred and hairless, lush and overly covered with hair.

All deviations from the standards were accepted by the jury as appearance defects. This affects the assessment scores according to the actual degree of non-compliance.

The vices that lead to disqualification are: malocclusion, hanging or half erect ears, atypical color.

The standard defines the highest threshold of permissible weight for a Yorkshire Terrier - 3.1 kg, the lower threshold of permissible weight and length are not limited. There is no provision for dividing Yorkies by size, as is the case with poodles.

In Russia and other CIS countries, people who do not understand the standards have given unofficial names to dogs. The dogs were divided into weight categories.

Animals that weigh from 2.5 to 3.1 kg inclusive. They take part in breeding and exhibitions.

Average age

The Yorkshire Terrier is unusually active, restless and tireless, he constantly craves movement.
Features of the content are that he needs daily training. Because without training and walks, dogs can become aggressive.

Requires daily care. You need to comb your child with a comb and brush so that his hair does not get tangled and his appearance is always neat.

Average age of life: 14 years.

Yorkshire Terriers are brave dogs. A hundred years ago, their distant relatives bravely attacked rats, caught and strangled them. Since then, the genes of the breed continue to live.

Beneath the image of the student lies a fearless hero. He is not afraid of anything around him. While walking, he suddenly spots a squirrel and is ready to immediately jump into a tree after it. When he receives a favorite toy that squeaks, he cannot enjoy the game. He begins to shake her so energetically that it is interesting and exciting to watch this process.

It is amazing to watch him stride solemnly on a walk with his head held high, filled with a sense of unshakable dignity and importance. Yorkies prefer to be self-sufficient and independent. They don’t like to obey, but they like to be friends.

They are not afraid of animals that are larger than them.

The Yorkie's behavior is decent. Genes behave differently. Your Yorkie is a hunter. Don't let go of the leash. If he pays attention to the cat, he will run after it.

These are the most cheerful creatures among dogs. They are great for competitions. Thanks to their passion, they often become winners and prize-winners of exhibitions.

It is often thought that Yorkshire Terriers are stubborn and do not want to learn. Nonsense. The dog shows independence, he wants to achieve what he wants.

During lessons you will encourage him with treats - you will find a faithful friend. From friendly communication you will develop a warm relationship with the student.

If the owner is a supporter of the immediate execution of the order, he finds life in a continuous struggle with the pupil.

It is not true that Yorkshire Terriers are difficult to train. It has been verified that these dogs are very capable of mastering educational material. But to turn teaching into funny Games, it is necessary to study thoroughly modern methods training and apply them in practice.

In addition to friendliness, the breed has features that are unique to it:

  • York is a friend with a capital F and a colossal companion.
  • These faithful friends They are among the most soulful creatures. They miraculously know how to turn into older comrades.
  • The dog has a keen sense: it will curl up like a donut if you are unwell, and will sincerely rejoice at your recovery.
  • Some Yorkshire Terriers have hunter instincts. Others have warmth and friendliness.
  • Yorkshire Terriers reveal their personality by barking. But they bark quietly, because their organs are delicate, like themselves. If you have influence, you will be able to restrain such a frenzy.

However, if you like absolute silence, then such a “talkative” breed will not suit you. But don't forget that your pet is not barking for fun.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog is one of the most popular decorative breeds. Thanks to their expressive and cute appearance, little Yorkies have won the love of breeders, but despite this, they have a very contradictory character. Many people perceive Yorkies as a living toy, and not as a full-fledged dog that needs to be raised and trained from an early age. This attitude in the future leads to the fact that the cute Yorkie turns into an evil one, aggressive dog. Dogs of this breed try to manipulate the owner, trying in every possible way to attract his attention, and are extremely unkind to strangers and other animals.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog is one of the most popular decorative breeds

At first glance, it may seem that decorative dogs were bred as pets, which would be given as gifts to high-ranking officials. But that's not true. In fact, the small Yorkshire Terrier was created purposefully in the territory small town West Riding and its main task was the destruction large quantity rodents that lived in mines. The nimble Yorkies were ideal for this job and deftly caught many rats. They were also used to search for accumulations of ore gases. Despite the fact that the law strictly prohibited letting animals into the mines, workers hid Yorkies in their sleeves and smuggled them inside.

Soon the dogs became exclusively decorative and ceased to “serve” as rat catchers. Queen Victoria, who ruled Great Britain in the 19th century, introduced mandatory rule, and high society ladies attended all events only with their little Yorkie.

The breed was officially registered in England only in 1986, and the standard was adopted only 12 years later. According to him, the weight of the pet should not exceed 3.2 kg.

Particular attention was paid not only to the size of the Yorkie, but also to the coat and color. Through painstaking work, over time, the dog was transformed into a more graceful and miniature pet. The breeders achieved the perfect result and bred a Yorkshire Terrier that looked very elegant and attractive.

At first glance, it may seem that decorative dogs were bred as pets, which would be given as gifts to high-ranking officials.

Charming Yorkies gained enormous popularity after the end of World War II. They quickly spread throughout the world and won the love of numerous breeders.

Yorkshire Terrier (video)

Gallery: Yorkshire Terrier dog (25 photos)

Description of the breed

The pretty Yorkies acquired such an unusual and elegant appearance as a result of the long and painstaking work of the breeders. Dogs of this breed have a tiny head, slightly flattened, with a medium-sized muzzle. Their eyes are brown and their ears are erect. The limbs are slightly visible from under the long fur and are located straight. The paws are round, the toes are tightly packed, the claws are dark in color. The tail is set quite high.

As for the fur of Yorkshire Terriers, it is long, silky and shiny. The most common Yorkies are blue-silver in the body and tail. In the chest area coat has a beautiful golden color. Yorkshire Terriers also come in solid black or black and flame colors.

Yorkie puppies are born with black fur with rich red small spots in the area of ​​the muzzle and paws. Dogs of this breed, having a multi-colored color, are valued much higher and cost more.

Personality of Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkies have a very independent and unique character. The dogs are quite energetic, although among the representatives of the breed there are calm individuals. Yorkshire Terriers have an extraordinary intelligence and love to manipulate their owner. Thanks to their high intelligence, they are highly trainable, and, as a rule, they are quite easy to train and raise.

If untimely upbringing and improper handling occur, the pet will quickly take a dominant position in the owner’s home. He will stop obeying, fulfilling requests and commands, and will become embittered. The angry Yorkshire Terrier is very stubborn and persistent, and can react aggressively to the owner and his family if his demands are not met. If you yell at a Yorkie, then angry dog may bark and even bare his teeth.

During walks, your small pet should be carefully monitored. Since dogs of this breed were originally designed to catch rodents, over time they have not lost this instinct and during a walk they can easily attack an animal that is smaller in size.

Despite its miniature size, the Yorkie desperately defends its territory from the encroachments of other pets. With proper upbringing, dogs of this breed grow up to be friendly and sincerely love their owner and other household members. Abuse will turn sweet Yorkies into angry and aggressive creatures.

Dogs have a hard time getting used to their new place of residence and may be confused at first. They quickly become attached to their owners and treat their household members in a friendly manner.

Keeping and caring for the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies are quite demanding in care, special attention their fur requires. The owner will need to spend a lot of free time to give the pet an attractive and well-groomed appearance. It is necessary to brush the coat every day and periodically take your Yorkie to the dog groomer. A professional groomer will give the dog a stylish haircut to make it easier for the owner to care for him.

Due to the long hair, the pet needs frequent bathing. It is necessary to wash your Yorkie at least 4 times a month. The coat needs to be treated with a special shampoo, and to make it easier to comb later, you can use a dog rinse or balm. It is used after the main wash. A hairless Yorkie does not need such frequent water treatments.

After bathing, the terrier's coat must be dried with a hairdryer and wrapped in a towel. Once the dog is completely dry, you can start brushing. You can give your Yorkie a stylish hairstyle using a special spray and papillot curlers.

It is necessary to wipe your pet's eyes daily. The procedure should be performed in the morning using a cotton swab pre-moistened cool water. The fur above the eyes must be pulled down so that individual hairs do not fall into the organs of vision.

The Yorkshire Terrier's ears should be checked for dirt once a week and cleaned if necessary with a cotton swab soaked in a special lotion. Do not penetrate the tool too deeply into your pet’s ear, as you may accidentally injure it. auricle. Unpleasant smell indicates the presence of a disease, so if it is detected, you should consult a veterinarian.

You need to check your nose periodically pet, which should be slightly damp and cool. If a white coating forms or a large amount of nasal discharge appears, it is necessary to show your Yorkie to a veterinarian.

10 interesting facts about Yorkies (video)

Feeding your pet

Particular attention should be paid to the pet's diet, which must be nutritious and balanced. To feed your Yorkshire Terrier, you can use both natural and ready-made food purchased in stores. When choosing natural products it is necessary to pay attention to the right combination vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The main product in the diet should be meat. It must first be doused with boiling water and only then given to the dog. It is advisable to feed your Yorkie veal, beef or chicken breast. Buckwheat and rice porridge. Twice a week you can give your dog a hard-boiled egg yolk (chicken or quail).

The pet menu must include dairy products. Kefir with a low fat content is best, curd, natural unsweetened yoghurt and fermented baked milk. If your Yorkie categorically refuses to eat such foods, then he can be fed vegetable or fruit dishes (raw or boiled), which are also rich in vitamins. From fruits, your Yorkie can be given bananas, watermelon, apples, melon and kings, and from vegetables - carrots, cabbage, spinach (leaves), pumpkin, beets and zucchini.

Once every 7 days you can feed your dog fish (flounder, tuna, herring) or seafood. Yorkshire Terriers happily eat shrimp and squid, which are rich in minerals.

Pet food must be cut into small cubes. It must be fresh and a little warm. When choosing natural nutrition It is necessary to periodically give your Yorkie special vitamins.

The owner should know what foods should not be fed to the Yorkshire Terrier. First of all, all dishes should be prepared without adding salt, a variety of spicy spices, pepper and sugar. As for fish, it must be sea. River fish is contraindicated for pets. Fatty meats such as lamb, beef and pork belly are also not suitable for feeding your Yorkie.

It is strictly forbidden to give your pet sausage, any smoked meats, citrus fruits and sweets. Not digestible by the stomach of a small Yorkie and raw egg whites. Milk can cause diarrhea, and mushroom and meat broth are completely contraindicated.

If the owner has chosen ready-made food to feed his pet, then drying cannot be used exclusively. Granulated food must be combined with canned and wet food. It is better to give preference to proven products trademark, premium or super premium class. You need to select food based on the miniature size of your pet.

Finished products of this type have their advantages. They are designed specifically for a specific breed of dog, taking into account all the needs of the pet and are rich in vitamins and nutrients. It is much easier to calculate the portion and besides, there is no need to prepare food, just pour a certain amount into your pet’s bowl. This feeding option is suitable for busy people who do not have free time to prepare food for their Yorkie from natural products.

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